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403 lines
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// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use core::prelude::*;
use abi::AbiSet;
use ast::*;
use ast;
use ast_util::{inlined_item_utils, stmt_id};
use ast_util;
use codemap;
use diagnostic::span_handler;
use parse::token::ident_interner;
use print::pprust;
use visit;
use syntax::parse::token::special_idents;
use core::cmp;
use core::hashmap::HashMap;
use core::str;
use core::vec;
pub enum path_elt {
impl cmp::Eq for path_elt {
fn eq(&self, other: &path_elt) -> bool {
match (*self) {
path_mod(e0a) => {
match (*other) {
path_mod(e0b) => e0a == e0b,
_ => false
path_name(e0a) => {
match (*other) {
path_name(e0b) => e0a == e0b,
_ => false
fn ne(&self, other: &path_elt) -> bool { !(*self).eq(other) }
pub type path = ~[path_elt];
pub fn path_to_str_with_sep(p: &[path_elt], sep: &str, itr: @ident_interner)
-> ~str {
let strs = do p.map |e| {
match *e {
path_mod(s) => copy *itr.get(s.name),
path_name(s) => copy *itr.get(s.name)
str::connect(strs, sep)
pub fn path_ident_to_str(p: &path, i: ident, itr: @ident_interner) -> ~str {
if p.is_empty() {
//FIXME /* FIXME (#2543) */ copy *i
copy *itr.get(i.name)
} else {
fmt!("%s::%s", path_to_str(*p, itr), *itr.get(i.name))
pub fn path_to_str(p: &[path_elt], itr: @ident_interner) -> ~str {
path_to_str_with_sep(p, "::", itr)
pub fn path_elt_to_str(pe: path_elt, itr: @ident_interner) -> ~str {
match pe {
path_mod(s) => copy *itr.get(s.name),
path_name(s) => copy *itr.get(s.name)
pub enum ast_node {
node_item(@item, @path),
node_foreign_item(@foreign_item, AbiSet, visibility, @path),
node_trait_method(@trait_method, def_id /* trait did */,
@path /* path to the trait */),
node_method(@method, def_id /* impl did */, @path /* path to the impl */),
node_variant(variant, @item, @path),
node_struct_ctor(@struct_def, @item, @path),
pub type map = @mut HashMap<node_id, ast_node>;
pub struct Ctx {
map: map,
path: path,
diag: @span_handler,
pub type vt = visit::vt<@mut Ctx>;
pub fn extend(cx: @mut Ctx, elt: ident) -> @path {
@(vec::append(copy cx.path, [path_name(elt)]))
pub fn mk_ast_map_visitor() -> vt {
return visit::mk_vt(@visit::Visitor {
visit_item: map_item,
visit_expr: map_expr,
visit_stmt: map_stmt,
visit_fn: map_fn,
visit_block: map_block,
visit_pat: map_pat,
.. *visit::default_visitor()
pub fn map_crate(diag: @span_handler, c: @crate) -> map {
let cx = @mut Ctx {
map: @mut HashMap::new(),
path: ~[],
diag: diag,
visit::visit_crate(c, cx, mk_ast_map_visitor());
// Used for items loaded from external crate that are being inlined into this
// crate. The `path` should be the path to the item but should not include
// the item itself.
pub fn map_decoded_item(diag: @span_handler,
map: map,
path: path,
ii: &inlined_item) {
// I believe it is ok for the local IDs of inlined items from other crates
// to overlap with the local ids from this crate, so just generate the ids
// starting from 0. (In particular, I think these ids are only used in
// alias analysis, which we will not be running on the inlined items, and
// even if we did I think it only needs an ordering between local
// variables that are simultaneously in scope).
let cx = @mut Ctx {
map: map,
path: copy path,
diag: diag,
let v = mk_ast_map_visitor();
// methods get added to the AST map when their impl is visited. Since we
// don't decode and instantiate the impl, but just the method, we have to
// add it to the table now:
match *ii {
ii_item(*) => { /* fallthrough */ }
ii_foreign(i) => {
cx.map.insert(i.id, node_foreign_item(i,
i.vis, // Wrong but OK
ii_method(impl_did, m) => {
map_method(impl_did, @path, m, cx);
// visit the item / method contents and add those to the map:
ii.accept(cx, v);
pub fn map_fn(
fk: &visit::fn_kind,
decl: &fn_decl,
body: &blk,
sp: codemap::span,
id: node_id,
cx: @mut Ctx,
v: visit::vt<@mut Ctx>
) {
for decl.inputs.each |a| {
cx.map.insert(a.id, node_arg);
visit::visit_fn(fk, decl, body, sp, id, cx, v);
pub fn map_block(b: &blk, cx: @mut Ctx, v: visit::vt<@mut Ctx>) {
cx.map.insert(b.node.id, node_block(/* FIXME (#2543) */ copy *b));
visit::visit_block(b, cx, v);
pub fn map_pat(pat: @pat, cx: @mut Ctx, v: visit::vt<@mut Ctx>) {
match pat.node {
pat_ident(_, path, _) => {
// Note: this is at least *potentially* a pattern...
cx.map.insert(pat.id, node_local(ast_util::path_to_ident(path)));
_ => ()
visit::visit_pat(pat, cx, v);
pub fn map_method(impl_did: def_id, impl_path: @path,
m: @method, cx: @mut Ctx) {
cx.map.insert(m.id, node_method(m, impl_did, impl_path));
cx.map.insert(m.self_id, node_local(special_idents::self_));
pub fn map_item(i: @item, cx: @mut Ctx, v: visit::vt<@mut Ctx>) {
let item_path = @/* FIXME (#2543) */ copy cx.path;
cx.map.insert(i.id, node_item(i, item_path));
match i.node {
item_impl(_, _, _, ref ms) => {
let impl_did = ast_util::local_def(i.id);
for ms.each |m| {
map_method(impl_did, extend(cx, i.ident), *m, cx);
item_enum(ref enum_definition, _) => {
for (*enum_definition).variants.each |v| {
cx.map.insert(v.node.id, node_variant(
/* FIXME (#2543) */ copy *v, i,
extend(cx, i.ident)));
item_foreign_mod(ref nm) => {
for nm.items.each |nitem| {
// Compute the visibility for this native item.
let visibility = match nitem.vis {
public => public,
private => private,
inherited => i.vis
// FIXME (#2543)
if nm.sort == ast::named {
extend(cx, i.ident)
} else {
// Anonymous extern mods go in the parent scope
@copy cx.path
item_struct(struct_def, _) => {
node_item(i, item_path),
item_trait(_, ref traits, ref methods) => {
for traits.each |p| {
cx.map.insert(p.ref_id, node_item(i, item_path));
for methods.each |tm| {
let id = ast_util::trait_method_to_ty_method(tm).id;
let d_id = ast_util::local_def(i.id);
node_trait_method(@copy *tm, d_id, item_path)
_ => ()
match i.node {
item_mod(_) | item_foreign_mod(_) => {
_ => cx.path.push(path_name(i.ident))
visit::visit_item(i, cx, v);
pub fn map_struct_def(
struct_def: @ast::struct_def,
parent_node: ast_node,
ident: ast::ident,
cx: @mut Ctx,
_v: visit::vt<@mut Ctx>
) {
let p = extend(cx, ident);
// If this is a tuple-like struct, register the constructor.
match struct_def.ctor_id {
None => {}
Some(ctor_id) => {
match parent_node {
node_item(item, _) => {
node_struct_ctor(struct_def, item, p));
_ => fail!("struct def parent wasn't an item")
pub fn map_expr(ex: @expr, cx: @mut Ctx, v: visit::vt<@mut Ctx>) {
cx.map.insert(ex.id, node_expr(ex));
// Expressions which are or might be calls:
for ex.get_callee_id().each |callee_id| {
cx.map.insert(*callee_id, node_callee_scope(ex));
visit::visit_expr(ex, cx, v);
pub fn map_stmt(stmt: @stmt, cx: @mut Ctx, v: visit::vt<@mut Ctx>) {
cx.map.insert(stmt_id(stmt), node_stmt(stmt));
visit::visit_stmt(stmt, cx, v);
pub fn node_id_to_str(map: map, id: node_id, itr: @ident_interner) -> ~str {
match map.find(&id) {
None => {
fmt!("unknown node (id=%d)", id)
Some(&node_item(item, path)) => {
let path_str = path_ident_to_str(path, item.ident, itr);
let item_str = match item.node {
item_const(*) => ~"const",
item_fn(*) => ~"fn",
item_mod(*) => ~"mod",
item_foreign_mod(*) => ~"foreign mod",
item_ty(*) => ~"ty",
item_enum(*) => ~"enum",
item_struct(*) => ~"struct",
item_trait(*) => ~"trait",
item_impl(*) => ~"impl",
item_mac(*) => ~"macro"
fmt!("%s %s (id=%?)", item_str, path_str, id)
Some(&node_foreign_item(item, abi, _, path)) => {
fmt!("foreign item %s with abi %? (id=%?)",
path_ident_to_str(path, item.ident, itr), abi, id)
Some(&node_method(m, _, path)) => {
fmt!("method %s in %s (id=%?)",
*itr.get(m.ident.name), path_to_str(*path, itr), id)
Some(&node_trait_method(ref tm, _, path)) => {
let m = ast_util::trait_method_to_ty_method(&**tm);
fmt!("method %s in %s (id=%?)",
*itr.get(m.ident.name), path_to_str(*path, itr), id)
Some(&node_variant(ref variant, _, path)) => {
fmt!("variant %s in %s (id=%?)",
*itr.get(variant.node.name.name), path_to_str(*path, itr), id)
Some(&node_expr(expr)) => {
fmt!("expr %s (id=%?)", pprust::expr_to_str(expr, itr), id)
Some(&node_callee_scope(expr)) => {
fmt!("callee_scope %s (id=%?)", pprust::expr_to_str(expr, itr), id)
Some(&node_stmt(stmt)) => {
fmt!("stmt %s (id=%?)",
pprust::stmt_to_str(stmt, itr), id)
Some(&node_arg) => {
fmt!("arg (id=%?)", id)
Some(&node_local(ident)) => {
fmt!("local (id=%?, name=%s)", id, *itr.get(ident.name))
Some(&node_block(_)) => {
Some(&node_struct_ctor(*)) => {
pub fn node_item_query<Result>(items: map, id: node_id,
query: &fn(@item) -> Result,
error_msg: ~str) -> Result {
match items.find(&id) {
Some(&node_item(it, _)) => query(it),
_ => fail!(error_msg)