"Dual impls" are impls that are both type implementations and trait implementations. They can lead to ambiguity and so this patch removes them from the language. This also enforces coherence rules. Without this patch, records can implement traits not defined in the current crate. This patch fixes this, and updates all of rustc to adhere to the new enforcement. Most of this patch is fixing rustc to obey the coherence rules, which involves converting a bunch of records to structs.
789 lines
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789 lines
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// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! A map type
use core::cmp::Eq;
use core::hash::Hash;
use core::io::WriterUtil;
use core::io;
use core::ops;
use core::to_str::ToStr;
use core::mutable::Mut;
use core::prelude::*;
use core::to_bytes::IterBytes;
use core::uint;
use core::vec;
/// A convenience type to treat a hashmap as a set
pub type Set<K:Eq IterBytes Hash> = HashMap<K, ()>;
pub type HashMap<K:Eq IterBytes Hash, V> = chained::T<K, V>;
pub trait StdMap<K:Eq IterBytes Hash Copy, V: Copy> {
/// Return the number of elements in the map
pure fn size() -> uint;
* Add a value to the map.
* If the map already contains a value for the specified key then the
* original value is replaced.
* Returns true if the key did not already exist in the map
fn insert(key: K, value: V) -> bool;
* Add a value to the map.
* If the map contains a value for the key, use the function
* to set a new value.
fn update_with_key(key: K, newval: V, ff: fn(K, V, V) -> V) -> bool;
* Add a value to the map.
* If the map contains a value for the key, use the function to
* set a new value. (Like `update_with_key`, but with a
* function of only values.)
fn update(key: K, newval: V, ff: fn(V, V) -> V) -> bool;
/// Returns true if the map contains a value for the specified key
pure fn contains_key(key: K) -> bool;
/// Returns true if the map contains a value for the specified
/// key, taking the key by reference.
pure fn contains_key_ref(key: &K) -> bool;
* Get the value for the specified key. Fails if the key does not exist in
* the map.
pure fn get(key: K) -> V;
* Get the value for the specified key. If the key does not exist in
* the map then returns none.
pure fn find(key: K) -> Option<V>;
* Remove and return a value from the map. Returns true if the
* key was present in the map, otherwise false.
fn remove(key: K) -> bool;
/// Clear the map, removing all key/value pairs.
fn clear();
/// Iterate over all the key/value pairs in the map by value
pure fn each(fn(key: K, value: V) -> bool);
/// Iterate over all the keys in the map by value
pure fn each_key(fn(key: K) -> bool);
/// Iterate over all the values in the map by value
pure fn each_value(fn(value: V) -> bool);
/// Iterate over all the key/value pairs in the map by reference
pure fn each_ref(fn(key: &K, value: &V) -> bool);
/// Iterate over all the keys in the map by reference
pure fn each_key_ref(fn(key: &K) -> bool);
/// Iterate over all the values in the map by reference
pure fn each_value_ref(fn(value: &V) -> bool);
pub mod util {
pub struct Rational {
// : int::positive(*.den);
num: int,
den: int,
pub pure fn rational_leq(x: Rational, y: Rational) -> bool {
// NB: Uses the fact that rationals have positive denominators WLOG:
x.num * y.den <= y.num * x.den
// FIXME (#2344): package this up and export it as a datatype usable for
// external code that doesn't want to pay the cost of a box.
pub mod chained {
use map::{StdMap, util};
use core::io;
use core::ops;
use core::option;
use core::prelude::*;
use core::uint;
use core::vec;
const initial_capacity: uint = 32u; // 2^5
struct Entry<K, V> {
hash: uint,
key: K,
value: V,
mut next: Option<@Entry<K, V>>
struct HashMap_<K:Eq IterBytes Hash, V> {
mut count: uint,
mut chains: ~[mut Option<@Entry<K,V>>]
pub type T<K:Eq IterBytes Hash, V> = @HashMap_<K, V>;
enum SearchResult<K, V> {
FoundFirst(uint, @Entry<K,V>),
FoundAfter(@Entry<K,V>, @Entry<K,V>)
priv impl<K:Eq IterBytes Hash, V: Copy> T<K, V> {
pure fn search_rem(k: &K, h: uint, idx: uint,
e_root: @Entry<K,V>) -> SearchResult<K,V> {
let mut e0 = e_root;
let mut comp = 1u; // for logging
loop {
match copy e0.next {
None => {
debug!("search_tbl: absent, comp %u, hash %u, idx %u",
comp, h, idx);
return NotFound;
Some(e1) => {
comp += 1u;
unsafe {
if e1.hash == h && e1.key == *k {
debug!("search_tbl: present, comp %u, \
hash %u, idx %u",
comp, h, idx);
return FoundAfter(e0, e1);
} else {
e0 = e1;
pure fn search_tbl(k: &K, h: uint) -> SearchResult<K,V> {
let idx = h % vec::len(self.chains);
match copy self.chains[idx] {
None => {
debug!("search_tbl: none, comp %u, hash %u, idx %u",
0u, h, idx);
return NotFound;
Some(e) => {
unsafe {
if e.hash == h && e.key == *k {
debug!("search_tbl: present, comp %u, hash %u, \
idx %u", 1u, h, idx);
return FoundFirst(idx, e);
} else {
return self.search_rem(k, h, idx, e);
fn rehash() {
let n_old_chains = self.chains.len();
let n_new_chains: uint = uint::next_power_of_two(n_old_chains+1u);
let new_chains = chains(n_new_chains);
for self.each_entry |entry| {
let idx = entry.hash % n_new_chains;
entry.next = new_chains[idx];
new_chains[idx] = Some(entry);
self.chains = move new_chains;
pure fn each_entry(blk: fn(@Entry<K,V>) -> bool) {
// n.b. we can't use vec::iter() here because self.chains
// is stored in a mutable location.
let mut i = 0u, n = self.chains.len();
while i < n {
let mut chain = self.chains[i];
loop {
chain = match chain {
None => break,
Some(entry) => {
let next = entry.next;
if !blk(entry) { return; }
i += 1u;
impl<K:Eq IterBytes Hash Copy, V: Copy> T<K, V>: StdMap<K, V> {
pure fn size() -> uint { self.count }
pure fn contains_key(k: K) -> bool {
pure fn contains_key_ref(k: &K) -> bool {
let hash = k.hash_keyed(0,0) as uint;
match self.search_tbl(k, hash) {
NotFound => false,
FoundFirst(*) | FoundAfter(*) => true
fn insert(k: K, v: V) -> bool {
let hash = k.hash_keyed(0,0) as uint;
match self.search_tbl(&k, hash) {
NotFound => {
self.count += 1u;
let idx = hash % vec::len(self.chains);
let old_chain = self.chains[idx];
self.chains[idx] = Some(@Entry {
hash: hash,
key: k,
value: v,
next: old_chain});
// consider rehashing if more 3/4 full
let nchains = vec::len(self.chains);
let load = util::Rational {
num: (self.count + 1u) as int,
den: nchains as int,
if !util::rational_leq(load, util::Rational {num:3, den:4}) {
return true;
FoundFirst(idx, entry) => {
self.chains[idx] = Some(@Entry {
hash: hash,
key: k,
value: v,
next: entry.next});
return false;
FoundAfter(prev, entry) => {
prev.next = Some(@Entry {
hash: hash,
key: k,
value: v,
next: entry.next});
return false;
pure fn find(k: K) -> Option<V> {
unsafe {
match self.search_tbl(&k, k.hash_keyed(0,0) as uint) {
NotFound => None,
FoundFirst(_, entry) => Some(entry.value),
FoundAfter(_, entry) => Some(entry.value)
fn update_with_key(key: K, newval: V, ff: fn(K, V, V) -> V) -> bool {
match self.find(key) {
None => return self.insert(key, val),
Some(copy orig) => return self.insert(key, ff(key, orig, val))
let hash = key.hash_keyed(0,0) as uint;
match self.search_tbl(&key, hash) {
NotFound => {
self.count += 1u;
let idx = hash % vec::len(self.chains);
let old_chain = self.chains[idx];
self.chains[idx] = Some(@Entry {
hash: hash,
key: key,
value: newval,
next: old_chain});
// consider rehashing if more 3/4 full
let nchains = vec::len(self.chains);
let load = util::Rational {
num: (self.count + 1u) as int,
den: nchains as int,
if !util::rational_leq(load, util::Rational {num:3, den:4}) {
return true;
FoundFirst(idx, entry) => {
self.chains[idx] = Some(@Entry {
hash: hash,
key: key,
value: ff(key, entry.value, newval),
next: entry.next});
return false;
FoundAfter(prev, entry) => {
prev.next = Some(@Entry {
hash: hash,
key: key,
value: ff(key, entry.value, newval),
next: entry.next});
return false;
fn update(key: K, newval: V, ff: fn(V, V) -> V) -> bool {
return self.update_with_key(key, newval, |_k, v, v1| ff(v,v1));
pure fn get(k: K) -> V {
let opt_v = self.find(k);
if opt_v.is_none() {
fail fmt!("Key not found in table: %?", k);
option::unwrap(move opt_v)
fn remove(k: K) -> bool {
match self.search_tbl(&k, k.hash_keyed(0,0) as uint) {
NotFound => false,
FoundFirst(idx, entry) => {
self.count -= 1u;
self.chains[idx] = entry.next;
FoundAfter(eprev, entry) => {
self.count -= 1u;
eprev.next = entry.next;
fn clear() {
self.count = 0u;
self.chains = chains(initial_capacity);
pure fn each(blk: fn(key: K, value: V) -> bool) {
self.each_ref(|k, v| blk(*k, *v))
pure fn each_key(blk: fn(key: K) -> bool) {
self.each_key_ref(|p| blk(*p))
pure fn each_value(blk: fn(value: V) -> bool) {
self.each_value_ref(|p| blk(*p))
pure fn each_ref(blk: fn(key: &K, value: &V) -> bool) {
for self.each_entry |entry| {
if !blk(&entry.key, &entry.value) { break; }
pure fn each_key_ref(blk: fn(key: &K) -> bool) {
self.each_ref(|k, _v| blk(k))
pure fn each_value_ref(blk: fn(value: &V) -> bool) {
self.each_ref(|_k, v| blk(v))
impl<K:Eq IterBytes Hash Copy ToStr, V: ToStr Copy> T<K, V> {
fn to_writer(wr: io::Writer) {
if self.count == 0u {
wr.write_str(~"{ ");
let mut first = true;
for self.each_entry |entry| {
if !first {
wr.write_str(~", ");
first = false;
wr.write_str(~": ");
wr.write_str((copy entry.value).to_str());
wr.write_str(~" }");
impl<K:Eq IterBytes Hash Copy ToStr, V: ToStr Copy> T<K, V>: ToStr {
pure fn to_str() -> ~str {
unsafe {
// Meh -- this should be safe
do io::with_str_writer |wr| { self.to_writer(wr) }
impl<K:Eq IterBytes Hash Copy, V: Copy> T<K, V>: ops::Index<K, V> {
pure fn index(&self, k: K) -> V {
unsafe {
fn chains<K,V>(nchains: uint) -> ~[mut Option<@Entry<K,V>>] {
vec::cast_to_mut(vec::from_elem(nchains, None))
pub fn mk<K:Eq IterBytes Hash, V: Copy>() -> T<K,V> {
let slf: T<K, V> = @HashMap_ {count: 0u,
chains: chains(initial_capacity)};
Function: hashmap
Construct a hashmap.
pub fn HashMap<K:Eq IterBytes Hash Const, V: Copy>()
-> HashMap<K, V> {
/// Convenience function for adding keys to a hashmap with nil type keys
pub fn set_add<K:Eq IterBytes Hash Const Copy>(set: Set<K>, key: K) -> bool {
set.insert(key, ())
/// Convert a set into a vector.
pub pure fn vec_from_set<T:Eq IterBytes Hash Copy>(s: Set<T>) -> ~[T] {
do vec::build_sized(s.size()) |push| {
for s.each_key() |k| {
/// Construct a hashmap from a vector
pub fn hash_from_vec<K: Eq IterBytes Hash Const Copy, V: Copy>(
items: &[(K, V)]) -> HashMap<K, V> {
let map = HashMap();
for vec::each(items) |item| {
match *item {
(copy key, copy value) => {
map.insert(key, value);
mod tests {
use map;
use core::option::None;
use core::option;
use core::uint;
fn test_simple() {
debug!("*** starting test_simple");
pure fn eq_uint(x: &uint, y: &uint) -> bool { *x == *y }
pure fn uint_id(x: &uint) -> uint { *x }
debug!("uint -> uint");
let hm_uu: map::HashMap<uint, uint> =
map::HashMap::<uint, uint>();
assert (hm_uu.insert(10u, 12u));
assert (hm_uu.insert(11u, 13u));
assert (hm_uu.insert(12u, 14u));
assert (hm_uu.get(11u) == 13u);
assert (hm_uu.get(12u) == 14u);
assert (hm_uu.get(10u) == 12u);
assert (!hm_uu.insert(12u, 14u));
assert (hm_uu.get(12u) == 14u);
assert (!hm_uu.insert(12u, 12u));
assert (hm_uu.get(12u) == 12u);
let ten: ~str = ~"ten";
let eleven: ~str = ~"eleven";
let twelve: ~str = ~"twelve";
debug!("str -> uint");
let hm_su: map::HashMap<~str, uint> =
map::HashMap::<~str, uint>();
assert (hm_su.insert(~"ten", 12u));
assert (hm_su.insert(eleven, 13u));
assert (hm_su.insert(~"twelve", 14u));
assert (hm_su.get(eleven) == 13u);
assert (hm_su.get(~"eleven") == 13u);
assert (hm_su.get(~"twelve") == 14u);
assert (hm_su.get(~"ten") == 12u);
assert (!hm_su.insert(~"twelve", 14u));
assert (hm_su.get(~"twelve") == 14u);
assert (!hm_su.insert(~"twelve", 12u));
assert (hm_su.get(~"twelve") == 12u);
debug!("uint -> str");
let hm_us: map::HashMap<uint, ~str> =
map::HashMap::<uint, ~str>();
assert (hm_us.insert(10u, ~"twelve"));
assert (hm_us.insert(11u, ~"thirteen"));
assert (hm_us.insert(12u, ~"fourteen"));
assert hm_us.get(11u) == ~"thirteen";
assert hm_us.get(12u) == ~"fourteen";
assert hm_us.get(10u) == ~"twelve";
assert (!hm_us.insert(12u, ~"fourteen"));
assert hm_us.get(12u) == ~"fourteen";
assert (!hm_us.insert(12u, ~"twelve"));
assert hm_us.get(12u) == ~"twelve";
debug!("str -> str");
let hm_ss: map::HashMap<~str, ~str> =
map::HashMap::<~str, ~str>();
assert (hm_ss.insert(ten, ~"twelve"));
assert (hm_ss.insert(eleven, ~"thirteen"));
assert (hm_ss.insert(twelve, ~"fourteen"));
assert hm_ss.get(~"eleven") == ~"thirteen";
assert hm_ss.get(~"twelve") == ~"fourteen";
assert hm_ss.get(~"ten") == ~"twelve";
assert (!hm_ss.insert(~"twelve", ~"fourteen"));
assert hm_ss.get(~"twelve") == ~"fourteen";
assert (!hm_ss.insert(~"twelve", ~"twelve"));
assert hm_ss.get(~"twelve") == ~"twelve";
debug!("*** finished test_simple");
* Force map growth
fn test_growth() {
debug!("*** starting test_growth");
let num_to_insert: uint = 64u;
pure fn eq_uint(x: &uint, y: &uint) -> bool { *x == *y }
pure fn uint_id(x: &uint) -> uint { *x }
debug!("uint -> uint");
let hm_uu: map::HashMap<uint, uint> =
map::HashMap::<uint, uint>();
let mut i: uint = 0u;
while i < num_to_insert {
assert (hm_uu.insert(i, i * i));
debug!("inserting %u -> %u", i, i*i);
i += 1u;
i = 0u;
while i < num_to_insert {
debug!("get(%u) = %u", i, hm_uu.get(i));
assert (hm_uu.get(i) == i * i);
i += 1u;
assert (hm_uu.insert(num_to_insert, 17u));
assert (hm_uu.get(num_to_insert) == 17u);
i = 0u;
while i < num_to_insert {
debug!("get(%u) = %u", i, hm_uu.get(i));
assert (hm_uu.get(i) == i * i);
i += 1u;
debug!("str -> str");
let hm_ss: map::HashMap<~str, ~str> =
map::HashMap::<~str, ~str>();
i = 0u;
while i < num_to_insert {
assert hm_ss.insert(uint::to_str(i, 2u), uint::to_str(i * i, 2u));
debug!("inserting \"%s\" -> \"%s\"",
uint::to_str(i, 2u),
uint::to_str(i*i, 2u));
i += 1u;
i = 0u;
while i < num_to_insert {
debug!("get(\"%s\") = \"%s\"",
uint::to_str(i, 2u),
hm_ss.get(uint::to_str(i, 2u)));
assert hm_ss.get(uint::to_str(i, 2u)) == uint::to_str(i * i, 2u);
i += 1u;
assert (hm_ss.insert(uint::to_str(num_to_insert, 2u),
uint::to_str(17u, 2u)));
assert hm_ss.get(uint::to_str(num_to_insert, 2u)) ==
uint::to_str(17u, 2u);
i = 0u;
while i < num_to_insert {
debug!("get(\"%s\") = \"%s\"",
uint::to_str(i, 2u),
hm_ss.get(uint::to_str(i, 2u)));
assert hm_ss.get(uint::to_str(i, 2u)) == uint::to_str(i * i, 2u);
i += 1u;
debug!("*** finished test_growth");
fn test_removal() {
debug!("*** starting test_removal");
let num_to_insert: uint = 64u;
let hm: map::HashMap<uint, uint> =
map::HashMap::<uint, uint>();
let mut i: uint = 0u;
while i < num_to_insert {
assert (hm.insert(i, i * i));
debug!("inserting %u -> %u", i, i*i);
i += 1u;
assert (hm.size() == num_to_insert);
debug!("removing evens");
i = 0u;
while i < num_to_insert {
let v = hm.remove(i);
assert v;
i += 2u;
assert (hm.size() == num_to_insert / 2u);
i = 1u;
while i < num_to_insert {
debug!("get(%u) = %u", i, hm.get(i));
assert (hm.get(i) == i * i);
i += 2u;
i = 1u;
while i < num_to_insert {
debug!("get(%u) = %u", i, hm.get(i));
assert (hm.get(i) == i * i);
i += 2u;
i = 0u;
while i < num_to_insert {
assert (hm.insert(i, i * i));
debug!("inserting %u -> %u", i, i*i);
i += 2u;
assert (hm.size() == num_to_insert);
i = 0u;
while i < num_to_insert {
debug!("get(%u) = %u", i, hm.get(i));
assert (hm.get(i) == i * i);
i += 1u;
assert (hm.size() == num_to_insert);
i = 0u;
while i < num_to_insert {
debug!("get(%u) = %u", i, hm.get(i));
assert (hm.get(i) == i * i);
i += 1u;
debug!("*** finished test_removal");
fn test_contains_key() {
let key = ~"k";
let map = map::HashMap::<~str, ~str>();
assert (!map.contains_key(key));
map.insert(key, ~"val");
assert (map.contains_key(key));
fn test_find() {
let key = ~"k";
let map = map::HashMap::<~str, ~str>();
assert (option::is_none(&map.find(key)));
map.insert(key, ~"val");
assert (option::get(map.find(key)) == ~"val");
fn test_clear() {
let key = ~"k";
let map = map::HashMap::<~str, ~str>();
map.insert(key, ~"val");
assert (map.size() == 1);
assert (map.contains_key(key));
assert (map.size() == 0);
assert (!map.contains_key(key));
fn test_hash_from_vec() {
let map = map::hash_from_vec(~[
(~"a", 1),
(~"b", 2),
(~"c", 3)
assert map.size() == 3u;
assert map.get(~"a") == 1;
assert map.get(~"b") == 2;
assert map.get(~"c") == 3;
fn test_update_with_key() {
let map = map::HashMap::<~str, uint>();
// given a new key, initialize it with this new count, given
// given an existing key, add more to its count
fn addMoreToCount(_k: ~str, v0: uint, v1: uint) -> uint {
v0 + v1
fn addMoreToCount_simple(v0: uint, v1: uint) -> uint {
v0 + v1
// count the number of several types of animal,
// adding in groups as we go
map.update(~"cat", 1, addMoreToCount_simple);
map.update_with_key(~"mongoose", 1, addMoreToCount);
map.update(~"cat", 7, addMoreToCount_simple);
map.update_with_key(~"ferret", 3, addMoreToCount);
map.update_with_key(~"cat", 2, addMoreToCount);
// check the total counts
assert 10 == option::get(map.find(~"cat"));
assert 3 == option::get(map.find(~"ferret"));
assert 1 == option::get(map.find(~"mongoose"));
// sadly, no mythical animals were counted!
assert None == map.find(~"unicorn");