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30 KiB

// Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use self::ImportDirectiveSubclass::*;
use Module;
use Namespace::{self, TypeNS, ValueNS};
use {NameBinding, NameBindingKind, PrivacyError};
use ResolveResult;
use ResolveResult::*;
use Resolver;
use UseLexicalScopeFlag::DontUseLexicalScope;
use {names_to_string, module_to_string};
use {resolve_error, ResolutionError};
use rustc::ty;
use rustc::lint;
use rustc::hir::def::*;
use syntax::ast::{NodeId, Name};
use syntax::util::lev_distance::find_best_match_for_name;
use syntax_pos::{Span, DUMMY_SP};
use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell};
impl<'a> Resolver<'a> {
pub fn resolve_imports(&mut self) {
ImportResolver { resolver: self }.resolve_imports();
/// Contains data for specific types of import directives.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum ImportDirectiveSubclass {
SingleImport {
target: Name,
source: Name,
type_determined: Cell<bool>,
value_determined: Cell<bool>,
GlobImport { is_prelude: bool },
impl ImportDirectiveSubclass {
pub fn single(target: Name, source: Name) -> Self {
SingleImport {
target: target,
source: source,
type_determined: Cell::new(false),
value_determined: Cell::new(false),
/// One import directive.
pub struct ImportDirective<'a> {
pub id: NodeId,
module_path: Vec<Name>,
target_module: Cell<Option<Module<'a>>>, // the resolution of `module_path`
subclass: ImportDirectiveSubclass,
span: Span,
vis: ty::Visibility, // see note in ImportResolutionPerNamespace about how to use this
impl<'a> ImportDirective<'a> {
// Given the binding to which this directive resolves in a particular namespace,
// this returns the binding for the name this directive defines in that namespace.
fn import(&'a self, binding: &'a NameBinding<'a>, privacy_error: Option<Box<PrivacyError<'a>>>)
-> NameBinding<'a> {
NameBinding {
kind: NameBindingKind::Import {
binding: binding,
directive: self,
privacy_error: privacy_error,
span: self.span,
vis: self.vis,
pub fn is_glob(&self) -> bool {
match self.subclass { ImportDirectiveSubclass::GlobImport { .. } => true, _ => false }
#[derive(Clone, Default)]
/// Records information about the resolution of a name in a namespace of a module.
pub struct NameResolution<'a> {
/// The single imports that define the name in the namespace.
single_imports: SingleImports<'a>,
/// The least shadowable known binding for this name, or None if there are no known bindings.
pub binding: Option<&'a NameBinding<'a>>,
duplicate_globs: Vec<&'a NameBinding<'a>>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
enum SingleImports<'a> {
/// No single imports can define the name in the namespace.
/// Only the given single import can define the name in the namespace.
MaybeOne(&'a ImportDirective<'a>),
/// At least one single import will define the name in the namespace.
impl<'a> Default for SingleImports<'a> {
fn default() -> Self {
impl<'a> SingleImports<'a> {
fn add_directive(&mut self, directive: &'a ImportDirective<'a>) {
match *self {
SingleImports::None => *self = SingleImports::MaybeOne(directive),
// If two single imports can define the name in the namespace, we can assume that at
// least one of them will define it since otherwise both would have to define only one
// namespace, leading to a duplicate error.
SingleImports::MaybeOne(_) => *self = SingleImports::AtLeastOne,
SingleImports::AtLeastOne => {}
fn directive_failed(&mut self) {
match *self {
SingleImports::None => unreachable!(),
SingleImports::MaybeOne(_) => *self = SingleImports::None,
SingleImports::AtLeastOne => {}
impl<'a> NameResolution<'a> {
fn try_define(&mut self, binding: &'a NameBinding<'a>) -> Result<(), &'a NameBinding<'a>> {
if let Some(old_binding) = self.binding {
if binding.is_glob_import() {
} else if old_binding.is_glob_import() {
self.binding = Some(binding);
} else {
return Err(old_binding);
} else {
self.binding = Some(binding);
// Returns the binding for the name if it is known or None if it not known.
fn binding(&self) -> Option<&'a NameBinding<'a>> {
self.binding.and_then(|binding| match self.single_imports {
SingleImports::None => Some(binding),
_ if !binding.is_glob_import() => Some(binding),
_ => None, // The binding could be shadowed by a single import, so it is not known.
// Returns Some(the resolution of the name), or None if the resolution depends
// on whether more globs can define the name.
fn try_result(&self, ns: Namespace, allow_private_imports: bool)
-> Option<ResolveResult<&'a NameBinding<'a>>> {
match self.binding {
Some(binding) if !binding.is_glob_import() =>
return Some(Success(binding)),
_ => {} // Items and single imports are not shadowable
// Check if a single import can still define the name.
match self.single_imports {
SingleImports::None => {},
SingleImports::AtLeastOne => return Some(Indeterminate),
SingleImports::MaybeOne(directive) => {
// If (1) we don't allow private imports, (2) no public single import can define
// the name, and (3) no public glob has defined the name, the resolution depends
// on whether more globs can define the name.
if !allow_private_imports && directive.vis != ty::Visibility::Public &&
! {
return None;
let target_module = match directive.target_module.get() {
Some(target_module) => target_module,
None => return Some(Indeterminate),
let name = match directive.subclass {
SingleImport { source, .. } => source,
GlobImport { .. } => unreachable!(),
match target_module.resolve_name(name, ns, false) {
Failed(_) => {}
_ => return Some(Indeterminate),
fn report_conflicts<F: FnMut(&NameBinding, &NameBinding)>(&self, mut report: F) {
let binding = match self.binding {
Some(binding) => binding,
None => return,
for duplicate_glob in self.duplicate_globs.iter() {
// FIXME #31337: We currently allow items to shadow glob-imported re-exports.
if !binding.is_import() {
if let NameBindingKind::Import { binding, .. } = duplicate_glob.kind {
if binding.is_import() { continue }
report(duplicate_glob, binding);
impl<'a> ::ModuleS<'a> {
fn resolution(&self, name: Name, ns: Namespace) -> &'a RefCell<NameResolution<'a>> {
*self.resolutions.borrow_mut().entry((name, ns))
.or_insert_with(|| self.arenas.alloc_name_resolution())
pub fn resolve_name(&self, name: Name, ns: Namespace, allow_private_imports: bool)
-> ResolveResult<&'a NameBinding<'a>> {
let resolution = self.resolution(name, ns);
let resolution = match resolution.borrow_state() {
::std::cell::BorrowState::Unused => resolution.borrow_mut(),
_ => return Failed(None), // This happens when there is a cycle of imports
if let Some(result) = resolution.try_result(ns, allow_private_imports) {
// If the resolution doesn't depend on glob definability, check privacy and return.
return result.and_then(|binding| {
let allowed = allow_private_imports || !binding.is_import() ||
if allowed { Success(binding) } else { Failed(None) }
// Check if the globs are determined
for directive in self.globs.borrow().iter() {
if !allow_private_imports && directive.vis != ty::Visibility::Public { continue }
match directive.target_module.get() {
None => return Indeterminate,
Some(target_module) => match target_module.resolve_name(name, ns, false) {
Indeterminate => return Indeterminate,
_ => {}
// Define the name or return the existing binding if there is a collision.
pub fn try_define_child(&self, name: Name, ns: Namespace, binding: NameBinding<'a>)
-> Result<(), &'a NameBinding<'a>> {
self.update_resolution(name, ns, |resolution| {
pub fn add_import_directive(&self,
module_path: Vec<Name>,
subclass: ImportDirectiveSubclass,
span: Span,
id: NodeId,
vis: ty::Visibility) {
let directive = self.arenas.alloc_import_directive(ImportDirective {
module_path: module_path,
target_module: Cell::new(None),
subclass: subclass,
span: span,
id: id,
vis: vis,
match directive.subclass {
SingleImport { target, .. } => {
for &ns in &[ValueNS, TypeNS] {
self.resolution(target, ns).borrow_mut().single_imports
// We don't add prelude imports to the globs since they only affect lexical scopes,
// which are not relevant to import resolution.
GlobImport { is_prelude: true } => {}
GlobImport { .. } => self.globs.borrow_mut().push(directive),
// Use `update` to mutate the resolution for the name.
// If the resolution becomes a success, define it in the module's glob importers.
fn update_resolution<T, F>(&self, name: Name, ns: Namespace, update: F) -> T
where F: FnOnce(&mut NameResolution<'a>) -> T
// Ensure that `resolution` isn't borrowed during `define_in_glob_importers`,
// where it might end up getting re-defined via a glob cycle.
let (new_binding, t) = {
let mut resolution = &mut *self.resolution(name, ns).borrow_mut();
let was_known = resolution.binding().is_some();
let t = update(resolution);
if was_known { return t; }
match resolution.binding() {
Some(binding) => (binding, t),
None => return t,
self.define_in_glob_importers(name, ns, new_binding);
fn define_in_glob_importers(&self, name: Name, ns: Namespace, binding: &'a NameBinding<'a>) {
if !binding.is_importable() || !binding.is_pseudo_public() { return }
for &(importer, directive) in self.glob_importers.borrow_mut().iter() {
let _ = importer.try_define_child(name, ns, directive.import(binding, None));
struct ImportResolvingError<'a> {
/// Module where the error happened
source_module: Module<'a>,
import_directive: &'a ImportDirective<'a>,
span: Span,
help: String,
struct ImportResolver<'a, 'b: 'a> {
resolver: &'a mut Resolver<'b>,
impl<'a, 'b:'a> ImportResolver<'a, 'b> {
// Import resolution
// This is a fixed-point algorithm. We resolve imports until our efforts
// are stymied by an unresolved import; then we bail out of the current
// module and continue. We terminate successfully once no more imports
// remain or unsuccessfully when no forward progress in resolving imports
// is made.
/// Resolves all imports for the crate. This method performs the fixed-
/// point iteration.
fn resolve_imports(&mut self) {
let mut i = 0;
let mut prev_unresolved_imports = 0;
let mut errors = Vec::new();
loop {
debug!("(resolving imports) iteration {}, {} imports left",
// Attempt to resolve imports in all local modules.
for module in self.resolver.arenas.local_modules().iter() {
self.resolver.current_module = module;
self.resolve_imports_in_current_module(&mut errors);
if self.resolver.unresolved_imports == 0 {
debug!("(resolving imports) success");
for module in self.resolver.arenas.local_modules().iter() {
self.finalize_resolutions_in(module, false);
if self.resolver.unresolved_imports == prev_unresolved_imports {
// resolving failed
// Report unresolved imports only if no hard error was already reported
// to avoid generating multiple errors on the same import.
// Imports that are still indeterminate at this point are actually blocked
// by errored imports, so there is no point reporting them.
for module in self.resolver.arenas.local_modules().iter() {
self.finalize_resolutions_in(module, errors.len() == 0);
for e in errors {
i += 1;
prev_unresolved_imports = self.resolver.unresolved_imports;
/// Resolves an `ImportResolvingError` into the correct enum discriminant
/// and passes that on to `resolve_error`.
fn import_resolving_error(&self, e: ImportResolvingError<'b>) {
// If it's a single failed import then create a "fake" import
// resolution for it so that later resolve stages won't complain.
if let SingleImport { target, .. } = e.import_directive.subclass {
let dummy_binding = self.resolver.arenas.alloc_name_binding(NameBinding {
kind: NameBindingKind::Def(Def::Err),
span: DUMMY_SP,
vis: ty::Visibility::Public,
let dummy_binding = e.import_directive.import(dummy_binding, None);
let _ = e.source_module.try_define_child(target, ValueNS, dummy_binding.clone());
let _ = e.source_module.try_define_child(target, TypeNS, dummy_binding);
let path = import_path_to_string(&e.import_directive.module_path,
ResolutionError::UnresolvedImport(Some((&path, &;
/// Attempts to resolve imports for the given module only.
fn resolve_imports_in_current_module(&mut self, errors: &mut Vec<ImportResolvingError<'b>>) {
let mut imports = Vec::new();
let mut unresolved_imports = self.resolver.current_module.unresolved_imports.borrow_mut();
::std::mem::swap(&mut imports, &mut unresolved_imports);
for import_directive in imports {
match self.resolve_import(&import_directive) {
Failed(err) => {
let (span, help) = match err {
Some((span, msg)) => (span, format!(". {}", msg)),
None => (import_directive.span, String::new()),
errors.push(ImportResolvingError {
source_module: self.resolver.current_module,
import_directive: import_directive,
span: span,
help: help,
Indeterminate => unresolved_imports.push(import_directive),
Success(()) => {
// Decrement the count of unresolved imports.
assert!(self.resolver.unresolved_imports >= 1);
self.resolver.unresolved_imports -= 1;
/// Attempts to resolve the given import. The return value indicates
/// failure if we're certain the name does not exist, indeterminate if we
/// don't know whether the name exists at the moment due to other
/// currently-unresolved imports, or success if we know the name exists.
/// If successful, the resolved bindings are written into the module.
fn resolve_import(&mut self, directive: &'b ImportDirective<'b>) -> ResolveResult<()> {
debug!("(resolving import for module) resolving import `{}::...` in `{}`",
let target_module = match directive.target_module.get() {
Some(module) => module,
_ => match self.resolver.resolve_module_path(&directive.module_path,
directive.span) {
Success(module) => module,
Indeterminate => return Indeterminate,
Failed(err) => return Failed(err),
let (source, target, value_determined, type_determined) = match directive.subclass {
SingleImport { source, target, ref value_determined, ref type_determined } =>
(source, target, value_determined, type_determined),
GlobImport { .. } => return self.resolve_glob_import(target_module, directive),
// We need to resolve both namespaces for this to succeed.
let value_result =
self.resolver.resolve_name_in_module(target_module, source, ValueNS, false, true);
let type_result =
self.resolver.resolve_name_in_module(target_module, source, TypeNS, false, true);
let module_ = self.resolver.current_module;
for &(ns, result, determined) in &[(ValueNS, &value_result, value_determined),
(TypeNS, &type_result, type_determined)] {
if determined.get() { continue }
if let Indeterminate = *result { continue }
if let Success(binding) = *result {
if !binding.is_importable() {
let msg = format!("`{}` is not directly importable", target);
span_err!(self.resolver.session, directive.span, E0253, "{}", &msg);
let privacy_error = if !self.resolver.is_accessible(binding.vis) {
Some(Box::new(PrivacyError(directive.span, source, binding)))
} else {
let imported_binding = directive.import(binding, privacy_error);
let conflict = module_.try_define_child(target, ns, imported_binding);
if let Err(old_binding) = conflict {
let binding = &directive.import(binding, None);
self.resolver.report_conflict(module_, target, ns, binding, old_binding);
} else {
module_.update_resolution(target, ns, |resolution| {
match (&value_result, &type_result) {
(&Indeterminate, _) | (_, &Indeterminate) => return Indeterminate,
(&Failed(_), &Failed(_)) => {
let resolutions = target_module.resolutions.borrow();
let names = resolutions.iter().filter_map(|(&(ref name, _), resolution)| {
if *name == source { return None; } // Never suggest the same name
match *resolution.borrow() {
NameResolution { binding: Some(_), .. } => Some(name),
NameResolution { single_imports: SingleImports::None, .. } => None,
_ => Some(name),
let lev_suggestion = match find_best_match_for_name(names, &source.as_str(), None) {
Some(name) => format!(". Did you mean to use `{}`?", name),
None => "".to_owned(),
let module_str = module_to_string(target_module);
let msg = if &module_str == "???" {
format!("There is no `{}` in the crate root{}", source, lev_suggestion)
} else {
format!("There is no `{}` in `{}`{}", source, module_str, lev_suggestion)
return Failed(Some((directive.span, msg)));
_ => (),
match (&value_result, &type_result) {
(&Success(binding), _) if !binding.pseudo_vis()
.is_at_least(directive.vis, self.resolver) &&
self.resolver.is_accessible(binding.vis) => {
let msg = format!("`{}` is private, and cannot be reexported", source);
let note_msg = format!("consider marking `{}` as `pub` in the imported module",
struct_span_err!(self.resolver.session, directive.span, E0364, "{}", &msg)
.span_note(directive.span, &note_msg)
(_, &Success(binding)) if !binding.pseudo_vis()
.is_at_least(directive.vis, self.resolver) &&
self.resolver.is_accessible(binding.vis) => {
if binding.is_extern_crate() {
let msg = format!("extern crate `{}` is private, and cannot be reexported \
(error E0364), consider declaring with `pub`",
} else {
let msg = format!("`{}` is private, and cannot be reexported", source);
let note_msg =
format!("consider declaring type or module `{}` with `pub`", source);
struct_span_err!(self.resolver.session, directive.span, E0365, "{}", &msg)
.span_note(directive.span, &note_msg)
_ => {}
// Report a privacy error here if all successful namespaces are privacy errors.
let mut privacy_error = None;
for &ns in &[ValueNS, TypeNS] {
privacy_error = match module_.resolve_name(target, ns, true) {
Success(&NameBinding {
kind: NameBindingKind::Import { ref privacy_error, .. }, ..
}) => privacy_error.as_ref().map(|error| (**error).clone()),
_ => continue,
if privacy_error.is_none() { break }
}|error| self.resolver.privacy_errors.push(error));
// Record what this import resolves to for later uses in documentation,
// this may resolve to either a value or a type, but for documentation
// purposes it's good enough to just favor one over the other.
let def = match type_result.success().and_then(NameBinding::def) {
Some(def) => def,
None => value_result.success().and_then(NameBinding::def).unwrap(),
let path_resolution = PathResolution::new(def);
self.resolver.def_map.insert(, path_resolution);
debug!("(resolving single import) successfully resolved import");
return Success(());
// Resolves a glob import. Note that this function cannot fail; it either
// succeeds or bails out (as importing * from an empty module or a module
// that exports nothing is valid). target_module is the module we are
// actually importing, i.e., `foo` in `use foo::*`.
fn resolve_glob_import(&mut self, target_module: Module<'b>, directive: &'b ImportDirective<'b>)
-> ResolveResult<()> {
if let Some(Def::Trait(_)) = target_module.def {
self.resolver.session.span_err(directive.span, "items in traits are not importable.");
let module_ = self.resolver.current_module;
if module_.def_id() == target_module.def_id() {
// This means we are trying to glob import a module into itself, and it is a no-go
let msg = "Cannot glob-import a module into itself.".into();
return Failed(Some((directive.span, msg)));
if let GlobImport { is_prelude: true } = directive.subclass {
self.resolver.prelude = Some(target_module);
return Success(());
// Add to target_module's glob_importers
target_module.glob_importers.borrow_mut().push((module_, directive));
// Ensure that `resolutions` isn't borrowed during `try_define_child`,
// since it might get updated via a glob cycle.
let bindings = target_module.resolutions.borrow().iter().filter_map(|(name, resolution)| {
resolution.borrow().binding().map(|binding| (*name, binding))
for ((name, ns), binding) in bindings {
if binding.is_importable() && binding.is_pseudo_public() {
let _ = module_.try_define_child(name, ns, directive.import(binding, None));
// Record the destination of this import
if let Some(did) = target_module.def_id() {
let resolution = PathResolution::new(Def::Mod(did));
self.resolver.def_map.insert(, resolution);
debug!("(resolving glob import) successfully resolved import");
return Success(());
// Miscellaneous post-processing, including recording reexports, reporting conflicts,
// reporting the PRIVATE_IN_PUBLIC lint, and reporting unresolved imports.
fn finalize_resolutions_in(&mut self, module: Module<'b>, report_unresolved_imports: bool) {
// Since import resolution is finished, globs will not define any more names.
*module.globs.borrow_mut() = Vec::new();
let mut reexports = Vec::new();
for (&(name, ns), resolution) in module.resolutions.borrow().iter() {
let resolution = resolution.borrow();
resolution.report_conflicts(|b1, b2| {
self.resolver.report_conflict(module, name, ns, b1, b2)
let binding = match resolution.binding {
Some(binding) => binding,
None => continue,
if binding.vis == ty::Visibility::Public &&
(binding.is_import() || binding.is_extern_crate()) {
if let Some(def) = binding.def() {
reexports.push(Export { name: name, def_id: def.def_id() });
if let NameBindingKind::Import { binding: orig_binding, directive, .. } = binding.kind {
if ns == TypeNS && orig_binding.is_variant() &&
!orig_binding.vis.is_at_least(binding.vis, self.resolver) {
let msg = format!("variant `{}` is private, and cannot be reexported \
(error E0364), consider declaring its enum as `pub`",
let lint = lint::builtin::PRIVATE_IN_PUBLIC;
self.resolver.session.add_lint(lint,, binding.span, msg);
if reexports.len() > 0 {
if let Some(def_id) = module.def_id() {
let node_id = self.resolver.definitions.as_local_node_id(def_id).unwrap();
self.resolver.export_map.insert(node_id, reexports);
if report_unresolved_imports {
for import in module.unresolved_imports.borrow().iter() {
resolve_error(self.resolver, import.span, ResolutionError::UnresolvedImport(None));
fn import_path_to_string(names: &[Name], subclass: &ImportDirectiveSubclass) -> String {
if names.is_empty() {
} else {
fn import_directive_subclass_to_string(subclass: &ImportDirectiveSubclass) -> String {
match *subclass {
SingleImport { source, .. } => source.to_string(),
GlobImport { .. } => "*".to_string(),