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// Copyright 2013-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
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// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! ## The Cleanup module
//! The cleanup module tracks what values need to be cleaned up as scopes
//! are exited, either via panic or just normal control flow. The basic
//! idea is that the function context maintains a stack of cleanup scopes
//! that are pushed/popped as we traverse the AST tree. There is typically
//! at least one cleanup scope per AST node; some AST nodes may introduce
//! additional temporary scopes.
//! Cleanup items can be scheduled into any of the scopes on the stack.
//! Typically, when a scope is popped, we will also generate the code for
//! each of its cleanups at that time. This corresponds to a normal exit
//! from a block (for example, an expression completing evaluation
//! successfully without panic). However, it is also possible to pop a
//! block *without* executing its cleanups; this is typically used to
//! guard intermediate values that must be cleaned up on panic, but not
//! if everything goes right. See the section on custom scopes below for
//! more details.
//! Cleanup scopes come in three kinds:
//! - **AST scopes:** each AST node in a function body has a corresponding
//! AST scope. We push the AST scope when we start generate code for an AST
//! node and pop it once the AST node has been fully generated.
//! - **Loop scopes:** loops have an additional cleanup scope. Cleanups are
//! never scheduled into loop scopes; instead, they are used to record the
//! basic blocks that we should branch to when a `continue` or `break` statement
//! is encountered.
//! - **Custom scopes:** custom scopes are typically used to ensure cleanup
//! of intermediate values.
//! ### When to schedule cleanup
//! Although the cleanup system is intended to *feel* fairly declarative,
//! it's still important to time calls to `schedule_clean()` correctly.
//! Basically, you should not schedule cleanup for memory until it has
//! been initialized, because if an unwind should occur before the memory
//! is fully initialized, then the cleanup will run and try to free or
//! drop uninitialized memory. If the initialization itself produces
//! byproducts that need to be freed, then you should use temporary custom
//! scopes to ensure that those byproducts will get freed on unwind. For
//! example, an expression like `box foo()` will first allocate a box in the
//! heap and then call `foo()` -- if `foo()` should panic, this box needs
//! to be *shallowly* freed.
//! ### Long-distance jumps
//! In addition to popping a scope, which corresponds to normal control
//! flow exiting the scope, we may also *jump out* of a scope into some
//! earlier scope on the stack. This can occur in response to a `return`,
//! `break`, or `continue` statement, but also in response to panic. In
//! any of these cases, we will generate a series of cleanup blocks for
//! each of the scopes that is exited. So, if the stack contains scopes A
//! ... Z, and we break out of a loop whose corresponding cleanup scope is
//! X, we would generate cleanup blocks for the cleanups in X, Y, and Z.
//! After cleanup is done we would branch to the exit point for scope X.
//! But if panic should occur, we would generate cleanups for all the
//! scopes from A to Z and then resume the unwind process afterwards.
//! To avoid generating tons of code, we cache the cleanup blocks that we
//! create for breaks, returns, unwinds, and other jumps. Whenever a new
//! cleanup is scheduled, though, we must clear these cached blocks. A
//! possible improvement would be to keep the cached blocks but simply
//! generate a new block which performs the additional cleanup and then
//! branches to the existing cached blocks.
//! ### AST and loop cleanup scopes
//! AST cleanup scopes are pushed when we begin and end processing an AST
//! node. They are used to house cleanups related to rvalue temporary that
//! get referenced (e.g., due to an expression like `&Foo()`). Whenever an
//! AST scope is popped, we always trans all the cleanups, adding the cleanup
//! code after the postdominator of the AST node.
//! AST nodes that represent breakable loops also push a loop scope; the
//! loop scope never has any actual cleanups, it's just used to point to
//! the basic blocks where control should flow after a "continue" or
//! "break" statement. Popping a loop scope never generates code.
//! ### Custom cleanup scopes
//! Custom cleanup scopes are used for a variety of purposes. The most
//! common though is to handle temporary byproducts, where cleanup only
//! needs to occur on panic. The general strategy is to push a custom
//! cleanup scope, schedule *shallow* cleanups into the custom scope, and
//! then pop the custom scope (without transing the cleanups) when
//! execution succeeds normally. This way the cleanups are only trans'd on
//! unwind, and only up until the point where execution succeeded, at
//! which time the complete value should be stored in an lvalue or some
//! other place where normal cleanup applies.
//! To spell it out, here is an example. Imagine an expression `box expr`.
//! We would basically:
//! 1. Push a custom cleanup scope C.
//! 2. Allocate the box.
//! 3. Schedule a shallow free in the scope C.
//! 4. Trans `expr` into the box.
//! 5. Pop the scope C.
//! 6. Return the box as an rvalue.
//! This way, if a panic occurs while transing `expr`, the custom
//! cleanup scope C is pushed and hence the box will be freed. The trans
//! code for `expr` itself is responsible for freeing any other byproducts
//! that may be in play.
pub use self::ScopeId::*;
pub use self::CleanupScopeKind::*;
pub use self::EarlyExitLabel::*;
pub use self::Heap::*;
use llvm::{BasicBlockRef, ValueRef};
use base;
use build;
use common;
use common::{Block, FunctionContext, NodeIdAndSpan, LandingPad};
use datum::{Datum, Lvalue};
use debuginfo::{DebugLoc, ToDebugLoc};
use glue;
use middle::region;
use type_::Type;
use value::Value;
use rustc::ty::{Ty, TyCtxt};
use std::fmt;
use syntax::ast;
pub struct CleanupScope<'blk, 'tcx: 'blk> {
// The id of this cleanup scope. If the id is None,
// this is a *temporary scope* that is pushed during trans to
// cleanup miscellaneous garbage that trans may generate whose
// lifetime is a subset of some expression. See module doc for
// more details.
kind: CleanupScopeKind<'blk, 'tcx>,
// Cleanups to run upon scope exit.
cleanups: Vec<CleanupObj<'tcx>>,
// The debug location any drop calls generated for this scope will be
// associated with.
debug_loc: DebugLoc,
cached_early_exits: Vec<CachedEarlyExit>,
cached_landing_pad: Option<BasicBlockRef>,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct CustomScopeIndex {
index: usize
pub const EXIT_BREAK: usize = 0;
pub const EXIT_LOOP: usize = 1;
pub const EXIT_MAX: usize = 2;
pub enum CleanupScopeKind<'blk, 'tcx: 'blk> {
LoopScopeKind(ast::NodeId, [Block<'blk, 'tcx>; EXIT_MAX])
impl<'blk, 'tcx: 'blk> fmt::Debug for CleanupScopeKind<'blk, 'tcx> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match *self {
CustomScopeKind => write!(f, "CustomScopeKind"),
AstScopeKind(nid) => write!(f, "AstScopeKind({})", nid),
LoopScopeKind(nid, ref blks) => {
write!(f, "LoopScopeKind({}, [", nid)?;
for blk in blks {
write!(f, "{:p}, ", blk)?;
write!(f, "])")
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum EarlyExitLabel {
LoopExit(ast::NodeId, usize)
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum UnwindKind {
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct CachedEarlyExit {
label: EarlyExitLabel,
cleanup_block: BasicBlockRef,
last_cleanup: usize,
pub trait Cleanup<'tcx> {
fn must_unwind(&self) -> bool;
fn is_lifetime_end(&self) -> bool;
fn trans<'blk>(&self,
bcx: Block<'blk, 'tcx>,
debug_loc: DebugLoc)
-> Block<'blk, 'tcx>;
pub type CleanupObj<'tcx> = Box<Cleanup<'tcx>+'tcx>;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum ScopeId {
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct DropHint<K>(pub ast::NodeId, pub K);
pub type DropHintDatum<'tcx> = DropHint<Datum<'tcx, Lvalue>>;
pub type DropHintValue = DropHint<ValueRef>;
impl<K> DropHint<K> {
pub fn new(id: ast::NodeId, k: K) -> DropHint<K> { DropHint(id, k) }
impl DropHint<ValueRef> {
pub fn value(&self) -> ValueRef { self.1 }
pub trait DropHintMethods {
type ValueKind;
fn to_value(&self) -> Self::ValueKind;
impl<'tcx> DropHintMethods for DropHintDatum<'tcx> {
type ValueKind = DropHintValue;
fn to_value(&self) -> DropHintValue { DropHint(self.0, self.1.val) }
impl<'blk, 'tcx> CleanupMethods<'blk, 'tcx> for FunctionContext<'blk, 'tcx> {
/// Invoked when we start to trans the code contained within a new cleanup scope.
fn push_ast_cleanup_scope(&self, debug_loc: NodeIdAndSpan) {
// FIXME(#2202) -- currently closure bodies have a parent
// region, which messes up the assertion below, since there
// are no cleanup scopes on the stack at the start of
// trans'ing a closure body. I think though that this should
// eventually be fixed by closure bodies not having a parent
// region, though that's a touch unclear, and it might also be
// better just to narrow this assertion more (i.e., by
// excluding id's that correspond to closure bodies only). For
// now we just say that if there is already an AST scope on the stack,
// this new AST scope had better be its immediate child.
let top_scope = self.top_ast_scope();
let region_maps = &self.ccx.tcx().region_maps;
if top_scope.is_some() {
.map(|s|s.node_id(region_maps)) == top_scope)
.map(|s|s.node_id(region_maps)) == top_scope));
fn push_loop_cleanup_scope(&self,
id: ast::NodeId,
exits: [Block<'blk, 'tcx>; EXIT_MAX]) {
assert_eq!(Some(id), self.top_ast_scope());
// Just copy the debuginfo source location from the enclosing scope
let debug_loc = self.scopes
self.push_scope(CleanupScope::new(LoopScopeKind(id, exits), debug_loc));
fn push_custom_cleanup_scope(&self) -> CustomScopeIndex {
let index = self.scopes_len();
debug!("push_custom_cleanup_scope(): {}", index);
// Just copy the debuginfo source location from the enclosing scope
let debug_loc = self.scopes
.map(|opt_scope| opt_scope.debug_loc)
self.push_scope(CleanupScope::new(CustomScopeKind, debug_loc));
CustomScopeIndex { index: index }
fn push_custom_cleanup_scope_with_debug_loc(&self,
debug_loc: NodeIdAndSpan)
-> CustomScopeIndex {
let index = self.scopes_len();
debug!("push_custom_cleanup_scope(): {}", index);
CustomScopeIndex { index: index }
/// Removes the cleanup scope for id `cleanup_scope`, which must be at the top of the cleanup
/// stack, and generates the code to do its cleanups for normal exit.
fn pop_and_trans_ast_cleanup_scope(&self,
bcx: Block<'blk, 'tcx>,
cleanup_scope: ast::NodeId)
-> Block<'blk, 'tcx> {
assert!(self.top_scope(|s| s.kind.is_ast_with_id(cleanup_scope)));
let scope = self.pop_scope();
self.trans_scope_cleanups(bcx, &scope)
/// Removes the loop cleanup scope for id `cleanup_scope`, which must be at the top of the
/// cleanup stack. Does not generate any cleanup code, since loop scopes should exit by
/// branching to a block generated by `normal_exit_block`.
fn pop_loop_cleanup_scope(&self,
cleanup_scope: ast::NodeId) {
assert!(self.top_scope(|s| s.kind.is_loop_with_id(cleanup_scope)));
let _ = self.pop_scope();
/// Removes the top cleanup scope from the stack without executing its cleanups. The top
/// cleanup scope must be the temporary scope `custom_scope`.
fn pop_custom_cleanup_scope(&self,
custom_scope: CustomScopeIndex) {
debug!("pop_custom_cleanup_scope({})", custom_scope.index);
let _ = self.pop_scope();
/// Removes the top cleanup scope from the stack, which must be a temporary scope, and
/// generates the code to do its cleanups for normal exit.
fn pop_and_trans_custom_cleanup_scope(&self,
bcx: Block<'blk, 'tcx>,
custom_scope: CustomScopeIndex)
-> Block<'blk, 'tcx> {
debug!("pop_and_trans_custom_cleanup_scope({:?})", custom_scope);
let scope = self.pop_scope();
self.trans_scope_cleanups(bcx, &scope)
/// Returns the id of the top-most loop scope
fn top_loop_scope(&self) -> ast::NodeId {
for scope in self.scopes.borrow().iter().rev() {
if let LoopScopeKind(id, _) = scope.kind {
return id;
bug!("no loop scope found");
/// Returns a block to branch to which will perform all pending cleanups and
/// then break/continue (depending on `exit`) out of the loop with id
/// `cleanup_scope`
fn normal_exit_block(&'blk self,
cleanup_scope: ast::NodeId,
exit: usize) -> BasicBlockRef {
self.trans_cleanups_to_exit_scope(LoopExit(cleanup_scope, exit))
/// Returns a block to branch to which will perform all pending cleanups and
/// then return from this function
fn return_exit_block(&'blk self) -> BasicBlockRef {
fn schedule_lifetime_end(&self,
cleanup_scope: ScopeId,
val: ValueRef) {
let drop = box LifetimeEnd {
ptr: val,
debug!("schedule_lifetime_end({:?}, val={:?})",
cleanup_scope, Value(val));
self.schedule_clean(cleanup_scope, drop as CleanupObj);
/// Schedules a (deep) drop of `val`, which is a pointer to an instance of
/// `ty`
fn schedule_drop_mem(&self,
cleanup_scope: ScopeId,
val: ValueRef,
ty: Ty<'tcx>,
drop_hint: Option<DropHintDatum<'tcx>>) {
if !self.type_needs_drop(ty) { return; }
let drop_hint = drop_hint.map(|hint|hint.to_value());
let drop = box DropValue {
is_immediate: false,
val: val,
ty: ty,
fill_on_drop: false,
skip_dtor: false,
drop_hint: drop_hint,
debug!("schedule_drop_mem({:?}, val={:?}, ty={:?}) fill_on_drop={} skip_dtor={}",
self.schedule_clean(cleanup_scope, drop as CleanupObj);
/// Schedules a (deep) drop and filling of `val`, which is a pointer to an instance of `ty`
fn schedule_drop_and_fill_mem(&self,
cleanup_scope: ScopeId,
val: ValueRef,
ty: Ty<'tcx>,
drop_hint: Option<DropHintDatum<'tcx>>) {
if !self.type_needs_drop(ty) { return; }
let drop_hint = drop_hint.map(|datum|datum.to_value());
let drop = box DropValue {
is_immediate: false,
val: val,
ty: ty,
fill_on_drop: true,
skip_dtor: false,
drop_hint: drop_hint,
debug!("schedule_drop_and_fill_mem({:?}, val={:?}, ty={:?},
fill_on_drop={}, skip_dtor={}, has_drop_hint={})",
self.schedule_clean(cleanup_scope, drop as CleanupObj);
/// Issue #23611: Schedules a (deep) drop of the contents of
/// `val`, which is a pointer to an instance of struct/enum type
/// `ty`. The scheduled code handles extracting the discriminant
/// and dropping the contents associated with that variant
/// *without* executing any associated drop implementation.
fn schedule_drop_adt_contents(&self,
cleanup_scope: ScopeId,
val: ValueRef,
ty: Ty<'tcx>) {
// `if` below could be "!contents_needs_drop"; skipping drop
// is just an optimization, so sound to be conservative.
if !self.type_needs_drop(ty) { return; }
let drop = box DropValue {
is_immediate: false,
val: val,
ty: ty,
fill_on_drop: false,
skip_dtor: true,
drop_hint: None,
debug!("schedule_drop_adt_contents({:?}, val={:?}, ty={:?}) fill_on_drop={} skip_dtor={}",
self.schedule_clean(cleanup_scope, drop as CleanupObj);
/// Schedules a (deep) drop of `val`, which is an instance of `ty`
fn schedule_drop_immediate(&self,
cleanup_scope: ScopeId,
val: ValueRef,
ty: Ty<'tcx>) {
if !self.type_needs_drop(ty) { return; }
let drop = Box::new(DropValue {
is_immediate: true,
val: val,
ty: ty,
fill_on_drop: false,
skip_dtor: false,
drop_hint: None,
debug!("schedule_drop_immediate({:?}, val={:?}, ty={:?}) fill_on_drop={} skip_dtor={}",
self.schedule_clean(cleanup_scope, drop as CleanupObj);
/// Schedules a call to `free(val)`. Note that this is a shallow operation.
fn schedule_free_value(&self,
cleanup_scope: ScopeId,
val: ValueRef,
heap: Heap,
content_ty: Ty<'tcx>) {
let drop = box FreeValue { ptr: val, heap: heap, content_ty: content_ty };
debug!("schedule_free_value({:?}, val={:?}, heap={:?})",
cleanup_scope, Value(val), heap);
self.schedule_clean(cleanup_scope, drop as CleanupObj);
fn schedule_clean(&self,
cleanup_scope: ScopeId,
cleanup: CleanupObj<'tcx>) {
match cleanup_scope {
AstScope(id) => self.schedule_clean_in_ast_scope(id, cleanup),
CustomScope(id) => self.schedule_clean_in_custom_scope(id, cleanup),
/// Schedules a cleanup to occur upon exit from `cleanup_scope`. If `cleanup_scope` is not
/// provided, then the cleanup is scheduled in the topmost scope, which must be a temporary
/// scope.
fn schedule_clean_in_ast_scope(&self,
cleanup_scope: ast::NodeId,
cleanup: CleanupObj<'tcx>) {
for scope in self.scopes.borrow_mut().iter_mut().rev() {
if scope.kind.is_ast_with_id(cleanup_scope) {
scope.cached_landing_pad = None;
} else {
// will be adding a cleanup to some enclosing scope
bug!("no cleanup scope {} found",
/// Schedules a cleanup to occur in the top-most scope, which must be a temporary scope.
fn schedule_clean_in_custom_scope(&self,
custom_scope: CustomScopeIndex,
cleanup: CleanupObj<'tcx>) {
let mut scopes = self.scopes.borrow_mut();
let scope = &mut (*scopes)[custom_scope.index];
scope.cached_landing_pad = None;
/// Returns true if there are pending cleanups that should execute on panic.
fn needs_invoke(&self) -> bool {
self.scopes.borrow().iter().rev().any(|s| s.needs_invoke())
/// Returns a basic block to branch to in the event of a panic. This block
/// will run the panic cleanups and eventually resume the exception that
/// caused the landing pad to be run.
fn get_landing_pad(&'blk self) -> BasicBlockRef {
let _icx = base::push_ctxt("get_landing_pad");
let orig_scopes_len = self.scopes_len();
assert!(orig_scopes_len > 0);
// Remove any scopes that do not have cleanups on panic:
let mut popped_scopes = vec!();
while !self.top_scope(|s| s.needs_invoke()) {
debug!("top scope does not need invoke");
// Check for an existing landing pad in the new topmost scope:
let llbb = self.get_or_create_landing_pad();
// Push the scopes we removed back on:
loop {
match popped_scopes.pop() {
Some(scope) => self.push_scope(scope),
None => break
assert_eq!(self.scopes_len(), orig_scopes_len);
return llbb;
impl<'blk, 'tcx> CleanupHelperMethods<'blk, 'tcx> for FunctionContext<'blk, 'tcx> {
/// Returns the id of the current top-most AST scope, if any.
fn top_ast_scope(&self) -> Option<ast::NodeId> {
for scope in self.scopes.borrow().iter().rev() {
match scope.kind {
CustomScopeKind | LoopScopeKind(..) => {}
AstScopeKind(i) => {
return Some(i);
fn top_nonempty_cleanup_scope(&self) -> Option<usize> {
self.scopes.borrow().iter().rev().position(|s| !s.cleanups.is_empty())
fn is_valid_to_pop_custom_scope(&self, custom_scope: CustomScopeIndex) -> bool {
self.is_valid_custom_scope(custom_scope) &&
custom_scope.index == self.scopes.borrow().len() - 1
fn is_valid_custom_scope(&self, custom_scope: CustomScopeIndex) -> bool {
let scopes = self.scopes.borrow();
custom_scope.index < scopes.len() &&
/// Generates the cleanups for `scope` into `bcx`
fn trans_scope_cleanups(&self, // cannot borrow self, will recurse
bcx: Block<'blk, 'tcx>,
scope: &CleanupScope<'blk, 'tcx>) -> Block<'blk, 'tcx> {
let mut bcx = bcx;
if !bcx.unreachable.get() {
for cleanup in scope.cleanups.iter().rev() {
bcx = cleanup.trans(bcx, scope.debug_loc);
fn scopes_len(&self) -> usize {
fn push_scope(&self, scope: CleanupScope<'blk, 'tcx>) {
fn pop_scope(&self) -> CleanupScope<'blk, 'tcx> {
debug!("popping cleanup scope {}, {} scopes remaining",
self.top_scope(|s| s.block_name("")),
self.scopes_len() - 1);
fn top_scope<R, F>(&self, f: F) -> R where F: FnOnce(&CleanupScope<'blk, 'tcx>) -> R {
/// Used when the caller wishes to jump to an early exit, such as a return,
/// break, continue, or unwind. This function will generate all cleanups
/// between the top of the stack and the exit `label` and return a basic
/// block that the caller can branch to.
/// For example, if the current stack of cleanups were as follows:
/// AST 22
/// Custom 1
/// AST 23
/// Loop 23
/// Custom 2
/// AST 24
/// and the `label` specifies a break from `Loop 23`, then this function
/// would generate a series of basic blocks as follows:
/// Cleanup(AST 24) -> Cleanup(Custom 2) -> break_blk
/// where `break_blk` is the block specified in `Loop 23` as the target for
/// breaks. The return value would be the first basic block in that sequence
/// (`Cleanup(AST 24)`). The caller could then branch to `Cleanup(AST 24)`
/// and it will perform all cleanups and finally branch to the `break_blk`.
fn trans_cleanups_to_exit_scope(&'blk self,
label: EarlyExitLabel)
-> BasicBlockRef {
debug!("trans_cleanups_to_exit_scope label={:?} scopes={}",
label, self.scopes_len());
let orig_scopes_len = self.scopes_len();
let mut prev_llbb;
let mut popped_scopes = vec!();
let mut skip = 0;
// First we pop off all the cleanup stacks that are
// traversed until the exit is reached, pushing them
// onto the side vector `popped_scopes`. No code is
// generated at this time.
// So, continuing the example from above, we would wind up
// with a `popped_scopes` vector of `[AST 24, Custom 2]`.
// (Presuming that there are no cached exits)
loop {
if self.scopes_len() == 0 {
match label {
UnwindExit(val) => {
// Generate a block that will resume unwinding to the
// calling function
let bcx = self.new_block("resume", None);
match val {
UnwindKind::LandingPad => {
let addr = self.landingpad_alloca.get()
let lp = build::Load(bcx, addr);
base::call_lifetime_end(bcx, addr);
base::trans_unwind_resume(bcx, lp);
UnwindKind::CleanupPad(_) => {
let pad = build::CleanupPad(bcx, None, &[]);
build::CleanupRet(bcx, pad, None);
prev_llbb = bcx.llbb;
ReturnExit => {
prev_llbb = self.get_llreturn();
LoopExit(id, _) => {
bug!("cannot exit from scope {}, not in scope", id);
// Pop off the scope, since we may be generating
// unwinding code for it.
let top_scope = self.pop_scope();
let cached_exit = top_scope.cached_early_exit(label);
// Check if we have already cached the unwinding of this
// scope for this label. If so, we can stop popping scopes
// and branch to the cached label, since it contains the
// cleanups for any subsequent scopes.
if let Some((exit, last_cleanup)) = cached_exit {
prev_llbb = exit;
skip = last_cleanup;
// If we are searching for a loop exit,
// and this scope is that loop, then stop popping and set
// `prev_llbb` to the appropriate exit block from the loop.
let scope = popped_scopes.last().unwrap();
match label {
UnwindExit(..) | ReturnExit => { }
LoopExit(id, exit) => {
if let Some(exit) = scope.kind.early_exit_block(id, exit) {
prev_llbb = exit;
debug!("trans_cleanups_to_exit_scope: popped {} scopes",
// Now push the popped scopes back on. As we go,
// we track in `prev_llbb` the exit to which this scope
// should branch when it's done.
// So, continuing with our example, we will start out with
// `prev_llbb` being set to `break_blk` (or possibly a cached
// early exit). We will then pop the scopes from `popped_scopes`
// and generate a basic block for each one, prepending it in the
// series and updating `prev_llbb`. So we begin by popping `Custom 2`
// and generating `Cleanup(Custom 2)`. We make `Cleanup(Custom 2)`
// branch to `prev_llbb == break_blk`, giving us a sequence like:
// Cleanup(Custom 2) -> prev_llbb
// We then pop `AST 24` and repeat the process, giving us the sequence:
// Cleanup(AST 24) -> Cleanup(Custom 2) -> prev_llbb
// At this point, `popped_scopes` is empty, and so the final block
// that we return to the user is `Cleanup(AST 24)`.
while let Some(mut scope) = popped_scopes.pop() {
if !scope.cleanups.is_empty() {
let name = scope.block_name("clean");
debug!("generating cleanups for {}", name);
let bcx_in = self.new_block(&name[..], None);
let exit_label = label.start(bcx_in);
let mut bcx_out = bcx_in;
let len = scope.cleanups.len();
for cleanup in scope.cleanups.iter().rev().take(len - skip) {
bcx_out = cleanup.trans(bcx_out, scope.debug_loc);
skip = 0;
exit_label.branch(bcx_out, prev_llbb);
prev_llbb = bcx_in.llbb;
scope.add_cached_early_exit(exit_label, prev_llbb, len);
debug!("trans_cleanups_to_exit_scope: prev_llbb={:?}", prev_llbb);
assert_eq!(self.scopes_len(), orig_scopes_len);
/// Creates a landing pad for the top scope, if one does not exist. The
/// landing pad will perform all cleanups necessary for an unwind and then
/// `resume` to continue error propagation:
/// landing_pad -> ... cleanups ... -> [resume]
/// (The cleanups and resume instruction are created by
/// `trans_cleanups_to_exit_scope()`, not in this function itself.)
fn get_or_create_landing_pad(&'blk self) -> BasicBlockRef {
let pad_bcx;
// Check if a landing pad block exists; if not, create one.
let mut scopes = self.scopes.borrow_mut();
let last_scope = scopes.last_mut().unwrap();
match last_scope.cached_landing_pad {
Some(llbb) => return llbb,
None => {
let name = last_scope.block_name("unwind");
pad_bcx = self.new_block(&name[..], None);
last_scope.cached_landing_pad = Some(pad_bcx.llbb);
let llpersonality = pad_bcx.fcx.eh_personality();
let val = if base::wants_msvc_seh(self.ccx.sess()) {
// A cleanup pad requires a personality function to be specified, so
// we do that here explicitly (happens implicitly below through
// creation of the landingpad instruction). We then create a
// cleanuppad instruction which has no filters to run cleanup on all
// exceptions.
build::SetPersonalityFn(pad_bcx, llpersonality);
let llretval = build::CleanupPad(pad_bcx, None, &[]);
} else {
// The landing pad return type (the type being propagated). Not sure
// what this represents but it's determined by the personality
// function and this is what the EH proposal example uses.
let llretty = Type::struct_(self.ccx,
&[Type::i8p(self.ccx), Type::i32(self.ccx)],
// The only landing pad clause will be 'cleanup'
let llretval = build::LandingPad(pad_bcx, llretty, llpersonality, 1);
// The landing pad block is a cleanup
build::SetCleanup(pad_bcx, llretval);
let addr = match self.landingpad_alloca.get() {
Some(addr) => addr,
None => {
let addr = base::alloca(pad_bcx, common::val_ty(llretval),
base::call_lifetime_start(pad_bcx, addr);
build::Store(pad_bcx, llretval, addr);
// Generate the cleanup block and branch to it.
let label = UnwindExit(val);
let cleanup_llbb = self.trans_cleanups_to_exit_scope(label);
label.branch(pad_bcx, cleanup_llbb);
return pad_bcx.llbb;
impl<'blk, 'tcx> CleanupScope<'blk, 'tcx> {
fn new(kind: CleanupScopeKind<'blk, 'tcx>,
debug_loc: DebugLoc)
-> CleanupScope<'blk, 'tcx> {
CleanupScope {
kind: kind,
debug_loc: debug_loc,
cleanups: vec!(),
cached_early_exits: vec!(),
cached_landing_pad: None,
fn clear_cached_exits(&mut self) {
self.cached_early_exits = vec!();
self.cached_landing_pad = None;
fn cached_early_exit(&self,
label: EarlyExitLabel)
-> Option<(BasicBlockRef, usize)> {
find(|e| e.label == label).
map(|e| (e.cleanup_block, e.last_cleanup))
fn add_cached_early_exit(&mut self,
label: EarlyExitLabel,
blk: BasicBlockRef,
last_cleanup: usize) {
CachedEarlyExit { label: label,
cleanup_block: blk,
last_cleanup: last_cleanup});
/// True if this scope has cleanups that need unwinding
fn needs_invoke(&self) -> bool {
self.cached_landing_pad.is_some() ||
self.cleanups.iter().any(|c| c.must_unwind())
/// Returns a suitable name to use for the basic block that handles this cleanup scope
fn block_name(&self, prefix: &str) -> String {
match self.kind {
CustomScopeKind => format!("{}_custom_", prefix),
AstScopeKind(id) => format!("{}_ast_{}_", prefix, id),
LoopScopeKind(id, _) => format!("{}_loop_{}_", prefix, id),
/// Manipulate cleanup scope for call arguments. Conceptually, each
/// argument to a call is an lvalue, and performing the call moves each
/// of the arguments into a new rvalue (which gets cleaned up by the
/// callee). As an optimization, instead of actually performing all of
/// those moves, trans just manipulates the cleanup scope to obtain the
/// same effect.
pub fn drop_non_lifetime_clean(&mut self) {
self.cleanups.retain(|c| c.is_lifetime_end());
impl<'blk, 'tcx> CleanupScopeKind<'blk, 'tcx> {
fn is_temp(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
CustomScopeKind => true,
LoopScopeKind(..) | AstScopeKind(..) => false,
fn is_ast_with_id(&self, id: ast::NodeId) -> bool {
match *self {
CustomScopeKind | LoopScopeKind(..) => false,
AstScopeKind(i) => i == id
fn is_loop_with_id(&self, id: ast::NodeId) -> bool {
match *self {
CustomScopeKind | AstScopeKind(..) => false,
LoopScopeKind(i, _) => i == id
/// If this is a loop scope with id `id`, return the early exit block `exit`, else `None`
fn early_exit_block(&self,
id: ast::NodeId,
exit: usize) -> Option<BasicBlockRef> {
match *self {
LoopScopeKind(i, ref exits) if id == i => Some(exits[exit].llbb),
_ => None,
impl EarlyExitLabel {
/// Generates a branch going from `from_bcx` to `to_llbb` where `self` is
/// the exit label attached to the start of `from_bcx`.
/// Transitions from an exit label to other exit labels depend on the type
/// of label. For example with MSVC exceptions unwind exit labels will use
/// the `cleanupret` instruction instead of the `br` instruction.
fn branch(&self, from_bcx: Block, to_llbb: BasicBlockRef) {
if let UnwindExit(UnwindKind::CleanupPad(pad)) = *self {
build::CleanupRet(from_bcx, pad, Some(to_llbb));
} else {
build::Br(from_bcx, to_llbb, DebugLoc::None);
/// Generates the necessary instructions at the start of `bcx` to prepare
/// for the same kind of early exit label that `self` is.
/// This function will appropriately configure `bcx` based on the kind of
/// label this is. For UnwindExit labels, the `lpad` field of the block will
/// be set to `Some`, and for MSVC exceptions this function will generate a
/// `cleanuppad` instruction at the start of the block so it may be jumped
/// to in the future (e.g. so this block can be cached as an early exit).
/// Returns a new label which will can be used to cache `bcx` in the list of
/// early exits.
fn start(&self, bcx: Block) -> EarlyExitLabel {
match *self {
UnwindExit(UnwindKind::CleanupPad(..)) => {
let pad = build::CleanupPad(bcx, None, &[]);
UnwindExit(UnwindKind::LandingPad) => {
label => label,
impl PartialEq for UnwindKind {
fn eq(&self, val: &UnwindKind) -> bool {
match (*self, *val) {
(UnwindKind::LandingPad, UnwindKind::LandingPad) |
(UnwindKind::CleanupPad(..), UnwindKind::CleanupPad(..)) => true,
_ => false,
// Cleanup types
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct DropValue<'tcx> {
is_immediate: bool,
val: ValueRef,
ty: Ty<'tcx>,
fill_on_drop: bool,
skip_dtor: bool,
drop_hint: Option<DropHintValue>,
impl<'tcx> Cleanup<'tcx> for DropValue<'tcx> {
fn must_unwind(&self) -> bool {
fn is_lifetime_end(&self) -> bool {
fn trans<'blk>(&self,
bcx: Block<'blk, 'tcx>,
debug_loc: DebugLoc)
-> Block<'blk, 'tcx> {
let skip_dtor = self.skip_dtor;
let _icx = if skip_dtor {
base::push_ctxt("<DropValue as Cleanup>::trans skip_dtor=true")
} else {
base::push_ctxt("<DropValue as Cleanup>::trans skip_dtor=false")
let bcx = if self.is_immediate {
glue::drop_ty_immediate(bcx, self.val, self.ty, debug_loc, self.skip_dtor)
} else {
glue::drop_ty_core(bcx, self.val, self.ty, debug_loc, self.skip_dtor, self.drop_hint)
if self.fill_on_drop {
base::drop_done_fill_mem(bcx, self.val, self.ty);
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum Heap {
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct FreeValue<'tcx> {
ptr: ValueRef,
heap: Heap,
content_ty: Ty<'tcx>
impl<'tcx> Cleanup<'tcx> for FreeValue<'tcx> {
fn must_unwind(&self) -> bool {
fn is_lifetime_end(&self) -> bool {
fn trans<'blk>(&self,
bcx: Block<'blk, 'tcx>,
debug_loc: DebugLoc)
-> Block<'blk, 'tcx> {
match self.heap {
HeapExchange => {
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct LifetimeEnd {
ptr: ValueRef,
impl<'tcx> Cleanup<'tcx> for LifetimeEnd {
fn must_unwind(&self) -> bool {
fn is_lifetime_end(&self) -> bool {
fn trans<'blk>(&self,
bcx: Block<'blk, 'tcx>,
debug_loc: DebugLoc)
-> Block<'blk, 'tcx> {
base::call_lifetime_end(bcx, self.ptr);
pub fn temporary_scope(tcx: TyCtxt,
id: ast::NodeId)
-> ScopeId {
match tcx.region_maps.temporary_scope(id) {
Some(scope) => {
let r = AstScope(scope.node_id(&tcx.region_maps));
debug!("temporary_scope({}) = {:?}", id, r);
None => {
bug!("no temporary scope available for expr {}", id)
pub fn var_scope(tcx: TyCtxt,
id: ast::NodeId)
-> ScopeId {
let r = AstScope(tcx.region_maps.var_scope(id).node_id(&tcx.region_maps));
debug!("var_scope({}) = {:?}", id, r);
// These traits just exist to put the methods into this file.
pub trait CleanupMethods<'blk, 'tcx> {
fn push_ast_cleanup_scope(&self, id: NodeIdAndSpan);
fn push_loop_cleanup_scope(&self,
id: ast::NodeId,
exits: [Block<'blk, 'tcx>; EXIT_MAX]);
fn push_custom_cleanup_scope(&self) -> CustomScopeIndex;
fn push_custom_cleanup_scope_with_debug_loc(&self,
debug_loc: NodeIdAndSpan)
-> CustomScopeIndex;
fn pop_and_trans_ast_cleanup_scope(&self,
bcx: Block<'blk, 'tcx>,
cleanup_scope: ast::NodeId)
-> Block<'blk, 'tcx>;
fn pop_loop_cleanup_scope(&self,
cleanup_scope: ast::NodeId);
fn pop_custom_cleanup_scope(&self,
custom_scope: CustomScopeIndex);
fn pop_and_trans_custom_cleanup_scope(&self,
bcx: Block<'blk, 'tcx>,
custom_scope: CustomScopeIndex)
-> Block<'blk, 'tcx>;
fn top_loop_scope(&self) -> ast::NodeId;
fn normal_exit_block(&'blk self,
cleanup_scope: ast::NodeId,
exit: usize) -> BasicBlockRef;
fn return_exit_block(&'blk self) -> BasicBlockRef;
fn schedule_lifetime_end(&self,
cleanup_scope: ScopeId,
val: ValueRef);
fn schedule_drop_mem(&self,
cleanup_scope: ScopeId,
val: ValueRef,
ty: Ty<'tcx>,
drop_hint: Option<DropHintDatum<'tcx>>);
fn schedule_drop_and_fill_mem(&self,
cleanup_scope: ScopeId,
val: ValueRef,
ty: Ty<'tcx>,
drop_hint: Option<DropHintDatum<'tcx>>);
fn schedule_drop_adt_contents(&self,
cleanup_scope: ScopeId,
val: ValueRef,
ty: Ty<'tcx>);
fn schedule_drop_immediate(&self,
cleanup_scope: ScopeId,
val: ValueRef,
ty: Ty<'tcx>);
fn schedule_free_value(&self,
cleanup_scope: ScopeId,
val: ValueRef,
heap: Heap,
content_ty: Ty<'tcx>);
fn schedule_clean(&self,
cleanup_scope: ScopeId,
cleanup: CleanupObj<'tcx>);
fn schedule_clean_in_ast_scope(&self,
cleanup_scope: ast::NodeId,
cleanup: CleanupObj<'tcx>);
fn schedule_clean_in_custom_scope(&self,
custom_scope: CustomScopeIndex,
cleanup: CleanupObj<'tcx>);
fn needs_invoke(&self) -> bool;
fn get_landing_pad(&'blk self) -> BasicBlockRef;
trait CleanupHelperMethods<'blk, 'tcx> {
fn top_ast_scope(&self) -> Option<ast::NodeId>;
fn top_nonempty_cleanup_scope(&self) -> Option<usize>;
fn is_valid_to_pop_custom_scope(&self, custom_scope: CustomScopeIndex) -> bool;
fn is_valid_custom_scope(&self, custom_scope: CustomScopeIndex) -> bool;
fn trans_scope_cleanups(&self,
bcx: Block<'blk, 'tcx>,
scope: &CleanupScope<'blk, 'tcx>) -> Block<'blk, 'tcx>;
fn trans_cleanups_to_exit_scope(&'blk self,
label: EarlyExitLabel)
-> BasicBlockRef;
fn get_or_create_landing_pad(&'blk self) -> BasicBlockRef;
fn scopes_len(&self) -> usize;
fn push_scope(&self, scope: CleanupScope<'blk, 'tcx>);
fn pop_scope(&self) -> CleanupScope<'blk, 'tcx>;
fn top_scope<R, F>(&self, f: F) -> R where F: FnOnce(&CleanupScope<'blk, 'tcx>) -> R;