like std_path but used dummy span for all path elements and does not perpend kw:DollarCrate
1200 lines
39 KiB
1200 lines
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use crate::expand::{self, AstFragment, Invocation};
use crate::module::DirectoryOwnership;
use rustc_ast::ptr::P;
use rustc_ast::token::{self, Nonterminal};
use rustc_ast::tokenstream::{CanSynthesizeMissingTokens, TokenStream};
use rustc_ast::visit::{AssocCtxt, Visitor};
use rustc_ast::{self as ast, Attribute, NodeId, PatKind};
use rustc_attr::{self as attr, Deprecation, HasAttrs, Stability};
use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap;
use rustc_data_structures::sync::{self, Lrc};
use rustc_errors::{DiagnosticBuilder, ErrorReported};
use rustc_parse::{self, nt_to_tokenstream, parser, MACRO_ARGUMENTS};
use rustc_session::{parse::ParseSess, Limit, Session};
use rustc_span::def_id::DefId;
use rustc_span::edition::Edition;
use rustc_span::hygiene::{AstPass, ExpnData, ExpnId, ExpnKind};
use rustc_span::source_map::SourceMap;
use rustc_span::symbol::{kw, sym, Ident, Symbol};
use rustc_span::{FileName, MultiSpan, Span, DUMMY_SP};
use smallvec::{smallvec, SmallVec};
use std::default::Default;
use std::iter;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::rc::Rc;
crate use rustc_span::hygiene::MacroKind;
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum Annotatable {
impl HasAttrs for Annotatable {
fn attrs(&self) -> &[Attribute] {
match *self {
Annotatable::Item(ref item) => &item.attrs,
Annotatable::TraitItem(ref trait_item) => &trait_item.attrs,
Annotatable::ImplItem(ref impl_item) => &impl_item.attrs,
Annotatable::ForeignItem(ref foreign_item) => &foreign_item.attrs,
Annotatable::Stmt(ref stmt) => stmt.attrs(),
Annotatable::Expr(ref expr) => &expr.attrs,
Annotatable::Arm(ref arm) => &arm.attrs,
Annotatable::Field(ref field) => &field.attrs,
Annotatable::FieldPat(ref fp) => &fp.attrs,
Annotatable::GenericParam(ref gp) => &gp.attrs,
Annotatable::Param(ref p) => &p.attrs,
Annotatable::StructField(ref sf) => &sf.attrs,
Annotatable::Variant(ref v) => &v.attrs(),
fn visit_attrs(&mut self, f: impl FnOnce(&mut Vec<Attribute>)) {
match self {
Annotatable::Item(item) => item.visit_attrs(f),
Annotatable::TraitItem(trait_item) => trait_item.visit_attrs(f),
Annotatable::ImplItem(impl_item) => impl_item.visit_attrs(f),
Annotatable::ForeignItem(foreign_item) => foreign_item.visit_attrs(f),
Annotatable::Stmt(stmt) => stmt.visit_attrs(f),
Annotatable::Expr(expr) => expr.visit_attrs(f),
Annotatable::Arm(arm) => arm.visit_attrs(f),
Annotatable::Field(field) => field.visit_attrs(f),
Annotatable::FieldPat(fp) => fp.visit_attrs(f),
Annotatable::GenericParam(gp) => gp.visit_attrs(f),
Annotatable::Param(p) => p.visit_attrs(f),
Annotatable::StructField(sf) => sf.visit_attrs(f),
Annotatable::Variant(v) => v.visit_attrs(f),
impl Annotatable {
pub fn span(&self) -> Span {
match *self {
Annotatable::Item(ref item) => item.span,
Annotatable::TraitItem(ref trait_item) => trait_item.span,
Annotatable::ImplItem(ref impl_item) => impl_item.span,
Annotatable::ForeignItem(ref foreign_item) => foreign_item.span,
Annotatable::Stmt(ref stmt) => stmt.span,
Annotatable::Expr(ref expr) => expr.span,
Annotatable::Arm(ref arm) => arm.span,
Annotatable::Field(ref field) => field.span,
Annotatable::FieldPat(ref fp) => fp.pat.span,
Annotatable::GenericParam(ref gp) => gp.ident.span,
Annotatable::Param(ref p) => p.span,
Annotatable::StructField(ref sf) => sf.span,
Annotatable::Variant(ref v) => v.span,
pub fn visit_with<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(&'a self, visitor: &mut V) {
match self {
Annotatable::Item(item) => visitor.visit_item(item),
Annotatable::TraitItem(item) => visitor.visit_assoc_item(item, AssocCtxt::Trait),
Annotatable::ImplItem(item) => visitor.visit_assoc_item(item, AssocCtxt::Impl),
Annotatable::ForeignItem(foreign_item) => visitor.visit_foreign_item(foreign_item),
Annotatable::Stmt(stmt) => visitor.visit_stmt(stmt),
Annotatable::Expr(expr) => visitor.visit_expr(expr),
Annotatable::Arm(arm) => visitor.visit_arm(arm),
Annotatable::Field(field) => visitor.visit_field(field),
Annotatable::FieldPat(fp) => visitor.visit_field_pattern(fp),
Annotatable::GenericParam(gp) => visitor.visit_generic_param(gp),
Annotatable::Param(p) => visitor.visit_param(p),
Annotatable::StructField(sf) => visitor.visit_struct_field(sf),
Annotatable::Variant(v) => visitor.visit_variant(v),
crate fn into_nonterminal(self) -> Nonterminal {
match self {
Annotatable::Item(item) => token::NtItem(item),
Annotatable::TraitItem(item) | Annotatable::ImplItem(item) => {
Annotatable::ForeignItem(item) => {
Annotatable::Stmt(stmt) => token::NtStmt(stmt.into_inner()),
Annotatable::Expr(expr) => token::NtExpr(expr),
| Annotatable::Field(..)
| Annotatable::FieldPat(..)
| Annotatable::GenericParam(..)
| Annotatable::Param(..)
| Annotatable::StructField(..)
| Annotatable::Variant(..) => panic!("unexpected annotatable"),
crate fn into_tokens(self, sess: &ParseSess) -> TokenStream {
// Tokens of an attribute target may be invalidated by some outer `#[derive]` performing
// "full configuration" (attributes following derives on the same item should be the most
// common case), that's why synthesizing tokens is allowed.
nt_to_tokenstream(&self.into_nonterminal(), sess, CanSynthesizeMissingTokens::Yes)
pub fn expect_item(self) -> P<ast::Item> {
match self {
Annotatable::Item(i) => i,
_ => panic!("expected Item"),
pub fn expect_trait_item(self) -> P<ast::AssocItem> {
match self {
Annotatable::TraitItem(i) => i,
_ => panic!("expected Item"),
pub fn expect_impl_item(self) -> P<ast::AssocItem> {
match self {
Annotatable::ImplItem(i) => i,
_ => panic!("expected Item"),
pub fn expect_foreign_item(self) -> P<ast::ForeignItem> {
match self {
Annotatable::ForeignItem(i) => i,
_ => panic!("expected foreign item"),
pub fn expect_stmt(self) -> ast::Stmt {
match self {
Annotatable::Stmt(stmt) => stmt.into_inner(),
_ => panic!("expected statement"),
pub fn expect_expr(self) -> P<ast::Expr> {
match self {
Annotatable::Expr(expr) => expr,
_ => panic!("expected expression"),
pub fn expect_arm(self) -> ast::Arm {
match self {
Annotatable::Arm(arm) => arm,
_ => panic!("expected match arm"),
pub fn expect_field(self) -> ast::Field {
match self {
Annotatable::Field(field) => field,
_ => panic!("expected field"),
pub fn expect_field_pattern(self) -> ast::FieldPat {
match self {
Annotatable::FieldPat(fp) => fp,
_ => panic!("expected field pattern"),
pub fn expect_generic_param(self) -> ast::GenericParam {
match self {
Annotatable::GenericParam(gp) => gp,
_ => panic!("expected generic parameter"),
pub fn expect_param(self) -> ast::Param {
match self {
Annotatable::Param(param) => param,
_ => panic!("expected parameter"),
pub fn expect_struct_field(self) -> ast::StructField {
match self {
Annotatable::StructField(sf) => sf,
_ => panic!("expected struct field"),
pub fn expect_variant(self) -> ast::Variant {
match self {
Annotatable::Variant(v) => v,
_ => panic!("expected variant"),
/// Result of an expansion that may need to be retried.
/// Consider using this for non-`MultiItemModifier` expanders as well.
pub enum ExpandResult<T, U> {
/// Expansion produced a result (possibly dummy).
/// Expansion could not produce a result and needs to be retried.
// `meta_item` is the attribute, and `item` is the item being modified.
pub trait MultiItemModifier {
fn expand(
ecx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
span: Span,
meta_item: &ast::MetaItem,
item: Annotatable,
) -> ExpandResult<Vec<Annotatable>, Annotatable>;
impl<F> MultiItemModifier for F
F: Fn(&mut ExtCtxt<'_>, Span, &ast::MetaItem, Annotatable) -> Vec<Annotatable>,
fn expand(
ecx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
span: Span,
meta_item: &ast::MetaItem,
item: Annotatable,
) -> ExpandResult<Vec<Annotatable>, Annotatable> {
ExpandResult::Ready(self(ecx, span, meta_item, item))
pub trait ProcMacro {
fn expand<'cx>(
ecx: &'cx mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
span: Span,
ts: TokenStream,
) -> Result<TokenStream, ErrorReported>;
impl<F> ProcMacro for F
F: Fn(TokenStream) -> TokenStream,
fn expand<'cx>(
_ecx: &'cx mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
_span: Span,
ts: TokenStream,
) -> Result<TokenStream, ErrorReported> {
// FIXME setup implicit context in TLS before calling self.
pub trait AttrProcMacro {
fn expand<'cx>(
ecx: &'cx mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
span: Span,
annotation: TokenStream,
annotated: TokenStream,
) -> Result<TokenStream, ErrorReported>;
impl<F> AttrProcMacro for F
F: Fn(TokenStream, TokenStream) -> TokenStream,
fn expand<'cx>(
_ecx: &'cx mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
_span: Span,
annotation: TokenStream,
annotated: TokenStream,
) -> Result<TokenStream, ErrorReported> {
// FIXME setup implicit context in TLS before calling self.
Ok(self(annotation, annotated))
/// Represents a thing that maps token trees to Macro Results
pub trait TTMacroExpander {
fn expand<'cx>(
ecx: &'cx mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
span: Span,
input: TokenStream,
) -> Box<dyn MacResult + 'cx>;
pub type MacroExpanderFn =
for<'cx> fn(&'cx mut ExtCtxt<'_>, Span, TokenStream) -> Box<dyn MacResult + 'cx>;
impl<F> TTMacroExpander for F
F: for<'cx> Fn(&'cx mut ExtCtxt<'_>, Span, TokenStream) -> Box<dyn MacResult + 'cx>,
fn expand<'cx>(
ecx: &'cx mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
span: Span,
input: TokenStream,
) -> Box<dyn MacResult + 'cx> {
self(ecx, span, input)
// Use a macro because forwarding to a simple function has type system issues
macro_rules! make_stmts_default {
($me:expr) => {
$me.make_expr().map(|e| {
smallvec![ast::Stmt {
id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
span: e.span,
kind: ast::StmtKind::Expr(e),
/// The result of a macro expansion. The return values of the various
/// methods are spliced into the AST at the callsite of the macro.
pub trait MacResult {
/// Creates an expression.
fn make_expr(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<P<ast::Expr>> {
/// Creates zero or more items.
fn make_items(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<SmallVec<[P<ast::Item>; 1]>> {
/// Creates zero or more impl items.
fn make_impl_items(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<SmallVec<[P<ast::AssocItem>; 1]>> {
/// Creates zero or more trait items.
fn make_trait_items(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<SmallVec<[P<ast::AssocItem>; 1]>> {
/// Creates zero or more items in an `extern {}` block
fn make_foreign_items(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<SmallVec<[P<ast::ForeignItem>; 1]>> {
/// Creates a pattern.
fn make_pat(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<P<ast::Pat>> {
/// Creates zero or more statements.
/// By default this attempts to create an expression statement,
/// returning None if that fails.
fn make_stmts(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<SmallVec<[ast::Stmt; 1]>> {
fn make_ty(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<P<ast::Ty>> {
fn make_arms(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<SmallVec<[ast::Arm; 1]>> {
fn make_fields(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<SmallVec<[ast::Field; 1]>> {
fn make_field_patterns(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<SmallVec<[ast::FieldPat; 1]>> {
fn make_generic_params(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<SmallVec<[ast::GenericParam; 1]>> {
fn make_params(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<SmallVec<[ast::Param; 1]>> {
fn make_struct_fields(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<SmallVec<[ast::StructField; 1]>> {
fn make_variants(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<SmallVec<[ast::Variant; 1]>> {
macro_rules! make_MacEager {
( $( $fld:ident: $t:ty, )* ) => {
/// `MacResult` implementation for the common case where you've already
/// built each form of AST that you might return.
pub struct MacEager {
pub $fld: Option<$t>,
impl MacEager {
pub fn $fld(v: $t) -> Box<dyn MacResult> {
Box::new(MacEager {
$fld: Some(v),
make_MacEager! {
expr: P<ast::Expr>,
pat: P<ast::Pat>,
items: SmallVec<[P<ast::Item>; 1]>,
impl_items: SmallVec<[P<ast::AssocItem>; 1]>,
trait_items: SmallVec<[P<ast::AssocItem>; 1]>,
foreign_items: SmallVec<[P<ast::ForeignItem>; 1]>,
stmts: SmallVec<[ast::Stmt; 1]>,
ty: P<ast::Ty>,
impl MacResult for MacEager {
fn make_expr(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<P<ast::Expr>> {
fn make_items(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<SmallVec<[P<ast::Item>; 1]>> {
fn make_impl_items(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<SmallVec<[P<ast::AssocItem>; 1]>> {
fn make_trait_items(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<SmallVec<[P<ast::AssocItem>; 1]>> {
fn make_foreign_items(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<SmallVec<[P<ast::ForeignItem>; 1]>> {
fn make_stmts(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<SmallVec<[ast::Stmt; 1]>> {
match self.stmts.as_ref().map_or(0, |s| s.len()) {
0 => make_stmts_default!(self),
_ => self.stmts,
fn make_pat(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<P<ast::Pat>> {
if let Some(p) = self.pat {
return Some(p);
if let Some(e) = self.expr {
if let ast::ExprKind::Lit(_) = e.kind {
return Some(P(ast::Pat {
id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
span: e.span,
kind: PatKind::Lit(e),
tokens: None,
fn make_ty(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<P<ast::Ty>> {
/// Fill-in macro expansion result, to allow compilation to continue
/// after hitting errors.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct DummyResult {
is_error: bool,
span: Span,
impl DummyResult {
/// Creates a default MacResult that can be anything.
/// Use this as a return value after hitting any errors and
/// calling `span_err`.
pub fn any(span: Span) -> Box<dyn MacResult + 'static> {
Box::new(DummyResult { is_error: true, span })
/// Same as `any`, but must be a valid fragment, not error.
pub fn any_valid(span: Span) -> Box<dyn MacResult + 'static> {
Box::new(DummyResult { is_error: false, span })
/// A plain dummy expression.
pub fn raw_expr(sp: Span, is_error: bool) -> P<ast::Expr> {
P(ast::Expr {
id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
kind: if is_error { ast::ExprKind::Err } else { ast::ExprKind::Tup(Vec::new()) },
span: sp,
attrs: ast::AttrVec::new(),
tokens: None,
/// A plain dummy pattern.
pub fn raw_pat(sp: Span) -> ast::Pat {
ast::Pat { id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID, kind: PatKind::Wild, span: sp, tokens: None }
/// A plain dummy type.
pub fn raw_ty(sp: Span, is_error: bool) -> P<ast::Ty> {
P(ast::Ty {
id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
kind: if is_error { ast::TyKind::Err } else { ast::TyKind::Tup(Vec::new()) },
span: sp,
tokens: None,
impl MacResult for DummyResult {
fn make_expr(self: Box<DummyResult>) -> Option<P<ast::Expr>> {
Some(DummyResult::raw_expr(self.span, self.is_error))
fn make_pat(self: Box<DummyResult>) -> Option<P<ast::Pat>> {
fn make_items(self: Box<DummyResult>) -> Option<SmallVec<[P<ast::Item>; 1]>> {
fn make_impl_items(self: Box<DummyResult>) -> Option<SmallVec<[P<ast::AssocItem>; 1]>> {
fn make_trait_items(self: Box<DummyResult>) -> Option<SmallVec<[P<ast::AssocItem>; 1]>> {
fn make_foreign_items(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<SmallVec<[P<ast::ForeignItem>; 1]>> {
fn make_stmts(self: Box<DummyResult>) -> Option<SmallVec<[ast::Stmt; 1]>> {
Some(smallvec![ast::Stmt {
id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
kind: ast::StmtKind::Expr(DummyResult::raw_expr(self.span, self.is_error)),
span: self.span,
fn make_ty(self: Box<DummyResult>) -> Option<P<ast::Ty>> {
Some(DummyResult::raw_ty(self.span, self.is_error))
fn make_arms(self: Box<DummyResult>) -> Option<SmallVec<[ast::Arm; 1]>> {
fn make_fields(self: Box<DummyResult>) -> Option<SmallVec<[ast::Field; 1]>> {
fn make_field_patterns(self: Box<DummyResult>) -> Option<SmallVec<[ast::FieldPat; 1]>> {
fn make_generic_params(self: Box<DummyResult>) -> Option<SmallVec<[ast::GenericParam; 1]>> {
fn make_params(self: Box<DummyResult>) -> Option<SmallVec<[ast::Param; 1]>> {
fn make_struct_fields(self: Box<DummyResult>) -> Option<SmallVec<[ast::StructField; 1]>> {
fn make_variants(self: Box<DummyResult>) -> Option<SmallVec<[ast::Variant; 1]>> {
/// A syntax extension kind.
pub enum SyntaxExtensionKind {
/// A token-based function-like macro.
/// An expander with signature TokenStream -> TokenStream.
Box<dyn ProcMacro + sync::Sync + sync::Send>,
/// An AST-based function-like macro.
/// An expander with signature TokenStream -> AST.
Box<dyn TTMacroExpander + sync::Sync + sync::Send>,
/// A token-based attribute macro.
/// An expander with signature (TokenStream, TokenStream) -> TokenStream.
/// The first TokenSteam is the attribute itself, the second is the annotated item.
/// The produced TokenSteam replaces the input TokenSteam.
Box<dyn AttrProcMacro + sync::Sync + sync::Send>,
/// An AST-based attribute macro.
/// An expander with signature (AST, AST) -> AST.
/// The first AST fragment is the attribute itself, the second is the annotated item.
/// The produced AST fragment replaces the input AST fragment.
Box<dyn MultiItemModifier + sync::Sync + sync::Send>,
/// A trivial attribute "macro" that does nothing,
/// only keeps the attribute and marks it as inert,
/// thus making it ineligible for further expansion.
NonMacroAttr {
/// Suppresses the `unused_attributes` lint for this attribute.
mark_used: bool,
/// A token-based derive macro.
/// An expander with signature TokenStream -> TokenStream (not yet).
/// The produced TokenSteam is appended to the input TokenSteam.
Box<dyn MultiItemModifier + sync::Sync + sync::Send>,
/// An AST-based derive macro.
/// An expander with signature AST -> AST.
/// The produced AST fragment is appended to the input AST fragment.
Box<dyn MultiItemModifier + sync::Sync + sync::Send>,
/// A struct representing a macro definition in "lowered" form ready for expansion.
pub struct SyntaxExtension {
/// A syntax extension kind.
pub kind: SyntaxExtensionKind,
/// Span of the macro definition.
pub span: Span,
/// List of unstable features that are treated as stable inside this macro.
pub allow_internal_unstable: Option<Lrc<[Symbol]>>,
/// Suppresses the `unsafe_code` lint for code produced by this macro.
pub allow_internal_unsafe: bool,
/// Enables the macro helper hack (`ident!(...)` -> `$crate::ident!(...)`) for this macro.
pub local_inner_macros: bool,
/// The macro's stability info.
pub stability: Option<Stability>,
/// The macro's deprecation info.
pub deprecation: Option<Deprecation>,
/// Names of helper attributes registered by this macro.
pub helper_attrs: Vec<Symbol>,
/// Edition of the crate in which this macro is defined.
pub edition: Edition,
/// Built-in macros have a couple of special properties like availability
/// in `#[no_implicit_prelude]` modules, so we have to keep this flag.
pub builtin_name: Option<Symbol>,
impl SyntaxExtension {
/// Returns which kind of macro calls this syntax extension.
pub fn macro_kind(&self) -> MacroKind {
match self.kind {
SyntaxExtensionKind::Bang(..) | SyntaxExtensionKind::LegacyBang(..) => MacroKind::Bang,
| SyntaxExtensionKind::LegacyAttr(..)
| SyntaxExtensionKind::NonMacroAttr { .. } => MacroKind::Attr,
SyntaxExtensionKind::Derive(..) | SyntaxExtensionKind::LegacyDerive(..) => {
/// Constructs a syntax extension with default properties.
pub fn default(kind: SyntaxExtensionKind, edition: Edition) -> SyntaxExtension {
SyntaxExtension {
span: DUMMY_SP,
allow_internal_unstable: None,
allow_internal_unsafe: false,
local_inner_macros: false,
stability: None,
deprecation: None,
helper_attrs: Vec::new(),
builtin_name: None,
/// Constructs a syntax extension with the given properties
/// and other properties converted from attributes.
pub fn new(
sess: &Session,
kind: SyntaxExtensionKind,
span: Span,
helper_attrs: Vec<Symbol>,
edition: Edition,
name: Symbol,
attrs: &[ast::Attribute],
) -> SyntaxExtension {
let allow_internal_unstable = attr::allow_internal_unstable(sess, &attrs)
.map(|features| features.collect::<Vec<Symbol>>().into());
let mut local_inner_macros = false;
if let Some(macro_export) = sess.find_by_name(attrs, sym::macro_export) {
if let Some(l) = macro_export.meta_item_list() {
local_inner_macros = attr::list_contains_name(&l, sym::local_inner_macros);
let builtin_name = sess
.find_by_name(attrs, sym::rustc_builtin_macro)
.map(|a| a.value_str().unwrap_or(name));
let (stability, const_stability) = attr::find_stability(&sess, attrs, span);
if const_stability.is_some() {
.span_err(span, "macros cannot have const stability attributes");
SyntaxExtension {
allow_internal_unsafe: sess.contains_name(attrs, sym::allow_internal_unsafe),
deprecation: attr::find_deprecation(&sess, attrs).map(|(d, _)| d),
pub fn dummy_bang(edition: Edition) -> SyntaxExtension {
fn expander<'cx>(
_: &'cx mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
span: Span,
_: TokenStream,
) -> Box<dyn MacResult + 'cx> {
SyntaxExtension::default(SyntaxExtensionKind::LegacyBang(Box::new(expander)), edition)
pub fn dummy_derive(edition: Edition) -> SyntaxExtension {
fn expander(
_: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
_: Span,
_: &ast::MetaItem,
_: Annotatable,
) -> Vec<Annotatable> {
SyntaxExtension::default(SyntaxExtensionKind::Derive(Box::new(expander)), edition)
pub fn non_macro_attr(mark_used: bool, edition: Edition) -> SyntaxExtension {
SyntaxExtension::default(SyntaxExtensionKind::NonMacroAttr { mark_used }, edition)
pub fn expn_data(
parent: ExpnId,
call_site: Span,
descr: Symbol,
macro_def_id: Option<DefId>,
) -> ExpnData {
ExpnKind::Macro(self.macro_kind(), descr),
/// Error type that denotes indeterminacy.
pub struct Indeterminate;
pub trait ResolverExpand {
fn next_node_id(&mut self) -> NodeId;
fn resolve_dollar_crates(&mut self);
fn visit_ast_fragment_with_placeholders(&mut self, expn_id: ExpnId, fragment: &AstFragment);
fn register_builtin_macro(&mut self, name: Symbol, ext: SyntaxExtensionKind);
fn expansion_for_ast_pass(
&mut self,
call_site: Span,
pass: AstPass,
features: &[Symbol],
parent_module_id: Option<NodeId>,
) -> ExpnId;
fn resolve_imports(&mut self);
fn resolve_macro_invocation(
&mut self,
invoc: &Invocation,
eager_expansion_root: ExpnId,
force: bool,
) -> Result<Lrc<SyntaxExtension>, Indeterminate>;
fn check_unused_macros(&mut self);
/// Some parent node that is close enough to the given macro call.
fn lint_node_id(&self, expn_id: ExpnId) -> NodeId;
// Resolver interfaces for specific built-in macros.
/// Does `#[derive(...)]` attribute with the given `ExpnId` have built-in `Copy` inside it?
fn has_derive_copy(&self, expn_id: ExpnId) -> bool;
/// Resolve paths inside the `#[derive(...)]` attribute with the given `ExpnId`.
fn resolve_derives(
&mut self,
expn_id: ExpnId,
derives: Vec<ast::Path>,
force: bool,
) -> Result<(), Indeterminate>;
/// Take resolutions for paths inside the `#[derive(...)]` attribute with the given `ExpnId`
/// back from resolver.
fn take_derive_resolutions(
&mut self,
expn_id: ExpnId,
) -> Option<Vec<(Lrc<SyntaxExtension>, ast::Path)>>;
/// Path resolution logic for `#[cfg_accessible(path)]`.
fn cfg_accessible(&mut self, expn_id: ExpnId, path: &ast::Path) -> Result<bool, Indeterminate>;
pub struct ModuleData {
pub mod_path: Vec<Ident>,
pub directory: PathBuf,
pub struct ExpansionData {
pub id: ExpnId,
pub depth: usize,
pub module: Rc<ModuleData>,
pub directory_ownership: DirectoryOwnership,
pub prior_type_ascription: Option<(Span, bool)>,
/// One of these is made during expansion and incrementally updated as we go;
/// when a macro expansion occurs, the resulting nodes have the `backtrace()
/// -> expn_data` of their expansion context stored into their span.
pub struct ExtCtxt<'a> {
pub sess: &'a Session,
pub ecfg: expand::ExpansionConfig<'a>,
pub reduced_recursion_limit: Option<Limit>,
pub root_path: PathBuf,
pub resolver: &'a mut dyn ResolverExpand,
pub current_expansion: ExpansionData,
/// Error recovery mode entered when expansion is stuck
/// (or during eager expansion, but that's a hack).
pub force_mode: bool,
pub expansions: FxHashMap<Span, Vec<String>>,
/// Called directly after having parsed an external `mod foo;` in expansion.
/// `Ident` is the module name.
pub(super) extern_mod_loaded: Option<&'a dyn Fn(&ast::Crate, Ident)>,
impl<'a> ExtCtxt<'a> {
pub fn new(
sess: &'a Session,
ecfg: expand::ExpansionConfig<'a>,
resolver: &'a mut dyn ResolverExpand,
extern_mod_loaded: Option<&'a dyn Fn(&ast::Crate, Ident)>,
) -> ExtCtxt<'a> {
ExtCtxt {
reduced_recursion_limit: None,
root_path: PathBuf::new(),
current_expansion: ExpansionData {
id: ExpnId::root(),
depth: 0,
module: Rc::new(ModuleData { mod_path: Vec::new(), directory: PathBuf::new() }),
directory_ownership: DirectoryOwnership::Owned { relative: None },
prior_type_ascription: None,
force_mode: false,
expansions: FxHashMap::default(),
/// Returns a `Folder` for deeply expanding all macros in an AST node.
pub fn expander<'b>(&'b mut self) -> expand::MacroExpander<'b, 'a> {
expand::MacroExpander::new(self, false)
/// Returns a `Folder` that deeply expands all macros and assigns all `NodeId`s in an AST node.
/// Once `NodeId`s are assigned, the node may not be expanded, removed, or otherwise modified.
pub fn monotonic_expander<'b>(&'b mut self) -> expand::MacroExpander<'b, 'a> {
expand::MacroExpander::new(self, true)
pub fn new_parser_from_tts(&self, stream: TokenStream) -> parser::Parser<'a> {
rustc_parse::stream_to_parser(&self.sess.parse_sess, stream, MACRO_ARGUMENTS)
pub fn source_map(&self) -> &'a SourceMap {
pub fn parse_sess(&self) -> &'a ParseSess {
pub fn call_site(&self) -> Span {
/// Equivalent of `Span::def_site` from the proc macro API,
/// except that the location is taken from the span passed as an argument.
pub fn with_def_site_ctxt(&self, span: Span) -> Span {
/// Equivalent of `Span::call_site` from the proc macro API,
/// except that the location is taken from the span passed as an argument.
pub fn with_call_site_ctxt(&self, span: Span) -> Span {
/// Equivalent of `Span::mixed_site` from the proc macro API,
/// except that the location is taken from the span passed as an argument.
pub fn with_mixed_site_ctxt(&self, span: Span) -> Span {
/// Returns span for the macro which originally caused the current expansion to happen.
/// Stops backtracing at include! boundary.
pub fn expansion_cause(&self) -> Option<Span> {
pub fn struct_span_err<S: Into<MultiSpan>>(&self, sp: S, msg: &str) -> DiagnosticBuilder<'a> {
self.sess.parse_sess.span_diagnostic.struct_span_err(sp, msg)
/// Emit `msg` attached to `sp`, without immediately stopping
/// compilation.
/// Compilation will be stopped in the near future (at the end of
/// the macro expansion phase).
pub fn span_err<S: Into<MultiSpan>>(&self, sp: S, msg: &str) {
self.sess.parse_sess.span_diagnostic.span_err(sp, msg);
pub fn span_warn<S: Into<MultiSpan>>(&self, sp: S, msg: &str) {
self.sess.parse_sess.span_diagnostic.span_warn(sp, msg);
pub fn span_bug<S: Into<MultiSpan>>(&self, sp: S, msg: &str) -> ! {
self.sess.parse_sess.span_diagnostic.span_bug(sp, msg);
pub fn trace_macros_diag(&mut self) {
for (sp, notes) in self.expansions.iter() {
let mut db = self.sess.parse_sess.span_diagnostic.span_note_diag(*sp, "trace_macro");
for note in notes {
// Fixme: does this result in errors?
pub fn bug(&self, msg: &str) -> ! {
pub fn trace_macros(&self) -> bool {
pub fn set_trace_macros(&mut self, x: bool) {
self.ecfg.trace_mac = x
pub fn std_path(&self, components: &[Symbol]) -> Vec<Ident> {
let def_site = self.with_def_site_ctxt(DUMMY_SP);
iter::once(Ident::new(kw::DollarCrate, def_site))
.chain(components.iter().map(|&s| Ident::with_dummy_span(s)))
pub fn def_site_path(&self, components: &[Symbol]) -> Vec<Ident> {
let def_site = self.with_def_site_ctxt(DUMMY_SP);
components.iter().map(|&s| Ident::new(s, def_site)).collect()
pub fn check_unused_macros(&mut self) {
/// Resolves a path mentioned inside Rust code.
/// This unifies the logic used for resolving `include_X!`, and `#[doc(include)]` file paths.
/// Returns an absolute path to the file that `path` refers to.
pub fn resolve_path(
path: impl Into<PathBuf>,
span: Span,
) -> Result<PathBuf, DiagnosticBuilder<'a>> {
let path = path.into();
// Relative paths are resolved relative to the file in which they are found
// after macro expansion (that is, they are unhygienic).
if !path.is_absolute() {
let callsite = span.source_callsite();
let mut result = match self.source_map().span_to_unmapped_path(callsite) {
FileName::Real(name) => name.into_local_path(),
FileName::DocTest(path, _) => path,
other => {
return Err(self.struct_span_err(
&format!("cannot resolve relative path in non-file source `{}`", other),
} else {
/// Extracts a string literal from the macro expanded version of `expr`,
/// emitting `err_msg` if `expr` is not a string literal. This does not stop
/// compilation on error, merely emits a non-fatal error and returns `None`.
pub fn expr_to_spanned_string<'a>(
cx: &'a mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
expr: P<ast::Expr>,
err_msg: &str,
) -> Result<(Symbol, ast::StrStyle, Span), Option<DiagnosticBuilder<'a>>> {
// Perform eager expansion on the expression.
// We want to be able to handle e.g., `concat!("foo", "bar")`.
let expr = cx.expander().fully_expand_fragment(AstFragment::Expr(expr)).make_expr();
Err(match expr.kind {
ast::ExprKind::Lit(ref l) => match l.kind {
ast::LitKind::Str(s, style) => return Ok((s, style, expr.span)),
ast::LitKind::Err(_) => None,
_ => Some(cx.struct_span_err(l.span, err_msg)),
ast::ExprKind::Err => None,
_ => Some(cx.struct_span_err(expr.span, err_msg)),
pub fn expr_to_string(
cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
expr: P<ast::Expr>,
err_msg: &str,
) -> Option<(Symbol, ast::StrStyle)> {
expr_to_spanned_string(cx, expr, err_msg)
.map_err(|err| {
||mut err| {
.map(|(symbol, style, _)| (symbol, style))
/// Non-fatally assert that `tts` is empty. Note that this function
/// returns even when `tts` is non-empty, macros that *need* to stop
/// compilation should call
/// `cx.parse_sess.span_diagnostic.abort_if_errors()` (this should be
/// done as rarely as possible).
pub fn check_zero_tts(cx: &ExtCtxt<'_>, sp: Span, tts: TokenStream, name: &str) {
if !tts.is_empty() {
cx.span_err(sp, &format!("{} takes no arguments", name));
/// Parse an expression. On error, emit it, advancing to `Eof`, and return `None`.
pub fn parse_expr(p: &mut parser::Parser<'_>) -> Option<P<ast::Expr>> {
match p.parse_expr() {
Ok(e) => return Some(e),
Err(mut err) => err.emit(),
while p.token != token::Eof {
/// Interpreting `tts` as a comma-separated sequence of expressions,
/// expect exactly one string literal, or emit an error and return `None`.
pub fn get_single_str_from_tts(
cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
sp: Span,
tts: TokenStream,
name: &str,
) -> Option<String> {
let mut p = cx.new_parser_from_tts(tts);
if p.token == token::Eof {
cx.span_err(sp, &format!("{} takes 1 argument", name));
return None;
let ret = parse_expr(&mut p)?;
let _ =;
if p.token != token::Eof {
cx.span_err(sp, &format!("{} takes 1 argument", name));
expr_to_string(cx, ret, "argument must be a string literal").map(|(s, _)| s.to_string())
/// Extracts comma-separated expressions from `tts`.
/// On error, emit it, and return `None`.
pub fn get_exprs_from_tts(
cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
sp: Span,
tts: TokenStream,
) -> Option<Vec<P<ast::Expr>>> {
let mut p = cx.new_parser_from_tts(tts);
let mut es = Vec::new();
while p.token != token::Eof {
let expr = parse_expr(&mut p)?;
// Perform eager expansion on the expression.
// We want to be able to handle e.g., `concat!("foo", "bar")`.
let expr = cx.expander().fully_expand_fragment(AstFragment::Expr(expr)).make_expr();
if {
if p.token != token::Eof {
cx.span_err(sp, "expected token: `,`");
return None;