* If an import was unused we would never print any errors for it. * We would keep the existing environment in scope when descending 'foo.bar' and would find 'bar' in the global environment if there was no 'bar' in 'foo'.
388 lines
12 KiB
388 lines
12 KiB
import front.ast;
import front.ast.ident;
import front.ast.def;
import front.ast.ann;
import driver.session;
import util.common.span;
import std.map.hashmap;
import std.list.list;
import std.list.nil;
import std.list.cons;
import std.option;
import std.option.some;
import std.option.none;
import std._str;
import std._vec;
tag scope {
type env = rec(list[scope] scopes,
session.session sess);
// A simple wrapper over defs that stores a bit more information about modules
// and uses so that we can use the regular lookup_name when resolving imports.
tag def_wrap {
fn unwrap_def(option.t[def_wrap] d_) -> option.t[def] {
alt (d_) {
case (none[def_wrap]) {
ret none[def];
case (some[def_wrap](?d)) {
alt (d) {
case (def_wrap_use(?it)) {
alt (it.node) {
case (ast.view_item_use(_, _, ?id)) {
ret some[def](ast.def_use(id));
case (def_wrap_mod(?i)) {
alt (i.node) {
case (ast.item_mod(_, _, ?id)) {
ret some[def](ast.def_mod(id));
case (def_wrap_other(?d)) {
ret some[def](d);
// Follow the path of an import and return what it ultimately points to.
fn find_final_def(&env e, &span sp, vec[ident] idents) -> option.t[def_wrap] {
auto len = _vec.len[ident](idents);
auto first = idents.(0);
auto d_ = lookup_name(e, first);
if (len == 1u) {
ret d_;
alt (d_) {
case (none[def_wrap]) {
e.sess.span_err(sp, "unresolved name: " + first);
ret d_;
case (some[def_wrap](?d)) {
alt (d) {
case (def_wrap_mod(?i)) {
auto new_idents = _vec.slice[ident](idents, 1u, len);
auto tmp_e = rec(scopes = nil[scope],
sess = e.sess);
auto new_e = update_env_for_item(tmp_e, i);
ret find_final_def(new_e, sp, new_idents);
fn lookup_name(&env e, ast.ident i) -> option.t[def_wrap] {
// log "resolving name " + i;
fn found_def_item(@ast.item i) -> option.t[def_wrap] {
alt (i.node) {
case (ast.item_const(_, _, _, ?id, _)) {
ret some[def_wrap](def_wrap_other(ast.def_const(id)));
case (ast.item_fn(_, _, _, ?id, _)) {
ret some[def_wrap](def_wrap_other(ast.def_fn(id)));
case (ast.item_mod(_, _, ?id)) {
ret some[def_wrap](def_wrap_mod(i));
case (ast.item_ty(_, _, _, ?id, _)) {
ret some[def_wrap](def_wrap_other(ast.def_ty(id)));
case (ast.item_tag(_, _, _, ?id)) {
ret some[def_wrap](def_wrap_other(ast.def_ty(id)));
case (ast.item_obj(_, _, _, ?id, _)) {
ret some[def_wrap](def_wrap_other(ast.def_obj(id)));
fn found_decl_stmt(@ast.stmt s) -> option.t[def_wrap] {
alt (s.node) {
case (ast.stmt_decl(?d)) {
alt (d.node) {
case (ast.decl_local(?loc)) {
auto t = ast.def_local(loc.id);
ret some[def_wrap](def_wrap_other(t));
case (ast.decl_item(?it)) {
ret found_def_item(it);
ret none[def_wrap];
fn found_def_view(&env e, @ast.view_item i) -> option.t[def_wrap] {
alt (i.node) {
case (ast.view_item_use(_, _, ?id)) {
ret some[def_wrap](def_wrap_use(i));
case (ast.view_item_import(?idents,_)) {
ret find_final_def(e, i.span, idents);
fn check_mod(&env e, ast.ident i, ast._mod m) -> option.t[def_wrap] {
alt (m.index.find(i)) {
case (some[ast.mod_index_entry](?ent)) {
alt (ent) {
case (ast.mie_view_item(?ix)) {
ret found_def_view(e, m.view_items.(ix));
case (ast.mie_item(?ix)) {
ret found_def_item(m.items.(ix));
case (ast.mie_tag_variant(?item_idx, ?variant_idx)) {
alt (m.items.(item_idx).node) {
case (ast.item_tag(_, ?variants, _, ?tid)) {
auto vid = variants.(variant_idx).id;
auto t = ast.def_variant(tid, vid);
ret some[def_wrap](def_wrap_other(t));
case (_) {
log "tag item not actually a tag";
case (none[ast.mod_index_entry]) { /* fall through */ }
ret none[def_wrap];
fn in_scope(ast.ident i, env e, &scope s) -> option.t[def_wrap] {
alt (s) {
case (scope_crate(?c)) {
ret check_mod(e, i, c.node.module);
case (scope_item(?it)) {
alt (it.node) {
case (ast.item_fn(_, ?f, ?ty_params, _, _)) {
for (ast.arg a in f.inputs) {
if (_str.eq(a.ident, i)) {
auto t = ast.def_arg(a.id);
ret some[def_wrap](def_wrap_other(t));
for (ast.ty_param tp in ty_params) {
if (_str.eq(tp.ident, i)) {
auto t = ast.def_ty_arg(tp.id);
ret some[def_wrap](def_wrap_other(t));
case (ast.item_obj(_, ?ob, ?ty_params, _, _)) {
for (ast.obj_field f in ob.fields) {
if (_str.eq(f.ident, i)) {
auto t = ast.def_obj_field(f.id);
ret some[def_wrap](def_wrap_other(t));
for (ast.ty_param tp in ty_params) {
if (_str.eq(tp.ident, i)) {
auto t = ast.def_ty_arg(tp.id);
ret some[def_wrap](def_wrap_other(t));
case (ast.item_mod(_, ?m, _)) {
ret check_mod(e, i, m);
case (_) { /* fall through */ }
case (scope_block(?b)) {
alt (b.node.index.find(i)) {
case (some[uint](?ix)) {
ret found_decl_stmt(b.node.stmts.(ix));
case (_) { /* fall through */ }
case (scope_arm(?a)) {
alt (a.index.find(i)) {
case (some[ast.def_id](?did)) {
auto t = ast.def_binding(did);
ret some[def_wrap](def_wrap_other(t));
case (_) { /* fall through */ }
ret none[def_wrap];
ret std.list.find[scope,def_wrap](e.scopes, bind in_scope(i, e, _));
fn fold_pat_tag(&env e, &span sp, ident i, vec[@ast.pat] args,
option.t[ast.variant_def] old_def, ann a) -> @ast.pat {
auto new_def;
alt (unwrap_def(lookup_name(e, i))) {
case (some[def](?d)) {
alt (d) {
case (ast.def_variant(?did, ?vid)) {
new_def = some[ast.variant_def](tup(did, vid));
case (_) {
e.sess.span_err(sp, "not a tag variant: " + i);
new_def = none[ast.variant_def];
case (none[def]) {
new_def = none[ast.variant_def];
e.sess.span_err(sp, "unresolved name: " + i);
ret @fold.respan[ast.pat_](sp, ast.pat_tag(i, args, new_def, a));
fn fold_expr_name(&env e, &span sp, &ast.name n,
&option.t[def] d, ann a) -> @ast.expr {
if (_vec.len[@ast.ty](n.node.types) > 0u) {
e.sess.unimpl("resolving name expr with ty params");
auto d_ = unwrap_def(lookup_name(e, n.node.ident));
alt (d_) {
case (some[def](_)) {
// log "resolved name " + n.node.ident;
case (none[def]) {
e.sess.span_err(sp, "unresolved name: " + n.node.ident);
ret @fold.respan[ast.expr_](sp, ast.expr_name(n, d_, a));
fn fold_view_item_import(&env e, &span sp, vec[ident] is,
ast.def_id id) -> @ast.view_item {
// Produce errors for invalid imports
auto len = _vec.len[ast.ident](is);
auto last_id = is.(len - 1u);
auto d = lookup_name(e, last_id);
alt (d) {
case (none[def_wrap]) {
e.sess.span_err(sp, "unresolved name: " + last_id);
case (some[def_wrap](_)) {
ret @fold.respan[ast.view_item_](sp, ast.view_item_import(is, id));
fn fold_ty_path(&env e, &span sp, ast.path p,
&option.t[def] d) -> @ast.ty {
let uint len = _vec.len[ast.name](p);
check (len != 0u);
if (len > 1u) {
e.sess.unimpl("resolving path ty with >1 component");
let ast.name n = p.(0);
if (_vec.len[@ast.ty](n.node.types) > 0u) {
e.sess.unimpl("resolving path ty with ty params");
auto d_ = unwrap_def(lookup_name(e, n.node.ident));
alt (d_) {
case (some[def](_)) {
// log "resolved name " + n.node.ident;
case (none[def]) {
e.sess.span_err(sp, "unresolved name: " + n.node.ident);
ret @fold.respan[ast.ty_](sp, ast.ty_path(p, d_));
fn update_env_for_crate(&env e, @ast.crate c) -> env {
ret rec(scopes = cons[scope](scope_crate(c), @e.scopes) with e);
fn update_env_for_item(&env e, @ast.item i) -> env {
ret rec(scopes = cons[scope](scope_item(i), @e.scopes) with e);
fn update_env_for_block(&env e, &ast.block b) -> env {
ret rec(scopes = cons[scope](scope_block(b), @e.scopes) with e);
fn update_env_for_arm(&env e, &ast.arm p) -> env {
ret rec(scopes = cons[scope](scope_arm(p), @e.scopes) with e);
fn resolve_crate(session.session sess, @ast.crate crate) -> @ast.crate {
let fold.ast_fold[env] fld = fold.new_identity_fold[env]();
fld = @rec( fold_pat_tag = bind fold_pat_tag(_,_,_,_,_,_),
fold_expr_name = bind fold_expr_name(_,_,_,_,_),
fold_view_item_import = bind fold_view_item_import(_,_,_,_),
fold_ty_path = bind fold_ty_path(_,_,_,_),
update_env_for_crate = bind update_env_for_crate(_,_),
update_env_for_item = bind update_env_for_item(_,_),
update_env_for_block = bind update_env_for_block(_,_),
update_env_for_arm = bind update_env_for_arm(_,_)
with *fld );
auto e = rec(scopes = nil[scope],
sess = sess);
ret fold.fold_crate[env](e, fld, crate);
// Local Variables:
// mode: rust
// fill-column: 78;
// indent-tabs-mode: nil
// c-basic-offset: 4
// buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix
// compile-command: "make -k -C ../.. 2>&1 | sed -e 's/\\/x\\//x:\\//g'";
// End: