Felix S. Klock II cc477dfa74 Added note that there is still more to do on 5516.
Also added regression test for the byte vs codepoint issues that the
previous commit fixes.
2013-08-24 12:12:30 +02:00

1612 lines
48 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

// Copyright 2012-2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
* Simple getopt alternative.
* Construct a vector of options, either by using reqopt, optopt, and optflag
* or by building them from components yourself, and pass them to getopts,
* along with a vector of actual arguments (not including argv[0]). You'll
* either get a failure code back, or a match. You'll have to verify whether
* the amount of 'free' arguments in the match is what you expect. Use opt_*
* accessors to get argument values out of the matches object.
* Single-character options are expected to appear on the command line with a
* single preceding dash; multiple-character options are expected to be
* proceeded by two dashes. Options that expect an argument accept their
* argument following either a space or an equals sign. Single-character
* options don't require the space.
* # Example
* The following example shows simple command line parsing for an application
* that requires an input file to be specified, accepts an optional output
* file name following -o, and accepts both -h and --help as optional flags.
* ```
* extern mod extra;
* use extra::getopts::*;
* use std::os;
* fn do_work(in: &str, out: Option<~str>) {
* println(in);
* println(match out {
* Some(x) => x,
* None => ~"No Output"
* });
* }
* fn print_usage(program: &str, _opts: &[Opt]) {
* printfln!("Usage: %s [options]", program);
* println("-o\t\tOutput");
* println("-h --help\tUsage");
* }
* fn main() {
* let args = os::args();
* let program = args[0].clone();
* let opts = ~[
* optopt("o"),
* optflag("h"),
* optflag("help")
* ];
* let matches = match getopts(args.tail(), opts) {
* Ok(m) => { m }
* Err(f) => { fail!(fail_str(f)) }
* };
* if opt_present(&matches, "h") || opt_present(&matches, "help") {
* print_usage(program, opts);
* return;
* }
* let output = opt_maybe_str(&matches, "o");
* let input: &str = if ! {
* } else {
* print_usage(program, opts);
* return;
* };
* do_work(input, output);
* }
* ```
use std::cmp::Eq;
use std::result::{Err, Ok};
use std::result;
use std::option::{Some, None};
use std::str;
use std::vec;
#[deriving(Clone, Eq)]
pub enum Name {
#[deriving(Clone, Eq)]
pub enum HasArg {
#[deriving(Clone, Eq)]
pub enum Occur {
/// A description of a possible option
#[deriving(Clone, Eq)]
pub struct Opt {
name: Name,
hasarg: HasArg,
occur: Occur,
aliases: ~[Opt],
fn mkname(nm: &str) -> Name {
if nm.len() == 1u {
} else {
/// Create an option that is required and takes an argument
pub fn reqopt(name: &str) -> Opt {
return Opt {name: mkname(name), hasarg: Yes, occur: Req, aliases: ~[]};
/// Create an option that is optional and takes an argument
pub fn optopt(name: &str) -> Opt {
return Opt {name: mkname(name), hasarg: Yes, occur: Optional, aliases: ~[]};
/// Create an option that is optional and does not take an argument
pub fn optflag(name: &str) -> Opt {
return Opt {name: mkname(name), hasarg: No, occur: Optional, aliases: ~[]};
/** Create an option that is optional, does not take an argument,
* and may occur multiple times.
pub fn optflagmulti(name: &str) -> Opt {
return Opt {name: mkname(name), hasarg: No, occur: Multi, aliases: ~[]};
/// Create an option that is optional and takes an optional argument
pub fn optflagopt(name: &str) -> Opt {
return Opt {name: mkname(name), hasarg: Maybe, occur: Optional, aliases: ~[]};
* Create an option that is optional, takes an argument, and may occur
* multiple times
pub fn optmulti(name: &str) -> Opt {
return Opt {name: mkname(name), hasarg: Yes, occur: Multi, aliases: ~[]};
#[deriving(Clone, Eq)]
enum Optval {
* The result of checking command line arguments. Contains a vector
* of matches and a vector of free strings.
#[deriving(Clone, Eq)]
pub struct Matches {
opts: ~[Opt],
vals: ~[~[Optval]],
free: ~[~str]
fn is_arg(arg: &str) -> bool {
return arg.len() > 1 && arg[0] == '-' as u8;
fn name_str(nm: &Name) -> ~str {
return match *nm {
Short(ch) => str::from_char(ch),
Long(ref s) => (*s).clone()
fn find_opt(opts: &[Opt], nm: Name) -> Option<uint> {
// search main options
let pos = opts.iter().position(|opt| == nm);
if pos.is_some() {
return pos
// search in aliases
for candidate in opts.iter() {
if candidate.aliases.iter().position(|opt| == nm).is_some() {
return opts.iter().position(|opt| ==;
* The type returned when the command line does not conform to the
* expected format. Pass this value to <fail_str> to get an error message.
#[deriving(Clone, Eq, ToStr)]
pub enum Fail_ {
/// Convert a `fail_` enum into an error string
pub fn fail_str(f: Fail_) -> ~str {
return match f {
ArgumentMissing(ref nm) => {
fmt!("Argument to option '%s' missing.", *nm)
UnrecognizedOption(ref nm) => {
fmt!("Unrecognized option: '%s'.", *nm)
OptionMissing(ref nm) => {
fmt!("Required option '%s' missing.", *nm)
OptionDuplicated(ref nm) => {
fmt!("Option '%s' given more than once.", *nm)
UnexpectedArgument(ref nm) => {
fmt!("Option '%s' does not take an argument.", *nm)
* The result of parsing a command line with a set of options
* (result::t<Matches, Fail_>)
pub type Result = result::Result<Matches, Fail_>;
* Parse command line arguments according to the provided options
* On success returns `ok(Opt)`. Use functions such as `opt_present`
* `opt_str`, etc. to interrogate results. Returns `err(Fail_)` on failure.
* Use <fail_str> to get an error message.
pub fn getopts(args: &[~str], opts: &[Opt]) -> Result {
let n_opts = opts.len();
fn f(_x: uint) -> ~[Optval] { return ~[]; }
let mut vals = vec::from_fn(n_opts, f);
let mut free: ~[~str] = ~[];
let l = args.len();
let mut i = 0;
while i < l {
let cur = args[i].clone();
let curlen = cur.len();
if !is_arg(cur) {
} else if cur == ~"--" {
let mut j = i + 1;
while j < l { free.push(args[j].clone()); j += 1; }
} else {
let mut names;
let mut i_arg = None;
if cur[1] == '-' as u8 {
let tail = cur.slice(2, curlen);
let tail_eq: ~[&str] = tail.split_iter('=').collect();
if tail_eq.len() <= 1 {
names = ~[Long(tail.to_owned())];
} else {
names =
i_arg = Some(tail_eq[1].to_owned());
} else {
let mut j = 1;
let mut last_valid_opt_id = None;
names = ~[];
while j < curlen {
let range = cur.char_range_at(j);
let opt = Short(;
/* In a series of potential options (eg. -aheJ), if we
see one which takes an argument, we assume all
subsequent characters make up the argument. This
allows options such as -L/usr/local/lib/foo to be
interpreted correctly
match find_opt(opts, opt.clone()) {
Some(id) => last_valid_opt_id = Some(id),
None => {
let arg_follows =
last_valid_opt_id.is_some() &&
match opts[last_valid_opt_id.unwrap()]
.hasarg {
Yes | Maybe => true,
No => false
if arg_follows && j < curlen {
i_arg = Some(cur.slice(j, curlen).to_owned());
} else {
last_valid_opt_id = None;
j =;
let mut name_pos = 0;
for nm in names.iter() {
name_pos += 1;
let optid = match find_opt(opts, (*nm).clone()) {
Some(id) => id,
None => return Err(UnrecognizedOption(name_str(nm)))
match opts[optid].hasarg {
No => {
if !i_arg.is_none() {
return Err(UnexpectedArgument(name_str(nm)));
Maybe => {
if !i_arg.is_none() {
} else if name_pos < names.len() ||
i + 1 == l || is_arg(args[i + 1]) {
} else { i += 1; vals[optid].push(Val(args[i].clone())); }
Yes => {
if !i_arg.is_none() {
} else if i + 1 == l {
return Err(ArgumentMissing(name_str(nm)));
} else { i += 1; vals[optid].push(Val(args[i].clone())); }
i += 1;
i = 0u;
while i < n_opts {
let n = vals[i].len();
let occ = opts[i].occur;
if occ == Req {
if n == 0 {
return Err(OptionMissing(name_str(&(opts[i].name))));
if occ != Multi {
if n > 1 {
return Err(OptionDuplicated(name_str(&(opts[i].name))));
i += 1;
return Ok(Matches {opts: opts.to_owned(),
vals: vals,
free: free});
fn opt_vals(mm: &Matches, nm: &str) -> ~[Optval] {
return match find_opt(mm.opts, mkname(nm)) {
Some(id) => mm.vals[id].clone(),
None => {
error!("No option '%s' defined", nm);
fn opt_val(mm: &Matches, nm: &str) -> Option<Optval> {
let vals = opt_vals(mm, nm);
if (vals.is_empty()) {
} else {
Some(opt_vals(mm, nm)[0].clone())
/// Returns true if an option was matched
pub fn opt_present(mm: &Matches, nm: &str) -> bool {
!opt_vals(mm, nm).is_empty()
/// Returns the number of times an option was matched
pub fn opt_count(mm: &Matches, nm: &str) -> uint {
opt_vals(mm, nm).len()
/// Returns true if any of several options were matched
pub fn opts_present(mm: &Matches, names: &[~str]) -> bool {
for nm in names.iter() {
match find_opt(mm.opts, mkname(*nm)) {
Some(id) if !mm.vals[id].is_empty() => return true,
_ => (),
* Returns the string argument supplied to a matching option
* Fails if the option was not matched or if the match did not take an
* argument
pub fn opt_str(mm: &Matches, nm: &str) -> ~str {
return match opt_val(mm, nm) {
Some(Val(s)) => s,
_ => fail!()
* Returns the string argument supplied to one of several matching options
* Fails if the no option was provided from the given list, or if the no such
* option took an argument
pub fn opts_str(mm: &Matches, names: &[~str]) -> ~str {
for nm in names.iter() {
match opt_val(mm, *nm) {
Some(Val(ref s)) => return (*s).clone(),
_ => ()
* Returns a vector of the arguments provided to all matches of the given
* option.
* Used when an option accepts multiple values.
pub fn opt_strs(mm: &Matches, nm: &str) -> ~[~str] {
let mut acc: ~[~str] = ~[];
let r = opt_vals(mm, nm);
for v in r.iter() {
match *v { Val(ref s) => acc.push((*s).clone()), _ => () }
/// Returns the string argument supplied to a matching option or none
pub fn opt_maybe_str(mm: &Matches, nm: &str) -> Option<~str> {
let vals = opt_vals(mm, nm);
if vals.is_empty() { return None::<~str>; }
return match vals[0] {
Val(ref s) => Some((*s).clone()),
_ => None
* Returns the matching string, a default, or none
* Returns none if the option was not present, `def` if the option was
* present but no argument was provided, and the argument if the option was
* present and an argument was provided.
pub fn opt_default(mm: &Matches, nm: &str, def: &str) -> Option<~str> {
let vals = opt_vals(mm, nm);
if vals.is_empty() { return None::<~str>; }
return match vals[0] { Val(ref s) => Some::<~str>((*s).clone()),
_ => Some::<~str>(def.to_owned()) }
pub enum FailType {
/** A module which provides a way to specify descriptions and
* groups of short and long option names, together.
pub mod groups {
use getopts::{HasArg, Long, Maybe, Multi, No, Occur, Opt, Optional, Req};
use getopts::{Short, Yes};
use std::str;
/** one group of options, e.g., both -h and --help, along with
* their shared description and properties
#[deriving(Clone, Eq)]
pub struct OptGroup {
short_name: ~str,
long_name: ~str,
hint: ~str,
desc: ~str,
hasarg: HasArg,
occur: Occur
/// Create a long option that is required and takes an argument
pub fn reqopt(short_name: &str, long_name: &str,
desc: &str, hint: &str) -> OptGroup {
let len = short_name.len();
assert!(len == 1 || len == 0);
return OptGroup { short_name: short_name.to_owned(),
long_name: long_name.to_owned(),
hint: hint.to_owned(),
desc: desc.to_owned(),
hasarg: Yes,
occur: Req};
/// Create a long option that is optional and takes an argument
pub fn optopt(short_name: &str, long_name: &str,
desc: &str, hint: &str) -> OptGroup {
let len = short_name.len();
assert!(len == 1 || len == 0);
return OptGroup {short_name: short_name.to_owned(),
long_name: long_name.to_owned(),
hint: hint.to_owned(),
desc: desc.to_owned(),
hasarg: Yes,
occur: Optional};
/// Create a long option that is optional and does not take an argument
pub fn optflag(short_name: &str, long_name: &str,
desc: &str) -> OptGroup {
let len = short_name.len();
assert!(len == 1 || len == 0);
return OptGroup {short_name: short_name.to_owned(),
long_name: long_name.to_owned(),
hint: ~"",
desc: desc.to_owned(),
hasarg: No,
occur: Optional};
/// Create a long option that can occur more than once and does not
/// take an argument
pub fn optflagmulti(short_name: &str, long_name: &str,
desc: &str) -> OptGroup {
let len = short_name.len();
assert!(len == 1 || len == 0);
return OptGroup {short_name: short_name.to_owned(),
long_name: long_name.to_owned(),
hint: ~"",
desc: desc.to_owned(),
hasarg: No,
occur: Multi};
/// Create a long option that is optional and takes an optional argument
pub fn optflagopt(short_name: &str, long_name: &str,
desc: &str, hint: &str) -> OptGroup {
let len = short_name.len();
assert!(len == 1 || len == 0);
return OptGroup {short_name: short_name.to_owned(),
long_name: long_name.to_owned(),
hint: hint.to_owned(),
desc: desc.to_owned(),
hasarg: Maybe,
occur: Optional};
* Create a long option that is optional, takes an argument, and may occur
* multiple times
pub fn optmulti(short_name: &str, long_name: &str,
desc: &str, hint: &str) -> OptGroup {
let len = short_name.len();
assert!(len == 1 || len == 0);
return OptGroup {short_name: short_name.to_owned(),
long_name: long_name.to_owned(),
hint: hint.to_owned(),
desc: desc.to_owned(),
hasarg: Yes,
occur: Multi};
// translate OptGroup into Opt
// (both short and long names correspond to different Opts)
pub fn long_to_short(lopt: &OptGroup) -> Opt {
let OptGroup{short_name: short_name,
long_name: long_name,
hasarg: hasarg,
occur: occur,
_} = (*lopt).clone();
match (short_name.len(), long_name.len()) {
(0,0) => fail!("this long-format option was given no name"),
(0,_) => Opt {name: Long((long_name)),
hasarg: hasarg,
occur: occur,
aliases: ~[]},
(1,0) => Opt {name: Short(short_name.char_at(0)),
hasarg: hasarg,
occur: occur,
aliases: ~[]},
(1,_) => Opt {name: Long((long_name)),
hasarg: hasarg,
occur: occur,
aliases: ~[Opt {
name: Short(short_name.char_at(0)),
hasarg: hasarg,
occur: occur,
aliases: ~[]
(_,_) => fail!("something is wrong with the long-form opt")
* Parse command line args with the provided long format options
pub fn getopts(args: &[~str], opts: &[OptGroup]) -> ::getopts::Result {
* Derive a usage message from a set of long options
pub fn usage(brief: &str, opts: &[OptGroup]) -> ~str {
let desc_sep = "\n" + " ".repeat(24);
let mut rows = opts.iter().map(|optref| {
let OptGroup{short_name: short_name,
long_name: long_name,
hint: hint,
desc: desc,
hasarg: hasarg,
_} = (*optref).clone();
let mut row = " ".repeat(4);
// short option
match short_name.len() {
0 => {}
1 => {
row.push_char(' ');
_ => fail!("the short name should only be 1 ascii char long"),
// long option
match long_name.len() {
0 => {}
_ => {
row.push_char(' ');
// arg
match hasarg {
No => {}
Yes => row.push_str(hint),
Maybe => {
// FIXME: #5516 should be graphemes not codepoints
// here we just need to indent the start of the description
let rowlen = str::count_chars(row, 0, row.len());
if rowlen < 24 {
do (24 - rowlen).times {
row.push_char(' ')
} else {
// Normalize desc to contain words separated by one space character
let mut desc_normalized_whitespace = ~"";
for word in desc.word_iter() {
desc_normalized_whitespace.push_char(' ');
// FIXME: #5516 should be graphemes not codepoints
let mut desc_rows = ~[];
do each_split_within(desc_normalized_whitespace, 54) |substr| {
// FIXME: #5516 should be graphemes not codepoints
// wrapped description
return brief.to_owned() +
"\n\nOptions:\n" +
rows.collect::<~[~str]>().connect("\n") +
/** Splits a string into substrings with possibly internal whitespace,
* each of them at most `lim` bytes long. The substrings have leading and trailing
* whitespace removed, and are only cut at whitespace boundaries.
* Note: Function was moved here from `std::str` because this module is the only place that
* uses it, and because it was to specific for a general string function.
* #Failure:
* Fails during iteration if the string contains a non-whitespace
* sequence longer than the limit.
fn each_split_within<'a>(ss: &'a str,
lim: uint,
it: &fn(&'a str) -> bool) -> bool {
// Just for fun, let's write this as an state machine:
enum SplitWithinState {
A, // leading whitespace, initial state
B, // words
C, // internal and trailing whitespace
enum Whitespace {
Ws, // current char is whitespace
Cr // current char is not whitespace
enum LengthLimit {
UnderLim, // current char makes current substring still fit in limit
OverLim // current char makes current substring no longer fit in limit
let mut slice_start = 0;
let mut last_start = 0;
let mut last_end = 0;
let mut state = A;
let mut fake_i = ss.len();
let mut lim = lim;
let mut cont = true;
let slice: &fn() = || { cont = it(ss.slice(slice_start, last_end)) };
// if the limit is larger than the string, lower it to save cycles
if (lim >= fake_i) {
lim = fake_i;
let machine: &fn((uint, char)) -> bool = |(i, c)| {
let whitespace = if ::std::char::is_whitespace(c) { Ws } else { Cr };
let limit = if (i - slice_start + 1) <= lim { UnderLim } else { OverLim };
state = match (state, whitespace, limit) {
(A, Ws, _) => { A }
(A, Cr, _) => { slice_start = i; last_start = i; B }
(B, Cr, UnderLim) => { B }
(B, Cr, OverLim) if (i - last_start + 1) > lim
=> fail!("word starting with %? longer than limit!",
ss.slice(last_start, i + 1)),
(B, Cr, OverLim) => { slice(); slice_start = last_start; B }
(B, Ws, UnderLim) => { last_end = i; C }
(B, Ws, OverLim) => { last_end = i; slice(); A }
(C, Cr, UnderLim) => { last_start = i; B }
(C, Cr, OverLim) => { slice(); slice_start = i; last_start = i; last_end = i; B }
(C, Ws, OverLim) => { slice(); A }
(C, Ws, UnderLim) => { C }
ss.char_offset_iter().advance(|x| machine(x));
// Let the automaton 'run out' by supplying trailing whitespace
while cont && match state { B | C => true, A => false } {
machine((fake_i, ' '));
fake_i += 1;
return cont;
fn test_split_within() {
fn t(s: &str, i: uint, u: &[~str]) {
let mut v = ~[];
do each_split_within(s, i) |s| { v.push(s.to_owned()); true };
assert!(v.iter().zip(u.iter()).all(|(a,b)| a == b));
t("", 0, []);
t("", 15, []);
t("hello", 15, [~"hello"]);
t("\nMary had a little lamb\nLittle lamb\n", 15,
[~"Mary had a", ~"little lamb", ~"Little lamb"]);
t("\nMary had a little lamb\nLittle lamb\n", ::std::uint::max_value,
[~"Mary had a little lamb\nLittle lamb"]);
} // end groups module
mod tests {
use getopts::groups::OptGroup;
use getopts::*;
use std::result::{Err, Ok};
use std::result;
fn check_fail_type(f: Fail_, ft: FailType) {
match f {
ArgumentMissing(_) => assert!(ft == ArgumentMissing_),
UnrecognizedOption(_) => assert!(ft == UnrecognizedOption_),
OptionMissing(_) => assert!(ft == OptionMissing_),
OptionDuplicated(_) => assert!(ft == OptionDuplicated_),
UnexpectedArgument(_) => assert!(ft == UnexpectedArgument_)
// Tests for reqopt
fn test_reqopt_long() {
let args = ~[~"--test=20"];
let opts = ~[reqopt("test")];
let rs = getopts(args, opts);
match rs {
Ok(ref m) => {
assert!((opt_present(m, "test")));
assert_eq!(opt_str(m, "test"), ~"20");
_ => { fail!("test_reqopt_long failed"); }
fn test_reqopt_long_missing() {
let args = ~[~"blah"];
let opts = ~[reqopt("test")];
let rs = getopts(args, opts);
match rs {
Err(f) => check_fail_type(f, OptionMissing_),
_ => fail!()
fn test_reqopt_long_no_arg() {
let args = ~[~"--test"];
let opts = ~[reqopt("test")];
let rs = getopts(args, opts);
match rs {
Err(f) => check_fail_type(f, ArgumentMissing_),
_ => fail!()
fn test_reqopt_long_multi() {
let args = ~[~"--test=20", ~"--test=30"];
let opts = ~[reqopt("test")];
let rs = getopts(args, opts);
match rs {
Err(f) => check_fail_type(f, OptionDuplicated_),
_ => fail!()
fn test_reqopt_short() {
let args = ~[~"-t", ~"20"];
let opts = ~[reqopt("t")];
let rs = getopts(args, opts);
match rs {
Ok(ref m) => {
assert!((opt_present(m, "t")));
assert_eq!(opt_str(m, "t"), ~"20");
_ => fail!()
fn test_reqopt_short_missing() {
let args = ~[~"blah"];
let opts = ~[reqopt("t")];
let rs = getopts(args, opts);
match rs {
Err(f) => check_fail_type(f, OptionMissing_),
_ => fail!()
fn test_reqopt_short_no_arg() {
let args = ~[~"-t"];
let opts = ~[reqopt("t")];
let rs = getopts(args, opts);
match rs {
Err(f) => check_fail_type(f, ArgumentMissing_),
_ => fail!()
fn test_reqopt_short_multi() {
let args = ~[~"-t", ~"20", ~"-t", ~"30"];
let opts = ~[reqopt("t")];
let rs = getopts(args, opts);
match rs {
Err(f) => check_fail_type(f, OptionDuplicated_),
_ => fail!()
// Tests for optopt
fn test_optopt_long() {
let args = ~[~"--test=20"];
let opts = ~[optopt("test")];
let rs = getopts(args, opts);
match rs {
Ok(ref m) => {
assert!((opt_present(m, "test")));
assert_eq!(opt_str(m, "test"), ~"20");
_ => fail!()
fn test_optopt_long_missing() {
let args = ~[~"blah"];
let opts = ~[optopt("test")];
let rs = getopts(args, opts);
match rs {
Ok(ref m) => assert!(!opt_present(m, "test")),
_ => fail!()
fn test_optopt_long_no_arg() {
let args = ~[~"--test"];
let opts = ~[optopt("test")];
let rs = getopts(args, opts);
match rs {
Err(f) => check_fail_type(f, ArgumentMissing_),
_ => fail!()
fn test_optopt_long_multi() {
let args = ~[~"--test=20", ~"--test=30"];
let opts = ~[optopt("test")];
let rs = getopts(args, opts);
match rs {
Err(f) => check_fail_type(f, OptionDuplicated_),
_ => fail!()
fn test_optopt_short() {
let args = ~[~"-t", ~"20"];
let opts = ~[optopt("t")];
let rs = getopts(args, opts);
match rs {
Ok(ref m) => {
assert!((opt_present(m, "t")));
assert_eq!(opt_str(m, "t"), ~"20");
_ => fail!()
fn test_optopt_short_missing() {
let args = ~[~"blah"];
let opts = ~[optopt("t")];
let rs = getopts(args, opts);
match rs {
Ok(ref m) => assert!(!opt_present(m, "t")),
_ => fail!()
fn test_optopt_short_no_arg() {
let args = ~[~"-t"];
let opts = ~[optopt("t")];
let rs = getopts(args, opts);
match rs {
Err(f) => check_fail_type(f, ArgumentMissing_),
_ => fail!()
fn test_optopt_short_multi() {
let args = ~[~"-t", ~"20", ~"-t", ~"30"];
let opts = ~[optopt("t")];
let rs = getopts(args, opts);
match rs {
Err(f) => check_fail_type(f, OptionDuplicated_),
_ => fail!()
// Tests for optflag
fn test_optflag_long() {
let args = ~[~"--test"];
let opts = ~[optflag("test")];
let rs = getopts(args, opts);
match rs {
Ok(ref m) => assert!(opt_present(m, "test")),
_ => fail!()
fn test_optflag_long_missing() {
let args = ~[~"blah"];
let opts = ~[optflag("test")];
let rs = getopts(args, opts);
match rs {
Ok(ref m) => assert!(!opt_present(m, "test")),
_ => fail!()
fn test_optflag_long_arg() {
let args = ~[~"--test=20"];
let opts = ~[optflag("test")];
let rs = getopts(args, opts);
match rs {
Err(f) => {
check_fail_type(f, UnexpectedArgument_);
_ => fail!()
fn test_optflag_long_multi() {
let args = ~[~"--test", ~"--test"];
let opts = ~[optflag("test")];
let rs = getopts(args, opts);
match rs {
Err(f) => check_fail_type(f, OptionDuplicated_),
_ => fail!()
fn test_optflag_short() {
let args = ~[~"-t"];
let opts = ~[optflag("t")];
let rs = getopts(args, opts);
match rs {
Ok(ref m) => assert!(opt_present(m, "t")),
_ => fail!()
fn test_optflag_short_missing() {
let args = ~[~"blah"];
let opts = ~[optflag("t")];
let rs = getopts(args, opts);
match rs {
Ok(ref m) => assert!(!opt_present(m, "t")),
_ => fail!()
fn test_optflag_short_arg() {
let args = ~[~"-t", ~"20"];
let opts = ~[optflag("t")];
let rs = getopts(args, opts);
match rs {
Ok(ref m) => {
// The next variable after the flag is just a free argument
assert!([0] == ~"20");
_ => fail!()
fn test_optflag_short_multi() {
let args = ~[~"-t", ~"-t"];
let opts = ~[optflag("t")];
let rs = getopts(args, opts);
match rs {
Err(f) => check_fail_type(f, OptionDuplicated_),
_ => fail!()
// Tests for optflagmulti
fn test_optflagmulti_short1() {
let args = ~[~"-v"];
let opts = ~[optflagmulti("v")];
let rs = getopts(args, opts);
match rs {
Ok(ref m) => {
assert_eq!(opt_count(m, "v"), 1);
_ => fail!()
fn test_optflagmulti_short2a() {
let args = ~[~"-v", ~"-v"];
let opts = ~[optflagmulti("v")];
let rs = getopts(args, opts);
match rs {
Ok(ref m) => {
assert_eq!(opt_count(m, "v"), 2);
_ => fail!()
fn test_optflagmulti_short2b() {
let args = ~[~"-vv"];
let opts = ~[optflagmulti("v")];
let rs = getopts(args, opts);
match rs {
Ok(ref m) => {
assert_eq!(opt_count(m, "v"), 2);
_ => fail!()
fn test_optflagmulti_long1() {
let args = ~[~"--verbose"];
let opts = ~[optflagmulti("verbose")];
let rs = getopts(args, opts);
match rs {
Ok(ref m) => {
assert_eq!(opt_count(m, "verbose"), 1);
_ => fail!()
fn test_optflagmulti_long2() {
let args = ~[~"--verbose", ~"--verbose"];
let opts = ~[optflagmulti("verbose")];
let rs = getopts(args, opts);
match rs {
Ok(ref m) => {
assert_eq!(opt_count(m, "verbose"), 2);
_ => fail!()
// Tests for optmulti
fn test_optmulti_long() {
let args = ~[~"--test=20"];
let opts = ~[optmulti("test")];
let rs = getopts(args, opts);
match rs {
Ok(ref m) => {
assert!((opt_present(m, "test")));
assert_eq!(opt_str(m, "test"), ~"20");
_ => fail!()
fn test_optmulti_long_missing() {
let args = ~[~"blah"];
let opts = ~[optmulti("test")];
let rs = getopts(args, opts);
match rs {
Ok(ref m) => assert!(!opt_present(m, "test")),
_ => fail!()
fn test_optmulti_long_no_arg() {
let args = ~[~"--test"];
let opts = ~[optmulti("test")];
let rs = getopts(args, opts);
match rs {
Err(f) => check_fail_type(f, ArgumentMissing_),
_ => fail!()
fn test_optmulti_long_multi() {
let args = ~[~"--test=20", ~"--test=30"];
let opts = ~[optmulti("test")];
let rs = getopts(args, opts);
match rs {
Ok(ref m) => {
assert!(opt_present(m, "test"));
assert_eq!(opt_str(m, "test"), ~"20");
let pair = opt_strs(m, "test");
assert!(pair[0] == ~"20");
assert!(pair[1] == ~"30");
_ => fail!()
fn test_optmulti_short() {
let args = ~[~"-t", ~"20"];
let opts = ~[optmulti("t")];
let rs = getopts(args, opts);
match rs {
Ok(ref m) => {
assert!((opt_present(m, "t")));
assert_eq!(opt_str(m, "t"), ~"20");
_ => fail!()
fn test_optmulti_short_missing() {
let args = ~[~"blah"];
let opts = ~[optmulti("t")];
let rs = getopts(args, opts);
match rs {
Ok(ref m) => assert!(!opt_present(m, "t")),
_ => fail!()
fn test_optmulti_short_no_arg() {
let args = ~[~"-t"];
let opts = ~[optmulti("t")];
let rs = getopts(args, opts);
match rs {
Err(f) => check_fail_type(f, ArgumentMissing_),
_ => fail!()
fn test_optmulti_short_multi() {
let args = ~[~"-t", ~"20", ~"-t", ~"30"];
let opts = ~[optmulti("t")];
let rs = getopts(args, opts);
match rs {
Ok(ref m) => {
assert!((opt_present(m, "t")));
assert_eq!(opt_str(m, "t"), ~"20");
let pair = opt_strs(m, "t");
assert!(pair[0] == ~"20");
assert!(pair[1] == ~"30");
_ => fail!()
fn test_unrecognized_option_long() {
let args = ~[~"--untest"];
let opts = ~[optmulti("t")];
let rs = getopts(args, opts);
match rs {
Err(f) => check_fail_type(f, UnrecognizedOption_),
_ => fail!()
fn test_unrecognized_option_short() {
let args = ~[~"-t"];
let opts = ~[optmulti("test")];
let rs = getopts(args, opts);
match rs {
Err(f) => check_fail_type(f, UnrecognizedOption_),
_ => fail!()
fn test_combined() {
let args =
~[~"prog", ~"free1", ~"-s", ~"20", ~"free2",
~"--flag", ~"--long=30", ~"-f", ~"-m", ~"40",
~"-m", ~"50", ~"-n", ~"-A B", ~"-n", ~"-60 70"];
let opts =
~[optopt("s"), optflag("flag"), reqopt("long"),
optflag("f"), optmulti("m"), optmulti("n"),
let rs = getopts(args, opts);
match rs {
Ok(ref m) => {
assert!([0] == ~"prog");
assert!([1] == ~"free1");
assert_eq!(opt_str(m, "s"), ~"20");
assert!([2] == ~"free2");
assert!((opt_present(m, "flag")));
assert_eq!(opt_str(m, "long"), ~"30");
assert!((opt_present(m, "f")));
let pair = opt_strs(m, "m");
assert!(pair[0] == ~"40");
assert!(pair[1] == ~"50");
let pair = opt_strs(m, "n");
assert!(pair[0] == ~"-A B");
assert!(pair[1] == ~"-60 70");
assert!((!opt_present(m, "notpresent")));
_ => fail!()
fn test_multi() {
let opts = ~[optopt("e"), optopt("encrypt"), optopt("f")];
let args_single = ~[~"-e", ~"foo"];
let matches_single = &match getopts(args_single, opts) {
result::Ok(m) => m,
result::Err(_) => fail!()
assert!(opts_present(matches_single, [~"e"]));
assert!(opts_present(matches_single, [~"encrypt", ~"e"]));
assert!(opts_present(matches_single, [~"e", ~"encrypt"]));
assert!(!opts_present(matches_single, [~"encrypt"]));
assert!(!opts_present(matches_single, [~"thing"]));
assert!(!opts_present(matches_single, []));
assert_eq!(opts_str(matches_single, [~"e"]), ~"foo");
assert_eq!(opts_str(matches_single, [~"e", ~"encrypt"]), ~"foo");
assert_eq!(opts_str(matches_single, [~"encrypt", ~"e"]), ~"foo");
let args_both = ~[~"-e", ~"foo", ~"--encrypt", ~"foo"];
let matches_both = &match getopts(args_both, opts) {
result::Ok(m) => m,
result::Err(_) => fail!()
assert!(opts_present(matches_both, [~"e"]));
assert!(opts_present(matches_both, [~"encrypt"]));
assert!(opts_present(matches_both, [~"encrypt", ~"e"]));
assert!(opts_present(matches_both, [~"e", ~"encrypt"]));
assert!(!opts_present(matches_both, [~"f"]));
assert!(!opts_present(matches_both, [~"thing"]));
assert!(!opts_present(matches_both, []));
assert_eq!(opts_str(matches_both, [~"e"]), ~"foo");
assert_eq!(opts_str(matches_both, [~"encrypt"]), ~"foo");
assert_eq!(opts_str(matches_both, [~"e", ~"encrypt"]), ~"foo");
assert_eq!(opts_str(matches_both, [~"encrypt", ~"e"]), ~"foo");
fn test_nospace() {
let args = ~[~"-Lfoo", ~"-M."];
let opts = ~[optmulti("L"), optmulti("M")];
let matches = &match getopts(args, opts) {
result::Ok(m) => m,
result::Err(_) => fail!()
assert!(opts_present(matches, [~"L"]));
assert_eq!(opts_str(matches, [~"L"]), ~"foo");
assert!(opts_present(matches, [~"M"]));
assert_eq!(opts_str(matches, [~"M"]), ~".");
fn test_groups_reqopt() {
let opt = groups::reqopt("b", "banana", "some bananas", "VAL");
assert!(opt == OptGroup { short_name: ~"b",
long_name: ~"banana",
hint: ~"VAL",
desc: ~"some bananas",
hasarg: Yes,
occur: Req })
fn test_groups_optopt() {
let opt = groups::optopt("a", "apple", "some apples", "VAL");
assert!(opt == OptGroup { short_name: ~"a",
long_name: ~"apple",
hint: ~"VAL",
desc: ~"some apples",
hasarg: Yes,
occur: Optional })
fn test_groups_optflag() {
let opt = groups::optflag("k", "kiwi", "some kiwis");
assert!(opt == OptGroup { short_name: ~"k",
long_name: ~"kiwi",
hint: ~"",
desc: ~"some kiwis",
hasarg: No,
occur: Optional })
fn test_groups_optflagopt() {
let opt = groups::optflagopt("p", "pineapple", "some pineapples", "VAL");
assert!(opt == OptGroup { short_name: ~"p",
long_name: ~"pineapple",
hint: ~"VAL",
desc: ~"some pineapples",
hasarg: Maybe,
occur: Optional })
fn test_groups_optmulti() {
let opt = groups::optmulti("l", "lime", "some limes", "VAL");
assert!(opt == OptGroup { short_name: ~"l",
long_name: ~"lime",
hint: ~"VAL",
desc: ~"some limes",
hasarg: Yes,
occur: Multi })
fn test_groups_long_to_short() {
let mut short = reqopt("banana");
short.aliases = ~[reqopt("b")];
let verbose = groups::reqopt("b", "banana", "some bananas", "VAL");
assert_eq!(groups::long_to_short(&verbose), short);
fn test_groups_getopts() {
let mut banana = reqopt("banana");
banana.aliases = ~[reqopt("b")];
let mut apple = optopt("apple");
apple.aliases = ~[optopt("a")];
let mut kiwi = optflag("kiwi");
kiwi.aliases = ~[optflag("k")];
let short = ~[
let verbose = ~[
groups::reqopt("b", "banana", "Desc", "VAL"),
groups::optopt("a", "apple", "Desc", "VAL"),
groups::optflag("k", "kiwi", "Desc"),
groups::optflagopt("p", "", "Desc", "VAL"),
groups::optmulti("l", "", "Desc", "VAL"),
let sample_args = ~[~"--kiwi", ~"15", ~"--apple", ~"1", ~"k",
~"-p", ~"16", ~"l", ~"35"];
// FIXME #4681: sort options here?
assert!(getopts(sample_args, short)
== groups::getopts(sample_args, verbose));
fn test_groups_aliases_long_and_short() {
let opts = ~[
groups::optflagmulti("a", "apple", "Desc"),
let args = ~[~"-a", ~"--apple", ~"-a"];
let matches = groups::getopts(args, opts).unwrap();
assert_eq!(3, opt_count(&matches, "a"));
assert_eq!(3, opt_count(&matches, "apple"));
fn test_groups_usage() {
let optgroups = ~[
groups::reqopt("b", "banana", "Desc", "VAL"),
groups::optopt("a", "012345678901234567890123456789",
"Desc", "VAL"),
groups::optflag("k", "kiwi", "Desc"),
groups::optflagopt("p", "", "Desc", "VAL"),
groups::optmulti("l", "", "Desc", "VAL"),
let expected =
~"Usage: fruits
-b --banana VAL Desc
-a --012345678901234567890123456789 VAL
-k --kiwi Desc
-p [VAL] Desc
-l VAL Desc
let generated_usage = groups::usage("Usage: fruits", optgroups);
debug!("expected: <<%s>>", expected);
debug!("generated: <<%s>>", generated_usage);
assert_eq!(generated_usage, expected);
fn test_groups_usage_description_wrapping() {
// indentation should be 24 spaces
// lines wrap after 78: or rather descriptions wrap after 54
let optgroups = ~[
groups::optflag("k", "kiwi",
"This is a long description which won't be wrapped..+.."), // 54
groups::optflag("a", "apple",
"This is a long description which _will_ be wrapped..+.."), // 55
let expected =
~"Usage: fruits
-k --kiwi This is a long description which won't be wrapped..+..
-a --apple This is a long description which _will_ be
let usage = groups::usage("Usage: fruits", optgroups);
debug!("expected: <<%s>>", expected);
debug!("generated: <<%s>>", usage);
assert!(usage == expected)
fn test_groups_usage_description_multibyte_handling() {
let optgroups = ~[
groups::optflag("k", "k\u2013w\u2013",
"The word kiwi is normally spelled with two i's"),
groups::optflag("a", "apple",
"This \u201Cdescription\u201D has some characters that could \
confuse the line wrapping; an apple costs 0.51€ in some parts of Europe."),
let expected =
~"Usage: fruits
-k --kw The word kiwi is normally spelled with two i's
-a --apple This “description” has some characters that could
confuse the line wrapping; an apple costs 0.51€ in
some parts of Europe.
let usage = groups::usage("Usage: fruits", optgroups);
debug!("expected: <<%s>>", expected);
debug!("generated: <<%s>>", usage);
assert!(usage == expected)