404 lines
14 KiB
404 lines
14 KiB
//! This file contains code for parsing SSR rules, which look something like `foo($a) ==>> bar($b)`.
//! We first split everything before and after the separator `==>>`. Next, both the search pattern
//! and the replacement template get tokenized by the Rust tokenizer. Tokens are then searched for
//! placeholders, which start with `$`. For replacement templates, this is the final form. For
//! search patterns, we go further and parse the pattern as each kind of thing that we can match.
//! e.g. expressions, type references etc.
use crate::errors::bail;
use crate::{SsrError, SsrPattern, SsrRule};
use rustc_hash::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet};
use std::{fmt::Display, str::FromStr};
use syntax::{ast, AstNode, SmolStr, SyntaxKind, SyntaxNode, T};
use test_utils::mark;
pub(crate) struct ParsedRule {
pub(crate) placeholders_by_stand_in: FxHashMap<SmolStr, Placeholder>,
pub(crate) pattern: SyntaxNode,
pub(crate) template: Option<SyntaxNode>,
pub(crate) struct RawPattern {
tokens: Vec<PatternElement>,
// Part of a search or replace pattern.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub(crate) enum PatternElement {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub(crate) struct Placeholder {
/// The name of this placeholder. e.g. for "$a", this would be "a"
pub(crate) ident: Var,
/// A unique name used in place of this placeholder when we parse the pattern as Rust code.
stand_in_name: String,
pub(crate) constraints: Vec<Constraint>,
/// Represents a `$var` in an SSR query.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub(crate) struct Var(pub(crate) String);
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub(crate) enum Constraint {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub(crate) enum NodeKind {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub(crate) struct Token {
kind: SyntaxKind,
pub(crate) text: SmolStr,
impl ParsedRule {
fn new(
pattern: &RawPattern,
template: Option<&RawPattern>,
) -> Result<Vec<ParsedRule>, SsrError> {
let raw_pattern = pattern.as_rust_code();
let raw_template = template.map(|t| t.as_rust_code());
let raw_template = raw_template.as_ref().map(|s| s.as_str());
let mut builder = RuleBuilder {
placeholders_by_stand_in: pattern.placeholders_by_stand_in(),
rules: Vec::new(),
builder.try_add(ast::Expr::parse(&raw_pattern), raw_template.map(ast::Expr::parse));
builder.try_add(ast::Type::parse(&raw_pattern), raw_template.map(ast::Type::parse));
builder.try_add(ast::Item::parse(&raw_pattern), raw_template.map(ast::Item::parse));
builder.try_add(ast::Path::parse(&raw_pattern), raw_template.map(ast::Path::parse));
builder.try_add(ast::Pat::parse(&raw_pattern), raw_template.map(ast::Pat::parse));
struct RuleBuilder {
placeholders_by_stand_in: FxHashMap<SmolStr, Placeholder>,
rules: Vec<ParsedRule>,
impl RuleBuilder {
fn try_add<T: AstNode>(&mut self, pattern: Result<T, ()>, template: Option<Result<T, ()>>) {
match (pattern, template) {
(Ok(pattern), Some(Ok(template))) => self.rules.push(ParsedRule {
placeholders_by_stand_in: self.placeholders_by_stand_in.clone(),
pattern: pattern.syntax().clone(),
template: Some(template.syntax().clone()),
(Ok(pattern), None) => self.rules.push(ParsedRule {
placeholders_by_stand_in: self.placeholders_by_stand_in.clone(),
pattern: pattern.syntax().clone(),
template: None,
_ => {}
fn build(mut self) -> Result<Vec<ParsedRule>, SsrError> {
if self.rules.is_empty() {
bail!("Not a valid Rust expression, type, item, path or pattern");
// If any rules contain paths, then we reject any rules that don't contain paths. Allowing a
// mix leads to strange semantics, since the path-based rules only match things where the
// path refers to semantically the same thing, whereas the non-path-based rules could match
// anything. Specifically, if we have a rule like `foo ==>> bar` we only want to match the
// `foo` that is in the current scope, not any `foo`. However "foo" can be parsed as a
// pattern (IDENT_PAT -> NAME -> IDENT). Allowing such a rule through would result in
// renaming everything called `foo` to `bar`. It'd also be slow, since without a path, we'd
// have to use the slow-scan search mechanism.
if self.rules.iter().any(|rule| contains_path(&rule.pattern)) {
let old_len = self.rules.len();
self.rules.retain(|rule| contains_path(&rule.pattern));
if self.rules.len() < old_len {
/// Returns whether there are any paths in `node`.
fn contains_path(node: &SyntaxNode) -> bool {
node.kind() == SyntaxKind::PATH
|| node.descendants().any(|node| node.kind() == SyntaxKind::PATH)
impl FromStr for SsrRule {
type Err = SsrError;
fn from_str(query: &str) -> Result<SsrRule, SsrError> {
let mut it = query.split("==>>");
let pattern = it.next().expect("at least empty string").trim();
let template = it
.ok_or_else(|| SsrError("Cannot find delimiter `==>>`".into()))?
if it.next().is_some() {
return Err(SsrError("More than one delimiter found".into()));
let raw_pattern = pattern.parse()?;
let raw_template = template.parse()?;
let parsed_rules = ParsedRule::new(&raw_pattern, Some(&raw_template))?;
let rule = SsrRule { pattern: raw_pattern, template: raw_template, parsed_rules };
impl FromStr for RawPattern {
type Err = SsrError;
fn from_str(pattern_str: &str) -> Result<RawPattern, SsrError> {
Ok(RawPattern { tokens: parse_pattern(pattern_str)? })
impl RawPattern {
/// Returns this search pattern as Rust source code that we can feed to the Rust parser.
fn as_rust_code(&self) -> String {
let mut res = String::new();
for t in &self.tokens {
res.push_str(match t {
PatternElement::Token(token) => token.text.as_str(),
PatternElement::Placeholder(placeholder) => placeholder.stand_in_name.as_str(),
pub(crate) fn placeholders_by_stand_in(&self) -> FxHashMap<SmolStr, Placeholder> {
let mut res = FxHashMap::default();
for t in &self.tokens {
if let PatternElement::Placeholder(placeholder) = t {
res.insert(SmolStr::new(placeholder.stand_in_name.clone()), placeholder.clone());
impl FromStr for SsrPattern {
type Err = SsrError;
fn from_str(pattern_str: &str) -> Result<SsrPattern, SsrError> {
let raw_pattern = pattern_str.parse()?;
let parsed_rules = ParsedRule::new(&raw_pattern, None)?;
Ok(SsrPattern { raw: raw_pattern, parsed_rules })
/// Returns `pattern_str`, parsed as a search or replace pattern. If `remove_whitespace` is true,
/// then any whitespace tokens will be removed, which we do for the search pattern, but not for the
/// replace pattern.
fn parse_pattern(pattern_str: &str) -> Result<Vec<PatternElement>, SsrError> {
let mut res = Vec::new();
let mut placeholder_names = FxHashSet::default();
let mut tokens = tokenize(pattern_str)?.into_iter();
while let Some(token) = tokens.next() {
if token.kind == T![$] {
let placeholder = parse_placeholder(&mut tokens)?;
if !placeholder_names.insert(placeholder.ident.clone()) {
bail!("Placeholder `{}` repeats more than once", placeholder.ident);
} else {
/// Checks for errors in a rule. e.g. the replace pattern referencing placeholders that the search
/// pattern didn't define.
fn validate_rule(rule: &SsrRule) -> Result<(), SsrError> {
let mut defined_placeholders = FxHashSet::default();
for p in &rule.pattern.tokens {
if let PatternElement::Placeholder(placeholder) = p {
let mut undefined = Vec::new();
for p in &rule.template.tokens {
if let PatternElement::Placeholder(placeholder) = p {
if !defined_placeholders.contains(&placeholder.ident) {
if !placeholder.constraints.is_empty() {
bail!("Replacement placeholders cannot have constraints");
if !undefined.is_empty() {
bail!("Replacement contains undefined placeholders: {}", undefined.join(", "));
fn tokenize(source: &str) -> Result<Vec<Token>, SsrError> {
let mut start = 0;
let (raw_tokens, errors) = syntax::tokenize(source);
if let Some(first_error) = errors.first() {
bail!("Failed to parse pattern: {}", first_error);
let mut tokens: Vec<Token> = Vec::new();
for raw_token in raw_tokens {
let token_len = usize::from(raw_token.len);
tokens.push(Token {
kind: raw_token.kind,
text: SmolStr::new(&source[start..start + token_len]),
start += token_len;
fn parse_placeholder(tokens: &mut std::vec::IntoIter<Token>) -> Result<Placeholder, SsrError> {
let mut name = None;
let mut constraints = Vec::new();
if let Some(token) = tokens.next() {
match token.kind {
SyntaxKind::IDENT => {
name = Some(token.text);
T!['{'] => {
let token =
tokens.next().ok_or_else(|| SsrError::new("Unexpected end of placeholder"))?;
if token.kind == SyntaxKind::IDENT {
name = Some(token.text);
loop {
let token = tokens
.ok_or_else(|| SsrError::new("Placeholder is missing closing brace '}'"))?;
match token.kind {
T![:] => {
T!['}'] => break,
_ => bail!("Unexpected token while parsing placeholder: '{}'", token.text),
_ => {
bail!("Placeholders should either be $name or ${{name:constraints}}");
let name = name.ok_or_else(|| SsrError::new("Placeholder ($) with no name"))?;
Ok(Placeholder::new(name, constraints))
fn parse_constraint(tokens: &mut std::vec::IntoIter<Token>) -> Result<Constraint, SsrError> {
let constraint_type = tokens
.ok_or_else(|| SsrError::new("Found end of placeholder while looking for a constraint"))?
match constraint_type.as_str() {
"kind" => {
expect_token(tokens, "(")?;
let t = tokens.next().ok_or_else(|| {
SsrError::new("Unexpected end of constraint while looking for kind")
if t.kind != SyntaxKind::IDENT {
bail!("Expected ident, found {:?} while parsing kind constraint", t.kind);
expect_token(tokens, ")")?;
"not" => {
expect_token(tokens, "(")?;
let sub = parse_constraint(tokens)?;
expect_token(tokens, ")")?;
x => bail!("Unsupported constraint type '{}'", x),
fn expect_token(tokens: &mut std::vec::IntoIter<Token>, expected: &str) -> Result<(), SsrError> {
if let Some(t) = tokens.next() {
if t.text == expected {
return Ok(());
bail!("Expected {} found {}", expected, t.text);
bail!("Expected {} found end of stream", expected);
impl NodeKind {
fn from(name: &SmolStr) -> Result<NodeKind, SsrError> {
Ok(match name.as_str() {
"literal" => NodeKind::Literal,
_ => bail!("Unknown node kind '{}'", name),
impl Placeholder {
fn new(name: SmolStr, constraints: Vec<Constraint>) -> Self {
Self {
stand_in_name: format!("__placeholder_{}", name),
ident: Var(name.to_string()),
impl Display for Var {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "${}", self.0)
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn parser_happy_case() {
fn token(kind: SyntaxKind, text: &str) -> PatternElement {
PatternElement::Token(Token { kind, text: SmolStr::new(text) })
fn placeholder(name: &str) -> PatternElement {
PatternElement::Placeholder(Placeholder::new(SmolStr::new(name), Vec::new()))
let result: SsrRule = "foo($a, $b) ==>> bar($b, $a)".parse().unwrap();
token(SyntaxKind::IDENT, "foo"),
token(T!['('], "("),
token(T![,], ","),
token(SyntaxKind::WHITESPACE, " "),
token(T![')'], ")"),
token(SyntaxKind::IDENT, "bar"),
token(T!['('], "("),
token(T![,], ","),
token(SyntaxKind::WHITESPACE, " "),
token(T![')'], ")"),