Current implementation looks for significant drops, that can change the behavior, but that's not enough - value might not have a Drop itself but one of its children might have it. A good example is passing a reference to `PathBuf` to `std::fs::File::open`. There's no benefits to pass `PathBuf` by value, but since clippy can't see `Drop` on `Vec` several layers down it complains forcing pass by value and making it impossible to use the same name later. New implementation only looks at copy values or values created inplace so existing variable will never be moved but things that take a string reference created and value is created inplace `&"".to_owned()` will make it to suggest to use `"".to_owned()` still. Fixes
337 lines
7.8 KiB
337 lines
7.8 KiB
use core::ops::Deref;
use std::any::Any;
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::fmt::{Debug, Display};
use std::path::Path;
use std::process::Command;
fn main() {
let _ = Command::new("ls").args(&["-a", "-l"]).status().unwrap();
let _ = Path::new(".").join(&&".");
let _ = Any::type_id(&""); // Don't lint. `Any` is only bound
let _ = Box::new(&""); // Don't lint. Type parameter appears in return type
let _ = Some("").unwrap_or(&"");
let _ = std::fs::write("x", &"".to_string());
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct X;
impl Deref for X {
type Target = X;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
fn deref_target_is_x<T: Deref<Target = X>>(_: T) {}
fn multiple_constraints<T, U, V, X, Y>(_: T)
T: IntoIterator<Item = U> + IntoIterator<Item = X>,
U: IntoIterator<Item = V>,
V: AsRef<str>,
X: IntoIterator<Item = Y>,
Y: AsRef<OsStr>,
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct X;
impl Deref for X {
type Target = X;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
fn multiple_constraints_normalizes_to_same<T, U, V>(_: T, _: V)
T: Deref<Target = U>,
U: Deref<Target = V>,
multiple_constraints_normalizes_to_same(&X, X);
fn only_sized<T>(_: T) {}
only_sized(&""); // Don't lint. `Sized` is only bound
fn ref_as_ref_path<T: 'static>(_: &'static T)
&'static T: AsRef<Path>,
ref_as_ref_path(&""); // Don't lint. Argument type is not a type parameter
trait RefsOnly {
type Referent;
impl<T> RefsOnly for &T {
type Referent = T;
fn refs_only<T, U>(_: T)
T: RefsOnly<Referent = U>,
refs_only(&()); // Don't lint. `&T` implements trait, but `T` doesn't
fn multiple_constraints_normalizes_to_different<T, U, V>(_: T, _: U)
T: IntoIterator<Item = U>,
U: IntoIterator<Item = V>,
V: AsRef<str>,
multiple_constraints_normalizes_to_different(&[[""]], &[""]); // Don't lint. Projected type appears in arguments
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct Iter;
impl Iterator for Iter {
type Item = ();
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
fn takes_iter(_: impl Iterator) {}
fn dont_warn(mut x: Iter) {
takes_iter(&mut x);
fn warn(mut x: &mut Iter) {
takes_iter(&mut x)
#[clippy::msrv = "1.52.0"]
let _ = Command::new("ls").args(&["-a", "-l"]).status().unwrap();
#[clippy::msrv = "1.53.0"]
let _ = Command::new("ls").args(&["-a", "-l"]).status().unwrap();
let env = "env".to_owned();
let arg = "arg".to_owned();
let f = |arg| {
let loc = "loc".to_owned();
let _ = std::fs::write("x", &env); // Don't lint. In environment
let _ = std::fs::write("x", &arg);
let _ = std::fs::write("x", &loc);
let _ = std::fs::write("x", &env); // Don't lint. Borrowed by `f`
struct X;
impl Drop for X {
fn drop(&mut self) {}
fn f(_: impl Debug) {}
let x = X;
f(&x); // Don't lint, not copy, passed by a reference to a variable
fn f(_: impl AsRef<str>) {}
let x = String::new();
fn f(_: impl AsRef<str>) {}
fn f2(_: impl AsRef<str>) {}
let x = String::new();
// issue 9111
struct A;
impl Extend<u8> for A {
fn extend<T: IntoIterator<Item = u8>>(&mut self, _: T) {
impl<'a> Extend<&'a u8> for A {
fn extend<T: IntoIterator<Item = &'a u8>>(&mut self, _: T) {
let mut a = A;
a.extend(&[]); // vs a.extend([]);
// issue 9710
fn f(_: impl AsRef<str>) {}
let x = String::new();
for _ in 0..10 {
// issue 9739
fn foo<D: Display>(_it: impl IntoIterator<Item = D>) {}
foo(if std::env::var_os("HI").is_some() {
} else {
&[] as &[u32]
struct S;
impl S {
fn foo<D: Display>(&self, _it: impl IntoIterator<Item = D>) {}
| std::env::var_os("HI").is_some() {
} else {
&[] as &[u32]
// issue 9782
fn foo<T: AsRef<[u8]>>(t: T) {
println!("{}", std::mem::size_of::<T>());
let _t: &[u8] = t.as_ref();
let a: [u8; 100] = [0u8; 100];
// 100
foo::<[u8; 100]>(a);
// 16
// 8
foo::<&[u8; 100]>(&a);
struct S;
impl S {
fn foo<T: AsRef<[u8]>>(t: T) {
println!("{}", std::mem::size_of::<T>());
let _t: &[u8] = t.as_ref();
let a: [u8; 100] = [0u8; 100];
S::foo::<&[u8; 100]>(&a);
struct S;
impl S {
fn foo<T: AsRef<[u8]>>(&self, t: T) {
println!("{}", std::mem::size_of::<T>());
let _t: &[u8] = t.as_ref();
let a: [u8; 100] = [0u8; 100];
|<&[u8; 100]>(&a);
// issue 10535
static SOME_STATIC: String = String::new();
static UNIT: () = compute(&SOME_STATIC);
pub const fn compute<T>(_: T)
T: Copy,
// address of field when operand impl Drop
struct CustomDrop(String);
impl Drop for CustomDrop {
fn drop(&mut self) {}
fn check_str<P: AsRef<str>>(_to: P) {}
fn test() {
let owner = CustomDrop(String::default());
check_str(&owner.0); // Don't lint. `owner` can't be partially moved because it impl Drop
struct X(Vec<u8>);
fn f(_: impl Debug) {}
let x = X(vec![]);
f(&x); // Don't lint, makes x unavailable later
struct X;
impl Drop for X {
fn drop(&mut self) {}
fn f(_: impl Debug) {}
struct Y(X);
let y = Y(X);
f(&y); // Don't lint. Not copy, passed by a reference to value
fn f(_: impl AsRef<str>) {}
let x = String::new();
f(&x); // Don't lint, not a copy, makes it unavailable later
f(&String::new()); // Lint, makes no difference
let y = "".to_owned();
f(&y); // Don't lint
f(&"".to_owned()); // Lint