Marijn Haverbeke c9c5ee252a Implement non-internal ivecs
Vectors are now similar to our old, pre-internal vectors, except that
they are uniquely owned, not refcounted.

Their name should probably change too, then. I've renamed them to vec
in the runtime, will do so throughout the compiler later.
2011-08-29 09:07:53 +02:00

181 lines
5.1 KiB

import task;
import vec;
import comm;
import comm::chan;
import comm::port;
import comm::send;
import comm::recv;
import net;
native "rust" mod rustrt {
type socket;
type server;
fn aio_init();
fn aio_run();
fn aio_stop();
fn aio_connect(host: *u8, port: int, connected: &chan<socket>);
fn aio_serve(host: *u8, port: int, acceptChan: &chan<socket>) -> server;
fn aio_writedata(s: socket, buf: *u8, size: uint, status: &chan<bool>);
fn aio_read(s: socket, reader: &chan<[u8]>);
fn aio_close_server(s: server, status: &chan<bool>);
fn aio_close_socket(s: socket);
fn aio_is_null_client(s: socket) -> bool;
// FIXME: these should be unsafe pointers or something, but those aren't
// currently in the sendable kind, so we'll unsafely cast between ints.
type server = rustrt::server;
type client = rustrt::socket;
tag pending_connection { remote(net::ip_addr, int); incoming(server); }
tag socket_event { connected(client); closed; received([u8]); }
tag server_event { pending(chan<chan<socket_event>>); }
tag request {
connect(pending_connection, chan<socket_event>);
serve(net::ip_addr, int, chan<server_event>, chan<server>);
write(client, [u8], chan<bool>);
close_server(server, chan<bool>);
type ctx = chan<request>;
fn ip_to_sbuf(ip: net::ip_addr) -> *u8 {
fn connect_task(ip: net::ip_addr, portnum: int, evt: chan<socket_event>) {
let connecter = port();
rustrt::aio_connect(ip_to_sbuf(ip), portnum, chan(connecter));
let client = recv(connecter);
new_client(client, evt);
fn new_client(client: client, evt: chan<socket_event>) {
// Start the read before notifying about the connect. This avoids a race
// condition where the receiver can close the socket before we start
// reading.
let reader: port<[u8]> = port();
rustrt::aio_read(client, chan(reader));
send(evt, connected(client));
while true {
log "waiting for bytes";
let data: [u8] = recv(reader);
log "got some bytes";
log vec::len::<u8>(data);
if vec::len::<u8>(data) == 0u {
log "got empty buffer, bailing";
log "got non-empty buffer, sending";
send(evt, received(data));
log "sent non-empty buffer";
log "done reading";
send(evt, closed);
log "close message sent";
fn accept_task(client: client, events: chan<server_event>) {
log "accept task was spawned";
let p = port();
send(events, pending(chan(p)));
let evt = recv(p);
new_client(client, evt);
log "done accepting";
fn server_task(ip: net::ip_addr, portnum: int, events: chan<server_event>,
server: chan<server>) {
let accepter = port();
rustrt::aio_serve(ip_to_sbuf(ip), portnum, chan(accepter)));
let client: client;
while true {
log "preparing to accept a client";
client = recv(accepter);
if rustrt::aio_is_null_client(client) {
log "client was actually null, returning";
} else { task::spawn(bind accept_task(client, events)); }
fn request_task(c: chan<ctx>) {
// Create a port to accept IO requests on
let p = port();
// Hand of its channel to our spawner
send(c, chan(p));
log "uv run task spawned";
// Spin for requests
let req: request;
while true {
req = recv(p);
alt req {
quit. {
log "got quit message";
log "stopping libuv";
connect(remote(ip, portnum), client) {
task::spawn(bind connect_task(ip, portnum, client));
serve(ip, portnum, events, server) {
task::spawn(bind server_task(ip, portnum, events, server));
write(socket, v, status) {
rustrt::aio_writedata(socket, vec::unsafe::to_ptr::<u8>(v),
vec::len::<u8>(v), status);
close_server(server, status) {
log "closing server";
rustrt::aio_close_server(server, status);
close_client(client) {
log "closing client";
fn iotask(c: chan<ctx>) {
log "io task spawned";
// Initialize before accepting requests
log "io task init";
// Spawn our request task
let reqtask = task::spawn_joinable(bind request_task(c));
log "uv run task init";
// Enter IO loop. This never returns until aio_stop is called.
log "waiting for request task to finish";
fn new() -> ctx {
let p: port<ctx> = port();
task::spawn(bind iotask(chan(p)));
ret recv(p);
// Local Variables:
// mode: rust;
// fill-column: 78;
// indent-tabs-mode: nil
// c-basic-offset: 4
// buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix
// compile-command: "make -k -C .. 2>&1 | sed -e 's/\\/x\\//x:\\//g'";
// End: