2020-11-16 21:19:06 +02:00

550 lines
20 KiB

//! Config used by the language server.
//! We currently get this config from `initialize` LSP request, which is not the
//! best way to do it, but was the simplest thing we could implement.
//! Of particular interest is the `feature_flags` hash map: while other fields
//! configure the server itself, feature flags are passed into analysis, and
//! tweak things like automatic insertion of `()` in completions.
use std::{convert::TryFrom, ffi::OsString, path::PathBuf};
use flycheck::FlycheckConfig;
use hir::PrefixKind;
use ide::{
AssistConfig, CompletionConfig, DiagnosticsConfig, HoverConfig, InlayHintsConfig,
use lsp_types::{ClientCapabilities, MarkupKind};
use project_model::{CargoConfig, ProjectJson, ProjectJsonData, ProjectManifest};
use rustc_hash::FxHashSet;
use serde::Deserialize;
use vfs::AbsPathBuf;
use crate::diagnostics::DiagnosticsMapConfig;
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Config {
pub client_caps: ClientCapsConfig,
pub publish_diagnostics: bool,
pub diagnostics: DiagnosticsConfig,
pub diagnostics_map: DiagnosticsMapConfig,
pub lru_capacity: Option<usize>,
pub proc_macro_srv: Option<(PathBuf, Vec<OsString>)>,
pub files: FilesConfig,
pub notifications: NotificationsConfig,
pub cargo_autoreload: bool,
pub cargo: CargoConfig,
pub rustfmt: RustfmtConfig,
pub flycheck: Option<FlycheckConfig>,
pub runnables: RunnablesConfig,
pub inlay_hints: InlayHintsConfig,
pub completion: CompletionConfig,
pub assist: AssistConfig,
pub call_info_full: bool,
pub lens: LensConfig,
pub hover: HoverConfig,
pub semantic_tokens_refresh: bool,
pub linked_projects: Vec<LinkedProject>,
pub root_path: AbsPathBuf,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum LinkedProject {
impl From<ProjectManifest> for LinkedProject {
fn from(v: ProjectManifest) -> Self {
impl From<ProjectJson> for LinkedProject {
fn from(v: ProjectJson) -> Self {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct LensConfig {
pub run: bool,
pub debug: bool,
pub implementations: bool,
pub method_refs: bool,
impl Default for LensConfig {
fn default() -> Self {
Self { run: true, debug: true, implementations: true, method_refs: false }
impl LensConfig {
pub fn any(&self) -> bool {
self.implementations || self.runnable() || self.references()
pub fn none(&self) -> bool {
pub fn runnable(&self) -> bool {
self.run || self.debug
pub fn references(&self) -> bool {
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct FilesConfig {
pub watcher: FilesWatcher,
pub exclude: Vec<String>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum FilesWatcher {
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct NotificationsConfig {
pub cargo_toml_not_found: bool,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum RustfmtConfig {
Rustfmt { extra_args: Vec<String> },
CustomCommand { command: String, args: Vec<String> },
/// Configuration for runnable items, such as `main` function or tests.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
pub struct RunnablesConfig {
/// Custom command to be executed instead of `cargo` for runnables.
pub override_cargo: Option<String>,
/// Additional arguments for the `cargo`, e.g. `--release`.
pub cargo_extra_args: Vec<String>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
pub struct ClientCapsConfig {
pub location_link: bool,
pub line_folding_only: bool,
pub hierarchical_symbols: bool,
pub code_action_literals: bool,
pub work_done_progress: bool,
pub code_action_group: bool,
pub code_action_resolve: bool,
pub hover_actions: bool,
pub status_notification: bool,
pub signature_help_label_offsets: bool,
impl Config {
pub fn new(root_path: AbsPathBuf) -> Self {
Config {
client_caps: ClientCapsConfig::default(),
publish_diagnostics: true,
diagnostics: DiagnosticsConfig::default(),
diagnostics_map: DiagnosticsMapConfig::default(),
lru_capacity: None,
proc_macro_srv: None,
files: FilesConfig { watcher: FilesWatcher::Notify, exclude: Vec::new() },
notifications: NotificationsConfig { cargo_toml_not_found: true },
cargo_autoreload: true,
cargo: CargoConfig::default(),
rustfmt: RustfmtConfig::Rustfmt { extra_args: Vec::new() },
flycheck: Some(FlycheckConfig::CargoCommand {
command: "check".to_string(),
target_triple: None,
no_default_features: false,
all_targets: true,
all_features: false,
extra_args: Vec::new(),
features: Vec::new(),
runnables: RunnablesConfig::default(),
inlay_hints: InlayHintsConfig {
type_hints: true,
parameter_hints: true,
chaining_hints: true,
max_length: None,
completion: CompletionConfig {
enable_postfix_completions: true,
add_call_parenthesis: true,
add_call_argument_snippets: true,
assist: AssistConfig::default(),
call_info_full: true,
lens: LensConfig::default(),
hover: HoverConfig::default(),
semantic_tokens_refresh: false,
linked_projects: Vec::new(),
pub fn update(&mut self, json: serde_json::Value) {
log::info!("Config::update({:#})", json);
if json.is_null() || json.as_object().map_or(false, |it| it.is_empty()) {
let data = ConfigData::from_json(json);
self.publish_diagnostics = data.diagnostics_enable;
self.diagnostics = DiagnosticsConfig {
disable_experimental: !data.diagnostics_enableExperimental,
disabled: data.diagnostics_disabled,
self.diagnostics_map = DiagnosticsMapConfig {
warnings_as_info: data.diagnostics_warningsAsInfo,
warnings_as_hint: data.diagnostics_warningsAsHint,
self.lru_capacity = data.lruCapacity;
self.files.watcher = match data.files_watcher.as_str() {
"notify" => FilesWatcher::Notify,
"client" | _ => FilesWatcher::Client,
self.notifications =
NotificationsConfig { cargo_toml_not_found: data.notifications_cargoTomlNotFound };
self.cargo_autoreload = data.cargo_autoreload;
let rustc_source = if let Some(rustc_source) = data.rustcSource {
let rustpath: PathBuf = rustc_source.into();
.map_err(|_| {
log::error!("rustc source directory must be an absolute path");
} else {
self.cargo = CargoConfig {
no_default_features: data.cargo_noDefaultFeatures,
all_features: data.cargo_allFeatures,
features: data.cargo_features.clone(),
load_out_dirs_from_check: data.cargo_loadOutDirsFromCheck,
target: data.cargo_target.clone(),
rustc_source: rustc_source,
no_sysroot: data.cargo_noSysroot,
self.runnables = RunnablesConfig {
override_cargo: data.runnables_overrideCargo,
cargo_extra_args: data.runnables_cargoExtraArgs,
self.proc_macro_srv = if data.procMacro_enable {
std::env::current_exe().ok().map(|path| (path, vec!["proc-macro".into()]))
} else {
self.rustfmt = match data.rustfmt_overrideCommand {
Some(mut args) if !args.is_empty() => {
let command = args.remove(0);
RustfmtConfig::CustomCommand { command, args }
Some(_) | None => RustfmtConfig::Rustfmt { extra_args: data.rustfmt_extraArgs },
self.flycheck = if data.checkOnSave_enable {
let flycheck_config = match data.checkOnSave_overrideCommand {
Some(mut args) if !args.is_empty() => {
let command = args.remove(0);
FlycheckConfig::CustomCommand { command, args }
Some(_) | None => FlycheckConfig::CargoCommand {
command: data.checkOnSave_command,
target_triple: data.checkOnSave_target.or(data.cargo_target),
all_targets: data.checkOnSave_allTargets,
no_default_features: data
all_features: data.checkOnSave_allFeatures.unwrap_or(data.cargo_allFeatures),
features: data.checkOnSave_features.unwrap_or(data.cargo_features),
extra_args: data.checkOnSave_extraArgs,
} else {
self.inlay_hints = InlayHintsConfig {
type_hints: data.inlayHints_typeHints,
parameter_hints: data.inlayHints_parameterHints,
chaining_hints: data.inlayHints_chainingHints,
max_length: data.inlayHints_maxLength,
self.assist.insert_use.merge = match data.assist_importMergeBehaviour {
MergeBehaviourDef::None => None,
MergeBehaviourDef::Full => Some(MergeBehaviour::Full),
MergeBehaviourDef::Last => Some(MergeBehaviour::Last),
self.assist.insert_use.prefix_kind = match data.assist_importPrefix {
ImportPrefixDef::Plain => PrefixKind::Plain,
ImportPrefixDef::ByCrate => PrefixKind::ByCrate,
ImportPrefixDef::BySelf => PrefixKind::BySelf,
self.completion.enable_postfix_completions = data.completion_postfix_enable;
self.completion.add_call_parenthesis = data.completion_addCallParenthesis;
self.completion.add_call_argument_snippets = data.completion_addCallArgumentSnippets;
self.completion.merge = self.assist.insert_use.merge;
self.call_info_full = data.callInfo_full;
self.lens = LensConfig {
run: data.lens_enable && data.lens_run,
debug: data.lens_enable && data.lens_debug,
implementations: data.lens_enable && data.lens_implementations,
method_refs: data.lens_enable && data.lens_methodReferences,
if !data.linkedProjects.is_empty() {
for linked_project in data.linkedProjects {
let linked_project = match linked_project {
ManifestOrProjectJson::Manifest(it) => {
let path = self.root_path.join(it);
match ProjectManifest::from_manifest_file(path) {
Ok(it) => it.into(),
Err(e) => {
log::error!("failed to load linked project: {}", e);
ManifestOrProjectJson::ProjectJson(it) => {
ProjectJson::new(&self.root_path, it).into()
self.hover = HoverConfig {
implementations: data.hoverActions_enable && data.hoverActions_implementations,
run: data.hoverActions_enable && data.hoverActions_run,
debug: data.hoverActions_enable && data.hoverActions_debug,
goto_type_def: data.hoverActions_enable && data.hoverActions_gotoTypeDef,
links_in_hover: data.hoverActions_linksInHover,
markdown: true,
log::info!("Config::update() = {:#?}", self);
pub fn update_caps(&mut self, caps: &ClientCapabilities) {
if let Some(doc_caps) = caps.text_document.as_ref() {
if let Some(value) = doc_caps.hover.as_ref().and_then(|it| it.content_format.as_ref()) {
self.hover.markdown = value.contains(&MarkupKind::Markdown)
if let Some(value) = doc_caps.definition.as_ref().and_then(|it| it.link_support) {
self.client_caps.location_link = value;
if let Some(value) = doc_caps.folding_range.as_ref().and_then(|it| it.line_folding_only)
self.client_caps.line_folding_only = value
if let Some(value) = doc_caps
.and_then(|it| it.hierarchical_document_symbol_support)
self.client_caps.hierarchical_symbols = value
if let Some(value) =
doc_caps.code_action.as_ref().map(|it| it.code_action_literal_support.is_some())
self.client_caps.code_action_literals = value;
if let Some(value) = doc_caps
.and_then(|it| it.signature_information.as_ref())
.and_then(|it| it.parameter_information.as_ref())
.and_then(|it| it.label_offset_support)
self.client_caps.signature_help_label_offsets = value;
if let Some(completion) = &doc_caps.completion {
if let Some(completion_item) = &completion.completion_item {
if let Some(value) = completion_item.snippet_support {
if let Some(code_action) = &doc_caps.code_action {
if let Some(resolve_support) = &code_action.resolve_support {
if resolve_support.properties.iter().any(|it| it == "edit") {
self.client_caps.code_action_resolve = true;
if let Some(window_caps) = caps.window.as_ref() {
if let Some(value) = window_caps.work_done_progress {
self.client_caps.work_done_progress = value;
if let Some(experimental) = &caps.experimental {
let get_bool =
|index: &str| experimental.get(index).and_then(|it| it.as_bool()) == Some(true);
let snippet_text_edit = get_bool("snippetTextEdit");
self.client_caps.code_action_group = get_bool("codeActionGroup");
self.client_caps.hover_actions = get_bool("hoverActions");
self.client_caps.status_notification = get_bool("statusNotification");
if let Some(workspace_caps) = caps.workspace.as_ref() {
if let Some(refresh_support) =
workspace_caps.semantic_tokens.as_ref().and_then(|it| it.refresh_support)
self.semantic_tokens_refresh = refresh_support;
enum ManifestOrProjectJson {
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
enum MergeBehaviourDef {
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
enum ImportPrefixDef {
macro_rules! config_data {
(struct $name:ident { $($field:ident: $ty:ty = $default:expr,)*}) => {
struct $name { $($field: $ty,)* }
impl $name {
fn from_json(mut json: serde_json::Value) -> $name {
$name {$(
$field: {
let pointer = stringify!($field).replace('_', "/");
let pointer = format!("/{}", pointer);
.and_then(|it| serde_json::from_value(it.take()).ok())
config_data! {
struct ConfigData {
assist_importMergeBehaviour: MergeBehaviourDef = MergeBehaviourDef::None,
assist_importPrefix: ImportPrefixDef = ImportPrefixDef::Plain,
callInfo_full: bool = true,
cargo_autoreload: bool = true,
cargo_allFeatures: bool = false,
cargo_features: Vec<String> = Vec::new(),
cargo_loadOutDirsFromCheck: bool = false,
cargo_noDefaultFeatures: bool = false,
cargo_target: Option<String> = None,
cargo_noSysroot: bool = false,
checkOnSave_enable: bool = true,
checkOnSave_allFeatures: Option<bool> = None,
checkOnSave_allTargets: bool = true,
checkOnSave_command: String = "check".into(),
checkOnSave_noDefaultFeatures: Option<bool> = None,
checkOnSave_target: Option<String> = None,
checkOnSave_extraArgs: Vec<String> = Vec::new(),
checkOnSave_features: Option<Vec<String>> = None,
checkOnSave_overrideCommand: Option<Vec<String>> = None,
completion_addCallArgumentSnippets: bool = true,
completion_addCallParenthesis: bool = true,
completion_postfix_enable: bool = true,
diagnostics_enable: bool = true,
diagnostics_enableExperimental: bool = true,
diagnostics_disabled: FxHashSet<String> = FxHashSet::default(),
diagnostics_warningsAsHint: Vec<String> = Vec::new(),
diagnostics_warningsAsInfo: Vec<String> = Vec::new(),
files_watcher: String = "client".into(),
hoverActions_debug: bool = true,
hoverActions_enable: bool = true,
hoverActions_gotoTypeDef: bool = true,
hoverActions_implementations: bool = true,
hoverActions_run: bool = true,
hoverActions_linksInHover: bool = true,
inlayHints_chainingHints: bool = true,
inlayHints_maxLength: Option<usize> = None,
inlayHints_parameterHints: bool = true,
inlayHints_typeHints: bool = true,
lens_debug: bool = true,
lens_enable: bool = true,
lens_implementations: bool = true,
lens_run: bool = true,
lens_methodReferences: bool = false,
linkedProjects: Vec<ManifestOrProjectJson> = Vec::new(),
lruCapacity: Option<usize> = None,
notifications_cargoTomlNotFound: bool = true,
procMacro_enable: bool = false,
runnables_overrideCargo: Option<String> = None,
runnables_cargoExtraArgs: Vec<String> = Vec::new(),
rustfmt_extraArgs: Vec<String> = Vec::new(),
rustfmt_overrideCommand: Option<Vec<String>> = None,
rustcSource : Option<String> = None,