This is more consistent with other parts of the language and it also makes it easier to use in situations where format string is massive.
295 lines
10 KiB
295 lines
10 KiB
// Copyright 2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// xfail-fast: check-fast screws up repr paths
use std::fmt;
use std::rt::io::Decorator;
use std::rt::io::mem::MemWriter;
use std::rt::io;
use std::rt::io::Writer;
use std::str;
struct A;
struct B;
impl fmt::Signed for A {
fn fmt(_: &A, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) { f.buf.write("aloha".as_bytes()); }
impl fmt::Signed for B {
fn fmt(_: &B, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) { f.buf.write("adios".as_bytes()); }
macro_rules! t(($a:expr, $b:expr) => { assert_eq!($a, $b.to_owned()) })
pub fn main() {
// Make sure there's a poly formatter that takes anything
t!(format!("{:?}", 1), "1");
t!(format!("{:?}", A), "A");
t!(format!("{:?}", ()), "()");
t!(format!("{:?}", @(~1, "foo")), "@(~1, \"foo\")");
// Various edge cases without formats
t!(format!(""), "");
t!(format!("hello"), "hello");
t!(format!("hello \\{"), "hello {");
// default formatters should work
t!(format!("{}", 1i), "1");
t!(format!("{}", 1i8), "1");
t!(format!("{}", 1i16), "1");
t!(format!("{}", 1i32), "1");
t!(format!("{}", 1i64), "1");
t!(format!("{}", 1u), "1");
t!(format!("{}", 1u8), "1");
t!(format!("{}", 1u16), "1");
t!(format!("{}", 1u32), "1");
t!(format!("{}", 1u64), "1");
t!(format!("{}", 1.0f), "1");
t!(format!("{}", 1.0f32), "1");
t!(format!("{}", 1.0f64), "1");
t!(format!("{}", "a"), "a");
t!(format!("{}", ~"a"), "a");
t!(format!("{}", @"a"), "a");
t!(format!("{}", false), "false");
t!(format!("{}", 'a'), "a");
// At least exercise all the formats
t!(format!("{:b}", true), "true");
t!(format!("{:c}", '☃'), "☃");
t!(format!("{:d}", 10), "10");
t!(format!("{:i}", 10), "10");
t!(format!("{:u}", 10u), "10");
t!(format!("{:o}", 10u), "12");
t!(format!("{:x}", 10u), "a");
t!(format!("{:X}", 10u), "A");
t!(format!("{:s}", "foo"), "foo");
t!(format!("{:s}", ~"foo"), "foo");
t!(format!("{:s}", @"foo"), "foo");
t!(format!("{:p}", 0x1234 as *int), "0x1234");
t!(format!("{:p}", 0x1234 as *mut int), "0x1234");
t!(format!("{:d}", A), "aloha");
t!(format!("{:d}", B), "adios");
t!(format!("foo {:s} ☃☃☃☃☃☃", "bar"), "foo bar ☃☃☃☃☃☃");
t!(format!("{1} {0}", 0, 1), "1 0");
t!(format!("{foo} {bar}", foo=0, bar=1), "0 1");
t!(format!("{foo} {1} {bar} {0}", 0, 1, foo=2, bar=3), "2 1 3 0");
t!(format!("{} {0:s}", "a"), "a a");
t!(format!("{} {0}", "a"), "a a");
t!(format!("{foo_bar}", foo_bar=1), "1");
// Methods should probably work
t!(format!("{0, plural, =1{a#} =2{b#} zero{c#} other{d#}}", 0u), "c0");
t!(format!("{0, plural, =1{a#} =2{b#} zero{c#} other{d#}}", 1u), "a1");
t!(format!("{0, plural, =1{a#} =2{b#} zero{c#} other{d#}}", 2u), "b2");
t!(format!("{0, plural, =1{a#} =2{b#} zero{c#} other{d#}}", 3u), "d3");
t!(format!("{0, select, a{a#} b{b#} c{c#} other{d#}}", "a"), "aa");
t!(format!("{0, select, a{a#} b{b#} c{c#} other{d#}}", "b"), "bb");
t!(format!("{0, select, a{a#} b{b#} c{c#} other{d#}}", "c"), "cc");
t!(format!("{0, select, a{a#} b{b#} c{c#} other{d#}}", "d"), "dd");
t!(format!("{1, select, a{#{0:s}} other{#{1}}}", "b", "a"), "ab");
t!(format!("{1, select, a{#{0}} other{#{1}}}", "c", "b"), "bb");
// Formatting strings and their arguments
t!(format!("{:s}", "a"), "a");
t!(format!("{:4s}", "a"), "a ");
t!(format!("{:>4s}", "a"), " a");
t!(format!("{:<4s}", "a"), "a ");
t!(format!("{:.4s}", "a"), "a");
t!(format!("{:4.4s}", "a"), "a ");
t!(format!("{:4.4s}", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"), "aaaa");
t!(format!("{:<4.4s}", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"), "aaaa");
t!(format!("{:>4.4s}", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"), "aaaa");
t!(format!("{:>10.4s}", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"), "aaaa");
t!(format!("{:2.4s}", "aaaaa"), "aaaa");
t!(format!("{:2.4s}", "aaaa"), "aaaa");
t!(format!("{:2.4s}", "aaa"), "aaa");
t!(format!("{:2.4s}", "aa"), "aa");
t!(format!("{:2.4s}", "a"), "a ");
t!(format!("{:0>2s}", "a"), "0a");
t!(format!("{:.*s}", 4, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"), "aaaa");
t!(format!("{:.1$s}", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", 4), "aaaa");
t!(format!("{:1$s}", "a", 4), "a ");
t!(format!("{:-#s}", "a"), "a");
t!(format!("{:+#s}", "a"), "a");
// Formatting integers should select the right implementation based off the
// type of the argument. Also, hex/octal/binary should be defined for
// integers, but they shouldn't emit the negative sign.
t!(format!("{:d}", -1i), "-1");
t!(format!("{:d}", -1i8), "-1");
t!(format!("{:d}", -1i16), "-1");
t!(format!("{:d}", -1i32), "-1");
t!(format!("{:d}", -1i64), "-1");
t!(format!("{:t}", 1i), "1");
t!(format!("{:t}", 1i8), "1");
t!(format!("{:t}", 1i16), "1");
t!(format!("{:t}", 1i32), "1");
t!(format!("{:t}", 1i64), "1");
t!(format!("{:x}", 1i), "1");
t!(format!("{:x}", 1i8), "1");
t!(format!("{:x}", 1i16), "1");
t!(format!("{:x}", 1i32), "1");
t!(format!("{:x}", 1i64), "1");
t!(format!("{:X}", 1i), "1");
t!(format!("{:X}", 1i8), "1");
t!(format!("{:X}", 1i16), "1");
t!(format!("{:X}", 1i32), "1");
t!(format!("{:X}", 1i64), "1");
t!(format!("{:o}", 1i), "1");
t!(format!("{:o}", 1i8), "1");
t!(format!("{:o}", 1i16), "1");
t!(format!("{:o}", 1i32), "1");
t!(format!("{:o}", 1i64), "1");
t!(format!("{:u}", 1u), "1");
t!(format!("{:u}", 1u8), "1");
t!(format!("{:u}", 1u16), "1");
t!(format!("{:u}", 1u32), "1");
t!(format!("{:u}", 1u64), "1");
t!(format!("{:t}", 1u), "1");
t!(format!("{:t}", 1u8), "1");
t!(format!("{:t}", 1u16), "1");
t!(format!("{:t}", 1u32), "1");
t!(format!("{:t}", 1u64), "1");
t!(format!("{:x}", 1u), "1");
t!(format!("{:x}", 1u8), "1");
t!(format!("{:x}", 1u16), "1");
t!(format!("{:x}", 1u32), "1");
t!(format!("{:x}", 1u64), "1");
t!(format!("{:X}", 1u), "1");
t!(format!("{:X}", 1u8), "1");
t!(format!("{:X}", 1u16), "1");
t!(format!("{:X}", 1u32), "1");
t!(format!("{:X}", 1u64), "1");
t!(format!("{:o}", 1u), "1");
t!(format!("{:o}", 1u8), "1");
t!(format!("{:o}", 1u16), "1");
t!(format!("{:o}", 1u32), "1");
t!(format!("{:o}", 1u64), "1");
// Test the flags for formatting integers
t!(format!("{:3d}", 1), " 1");
t!(format!("{:>3d}", 1), " 1");
t!(format!("{:>+3d}", 1), " +1");
t!(format!("{:<3d}", 1), "1 ");
t!(format!("{:#d}", 1), "1");
t!(format!("{:#x}", 10), "0xa");
t!(format!("{:#X}", 10), "0xA");
t!(format!("{:#5x}", 10), " 0xa");
t!(format!("{:#o}", 10), "0o12");
t!(format!("{:08x}", 10), "0000000a");
t!(format!("{:8x}", 10), " a");
t!(format!("{:<8x}", 10), "a ");
t!(format!("{:>8x}", 10), " a");
t!(format!("{:#08x}", 10), "0x00000a");
t!(format!("{:08d}", -10), "-0000010");
t!(format!("{:x}", -1u8), "ff");
t!(format!("{:X}", -1u8), "FF");
t!(format!("{:t}", -1u8), "11111111");
t!(format!("{:o}", -1u8), "377");
t!(format!("{:#x}", -1u8), "0xff");
t!(format!("{:#X}", -1u8), "0xFF");
t!(format!("{:#t}", -1u8), "0b11111111");
t!(format!("{:#o}", -1u8), "0o377");
// Signed combinations
t!(format!("{:+5d}", 1), " +1");
t!(format!("{:+5d}", -1), " -1");
t!(format!("{:05d}", 1), "00001");
t!(format!("{:05d}", -1), "-0001");
t!(format!("{:+05d}", 1), "+0001");
t!(format!("{:+05d}", -1), "-0001");
// Some float stuff
t!(format!("{:f}", 1.0f), "1");
t!(format!("{:f}", 1.0f32), "1");
t!(format!("{:f}", 1.0f64), "1");
t!(format!("{:.3f}", 1.0f), "1.000");
t!(format!("{:10.3f}", 1.0f), " 1.000");
t!(format!("{:+10.3f}", 1.0f), " +1.000");
t!(format!("{:+10.3f}", -1.0f), " -1.000");
// Escaping
t!(format!("\\{"), "{");
t!(format!("\\}"), "}");
t!(format!("\\#"), "#");
t!(format!("\\\\"), "\\");
// make sure that format! doesn't move out of local variables
let a = ~3;
format!("{:?}", a);
format!("{:?}", a);
// make sure that format! doesn't cause spurious unused-unsafe warnings when
// it's inside of an outer unsafe block
unsafe {
let a: int = ::std::cast::transmute(3u);
format!("{}", a);
// test that trailing commas are acceptable
format!("{}", "test",);
format!("{foo}", foo="test",);
// Basic test to make sure that we can invoke the `write!` macro with an
// io::Writer instance.
fn test_write() {
let mut buf = MemWriter::new();
write!(&mut buf as &mut io::Writer, "{}", 3);
let w = &mut buf as &mut io::Writer;
write!(w, "{foo}", foo=4);
write!(w, "{:s}", "hello");
writeln!(w, "{}", "line");
writeln!(w, "{foo}", foo="bar");
let s = str::from_utf8_owned(buf.inner());
t!(s, "34helloline\nbar\n");
// Just make sure that the macros are defined, there's not really a lot that we
// can do with them just yet (to test the output)
fn test_print() {
print!("{:?}", ~[0u8]);
println!("this is a {}", "test");
println!("{foo}", foo="bar");
// Just make sure that the macros are defined, there's not really a lot that we
// can do with them just yet (to test the output)
fn test_format_args() {
let mut buf = MemWriter::new();
let w = &mut buf as &mut io::Writer;
format_args!(|args| { fmt::write(w, args) }, "{}", 1);
format_args!(|args| { fmt::write(w, args) }, "test");
format_args!(|args| { fmt::write(w, args) }, "{test}", test=3);
let s = str::from_utf8_owned(buf.inner());
t!(s, "1test3");
let s = format_args!(fmt::format, "hello {}", "world");
t!(s, "hello world");