Vadim Petrochenkov f284cbc7af Cleanup interfaces of Name, SyntaxContext and Ident
Make sure Name, SyntaxContext and Ident are passed by value
Make sure Idents don't serve as keys (or parts of keys) in maps, Ident comparison is not well defined
2015-09-24 23:05:02 +03:00

353 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
#![feature(plugin, rustc_private, str_char, collections)]
extern crate syntax;
extern crate rustc;
extern crate log;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::env;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{BufRead, Read};
use std::path::Path;
use syntax::parse;
use syntax::parse::lexer;
use rustc::session::{self, config};
use syntax::ast;
use syntax::ast::Name;
use syntax::codemap;
use syntax::codemap::Pos;
use syntax::parse::token;
use syntax::parse::lexer::TokenAndSpan;
fn parse_token_list(file: &str) -> HashMap<String, token::Token> {
fn id() -> token::Token {
token::Ident(ast::Ident::with_empty_ctxt(Name(0))), token::Plain)
let mut res = HashMap::new();
res.insert("-1".to_string(), token::Eof);
for line in file.split('\n') {
let eq = match line.trim().rfind('=') {
Some(val) => val,
None => continue
let val = &line[..eq];
let num = &line[eq + 1..];
let tok = match val {
"SHR" => token::BinOp(token::Shr),
"DOLLAR" => token::Dollar,
"LT" => token::Lt,
"STAR" => token::BinOp(token::Star),
"FLOAT_SUFFIX" => id(),
"INT_SUFFIX" => id(),
"SHL" => token::BinOp(token::Shl),
"LBRACE" => token::OpenDelim(token::Brace),
"RARROW" => token::RArrow,
"LIT_STR" => token::Literal(token::Str_(Name(0)), None),
"DOTDOT" => token::DotDot,
"MOD_SEP" => token::ModSep,
"DOTDOTDOT" => token::DotDotDot,
"NOT" => token::Not,
"AND" => token::BinOp(token::And),
"LPAREN" => token::OpenDelim(token::Paren),
"ANDAND" => token::AndAnd,
"AT" => token::At,
"LBRACKET" => token::OpenDelim(token::Bracket),
"LIT_STR_RAW" => token::Literal(token::StrRaw(Name(0), 0), None),
"RPAREN" => token::CloseDelim(token::Paren),
"SLASH" => token::BinOp(token::Slash),
"COMMA" => token::Comma,
"LIFETIME" => token::Lifetime(ast::Ident::with_empty_ctxt(Name(0))),
"CARET" => token::BinOp(token::Caret),
"TILDE" => token::Tilde,
"IDENT" => id(),
"PLUS" => token::BinOp(token::Plus),
"LIT_CHAR" => token::Literal(token::Char(Name(0)), None),
"LIT_BYTE" => token::Literal(token::Byte(Name(0)), None),
"EQ" => token::Eq,
"RBRACKET" => token::CloseDelim(token::Bracket),
"COMMENT" => token::Comment,
"DOC_COMMENT" => token::DocComment(Name(0)),
"DOT" => token::Dot,
"EQEQ" => token::EqEq,
"NE" => token::Ne,
"GE" => token::Ge,
"PERCENT" => token::BinOp(token::Percent),
"RBRACE" => token::CloseDelim(token::Brace),
"BINOP" => token::BinOp(token::Plus),
"POUND" => token::Pound,
"OROR" => token::OrOr,
"LIT_INTEGER" => token::Literal(token::Integer(Name(0)), None),
"BINOPEQ" => token::BinOpEq(token::Plus),
"LIT_FLOAT" => token::Literal(token::Float(Name(0)), None),
"WHITESPACE" => token::Whitespace,
"UNDERSCORE" => token::Underscore,
"MINUS" => token::BinOp(token::Minus),
"SEMI" => token::Semi,
"COLON" => token::Colon,
"FAT_ARROW" => token::FatArrow,
"OR" => token::BinOp(token::Or),
"GT" => token::Gt,
"LE" => token::Le,
"LIT_BYTE_STR" => token::Literal(token::ByteStr(Name(0)), None),
"LIT_BYTE_STR_RAW" => token::Literal(token::ByteStrRaw(Name(0), 0), None),
"QUESTION" => token::Question,
"SHEBANG" => token::Shebang(Name(0)),
_ => continue,
res.insert(num.to_string(), tok);
debug!("Token map: {:?}", res);
fn str_to_binop(s: &str) -> token::BinOpToken {
match s {
"+" => token::Plus,
"/" => token::Slash,
"-" => token::Minus,
"*" => token::Star,
"%" => token::Percent,
"^" => token::Caret,
"&" => token::And,
"|" => token::Or,
"<<" => token::Shl,
">>" => token::Shr,
_ => panic!("Bad binop str `{}`", s),
/// Assuming a string/byte string literal, strip out the leading/trailing
/// hashes and surrounding quotes/raw/byte prefix.
fn fix(mut lit: &str) -> ast::Name {
if lit.char_at(0) == 'r' {
if lit.char_at(1) == 'b' {
lit = &lit[2..]
} else {
lit = &lit[1..];
} else if lit.char_at(0) == 'b' {
lit = &lit[1..];
let leading_hashes = count(lit);
// +1/-1 to adjust for single quotes
parse::token::intern(&lit[leading_hashes + 1..lit.len() - leading_hashes - 1])
/// Assuming a char/byte literal, strip the 'b' prefix and the single quotes.
fn fixchar(mut lit: &str) -> ast::Name {
if lit.char_at(0) == 'b' {
lit = &lit[1..];
parse::token::intern(&lit[1..lit.len() - 1])
fn count(lit: &str) -> usize {
lit.chars().take_while(|c| *c == '#').count()
fn parse_antlr_token(s: &str, tokens: &HashMap<String, token::Token>, surrogate_pairs_pos: &[usize],
has_bom: bool)
-> TokenAndSpan {
// old regex:
// \[@(?P<seq>\d+),(?P<start>\d+):(?P<end>\d+)='(?P<content>.+?)',<(?P<toknum>-?\d+)>,\d+:\d+]
let start = s.find("[@").unwrap();
let comma = start + s[start..].find(",").unwrap();
let colon = comma + s[comma..].find(":").unwrap();
let content_start = colon + s[colon..].find("='").unwrap();
// Use rfind instead of find, because we don't want to stop at the content
let content_end = content_start + s[content_start..].rfind("',<").unwrap();
let toknum_end = content_end + s[content_end..].find(">,").unwrap();
let start = &s[comma + 1 .. colon];
let end = &s[colon + 1 .. content_start];
let content = &s[content_start + 2 .. content_end];
let toknum = &s[content_end + 3 .. toknum_end];
let not_found = format!("didn't find token {:?} in the map", toknum);
let proto_tok = tokens.get(toknum).expect(&not_found[..]);
let nm = parse::token::intern(content);
debug!("What we got: content (`{}`), proto: {:?}", content, proto_tok);
let real_tok = match *proto_tok {
token::BinOp(..) => token::BinOp(str_to_binop(content)),
token::BinOpEq(..) => token::BinOpEq(str_to_binop(&content[..content.len() - 1])),
token::Literal(token::Str_(..), n) => token::Literal(token::Str_(fix(content)), n),
token::Literal(token::StrRaw(..), n) => token::Literal(token::StrRaw(fix(content),
count(content)), n),
token::Literal(token::Char(..), n) => token::Literal(token::Char(fixchar(content)), n),
token::Literal(token::Byte(..), n) => token::Literal(token::Byte(fixchar(content)), n),
token::DocComment(..) => token::DocComment(nm),
token::Literal(token::Integer(..), n) => token::Literal(token::Integer(nm), n),
token::Literal(token::Float(..), n) => token::Literal(token::Float(nm), n),
token::Literal(token::ByteStr(..), n) => token::Literal(token::ByteStr(nm), n),
token::Literal(token::ByteStrRaw(..), n) => token::Literal(token::ByteStrRaw(fix(content),
count(content)), n),
token::Ident(..) => token::Ident(ast::Ident::with_empty_ctxt(nm)),
token::Lifetime(..) => token::Lifetime(ast::Ident::with_empty_ctxt(nm)),
ref t => t.clone()
let start_offset = if real_tok == token::Eof {
} else {
let offset = if has_bom { 1 } else { 0 };
let mut lo = start.parse::<u32>().unwrap() - start_offset - offset;
let mut hi = end.parse::<u32>().unwrap() + 1 - offset;
// Adjust the span: For each surrogate pair already encountered, subtract one position.
lo -= surrogate_pairs_pos.binary_search(&(lo as usize)).unwrap_or_else(|x| x) as u32;
hi -= surrogate_pairs_pos.binary_search(&(hi as usize)).unwrap_or_else(|x| x) as u32;
let sp = codemap::Span {
lo: codemap::BytePos(lo),
hi: codemap::BytePos(hi),
expn_id: codemap::NO_EXPANSION
TokenAndSpan {
tok: real_tok,
sp: sp
fn tok_cmp(a: &token::Token, b: &token::Token) -> bool {
match a {
&token::Ident(id, _) => match b {
&token::Ident(id2, _) => id == id2,
_ => false
_ => a == b
fn span_cmp(antlr_sp: codemap::Span, rust_sp: codemap::Span, cm: &codemap::CodeMap) -> bool {
antlr_sp.expn_id == rust_sp.expn_id &&
antlr_sp.lo.to_usize() == cm.bytepos_to_file_charpos(rust_sp.lo).to_usize() &&
antlr_sp.hi.to_usize() == cm.bytepos_to_file_charpos(rust_sp.hi).to_usize()
fn main() {
fn next(r: &mut lexer::StringReader) -> TokenAndSpan {
use syntax::parse::lexer::Reader;
let mut args = env::args().skip(1);
let filename =;
if filename.find("parse-fail").is_some() {
// Rust's lexer
let mut code = String::new();
File::open(&Path::new(&filename)).unwrap().read_to_string(&mut code).unwrap();
let surrogate_pairs_pos: Vec<usize> = code.chars().enumerate()
.filter(|&(_, c)| c as usize > 0xFFFF)
.map(|(n, _)| n)
.map(|(x, n)| x + n)
let has_bom = code.starts_with("\u{feff}");
debug!("Pairs: {:?}", surrogate_pairs_pos);
let options = config::basic_options();
let session = session::build_session(options, None,
let filemap = session.parse_sess.codemap().new_filemap(String::from("<n/a>"), code);
let mut lexer = lexer::StringReader::new(session.diagnostic(), filemap);
let cm = session.codemap();
let mut token_file = File::open(&Path::new(&;
let mut token_list = String::new();
token_file.read_to_string(&mut token_list).unwrap();
let token_map = parse_token_list(&token_list[..]);
let stdin = std::io::stdin();
let lock = stdin.lock();
let lines = lock.lines();
let antlr_tokens =|l| parse_antlr_token(l.unwrap().trim(),
for antlr_tok in antlr_tokens {
let rustc_tok = next(&mut lexer);
if rustc_tok.tok == token::Eof && antlr_tok.tok == token::Eof {
assert!(span_cmp(antlr_tok.sp, rustc_tok.sp, cm), "{:?} and {:?} have different spans",
macro_rules! matches {
( $($x:pat),+ ) => (
match rustc_tok.tok {
$($x => match antlr_tok.tok {
$x => {
if !tok_cmp(&rustc_tok.tok, &antlr_tok.tok) {
// FIXME #15677: needs more robust escaping in
// antlr
warn!("Different names for {:?} and {:?}", rustc_tok, antlr_tok);
_ => panic!("{:?} is not {:?}", antlr_tok, rustc_tok)
ref c => assert!(c == &antlr_tok.tok, "{:?} is not {:?}", antlr_tok, rustc_tok)
token::Literal(token::Byte(..), _),
token::Literal(token::Char(..), _),
token::Literal(token::Integer(..), _),
token::Literal(token::Float(..), _),
token::Literal(token::Str_(..), _),
token::Literal(token::StrRaw(..), _),
token::Literal(token::ByteStr(..), _),
token::Literal(token::ByteStrRaw(..), _),