Eric Holk a787f40013 Select on pipes.
Updating syntax and test cases.
2012-07-06 10:42:39 -07:00

359 lines
9.1 KiB

// Runtime support for pipes.
import unsafe::{forget, reinterpret_cast};
enum state {
type packet_header = {
mut state: state,
mut blocked_task: option<*rust_task>,
type packet<T: send> = {
header: packet_header,
mut payload: option<T>
fn packet<T: send>() -> *packet<T> unsafe {
let p: *packet<T> = unsafe::transmute(~{
header: {
mut state: empty,
mut blocked_task: none::<task::task>,
mut payload: none::<T>
#[abi = "rust-intrinsic"]
extern mod rusti {
fn atomic_xchng(&dst: int, src: int) -> int;
fn atomic_xchng_acq(&dst: int, src: int) -> int;
fn atomic_xchng_rel(&dst: int, src: int) -> int;
type rust_task = libc::c_void;
extern mod rustrt {
fn rust_get_task() -> *rust_task;
fn task_clear_event_reject(task: *rust_task);
fn task_wait_event(this: *rust_task) -> *libc::c_void;
fn task_signal_event(target: *rust_task, event: *libc::c_void);
// We should consider moving this to core::unsafe, although I
// suspect graydon would want us to use void pointers instead.
unsafe fn uniquify<T>(x: *T) -> ~T {
unsafe { unsafe::reinterpret_cast(x) }
fn swap_state_acq(&dst: state, src: state) -> state {
unsafe {
*(ptr::mut_addr_of(dst) as *mut int),
src as int))
fn swap_state_rel(&dst: state, src: state) -> state {
unsafe {
*(ptr::mut_addr_of(dst) as *mut int),
src as int))
fn send<T: send>(-p: send_packet<T>, -payload: T) {
let p_ = p.unwrap();
let p = unsafe { uniquify(p_) };
assert (*p).payload == none;
(*p).payload <- some(payload);
let old_state = swap_state_rel(p.header.state, full);
alt old_state {
empty {
// Yay, fastpath.
// The receiver will eventually clean this up.
unsafe { forget(p); }
full { fail "duplicate send" }
blocked {
#debug("waking up task for %?", p_);
alt p.header.blocked_task {
some(task) {
task, ptr::addr_of(p.header) as *libc::c_void);
none { fail "blocked packet has no task" }
// The receiver will eventually clean this up.
unsafe { forget(p); }
terminated {
// The receiver will never receive this. Rely on drop_glue
// to clean everything up.
fn recv<T: send>(-p: recv_packet<T>) -> option<T> {
let p_ = p.unwrap();
let p = unsafe { uniquify(p_) };
let this = rustrt::rust_get_task();
p.header.blocked_task = some(this);
loop {
let old_state = swap_state_acq(p.header.state,
#debug("%?", old_state);
alt old_state {
empty {
#debug("no data available on %?, going to sleep.", p_);
#debug("woke up, p.state = %?", p.header.state);
if p.header.state == full {
let mut payload = none;
payload <-> (*p).payload;
p.header.state = terminated;
ret some(option::unwrap(payload))
blocked { fail "blocking on already blocked packet" }
full {
let mut payload = none;
payload <-> (*p).payload;
p.header.state = terminated;
ret some(option::unwrap(payload))
terminated {
assert old_state == terminated;
ret none;
fn sender_terminate<T: send>(p: *packet<T>) {
let p = unsafe { uniquify(p) };
alt swap_state_rel(p.header.state, terminated) {
empty | blocked {
// The receiver will eventually clean up.
unsafe { forget(p) }
full {
// This is impossible
fail "you dun goofed"
terminated {
// I have to clean up, use drop_glue
fn receiver_terminate<T: send>(p: *packet<T>) {
let p = unsafe { uniquify(p) };
alt swap_state_rel(p.header.state, terminated) {
empty {
// the sender will clean up
unsafe { forget(p) }
blocked {
// this shouldn't happen.
fail "terminating a blocked packet"
terminated | full {
// I have to clean up, use drop_glue
impl private_methods for packet_header {
// Returns the old state.
fn mark_blocked(this: *rust_task) -> state {
self.blocked_task = some(this);
swap_state_acq(self.state, blocked)
fn unblock() {
alt swap_state_acq(self.state, empty) {
empty | blocked { }
terminated { self.state = terminated; }
full { self.state = full; }
#[doc = "Returns when one of the packet headers reports data is
fn wait_many(pkts: ~[&a.packet_header]) -> uint {
let this = rustrt::rust_get_task();
let mut data_avail = false;
let mut ready_packet = pkts.len();
for pkts.eachi |i, p| {
let old = p.mark_blocked(this);
alt old {
full | terminated {
data_avail = true;
ready_packet = i;
p.state = old;
blocked { fail "blocking on blocked packet" }
empty { }
while !data_avail {
#debug("sleeping on %? packets", pkts.len());
let event = rustrt::task_wait_event(this) as *packet_header;
let pos = vec::position(pkts, |p| ptr::addr_of(*p) == event);
alt pos {
some(i) {
ready_packet = i;
data_avail = true;
none {
#debug("ignoring spurious event, %?", event);
#debug("%?", pkts[ready_packet]);
for pkts.each |p| { p.unblock() }
#debug("%?, %?", ready_packet, pkts[ready_packet]);
assert pkts[ready_packet].state == full
|| pkts[ready_packet].state == terminated;
#[doc = "Waits on a set of endpoints. Returns a message, its index,
and a list of the remaining endpoints."]
fn select<T: send>(+endpoints: ~[recv_packet<T>])
-> (uint, option<T>, ~[recv_packet<T>])
let endpoints = vec::map_consume(
|p| unsafe { uniquify(p.unwrap()) });
let endpoints_r = vec::view(endpoints, 0, endpoints.len());
let ready = wait_many(endpoints_r.map_r(|p| &p.header));
let mut remaining = ~[];
let mut result = none;
do vec::consume(endpoints) |i, p| {
let p = recv_packet(unsafe { unsafe::transmute(p) });
if i == ready {
result = recv(p);
else {
vec::push(remaining, p);
(ready, result, remaining)
class send_packet<T: send> {
let mut p: option<*packet<T>>;
new(p: *packet<T>) {
//#debug("take send %?", p);
self.p = some(p);
drop {
//if self.p != none {
// #debug("drop send %?", option::get(self.p));
if self.p != none {
let mut p = none;
p <-> self.p;
fn unwrap() -> *packet<T> {
let mut p = none;
p <-> self.p;
class recv_packet<T: send> {
let mut p: option<*packet<T>>;
new(p: *packet<T>) {
//#debug("take recv %?", p);
self.p = some(p);
drop {
//if self.p != none {
// #debug("drop recv %?", option::get(self.p));
if self.p != none {
let mut p = none;
p <-> self.p;
fn unwrap() -> *packet<T> {
let mut p = none;
p <-> self.p;
fn entangle<T: send>() -> (send_packet<T>, recv_packet<T>) {
let p = packet();
(send_packet(p), recv_packet(p))
fn spawn_service<T: send>(
init: extern fn() -> (send_packet<T>, recv_packet<T>),
+service: fn~(+recv_packet<T>))
-> send_packet<T>
let (client, server) = init();
// This is some nasty gymnastics required to safely move the pipe
// into a new task.
let server = ~mut some(server);
do task::spawn |move service| {
let mut server_ = none;
server_ <-> *server;
fn spawn_service_recv<T: send>(
init: extern fn() -> (recv_packet<T>, send_packet<T>),
+service: fn~(+send_packet<T>))
-> recv_packet<T>
let (client, server) = init();
// This is some nasty gymnastics required to safely move the pipe
// into a new task.
let server = ~mut some(server);
do task::spawn |move service| {
let mut server_ = none;
server_ <-> *server;