Niko Matsakis bfff2a8d55 make mut a keyword synonymous with mutable
first step towards issue #1273
2012-02-15 13:26:11 -08:00

1813 lines
51 KiB

import std::io;
import parse::lexer;
import syntax::codemap::codemap;
import pp::{break_offset, word, printer,
space, zerobreak, hardbreak, breaks, consistent,
inconsistent, eof};
import driver::diagnostic;
// The ps is stored here to prevent recursive type.
// FIXME use a nominal enum instead
enum ann_node {
node_block(ps, ast::blk),
node_item(ps, @ast::item),
node_expr(ps, @ast::expr),
node_pat(ps, @ast::pat),
type pp_ann = {pre: fn@(ann_node), post: fn@(ann_node)};
fn no_ann() -> pp_ann {
fn ignore(_node: ann_node) { }
ret {pre: ignore, post: ignore};
type ps =
@{s: pp::printer,
cm: option<codemap>,
comments: option<[lexer::cmnt]>,
literals: option<[lexer::lit]>,
mutable cur_cmnt: uint,
mutable cur_lit: uint,
mutable boxes: [pp::breaks],
ann: pp_ann};
fn ibox(s: ps, u: uint) { s.boxes += [pp::inconsistent]; pp::ibox(s.s, u); }
fn end(s: ps) { vec::pop(s.boxes); pp::end(s.s); }
fn rust_printer(writer: io::writer) -> ps {
let boxes: [pp::breaks] = [];
ret @{s: pp::mk_printer(writer, default_columns),
cm: none::<codemap>,
comments: none::<[lexer::cmnt]>,
literals: none::<[lexer::lit]>,
mutable cur_cmnt: 0u,
mutable cur_lit: 0u,
mutable boxes: boxes,
ann: no_ann()};
const indent_unit: uint = 4u;
const alt_indent_unit: uint = 2u;
const default_columns: uint = 78u;
// Requires you to pass an input filename and reader so that
// it can scan the input text for comments and literals to
// copy forward.
fn print_crate(cm: codemap, span_diagnostic: diagnostic::span_handler,
crate: @ast::crate, filename: str, in: io::reader,
out: io::writer, ann: pp_ann) {
let boxes: [pp::breaks] = [];
let r = lexer::gather_comments_and_literals(cm, span_diagnostic, filename,
let s =
@{s: pp::mk_printer(out, default_columns),
cm: some(cm),
comments: some(r.cmnts),
literals: some(r.lits),
mutable cur_cmnt: 0u,
mutable cur_lit: 0u,
mutable boxes: boxes,
ann: ann};
print_mod(s, crate.node.module, crate.node.attrs);
fn ty_to_str(ty: @ast::ty) -> str { be to_str(ty, print_type); }
fn pat_to_str(pat: @ast::pat) -> str { be to_str(pat, print_pat); }
fn expr_to_str(e: @ast::expr) -> str { be to_str(e, print_expr); }
fn stmt_to_str(s: ast::stmt) -> str { be to_str(s, print_stmt); }
fn item_to_str(i: @ast::item) -> str { be to_str(i, print_item); }
fn typarams_to_str(tps: [ast::ty_param]) -> str {
be to_str(tps, print_type_params)
fn path_to_str(&&p: @ast::path) -> str {
be to_str(p, bind print_path(_, _, false));
fn fun_to_str(decl: ast::fn_decl, name: ast::ident,
params: [ast::ty_param]) -> str {
let buffer = io::mk_mem_buffer();
let s = rust_printer(io::mem_buffer_writer(buffer));
print_fn(s, decl, name, params);
end(s); // Close the head box
end(s); // Close the outer box
fn test_fun_to_str() {
let decl: ast::fn_decl = {
inputs: [],
output: @ast_util::respan(ast_util::dummy_sp(), ast::ty_nil),
purity: ast::impure_fn,
cf: ast::return_val,
constraints: []
assert fun_to_str(decl, "a", []) == "fn a()";
fn res_to_str(decl: ast::fn_decl, name: ast::ident,
params: [ast::ty_param]) -> str {
let buffer = io::mk_mem_buffer();
let s = rust_printer(io::mem_buffer_writer(buffer));
print_res(s, decl, name, params);
end(s); // Close the head box
end(s); // Close the outer box
fn test_res_to_str() {
let decl: ast::fn_decl = {
inputs: [{
mode: ast::expl(ast::by_val),
ty: @ast_util::respan(ast_util::dummy_sp(), ast::ty_nil),
ident: "b",
id: 0
output: @ast_util::respan(ast_util::dummy_sp(), ast::ty_nil),
purity: ast::impure_fn,
cf: ast::return_val,
constraints: []
assert res_to_str(decl, "a", []) == "resource a(b: ())";
fn block_to_str(blk: ast::blk) -> str {
let buffer = io::mk_mem_buffer();
let s = rust_printer(io::mem_buffer_writer(buffer));
// containing cbox, will be closed by print-block at }
cbox(s, indent_unit);
// head-ibox, will be closed by print-block after {
ibox(s, 0u);
print_block(s, blk);
fn meta_item_to_str(mi: ast::meta_item) -> str {
ret to_str(@mi, print_meta_item);
fn attribute_to_str(attr: ast::attribute) -> str {
be to_str(attr, print_attribute);
fn variant_to_str(var: ast::variant) -> str {
be to_str(var, print_variant);
fn test_variant_to_str() {
let var = ast_util::respan(ast_util::dummy_sp(), {
name: "principle_skinner",
attrs: [],
args: [],
id: 0,
disr_expr: none
let varstr = variant_to_str(var);
assert varstr == "principle_skinner";
fn cbox(s: ps, u: uint) { s.boxes += [pp::consistent]; pp::cbox(s.s, u); }
fn box(s: ps, u: uint, b: pp::breaks) { s.boxes += [b]; pp::box(s.s, u, b); }
fn nbsp(s: ps) { word(s.s, " "); }
fn word_nbsp(s: ps, w: str) { word(s.s, w); nbsp(s); }
fn word_space(s: ps, w: str) { word(s.s, w); space(s.s); }
fn popen(s: ps) { word(s.s, "("); }
fn pclose(s: ps) { word(s.s, ")"); }
fn head(s: ps, w: str) {
// outer-box is consistent
cbox(s, indent_unit);
// head-box is inconsistent
ibox(s, str::len(w) + 1u);
// keyword that starts the head
word_nbsp(s, w);
fn bopen(s: ps) {
word(s.s, "{");
end(s); // close the head-box
fn bclose_(s: ps, span: codemap::span, indented: uint) {
maybe_print_comment(s, span.hi);
break_offset_if_not_bol(s, 1u, -(indented as int));
word(s.s, "}");
end(s); // close the outer-box
fn bclose(s: ps, span: codemap::span) { bclose_(s, span, indent_unit); }
fn is_begin(s: ps) -> bool {
alt s.s.last_token() { pp::BEGIN(_) { true } _ { false } }
fn is_end(s: ps) -> bool {
alt s.s.last_token() { pp::END { true } _ { false } }
fn is_bol(s: ps) -> bool {
ret s.s.last_token() == pp::EOF ||
s.s.last_token() == pp::hardbreak_tok();
fn hardbreak_if_not_bol(s: ps) { if !is_bol(s) { hardbreak(s.s); } }
fn space_if_not_bol(s: ps) { if !is_bol(s) { space(s.s); } }
fn break_offset_if_not_bol(s: ps, n: uint, off: int) {
if !is_bol(s) {
break_offset(s.s, n, off);
} else {
if off != 0 && s.s.last_token() == pp::hardbreak_tok() {
// We do something pretty sketchy here: tuck the nonzero
// offset-adjustment we were going to deposit along with the
// break into the previous hardbreak.
// Synthesizes a comment that was not textually present in the original source
// file.
fn synth_comment(s: ps, text: str) {
word(s.s, "/*");
word(s.s, text);
word(s.s, "*/");
fn commasep<IN>(s: ps, b: breaks, elts: [IN], op: fn(ps, IN)) {
box(s, 0u, b);
let first = true;
for elt: IN in elts {
if first { first = false; } else { word_space(s, ","); }
op(s, elt);
fn commasep_cmnt<IN>(s: ps, b: breaks, elts: [IN], op: fn(ps, IN),
get_span: fn(IN) -> codemap::span) {
box(s, 0u, b);
let len = vec::len::<IN>(elts);
let i = 0u;
for elt: IN in elts {
maybe_print_comment(s, get_span(elt).hi);
op(s, elt);
i += 1u;
if i < len {
word(s.s, ",");
maybe_print_trailing_comment(s, get_span(elt),
fn commasep_exprs(s: ps, b: breaks, exprs: [@ast::expr]) {
fn expr_span(&&expr: @ast::expr) -> codemap::span { ret expr.span; }
commasep_cmnt(s, b, exprs, print_expr, expr_span);
fn print_mod(s: ps, _mod: ast::_mod, attrs: [ast::attribute]) {
print_inner_attributes(s, attrs);
for vitem: @ast::view_item in _mod.view_items {
print_view_item(s, vitem);
for item: @ast::item in _mod.items { print_item(s, item); }
fn print_native_mod(s: ps, nmod: ast::native_mod, attrs: [ast::attribute]) {
print_inner_attributes(s, attrs);
for vitem: @ast::view_item in nmod.view_items {
print_view_item(s, vitem);
for item: @ast::native_item in nmod.items { print_native_item(s, item); }
fn print_type(s: ps, &&ty: @ast::ty) {
maybe_print_comment(s, ty.span.lo);
ibox(s, 0u);
alt ty.node {
ast::ty_nil { word(s.s, "()"); }
ast::ty_bot { word(s.s, "!"); }
ast::ty_box(mt) { word(s.s, "@"); print_mt(s, mt); }
ast::ty_uniq(mt) { word(s.s, "~"); print_mt(s, mt); }
ast::ty_vec(mt) {
word(s.s, "[");
alt mt.mutbl {
ast::m_mutbl { word_space(s, "mut"); }
ast::m_const { word_space(s, "const"); }
ast::m_imm { }
print_type(s, mt.ty);
word(s.s, "]");
ast::ty_ptr(mt) { word(s.s, "*"); print_mt(s, mt); }
ast::ty_rec(fields) {
word(s.s, "{");
fn print_field(s: ps, f: ast::ty_field) {
cbox(s, indent_unit);
word(s.s, f.node.ident);
word_space(s, ":");
fn get_span(f: ast::ty_field) -> codemap::span { ret f.span; }
commasep_cmnt(s, consistent, fields, print_field, get_span);
word(s.s, ",}");
ast::ty_tup(elts) {
commasep(s, inconsistent, elts, print_type);
ast::ty_fn(proto, d) {
print_ty_fn(s, some(proto), d, none, none);
ast::ty_path(path, _) { print_path(s, path, false); }
ast::ty_constr(t, cs) {
print_type(s, t);
word(s.s, ast_ty_constrs_str(cs));
ast::ty_mac(_) {
fail "print_type doesn't know how to print a ty_mac";
ast::ty_infer {
fail "print_type shouldn't see a ty_infer";
fn print_native_item(s: ps, item: @ast::native_item) {
maybe_print_comment(s, item.span.lo);
print_outer_attributes(s, item.attrs);
alt item.node {
ast::native_item_fn(decl, typarams) {
print_fn(s, decl, item.ident, typarams);
end(s); // end head-ibox
word(s.s, ";");
end(s); // end the outer fn box
fn print_item(s: ps, &&item: @ast::item) {
maybe_print_comment(s, item.span.lo);
print_outer_attributes(s, item.attrs);
let ann_node = node_item(s, item);
alt item.node {
ast::item_const(ty, expr) {
head(s, "const");
word_space(s, item.ident + ":");
print_type(s, ty);
end(s); // end the head-ibox
word_space(s, "=");
print_expr(s, expr);
word(s.s, ";");
end(s); // end the outer cbox
ast::item_fn(decl, typarams, body) {
print_fn(s, decl, item.ident, typarams);
word(s.s, " ");
print_block_with_attrs(s, body, item.attrs);
ast::item_mod(_mod) {
head(s, "mod");
word_nbsp(s, item.ident);
print_mod(s, _mod, item.attrs);
bclose(s, item.span);
ast::item_native_mod(nmod) {
head(s, "native");
word_nbsp(s, "mod");
word_nbsp(s, item.ident);
print_native_mod(s, nmod, item.attrs);
bclose(s, item.span);
ast::item_ty(ty, params) {
ibox(s, indent_unit);
ibox(s, 0u);
word_nbsp(s, "type");
word(s.s, item.ident);
print_type_params(s, params);
end(s); // end the inner ibox
word_space(s, "=");
print_type(s, ty);
word(s.s, ";");
end(s); // end the outer ibox
ast::item_enum(variants, params) {
let newtype =
vec::len(variants) == 1u &&
str::eq(item.ident, variants[0] &&
vec::len(variants[0].node.args) == 1u;
if newtype {
ibox(s, indent_unit);
word_space(s, "enum");
} else { head(s, "enum"); }
word(s.s, item.ident);
print_type_params(s, params);
if newtype {
word_space(s, "=");
print_type(s, variants[0].node.args[0].ty);
word(s.s, ";");
} else {
for v: ast::variant in variants {
maybe_print_comment(s, v.span.lo);
print_outer_attributes(s, v.node.attrs);
ibox(s, indent_unit);
print_variant(s, v);
word(s.s, ",");
maybe_print_trailing_comment(s, v.span, none::<uint>);
bclose(s, item.span);
ast::item_class(tps,items,_,ctor_decl,ctor_body) {
head(s, "class");
word_nbsp(s, item.ident);
print_type_params(s, tps);
head(s, "new");
print_fn_args_and_ret(s, ctor_decl);
print_block(s, ctor_body);
for ci in items {
TODO: collect all private items and print them
in a single "priv" section
alt ci.node.privacy {
ast::priv {
head(s, "priv");
_ {}
alt ci.node.decl {
ast::instance_var(nm, t, mt, _) {
word_nbsp(s, "let");
alt mt {
ast::class_mutable { word_nbsp(s, "mutable"); }
_ {}
word(s.s, nm);
word_nbsp(s, ":");
print_type(s, t);
word(s.s, ";");
ast::class_method(i) {
print_item(s, i);
alt ci.node.privacy {
ast::priv { bclose(s, ci.span); }
_ {}
ast::item_impl(tps, ifce, ty, methods) {
head(s, "impl");
word(s.s, item.ident);
print_type_params(s, tps);
alt ifce {
some(ty) {
word_nbsp(s, "of");
print_type(s, ty);
_ {}
word_nbsp(s, "for");
print_type(s, ty);
for meth in methods {
maybe_print_comment(s, meth.span.lo);
print_outer_attributes(s, meth.attrs);
print_fn(s, meth.decl, meth.ident, meth.tps);
word(s.s, " ");
print_block_with_attrs(s, meth.body, meth.attrs);
bclose(s, item.span);
ast::item_iface(tps, methods) {
head(s, "iface");
word(s.s, item.ident);
print_type_params(s, tps);
word(s.s, " ");
for meth in methods { print_ty_method(s, meth); }
bclose(s, item.span);
ast::item_res(decl, tps, body, dt_id, ct_id) {
print_res(s, decl, item.ident, tps);
print_block(s, body);
fn print_res(s: ps, decl: ast::fn_decl, name: ast::ident,
typarams: [ast::ty_param]) {
head(s, "resource");
word(s.s, name);
print_type_params(s, typarams);
word_space(s, decl.inputs[0].ident + ":");
print_type(s, decl.inputs[0].ty);
fn print_variant(s: ps, v: ast::variant) {
if vec::len(v.node.args) > 0u {
fn print_variant_arg(s: ps, arg: ast::variant_arg) {
print_type(s, arg.ty);
commasep(s, consistent, v.node.args, print_variant_arg);
alt v.node.disr_expr {
some(d) {
word_space(s, "=");
print_expr(s, d);
_ {}
fn print_ty_method(s: ps, m: ast::ty_method) {
maybe_print_comment(s, m.span.lo);
print_outer_attributes(s, m.attrs);
print_ty_fn(s, none, m.decl, some(m.ident), some(m.tps));
word(s.s, ";");
fn print_outer_attributes(s: ps, attrs: [ast::attribute]) {
let count = 0;
for attr: ast::attribute in attrs {
alt {
ast::attr_outer { print_attribute(s, attr); count += 1; }
_ {/* fallthrough */ }
if count > 0 { hardbreak_if_not_bol(s); }
fn print_inner_attributes(s: ps, attrs: [ast::attribute]) {
let count = 0;
for attr: ast::attribute in attrs {
alt {
ast::attr_inner {
print_attribute(s, attr);
word(s.s, ";");
count += 1;
_ {/* fallthrough */ }
if count > 0 { hardbreak_if_not_bol(s); }
fn print_attribute(s: ps, attr: ast::attribute) {
maybe_print_comment(s, attr.span.lo);
word(s.s, "#[");
print_meta_item(s, @attr.node.value);
word(s.s, "]");
fn print_stmt(s: ps, st: ast::stmt) {
maybe_print_comment(s, st.span.lo);
alt st.node {
ast::stmt_decl(decl, _) {
print_decl(s, decl);
ast::stmt_expr(expr, _) {
print_expr(s, expr);
ast::stmt_semi(expr, _) {
print_expr(s, expr);
word(s.s, ";");
if parse::parser::stmt_ends_with_semi(st) { word(s.s, ";"); }
maybe_print_trailing_comment(s, st.span, none::<uint>);
fn print_block(s: ps, blk: ast::blk) {
print_possibly_embedded_block(s, blk, block_normal, indent_unit);
fn print_block_with_attrs(s: ps, blk: ast::blk, attrs: [ast::attribute]) {
print_possibly_embedded_block_(s, blk, block_normal, indent_unit, attrs);
enum embed_type { block_macro, block_block_fn, block_normal, }
fn print_possibly_embedded_block(s: ps, blk: ast::blk, embedded: embed_type,
indented: uint) {
s, blk, embedded, indented, []);
fn print_possibly_embedded_block_(s: ps, blk: ast::blk, embedded: embed_type,
indented: uint, attrs: [ast::attribute]) {
alt blk.node.rules {
ast::unchecked_blk { word(s.s, "unchecked"); }
ast::unsafe_blk { word(s.s, "unsafe"); }
ast::default_blk { }
maybe_print_comment(s, blk.span.lo);
let ann_node = node_block(s, blk);
alt embedded {
block_macro { word(s.s, "#{"); end(s); }
block_block_fn { end(s); }
block_normal { bopen(s); }
print_inner_attributes(s, attrs);
for vi in blk.node.view_items { print_view_item(s, vi); }
for st: @ast::stmt in blk.node.stmts {
print_stmt(s, *st);
alt blk.node.expr {
some(expr) {
print_expr(s, expr);
maybe_print_trailing_comment(s, expr.span, some(blk.span.hi));
_ { }
bclose_(s, blk.span, indented);;
// ret and fail, without arguments cannot appear is the discriminant of if,
// alt, do, & while unambiguously without being parenthesized
fn print_maybe_parens_discrim(s: ps, e: @ast::expr) {
let disambig = alt e.node {
ast::expr_ret(none) | ast::expr_fail(none) { true }
_ { false }
if disambig { popen(s); }
print_expr(s, e);
if disambig { pclose(s); }
fn print_if(s: ps, test: @ast::expr, blk: ast::blk,
elseopt: option<@ast::expr>, chk: bool) {
head(s, "if");
if chk { word_nbsp(s, "check"); }
print_maybe_parens_discrim(s, test);
print_block(s, blk);
fn do_else(s: ps, els: option<@ast::expr>) {
alt els {
some(_else) {
alt _else.node {
// "another else-if"
ast::expr_if(i, t, e) {
cbox(s, indent_unit - 1u);
ibox(s, 0u);
word(s.s, " else if ");
print_maybe_parens_discrim(s, i);
print_block(s, t);
do_else(s, e);
// "final else"
ast::expr_block(b) {
cbox(s, indent_unit - 1u);
ibox(s, 0u);
word(s.s, " else ");
print_block(s, b);
// BLEAH, constraints would be great here
_ {
fail "print_if saw if with weird alternative";
_ {/* fall through */ }
do_else(s, elseopt);
fn print_mac(s: ps, m: ast::mac) {
alt m.node {
ast::mac_invoc(path, arg, body) {
word(s.s, "#");
print_path(s, path, false);
alt arg {
some(@{node: ast::expr_vec(_, _), _}) { }
_ { word(s.s, " "); }
option::may(arg, bind print_expr(s, _));
// FIXME: extension 'body'
ast::mac_embed_type(ty) {
word(s.s, "#<");
print_type(s, ty);
word(s.s, ">");
ast::mac_embed_block(blk) {
print_possibly_embedded_block(s, blk, block_normal, indent_unit);
ast::mac_ellipsis { word(s.s, "..."); }
ast::mac_var(v) { word(s.s, #fmt("$%u", v)); }
_ { /* fixme */ }
fn print_expr(s: ps, &&expr: @ast::expr) {
maybe_print_comment(s, expr.span.lo);
ibox(s, indent_unit);
let ann_node = node_expr(s, expr);
alt expr.node {
ast::expr_vec(exprs, mutbl) {
ibox(s, indent_unit);
word(s.s, "[");
if mutbl == ast::m_mutbl {
word(s.s, "mutable");
if vec::len(exprs) > 0u { nbsp(s); }
commasep_exprs(s, inconsistent, exprs);
word(s.s, "]");
ast::expr_rec(fields, wth) {
fn print_field(s: ps, field: ast::field) {
ibox(s, indent_unit);
if field.node.mutbl == ast::m_mutbl { word_nbsp(s, "mutable"); }
word(s.s, field.node.ident);
word_space(s, ":");
print_expr(s, field.node.expr);
fn get_span(field: ast::field) -> codemap::span { ret field.span; }
word(s.s, "{");
commasep_cmnt(s, consistent, fields, print_field, get_span);
alt wth {
some(expr) {
if vec::len(fields) > 0u { space(s.s); }
ibox(s, indent_unit);
word_space(s, "with");
print_expr(s, expr);
_ { word(s.s, ","); }
word(s.s, "}");
ast::expr_tup(exprs) {
commasep_exprs(s, inconsistent, exprs);
ast::expr_call(func, args, has_block) {
print_expr_parens_if_not_bot(s, func);
let base_args = args, blk = none;
if has_block { blk = some(vec::pop(base_args)); }
if !has_block || vec::len(base_args) > 0u {
commasep_exprs(s, inconsistent, base_args);
if has_block {
print_expr(s, option::get(blk));
ast::expr_bind(func, args) {
fn print_opt(s: ps, expr: option<@ast::expr>) {
alt expr {
some(expr) { print_expr(s, expr); }
_ { word(s.s, "_"); }
// "bind" keyword is only needed if there are no "_" arguments.
if !vec::any(args) {|arg| option::is_none(arg) } {
word_nbsp(s, "bind");
print_expr(s, func);
commasep(s, inconsistent, args, print_opt);
ast::expr_binary(op, lhs, rhs) {
let prec = operator_prec(op);
print_op_maybe_parens(s, lhs, prec);
word_space(s, ast_util::binop_to_str(op));
print_op_maybe_parens(s, rhs, prec + 1);
ast::expr_unary(op, expr) {
word(s.s, ast_util::unop_to_str(op));
print_op_maybe_parens(s, expr, parse::parser::unop_prec);
ast::expr_lit(lit) { print_literal(s, lit); }
ast::expr_cast(expr, ty) {
print_op_maybe_parens(s, expr, parse::parser::as_prec);
word_space(s, "as");
print_type(s, ty);
ast::expr_if(test, blk, elseopt) {
print_if(s, test, blk, elseopt, false);
ast::expr_if_check(test, blk, elseopt) {
print_if(s, test, blk, elseopt, true);
ast::expr_while(test, blk) {
head(s, "while");
print_maybe_parens_discrim(s, test);
print_block(s, blk);
ast::expr_for(decl, expr, blk) {
head(s, "for");
print_for_decl(s, decl, expr);
print_block(s, blk);
ast::expr_do_while(blk, expr) {
head(s, "do");
print_block(s, blk);
word_space(s, "while");
print_expr(s, expr);
ast::expr_alt(expr, arms, mode) {
cbox(s, alt_indent_unit);
ibox(s, 4u);
word_nbsp(s, "alt");
if mode == ast::alt_check { word_nbsp(s, "check"); }
print_maybe_parens_discrim(s, expr);
for arm: ast::arm in arms {
cbox(s, alt_indent_unit);
ibox(s, 0u);
let first = true;
for p: @ast::pat in arm.pats {
if first {
first = false;
} else { space(s.s); word_space(s, "|"); }
print_pat(s, p);
alt arm.guard {
some(e) { word_space(s, "if"); print_expr(s, e); space(s.s); }
none { }
print_possibly_embedded_block(s, arm.body, block_normal,
bclose_(s, expr.span, alt_indent_unit);
ast::expr_fn(proto, decl, body, cap_clause) {
// containing cbox, will be closed by print-block at }
cbox(s, indent_unit);
// head-box, will be closed by print-block at start
ibox(s, 0u);
word(s.s, proto_to_str(proto));
print_cap_clause(s, *cap_clause);
print_fn_args_and_ret(s, decl);
print_block(s, body);
ast::expr_fn_block(decl, body) {
// containing cbox, will be closed by print-block at }
cbox(s, indent_unit);
// head-box, will be closed by print-block at start
ibox(s, 0u);
word(s.s, "{");
print_fn_block_args(s, decl);
print_possibly_embedded_block(s, body, block_block_fn, indent_unit);
ast::expr_block(blk) {
// containing cbox, will be closed by print-block at }
cbox(s, indent_unit);
// head-box, will be closed by print-block after {
ibox(s, 0u);
print_block(s, blk);
ast::expr_copy(e) { word_space(s, "copy"); print_expr(s, e); }
ast::expr_move(lhs, rhs) {
print_expr(s, lhs);
word_space(s, "<-");
print_expr(s, rhs);
ast::expr_assign(lhs, rhs) {
print_expr(s, lhs);
word_space(s, "=");
print_expr(s, rhs);
ast::expr_swap(lhs, rhs) {
print_expr(s, lhs);
word_space(s, "<->");
print_expr(s, rhs);
ast::expr_assign_op(op, lhs, rhs) {
print_expr(s, lhs);
word(s.s, ast_util::binop_to_str(op));
word_space(s, "=");
print_expr(s, rhs);
ast::expr_field(expr, id, tys) {
// Deal with '10.x'
if ends_in_lit_int(expr) {
popen(s); print_expr(s, expr); pclose(s);
} else {
print_expr_parens_if_not_bot(s, expr);
word(s.s, ".");
word(s.s, id);
if vec::len(tys) > 0u {
word(s.s, "::<");
commasep(s, inconsistent, tys, print_type);
word(s.s, ">");
ast::expr_index(expr, index) {
print_expr_parens_if_not_bot(s, expr);
word(s.s, "[");
print_expr(s, index);
word(s.s, "]");
ast::expr_path(path) { print_path(s, path, true); }
ast::expr_fail(maybe_fail_val) {
word(s.s, "fail");
alt maybe_fail_val {
some(expr) { word(s.s, " "); print_expr(s, expr); }
_ { }
ast::expr_break { word(s.s, "break"); }
ast::expr_cont { word(s.s, "cont"); }
ast::expr_ret(result) {
word(s.s, "ret");
alt result {
some(expr) { word(s.s, " "); print_expr(s, expr); }
_ { }
ast::expr_be(result) { word_nbsp(s, "be"); print_expr(s, result); }
ast::expr_log(lvl, lexp, expr) {
alt check lvl {
1 { word_nbsp(s, "log"); print_expr(s, expr); }
0 { word_nbsp(s, "log_err"); print_expr(s, expr); }
2 {
word_nbsp(s, "log");
print_expr(s, lexp);
word(s.s, ",");
print_expr(s, expr);
ast::expr_check(m, expr) {
alt m {
ast::claimed_expr { word_nbsp(s, "claim"); }
ast::checked_expr { word_nbsp(s, "check"); }
print_expr(s, expr);
ast::expr_assert(expr) {
word_nbsp(s, "assert");
print_expr(s, expr);
ast::expr_mac(m) { print_mac(s, m); }
fn print_expr_parens_if_not_bot(s: ps, ex: @ast::expr) {
let parens = alt ex.node {
ast::expr_fail(_) | ast::expr_ret(_) |
ast::expr_binary(_, _, _) | ast::expr_unary(_, _) |
ast::expr_move(_, _) | ast::expr_copy(_) |
ast::expr_assign(_, _) | ast::expr_be(_) |
ast::expr_assign_op(_, _, _) | ast::expr_swap(_, _) |
ast::expr_log(_, _, _) | ast::expr_assert(_) |
ast::expr_call(_, _, true) |
ast::expr_check(_, _) { true }
_ { false }
if parens { popen(s); }
print_expr(s, ex);
if parens { pclose(s); }
fn print_local_decl(s: ps, loc: @ast::local) {
print_pat(s, loc.node.pat);
alt loc.node.ty.node {
ast::ty_infer { }
_ { word_space(s, ":"); print_type(s, loc.node.ty); }
fn print_decl(s: ps, decl: @ast::decl) {
maybe_print_comment(s, decl.span.lo);
alt decl.node {
ast::decl_local(locs) {
ibox(s, indent_unit);
word_nbsp(s, "let");
fn print_local(s: ps, &&loc: @ast::local) {
ibox(s, indent_unit);
print_local_decl(s, loc);
alt loc.node.init {
some(init) {
alt init.op {
ast::init_assign { word_space(s, "="); }
ast::init_move { word_space(s, "<-"); }
print_expr(s, init.expr);
_ { }
commasep(s, consistent, locs, print_local);
ast::decl_item(item) { print_item(s, item); }
fn print_ident(s: ps, ident: ast::ident) { word(s.s, ident); }
fn print_for_decl(s: ps, loc: @ast::local, coll: @ast::expr) {
print_local_decl(s, loc);
word_space(s, "in");
print_expr(s, coll);
fn print_path(s: ps, &&path: @ast::path, colons_before_params: bool) {
maybe_print_comment(s, path.span.lo);
if { word(s.s, "::"); }
let first = true;
for id: ast::ident in path.node.idents {
if first { first = false; } else { word(s.s, "::"); }
word(s.s, id);
if vec::len(path.node.types) > 0u {
if colons_before_params { word(s.s, "::"); }
word(s.s, "<");
commasep(s, inconsistent, path.node.types, print_type);
word(s.s, ">");
fn print_pat(s: ps, &&pat: @ast::pat) {
maybe_print_comment(s, pat.span.lo);
let ann_node = node_pat(s, pat);
/* Pat isn't normalized, but the beauty of it
is that it doesn't matter */
alt pat.node {
ast::pat_wild { word(s.s, "_"); }
ast::pat_ident(path, sub) {
print_path(s, path, true);
alt sub {
some(p) { word(s.s, "@"); print_pat(s, p); }
_ {}
ast::pat_enum(path, args) {
print_path(s, path, true);
if vec::len(args) > 0u {
commasep(s, inconsistent, args, print_pat);
} else { }
ast::pat_rec(fields, etc) {
word(s.s, "{");
fn print_field(s: ps, f: ast::field_pat) {
cbox(s, indent_unit);
word(s.s, f.ident);
word_space(s, ":");
print_pat(s, f.pat);
fn get_span(f: ast::field_pat) -> codemap::span { ret f.pat.span; }
commasep_cmnt(s, consistent, fields, print_field, get_span);
if etc {
if vec::len(fields) != 0u { word_space(s, ","); }
word(s.s, "_");
word(s.s, "}");
ast::pat_tup(elts) {
commasep(s, inconsistent, elts, print_pat);
ast::pat_box(inner) { word(s.s, "@"); print_pat(s, inner); }
ast::pat_uniq(inner) { word(s.s, "~"); print_pat(s, inner); }
ast::pat_lit(e) { print_expr(s, e); }
ast::pat_range(begin, end) {
print_expr(s, begin);
word_space(s, "to");
print_expr(s, end);
fn print_fn(s: ps, decl: ast::fn_decl, name: ast::ident,
typarams: [ast::ty_param]) {
alt decl.purity {
ast::impure_fn { head(s, "fn"); }
ast::unsafe_fn { head(s, "unsafe fn"); }
ast::pure_fn { head(s, "pure fn"); }
ast::crust_fn { head(s, "crust fn"); }
word(s.s, name);
print_type_params(s, typarams);
print_fn_args_and_ret(s, decl);
fn print_cap_clause(s: ps, cap_clause: ast::capture_clause) {
fn print_cap_item(s: ps, &&cap_item: @ast::capture_item) {
let has_copies = vec::is_not_empty(cap_clause.copies);
let has_moves = vec::is_not_empty(cap_clause.moves);
if !has_copies && !has_moves { ret; }
word(s.s, "[");
if has_copies {
word_nbsp(s, "copy");
commasep(s, inconsistent, cap_clause.copies, print_cap_item);
if has_moves {
word_space(s, ";");
if has_moves {
word_nbsp(s, "move");
commasep(s, inconsistent, cap_clause.moves, print_cap_item);
word(s.s, "]");
fn print_fn_args_and_ret(s: ps, decl: ast::fn_decl) {
fn print_arg(s: ps, x: ast::arg) {
ibox(s, indent_unit);
print_arg_mode(s, x.mode);
word_space(s, x.ident + ":");
print_type(s, x.ty);
commasep(s, inconsistent, decl.inputs, print_arg);
word(s.s, ast_fn_constrs_str(decl, decl.constraints));
maybe_print_comment(s, decl.output.span.lo);
if decl.output.node != ast::ty_nil {
word_space(s, "->");
print_type(s, decl.output);
fn print_fn_block_args(s: ps, decl: ast::fn_decl) {
word(s.s, "|");
fn print_arg(s: ps, x: ast::arg) {
ibox(s, indent_unit);
print_arg_mode(s, x.mode);
word(s.s, x.ident);
commasep(s, inconsistent, decl.inputs, print_arg);
word(s.s, "|");
if decl.output.node != ast::ty_infer {
word_space(s, "->");
print_type(s, decl.output);
maybe_print_comment(s, decl.output.span.lo);
fn mode_to_str(m: ast::mode) -> str {
alt m {
ast::expl(ast::by_mutbl_ref) { "&" }
ast::expl(ast::by_move) { "-" }
ast::expl(ast::by_ref) { "&&" }
ast::expl(ast::by_val) { "++" }
ast::expl(ast::by_copy) { "+" }
ast::infer(_) { "" }
fn print_arg_mode(s: ps, m: ast::mode) {
let ms = mode_to_str(m);
if ms != "" { word(s.s, ms); }
fn print_bounds(s: ps, bounds: @[ast::ty_param_bound]) {
if vec::len(*bounds) > 0u {
word(s.s, ":");
for bound in *bounds {
alt bound {
ast::bound_copy { word(s.s, "copy"); }
ast::bound_send { word(s.s, "send"); }
ast::bound_iface(t) { print_type(s, t); }
fn print_type_params(s: ps, &&params: [ast::ty_param]) {
if vec::len(params) > 0u {
word(s.s, "<");
fn printParam(s: ps, param: ast::ty_param) {
word(s.s, param.ident);
print_bounds(s, param.bounds);
commasep(s, inconsistent, params, printParam);
word(s.s, ">");
fn print_meta_item(s: ps, &&item: @ast::meta_item) {
ibox(s, indent_unit);
alt item.node {
ast::meta_word(name) { word(s.s, name); }
ast::meta_name_value(name, value) {
word_space(s, name);
word_space(s, "=");
print_literal(s, @value);
ast::meta_list(name, items) {
word(s.s, name);
commasep(s, consistent, items, print_meta_item);
fn print_view_item(s: ps, item: @ast::view_item) {
maybe_print_comment(s, item.span.lo);
alt item.node {
ast::view_item_use(id, mta, _) {
head(s, "use");
word(s.s, id);
if vec::len(mta) > 0u {
commasep(s, consistent, mta, print_meta_item);
ast::view_item_import(id, ids, _) {
head(s, "import");
if !str::eq(id, ids[vec::len(*ids) - 1u]) {
word_space(s, id);
word_space(s, "=");
let first = true;
for elt: ast::ident in *ids {
if first { first = false; } else { word(s.s, "::"); }
word(s.s, elt);
ast::view_item_import_from(mod_path, idents, _) {
head(s, "import");
for elt: ast::ident in *mod_path { word(s.s, elt); word(s.s, "::"); }
word(s.s, "{");
commasep(s, inconsistent, idents,
fn@(s: ps, w: ast::import_ident) { word(s.s, });
word(s.s, "}");
ast::view_item_import_glob(ids, _) {
head(s, "import");
let first = true;
for elt: ast::ident in *ids {
if first { first = false; } else { word(s.s, "::"); }
word(s.s, elt);
word(s.s, "::*");
ast::view_item_export(ids, _) {
head(s, "export");
commasep(s, inconsistent, ids,
fn@(s: ps, &&w: ast::ident) { word(s.s, w) });
ast::view_item_export_enum_none(id, _) {
head(s, "export");
word(s.s, id);
word(s.s, "::{}");
ast::view_item_export_enum_some(id, ids, _) {
head(s, "export");
word(s.s, id);
word(s.s, "::{");
commasep(s, inconsistent, ids, fn@(s:ps, &&w: ast::import_ident) {
word(s.s, });
word(s.s, "}");
word(s.s, ";");
end(s); // end inner head-block
end(s); // end outer head-block
// FIXME: The fact that this builds up the table anew for every call is
// not good. Eventually, table should be a const.
fn operator_prec(op: ast::binop) -> int {
for spec: parse::parser::op_spec in *parse::parser::prec_table() {
if spec.op == op { ret spec.prec; }
fn need_parens(expr: @ast::expr, outer_prec: int) -> bool {
alt expr.node {
ast::expr_binary(op, _, _) { operator_prec(op) < outer_prec }
ast::expr_cast(_, _) { parse::parser::as_prec < outer_prec }
// This may be too conservative in some cases
ast::expr_assign(_, _) { true }
ast::expr_move(_, _) { true }
ast::expr_swap(_, _) { true }
ast::expr_assign_op(_, _, _) { true }
ast::expr_ret(_) { true }
ast::expr_be(_) { true }
ast::expr_assert(_) { true }
ast::expr_check(_, _) { true }
ast::expr_log(_, _, _) { true }
_ { !parse::parser::expr_requires_semi_to_be_stmt(expr) }
fn print_op_maybe_parens(s: ps, expr: @ast::expr, outer_prec: int) {
let add_them = need_parens(expr, outer_prec);
if add_them { popen(s); }
print_expr(s, expr);
if add_them { pclose(s); }
fn print_mutability(s: ps, mutbl: ast::mutability) {
alt mutbl {
ast::m_mutbl { word_nbsp(s, "mutable"); }
ast::m_const { word_nbsp(s, "const"); }
ast::m_imm {/* nothing */ }
fn print_mt(s: ps, mt: ast::mt) {
print_mutability(s, mt.mutbl);
print_type(s, mt.ty);
fn print_ty_fn(s: ps, opt_proto: option<ast::proto>,
decl: ast::fn_decl, id: option<ast::ident>,
tps: option<[ast::ty_param]>) {
ibox(s, indent_unit);
word(s.s, opt_proto_to_str(opt_proto));
alt id { some(id) { word(s.s, " "); word(s.s, id); } _ { } }
alt tps { some(tps) { print_type_params(s, tps); } _ { } }
fn print_arg(s: ps, input: ast::arg) {
print_arg_mode(s, input.mode);
if str::len_bytes(input.ident) > 0u {
word_space(s, input.ident + ":");
print_type(s, input.ty);
commasep(s, inconsistent, decl.inputs, print_arg);
maybe_print_comment(s, decl.output.span.lo);
if decl.output.node != ast::ty_nil {
ibox(s, indent_unit);
word_space(s, "->");
if == ast::noreturn { word_nbsp(s, "!"); }
else { print_type(s, decl.output); }
word(s.s, ast_ty_fn_constrs_str(decl.constraints));
fn maybe_print_trailing_comment(s: ps, span: codemap::span,
next_pos: option<uint>) {
let cm;
alt { some(ccm) { cm = ccm; } _ { ret; } }
alt next_comment(s) {
some(cmnt) {
if != lexer::trailing { ret; }
let span_line = codemap::lookup_char_pos(cm, span.hi);
let comment_line = codemap::lookup_char_pos(cm, cmnt.pos);
let next = cmnt.pos + 1u;
alt next_pos { none { } some(p) { next = p; } }
if span.hi < cmnt.pos && cmnt.pos < next &&
span_line.line == comment_line.line {
print_comment(s, cmnt);
s.cur_cmnt += 1u;
_ { }
fn print_remaining_comments(s: ps) {
// If there aren't any remaining comments, then we need to manually
// make sure there is a line break at the end.
if option::is_none(next_comment(s)) { hardbreak(s.s); }
while true {
alt next_comment(s) {
some(cmnt) { print_comment(s, cmnt); s.cur_cmnt += 1u; }
_ { break; }
fn in_cbox(s: ps) -> bool {
let len = vec::len(s.boxes);
if len == 0u { ret false; }
ret s.boxes[len - 1u] == pp::consistent;
fn print_literal(s: ps, &&lit: @ast::lit) {
maybe_print_comment(s, lit.span.lo);
alt next_lit(s, lit.span.lo) {
some(lt) {
word(s.s, lt.lit);
_ {}
alt lit.node {
ast::lit_str(st) { print_string(s, st); }
ast::lit_int(ch, ast::ty_char) {
word(s.s, "'" + escape_str(str::from_char(ch as char), '\'') + "'");
ast::lit_int(i, t) {
if i < 0_i64 {
"-" + u64::to_str(-i as u64, 10u)
+ ast_util::int_ty_to_str(t));
} else {
u64::to_str(i as u64, 10u)
+ ast_util::int_ty_to_str(t));
ast::lit_uint(u, t) {
u64::to_str(u, 10u)
+ ast_util::uint_ty_to_str(t));
ast::lit_float(f, t) {
word(s.s, f + ast_util::float_ty_to_str(t));
ast::lit_nil { word(s.s, "()"); }
ast::lit_bool(val) {
if val { word(s.s, "true"); } else { word(s.s, "false"); }
fn lit_to_str(l: @ast::lit) -> str { be to_str(l, print_literal); }
fn next_lit(s: ps, pos: uint) -> option<lexer::lit> {
alt s.literals {
some(lits) {
while s.cur_lit < vec::len(lits) {
let lt = lits[s.cur_lit];
if lt.pos > pos { ret none; }
s.cur_lit += 1u;
if lt.pos == pos { ret some(lt); }
ret none;
_ { ret none; }
fn maybe_print_comment(s: ps, pos: uint) {
while true {
alt next_comment(s) {
some(cmnt) {
if cmnt.pos < pos {
print_comment(s, cmnt);
s.cur_cmnt += 1u;
} else { break; }
_ { break; }
fn print_comment(s: ps, cmnt: lexer::cmnt) {
alt {
lexer::mixed {
assert (vec::len(cmnt.lines) == 1u);
word(s.s, cmnt.lines[0]);
lexer::isolated {
for line: str in cmnt.lines {
// Don't print empty lines because they will end up as trailing
// whitespace
if str::is_not_empty(line) { word(s.s, line); }
lexer::trailing {
word(s.s, " ");
if vec::len(cmnt.lines) == 1u {
word(s.s, cmnt.lines[0]);
} else {
ibox(s, 0u);
for line: str in cmnt.lines {
if str::is_not_empty(line) { word(s.s, line); }
lexer::blank_line {
// We need to do at least one, possibly two hardbreaks.
let is_semi =
alt s.s.last_token() {
pp::STRING(s, _) { s == ";" }
_ { false }
if is_semi || is_begin(s) || is_end(s) { hardbreak(s.s); }
fn print_string(s: ps, st: str) {
word(s.s, "\"");
word(s.s, escape_str(st, '"'));
word(s.s, "\"");
fn escape_str(st: str, to_escape: char) -> str {
let out: str = "";
let len = str::len_bytes(st);
let i = 0u;
while i < len {
alt st[i] as char {
'\n' { out += "\\n"; }
'\t' { out += "\\t"; }
'\r' { out += "\\r"; }
'\\' { out += "\\\\"; }
cur {
if cur == to_escape { out += "\\"; }
// FIXME some (or all?) non-ascii things should be escaped
str::push_char(out, cur);
i += 1u;
ret out;
fn to_str<T>(t: T, f: fn@(ps, T)) -> str {
let buffer = io::mk_mem_buffer();
let s = rust_printer(io::mem_buffer_writer(buffer));
f(s, t);
fn next_comment(s: ps) -> option<lexer::cmnt> {
alt s.comments {
some(cmnts) {
if s.cur_cmnt < vec::len(cmnts) {
ret some(cmnts[s.cur_cmnt]);
} else { ret none::<lexer::cmnt>; }
_ { ret none::<lexer::cmnt>; }
// Removing the aliases from the type of f in the next two functions
// triggers memory corruption, but I haven't isolated the bug yet. FIXME
fn constr_args_to_str<T>(f: fn@(T) -> str, args: [@ast::sp_constr_arg<T>]) ->
str {
let comma = false;
let s = "(";
for a: @ast::sp_constr_arg<T> in args {
if comma { s += ", "; } else { comma = true; }
s += constr_arg_to_str::<T>(f, a.node);
s += ")";
ret s;
fn constr_arg_to_str<T>(f: fn@(T) -> str, c: ast::constr_arg_general_<T>) ->
str {
alt c {
ast::carg_base { ret "*"; }
ast::carg_ident(i) { ret f(i); }
ast::carg_lit(l) { ret lit_to_str(l); }
// needed b/c constr_args_to_str needs
// something that takes an alias
// (argh)
fn uint_to_str(&&i: uint) -> str { ret uint::str(i); }
fn ast_ty_fn_constr_to_str(c: @ast::constr) -> str {
ret path_to_str(c.node.path) +
constr_args_to_str(uint_to_str, c.node.args);
// FIXME: fix repeated code
fn ast_ty_fn_constrs_str(constrs: [@ast::constr]) -> str {
let s = "";
let colon = true;
for c: @ast::constr in constrs {
if colon { s += " : "; colon = false; } else { s += ", "; }
s += ast_ty_fn_constr_to_str(c);
ret s;
fn fn_arg_idx_to_str(decl: ast::fn_decl, &&idx: uint) -> str {
fn ast_fn_constr_to_str(decl: ast::fn_decl, c: @ast::constr) -> str {
let arg_to_str = bind fn_arg_idx_to_str(decl, _);
ret path_to_str(c.node.path) +
constr_args_to_str(arg_to_str, c.node.args);
// FIXME: fix repeated code
fn ast_fn_constrs_str(decl: ast::fn_decl, constrs: [@ast::constr]) -> str {
let s = "";
let colon = true;
for c: @ast::constr in constrs {
if colon { s += " : "; colon = false; } else { s += ", "; }
s += ast_fn_constr_to_str(decl, c);
ret s;
fn opt_proto_to_str(opt_p: option<ast::proto>) -> str {
alt opt_p {
none { "fn" }
some(p) { proto_to_str(p) }
fn proto_to_str(p: ast::proto) -> str {
ret alt p {
ast::proto_bare { "native fn" }
ast::proto_any { "fn" }
ast::proto_block { "fn&" }
ast::proto_uniq { "fn~" }
ast::proto_box { "fn@" }
fn ty_constr_to_str(c: @ast::ty_constr) -> str {
fn ty_constr_path_to_str(&&p: @ast::path) -> str { "*." + path_to_str(p) }
ret path_to_str(c.node.path) +
fn ast_ty_constrs_str(constrs: [@ast::ty_constr]) -> str {
let s = "";
let colon = true;
for c: @ast::ty_constr in constrs {
if colon { s += " : "; colon = false; } else { s += ", "; }
s += ty_constr_to_str(c);
ret s;
fn ends_in_lit_int(ex: @ast::expr) -> bool {
alt ex.node {
ast::expr_lit(@{node: ast::lit_int(_, ast::ty_i), _}) { true }
ast::expr_binary(_, _, sub) | ast::expr_unary(_, sub) |
ast::expr_move(_, sub) | ast::expr_copy(sub) |
ast::expr_assign(_, sub) | ast::expr_be(sub) |
ast::expr_assign_op(_, _, sub) | ast::expr_swap(_, sub) |
ast::expr_log(_, _, sub) | ast::expr_assert(sub) |
ast::expr_check(_, sub) { ends_in_lit_int(sub) }
ast::expr_fail(osub) | ast::expr_ret(osub) {
alt osub {
some(ex) { ends_in_lit_int(ex) }
_ { false }
_ { false }
// Local Variables:
// mode: rust
// fill-column: 78;
// indent-tabs-mode: nil
// c-basic-offset: 4
// buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix
// End: