The 8472 295432b40e print walltime benchmarks with subnanosecond precision
example results when benchmarking 1-4 serialized ADD instructions

running 4 tests
test add  ... bench:           0.24 ns/iter (+/- 0.00)
test add2 ... bench:           0.48 ns/iter (+/- 0.01)
test add3 ... bench:           0.72 ns/iter (+/- 0.01)
test add4 ... bench:           0.96 ns/iter (+/- 0.01)
2024-05-06 00:25:00 +02:00

15 lines
598 B

# ignore-cross-compile because we run the compiled code
# needs-unwind because #[bench] and -Cpanic=abort requires -Zpanic-abort-tests
include ../
NORMALIZE=sed 's%[0-9,\.]\{1,\} ns/iter (+/- [0-9,\.]\{1,\})%?? ns/iter (+/- ??)%' | sed 's%finished in [0-9\.]\{1,\}%finished in ??%'
$(RUSTC) --test
$(call RUN,tests) --test-threads=1 | $(NORMALIZE) > "$(TMPDIR)"/test.stdout
$(RUSTC_TEST_OP) "$(TMPDIR)"/test.stdout test.stdout
$(call RUN,tests) --test-threads=1 --bench | $(NORMALIZE) > "$(TMPDIR)"/bench.stdout
$(RUSTC_TEST_OP) "$(TMPDIR)"/bench.stdout bench.stdout