Lukas Wirth 6a1737242b Don't switch workspace on vfs file changes from libraries
When r-a starts up, it starts switching the workspace before all vfs
events have been processed which causes us to switch workspace multiple
times until all vfs changes have been processed. This scales with the
size of the project and its dependencies. If workspace files from
dependencies as well as the sysroot get loaded, we shouldn't switch
the workspace as those have no impact on the project workspace.
2022-08-05 12:06:42 +02:00

240 lines
8.8 KiB

//! An implementation of `loader::Handle`, based on `walkdir` and `notify`.
//! The file watching bits here are untested and quite probably buggy. For this
//! reason, by default we don't watch files and rely on editor's file watching
//! capabilities.
//! Hopefully, one day a reliable file watching/walking crate appears on
//!, and we can reduce this to trivial glue code.
#![warn(rust_2018_idioms, unused_lifetimes, semicolon_in_expressions_from_macros)]
use std::fs;
use crossbeam_channel::{never, select, unbounded, Receiver, Sender};
use notify::{RecommendedWatcher, RecursiveMode, Watcher};
use paths::{AbsPath, AbsPathBuf};
use vfs::loader;
use walkdir::WalkDir;
pub struct NotifyHandle {
// Relative order of fields below is significant.
sender: Sender<Message>,
_thread: jod_thread::JoinHandle,
enum Message {
impl loader::Handle for NotifyHandle {
fn spawn(sender: loader::Sender) -> NotifyHandle {
let actor = NotifyActor::new(sender);
let (sender, receiver) = unbounded::<Message>();
let thread = jod_thread::Builder::new()
.spawn(move ||
.expect("failed to spawn thread");
NotifyHandle { sender, _thread: thread }
fn set_config(&mut self, config: loader::Config) {
fn invalidate(&mut self, path: AbsPathBuf) {
fn load_sync(&mut self, path: &AbsPath) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
type NotifyEvent = notify::Result<notify::Event>;
struct NotifyActor {
sender: loader::Sender,
watched_entries: Vec<loader::Entry>,
// Drop order is significant.
watcher: Option<(RecommendedWatcher, Receiver<NotifyEvent>)>,
enum Event {
impl NotifyActor {
fn new(sender: loader::Sender) -> NotifyActor {
NotifyActor { sender, watched_entries: Vec::new(), watcher: None }
fn next_event(&self, receiver: &Receiver<Message>) -> Option<Event> {
let watcher_receiver = self.watcher.as_ref().map(|(_, receiver)| receiver);
select! {
recv(receiver) -> it => it.ok().map(Event::Message),
recv(watcher_receiver.unwrap_or(&never())) -> it => Some(Event::NotifyEvent(it.unwrap())),
fn run(mut self, inbox: Receiver<Message>) {
while let Some(event) = self.next_event(&inbox) {
tracing::debug!(?event, "vfs-notify event");
match event {
Event::Message(msg) => match msg {
Message::Config(config) => {
self.watcher = None;
if ! {
let (watcher_sender, watcher_receiver) = unbounded();
let watcher = log_notify_error(RecommendedWatcher::new(move |event| {
self.watcher =|it| (it, watcher_receiver));
let config_version = config.version;
let n_total = config.load.len();
self.send(loader::Message::Progress { n_total, n_done: 0, config_version });
for (i, entry) in config.load.into_iter().enumerate() {
let watch =;
if watch {
let files = self.load_entry(entry, watch);
self.send(loader::Message::Loaded { files });
self.send(loader::Message::Progress {
n_done: i + 1,
Message::Invalidate(path) => {
let contents = read(path.as_path());
let files = vec![(path, contents)];
self.send(loader::Message::Loaded { files });
Event::NotifyEvent(event) => {
if let Some(event) = log_notify_error(event) {
let files = event
.map(|path| AbsPathBuf::try_from(path).unwrap())
.filter_map(|path| {
let meta = fs::metadata(&path).ok()?;
if meta.file_type().is_dir()
&& self
.any(|entry| entry.contains_dir(&path))
return None;
if !meta.file_type().is_file() {
return None;
if !self
.any(|entry| entry.contains_file(&path))
return None;
let contents = read(&path);
Some((path, contents))
self.send(loader::Message::Loaded { files });
fn load_entry(
&mut self,
entry: loader::Entry,
watch: bool,
) -> Vec<(AbsPathBuf, Option<Vec<u8>>)> {
match entry {
loader::Entry::Files(files) => files
.map(|file| {
if watch {;
let contents = read(file.as_path());
(file, contents)
loader::Entry::Directories(dirs) => {
let mut res = Vec::new();
for root in &dirs.include {
let walkdir =
WalkDir::new(root).follow_links(true).into_iter().filter_entry(|entry| {
if !entry.file_type().is_dir() {
return true;
let path = AbsPath::assert(entry.path());
root == path
|| dirs.exclude.iter().chain(&dirs.include).all(|it| it != path)
let files = walkdir.filter_map(|it| it.ok()).filter_map(|entry| {
let is_dir = entry.file_type().is_dir();
let is_file = entry.file_type().is_file();
let abs_path = AbsPathBuf::assert(entry.into_path());
if is_dir && watch {;
if !is_file {
return None;
let ext = abs_path.extension().unwrap_or_default();
if dirs.extensions.iter().all(|it| it.as_str() != ext) {
return None;
res.extend(|file| {
let contents = read(file.as_path());
(file, contents)
fn watch(&mut self, path: AbsPathBuf) {
if let Some((watcher, _)) = &mut self.watcher {
log_notify_error(, RecursiveMode::NonRecursive));
fn send(&mut self, msg: loader::Message) {
fn read(path: &AbsPath) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
fn log_notify_error<T>(res: notify::Result<T>) -> Option<T> {
res.map_err(|err| tracing::warn!("notify error: {}", err)).ok()