2013-07-08 13:55:11 -04:00

1346 lines
41 KiB

// Copyright 2012-2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! Process spawning.
use cast;
use comm::{stream, SharedChan, GenericChan, GenericPort};
use io;
use iterator::IteratorUtil;
use libc::{pid_t, c_void, c_int};
use libc;
use option::{Some, None};
use os;
use prelude::*;
use ptr;
use str;
use task;
use vec::ImmutableVector;
* A value representing a child process.
* The lifetime of this value is linked to the lifetime of the actual
* process - the Process destructor calls self.finish() which waits
* for the process to terminate.
pub struct Process {
/// The unique id of the process (this should never be negative).
priv pid: pid_t,
* A handle to the process - on unix this will always be NULL, but on
* windows it will be a HANDLE to the process, which will prevent the
* pid being re-used until the handle is closed.
priv handle: *(),
/// Some(fd), or None when stdin is being redirected from a fd not created by Process::new.
priv input: Option<c_int>,
/// Some(file), or None when stdout is being redirected to a fd not created by Process::new.
priv output: Option<*libc::FILE>,
/// Some(file), or None when stderr is being redirected to a fd not created by Process::new.
priv error: Option<*libc::FILE>,
/// None until finish() is called.
priv exit_code: Option<int>,
/// Options that can be given when starting a Process.
pub struct ProcessOptions<'self> {
* If this is None then the new process will have the same initial
* environment as the parent process.
* If this is Some(vec-of-names-and-values) then the new process will
* have an environment containing the given named values only.
env: Option<&'self [(~str, ~str)]>,
* If this is None then the new process will use the same initial working
* directory as the parent process.
* If this is Some(path) then the new process will use the given path
* for its initial working directory.
dir: Option<&'self Path>,
* If this is None then a new pipe will be created for the new process's
* input and Process.input() will provide a Writer to write to this pipe.
* If this is Some(file-descriptor) then the new process will read its input
* from the given file descriptor, Process.input_redirected() will return
* true, and Process.input() will fail.
in_fd: Option<c_int>,
* If this is None then a new pipe will be created for the new progam's
* output and Process.output() will provide a Reader to read from this pipe.
* If this is Some(file-descriptor) then the new process will write its output
* to the given file descriptor, Process.output_redirected() will return
* true, and Process.output() will fail.
out_fd: Option<c_int>,
* If this is None then a new pipe will be created for the new progam's
* error stream and Process.error() will provide a Reader to read from this pipe.
* If this is Some(file-descriptor) then the new process will write its error output
* to the given file descriptor, Process.error_redirected() will return true, and
* and Process.error() will fail.
err_fd: Option<c_int>,
impl <'self> ProcessOptions<'self> {
/// Return a ProcessOptions that has None in every field.
pub fn new<'a>() -> ProcessOptions<'a> {
ProcessOptions {
env: None,
dir: None,
in_fd: None,
out_fd: None,
err_fd: None,
/// The output of a finished process.
pub struct ProcessOutput {
/// The status (exit code) of the process.
status: int,
/// The data that the process wrote to stdout.
output: ~[u8],
/// The data that the process wrote to stderr.
error: ~[u8],
impl Process {
* Spawns a new Process.
* # Arguments
* * prog - The path to an executable.
* * args - Vector of arguments to pass to the child process.
* * options - Options to configure the environment of the process,
* the working directory and the standard IO streams.
pub fn new(prog: &str, args: &[~str], options: ProcessOptions)
-> Process {
let (in_pipe, in_fd) = match options.in_fd {
None => {
let pipe = os::pipe();
Some(fd) => (None, fd)
let (out_pipe, out_fd) = match options.out_fd {
None => {
let pipe = os::pipe();
(Some(pipe), pipe.out)
Some(fd) => (None, fd)
let (err_pipe, err_fd) = match options.err_fd {
None => {
let pipe = os::pipe();
(Some(pipe), pipe.out)
Some(fd) => (None, fd)
let res = spawn_process_os(prog, args, options.env, options.dir,
in_fd, out_fd, err_fd);
unsafe {
for in_pipe.iter().advance |pipe| { libc::close(; }
for out_pipe.iter().advance |pipe| { libc::close(pipe.out); }
for err_pipe.iter().advance |pipe| { libc::close(pipe.out); }
Process {
handle: res.handle,
input:|pipe| pipe.out),
output:|pipe| os::fdopen(,
error:|pipe| os::fdopen(,
exit_code: None,
/// Returns the unique id of the process
pub fn get_id(&self) -> pid_t { }
fn input_fd(&mut self) -> c_int {
match self.input {
Some(fd) => fd,
None => fail!("This Process's stdin was redirected to an \
existing file descriptor.")
fn output_file(&mut self) -> *libc::FILE {
match self.output {
Some(file) => file,
None => fail!("This Process's stdout was redirected to an \
existing file descriptor.")
fn error_file(&mut self) -> *libc::FILE {
match self.error {
Some(file) => file,
None => fail!("This Process's stderr was redirected to an \
existing file descriptor.")
* Returns whether this process is reading its stdin from an existing file
* descriptor rather than a pipe that was created specifically for this
* process.
* If this method returns true then self.input() will fail.
pub fn input_redirected(&self) -> bool {
* Returns whether this process is writing its stdout to an existing file
* descriptor rather than a pipe that was created specifically for this
* process.
* If this method returns true then self.output() will fail.
pub fn output_redirected(&self) -> bool {
* Returns whether this process is writing its stderr to an existing file
* descriptor rather than a pipe that was created specifically for this
* process.
* If this method returns true then self.error() will fail.
pub fn error_redirected(&self) -> bool {
* Returns an io::Writer that can be used to write to this Process's stdin.
* Fails if this Process's stdin was redirected to an existing file descriptor.
pub fn input(&mut self) -> @io::Writer {
// FIXME: the Writer can still be used after self is destroyed: #2625
io::fd_writer(self.input_fd(), false)
* Returns an io::Reader that can be used to read from this Process's stdout.
* Fails if this Process's stdout was redirected to an existing file descriptor.
pub fn output(&mut self) -> @io::Reader {
// FIXME: the Reader can still be used after self is destroyed: #2625
io::FILE_reader(self.output_file(), false)
* Returns an io::Reader that can be used to read from this Process's stderr.
* Fails if this Process's stderr was redirected to an existing file descriptor.
pub fn error(&mut self) -> @io::Reader {
// FIXME: the Reader can still be used after self is destroyed: #2625
io::FILE_reader(self.error_file(), false)
* Closes the handle to the child process's stdin.
* If this process is reading its stdin from an existing file descriptor, then this
* method does nothing.
pub fn close_input(&mut self) {
match self.input {
Some(-1) | None => (),
Some(fd) => {
unsafe {
self.input = Some(-1);
fn close_outputs(&mut self) {
fclose_and_null(&mut self.output);
fclose_and_null(&mut self.error);
fn fclose_and_null(f_opt: &mut Option<*libc::FILE>) {
match *f_opt {
Some(f) if !f.is_null() => {
unsafe {
*f_opt = Some(0 as *libc::FILE);
_ => ()
* Closes the handle to stdin, waits for the child process to terminate,
* and returns the exit code.
* If the child has already been finished then the exit code is returned.
pub fn finish(&mut self) -> int {
for self.exit_code.iter().advance |&code| {
return code;
let code = waitpid(;
self.exit_code = Some(code);
return code;
* Closes the handle to stdin, waits for the child process to terminate, and reads
* and returns all remaining output of stdout and stderr, along with the exit code.
* If the child has already been finished then the exit code and any remaining
* unread output of stdout and stderr will be returned.
* This method will fail if the child process's stdout or stderr streams were
* redirected to existing file descriptors.
pub fn finish_with_output(&mut self) -> ProcessOutput {
let output_file = self.output_file();
let error_file = self.error_file();
// Spawn two entire schedulers to read both stdout and sterr
// in parallel so we don't deadlock while blocking on one
// or the other. FIXME (#2625): Surely there's a much more
// clever way to do this.
let (p, ch) = stream();
let ch = SharedChan::new(ch);
let ch_clone = ch.clone();
do task::spawn_sched(task::SingleThreaded) {
let errput = io::FILE_reader(error_file, false);
ch.send((2, errput.read_whole_stream()));
do task::spawn_sched(task::SingleThreaded) {
let output = io::FILE_reader(output_file, false);
ch_clone.send((1, output.read_whole_stream()));
let status = self.finish();
let (errs, outs) = match (p.recv(), p.recv()) {
((1, o), (2, e)) => (e, o),
((2, e), (1, o)) => (e, o),
((x, _), (y, _)) => {
fail!("unexpected file numbers: %u, %u", x, y);
return ProcessOutput {status: status,
output: outs,
error: errs};
fn destroy_internal(&mut self, force: bool) {
// if the process has finished, and therefore had waitpid called,
// and we kill it, then on unix we might ending up killing a
// newer process that happens to have the same (re-used) id
if self.exit_code.is_none() {
killpid(, force);
fn killpid(pid: pid_t, _force: bool) {
unsafe {
cast::transmute(pid), 1);
fn killpid(pid: pid_t, force: bool) {
let signal = if force {
} else {
unsafe {
libc::funcs::posix88::signal::kill(pid, signal as c_int);
* Terminates the process, giving it a chance to clean itself up if
* this is supported by the operating system.
* On Posix OSs SIGTERM will be sent to the process. On Win32
* TerminateProcess(..) will be called.
pub fn destroy(&mut self) { self.destroy_internal(false); }
* Terminates the process as soon as possible without giving it a
* chance to clean itself up.
* On Posix OSs SIGKILL will be sent to the process. On Win32
* TerminateProcess(..) will be called.
pub fn force_destroy(&mut self) { self.destroy_internal(true); }
impl Drop for Process {
fn drop(&self) {
// FIXME(#4330) Need self by value to get mutability.
let mut_self: &mut Process = unsafe { cast::transmute(self) };
struct SpawnProcessResult {
pid: pid_t,
handle: *(),
fn spawn_process_os(prog: &str, args: &[~str],
env: Option<&[(~str, ~str)]>,
dir: Option<&Path>,
in_fd: c_int, out_fd: c_int, err_fd: c_int) -> SpawnProcessResult {
use libc::types::os::arch::extra::{DWORD, HANDLE, STARTUPINFO};
use libc::consts::os::extra::{
use libc::funcs::extra::kernel32::{
use libc::funcs::extra::msvcrt::get_osfhandle;
use sys;
unsafe {
let mut si = zeroed_startupinfo();
si.cb = sys::size_of::<STARTUPINFO>() as DWORD;
let cur_proc = GetCurrentProcess();
let orig_std_in = get_osfhandle(in_fd) as HANDLE;
if orig_std_in == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE as HANDLE {
fail!("failure in get_osfhandle: %s", os::last_os_error());
if DuplicateHandle(cur_proc, orig_std_in, cur_proc, &mut si.hStdInput,
fail!("failure in DuplicateHandle: %s", os::last_os_error());
let orig_std_out = get_osfhandle(out_fd) as HANDLE;
if orig_std_out == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE as HANDLE {
fail!("failure in get_osfhandle: %s", os::last_os_error());
if DuplicateHandle(cur_proc, orig_std_out, cur_proc, &mut si.hStdOutput,
fail!("failure in DuplicateHandle: %s", os::last_os_error());
let orig_std_err = get_osfhandle(err_fd) as HANDLE;
if orig_std_err == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE as HANDLE {
fail!("failure in get_osfhandle: %s", os::last_os_error());
if DuplicateHandle(cur_proc, orig_std_err, cur_proc, &mut si.hStdError,
fail!("failure in DuplicateHandle: %s", os::last_os_error());
let cmd = make_command_line(prog, args);
let mut pi = zeroed_process_information();
let mut create_err = None;
do with_envp(env) |envp| {
do with_dirp(dir) |dirp| {
do str::as_c_str(cmd) |cmdp| {
let created = CreateProcessA(ptr::null(), cast::transmute(cmdp),
ptr::mut_null(), ptr::mut_null(), TRUE,
0, envp, dirp, &mut si, &mut pi);
if created == FALSE {
create_err = Some(os::last_os_error());
for create_err.iter().advance |msg| {
fail!("failure in CreateProcess: %s", *msg);
// We close the thread handle because we don't care about keeping the thread id valid,
// and we aren't keeping the thread handle around to be able to close it later. We don't
// close the process handle however because we want the process id to stay valid at least
// until the calling code closes the process handle.
SpawnProcessResult {
pid: pi.dwProcessId as pid_t,
handle: pi.hProcess as *()
fn zeroed_startupinfo() -> libc::types::os::arch::extra::STARTUPINFO {
libc::types::os::arch::extra::STARTUPINFO {
cb: 0,
lpReserved: ptr::mut_null(),
lpDesktop: ptr::mut_null(),
lpTitle: ptr::mut_null(),
dwX: 0,
dwY: 0,
dwXSize: 0,
dwYSize: 0,
dwXCountChars: 0,
dwYCountCharts: 0,
dwFillAttribute: 0,
dwFlags: 0,
wShowWindow: 0,
cbReserved2: 0,
lpReserved2: ptr::mut_null(),
hStdInput: ptr::mut_null(),
hStdOutput: ptr::mut_null(),
hStdError: ptr::mut_null()
fn zeroed_process_information() -> libc::types::os::arch::extra::PROCESS_INFORMATION {
libc::types::os::arch::extra::PROCESS_INFORMATION {
hProcess: ptr::mut_null(),
hThread: ptr::mut_null(),
dwProcessId: 0,
dwThreadId: 0
// FIXME: this is only pub so it can be tested (see issue #4536)
pub fn make_command_line(prog: &str, args: &[~str]) -> ~str {
use uint;
let mut cmd = ~"";
append_arg(&mut cmd, prog);
for args.iter().advance |arg| {
cmd.push_char(' ');
append_arg(&mut cmd, *arg);
return cmd;
fn append_arg(cmd: &mut ~str, arg: &str) {
let quote = arg.iter().any(|c| c == ' ' || c == '\t');
if quote {
for uint::range(0, arg.len()) |i| {
append_char_at(cmd, arg, i);
if quote {
fn append_char_at(cmd: &mut ~str, arg: &str, i: uint) {
match arg[i] as char {
'"' => {
// Escape quotes.
'\\' => {
if backslash_run_ends_in_quote(arg, i) {
// Double all backslashes that are in runs before quotes.
} else {
// Pass other backslashes through unescaped.
c => {
fn backslash_run_ends_in_quote(s: &str, mut i: uint) -> bool {
while i < s.len() && s[i] as char == '\\' {
i += 1;
return i < s.len() && s[i] as char == '"';
fn spawn_process_os(prog: &str, args: &[~str],
env: Option<&[(~str, ~str)]>,
dir: Option<&Path>,
in_fd: c_int, out_fd: c_int, err_fd: c_int) -> SpawnProcessResult {
use libc::funcs::posix88::unistd::{fork, dup2, close, chdir, execvp};
use libc::funcs::bsd44::getdtablesize;
use int;
mod rustrt {
use libc::c_void;
#[abi = "cdecl"]
pub extern {
unsafe fn rust_unset_sigprocmask();
unsafe fn rust_set_environ(envp: *c_void);
unsafe {
let pid = fork();
if pid < 0 {
fail!("failure in fork: %s", os::last_os_error());
} else if pid > 0 {
return SpawnProcessResult {pid: pid, handle: ptr::null()};
if dup2(in_fd, 0) == -1 {
fail!("failure in dup2(in_fd, 0): %s", os::last_os_error());
if dup2(out_fd, 1) == -1 {
fail!("failure in dup2(out_fd, 1): %s", os::last_os_error());
if dup2(err_fd, 2) == -1 {
fail!("failure in dup3(err_fd, 2): %s", os::last_os_error());
// close all other fds
for int::range_rev(getdtablesize() as int - 1, 2) |fd| {
close(fd as c_int);
do with_dirp(dir) |dirp| {
if !dirp.is_null() && chdir(dirp) == -1 {
fail!("failure in chdir: %s", os::last_os_error());
do with_envp(env) |envp| {
if !envp.is_null() {
do with_argv(prog, args) |argv| {
execvp(*argv, argv);
// execvp only returns if an error occurred
fail!("failure in execvp: %s", os::last_os_error());
fn with_argv<T>(prog: &str, args: &[~str],
cb: &fn(**libc::c_char) -> T) -> T {
let mut argptrs = ~[str::as_c_str(prog, |b| b)];
let mut tmps = ~[];
for args.iter().advance |arg| {
let t = @copy *arg;
argptrs.push(str::as_c_str(*t, |b| b));
argptrs.as_imm_buf(|buf, _len| cb(buf))
fn with_envp<T>(env: Option<&[(~str, ~str)]>, cb: &fn(*c_void) -> T) -> T {
// On posixy systems we can pass a char** for envp, which is
// a null-terminated array of "k=v\n" strings.
match env {
Some(es) => {
let mut tmps = ~[];
let mut ptrs = ~[];
for es.iter().advance |pair| {
// Use of match here is just to workaround limitations
// in the stage0 irrefutable pattern impl.
match pair {
&(ref k, ref v) => {
let kv = @fmt!("%s=%s", *k, *v);
ptrs.push(str::as_c_str(*kv, |b| b));
ptrs.as_imm_buf(|p, _len|
unsafe { cb(::cast::transmute(p)) }
_ => cb(ptr::null())
fn with_envp<T>(env: Option<&[(~str, ~str)]>, cb: &fn(*mut c_void) -> T) -> T {
// On win32 we pass an "environment block" which is not a char**, but
// rather a concatenation of null-terminated k=v\0 sequences, with a final
// \0 to terminate.
match env {
Some(es) => {
let mut blk = ~[];
for es.iter().advance |pair| {
let kv = fmt!("%s=%s", pair.first(), pair.second());
blk.as_imm_buf(|p, _len|
unsafe { cb(::cast::transmute(p)) }
_ => cb(ptr::mut_null())
fn with_dirp<T>(d: Option<&Path>,
cb: &fn(*libc::c_char) -> T) -> T {
match d {
Some(dir) => str::as_c_str(dir.to_str(), cb),
None => cb(ptr::null())
priv fn free_handle(handle: *()) {
unsafe {
priv fn free_handle(_handle: *()) {
// unix has no process handle object, just a pid
* Spawns a process and waits for it to terminate. The process will
* inherit the current stdin/stdout/stderr file descriptors.
* # Arguments
* * prog - The path to an executable
* * args - Vector of arguments to pass to the child process
* # Return value
* The process's exit code
pub fn process_status(prog: &str, args: &[~str]) -> int {
let mut prog = Process::new(prog, args, ProcessOptions {
env: None,
dir: None,
in_fd: Some(0),
out_fd: Some(1),
err_fd: Some(2)
* Spawns a process, records all its output, and waits for it to terminate.
* # Arguments
* * prog - The path to an executable
* * args - Vector of arguments to pass to the child process
* # Return value
* The process's stdout/stderr output and exit code.
pub fn process_output(prog: &str, args: &[~str]) -> ProcessOutput {
let mut prog = Process::new(prog, args, ProcessOptions::new());
* Waits for a process to exit and returns the exit code, failing
* if there is no process with the specified id.
* Note that this is private to avoid race conditions on unix where if
* a user calls waitpid(some_process.get_id()) then some_process.finish()
* and some_process.destroy() and some_process.finalize() will then either
* operate on a none-existant process or, even worse, on a newer process
* with the same id.
priv fn waitpid(pid: pid_t) -> int {
return waitpid_os(pid);
fn waitpid_os(pid: pid_t) -> int {
use libc::types::os::arch::extra::DWORD;
use libc::consts::os::extra::{
use libc::funcs::extra::kernel32::{
unsafe {
if proc.is_null() {
fail!("failure in OpenProcess: %s", os::last_os_error());
loop {
let mut status = 0;
if GetExitCodeProcess(proc, &mut status) == FALSE {
fail!("failure in GetExitCodeProcess: %s", os::last_os_error());
if status != STILL_ACTIVE {
return status as int;
if WaitForSingleObject(proc, INFINITE) == WAIT_FAILED {
fail!("failure in WaitForSingleObject: %s", os::last_os_error());
fn waitpid_os(pid: pid_t) -> int {
use libc::funcs::posix01::wait::*;
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
#[cfg(target_os = "android")]
fn WIFEXITED(status: i32) -> bool {
(status & 0xffi32) == 0i32
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
#[cfg(target_os = "freebsd")]
fn WIFEXITED(status: i32) -> bool {
(status & 0x7fi32) == 0i32
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
#[cfg(target_os = "android")]
fn WEXITSTATUS(status: i32) -> i32 {
(status >> 8i32) & 0xffi32
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
#[cfg(target_os = "freebsd")]
fn WEXITSTATUS(status: i32) -> i32 {
status >> 8i32
let mut status = 0 as c_int;
if unsafe { waitpid(pid, &mut status, 0) } == -1 {
fail!("failure in waitpid: %s", os::last_os_error());
return if WIFEXITED(status) {
WEXITSTATUS(status) as int
} else {
mod tests {
use io;
use libc::{c_int, uintptr_t};
use option::{Option, None, Some};
use os;
use path::Path;
use run;
use str;
fn test_make_command_line() {
run::make_command_line("prog", [~"aaa", ~"bbb", ~"ccc"]),
~"prog aaa bbb ccc"
run::make_command_line("C:\\Program Files\\blah\\blah.exe", [~"aaa"]),
~"\"C:\\Program Files\\blah\\blah.exe\" aaa"
run::make_command_line("C:\\Program Files\\test", [~"aa\"bb"]),
~"\"C:\\Program Files\\test\" aa\\\"bb"
run::make_command_line("echo", [~"a b c"]),
~"echo \"a b c\""
fn test_process_status() {
assert_eq!(run::process_status("false", []), 1);
assert_eq!(run::process_status("true", []), 0);
fn test_process_status() {
assert_eq!(run::process_status("/system/bin/sh", [~"-c",~"false"]), 1);
assert_eq!(run::process_status("/system/bin/sh", [~"-c",~"true"]), 0);
fn test_process_output_output() {
let run::ProcessOutput {status, output, error}
= run::process_output("echo", [~"hello"]);
let output_str = str::from_bytes(output);
assert_eq!(status, 0);
assert_eq!(output_str.trim().to_owned(), ~"hello");
// FIXME #7224
if !running_on_valgrind() {
assert_eq!(error, ~[]);
fn test_process_output_output() {
let run::ProcessOutput {status, output, error}
= run::process_output("/system/bin/sh", [~"-c",~"echo hello"]);
let output_str = str::from_bytes(output);
assert_eq!(status, 0);
assert_eq!(output_str.trim().to_owned(), ~"hello");
// FIXME #7224
if !running_on_valgrind() {
assert_eq!(error, ~[]);
fn test_process_output_error() {
let run::ProcessOutput {status, output, error}
= run::process_output("mkdir", [~"."]);
assert_eq!(status, 1);
assert_eq!(output, ~[]);
fn test_process_output_error() {
let run::ProcessOutput {status, output, error}
= run::process_output("/system/bin/mkdir", [~"."]);
assert_eq!(status, 255);
assert_eq!(output, ~[]);
fn test_pipes() {
let pipe_in = os::pipe();
let pipe_out = os::pipe();
let pipe_err = os::pipe();
let mut proc = run::Process::new("cat", [], run::ProcessOptions {
dir: None,
env: None,
in_fd: Some(,
out_fd: Some(pipe_out.out),
err_fd: Some(pipe_err.out)
let expected = ~"test";
writeclose(pipe_in.out, expected);
let actual = readclose(;
assert_eq!(expected, actual);
fn writeclose(fd: c_int, s: &str) {
let writer = io::fd_writer(fd, false);
fn readclose(fd: c_int) -> ~str {
unsafe {
let file = os::fdopen(fd);
let reader = io::FILE_reader(file, false);
let buf = reader.read_whole_stream();
fn test_finish_once() {
let mut prog = run::Process::new("false", [], run::ProcessOptions::new());
assert_eq!(prog.finish(), 1);
fn test_finish_once() {
let mut prog = run::Process::new("/system/bin/sh", [~"-c",~"false"],
assert_eq!(prog.finish(), 1);
fn test_finish_twice() {
let mut prog = run::Process::new("false", [], run::ProcessOptions::new());
assert_eq!(prog.finish(), 1);
assert_eq!(prog.finish(), 1);
fn test_finish_twice() {
let mut prog = run::Process::new("/system/bin/sh", [~"-c",~"false"],
assert_eq!(prog.finish(), 1);
assert_eq!(prog.finish(), 1);
fn test_finish_with_output_once() {
let mut prog = run::Process::new("echo", [~"hello"], run::ProcessOptions::new());
let run::ProcessOutput {status, output, error}
= prog.finish_with_output();
let output_str = str::from_bytes(output);
assert_eq!(status, 0);
assert_eq!(output_str.trim().to_owned(), ~"hello");
// FIXME #7224
if !running_on_valgrind() {
assert_eq!(error, ~[]);
fn test_finish_with_output_once() {
let mut prog = run::Process::new("/system/bin/sh", [~"-c",~"echo hello"],
let run::ProcessOutput {status, output, error}
= prog.finish_with_output();
let output_str = str::from_bytes(output);
assert_eq!(status, 0);
assert_eq!(output_str.trim().to_owned(), ~"hello");
// FIXME #7224
if !running_on_valgrind() {
assert_eq!(error, ~[]);
fn test_finish_with_output_twice() {
let mut prog = run::Process::new("echo", [~"hello"], run::ProcessOptions::new());
let run::ProcessOutput {status, output, error}
= prog.finish_with_output();
let output_str = str::from_bytes(output);
assert_eq!(status, 0);
assert_eq!(output_str.trim().to_owned(), ~"hello");
// FIXME #7224
if !running_on_valgrind() {
assert_eq!(error, ~[]);
let run::ProcessOutput {status, output, error}
= prog.finish_with_output();
assert_eq!(status, 0);
assert_eq!(output, ~[]);
// FIXME #7224
if !running_on_valgrind() {
assert_eq!(error, ~[]);
fn test_finish_with_output_twice() {
let mut prog = run::Process::new("/system/bin/sh", [~"-c",~"echo hello"],
let run::ProcessOutput {status, output, error}
= prog.finish_with_output();
let output_str = str::from_bytes(output);
assert_eq!(status, 0);
assert_eq!(output_str.trim().to_owned(), ~"hello");
// FIXME #7224
if !running_on_valgrind() {
assert_eq!(error, ~[]);
let run::ProcessOutput {status, output, error}
= prog.finish_with_output();
assert_eq!(status, 0);
assert_eq!(output, ~[]);
// FIXME #7224
if !running_on_valgrind() {
assert_eq!(error, ~[]);
fn test_finish_with_output_redirected() {
let mut prog = run::Process::new("echo", [~"hello"], run::ProcessOptions {
env: None,
dir: None,
in_fd: Some(0),
out_fd: Some(1),
err_fd: Some(2)
// this should fail because it is not valid to read the output when it was redirected
fn test_finish_with_output_redirected() {
let mut prog = run::Process::new("/system/bin/sh", [~"-c",~"echo hello"],
run::ProcessOptions {
env: None,
dir: None,
in_fd: Some(0),
out_fd: Some(1),
err_fd: Some(2)
// this should fail because it is not valid to read the output when it was redirected
fn run_pwd(dir: Option<&Path>) -> run::Process {
run::Process::new("pwd", [], run::ProcessOptions {
dir: dir,
.. run::ProcessOptions::new()
fn run_pwd(dir: Option<&Path>) -> run::Process {
run::Process::new("/system/bin/sh", [~"-c",~"pwd"], run::ProcessOptions {
dir: dir,
.. run::ProcessOptions::new()
fn run_pwd(dir: Option<&Path>) -> run::Process {
run::Process::new("cmd", [~"/c", ~"cd"], run::ProcessOptions {
dir: dir,
.. run::ProcessOptions::new()
fn test_keep_current_working_dir() {
let mut prog = run_pwd(None);
let output = str::from_bytes(prog.finish_with_output().output);
let parent_dir = os::getcwd().normalize();
let child_dir = Path(output.trim()).normalize();
let parent_stat = parent_dir.stat().unwrap();
let child_stat = child_dir.stat().unwrap();
assert_eq!(parent_stat.st_dev, child_stat.st_dev);
assert_eq!(parent_stat.st_ino, child_stat.st_ino);
fn test_change_working_directory() {
// test changing to the parent of os::getcwd() because we know
// the path exists (and os::getcwd() is not expected to be root)
let parent_dir = os::getcwd().dir_path().normalize();
let mut prog = run_pwd(Some(&parent_dir));
let output = str::from_bytes(prog.finish_with_output().output);
let child_dir = Path(output.trim()).normalize();
let parent_stat = parent_dir.stat().unwrap();
let child_stat = child_dir.stat().unwrap();
assert_eq!(parent_stat.st_dev, child_stat.st_dev);
assert_eq!(parent_stat.st_ino, child_stat.st_ino);
fn run_env(env: Option<&[(~str, ~str)]>) -> run::Process {
run::Process::new("env", [], run::ProcessOptions {
env: env,
.. run::ProcessOptions::new()
fn run_env(env: Option<&[(~str, ~str)]>) -> run::Process {
run::Process::new("/system/bin/sh", [~"-c",~"set"], run::ProcessOptions {
env: env,
.. run::ProcessOptions::new()
fn run_env(env: Option<&[(~str, ~str)]>) -> run::Process {
run::Process::new("cmd", [~"/c", ~"set"], run::ProcessOptions {
env: env,
.. run::ProcessOptions::new()
fn test_inherit_env() {
if running_on_valgrind() { return; }
let mut prog = run_env(None);
let output = str::from_bytes(prog.finish_with_output().output);
let r = os::env();
for r.iter().advance |&(ref k, ref v)| {
// don't check windows magical empty-named variables
assert!(k.is_empty() || output.contains(fmt!("%s=%s", *k, *v)));
fn test_inherit_env() {
if running_on_valgrind() { return; }
let mut prog = run_env(None);
let output = str::from_bytes(prog.finish_with_output().output);
let r = os::env();
for r.iter().advance |&(k, v)| {
// don't check android RANDOM variables
if k != ~"RANDOM" {
assert!(output.contains(fmt!("%s=%s", k, v)) ||
output.contains(fmt!("%s=\'%s\'", k, v)));
fn test_add_to_env() {
let mut new_env = os::env();
new_env.push((~"RUN_TEST_NEW_ENV", ~"123"));
let mut prog = run_env(Some(new_env.slice(0, new_env.len())));
let output = str::from_bytes(prog.finish_with_output().output);
fn running_on_valgrind() -> bool {
unsafe { rust_running_on_valgrind() != 0 }
extern {
fn rust_running_on_valgrind() -> uintptr_t;