Currently, the output of `rustc --explain foo` displays the raw markdown in a pager. This is acceptable, but using actual formatting makes it easier to understand. This patch consists of three major components: 1. A markdown parser. This is an extremely simple non-backtracking recursive implementation that requires normalization of the final token stream 2. A utility to write the token stream to an output buffer 3. Configuration within rustc_driver_impl to invoke this combination for `--explain`. Like the current implementation, it first attempts to print to a pager with a fallback colorized terminal, and standard print as a last resort. If color is disabled, or if the output does not support it, or if printing with color fails, it will write the raw markdown (which matches current behavior). Pagers known to support color are: `less` (with `-r`), `bat` (aka `catbat`), and `delta`. The markdown parser does not support the entire markdown specification, but should support the following with reasonable accuracy: - Headings, including formatting - Comments - Code, inline and fenced block (no indented block) - Strong, emphasis, and strikethrough formatted text - Links, anchor, inline, and reference-style - Horizontal rules - Unordered and ordered list items, including formatting This parser and writer should be reusable by other systems if ever needed.
The driver
crate is effectively the "main" function for the rust
compiler. It orchestrates the compilation process and "knits together"
the code from the other crates within rustc. This crate itself does
not contain any of the "main logic" of the compiler (though it does
have some code related to pretty printing or other minor compiler
For more information about how the driver works, see the rustc dev guide.