382 lines
11 KiB
382 lines
11 KiB
import result::Result;
import std::getopts;
export output_format;
export output_style;
export config;
export default_config;
export parse_config;
export usage;
export markdown, pandoc_html;
export doc_per_crate, doc_per_mod;
/// The type of document to output
enum output_format {
/// Markdown
/// HTML, via markdown and pandoc
impl output_format : cmp::Eq {
pure fn eq(&&other: output_format) -> bool {
(self as uint) == (other as uint)
/// How to organize the output
enum output_style {
/// All in a single document
/// Each module in its own document
impl output_style : cmp::Eq {
pure fn eq(&&other: output_style) -> bool {
(self as uint) == (other as uint)
/// The configuration for a rustdoc session
type config = {
input_crate: Path,
output_dir: Path,
output_format: output_format,
output_style: output_style,
pandoc_cmd: Option<~str>
fn opt_output_dir() -> ~str { ~"output-dir" }
fn opt_output_format() -> ~str { ~"output-format" }
fn opt_output_style() -> ~str { ~"output-style" }
fn opt_pandoc_cmd() -> ~str { ~"pandoc-cmd" }
fn opt_help() -> ~str { ~"h" }
fn opts() -> ~[(getopts::Opt, ~str)] {
~"--output-dir <val> put documents here"),
~"--output-format <val> either 'markdown' or 'html'"),
~"--output-style <val> either 'doc-per-crate' or 'doc-per-mod'"),
~"--pandoc-cmd <val> the command for running pandoc"),
~"-h print help")
fn usage() {
import io::println;
println(~"Usage: rustdoc ~[options] <cratefile>\n");
for opts().each |opt| {
println(fmt!(" %s", opt.second()));
fn default_config(input_crate: &Path) -> config {
input_crate: *input_crate,
output_dir: Path("."),
output_format: pandoc_html,
output_style: doc_per_mod,
pandoc_cmd: None
type program_output = fn~((&str), (&[~str])) ->
{status: int, out: ~str, err: ~str};
fn mock_program_output(_prog: &str, _args: &[~str]) -> {
status: int, out: ~str, err: ~str
} {
status: 0,
out: ~"",
err: ~""
fn parse_config(args: ~[~str]) -> Result<config, ~str> {
parse_config_(args, run::program_output)
fn parse_config_(
args: ~[~str],
program_output: program_output
) -> Result<config, ~str> {
let args = vec::tail(args);
let opts = vec::unzip(opts()).first();
match getopts::getopts(args, opts) {
result::Ok(matches) => {
if vec::len(matches.free) == 1u {
let input_crate = Path(vec::head(matches.free));
config_from_opts(&input_crate, matches, program_output)
} else if vec::is_empty(matches.free) {
result::Err(~"no crates specified")
} else {
result::Err(~"multiple crates specified")
result::Err(f) => {
fn config_from_opts(
input_crate: &Path,
matches: getopts::Matches,
program_output: program_output
) -> Result<config, ~str> {
let config = default_config(input_crate);
let result = result::Ok(config);
let result = do result::chain(result) |config| {
let output_dir = getopts::opt_maybe_str(matches, opt_output_dir());
let output_dir = option::map(output_dir, |s| Path(s));
output_dir: option::get_default(output_dir, config.output_dir)
with config
let result = do result::chain(result) |config| {
let output_format = getopts::opt_maybe_str(
matches, opt_output_format());
do option::map_default(output_format, result::Ok(config))
|output_format| {
do result::chain(parse_output_format(output_format))
|output_format| {
output_format: output_format
with config
let result = do result::chain(result) |config| {
let output_style =
getopts::opt_maybe_str(matches, opt_output_style());
do option::map_default(output_style, result::Ok(config))
|output_style| {
do result::chain(parse_output_style(output_style))
|output_style| {
output_style: output_style
with config
let result = do result::chain(result) |config| {
let pandoc_cmd = getopts::opt_maybe_str(matches, opt_pandoc_cmd());
let pandoc_cmd = maybe_find_pandoc(
config, pandoc_cmd, program_output);
do result::chain(pandoc_cmd) |pandoc_cmd| {
pandoc_cmd: pandoc_cmd
with config
return result;
fn parse_output_format(output_format: ~str) -> Result<output_format, ~str> {
match output_format {
~"markdown" => result::Ok(markdown),
~"html" => result::Ok(pandoc_html),
_ => result::Err(fmt!("unknown output format '%s'", output_format))
fn parse_output_style(output_style: ~str) -> Result<output_style, ~str> {
match output_style {
~"doc-per-crate" => result::Ok(doc_per_crate),
~"doc-per-mod" => result::Ok(doc_per_mod),
_ => result::Err(fmt!("unknown output style '%s'", output_style))
fn maybe_find_pandoc(
config: config,
maybe_pandoc_cmd: Option<~str>,
program_output: program_output
) -> Result<Option<~str>, ~str> {
if config.output_format != pandoc_html {
return result::Ok(maybe_pandoc_cmd);
let possible_pandocs = match maybe_pandoc_cmd {
Some(pandoc_cmd) => ~[pandoc_cmd],
None => {
~[~"pandoc"] + match os::homedir() {
Some(dir) => {
None => ~[]
let pandoc = do vec::find(possible_pandocs) |pandoc| {
let output = program_output(pandoc, ~[~"--version"]);
debug!("testing pandoc cmd %s: %?", pandoc, output);
output.status == 0
if option::is_some(pandoc) {
} else {
result::Err(~"couldn't find pandoc")
fn should_find_pandoc() {
let config = {
output_format: pandoc_html
with default_config(&Path("test"))
let mock_program_output = fn~(_prog: &str, _args: &[~str]) -> {
status: int, out: ~str, err: ~str
} {
status: 0, out: ~"pandoc", err: ~""
let result = maybe_find_pandoc(config, None, mock_program_output);
assert result == result::Ok(Some(~"pandoc"));
fn should_error_with_no_pandoc() {
let config = {
output_format: pandoc_html
with default_config(&Path("test"))
let mock_program_output = fn~(_prog: &str, _args: &[~str]) -> {
status: int, out: ~str, err: ~str
} {
status: 1, out: ~"", err: ~""
let result = maybe_find_pandoc(config, None, mock_program_output);
assert result == result::Err(~"couldn't find pandoc");
mod test {
fn parse_config(args: ~[~str]) -> Result<config, ~str> {
parse_config_(args, mock_program_output)
fn should_error_with_no_crates() {
let config = test::parse_config(~[~"rustdoc"]);
assert result::get_err(config) == ~"no crates specified";
fn should_error_with_multiple_crates() {
let config =
test::parse_config(~[~"rustdoc", ~"crate1.rc", ~"crate2.rc"]);
assert result::get_err(config) == ~"multiple crates specified";
fn should_set_output_dir_to_cwd_if_not_provided() {
let config = test::parse_config(~[~"rustdoc", ~"crate.rc"]);
assert result::get(config).output_dir == Path(".");
fn should_set_output_dir_if_provided() {
let config = test::parse_config(~[
~"rustdoc", ~"crate.rc", ~"--output-dir", ~"snuggles"
assert result::get(config).output_dir == Path("snuggles");
fn should_set_output_format_to_pandoc_html_if_not_provided() {
let config = test::parse_config(~[~"rustdoc", ~"crate.rc"]);
assert result::get(config).output_format == pandoc_html;
fn should_set_output_format_to_markdown_if_requested() {
let config = test::parse_config(~[
~"rustdoc", ~"crate.rc", ~"--output-format", ~"markdown"
assert result::get(config).output_format == markdown;
fn should_set_output_format_to_pandoc_html_if_requested() {
let config = test::parse_config(~[
~"rustdoc", ~"crate.rc", ~"--output-format", ~"html"
assert result::get(config).output_format == pandoc_html;
fn should_error_on_bogus_format() {
let config = test::parse_config(~[
~"rustdoc", ~"crate.rc", ~"--output-format", ~"bogus"
assert result::get_err(config) == ~"unknown output format 'bogus'";
fn should_set_output_style_to_doc_per_mod_by_default() {
let config = test::parse_config(~[~"rustdoc", ~"crate.rc"]);
assert result::get(config).output_style == doc_per_mod;
fn should_set_output_style_to_one_doc_if_requested() {
let config = test::parse_config(~[
~"rustdoc", ~"crate.rc", ~"--output-style", ~"doc-per-crate"
assert result::get(config).output_style == doc_per_crate;
fn should_set_output_style_to_doc_per_mod_if_requested() {
let config = test::parse_config(~[
~"rustdoc", ~"crate.rc", ~"--output-style", ~"doc-per-mod"
assert result::get(config).output_style == doc_per_mod;
fn should_error_on_bogus_output_style() {
let config = test::parse_config(~[
~"rustdoc", ~"crate.rc", ~"--output-style", ~"bogus"
assert result::get_err(config) == ~"unknown output style 'bogus'";
fn should_set_pandoc_command_if_requested() {
let config = test::parse_config(~[
~"rustdoc", ~"crate.rc", ~"--pandoc-cmd", ~"panda-bear-doc"
assert result::get(config).pandoc_cmd == Some(~"panda-bear-doc");
fn should_set_pandoc_command_when_using_pandoc() {
let config = test::parse_config(~[~"rustdoc", ~"crate.rc"]);
assert result::get(config).pandoc_cmd == Some(~"pandoc");