An unexported foo.baz can't be resolved from inside foo when called as foo.baz instead of just baz. This behavior may want to change eventually.
This is preliminary version of the Rust compiler(s). Source layout: boot/ The bootstrap compiler boot/README - More-detailed guide to it. boot/fe - Front end (lexer, parser, AST) boot/me - Middle end (resolve, check, layout, trans) boot/be - Back end (IL, RA, insns, asm, objfiles) boot/util - Ubiquitous helpers boot/driver - Compiler driver comp/ The self-hosted compiler ("rustc": incomplete) comp/* - Similar structure as in boot/ rt/ The runtime system rt/rust_*.cpp - The majority of the runtime services rt/isaac - The PRNG used for pseudo-random choices in the runtime rt/bigint - The bigint library used for the 'big' type rt/uthash - Small hashtable-and-list library for C, used in runtime rt/{sync,util} - Small utility classes for the runtime. test/ Testsuite (for both bootstrap and self-hosted) test/compile-fail - Tests that should fail to compile test/run-fail - Tests that should compile, run and fail test/run-pass - Tests that should compile, run and succeed test/bench - Benchmarks and miscellanea Please be gentle, it's a work in progress.