Conflicts: src/libextra/ src/libstd/ src/libstd/ src/libstd/rt/ src/libstd/rt/ src/libstd/task/ src/libstd/unstable/ src/libstd/ src/rt/ src/test/run-pass/
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646 lines
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// Copyright 2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! The JoinLatch is a concurrent type that establishes the task
//! tree and propagates failure.
//! Each task gets a JoinLatch that is derived from the JoinLatch
//! of its parent task. Every latch must be released by either calling
//! the non-blocking `release` method or the task-blocking `wait` method.
//! Releasing a latch does not complete until all of its child latches
//! complete.
//! Latches carry a `success` flag that is set to `false` during task
//! failure and is propagated both from children to parents and parents
//! to children. The status af this flag may be queried for the purposes
//! of linked failure.
//! In addition to failure propagation the task tree serves to keep the
//! default task schedulers alive. The runtime only sends the shutdown
//! message to schedulers once the root task exits.
//! Under this scheme tasks that terminate before their children become
//! 'zombies' since they may not exit until their children do. Zombie
//! tasks are 'tombstoned' as `Tombstone(~JoinLatch)` and the tasks
//! themselves allowed to terminate.
//! XXX: Propagate flag from parents to children.
//! XXX: Tombstoning actually doesn't work.
//! XXX: This could probably be done in a way that doesn't leak tombstones
//! longer than the life of the child tasks.
use comm::{GenericPort, Peekable, GenericSmartChan};
use clone::Clone;
use container::Container;
use option::{Option, Some, None};
use ops::Drop;
use rt::comm::{SharedChan, Port, stream};
use rt::local::Local;
use rt::sched::Scheduler;
use unstable::atomics::{AtomicUint, SeqCst};
use util;
use vec::OwnedVector;
// FIXME #7026: Would prefer this to be an enum
pub struct JoinLatch {
priv parent: Option<ParentLink>,
priv child: Option<ChildLink>,
closed: bool,
// Shared between parents and all their children.
struct SharedState {
/// Reference count, held by a parent and all children.
count: AtomicUint,
success: bool
struct ParentLink {
shared: *mut SharedState,
// For communicating with the parent.
chan: SharedChan<Message>
struct ChildLink {
shared: ~SharedState,
// For receiving from children.
port: Port<Message>,
chan: SharedChan<Message>,
// Prevents dropping the child SharedState reference counts multiple times.
dropped_child: bool
// Messages from child latches to parent.
enum Message {
impl JoinLatch {
pub fn new_root() -> ~JoinLatch {
let this = ~JoinLatch {
parent: None,
child: None,
closed: false
rtdebug!("new root latch %x",;
return this;
fn id(&self) -> uint {
unsafe { ::cast::transmute(&*self) }
pub fn new_child(&mut self) -> ~JoinLatch {
if self.child.is_none() {
// This is the first time spawning a child
let shared = ~SharedState {
count: AtomicUint::new(1),
success: true
let (port, chan) = stream();
let chan = SharedChan::new(chan);
let child = ChildLink {
shared: shared,
port: port,
chan: chan,
dropped_child: false
self.child = Some(child);
let child_link: &mut ChildLink = self.child.get_mut_ref();
let shared_state: *mut SharedState = &mut *child_link.shared;
child_link.shared.count.fetch_add(1, SeqCst);
let child = ~JoinLatch {
parent: Some(ParentLink {
shared: shared_state,
chan: child_link.chan.clone()
child: None,
closed: false
rtdebug!("NEW child latch %x",;
return child;
pub fn release(~self, local_success: bool) {
// XXX: This should not block, but there's a bug in the below
// code that I can't figure out.
// XXX: Should not require ~self
fn release_broken(~self, local_success: bool) {
rtdebug!("releasing %x",;
let id =;
let _ = id; // XXX: `id` is only used in debug statements so appears unused
let mut this = self;
let mut child_success = true;
let mut children_done = false;
if this.child.is_some() {
rtdebug!("releasing children");
let child_link: &mut ChildLink = this.child.get_mut_ref();
let shared: &mut SharedState = &mut *child_link.shared;
if !child_link.dropped_child {
let last_count = shared.count.fetch_sub(1, SeqCst);
rtdebug!("child count before sub %u %x", last_count, id);
if last_count == 1 {
child_link.dropped_child = true;
// Wait for messages from children
let mut tombstones = ~[];
loop {
if child_link.port.peek() {
match child_link.port.recv() {
Tombstone(t) => {
ChildrenTerminated => {
children_done = true;
} else {
rtdebug!("releasing %u tombstones %x", tombstones.len(), id);
// Try to release the tombstones. Those that still have
// outstanding will be re-enqueued. When this task's
// parents release their latch we'll end up back here
// trying them again.
while !tombstones.is_empty() {
if children_done {
let count = shared.count.load(SeqCst);
assert!(count == 0);
// self_count is the acquire-read barrier
child_success = shared.success;
} else {
children_done = true;
let total_success = local_success && child_success;
unsafe {
let parent_link: &mut ParentLink = this.parent.get_mut_ref();
let shared: *mut SharedState = parent_link.shared;
if !total_success {
// parent_count is the write-wait barrier
(*shared).success = false;
if children_done {
rtdebug!("children done");
do Local::borrow::<Scheduler, ()> |sched| {
sched.metrics.release_tombstone += 1;
rtdebug!("RELEASING parent %x", id);
let parent_link: &mut ParentLink = this.parent.get_mut_ref();
let shared: *mut SharedState = parent_link.shared;
let last_count = (*shared).count.fetch_sub(1, SeqCst);
rtdebug!("count before parent sub %u %x", last_count, id);
if last_count == 1 {
this.closed = true;
} else {
rtdebug!("children not done");
rtdebug!("TOMBSTONING %x", id);
do Local::borrow::<Scheduler, ()> |sched| {
sched.metrics.release_no_tombstone += 1;
let chan = {
let parent_link: &mut ParentLink = this.parent.get_mut_ref();
// XXX: Should not require ~self
pub fn wait(~self, local_success: bool) -> bool {
rtdebug!("WAITING %x",;
let mut this = self;
let mut child_success = true;
if this.child.is_some() {
rtdebug!("waiting for children");
let child_link: &mut ChildLink = this.child.get_mut_ref();
let shared: &mut SharedState = &mut *child_link.shared;
if !child_link.dropped_child {
let last_count = shared.count.fetch_sub(1, SeqCst);
rtdebug!("child count before sub %u", last_count);
if last_count == 1 {
child_link.dropped_child = true;
// Wait for messages from children
loop {
match child_link.port.recv() {
Tombstone(t) => {
ChildrenTerminated => break
let count = shared.count.load(SeqCst);
if count != 0 { ::io::println(fmt!("%u", count)); }
assert!(count == 0);
// self_count is the acquire-read barrier
child_success = shared.success;
let total_success = local_success && child_success;
if this.parent.is_some() {
rtdebug!("releasing parent");
unsafe {
let parent_link: &mut ParentLink = this.parent.get_mut_ref();
let shared: *mut SharedState = parent_link.shared;
if !total_success {
// parent_count is the write-wait barrier
(*shared).success = false;
let last_count = (*shared).count.fetch_sub(1, SeqCst);
rtdebug!("count before parent sub %u", last_count);
if last_count == 1 {
this.closed = true;
return total_success;
impl Drop for JoinLatch {
fn drop(&self) {
rtdebug!("DESTROYING %x",;
mod test {
use super::*;
use cell::Cell;
use container::Container;
use iter::Times;
use rt::test::*;
use rand;
use rand::RngUtil;
use vec::{CopyableVector, ImmutableVector};
fn success_immediately() {
do run_in_newsched_task {
let mut latch = JoinLatch::new_root();
let child_latch = latch.new_child();
let child_latch = Cell::new(child_latch);
do spawntask_immediately {
let child_latch = child_latch.take();
fn success_later() {
do run_in_newsched_task {
let mut latch = JoinLatch::new_root();
let child_latch = latch.new_child();
let child_latch = Cell::new(child_latch);
do spawntask_later {
let child_latch = child_latch.take();
fn mt_success() {
do run_in_mt_newsched_task {
let mut latch = JoinLatch::new_root();
for 10.times {
let child_latch = latch.new_child();
let child_latch = Cell::new(child_latch);
do spawntask_random {
let child_latch = child_latch.take();
fn mt_failure() {
do run_in_mt_newsched_task {
let mut latch = JoinLatch::new_root();
let spawn = |status| {
let child_latch = latch.new_child();
let child_latch = Cell::new(child_latch);
do spawntask_random {
let child_latch = child_latch.take();
for 10.times { spawn(true) }
for 10.times { spawn(true) }
fn mt_multi_level_success() {
do run_in_mt_newsched_task {
let mut latch = JoinLatch::new_root();
fn child(latch: &mut JoinLatch, i: int) {
let child_latch = latch.new_child();
let child_latch = Cell::new(child_latch);
do spawntask_random {
let mut child_latch = child_latch.take();
if i != 0 {
child(&mut *child_latch, i - 1);
} else {
child(&mut *latch, 10);
fn mt_multi_level_failure() {
do run_in_mt_newsched_task {
let mut latch = JoinLatch::new_root();
fn child(latch: &mut JoinLatch, i: int) {
let child_latch = latch.new_child();
let child_latch = Cell::new(child_latch);
do spawntask_random {
let mut child_latch = child_latch.take();
if i != 0 {
child(&mut *child_latch, i - 1);
} else {
child(&mut *latch, 10);
fn release_child() {
do run_in_newsched_task {
let mut latch = JoinLatch::new_root();
let child_latch = latch.new_child();
let child_latch = Cell::new(child_latch);
do spawntask_immediately {
let latch = child_latch.take();
fn release_child_tombstone() {
do run_in_newsched_task {
let mut latch = JoinLatch::new_root();
let child_latch = latch.new_child();
let child_latch = Cell::new(child_latch);
do spawntask_immediately {
let mut latch = child_latch.take();
let child_latch = latch.new_child();
let child_latch = Cell::new(child_latch);
do spawntask_later {
let latch = child_latch.take();
fn release_child_no_tombstone() {
do run_in_newsched_task {
let mut latch = JoinLatch::new_root();
let child_latch = latch.new_child();
let child_latch = Cell::new(child_latch);
do spawntask_later {
let mut latch = child_latch.take();
let child_latch = latch.new_child();
let child_latch = Cell::new(child_latch);
do spawntask_immediately {
let latch = child_latch.take();
fn release_child_tombstone_stress() {
fn rand_orders() -> ~[bool] {
let mut v = ~[false,.. 5];
v[0] = true;
let mut rng = rand::rng();
return rng.shuffle(v);
fn split_orders(orders: &[bool]) -> (~[bool], ~[bool]) {
if orders.is_empty() {
return (~[], ~[]);
} else if orders.len() <= 2 {
return (orders.to_owned(), ~[]);
let mut rng = rand::rng();
let n = rng.gen_uint_range(1, orders.len());
let first = orders.slice(0, n).to_owned();
let last = orders.slice(n, orders.len()).to_owned();
assert!(first.len() + last.len() == orders.len());
return (first, last);
for stress_factor().times {
do run_in_newsched_task {
fn doit(latch: &mut JoinLatch, orders: ~[bool], depth: uint) {
let (my_orders, remaining_orders) = split_orders(orders);
rtdebug!("(my_orders, remaining): %?", (&my_orders, &remaining_orders));
rtdebug!("depth: %u", depth);
let mut remaining_orders = remaining_orders;
let mut num = 0;
for my_orders.iter().advance |&order| {
let child_latch = latch.new_child();
let child_latch = Cell::new(child_latch);
let (child_orders, remaining) = split_orders(remaining_orders);
rtdebug!("(child_orders, remaining): %?", (&child_orders, &remaining));
remaining_orders = remaining;
let child_orders = Cell::new(child_orders);
let child_num = num;
let _ = child_num; // XXX unused except in rtdebug!
do spawntask_random {
rtdebug!("depth %u num %u", depth, child_num);
let mut child_latch = child_latch.take();
let child_orders = child_orders.take();
doit(&mut *child_latch, child_orders, depth + 1);
num += 1;
let mut latch = JoinLatch::new_root();
let orders = rand_orders();
rtdebug!("orders: %?", orders);
doit(&mut *latch, orders, 0);
fn whateverman() {
struct Order {
immediate: bool,
succeed: bool,
orders: ~[Order]
fn next(latch: &mut JoinLatch, orders: ~[Order]) {
for orders.iter().advance |order| {
let suborders = copy order.orders;
let child_latch = Cell::new(latch.new_child());
let succeed = order.succeed;
if order.immediate {
do spawntask_immediately {
let mut child_latch = child_latch.take();
next(&mut *child_latch, copy suborders);
rtdebug!("immediate releasing");
} else {
do spawntask_later {
let mut child_latch = child_latch.take();
next(&mut *child_latch, copy suborders);
rtdebug!("later releasing");
do run_in_newsched_task {
let mut latch = JoinLatch::new_root();
let orders = ~[ Order { // 0 0
immediate: true,
succeed: true,
orders: ~[ Order { // 1 0
immediate: true,
succeed: false,
orders: ~[ Order { // 2 0
immediate: false,
succeed: false,
orders: ~[ Order { // 3 0
immediate: true,
succeed: false,
orders: ~[]
}, Order { // 3 1
immediate: false,
succeed: false,
orders: ~[]
next(&mut *latch, orders);