This PR stabilizes the `#[diagnostic]` attribute namespace and a minimal option of the `#[diagnostic::on_unimplemented]` attribute. The `#[diagnostic]` attribute namespace is meant to provide a home for attributes that allow users to influence error messages emitted by the compiler. The compiler is not guaranteed to use any of this hints, however it should accept any (non-)existing attribute in this namespace and potentially emit lint-warnings for unused attributes and options. This is meant to allow discarding certain attributes/options in the future to allow fundamental changes to the compiler without the need to keep then non-meaningful options working. The `#[diagnostic::on_unimplemented]` attribute is allowed to appear on a trait definition. This allows crate authors to hint the compiler to emit a specific error message if a certain trait is not implemented. For the `#[diagnostic::on_unimplemented]` attribute the following options are implemented: * `message` which provides the text for the top level error message * `label` which provides the text for the label shown inline in the broken code in the error message * `note` which provides additional notes. The `note` option can appear several times, which results in several note messages being emitted. If any of the other options appears several times the first occurrence of the relevant option specifies the actually used value. Any other occurrence generates an lint warning. For any other non-existing option a lint-warning is generated. All three options accept a text as argument. This text is allowed to contain format parameters referring to generic argument or `Self` by name via the `{Self}` or `{NameOfGenericArgument}` syntax. For any non-existing argument a lint warning is generated. Tracking issue: #111996
685 lines
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685 lines
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use rustc_ast as ast;
use rustc_ast::visit::{self, AssocCtxt, FnCtxt, FnKind, Visitor};
use rustc_ast::{attr, AssocConstraint, AssocConstraintKind, NodeId};
use rustc_ast::{PatKind, RangeEnd};
use rustc_feature::{AttributeGate, BuiltinAttribute, Features, GateIssue, BUILTIN_ATTRIBUTE_MAP};
use rustc_session::parse::{feature_err, feature_err_issue, feature_warn};
use rustc_session::Session;
use rustc_span::source_map::Spanned;
use rustc_span::symbol::sym;
use rustc_span::Span;
use rustc_target::spec::abi;
use thin_vec::ThinVec;
use crate::errors;
/// The common case.
macro_rules! gate {
($visitor:expr, $feature:ident, $span:expr, $explain:expr) => {{
if !$visitor.features.$feature && !$span.allows_unstable(sym::$feature) {
feature_err(&$visitor.sess, sym::$feature, $span, $explain).emit();
($visitor:expr, $feature:ident, $span:expr, $explain:expr, $help:expr) => {{
if !$visitor.features.$feature && !$span.allows_unstable(sym::$feature) {
// FIXME: make this translatable
feature_err(&$visitor.sess, sym::$feature, $span, $explain).with_help($help).emit();
/// The unusual case, where the `has_feature` condition is non-standard.
macro_rules! gate_alt {
($visitor:expr, $has_feature:expr, $name:expr, $span:expr, $explain:expr) => {{
if !$has_feature && !$span.allows_unstable($name) {
feature_err(&$visitor.sess, $name, $span, $explain).emit();
/// The case involving a multispan.
macro_rules! gate_multi {
($visitor:expr, $feature:ident, $spans:expr, $explain:expr) => {{
if !$visitor.features.$feature {
let spans: Vec<_> =
$spans.filter(|span| !span.allows_unstable(sym::$feature)).collect();
if !spans.is_empty() {
feature_err(&$visitor.sess, sym::$feature, spans, $explain).emit();
/// The legacy case.
macro_rules! gate_legacy {
($visitor:expr, $feature:ident, $span:expr, $explain:expr) => {{
if !$visitor.features.$feature && !$span.allows_unstable(sym::$feature) {
feature_warn(&$visitor.sess, sym::$feature, $span, $explain);
pub fn check_attribute(attr: &ast::Attribute, sess: &Session, features: &Features) {
PostExpansionVisitor { sess, features }.visit_attribute(attr)
struct PostExpansionVisitor<'a> {
sess: &'a Session,
// `sess` contains a `Features`, but this might not be that one.
features: &'a Features,
impl<'a> PostExpansionVisitor<'a> {
fn check_abi(&self, abi: ast::StrLit, constness: ast::Const) {
let ast::StrLit { symbol_unescaped, span, .. } = abi;
if let ast::Const::Yes(_) = constness {
match symbol_unescaped {
// Stable
sym::Rust | sym::C => {}
abi => gate!(
format!("`{}` as a `const fn` ABI is unstable", abi)
match abi::is_enabled(self.features, span, symbol_unescaped.as_str()) {
Ok(()) => (),
Err(abi::AbiDisabled::Unstable { feature, explain }) => {
feature_err_issue(&self.sess, feature, span, GateIssue::Language, explain).emit();
Err(abi::AbiDisabled::Unrecognized) => {
if self.sess.opts.pretty.map_or(true, |ppm| ppm.needs_hir()) {
"unrecognized ABI not caught in lowering: {}",
fn check_extern(&self, ext: ast::Extern, constness: ast::Const) {
if let ast::Extern::Explicit(abi, _) = ext {
self.check_abi(abi, constness);
/// Feature gate `impl Trait` inside `type Alias = $type_expr;`.
fn check_impl_trait(&self, ty: &ast::Ty, in_associated_ty: bool) {
struct ImplTraitVisitor<'a> {
vis: &'a PostExpansionVisitor<'a>,
in_associated_ty: bool,
impl Visitor<'_> for ImplTraitVisitor<'_> {
fn visit_ty(&mut self, ty: &ast::Ty) {
if let ast::TyKind::ImplTrait(..) = ty.kind {
if self.in_associated_ty {
"`impl Trait` in associated types is unstable"
} else {
"`impl Trait` in type aliases is unstable"
visit::walk_ty(self, ty);
ImplTraitVisitor { vis: self, in_associated_ty }.visit_ty(ty);
fn check_late_bound_lifetime_defs(&self, params: &[ast::GenericParam]) {
// Check only lifetime parameters are present and that the
// generic parameters that are present have no bounds.
let non_lt_param_spans = params.iter().filter_map(|param| match param.kind {
ast::GenericParamKind::Lifetime { .. } => None,
_ => Some(param.ident.span),
for param in params {
if !param.bounds.is_empty() {
let spans: Vec<_> = param.bounds.iter().map(|b| b.span()).collect();
self.sess.dcx().emit_err(errors::ForbiddenBound { spans });
impl<'a> Visitor<'a> for PostExpansionVisitor<'a> {
fn visit_attribute(&mut self, attr: &ast::Attribute) {
let attr_info = attr.ident().and_then(|ident| BUILTIN_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.get(&ident.name));
// Check feature gates for built-in attributes.
if let Some(BuiltinAttribute {
gate: AttributeGate::Gated(_, name, descr, has_feature),
}) = attr_info
gate_alt!(self, has_feature(self.features), *name, attr.span, *descr);
// Check unstable flavors of the `#[doc]` attribute.
if attr.has_name(sym::doc) {
for nested_meta in attr.meta_item_list().unwrap_or_default() {
macro_rules! gate_doc { ($($s:literal { $($name:ident => $feature:ident)* })*) => {
$($(if nested_meta.has_name(sym::$name) {
let msg = concat!("`#[doc(", stringify!($name), ")]` is ", $s);
gate!(self, $feature, attr.span, msg);
"experimental" {
cfg => doc_cfg
cfg_hide => doc_cfg_hide
masked => doc_masked
notable_trait => doc_notable_trait
"meant for internal use only" {
keyword => rustdoc_internals
fake_variadic => rustdoc_internals
// Emit errors for non-staged-api crates.
if !self.features.staged_api {
if attr.has_name(sym::unstable)
|| attr.has_name(sym::stable)
|| attr.has_name(sym::rustc_const_unstable)
|| attr.has_name(sym::rustc_const_stable)
|| attr.has_name(sym::rustc_default_body_unstable)
self.sess.dcx().emit_err(errors::StabilityOutsideStd { span: attr.span });
fn visit_item(&mut self, i: &'a ast::Item) {
match &i.kind {
ast::ItemKind::ForeignMod(foreign_module) => {
if let Some(abi) = foreign_module.abi {
self.check_abi(abi, ast::Const::No);
ast::ItemKind::Fn(..) => {
if attr::contains_name(&i.attrs, sym::start) {
"`#[start]` functions are experimental and their signature may change \
over time"
ast::ItemKind::Struct(..) => {
for attr in attr::filter_by_name(&i.attrs, sym::repr) {
for item in attr.meta_item_list().unwrap_or_else(ThinVec::new) {
if item.has_name(sym::simd) {
"SIMD types are experimental and possibly buggy"
ast::ItemKind::Impl(box ast::Impl { polarity, defaultness, of_trait, .. }) => {
if let &ast::ImplPolarity::Negative(span) = polarity {
span.to(of_trait.as_ref().map_or(span, |t| t.path.span)),
"negative trait bounds are not yet fully implemented; \
use marker types for now"
if let ast::Defaultness::Default(_) = defaultness {
gate!(&self, specialization, i.span, "specialization is unstable");
ast::ItemKind::Trait(box ast::Trait { is_auto: ast::IsAuto::Yes, .. }) => {
"auto traits are experimental and possibly buggy"
ast::ItemKind::TraitAlias(..) => {
gate!(&self, trait_alias, i.span, "trait aliases are experimental");
ast::ItemKind::MacroDef(ast::MacroDef { macro_rules: false, .. }) => {
let msg = "`macro` is experimental";
gate!(&self, decl_macro, i.span, msg);
ast::ItemKind::TyAlias(box ast::TyAlias { ty: Some(ty), .. }) => {
self.check_impl_trait(ty, false)
_ => {}
visit::walk_item(self, i);
fn visit_foreign_item(&mut self, i: &'a ast::ForeignItem) {
match i.kind {
ast::ForeignItemKind::Fn(..) | ast::ForeignItemKind::Static(..) => {
let link_name = attr::first_attr_value_str_by_name(&i.attrs, sym::link_name);
let links_to_llvm = link_name.is_some_and(|val| val.as_str().starts_with("llvm."));
if links_to_llvm {
"linking to LLVM intrinsics is experimental"
ast::ForeignItemKind::TyAlias(..) => {
gate!(&self, extern_types, i.span, "extern types are experimental");
ast::ForeignItemKind::MacCall(..) => {}
visit::walk_foreign_item(self, i)
fn visit_ty(&mut self, ty: &'a ast::Ty) {
match &ty.kind {
ast::TyKind::BareFn(bare_fn_ty) => {
// Function pointers cannot be `const`
self.check_extern(bare_fn_ty.ext, ast::Const::No);
ast::TyKind::Never => {
gate!(&self, never_type, ty.span, "the `!` type is experimental");
_ => {}
visit::walk_ty(self, ty)
fn visit_generics(&mut self, g: &'a ast::Generics) {
for predicate in &g.where_clause.predicates {
match predicate {
ast::WherePredicate::BoundPredicate(bound_pred) => {
// A type binding, eg `for<'c> Foo: Send+Clone+'c`
_ => {}
visit::walk_generics(self, g);
fn visit_fn_ret_ty(&mut self, ret_ty: &'a ast::FnRetTy) {
if let ast::FnRetTy::Ty(output_ty) = ret_ty {
if let ast::TyKind::Never = output_ty.kind {
// Do nothing.
} else {
fn visit_generic_args(&mut self, args: &'a ast::GenericArgs) {
// This check needs to happen here because the never type can be returned from a function,
// but cannot be used in any other context. If this check was in `visit_fn_ret_ty`, it
// include both functions and generics like `impl Fn() -> !`.
if let ast::GenericArgs::Parenthesized(generic_args) = args
&& let ast::FnRetTy::Ty(ref ty) = generic_args.output
&& matches!(ty.kind, ast::TyKind::Never)
gate!(&self, never_type, ty.span, "the `!` type is experimental");
visit::walk_generic_args(self, args);
fn visit_expr(&mut self, e: &'a ast::Expr) {
match e.kind {
ast::ExprKind::TryBlock(_) => {
gate!(&self, try_blocks, e.span, "`try` expression is experimental");
_ => {}
visit::walk_expr(self, e)
fn visit_pat(&mut self, pattern: &'a ast::Pat) {
match &pattern.kind {
PatKind::Slice(pats) => {
for pat in pats {
let inner_pat = match &pat.kind {
PatKind::Ident(.., Some(pat)) => pat,
_ => pat,
if let PatKind::Range(Some(_), None, Spanned { .. }) = inner_pat.kind {
"`X..` patterns in slices are experimental"
PatKind::Box(..) => {
gate!(&self, box_patterns, pattern.span, "box pattern syntax is experimental");
PatKind::Range(_, Some(_), Spanned { node: RangeEnd::Excluded, .. }) => {
"exclusive range pattern syntax is experimental",
"use an inclusive range pattern, like N..=M"
_ => {}
visit::walk_pat(self, pattern)
fn visit_poly_trait_ref(&mut self, t: &'a ast::PolyTraitRef) {
visit::walk_poly_trait_ref(self, t);
fn visit_fn(&mut self, fn_kind: FnKind<'a>, span: Span, _: NodeId) {
if let Some(header) = fn_kind.header() {
// Stability of const fn methods are covered in `visit_assoc_item` below.
self.check_extern(header.ext, header.constness);
if let FnKind::Closure(ast::ClosureBinder::For { generic_params, .. }, ..) = fn_kind {
if fn_kind.ctxt() != Some(FnCtxt::Foreign) && fn_kind.decl().c_variadic() {
gate!(&self, c_variadic, span, "C-variadic functions are unstable");
visit::walk_fn(self, fn_kind)
fn visit_assoc_constraint(&mut self, constraint: &'a AssocConstraint) {
if let AssocConstraintKind::Bound { .. } = constraint.kind {
if let Some(ast::GenericArgs::Parenthesized(args)) = constraint.gen_args.as_ref()
&& args.inputs.is_empty()
&& matches!(args.output, ast::FnRetTy::Default(..))
"return type notation is experimental"
} else {
"associated type bounds are unstable"
visit::walk_assoc_constraint(self, constraint)
fn visit_assoc_item(&mut self, i: &'a ast::AssocItem, ctxt: AssocCtxt) {
let is_fn = match &i.kind {
ast::AssocItemKind::Fn(_) => true,
ast::AssocItemKind::Type(box ast::TyAlias { ty, .. }) => {
if let (Some(_), AssocCtxt::Trait) = (ty, ctxt) {
"associated type defaults are unstable"
if let Some(ty) = ty {
self.check_impl_trait(ty, true);
_ => false,
if let ast::Defaultness::Default(_) = i.kind.defaultness() {
// Limit `min_specialization` to only specializing functions.
self.features.specialization || (is_fn && self.features.min_specialization),
"specialization is unstable"
visit::walk_assoc_item(self, i, ctxt)
pub fn check_crate(krate: &ast::Crate, sess: &Session, features: &Features) {
maybe_stage_features(sess, features, krate);
check_incompatible_features(sess, features);
let mut visitor = PostExpansionVisitor { sess, features };
let spans = sess.parse_sess.gated_spans.spans.borrow();
macro_rules! gate_all {
($gate:ident, $msg:literal) => {
if let Some(spans) = spans.get(&sym::$gate) {
for span in spans {
gate!(&visitor, $gate, *span, $msg);
($gate:ident, $msg:literal, $help:literal) => {
if let Some(spans) = spans.get(&sym::$gate) {
for span in spans {
gate!(&visitor, $gate, *span, $msg, $help);
"`if let` guards are experimental",
"you can write `if matches!(<expr>, <pattern>)` instead of `if let <pattern> = <expr>`"
gate_all!(let_chains, "`let` expressions in this position are unstable");
"async closures are unstable",
"to use an async block, remove the `||`: `async {`"
gate_all!(async_for_loop, "`for await` loops are experimental");
"`for<...>` binders for closures are experimental",
"consider removing `for<...>`"
gate_all!(more_qualified_paths, "usage of qualified paths in this context is experimental");
for &span in spans.get(&sym::yield_expr).iter().copied().flatten() {
if !span.at_least_rust_2024() {
gate!(&visitor, coroutines, span, "yield syntax is experimental");
gate_all!(gen_blocks, "gen blocks are experimental");
gate_all!(raw_ref_op, "raw address of syntax is experimental");
gate_all!(const_trait_impl, "const trait impls are experimental");
"half-open range patterns in slices are unstable"
gate_all!(inline_const, "inline-const is experimental");
gate_all!(inline_const_pat, "inline-const in pattern position is experimental");
gate_all!(associated_const_equality, "associated const equality is incomplete");
gate_all!(yeet_expr, "`do yeet` expression is experimental");
gate_all!(dyn_star, "`dyn*` trait objects are experimental");
gate_all!(const_closures, "const closures are experimental");
gate_all!(builtin_syntax, "`builtin #` syntax is unstable");
gate_all!(explicit_tail_calls, "`become` expression is experimental");
gate_all!(generic_const_items, "generic const items are experimental");
gate_all!(unnamed_fields, "unnamed fields are not yet fully implemented");
gate_all!(fn_delegation, "functions delegation is not yet fully implemented");
if !visitor.features.never_patterns {
if let Some(spans) = spans.get(&sym::never_patterns) {
for &span in spans {
if span.allows_unstable(sym::never_patterns) {
let sm = sess.source_map();
// We gate two types of spans: the span of a `!` pattern, and the span of a
// match arm without a body. For the latter we want to give the user a normal
// error.
if let Ok(snippet) = sm.span_to_snippet(span)
&& snippet == "!"
feature_err(sess, sym::never_patterns, span, "`!` patterns are experimental")
} else {
let suggestion = span.shrink_to_hi();
sess.dcx().emit_err(errors::MatchArmWithNoBody { span, suggestion });
if !visitor.features.negative_bounds {
for &span in spans.get(&sym::negative_bounds).iter().copied().flatten() {
sess.dcx().emit_err(errors::NegativeBoundUnsupported { span });
// All uses of `gate_all_legacy_dont_use!` below this point were added in #65742,
// and subsequently disabled (with the non-early gating readded).
// We emit an early future-incompatible warning for these.
// New syntax gates should go above here to get a hard error gate.
macro_rules! gate_all_legacy_dont_use {
($gate:ident, $msg:literal) => {
for span in spans.get(&sym::$gate).unwrap_or(&vec![]) {
gate_legacy!(&visitor, $gate, *span, $msg);
gate_all_legacy_dont_use!(trait_alias, "trait aliases are experimental");
gate_all_legacy_dont_use!(associated_type_bounds, "associated type bounds are unstable");
// Despite being a new feature, `where T: Trait<Assoc(): Sized>`, which is RTN syntax now,
// used to be gated under associated_type_bounds, which are right above, so RTN needs to
// be too.
gate_all_legacy_dont_use!(return_type_notation, "return type notation is experimental");
gate_all_legacy_dont_use!(decl_macro, "`macro` is experimental");
gate_all_legacy_dont_use!(box_patterns, "box pattern syntax is experimental");
"exclusive range pattern syntax is experimental"
gate_all_legacy_dont_use!(try_blocks, "`try` blocks are unstable");
gate_all_legacy_dont_use!(auto_traits, "`auto` traits are unstable");
visit::walk_crate(&mut visitor, krate);
fn maybe_stage_features(sess: &Session, features: &Features, krate: &ast::Crate) {
// checks if `#![feature]` has been used to enable any lang feature
// does not check the same for lib features unless there's at least one
// declared lang feature
if !sess.opts.unstable_features.is_nightly_build() {
let lang_features = &features.declared_lang_features;
if lang_features.len() == 0 {
for attr in krate.attrs.iter().filter(|attr| attr.has_name(sym::feature)) {
let mut err = errors::FeatureOnNonNightly {
span: attr.span,
channel: option_env!("CFG_RELEASE_CHANNEL").unwrap_or("(unknown)"),
stable_features: vec![],
sugg: None,
let mut all_stable = true;
for ident in
attr.meta_item_list().into_iter().flatten().flat_map(|nested| nested.ident())
let name = ident.name;
let stable_since = lang_features
.flat_map(|&(feature, _, since)| if feature == name { since } else { None })
if let Some(since) = stable_since {
err.stable_features.push(errors::StableFeature { name, since });
} else {
all_stable = false;
if all_stable {
err.sugg = Some(attr.span);
fn check_incompatible_features(sess: &Session, features: &Features) {
let declared_features = features
.map(|(name, span, _)| (name, span))
for (f1, f2) in rustc_feature::INCOMPATIBLE_FEATURES
.filter(|&&(f1, f2)| features.active(f1) && features.active(f2))
if let Some((f1_name, f1_span)) = declared_features.clone().find(|(name, _)| name == f1) {
if let Some((f2_name, f2_span)) = declared_features.clone().find(|(name, _)| name == f2)
let spans = vec![f1_span, f2_span];
sess.dcx().emit_err(errors::IncompatibleFeatures {
f1: f1_name,
f2: f2_name,