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// Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! The MIR is translated from some high-level abstract IR
//! (HAIR). This section defines the HAIR along with a trait for
//! accessing it. The intention is to allow MIR construction to be
//! unit-tested and separated from the Rust source and compiler data
//! structures.
use repr::{BinOp, BorrowKind, Field, Literal, Mutability, UnOp};
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::hash::Hash;
pub trait Hair: Sized+Debug+Clone+Eq+Hash { // (*)
// (*) the `Sized` and Debug` bounds are the only ones that really
// make sense. The rest are just there so that we can
// `#[derive(Clone)]` on things that are parameterized over
// `H:HAIR`. It's kind of lame.
type VarId: Copy+Debug+Eq+Hash; // e.g., NodeId for a variable
type DefId: Copy+Debug+Eq+Hash; // e.g., DefId
type AdtDef: Copy+Debug+Eq+Hash; // e.g., AdtDef<'tcx>
type Name: Copy+Debug+Eq+Hash; // e.g., ast::Name
type Ident: Copy+Debug+Eq+Hash; // e.g., ast::Ident
type InternedString: Clone+Debug+Eq+Hash; // e.g., InternedString
type Bytes: Clone+Debug+Eq+Hash; // e.g., Rc<Vec<u8>>
type Span: Copy+Debug+Eq; // e.g., syntax::codemap::Span
type Projection: Clone+Debug+Eq; // e.g., ty::ProjectionTy<'tcx>
type Substs: Clone+Debug+Eq; // e.g., substs::Substs<'tcx>
type ClosureSubsts: Clone+Debug+Eq; // e.g., ty::ClosureSubsts<'tcx>
type Ty: Clone+Debug+Eq; // e.g., ty::Ty<'tcx>
type Region: Copy+Debug; // e.g., ty::Region
type CodeExtent: Copy+Debug+Hash+Eq; // e.g., region::CodeExtent
type Pattern: Clone+Debug+Mirror<Self,Output=Pattern<Self>>; // e.g., &P<ast::Pat>
type Expr: Clone+Debug+Mirror<Self,Output=Expr<Self>>; // e.g., &P<ast::Expr>
type Stmt: Clone+Debug+Mirror<Self,Output=Stmt<Self>>; // e.g., &P<ast::Stmt>
type Block: Clone+Debug+Mirror<Self,Output=Block<Self>>; // e.g., &P<ast::Block>
type InlineAsm: Clone+Debug+Eq+Hash; // e.g., ast::InlineAsm
/// Normalizes `ast` into the appropriate `mirror` type.
fn mirror<M:Mirror<Self>>(&mut self, ast: M) -> M::Output {
/// Returns the unit type `()`
fn unit_ty(&mut self) -> Self::Ty;
/// Returns the type `usize`.
fn usize_ty(&mut self) -> Self::Ty;
/// Returns the type `bool`.
fn bool_ty(&mut self) -> Self::Ty;
/// Returns a reference to `PartialEq::<T,T>::eq`
fn partial_eq(&mut self, ty: Self::Ty) -> ItemRef<Self>;
/// Returns a reference to `PartialOrd::<T,T>::le`
fn partial_le(&mut self, ty: Self::Ty) -> ItemRef<Self>;
/// Returns the number of variants for the given enum
fn num_variants(&mut self, adt: Self::AdtDef) -> usize;
fn fields(&mut self, adt: Self::AdtDef, variant_index: usize) -> Vec<Field<Self>>;
/// true if a value of type `ty` (may) need to be dropped; this
/// may return false even for non-Copy types if there is no
/// destructor to execute. If correct result is not known, may be
/// approximated by returning `true`; this will result in more
/// drops but not incorrect code.
fn needs_drop(&mut self, ty: Self::Ty, span: Self::Span) -> bool;
/// Report an internal inconsistency.
fn span_bug(&mut self, span: Self::Span, message: &str) -> !;
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct ItemRef<H:Hair> {
pub ty: H::Ty,
pub def_id: H::DefId,
pub substs: H::Substs,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Block<H:Hair> {
pub extent: H::CodeExtent,
pub span: H::Span,
pub stmts: Vec<StmtRef<H>>,
pub expr: Option<ExprRef<H>>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum StmtRef<H:Hair> {
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Stmt<H:Hair> {
pub span: H::Span,
pub kind: StmtKind<H>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum StmtKind<H:Hair> {
Expr {
/// scope for this statement; may be used as lifetime of temporaries
scope: H::CodeExtent,
/// expression being evaluated in this statement
expr: ExprRef<H>
Let {
/// scope for variables bound in this let; covers this and
/// remaining statements in block
remainder_scope: H::CodeExtent,
/// scope for the initialization itself; might be used as
/// lifetime of temporaries
init_scope: H::CodeExtent,
/// let <PAT> = ...
pattern: PatternRef<H>,
/// let pat = <INIT> ...
initializer: Option<ExprRef<H>>,
/// let pat = init; <STMTS>
stmts: Vec<StmtRef<H>>
// The Hair trait implementor translates their expressions (`H::Expr`)
// into instances of this `Expr` enum. This translation can be done
// basically as lazilly or as eagerly as desired: every recursive
// reference to an expression in this enum is an `ExprRef<H>`, which
// may in turn be another instance of this enum (boxed), or else an
// untranslated `H::Expr`. Note that instances of `Expr` are very
// shortlived. They are created by `Hair::to_expr`, analyzed and
// converted into MIR, and then discarded.
// If you compare `Expr` to the full compiler AST, you will see it is
// a good bit simpler. In fact, a number of the more straight-forward
// MIR simplifications are already done in the impl of `Hair`. For
// example, method calls and overloaded operators are absent: they are
// expected to be converted into `Expr::Call` instances.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Expr<H:Hair> {
// type of this expression
pub ty: H::Ty,
// lifetime of this expression if it should be spilled into a
// temporary; should be None only if in a constant context
pub temp_lifetime: Option<H::CodeExtent>,
// span of the expression in the source
pub span: H::Span,
// kind of expression
pub kind: ExprKind<H>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum ExprKind<H:Hair> {
Scope { extent: H::CodeExtent, value: ExprRef<H> },
Paren { arg: ExprRef<H> }, // ugh. should be able to remove this!
Box { place: Option<ExprRef<H>>, value: ExprRef<H> },
Call { fun: ExprRef<H>, args: Vec<ExprRef<H>> },
Deref { arg: ExprRef<H> }, // NOT overloaded!
Binary { op: BinOp, lhs: ExprRef<H>, rhs: ExprRef<H> }, // NOT overloaded!
LogicalOp { op: LogicalOp, lhs: ExprRef<H>, rhs: ExprRef<H> },
Unary { op: UnOp, arg: ExprRef<H> }, // NOT overloaded!
Cast { source: ExprRef<H> },
ReifyFnPointer { source: ExprRef<H> },
UnsafeFnPointer { source: ExprRef<H> },
Unsize { source: ExprRef<H> },
If { condition: ExprRef<H>, then: ExprRef<H>, otherwise: Option<ExprRef<H>> },
Loop { condition: Option<ExprRef<H>>, body: ExprRef<H>, },
Match { discriminant: ExprRef<H>, arms: Vec<Arm<H>> },
Block { body: H::Block },
Assign { lhs: ExprRef<H>, rhs: ExprRef<H> },
AssignOp { op: BinOp, lhs: ExprRef<H>, rhs: ExprRef<H> },
Field { lhs: ExprRef<H>, name: Field<H> },
Index { lhs: ExprRef<H>, index: ExprRef<H> },
VarRef { id: H::VarId },
SelfRef, // first argument, used for self in a closure
StaticRef { id: H::DefId },
Borrow { region: H::Region, borrow_kind: BorrowKind, arg: ExprRef<H> },
Break { label: Option<H::CodeExtent> },
Continue { label: Option<H::CodeExtent> },
Return { value: Option<ExprRef<H>> },
Repeat { value: ExprRef<H>, count: ExprRef<H> },
Vec { fields: Vec<ExprRef<H>> },
Tuple { fields: Vec<ExprRef<H>> },
Adt { adt_def: H::AdtDef,
variant_index: usize,
substs: H::Substs,
fields: Vec<FieldExprRef<H>>,
base: Option<ExprRef<H>> },
Closure { closure_id: H::DefId, substs: H::ClosureSubsts,
upvars: Vec<ExprRef<H>> },
Literal { literal: Literal<H> },
InlineAsm { asm: H::InlineAsm },
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum ExprRef<H:Hair> {
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct FieldExprRef<H:Hair> {
pub name: Field<H>,
pub expr: ExprRef<H>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Arm<H:Hair> {
pub patterns: Vec<PatternRef<H>>,
pub guard: Option<ExprRef<H>>,
pub body: ExprRef<H>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Pattern<H:Hair> {
pub ty: H::Ty,
pub span: H::Span,
pub kind: PatternKind<H>,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum LogicalOp {
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum PatternKind<H:Hair> {
// x, ref x, x @ P, etc
Binding { mutability: Mutability,
name: H::Ident,
mode: BindingMode<H>,
var: H::VarId,
ty: H::Ty,
subpattern: Option<PatternRef<H>> },
// Foo(...) or Foo{...} or Foo, where `Foo` is a variant name from an adt with >1 variants
Variant { adt_def: H::AdtDef, variant_index: usize, subpatterns: Vec<FieldPatternRef<H>> },
// (...), Foo(...), Foo{...}, or Foo, where `Foo` is a variant name from an adt with 1 variant
Leaf { subpatterns: Vec<FieldPatternRef<H>> },
Deref { subpattern: PatternRef<H> }, // box P, &P, &mut P, etc
Constant { expr: ExprRef<H> },
Range { lo: ExprRef<H>, hi: ExprRef<H> },
// matches against a slice, checking the length and extracting elements
Slice { prefix: Vec<PatternRef<H>>,
slice: Option<PatternRef<H>>,
suffix: Vec<PatternRef<H>> },
// fixed match against an array, irrefutable
Array { prefix: Vec<PatternRef<H>>,
slice: Option<PatternRef<H>>,
suffix: Vec<PatternRef<H>> },
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum BindingMode<H:Hair> {
ByRef(H::Region, BorrowKind),
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum PatternRef<H:Hair> {
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct FieldPatternRef<H:Hair> {
pub field: Field<H>,
pub pattern: PatternRef<H>,
// The Mirror trait
/// "Mirroring" is the process of converting from a Hair type into one
/// of the types in this file. For example, the mirror of a `H::Expr`
/// is an `Expr<H>`. Mirroring is the point at which the actual IR is
/// converting into the more idealized representation described in
/// this file. Mirroring is gradual: when you mirror an outer
/// expression like `e1 + e2`, the references to the inner expressions
/// `e1` and `e2` are `ExprRef<H>` instances, and they may or may not
/// be eagerly mirrored. This allows a single AST node from the
/// compiler to expand into one or more Hair nodes, which lets the Hair
/// nodes be simpler.
pub trait Mirror<H:Hair> {
type Output;
fn make_mirror(self, hir: &mut H) -> Self::Output;
impl<H:Hair> Mirror<H> for Expr<H> {
type Output = Expr<H>;
fn make_mirror(self, _: &mut H) -> Expr<H> {
impl<H:Hair> Mirror<H> for ExprRef<H> {
type Output = Expr<H>;
fn make_mirror(self, hir: &mut H) -> Expr<H> {
match self {
ExprRef::Hair(h) => h.make_mirror(hir),
ExprRef::Mirror(m) => *m,
impl<H:Hair> Mirror<H> for Stmt<H> {
type Output = Stmt<H>;
fn make_mirror(self, _: &mut H) -> Stmt<H> {
impl<H:Hair> Mirror<H> for StmtRef<H> {
type Output = Stmt<H>;
fn make_mirror(self, hir: &mut H) -> Stmt<H> {
match self {
StmtRef::Hair(h) => h.make_mirror(hir),
StmtRef::Mirror(m) => *m,
impl<H:Hair> Mirror<H> for Pattern<H> {
type Output = Pattern<H>;
fn make_mirror(self, _: &mut H) -> Pattern<H> {
impl<H:Hair> Mirror<H> for PatternRef<H> {
type Output = Pattern<H>;
fn make_mirror(self, hir: &mut H) -> Pattern<H> {
match self {
PatternRef::Hair(h) => h.make_mirror(hir),
PatternRef::Mirror(m) => *m,
impl<H:Hair> Mirror<H> for Block<H> {
type Output = Block<H>;
fn make_mirror(self, _: &mut H) -> Block<H> {