372 lines
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372 lines
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// Copyright 2016 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! Documentation generation for rustbuild.
//! This module implements generation for all bits and pieces of documentation
//! for the Rust project. This notably includes suites like the rust book, the
//! nomicon, standalone documentation, etc.
//! Everything here is basically just a shim around calling either `rustbook` or
//! `rustdoc`.
use std::fs::{self, File};
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::io;
use std::path::Path;
use std::process::Command;
use {Build, Compiler, Mode};
use util::{cp_r, symlink_dir};
use build_helper::up_to_date;
/// Invoke `rustbook` as compiled in `stage` for `target` for the doc book
/// `name` into the `out` path.
/// This will not actually generate any documentation if the documentation has
/// already been generated.
pub fn rustbook(build: &Build, target: &str, name: &str) {
let out = build.doc_out(target);
let out = out.join(name);
let compiler = Compiler::new(0, &build.config.build);
let src = build.src.join("src/doc").join(name);
let index = out.join("index.html");
let rustbook = build.tool(&compiler, "rustbook");
if up_to_date(&src, &index) && up_to_date(&rustbook, &index) {
println!("Rustbook ({}) - {}", target, name);
let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(&out);
build.run(build.tool_cmd(&compiler, "rustbook")
/// Build the book and associated stuff.
/// We need to build:
/// * Book (first edition)
/// * Book (second edition)
/// * Index page
/// * Redirect pages
pub fn book(build: &Build, target: &str, name: &str) {
// build book first edition
rustbook(build, target, &format!("{}/first-edition", name));
// build book second edition
rustbook(build, target, &format!("{}/second-edition", name));
// build the index page
let index = format!("{}/index.md", name);
println!("Documenting book index ({})", target);
invoke_rustdoc(build, target, &index);
// build the redirect pages
println!("Documenting book redirect pages ({})", target);
for file in t!(fs::read_dir(build.src.join("src/doc/book/redirects"))) {
let file = t!(file);
let path = file.path();
let path = path.to_str().unwrap();
invoke_rustdoc(build, target, path);
fn invoke_rustdoc(build: &Build, target: &str, markdown: &str) {
let out = build.doc_out(target);
let compiler = Compiler::new(0, &build.config.build);
let path = build.src.join("src/doc").join(markdown);
let rustdoc = build.rustdoc(&compiler);
let favicon = build.src.join("src/doc/favicon.inc");
let footer = build.src.join("src/doc/footer.inc");
let version_input = build.src.join("src/doc/version_info.html.template");
let version_info = out.join("version_info.html");
if !up_to_date(&version_input, &version_info) {
let mut info = String::new();
t!(t!(File::open(&version_input)).read_to_string(&mut info));
let info = info.replace("VERSION", &build.rust_release())
.replace("SHORT_HASH", build.rust_info.sha_short().unwrap_or(""))
.replace("STAMP", build.rust_info.sha().unwrap_or(""));
let mut cmd = Command::new(&rustdoc);
build.add_rustc_lib_path(&compiler, &mut cmd);
let out = out.join("book");
t!(fs::copy(build.src.join("src/doc/rust.css"), out.join("rust.css")));
build.run(&mut cmd);
/// Generates all standalone documentation as compiled by the rustdoc in `stage`
/// for the `target` into `out`.
/// This will list all of `src/doc` looking for markdown files and appropriately
/// perform transformations like substituting `VERSION`, `SHORT_HASH`, and
/// `STAMP` alongw ith providing the various header/footer HTML we've cutomized.
/// In the end, this is just a glorified wrapper around rustdoc!
pub fn standalone(build: &Build, target: &str) {
println!("Documenting standalone ({})", target);
let out = build.doc_out(target);
let compiler = Compiler::new(0, &build.config.build);
let favicon = build.src.join("src/doc/favicon.inc");
let footer = build.src.join("src/doc/footer.inc");
let full_toc = build.src.join("src/doc/full-toc.inc");
t!(fs::copy(build.src.join("src/doc/rust.css"), out.join("rust.css")));
let version_input = build.src.join("src/doc/version_info.html.template");
let version_info = out.join("version_info.html");
if !up_to_date(&version_input, &version_info) {
let mut info = String::new();
t!(t!(File::open(&version_input)).read_to_string(&mut info));
let info = info.replace("VERSION", &build.rust_release())
.replace("SHORT_HASH", build.rust_info.sha_short().unwrap_or(""))
.replace("STAMP", build.rust_info.sha().unwrap_or(""));
for file in t!(fs::read_dir(build.src.join("src/doc"))) {
let file = t!(file);
let path = file.path();
let filename = path.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap();
if !filename.ends_with(".md") || filename == "README.md" {
let html = out.join(filename).with_extension("html");
let rustdoc = build.rustdoc(&compiler);
if up_to_date(&path, &html) &&
up_to_date(&footer, &html) &&
up_to_date(&favicon, &html) &&
up_to_date(&full_toc, &html) &&
up_to_date(&version_info, &html) &&
up_to_date(&rustdoc, &html) {
let mut cmd = Command::new(&rustdoc);
build.add_rustc_lib_path(&compiler, &mut cmd);
if filename == "not_found.md" {
} else {
build.run(&mut cmd);
/// Compile all standard library documentation.
/// This will generate all documentation for the standard library and its
/// dependencies. This is largely just a wrapper around `cargo doc`.
pub fn std(build: &Build, stage: u32, target: &str) {
println!("Documenting stage{} std ({})", stage, target);
let out = build.doc_out(target);
let compiler = Compiler::new(stage, &build.config.build);
let compiler = if build.force_use_stage1(&compiler, target) {
Compiler::new(1, compiler.host)
} else {
let out_dir = build.stage_out(&compiler, Mode::Libstd)
let rustdoc = build.rustdoc(&compiler);
// Here what we're doing is creating a *symlink* (directory junction on
// Windows) to the final output location. This is not done as an
// optimization but rather for correctness. We've got three trees of
// documentation, one for std, one for test, and one for rustc. It's then
// our job to merge them all together.
// Unfortunately rustbuild doesn't know nearly as well how to merge doc
// trees as rustdoc does itself, so instead of actually having three
// separate trees we just have rustdoc output to the same location across
// all of them.
// This way rustdoc generates output directly into the output, and rustdoc
// will also directly handle merging.
let my_out = build.crate_doc_out(target);
build.clear_if_dirty(&my_out, &rustdoc);
t!(symlink_dir_force(&my_out, &out_dir));
let mut cargo = build.cargo(&compiler, Mode::Libstd, target, "doc");
// We don't want to build docs for internal std dependencies unless
// in compiler-docs mode. When not in that mode, we whitelist the crates
// for which docs must be built.
if !build.config.compiler_docs {
for krate in &["alloc", "collections", "core", "std", "std_unicode"] {
// Create all crate output directories first to make sure rustdoc uses
// relative links.
// FIXME: Cargo should probably do this itself.
build.run(&mut cargo);
cp_r(&my_out, &out);
/// Compile all libtest documentation.
/// This will generate all documentation for libtest and its dependencies. This
/// is largely just a wrapper around `cargo doc`.
pub fn test(build: &Build, stage: u32, target: &str) {
println!("Documenting stage{} test ({})", stage, target);
let out = build.doc_out(target);
let compiler = Compiler::new(stage, &build.config.build);
let compiler = if build.force_use_stage1(&compiler, target) {
Compiler::new(1, compiler.host)
} else {
let out_dir = build.stage_out(&compiler, Mode::Libtest)
let rustdoc = build.rustdoc(&compiler);
// See docs in std above for why we symlink
let my_out = build.crate_doc_out(target);
build.clear_if_dirty(&my_out, &rustdoc);
t!(symlink_dir_force(&my_out, &out_dir));
let mut cargo = build.cargo(&compiler, Mode::Libtest, target, "doc");
build.run(&mut cargo);
cp_r(&my_out, &out);
/// Generate all compiler documentation.
/// This will generate all documentation for the compiler libraries and their
/// dependencies. This is largely just a wrapper around `cargo doc`.
pub fn rustc(build: &Build, stage: u32, target: &str) {
println!("Documenting stage{} compiler ({})", stage, target);
let out = build.doc_out(target);
let compiler = Compiler::new(stage, &build.config.build);
let compiler = if build.force_use_stage1(&compiler, target) {
Compiler::new(1, compiler.host)
} else {
let out_dir = build.stage_out(&compiler, Mode::Librustc)
let rustdoc = build.rustdoc(&compiler);
// See docs in std above for why we symlink
let my_out = build.crate_doc_out(target);
build.clear_if_dirty(&my_out, &rustdoc);
t!(symlink_dir_force(&my_out, &out_dir));
let mut cargo = build.cargo(&compiler, Mode::Librustc, target, "doc");
if build.config.compiler_docs {
// src/rustc/Cargo.toml contains bin crates called rustc and rustdoc
// which would otherwise overwrite the docs for the real rustc and
// rustdoc lib crates.
} else {
// Like with libstd above if compiler docs aren't enabled then we're not
// documenting internal dependencies, so we have a whitelist.
for krate in &["proc_macro"] {
build.run(&mut cargo);
cp_r(&my_out, &out);
/// Generates the HTML rendered error-index by running the
/// `error_index_generator` tool.
pub fn error_index(build: &Build, target: &str) {
println!("Documenting error index ({})", target);
let out = build.doc_out(target);
let compiler = Compiler::new(0, &build.config.build);
let mut index = build.tool_cmd(&compiler, "error_index_generator");
// FIXME: shouldn't have to pass this env var
index.env("CFG_BUILD", &build.config.build);
build.run(&mut index);
fn symlink_dir_force(src: &Path, dst: &Path) -> io::Result<()> {
if let Ok(m) = fs::symlink_metadata(dst) {
if m.file_type().is_dir() {
} else {
// handle directory junctions on windows by falling back to
// `remove_dir`.
try!(fs::remove_file(dst).or_else(|_| {
symlink_dir(src, dst)