Nicholas Nethercote 266e2d3d69 Merge into, and rename it
Currently we have two files implementing bitsets (and 2D bit matrices).
This commit combines them into one, taking the best features from each.

This involves renaming a lot of things. The high level changes are as
-              -->
-         --> (removed)
- BitArray + IdxSet      --> BitSet (merged, see below)
- BitVector              --> GrowableBitSet
- {,Sparse,Hybrid}IdxSet --> {,Sparse,Hybrid}BitSet
- BitMatrix              --> BitMatrix
- SparseBitMatrix        --> SparseBitMatrix

The changes within the bitset types themselves are as follows.

OLD             OLD             NEW
BitArray<C>     IdxSet<T>       BitSet<T>
--------        ------          ------
grow            -               grow
new             -               (remove)
new_empty       new_empty       new_empty
new_filled      new_filled      new_filled
-               to_hybrid       to_hybrid
clear           clear           clear
set_up_to       set_up_to       set_up_to
clear_above     -               clear_above
count           -               count
contains(T)     contains(&T)    contains(T)
contains_all    -               superset
is_empty        -               is_empty
insert(T)       add(&T)         insert(T)
insert_all      -               insert_all()
remove(T)       remove(&T)      remove(T)
words           words           words
words_mut       words_mut       words_mut
-               overwrite       overwrite
merge           union           union
-               subtract        subtract
-               intersect       intersect
iter            iter            iter

In general, when choosing names I went with:
- names that are more obvious (e.g. `BitSet` over `IdxSet`).
- names that are more like the Rust libraries (e.g. `T` over `C`,
  `insert` over `add`);
- names that are more set-like (e.g. `union` over `merge`, `superset`
  over `contains_all`, `domain_size` over `num_bits`).

Also, using `T` for index arguments seems more sensible than `&T` --
even though the latter is standard in Rust collection types -- because
indices are always copyable. It also results in fewer `&` and `*`
sigils in practice.
2018-09-18 07:08:09 +10:00

957 lines
34 KiB

// Copyright 2016 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! This is the implementation of the pass which transforms generators into state machines.
//! MIR generation for generators creates a function which has a self argument which
//! passes by value. This argument is effectively a generator type which only contains upvars and
//! is only used for this argument inside the MIR for the generator.
//! It is passed by value to enable upvars to be moved out of it. Drop elaboration runs on that
//! MIR before this pass and creates drop flags for MIR locals.
//! It will also drop the generator argument (which only consists of upvars) if any of the upvars
//! are moved out of. This pass elaborates the drops of upvars / generator argument in the case
//! that none of the upvars were moved out of. This is because we cannot have any drops of this
//! generator in the MIR, since it is used to create the drop glue for the generator. We'd get
//! infinite recursion otherwise.
//! This pass creates the implementation for the Generator::resume function and the drop shim
//! for the generator based on the MIR input. It converts the generator argument from Self to
//! &mut Self adding derefs in the MIR as needed. It computes the final layout of the generator
//! struct which looks like this:
//! First upvars are stored
//! It is followed by the generator state field.
//! Then finally the MIR locals which are live across a suspension point are stored.
//! struct Generator {
//! upvars...,
//! state: u32,
//! mir_locals...,
//! }
//! This pass computes the meaning of the state field and the MIR locals which are live
//! across a suspension point. There are however two hardcoded generator states:
//! 0 - Generator have not been resumed yet
//! 1 - Generator has returned / is completed
//! 2 - Generator has been poisoned
//! It also rewrites `return x` and `yield y` as setting a new generator state and returning
//! GeneratorState::Complete(x) and GeneratorState::Yielded(y) respectively.
//! MIR locals which are live across a suspension point are moved to the generator struct
//! with references to them being updated with references to the generator struct.
//! The pass creates two functions which have a switch on the generator state giving
//! the action to take.
//! One of them is the implementation of Generator::resume.
//! For generators with state 0 (unresumed) it starts the execution of the generator.
//! For generators with state 1 (returned) and state 2 (poisoned) it panics.
//! Otherwise it continues the execution from the last suspension point.
//! The other function is the drop glue for the generator.
//! For generators with state 0 (unresumed) it drops the upvars of the generator.
//! For generators with state 1 (returned) and state 2 (poisoned) it does nothing.
//! Otherwise it drops all the values in scope at the last suspension point.
use rustc::hir;
use rustc::hir::def_id::DefId;
use rustc::mir::*;
use rustc::mir::visit::{PlaceContext, Visitor, MutVisitor};
use rustc::ty::{self, TyCtxt, AdtDef, Ty};
use rustc::ty::subst::Substs;
use util::dump_mir;
use util::liveness::{self, IdentityMap};
use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap;
use rustc_data_structures::indexed_vec::Idx;
use rustc_data_structures::bit_set::BitSet;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::iter::once;
use std::mem;
use transform::{MirPass, MirSource};
use transform::simplify;
use transform::no_landing_pads::no_landing_pads;
use dataflow::{do_dataflow, DebugFormatted, state_for_location};
use dataflow::{MaybeStorageLive, HaveBeenBorrowedLocals};
pub struct StateTransform;
struct RenameLocalVisitor {
from: Local,
to: Local,
impl<'tcx> MutVisitor<'tcx> for RenameLocalVisitor {
fn visit_local(&mut self,
local: &mut Local,
_: PlaceContext<'tcx>,
_: Location) {
if *local == self.from {
*local =;
struct DerefArgVisitor;
impl<'tcx> MutVisitor<'tcx> for DerefArgVisitor {
fn visit_local(&mut self,
local: &mut Local,
_: PlaceContext<'tcx>,
_: Location) {
assert_ne!(*local, self_arg());
fn visit_place(&mut self,
place: &mut Place<'tcx>,
context: PlaceContext<'tcx>,
location: Location) {
if *place == Place::Local(self_arg()) {
*place = Place::Projection(Box::new(Projection {
base: place.clone(),
elem: ProjectionElem::Deref,
} else {
self.super_place(place, context, location);
fn self_arg() -> Local {
struct SuspensionPoint {
state: u32,
resume: BasicBlock,
drop: Option<BasicBlock>,
storage_liveness: liveness::LiveVarSet<Local>,
struct TransformVisitor<'a, 'tcx: 'a> {
tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
state_adt_ref: &'tcx AdtDef,
state_substs: &'tcx Substs<'tcx>,
// The index of the generator state in the generator struct
state_field: usize,
// Mapping from Local to (type of local, generator struct index)
// FIXME(eddyb) This should use `IndexVec<Local, Option<_>>`.
remap: FxHashMap<Local, (Ty<'tcx>, usize)>,
// A map from a suspension point in a block to the locals which have live storage at that point
// FIXME(eddyb) This should use `IndexVec<BasicBlock, Option<_>>`.
storage_liveness: FxHashMap<BasicBlock, liveness::LiveVarSet<Local>>,
// A list of suspension points, generated during the transform
suspension_points: Vec<SuspensionPoint>,
// The original RETURN_PLACE local
new_ret_local: Local,
impl<'a, 'tcx> TransformVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
// Make a GeneratorState rvalue
fn make_state(&self, idx: usize, val: Operand<'tcx>) -> Rvalue<'tcx> {
let adt = AggregateKind::Adt(self.state_adt_ref, idx, self.state_substs, None, None);
Rvalue::Aggregate(box adt, vec![val])
// Create a Place referencing a generator struct field
fn make_field(&self, idx: usize, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> Place<'tcx> {
let base = Place::Local(self_arg());
let field = Projection {
base: base,
elem: ProjectionElem::Field(Field::new(idx), ty),
// Create a statement which changes the generator state
fn set_state(&self, state_disc: u32, source_info: SourceInfo) -> Statement<'tcx> {
let state = self.make_field(self.state_field, self.tcx.types.u32);
let val = Operand::Constant(box Constant {
span: source_info.span,
ty: self.tcx.types.u32,
user_ty: None,
literal: ty::Const::from_bits(
Statement {
kind: StatementKind::Assign(state, Rvalue::Use(val)),
impl<'a, 'tcx> MutVisitor<'tcx> for TransformVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
fn visit_local(&mut self,
local: &mut Local,
_: PlaceContext<'tcx>,
_: Location) {
assert_eq!(self.remap.get(local), None);
fn visit_place(&mut self,
place: &mut Place<'tcx>,
context: PlaceContext<'tcx>,
location: Location) {
if let Place::Local(l) = *place {
// Replace an Local in the remap with a generator struct access
if let Some(&(ty, idx)) = self.remap.get(&l) {
*place = self.make_field(idx, ty);
} else {
self.super_place(place, context, location);
fn visit_basic_block_data(&mut self,
block: BasicBlock,
data: &mut BasicBlockData<'tcx>) {
// Remove StorageLive and StorageDead statements for remapped locals
data.retain_statements(|s| {
match s.kind {
StatementKind::StorageLive(l) | StatementKind::StorageDead(l) => {
_ => true
let ret_val = match data.terminator().kind {
TerminatorKind::Return => Some((1,
TerminatorKind::Yield { ref value, resume, drop } => Some((0,
_ => None
if let Some((state_idx, resume, v, drop)) = ret_val {
let source_info = data.terminator().source_info;
// We must assign the value first in case it gets declared dead below
data.statements.push(Statement {
kind: StatementKind::Assign(Place::Local(RETURN_PLACE),
self.make_state(state_idx, v)),
let state = if let Some(resume) = resume { // Yield
let state = 3 + self.suspension_points.len() as u32;
self.suspension_points.push(SuspensionPoint {
storage_liveness: self.storage_liveness.get(&block).unwrap().clone(),
} else { // Return
1 // state for returned
data.statements.push(self.set_state(state, source_info));
data.terminator.as_mut().unwrap().kind = TerminatorKind::Return;
self.super_basic_block_data(block, data);
fn make_generator_state_argument_indirect<'a, 'tcx>(
tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
def_id: DefId,
mir: &mut Mir<'tcx>) {
let gen_ty = mir.local_decls.raw[1].ty;
let region = ty::ReFree(ty::FreeRegion {
scope: def_id,
bound_region: ty::BoundRegion::BrEnv,
let region = tcx.mk_region(region);
let ref_gen_ty = tcx.mk_ref(region, ty::TypeAndMut {
ty: gen_ty,
mutbl: hir::MutMutable
// Replace the by value generator argument
mir.local_decls.raw[1].ty = ref_gen_ty;
// Add a deref to accesses of the generator state
fn replace_result_variable<'tcx>(
ret_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
mir: &mut Mir<'tcx>,
) -> Local {
let source_info = source_info(mir);
let new_ret = LocalDecl {
mutability: Mutability::Mut,
ty: ret_ty,
user_ty: None,
name: None,
visibility_scope: source_info.scope,
internal: false,
is_user_variable: None,
let new_ret_local = Local::new(mir.local_decls.len());
mir.local_decls.swap(RETURN_PLACE, new_ret_local);
RenameLocalVisitor {
to: new_ret_local,
struct StorageIgnored(liveness::LiveVarSet<Local>);
impl<'tcx> Visitor<'tcx> for StorageIgnored {
fn visit_statement(&mut self,
_block: BasicBlock,
statement: &Statement<'tcx>,
_location: Location) {
match statement.kind {
StatementKind::StorageLive(l) |
StatementKind::StorageDead(l) => { self.0.remove(l); }
_ => (),
struct BorrowedLocals(liveness::LiveVarSet<Local>);
fn mark_as_borrowed<'tcx>(place: &Place<'tcx>, locals: &mut BorrowedLocals) {
match *place {
Place::Local(l) => { locals.0.insert(l); },
Place::Promoted(_) |
Place::Static(..) => (),
Place::Projection(ref proj) => {
match proj.elem {
// For derefs we don't look any further.
// If it pointed to a Local, it would already be borrowed elsewhere
ProjectionElem::Deref => (),
_ => mark_as_borrowed(&proj.base, locals)
impl<'tcx> Visitor<'tcx> for BorrowedLocals {
fn visit_rvalue(&mut self,
rvalue: &Rvalue<'tcx>,
location: Location) {
if let Rvalue::Ref(_, _, ref place) = *rvalue {
mark_as_borrowed(place, self);
self.super_rvalue(rvalue, location)
fn locals_live_across_suspend_points(
tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
mir: &Mir<'tcx>,
source: MirSource,
movable: bool,
) -> (
FxHashMap<BasicBlock, liveness::LiveVarSet<Local>>,
) {
let dead_unwinds = BitSet::new_empty(mir.basic_blocks().len());
let node_id = tcx.hir.as_local_node_id(source.def_id).unwrap();
// Calculate when MIR locals have live storage. This gives us an upper bound of their
// lifetimes.
let storage_live_analysis = MaybeStorageLive::new(mir);
let storage_live =
do_dataflow(tcx, mir, node_id, &[], &dead_unwinds, storage_live_analysis,
|bd, p| DebugFormatted::new(&bd.mir().local_decls[p]));
// Find the MIR locals which do not use StorageLive/StorageDead statements.
// The storage of these locals are always live.
let mut ignored = StorageIgnored(BitSet::new_filled(mir.local_decls.len()));
// Calculate the MIR locals which have been previously
// borrowed (even if they are still active).
// This is only used for immovable generators.
let borrowed_locals = if !movable {
let analysis = HaveBeenBorrowedLocals::new(mir);
let result =
do_dataflow(tcx, mir, node_id, &[], &dead_unwinds, analysis,
|bd, p| DebugFormatted::new(&bd.mir().local_decls[p]));
Some((analysis, result))
} else {
// Calculate the liveness of MIR locals ignoring borrows.
let mut set = liveness::LiveVarSet::new_empty(mir.local_decls.len());
let mut liveness = liveness::liveness_of_locals(
let mut storage_liveness_map = FxHashMap::default();
for (block, data) in mir.basic_blocks().iter_enumerated() {
if let TerminatorKind::Yield { .. } = data.terminator().kind {
let loc = Location {
block: block,
statement_index: data.statements.len(),
if let Some((ref analysis, ref result)) = borrowed_locals {
let borrowed_locals = state_for_location(loc,
// The `liveness` variable contains the liveness of MIR locals ignoring borrows.
// This is correct for movable generators since borrows cannot live across
// suspension points. However for immovable generators we need to account for
// borrows, so we conseratively assume that all borrowed locals are live until
// we find a StorageDead statement referencing the locals.
// To do this we just union our `liveness` result with `borrowed_locals`, which
// contains all the locals which has been borrowed before this suspension point.
// If a borrow is converted to a raw reference, we must also assume that it lives
// forever. Note that the final liveness is still bounded by the storage liveness
// of the local, which happens using the `intersect` operation below.
let mut storage_liveness = state_for_location(loc,
// Store the storage liveness for later use so we can restore the state
// after a suspension point
storage_liveness_map.insert(block, storage_liveness.clone());
// Mark locals without storage statements as always having live storage
// Locals live are live at this point only if they are used across
// suspension points (the `liveness` variable)
// and their storage is live (the `storage_liveness` variable)
let live_locals = storage_liveness;
// Add the locals life at this suspension point to the set of locals which live across
// any suspension points
// The generator argument is ignored
(set, storage_liveness_map)
fn compute_layout<'a, 'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
source: MirSource,
upvars: Vec<Ty<'tcx>>,
interior: Ty<'tcx>,
movable: bool,
mir: &mut Mir<'tcx>)
-> (FxHashMap<Local, (Ty<'tcx>, usize)>,
FxHashMap<BasicBlock, liveness::LiveVarSet<Local>>)
// Use a liveness analysis to compute locals which are live across a suspension point
let (live_locals, storage_liveness) = locals_live_across_suspend_points(tcx,
// Erase regions from the types passed in from typeck so we can compare them with
// MIR types
let allowed_upvars = tcx.erase_regions(&upvars);
let allowed = match interior.sty {
ty::GeneratorWitness(s) => tcx.erase_late_bound_regions(&s),
_ => bug!(),
for (local, decl) in mir.local_decls.iter_enumerated() {
// Ignore locals which are internal or not live
if !live_locals.contains(local) || decl.internal {
// Sanity check that typeck knows about the type of locals which are
// live across a suspension point
if !allowed.contains(&decl.ty) && !allowed_upvars.contains(&decl.ty) {
"Broken MIR: generator contains type {} in MIR, \
but typeck only knows about {}",
let upvar_len = mir.upvar_decls.len();
let dummy_local = LocalDecl::new_internal(tcx.mk_unit(), mir.span);
// Gather live locals and their indices replacing values in mir.local_decls with a dummy
// to avoid changing local indices
let live_decls = live_locals.iter().map(|local| {
let var = mem::replace(&mut mir.local_decls[local], dummy_local.clone());
(local, var)
// Create a map from local indices to generator struct indices.
// These are offset by (upvar_len + 1) because of fields which comes before locals.
// We also create a vector of the LocalDecls of these locals.
let (remap, vars) = live_decls.enumerate().map(|(idx, (local, var))| {
((local, (var.ty, upvar_len + 1 + idx)), var)
let layout = GeneratorLayout {
fields: vars
(remap, layout, storage_liveness)
fn insert_switch<'a, 'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
mir: &mut Mir<'tcx>,
cases: Vec<(u32, BasicBlock)>,
transform: &TransformVisitor<'a, 'tcx>,
default: TerminatorKind<'tcx>) {
let default_block = insert_term_block(mir, default);
let switch = TerminatorKind::SwitchInt {
discr: Operand::Copy(transform.make_field(transform.state_field, tcx.types.u32)),
switch_ty: tcx.types.u32,
values: Cow::from(cases.iter().map(|&(i, _)| i.into()).collect::<Vec<_>>()),
targets: cases.iter().map(|&(_, d)| d).chain(once(default_block)).collect(),
let source_info = source_info(mir);
mir.basic_blocks_mut().raw.insert(0, BasicBlockData {
statements: Vec::new(),
terminator: Some(Terminator {
kind: switch,
is_cleanup: false,
let blocks = mir.basic_blocks_mut().iter_mut();
for target in blocks.flat_map(|b| b.terminator_mut().successors_mut()) {
*target = BasicBlock::new(target.index() + 1);
fn elaborate_generator_drops<'a, 'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
def_id: DefId,
mir: &mut Mir<'tcx>) {
use util::elaborate_drops::{elaborate_drop, Unwind};
use util::patch::MirPatch;
use shim::DropShimElaborator;
// Note that `elaborate_drops` only drops the upvars of a generator, and
// this is ok because `open_drop` can only be reached within that own
// generator's resume function.
let param_env = tcx.param_env(def_id);
let gen = self_arg();
for block in mir.basic_blocks().indices() {
let (target, unwind, source_info) = match mir.basic_blocks()[block].terminator() {
&Terminator {
kind: TerminatorKind::Drop {
location: Place::Local(local),
} if local == gen => (target, unwind, source_info),
_ => continue,
let unwind = if let Some(unwind) = unwind {
} else {
let patch = {
let mut elaborator = DropShimElaborator {
mir: &mir,
patch: MirPatch::new(mir),
&mut elaborator,
fn create_generator_drop_shim<'a, 'tcx>(
tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
transform: &TransformVisitor<'a, 'tcx>,
def_id: DefId,
source: MirSource,
gen_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
mir: &Mir<'tcx>,
drop_clean: BasicBlock) -> Mir<'tcx> {
let mut mir = mir.clone();
let source_info = source_info(&mir);
let mut cases = create_cases(&mut mir, transform, |point| point.drop);
cases.insert(0, (0, drop_clean));
// The returned state (1) and the poisoned state (2) falls through to
// the default case which is just to return
insert_switch(tcx, &mut mir, cases, &transform, TerminatorKind::Return);
for block in mir.basic_blocks_mut() {
let kind = &mut block.terminator_mut().kind;
if let TerminatorKind::GeneratorDrop = *kind {
*kind = TerminatorKind::Return;
// Replace the return variable
mir.local_decls[RETURN_PLACE] = LocalDecl {
mutability: Mutability::Mut,
ty: tcx.mk_unit(),
user_ty: None,
name: None,
visibility_scope: source_info.scope,
internal: false,
is_user_variable: None,
make_generator_state_argument_indirect(tcx, def_id, &mut mir);
// Change the generator argument from &mut to *mut
mir.local_decls[self_arg()] = LocalDecl {
mutability: Mutability::Mut,
ty: tcx.mk_ptr(ty::TypeAndMut {
ty: gen_ty,
mutbl: hir::Mutability::MutMutable,
user_ty: None,
name: None,
visibility_scope: source_info.scope,
internal: false,
is_user_variable: None,
no_landing_pads(tcx, &mut mir);
// Make sure we remove dead blocks to remove
// unrelated code from the resume part of the function
simplify::remove_dead_blocks(&mut mir);
dump_mir(tcx, None, "generator_drop", &0, source, &mut mir, |_, _| Ok(()) );
fn insert_term_block<'tcx>(mir: &mut Mir<'tcx>, kind: TerminatorKind<'tcx>) -> BasicBlock {
let term_block = BasicBlock::new(mir.basic_blocks().len());
let source_info = source_info(mir);
mir.basic_blocks_mut().push(BasicBlockData {
statements: Vec::new(),
terminator: Some(Terminator {
is_cleanup: false,
fn insert_panic_block<'a, 'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
mir: &mut Mir<'tcx>,
message: AssertMessage<'tcx>) -> BasicBlock {
let assert_block = BasicBlock::new(mir.basic_blocks().len());
let term = TerminatorKind::Assert {
cond: Operand::Constant(box Constant {
span: mir.span,
ty: tcx.types.bool,
user_ty: None,
literal: ty::Const::from_bool(tcx, false),
expected: true,
msg: message,
target: assert_block,
cleanup: None,
let source_info = source_info(mir);
mir.basic_blocks_mut().push(BasicBlockData {
statements: Vec::new(),
terminator: Some(Terminator {
kind: term,
is_cleanup: false,
fn create_generator_resume_function<'a, 'tcx>(
tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
transform: TransformVisitor<'a, 'tcx>,
def_id: DefId,
source: MirSource,
mir: &mut Mir<'tcx>) {
// Poison the generator when it unwinds
for block in mir.basic_blocks_mut() {
let source_info = block.terminator().source_info;
if let &TerminatorKind::Resume = &block.terminator().kind {
block.statements.push(transform.set_state(1, source_info));
let mut cases = create_cases(mir, &transform, |point| Some(point.resume));
use rustc::mir::interpret::EvalErrorKind::{
// Jump to the entry point on the 0 state
cases.insert(0, (0, BasicBlock::new(0)));
// Panic when resumed on the returned (1) state
cases.insert(1, (1, insert_panic_block(tcx, mir, GeneratorResumedAfterReturn)));
// Panic when resumed on the poisoned (2) state
cases.insert(2, (2, insert_panic_block(tcx, mir, GeneratorResumedAfterPanic)));
insert_switch(tcx, mir, cases, &transform, TerminatorKind::Unreachable);
make_generator_state_argument_indirect(tcx, def_id, mir);
no_landing_pads(tcx, mir);
// Make sure we remove dead blocks to remove
// unrelated code from the drop part of the function
dump_mir(tcx, None, "generator_resume", &0, source, mir, |_, _| Ok(()) );
fn source_info<'a, 'tcx>(mir: &Mir<'tcx>) -> SourceInfo {
SourceInfo {
span: mir.span,
fn insert_clean_drop<'a, 'tcx>(mir: &mut Mir<'tcx>) -> BasicBlock {
let return_block = insert_term_block(mir, TerminatorKind::Return);
// Create a block to destroy an unresumed generators. This can only destroy upvars.
let drop_clean = BasicBlock::new(mir.basic_blocks().len());
let term = TerminatorKind::Drop {
location: Place::Local(self_arg()),
target: return_block,
unwind: None,
let source_info = source_info(mir);
mir.basic_blocks_mut().push(BasicBlockData {
statements: Vec::new(),
terminator: Some(Terminator {
kind: term,
is_cleanup: false,
fn create_cases<'a, 'tcx, F>(mir: &mut Mir<'tcx>,
transform: &TransformVisitor<'a, 'tcx>,
target: F) -> Vec<(u32, BasicBlock)>
where F: Fn(&SuspensionPoint) -> Option<BasicBlock> {
let source_info = source_info(mir);
transform.suspension_points.iter().filter_map(|point| {
// Find the target for this suspension point, if applicable
target(point).map(|target| {
let block = BasicBlock::new(mir.basic_blocks().len());
let mut statements = Vec::new();
// Create StorageLive instructions for locals with live storage
for i in 0..(mir.local_decls.len()) {
let l = Local::new(i);
if point.storage_liveness.contains(l) && !transform.remap.contains_key(&l) {
statements.push(Statement {
kind: StatementKind::StorageLive(l),
// Then jump to the real target
mir.basic_blocks_mut().push(BasicBlockData {
terminator: Some(Terminator {
kind: TerminatorKind::Goto {
is_cleanup: false,
(point.state, block)
impl MirPass for StateTransform {
fn run_pass<'a, 'tcx>(&self,
tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
source: MirSource,
mir: &mut Mir<'tcx>) {
let yield_ty = if let Some(yield_ty) = mir.yield_ty {
} else {
// This only applies to generators
let def_id = source.def_id;
// The first argument is the generator type passed by value
let gen_ty = mir.local_decls.raw[1].ty;
// Get the interior types and substs which typeck computed
let (upvars, interior, movable) = match gen_ty.sty {
ty::Generator(_, substs, movability) => {
(substs.upvar_tys(def_id, tcx).collect(),
substs.witness(def_id, tcx),
movability == hir::GeneratorMovability::Movable)
_ => bug!(),
// Compute GeneratorState<yield_ty, return_ty>
let state_did = tcx.lang_items().gen_state().unwrap();
let state_adt_ref = tcx.adt_def(state_did);
let state_substs = tcx.intern_substs(&[
let ret_ty = tcx.mk_adt(state_adt_ref, state_substs);
// We rename RETURN_PLACE which has type mir.return_ty to new_ret_local
// RETURN_PLACE then is a fresh unused local with type ret_ty.
let new_ret_local = replace_result_variable(ret_ty, mir);
// Extract locals which are live across suspension point into `layout`
// `remap` gives a mapping from local indices onto generator struct indices
// `storage_liveness` tells us which locals have live storage at suspension points
let (remap, layout, storage_liveness) = compute_layout(
let state_field = mir.upvar_decls.len();
// Run the transformation which converts Places from Local to generator struct
// accesses for locals in `remap`.
// It also rewrites `return x` and `yield y` as writing a new generator state and returning
// GeneratorState::Complete(x) and GeneratorState::Yielded(y) respectively.
let mut transform = TransformVisitor {
suspension_points: Vec::new(),
// Update our MIR struct to reflect the changed we've made
mir.yield_ty = None;
mir.arg_count = 1;
mir.spread_arg = None;
mir.generator_layout = Some(layout);
// Insert `drop(generator_struct)` which is used to drop upvars for generators in
// the unresumed (0) state.
// This is expanded to a drop ladder in `elaborate_generator_drops`.
let drop_clean = insert_clean_drop(mir);
dump_mir(tcx, None, "generator_pre-elab", &0, source, mir, |_, _| Ok(()) );
// Expand `drop(generator_struct)` to a drop ladder which destroys upvars.
// If any upvars are moved out of, drop elaboration will handle upvar destruction.
// However we need to also elaborate the code generated by `insert_clean_drop`.
elaborate_generator_drops(tcx, def_id, mir);
dump_mir(tcx, None, "generator_post-transform", &0, source, mir, |_, _| Ok(()) );
// Create a copy of our MIR and use it to create the drop shim for the generator
let drop_shim = create_generator_drop_shim(tcx,
mir.generator_drop = Some(box drop_shim);
// Create the Generator::resume function
create_generator_resume_function(tcx, transform, def_id, source, mir);