Patrick Walton eb4d39e1fe libstd: Remove "dual impls" from the language and enforce coherence rules. r=brson
"Dual impls" are impls that are both type implementations and trait
implementations. They can lead to ambiguity and so this patch removes them
from the language.

This also enforces coherence rules. Without this patch, records can implement
traits not defined in the current crate. This patch fixes this, and updates
all of rustc to adhere to the new enforcement. Most of this patch is fixing
rustc to obey the coherence rules, which involves converting a bunch of records
to structs.
2013-01-29 10:42:45 -08:00

239 lines
5.8 KiB

// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use core::prelude::*;
use ast;
use codemap::span;
use ext::base::ext_ctxt;
use ext::pipes::ast_builder::{append_types, ext_ctxt_ast_builder, path};
use core::cmp;
use core::dvec::DVec;
use core::to_str::ToStr;
enum direction { send, recv }
impl direction : cmp::Eq {
pure fn eq(&self, other: &direction) -> bool {
match ((*self), (*other)) {
(send, send) => true,
(recv, recv) => true,
(send, _) => false,
(recv, _) => false,
pure fn ne(&self, other: &direction) -> bool { !(*self).eq(other) }
impl direction: ToStr {
pure fn to_str() -> ~str {
match self {
send => ~"Send",
recv => ~"Recv"
impl direction {
fn reverse() -> direction {
match self {
send => recv,
recv => send
struct next_state {
state: ~str,
tys: ~[@ast::Ty],
enum message {
// name, span, data, current state, next state
message(~str, span, ~[@ast::Ty], state, Option<next_state>)
impl message {
fn name() -> ~str {
match self {
message(ref id, _, _, _, _) => (*id)
fn span() -> span {
match self {
message(_, span, _, _, _) => span
/// Return the type parameters actually used by this message
fn get_params() -> ~[ast::ty_param] {
match self {
message(_, _, _, this, _) => this.ty_params
enum state {
id: uint,
name: ~str,
ident: ast::ident,
span: span,
dir: direction,
ty_params: ~[ast::ty_param],
messages: DVec<message>,
proto: protocol,
impl state {
fn add_message(name: ~str, span: span,
+data: ~[@ast::Ty], next: Option<next_state>) {
self.messages.push(message(name, span, data, self,
fn filename() -> ~str {
fn data_name() -> ast::ident {
/// Returns the type that is used for the messages.
fn to_ty(cx: ext_ctxt) -> @ast::Ty {
/// Iterate over the states that can be reached in one message
/// from this state.
fn reachable(f: fn(state) -> bool) {
for self.messages.each |m| {
match *m {
message(_, _, _, _, Some(next_state { state: ref id, _ })) => {
let state = self.proto.get_state((*id));
if !f(state) { break }
_ => ()
type protocol = @protocol_;
fn protocol(name: ~str, +span: span) -> protocol {
@protocol_(name, span)
fn protocol_(name: ~str, span: span) -> protocol_ {
protocol_ {
name: name,
span: span,
states: DVec(),
bounded: None
struct protocol_ {
name: ~str,
span: span,
states: DVec<state>,
mut bounded: Option<bool>,
impl protocol_ {
/// Get a state.
fn get_state(name: ~str) -> state {
self.states.find(|i| == name).get()
fn get_state_by_id(id: uint) -> state { self.states[id] }
fn has_state(name: ~str) -> bool {
self.states.find(|i| == name).is_some()
fn filename() -> ~str {
~"proto://" +
fn num_states() -> uint { self.states.len() }
fn has_ty_params() -> bool {
for self.states.each |s| {
if s.ty_params.len() > 0 {
return true;
fn is_bounded() -> bool {
let bounded = self.bounded.get();
//if bounded && self.has_ty_params() {
// debug!("protocol %s has is bounded, but type parameters\
// are not yet supported.",
// *;
// false
//else { bounded }
impl protocol {
fn add_state_poly(name: ~str, ident: ast::ident, dir: direction,
+ty_params: ~[ast::ty_param]) -> state {
let messages = DVec();
let state = state_(@{
id: self.states.len(),
name: name,
ident: ident,
span: self.span,
dir: dir,
ty_params: ty_params,
messages: move messages,
proto: self
trait visitor<Tproto, Tstate, Tmessage> {
fn visit_proto(proto: protocol, st: &[Tstate]) -> Tproto;
fn visit_state(state: state, m: &[Tmessage]) -> Tstate;
fn visit_message(name: ~str, spane: span, tys: &[@ast::Ty],
this: state, next: Option<next_state>) -> Tmessage;
fn visit<Tproto, Tstate, Tmessage, V: visitor<Tproto, Tstate, Tmessage>>(
proto: protocol, visitor: V) -> Tproto {
// the copy keywords prevent recursive use of dvec
let states = do (copy proto.states).map_to_vec |&s| {
let messages = do (copy s.messages).map_to_vec |&m| {
let message(name, span, tys, this, next) = m;
visitor.visit_message(name, span, tys, this, next)
visitor.visit_state(s, messages)
visitor.visit_proto(proto, states)