2020-01-08 02:08:17 +08:00

661 lines
20 KiB

//! FIXME: write short doc here
use std::cell::RefCell;
use hir::diagnostics::{AstDiagnostic, Diagnostic as _, DiagnosticSink};
use itertools::Itertools;
use ra_db::{RelativePath, SourceDatabase, SourceDatabaseExt};
use ra_prof::profile;
use ra_syntax::{
ast::{self, make, AstNode},
Location, SyntaxNode, TextRange, T,
use ra_text_edit::{TextEdit, TextEditBuilder};
use crate::{db::RootDatabase, Diagnostic, FileId, FileSystemEdit, SourceChange, SourceFileEdit};
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum Severity {
pub(crate) fn diagnostics(db: &RootDatabase, file_id: FileId) -> Vec<Diagnostic> {
let _p = profile("diagnostics");
let parse = db.parse(file_id);
let mut res = Vec::new();
res.extend(parse.errors().iter().map(|err| Diagnostic {
range: location_to_range(err.location()),
message: format!("Syntax Error: {}", err),
severity: Severity::Error,
fix: None,
for node in parse.tree().syntax().descendants() {
check_unnecessary_braces_in_use_statement(&mut res, file_id, &node);
check_struct_shorthand_initialization(&mut res, file_id, &node);
let res = RefCell::new(res);
let mut sink = DiagnosticSink::new(|d| {
res.borrow_mut().push(Diagnostic {
message: d.message(),
range: d.highlight_range(),
severity: Severity::Error,
fix: None,
.on::<hir::diagnostics::UnresolvedModule, _>(|d| {
let original_file = d.source().file_id.original_file(db);
let source_root = db.file_source_root(original_file);
let path = db
.unwrap_or_else(|| RelativePath::new(""))
let create_file = FileSystemEdit::CreateFile { source_root, path };
let fix = SourceChange::file_system_edit("create module", create_file);
res.borrow_mut().push(Diagnostic {
range: d.highlight_range(),
message: d.message(),
severity: Severity::Error,
fix: Some(fix),
.on::<hir::diagnostics::MissingFields, _>(|d| {
let mut field_list = d.ast(db);
for f in d.missed_fields.iter() {
// Note that although we could add a diagnostics to
// fill the missing tuple field, e.g :
// `struct A(usize);`
// `let a = A { 0: () }`
// but it is uncommon usage and it should not be encouraged.
if f.as_tuple_index().is_some() {
let field = make::record_field(make::name_ref(&f.to_string()), Some(make::expr_unit()));
field_list = field_list.append_field(&field);
let mut builder = TextEditBuilder::default();
algo::diff(&d.ast(db).syntax(), &field_list.syntax()).into_text_edit(&mut builder);
let fix =
SourceChange::source_file_edit_from("fill struct fields", file_id, builder.finish());
res.borrow_mut().push(Diagnostic {
range: d.highlight_range(),
message: d.message(),
severity: Severity::Error,
fix: Some(fix),
.on::<hir::diagnostics::MissingOkInTailExpr, _>(|d| {
let node = d.ast(db);
let replacement = format!("Ok({})", node.syntax());
let edit = TextEdit::replace(node.syntax().text_range(), replacement);
let fix = SourceChange::source_file_edit_from("wrap with ok", file_id, edit);
res.borrow_mut().push(Diagnostic {
range: d.highlight_range(),
message: d.message(),
severity: Severity::Error,
fix: Some(fix),
let source_file = db.parse(file_id).tree();
let src =
hir::InFile { file_id: file_id.into(), value: hir::ModuleSource::SourceFile(source_file) };
if let Some(m) = hir::Module::from_definition(db, src) {
m.diagnostics(db, &mut sink);
fn location_to_range(location: Location) -> TextRange {
match location {
Location::Offset(offset) => TextRange::offset_len(offset, 1.into()),
Location::Range(range) => range,
fn check_unnecessary_braces_in_use_statement(
acc: &mut Vec<Diagnostic>,
file_id: FileId,
node: &SyntaxNode,
) -> Option<()> {
let use_tree_list = ast::UseTreeList::cast(node.clone())?;
if let Some((single_use_tree,)) = use_tree_list.use_trees().collect_tuple() {
let range = use_tree_list.syntax().text_range();
let edit =
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
let to_replace = single_use_tree.syntax().text().to_string();
let mut edit_builder = TextEditBuilder::default();
edit_builder.insert(range.start(), to_replace);
acc.push(Diagnostic {
message: "Unnecessary braces in use statement".to_string(),
severity: Severity::WeakWarning,
fix: Some(SourceChange::source_file_edit(
"Remove unnecessary braces",
SourceFileEdit { file_id, edit },
fn text_edit_for_remove_unnecessary_braces_with_self_in_use_statement(
single_use_tree: &ast::UseTree,
) -> Option<TextEdit> {
let use_tree_list_node = single_use_tree.syntax().parent()?;
if single_use_tree.path()?.segment()?.syntax().first_child_or_token()?.kind() == T![self] {
let start = use_tree_list_node.prev_sibling_or_token()?.text_range().start();
let end = use_tree_list_node.text_range().end();
let range = TextRange::from_to(start, end);
return Some(TextEdit::delete(range));
fn check_struct_shorthand_initialization(
acc: &mut Vec<Diagnostic>,
file_id: FileId,
node: &SyntaxNode,
) -> Option<()> {
let record_lit = ast::RecordLit::cast(node.clone())?;
let record_field_list = record_lit.record_field_list()?;
for record_field in record_field_list.fields() {
if let (Some(name_ref), Some(expr)) = (record_field.name_ref(), record_field.expr()) {
let field_name = name_ref.syntax().text().to_string();
let field_expr = expr.syntax().text().to_string();
if field_name == field_expr {
let mut edit_builder = TextEditBuilder::default();
edit_builder.insert(record_field.syntax().text_range().start(), field_name);
let edit = edit_builder.finish();
acc.push(Diagnostic {
range: record_field.syntax().text_range(),
message: "Shorthand struct initialization".to_string(),
severity: Severity::WeakWarning,
fix: Some(SourceChange::source_file_edit(
"use struct shorthand initialization",
SourceFileEdit { file_id, edit },
mod tests {
use insta::assert_debug_snapshot;
use join_to_string::join;
use ra_syntax::SourceFile;
use test_utils::assert_eq_text;
use crate::mock_analysis::{analysis_and_position, single_file};
use super::*;
type DiagnosticChecker = fn(&mut Vec<Diagnostic>, FileId, &SyntaxNode) -> Option<()>;
fn check_not_applicable(code: &str, func: DiagnosticChecker) {
let parse = SourceFile::parse(code);
let mut diagnostics = Vec::new();
for node in parse.tree().syntax().descendants() {
func(&mut diagnostics, FileId(0), &node);
fn check_apply(before: &str, after: &str, func: DiagnosticChecker) {
let parse = SourceFile::parse(before);
let mut diagnostics = Vec::new();
for node in parse.tree().syntax().descendants() {
func(&mut diagnostics, FileId(0), &node);
let diagnostic =
diagnostics.pop().unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("no diagnostics for:\n{}\n", before));
let mut fix = diagnostic.fix.unwrap();
let edit = fix.source_file_edits.pop().unwrap().edit;
let actual = edit.apply(&before);
assert_eq_text!(after, &actual);
/// Takes a multi-file input fixture with annotated cursor positions,
/// and checks that:
/// * a diagnostic is produced
/// * this diagnostic touches the input cursor position
/// * that the contents of the file containing the cursor match `after` after the diagnostic fix is applied
fn check_apply_diagnostic_fix_from_position(fixture: &str, after: &str) {
let (analysis, file_position) = analysis_and_position(fixture);
let diagnostic = analysis.diagnostics(file_position.file_id).unwrap().pop().unwrap();
let mut fix = diagnostic.fix.unwrap();
let edit = fix.source_file_edits.pop().unwrap().edit;
let target_file_contents = analysis.file_text(file_position.file_id).unwrap();
let actual = edit.apply(&target_file_contents);
// Strip indent and empty lines from `after`, to match the behaviour of
// `parse_fixture` called from `analysis_and_position`.
let margin = fixture
.filter(|it| it.trim_start().starts_with("//-"))
.map(|it| it.len() - it.trim_start().len())
.expect("empty fixture");
let after = join(after.lines().filter_map(|line| {
if line.len() > margin {
} else {
assert_eq_text!(&after, &actual);
diagnostic.range.start() <= file_position.offset
&& diagnostic.range.end() >= file_position.offset,
"diagnostic range {} does not touch cursor position {}",
fn check_apply_diagnostic_fix(before: &str, after: &str) {
let (analysis, file_id) = single_file(before);
let diagnostic = analysis.diagnostics(file_id).unwrap().pop().unwrap();
let mut fix = diagnostic.fix.unwrap();
let edit = fix.source_file_edits.pop().unwrap().edit;
let actual = edit.apply(&before);
assert_eq_text!(after, &actual);
/// Takes a multi-file input fixture with annotated cursor position and checks that no diagnostics
/// apply to the file containing the cursor.
fn check_no_diagnostic_for_target_file(fixture: &str) {
let (analysis, file_position) = analysis_and_position(fixture);
let diagnostics = analysis.diagnostics(file_position.file_id).unwrap();
assert_eq!(diagnostics.len(), 0);
fn check_no_diagnostic(content: &str) {
let (analysis, file_id) = single_file(content);
let diagnostics = analysis.diagnostics(file_id).unwrap();
assert_eq!(diagnostics.len(), 0);
fn test_wrap_return_type() {
let before = r#"
//- /
use std::{string::String, result::Result::{self, Ok, Err}};
fn div(x: i32, y: i32) -> Result<i32, String> {
if y == 0 {
return Err("div by zero".into());
x / y<|>
//- /std/
pub mod string {
pub struct String { }
pub mod result {
pub enum Result<T, E> { Ok(T), Err(E) }
let after = r#"
use std::{string::String, result::Result::{self, Ok, Err}};
fn div(x: i32, y: i32) -> Result<i32, String> {
if y == 0 {
return Err("div by zero".into());
Ok(x / y)
check_apply_diagnostic_fix_from_position(before, after);
fn test_wrap_return_type_handles_generic_functions() {
let before = r#"
//- /
use std::result::Result::{self, Ok, Err};
fn div<T>(x: T) -> Result<T, i32> {
if x == 0 {
return Err(7);
//- /std/
pub mod result {
pub enum Result<T, E> { Ok(T), Err(E) }
let after = r#"
use std::result::Result::{self, Ok, Err};
fn div<T>(x: T) -> Result<T, i32> {
if x == 0 {
return Err(7);
check_apply_diagnostic_fix_from_position(before, after);
fn test_wrap_return_type_handles_type_aliases() {
let before = r#"
//- /
use std::{string::String, result::Result::{self, Ok, Err}};
type MyResult<T> = Result<T, String>;
fn div(x: i32, y: i32) -> MyResult<i32> {
if y == 0 {
return Err("div by zero".into());
x <|>/ y
//- /std/
pub mod string {
pub struct String { }
pub mod result {
pub enum Result<T, E> { Ok(T), Err(E) }
let after = r#"
use std::{string::String, result::Result::{self, Ok, Err}};
type MyResult<T> = Result<T, String>;
fn div(x: i32, y: i32) -> MyResult<i32> {
if y == 0 {
return Err("div by zero".into());
Ok(x / y)
check_apply_diagnostic_fix_from_position(before, after);
fn test_wrap_return_type_not_applicable_when_expr_type_does_not_match_ok_type() {
let content = r#"
//- /
use std::{string::String, result::Result::{self, Ok, Err}};
fn foo() -> Result<String, i32> {
//- /std/
pub mod string {
pub struct String { }
pub mod result {
pub enum Result<T, E> { Ok(T), Err(E) }
fn test_wrap_return_type_not_applicable_when_return_type_is_not_result() {
let content = r#"
//- /
use std::{string::String, result::Result::{self, Ok, Err}};
enum SomeOtherEnum {
fn foo() -> SomeOtherEnum {
//- /std/
pub mod string {
pub struct String { }
pub mod result {
pub enum Result<T, E> { Ok(T), Err(E) }
fn test_fill_struct_fields_empty() {
let before = r"
struct TestStruct {
one: i32,
two: i64,
fn test_fn() {
let s = TestStruct{};
let after = r"
struct TestStruct {
one: i32,
two: i64,
fn test_fn() {
let s = TestStruct{ one: (), two: ()};
check_apply_diagnostic_fix(before, after);
fn test_fill_struct_fields_partial() {
let before = r"
struct TestStruct {
one: i32,
two: i64,
fn test_fn() {
let s = TestStruct{ two: 2 };
let after = r"
struct TestStruct {
one: i32,
two: i64,
fn test_fn() {
let s = TestStruct{ two: 2, one: () };
check_apply_diagnostic_fix(before, after);
fn test_fill_struct_fields_no_diagnostic() {
let content = r"
struct TestStruct {
one: i32,
two: i64,
fn test_fn() {
let one = 1;
let s = TestStruct{ one, two: 2 };
fn test_fill_struct_fields_no_diagnostic_on_spread() {
let content = r"
struct TestStruct {
one: i32,
two: i64,
fn test_fn() {
let one = 1;
let s = TestStruct{ ..a };
fn test_unresolved_module_diagnostic() {
let (analysis, file_id) = single_file("mod foo;");
let diagnostics = analysis.diagnostics(file_id).unwrap();
assert_debug_snapshot!(diagnostics, @r###"
Diagnostic {
message: "unresolved module",
range: [0; 8),
fix: Some(
SourceChange {
label: "create module",
source_file_edits: [],
file_system_edits: [
CreateFile {
source_root: SourceRootId(
path: "",
cursor_position: None,
severity: Error,
fn test_check_unnecessary_braces_in_use_statement() {
use a;
use a::{c, d::e};
check_apply("use {b};", "use b;", check_unnecessary_braces_in_use_statement);
check_apply("use a::{c};", "use a::c;", check_unnecessary_braces_in_use_statement);
check_apply("use a::{self};", "use a;", check_unnecessary_braces_in_use_statement);
"use a::{c, d::{e}};",
"use a::{c, d::e};",
fn test_check_struct_shorthand_initialization() {
struct A {
a: &'static str
fn main() {
A {
a: "hello"
struct A {
a: &'static str
fn main() {
let a = "haha";
A {
a: a
struct A {
a: &'static str
fn main() {
let a = "haha";
A {
struct A {
a: &'static str,
b: &'static str
fn main() {
let a = "haha";
let b = "bb";
A {
a: a,
struct A {
a: &'static str,
b: &'static str
fn main() {
let a = "haha";
let b = "bb";
A {