634 lines
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634 lines
16 KiB
//! Errors emitted by `rustc_hir_analysis`.
use crate::fluent_generated as fluent;
use rustc_errors::{
error_code, Applicability, DiagnosticBuilder, ErrorGuaranteed, Handler, IntoDiagnostic,
use rustc_macros::{Diagnostic, Subdiagnostic};
use rustc_middle::ty::Ty;
use rustc_span::{symbol::Ident, Span, Symbol};
#[diag(hir_analysis_unrecognized_atomic_operation, code = "E0092")]
pub struct UnrecognizedAtomicOperation<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub op: &'a str,
#[diag(hir_analysis_wrong_number_of_generic_arguments_to_intrinsic, code = "E0094")]
pub struct WrongNumberOfGenericArgumentsToIntrinsic<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub found: usize,
pub expected: usize,
pub descr: &'a str,
#[diag(hir_analysis_unrecognized_intrinsic_function, code = "E0093")]
pub struct UnrecognizedIntrinsicFunction {
pub span: Span,
pub name: Symbol,
#[diag(hir_analysis_lifetimes_or_bounds_mismatch_on_trait, code = "E0195")]
pub struct LifetimesOrBoundsMismatchOnTrait {
pub span: Span,
pub generics_span: Option<Span>,
pub where_span: Option<Span>,
pub bounds_span: Vec<Span>,
pub item_kind: &'static str,
pub ident: Ident,
pub struct AsyncTraitImplShouldBeAsync {
// #[label]
pub span: Span,
pub trait_item_span: Option<Span>,
pub method_name: Symbol,
#[diag(hir_analysis_drop_impl_on_wrong_item, code = "E0120")]
pub struct DropImplOnWrongItem {
pub span: Span,
#[diag(hir_analysis_field_already_declared, code = "E0124")]
pub struct FieldAlreadyDeclared {
pub field_name: Ident,
pub span: Span,
pub prev_span: Span,
#[diag(hir_analysis_copy_impl_on_type_with_dtor, code = "E0184")]
pub struct CopyImplOnTypeWithDtor {
pub span: Span,
#[diag(hir_analysis_multiple_relaxed_default_bounds, code = "E0203")]
pub struct MultipleRelaxedDefaultBounds {
pub span: Span,
#[diag(hir_analysis_copy_impl_on_non_adt, code = "E0206")]
pub struct CopyImplOnNonAdt {
pub span: Span,
#[diag(hir_analysis_trait_object_declared_with_no_traits, code = "E0224")]
pub struct TraitObjectDeclaredWithNoTraits {
pub span: Span,
pub trait_alias_span: Option<Span>,
#[diag(hir_analysis_ambiguous_lifetime_bound, code = "E0227")]
pub struct AmbiguousLifetimeBound {
pub span: Span,
#[diag(hir_analysis_assoc_type_binding_not_allowed, code = "E0229")]
pub struct AssocTypeBindingNotAllowed {
pub span: Span,
pub fn_trait_expansion: Option<ParenthesizedFnTraitExpansion>,
pub struct ParenthesizedFnTraitExpansion {
pub span: Span,
pub expanded_type: String,
#[diag(hir_analysis_typeof_reserved_keyword_used, code = "E0516")]
pub struct TypeofReservedKeywordUsed<'tcx> {
pub ty: Ty<'tcx>,
pub span: Span,
#[suggestion(style = "verbose", code = "{ty}")]
pub opt_sugg: Option<(Span, Applicability)>,
#[diag(hir_analysis_value_of_associated_struct_already_specified, code = "E0719")]
pub struct ValueOfAssociatedStructAlreadySpecified {
pub span: Span,
pub prev_span: Span,
pub item_name: Ident,
pub def_path: String,
pub struct UnconstrainedOpaqueType {
pub span: Span,
pub name: Symbol,
pub what: &'static str,
pub struct MissingTypeParams {
pub span: Span,
pub def_span: Span,
pub span_snippet: Option<String>,
pub missing_type_params: Vec<Symbol>,
pub empty_generic_args: bool,
// Manual implementation of `IntoDiagnostic` to be able to call `span_to_snippet`.
impl<'a> IntoDiagnostic<'a> for MissingTypeParams {
fn into_diagnostic(self, handler: &'a Handler) -> DiagnosticBuilder<'a, ErrorGuaranteed> {
let mut err = handler.struct_span_err_with_code(
err.set_arg("parameterCount", self.missing_type_params.len());
.map(|n| format!("`{}`", n))
.join(", "),
err.span_label(self.def_span, fluent::hir_analysis_label);
let mut suggested = false;
// Don't suggest setting the type params if there are some already: the order is
// tricky to get right and the user will already know what the syntax is.
if let Some(snippet) = self.span_snippet && self.empty_generic_args {
if snippet.ends_with('>') {
// The user wrote `Trait<'a, T>` or similar. To provide an accurate suggestion
// we would have to preserve the right order. For now, as clearly the user is
// aware of the syntax, we do nothing.
} else {
// The user wrote `Iterator`, so we don't have a type we can suggest, but at
// least we can clue them to the correct syntax `Iterator<Type>`.
.map(|n| n.to_string())
.join(", ")
suggested = true;
if !suggested {
err.span_label(self.span, fluent::hir_analysis_no_suggestion_label);
#[diag(hir_analysis_manual_implementation, code = "E0183")]
pub struct ManualImplementation {
pub span: Span,
pub trait_name: String,
pub struct SubstsOnOverriddenImpl {
pub span: Span,
pub struct ConstImplForNonConstTrait {
pub trait_ref_span: Span,
pub trait_name: String,
#[suggestion(applicability = "machine-applicable", code = "#[const_trait]")]
pub local_trait_span: Option<Span>,
pub marking: (),
pub adding: (),
pub struct ConstBoundForNonConstTrait {
pub span: Span,
pub struct SelfInImplSelf {
pub span: MultiSpan,
pub note: (),
#[diag(hir_analysis_linkage_type, code = "E0791")]
pub(crate) struct LinkageType {
pub span: Span,
#[diag(hir_analysis_auto_deref_reached_recursion_limit, code = "E0055")]
pub struct AutoDerefReachedRecursionLimit<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub ty: Ty<'a>,
pub suggested_limit: rustc_session::Limit,
pub crate_name: Symbol,
#[diag(hir_analysis_where_clause_on_main, code = "E0646")]
pub(crate) struct WhereClauseOnMain {
pub span: Span,
pub generics_span: Option<Span>,
pub(crate) struct TrackCallerOnMain {
#[suggestion(applicability = "maybe-incorrect", code = "")]
pub span: Span,
pub annotated: Span,
pub(crate) struct TargetFeatureOnMain {
pub main: Span,
pub(crate) struct StartTrackCaller {
pub span: Span,
pub start: Span,
pub(crate) struct StartTargetFeature {
pub span: Span,
pub start: Span,
#[diag(hir_analysis_start_not_async, code = "E0752")]
pub(crate) struct StartAsync {
pub span: Span,
#[diag(hir_analysis_start_function_where, code = "E0647")]
pub(crate) struct StartFunctionWhere {
pub span: Span,
#[diag(hir_analysis_start_function_parameters, code = "E0132")]
pub(crate) struct StartFunctionParameters {
pub span: Span,
#[diag(hir_analysis_main_function_return_type_generic, code = "E0131")]
pub(crate) struct MainFunctionReturnTypeGeneric {
pub span: Span,
#[diag(hir_analysis_main_function_async, code = "E0752")]
pub(crate) struct MainFunctionAsync {
pub span: Span,
pub asyncness: Option<Span>,
#[diag(hir_analysis_main_function_generic_parameters, code = "E0131")]
pub(crate) struct MainFunctionGenericParameters {
pub span: Span,
pub label_span: Option<Span>,
#[diag(hir_analysis_variadic_function_compatible_convention, code = "E0045")]
pub(crate) struct VariadicFunctionCompatibleConvention<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub conventions: &'a str,
pub(crate) enum CannotCaptureLateBoundInAnonConst {
Type {
use_span: Span,
def_span: Span,
Const {
use_span: Span,
def_span: Span,
pub(crate) struct VariancesOf {
pub span: Span,
pub variances_of: String,
#[diag(hir_analysis_pass_to_variadic_function, code = "E0617")]
pub(crate) struct PassToVariadicFunction<'tcx, 'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub ty: Ty<'tcx>,
pub cast_ty: &'a str,
#[suggestion(code = "{replace}", applicability = "machine-applicable")]
pub sugg_span: Option<Span>,
pub replace: String,
pub help: Option<()>,
#[diag(hir_analysis_cast_thin_pointer_to_fat_pointer, code = "E0607")]
pub(crate) struct CastThinPointerToFatPointer<'tcx> {
pub span: Span,
pub expr_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
pub cast_ty: String,
#[diag(hir_analysis_invalid_union_field, code = "E0740")]
pub(crate) struct InvalidUnionField {
pub field_span: Span,
pub sugg: InvalidUnionFieldSuggestion,
pub note: (),
pub(crate) struct ReturnTypeNotationOnNonRpitit<'tcx> {
pub span: Span,
pub ty: Ty<'tcx>,
pub fn_span: Option<Span>,
pub note: (),
#[multipart_suggestion(hir_analysis_invalid_union_field_sugg, applicability = "machine-applicable")]
pub(crate) struct InvalidUnionFieldSuggestion {
#[suggestion_part(code = "std::mem::ManuallyDrop<")]
pub lo: Span,
#[suggestion_part(code = ">")]
pub hi: Span,
pub(crate) struct ReturnTypeNotationEqualityBound {
pub span: Span,
pub(crate) struct ReturnTypeNotationMissingMethod {
pub span: Span,
pub trait_name: Symbol,
pub assoc_name: Symbol,
#[diag(hir_analysis_placeholder_not_allowed_item_signatures, code = "E0121")]
pub(crate) struct PlaceholderNotAllowedItemSignatures {
pub spans: Vec<Span>,
pub kind: String,
#[diag(hir_analysis_associated_type_trait_uninferred_generic_params, code = "E0212")]
pub(crate) struct AssociatedTypeTraitUninferredGenericParams {
pub span: Span,
#[suggestion(style = "verbose", applicability = "maybe-incorrect", code = "{bound}")]
pub inferred_sugg: Option<Span>,
pub bound: String,
pub mpart_sugg: Option<AssociatedTypeTraitUninferredGenericParamsMultipartSuggestion>,
applicability = "maybe-incorrect"
pub(crate) struct AssociatedTypeTraitUninferredGenericParamsMultipartSuggestion {
#[suggestion_part(code = "{first}")]
pub fspan: Span,
pub first: String,
#[suggestion_part(code = "{second}")]
pub sspan: Span,
pub second: String,
#[diag(hir_analysis_enum_discriminant_overflowed, code = "E0370")]
pub(crate) struct EnumDiscriminantOverflowed {
pub span: Span,
pub discr: String,
pub item_name: Symbol,
pub wrapped_discr: String,
pub(crate) struct ParenSugarAttribute {
pub span: Span,
pub(crate) struct MustImplementOneOfAttribute {
pub span: Span,
pub(crate) struct MustBeNameOfAssociatedFunction {
pub span: Span,
pub(crate) struct FunctionNotHaveDefaultImplementation {
pub span: Span,
pub note_span: Span,
pub(crate) struct MustImplementNotFunction {
pub span: Span,
pub span_note: MustImplementNotFunctionSpanNote,
pub note: MustImplementNotFunctionNote,
pub(crate) struct MustImplementNotFunctionSpanNote {
pub span: Span,
pub(crate) struct MustImplementNotFunctionNote {}
pub(crate) struct FunctionNotFoundInTrait {
pub span: Span,
pub(crate) struct FunctionNamesDuplicated {
pub spans: Vec<Span>,
pub(crate) struct SIMDFFIHighlyExperimental {
pub span: Span,
pub snip: String,