653 lines
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653 lines
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These are runtime functions that the compiler knows about and generates
calls to. They are called on the Rust stack and, in most cases, immediately
switch to the C stack.
#include "rust_cc.h"
#include "rust_gc.h"
#include "rust_internal.h"
#include "rust_scheduler.h"
#include "rust_unwind.h"
#include "rust_upcall.h"
#include <stdint.h>
// This is called to ensure we've set up our rust stacks
// correctly. Strategically placed at entry to upcalls because they begin on
// the rust stack and happen frequently enough to catch most stack changes,
// including at the beginning of all landing pads.
// FIXME: Enable this for windows
#if defined __linux__ || defined __APPLE__ || defined __FreeBSD__
extern "C" void
check_stack_alignment() __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
static void check_stack_alignment() { }
#define UPCALL_SWITCH_STACK(A, F) call_upcall_on_c_stack((void*)A, (void*)F)
inline void
call_upcall_on_c_stack(void *args, void *fn_ptr) {
rust_task *task = rust_scheduler::get_task();
rust_scheduler *sched = task->sched;
sched->c_context.call_shim_on_c_stack(args, fn_ptr);
extern "C" void record_sp(void *limit);
* Switches to the C-stack and invokes |fn_ptr|, passing |args| as argument.
* This is used by the C compiler to call native functions and by other
* upcalls to switch to the C stack. The return value is passed through a
* field in the args parameter. This upcall is specifically for switching
* to the shim functions generated by rustc.
extern "C" CDECL void
upcall_call_shim_on_c_stack(void *args, void *fn_ptr) {
rust_task *task = rust_scheduler::get_task();
// FIXME (1226) - The shim functions generated by rustc contain the
// morestack prologue, so we need to let them know they have enough
// stack.
rust_scheduler *sched = task->sched;
try {
sched->c_context.call_shim_on_c_stack(args, fn_ptr);
} catch (...) {
A(sched, false, "Native code threw an exception");
task = rust_scheduler::get_task();
struct s_fail_args {
char const *expr;
char const *file;
size_t line;
extern "C" CDECL void
upcall_s_fail(s_fail_args *args) {
rust_task *task = rust_scheduler::get_task();
LOG_ERR(task, upcall, "upcall fail '%s', %s:%" PRIdPTR,
args->expr, args->file, args->line);
extern "C" CDECL void
upcall_fail(char const *expr,
char const *file,
size_t line) {
s_fail_args args = {expr,file,line};
UPCALL_SWITCH_STACK(&args, upcall_s_fail);
* Allocate an object in the task-local heap.
struct s_malloc_args {
uintptr_t retval;
size_t nbytes;
type_desc *td;
extern "C" CDECL void
upcall_s_malloc(s_malloc_args *args) {
rust_task *task = rust_scheduler::get_task();
LOG(task, mem,
"upcall malloc(%" PRIdPTR ", 0x%" PRIxPTR ")",
args->nbytes, args->td);
// TODO: Maybe use dladdr here to find a more useful name for the
// type_desc.
void *p = task->malloc(args->nbytes, "tdesc", args->td);
memset(p, '\0', args->nbytes);
task->local_allocs[p] = args->td;
debug::maybe_track_origin(task, p);
LOG(task, mem,
"upcall malloc(%" PRIdPTR ", 0x%" PRIxPTR ") = 0x%" PRIxPTR,
args->nbytes, args->td, (uintptr_t)p);
args->retval = (uintptr_t) p;
extern "C" CDECL uintptr_t
upcall_malloc(size_t nbytes, type_desc *td) {
s_malloc_args args = {0, nbytes, td};
UPCALL_SWITCH_STACK(&args, upcall_s_malloc);
return args.retval;
* Called whenever an object in the task-local heap is freed.
struct s_free_args {
void *ptr;
uintptr_t is_gc;
extern "C" CDECL void
upcall_s_free(s_free_args *args) {
rust_task *task = rust_scheduler::get_task();
rust_scheduler *sched = task->sched;
DLOG(sched, mem,
"upcall free(0x%" PRIxPTR ", is_gc=%" PRIdPTR ")",
(uintptr_t)args->ptr, args->is_gc);
debug::maybe_untrack_origin(task, args->ptr);
task->free(args->ptr, (bool) args->is_gc);
extern "C" CDECL void
upcall_free(void* ptr, uintptr_t is_gc) {
s_free_args args = {ptr, is_gc};
UPCALL_SWITCH_STACK(&args, upcall_s_free);
* Allocate an object in the exchange heap.
struct s_shared_malloc_args {
uintptr_t retval;
size_t nbytes;
type_desc *td;
extern "C" CDECL void
upcall_s_shared_malloc(s_shared_malloc_args *args) {
rust_task *task = rust_scheduler::get_task();
LOG(task, mem,
"upcall shared_malloc(%" PRIdPTR ", 0x%" PRIxPTR ")",
args->nbytes, args->td);
void *p = task->kernel->malloc(args->nbytes, "shared malloc");
memset(p, '\0', args->nbytes);
LOG(task, mem,
"upcall shared_malloc(%" PRIdPTR ", 0x%" PRIxPTR
") = 0x%" PRIxPTR,
args->nbytes, args->td, (uintptr_t)p);
args->retval = (uintptr_t) p;
extern "C" CDECL uintptr_t
upcall_shared_malloc(size_t nbytes, type_desc *td) {
s_shared_malloc_args args = {0, nbytes, td};
UPCALL_SWITCH_STACK(&args, upcall_s_shared_malloc);
return args.retval;
* Called whenever an object in the exchange heap is freed.
struct s_shared_free_args {
void *ptr;
extern "C" CDECL void
upcall_s_shared_free(s_shared_free_args *args) {
rust_task *task = rust_scheduler::get_task();
rust_scheduler *sched = task->sched;
DLOG(sched, mem,
"upcall shared_free(0x%" PRIxPTR")",
extern "C" CDECL void
upcall_shared_free(void* ptr) {
s_shared_free_args args = {ptr};
UPCALL_SWITCH_STACK(&args, upcall_s_shared_free);
* Called to deep copy a type descriptor onto the exchange heap.
* Used when sending closures. It's possible that we should have
* a central hashtable to avoid copying and re-copying the same
* type descriptors.
struct s_create_shared_type_desc_args {
const type_desc *td;
type_desc *res;
void upcall_s_create_shared_type_desc(s_create_shared_type_desc_args *args)
rust_task *task = rust_scheduler::get_task();
// Copy the main part of the type descriptor:
const type_desc *td = args->td;
int n_params = td->n_params;
size_t sz = sizeof(type_desc) + sizeof(type_desc*) * n_params;
args->res = (type_desc*) task->kernel->malloc(sz, "create_shared_type_desc");
memcpy(args->res, td, sizeof(type_desc));
// Recursively copy any referenced descriptors:
if (n_params == 0) {
args->res->first_param = NULL;
} else {
args->res->first_param = &args->res->descs[1];
args->res->descs[0] = args->res;
for (int i = 0; i < n_params; i++) {
s_create_shared_type_desc_args rec_args = {
td->first_param[i], 0
args->res->first_param[i] = rec_args.res;
extern "C" CDECL type_desc *
upcall_create_shared_type_desc(type_desc *td) {
s_create_shared_type_desc_args args = { td, 0 };
UPCALL_SWITCH_STACK(&args, upcall_s_create_shared_type_desc);
return args.res;
* Called to deep free a type descriptor from the exchange heap.
void upcall_s_free_shared_type_desc(type_desc *td)
rust_task *task = rust_scheduler::get_task();
// Recursively free any referenced descriptors:
for (unsigned i = 0; i < td->n_params; i++) {
upcall_s_free_shared_type_desc((type_desc*) td->first_param[i]);
extern "C" CDECL void
upcall_free_shared_type_desc(type_desc *td) {
UPCALL_SWITCH_STACK(td, upcall_s_free_shared_type_desc);
* Called to intern a task-local type descriptor into the hashtable
* associated with each scheduler.
struct s_get_type_desc_args {
type_desc *retval;
size_t size;
size_t align;
size_t n_descs;
type_desc const **descs;
uintptr_t n_obj_params;
extern "C" CDECL void
upcall_s_get_type_desc(s_get_type_desc_args *args) {
rust_task *task = rust_scheduler::get_task();
LOG(task, cache, "upcall get_type_desc with size=%" PRIdPTR
", align=%" PRIdPTR ", %" PRIdPTR " descs", args->size, args->align,
rust_crate_cache *cache = task->get_crate_cache();
type_desc *td = cache->get_type_desc(args->size, args->align, args->n_descs,
args->descs, args->n_obj_params);
LOG(task, cache, "returning tydesc 0x%" PRIxPTR, td);
args->retval = td;
extern "C" CDECL type_desc *
upcall_get_type_desc(void *curr_crate, // ignored, legacy compat.
size_t size,
size_t align,
size_t n_descs,
type_desc const **descs,
uintptr_t n_obj_params) {
s_get_type_desc_args args = {0,size,align,n_descs,descs,n_obj_params};
UPCALL_SWITCH_STACK(&args, upcall_s_get_type_desc);
return args.retval;
struct s_vec_grow_args {
rust_vec** vp;
size_t new_sz;
extern "C" CDECL void
upcall_s_vec_grow(s_vec_grow_args *args) {
rust_task *task = rust_scheduler::get_task();
reserve_vec(task, args->vp, args->new_sz);
(*args->vp)->fill = args->new_sz;
extern "C" CDECL void
upcall_vec_grow(rust_vec** vp, size_t new_sz) {
s_vec_grow_args args = {vp, new_sz};
UPCALL_SWITCH_STACK(&args, upcall_s_vec_grow);
// Copy elements from one vector to another,
// dealing with reference counts
static inline void
copy_elements(rust_task *task, type_desc *elem_t,
void *pdst, void *psrc, size_t n) {
char *dst = (char *)pdst, *src = (char *)psrc;
memmove(dst, src, n);
// increment the refcount of each element of the vector
if (elem_t->take_glue) {
glue_fn *take_glue = elem_t->take_glue;
size_t elem_size = elem_t->size;
const type_desc **tydescs = elem_t->first_param;
for (char *p = dst; p < dst+n; p += elem_size) {
take_glue(NULL, NULL, tydescs, p);
struct s_vec_push_args {
rust_vec** vp;
type_desc* elt_ty;
void* elt;
extern "C" CDECL void
upcall_s_vec_push(s_vec_push_args *args) {
rust_task *task = rust_scheduler::get_task();
size_t new_sz = (*args->vp)->fill + args->elt_ty->size;
reserve_vec(task, args->vp, new_sz);
rust_vec* v = *args->vp;
copy_elements(task, args->elt_ty, &v->data[0] + v->fill,
args->elt, args->elt_ty->size);
v->fill += args->elt_ty->size;
extern "C" CDECL void
upcall_vec_push(rust_vec** vp, type_desc* elt_ty, void* elt) {
// FIXME: Switching stacks here causes crashes, probably
// because this upcall calls take glue
s_vec_push_args args = {vp, elt_ty, elt};
// Do the stack check to make sure this op, on the Rust stack, is behaving
rust_task *task = rust_scheduler::get_task();
* Returns a token that can be used to deallocate all of the allocated space
* space in the dynamic stack.
struct s_dynastack_mark_args {
void *retval;
extern "C" CDECL void
upcall_s_dynastack_mark(s_dynastack_mark_args *args) {
args->retval = rust_scheduler::get_task()->dynastack.mark();
extern "C" CDECL void *
upcall_dynastack_mark() {
s_dynastack_mark_args args = {0};
UPCALL_SWITCH_STACK(&args, upcall_s_dynastack_mark);
return args.retval;
* Allocates space in the dynamic stack and returns it.
* FIXME: Deprecated since dynamic stacks need to be self-describing for GC.
struct s_dynastack_alloc_args {
void *retval;
size_t sz;
extern "C" CDECL void
upcall_s_dynastack_alloc(s_dynastack_alloc_args *args) {
size_t sz = args->sz;
args->retval = sz ?
rust_scheduler::get_task()->dynastack.alloc(sz, NULL) : NULL;
extern "C" CDECL void *
upcall_dynastack_alloc(size_t sz) {
s_dynastack_alloc_args args = {0, sz};
UPCALL_SWITCH_STACK(&args, upcall_s_dynastack_alloc);
return args.retval;
* Allocates space associated with a type descriptor in the dynamic stack and
* returns it.
struct s_dynastack_alloc_2_args {
void *retval;
size_t sz;
type_desc *ty;
extern "C" CDECL void
upcall_s_dynastack_alloc_2(s_dynastack_alloc_2_args *args) {
size_t sz = args->sz;
type_desc *ty = args->ty;
args->retval = sz ?
rust_scheduler::get_task()->dynastack.alloc(sz, ty) : NULL;
extern "C" CDECL void *
upcall_dynastack_alloc_2(size_t sz, type_desc *ty) {
s_dynastack_alloc_2_args args = {0, sz, ty};
UPCALL_SWITCH_STACK(&args, upcall_s_dynastack_alloc_2);
return args.retval;
struct s_dynastack_free_args {
void *ptr;
extern "C" CDECL void
upcall_s_dynastack_free(s_dynastack_free_args *args) {
return rust_scheduler::get_task()->dynastack.free(args->ptr);
/** Frees space in the dynamic stack. */
extern "C" CDECL void
upcall_dynastack_free(void *ptr) {
s_dynastack_free_args args = {ptr};
UPCALL_SWITCH_STACK(&args, upcall_s_dynastack_free);
extern "C" _Unwind_Reason_Code
__gxx_personality_v0(int version,
_Unwind_Action actions,
uint64_t exception_class,
_Unwind_Exception *ue_header,
_Unwind_Context *context);
struct s_rust_personality_args {
_Unwind_Reason_Code retval;
int version;
_Unwind_Action actions;
uint64_t exception_class;
_Unwind_Exception *ue_header;
_Unwind_Context *context;
extern "C" void
upcall_s_rust_personality(s_rust_personality_args *args) {
args->retval = __gxx_personality_v0(args->version,
The exception handling personality function. It figures
out what to do with each landing pad. Just a stack-switching
wrapper around the C++ personality function.
extern "C" _Unwind_Reason_Code
upcall_rust_personality(int version,
_Unwind_Action actions,
uint64_t exception_class,
_Unwind_Exception *ue_header,
_Unwind_Context *context) {
s_rust_personality_args args = {(_Unwind_Reason_Code)0,
version, actions, exception_class,
ue_header, context};
rust_task *task = rust_scheduler::get_task();
// The personality function is run on the stack of the
// last function that threw or landed, which is going
// to sometimes be the C stack. If we're on the Rust stack
// then switch to the C stack.
if (task->on_rust_stack()) {
UPCALL_SWITCH_STACK(&args, upcall_s_rust_personality);
} else {
return args.retval;
extern "C" void
shape_cmp_type(int8_t *result, const type_desc *tydesc,
const type_desc **subtydescs, uint8_t *data_0,
uint8_t *data_1, uint8_t cmp_type);
struct s_cmp_type_args {
int8_t *result;
const type_desc *tydesc;
const type_desc **subtydescs;
uint8_t *data_0;
uint8_t *data_1;
uint8_t cmp_type;
extern "C" void
upcall_s_cmp_type(s_cmp_type_args *args) {
shape_cmp_type(args->result, args->tydesc, args->subtydescs,
args->data_0, args->data_1, args->cmp_type);
extern "C" void
upcall_cmp_type(int8_t *result, const type_desc *tydesc,
const type_desc **subtydescs, uint8_t *data_0,
uint8_t *data_1, uint8_t cmp_type) {
s_cmp_type_args args = {result, tydesc, subtydescs, data_0, data_1, cmp_type};
UPCALL_SWITCH_STACK(&args, upcall_s_cmp_type);
extern "C" void
shape_log_type(const type_desc *tydesc, uint8_t *data, uint32_t level);
struct s_log_type_args {
const type_desc *tydesc;
uint8_t *data;
uint32_t level;
extern "C" void
upcall_s_log_type(s_log_type_args *args) {
shape_log_type(args->tydesc, args->data, args->level);
extern "C" void
upcall_log_type(const type_desc *tydesc, uint8_t *data, uint32_t level) {
s_log_type_args args = {tydesc, data, level};
UPCALL_SWITCH_STACK(&args, upcall_s_log_type);
struct s_new_stack_args {
void *result;
size_t stk_sz;
void *args_addr;
size_t args_sz;
extern "C" CDECL void
upcall_s_new_stack(struct s_new_stack_args *args) {
rust_task *task = rust_scheduler::get_task();
args->result = task->new_stack(args->stk_sz,
extern "C" CDECL void *
upcall_new_stack(size_t stk_sz, void *args_addr, size_t args_sz) {
s_new_stack_args args = {NULL, stk_sz, args_addr, args_sz};
UPCALL_SWITCH_STACK(&args, upcall_s_new_stack);
return args.result;
extern "C" CDECL void
upcall_s_del_stack() {
rust_task *task = rust_scheduler::get_task();
extern "C" CDECL void
upcall_del_stack() {
UPCALL_SWITCH_STACK(NULL, upcall_s_del_stack);
// Landing pads need to call this to insert the
// correct limit into TLS.
// NB: This must run on the Rust stack because it
// needs to acquire the value of the stack pointer
extern "C" CDECL void
upcall_reset_stack_limit() {
rust_task *task = rust_scheduler::get_task();
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