If a symbol name can only be imported from one place for a type, and as long as it was not glob-imported anywhere in the current crate, we can trim its printed path and print only the name. This has wide implications on error messages with types, for example, shortening `std::vec::Vec` to just `Vec`, as long as there is no other `Vec` importable anywhere. This adds a new '-Z trim-diagnostic-paths=false' option to control this feature. On the good path, with no diagnosis printed, we should try to avoid issuing this query, so we need to prevent trimmed_def_paths query on several cases. This change also relies on a previous commit that differentiates between `Debug` and `Display` on various rustc types, where the latter is trimmed and presented to the user and the former is not.
Please read the rustc-dev-guide chapter on Backend Agnostic Codegen.