2012-08-01 19:16:06 -07:00

196 lines
6.5 KiB

//! A process-wide libuv event loop for library use.
export get;
import ll = uv_ll;
import iotask = uv_iotask;
import get_gl = get;
import iotask::{iotask, spawn_iotask};
import priv::{chan_from_global_ptr, weaken_task};
import comm::{port, chan, methods, select2, listen};
import task::task_builder;
import either::{left, right};
extern mod rustrt {
fn rust_uv_get_kernel_global_chan_ptr() -> *libc::uintptr_t;
* Race-free helper to get access to a global task where a libuv
* loop is running.
* Use `uv::hl::interact` to do operations against the global
* loop that this function returns.
* # Return
* * A `hl::high_level_loop` that encapsulates communication with the global
* loop.
fn get() -> iotask {
return get_monitor_task_gl();
fn get_monitor_task_gl() -> iotask unsafe {
let monitor_loop_chan_ptr = rustrt::rust_uv_get_kernel_global_chan_ptr();
debug!{"ENTERING global_loop::get() loop chan: %?",
let builder_fn = || {
debug!{"before priv::chan_from_global_ptr"};
type monchan = chan<iotask>;
let monitor_ch = do chan_from_global_ptr::<monchan>(monitor_loop_chan_ptr,
builder_fn) |msg_po| {
debug!{"global monitor task starting"};
// As a weak task the runtime will notify us when to exit
do weaken_task() |weak_exit_po| {
debug!{"global monitor task is now weak"};
let hl_loop = spawn_loop();
loop {
debug!{"in outer_loop..."};
alt select2(weak_exit_po, msg_po) {
left(weak_exit) {
// all normal tasks have ended, tell the
// libuv loop to tear_down, then exit
debug!{"weak_exit_po recv'd msg: %?", weak_exit};
right(fetch_ch) {
debug!{"hl_loop req recv'd: %?", fetch_ch};
debug!{"global monitor task is leaving weakend state"};
debug!{"global monitor task exiting"};
// once we have a chan to the monitor loop, we ask it for
// the libuv loop's async handle
do listen |fetch_ch| {
fn spawn_loop() -> iotask unsafe {
let builder = do task::task().add_wrapper |task_body| {
fn~(move task_body) {
// The I/O loop task also needs to be weak so it doesn't keep
// the runtime alive
do weaken_task |weak_exit_po| {
debug!{"global libuv task is now weak %?", weak_exit_po};
// We don't wait for the exit message on weak_exit_po
// because the monitor task will tell the uv loop when to
// exit
debug!{"global libuv task is leaving weakened state"};
mod test {
extern fn simple_timer_close_cb(timer_ptr: *ll::uv_timer_t) unsafe {
let exit_ch_ptr = ll::get_data_for_uv_handle(
timer_ptr as *libc::c_void) as *comm::chan<bool>;
let exit_ch = *exit_ch_ptr;
comm::send(exit_ch, true);
log(debug, fmt!{"EXIT_CH_PTR simple_timer_close_cb exit_ch_ptr: %?",
extern fn simple_timer_cb(timer_ptr: *ll::uv_timer_t,
_status: libc::c_int) unsafe {
log(debug, ~"in simple timer cb");
let hl_loop = get_gl();
do iotask::interact(hl_loop) |_loop_ptr| {
log(debug, ~"closing timer");
ll::close(timer_ptr, simple_timer_close_cb);
log(debug, ~"about to deref exit_ch_ptr");
log(debug, ~"after msg sent on deref'd exit_ch");
log(debug, ~"exiting simple timer cb");
fn impl_uv_hl_simple_timer(iotask: iotask) unsafe {
let exit_po = comm::port::<bool>();
let exit_ch = comm::chan(exit_po);
let exit_ch_ptr = ptr::addr_of(exit_ch);
log(debug, fmt!{"EXIT_CH_PTR newly created exit_ch_ptr: %?",
let timer_handle = ll::timer_t();
let timer_ptr = ptr::addr_of(timer_handle);
do iotask::interact(iotask) |loop_ptr| {
log(debug, ~"user code inside interact loop!!!");
let init_status = ll::timer_init(loop_ptr, timer_ptr);
if(init_status == 0i32) {
timer_ptr as *libc::c_void,
exit_ch_ptr as *libc::c_void);
let start_status = ll::timer_start(timer_ptr, simple_timer_cb,
1u, 0u);
if(start_status == 0i32) {
else {
fail ~"failure on ll::timer_start()";
else {
fail ~"failure on ll::timer_init()";
log(debug, ~"global_loop timer test: msg recv on exit_po, done..");
fn test_gl_uv_global_loop_high_level_global_timer() unsafe {
let hl_loop = get_gl();
let exit_po = comm::port::<()>();
let exit_ch = comm::chan(exit_po);
task::spawn_sched(task::manual_threads(1u), || {
comm::send(exit_ch, ());
// keeping this test ignored until some kind of stress-test-harness
// is set up for the build bots
fn test_stress_gl_uv_global_loop_high_level_global_timer() unsafe {
let hl_loop = get_gl();
let exit_po = comm::port::<()>();
let exit_ch = comm::chan(exit_po);
let cycles = 5000u;
for iter::repeat(cycles) {
task::spawn_sched(task::manual_threads(1u), || {
comm::send(exit_ch, ());
for iter::repeat(cycles) {
log(debug, ~"test_stress_gl_uv_global_loop_high_level_global_timer"+
~" exiting sucessfully!");