846 lines
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846 lines
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// Copyright 2012-2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
pub use self::code_stats::{CodeStats, DataTypeKind, FieldInfo};
pub use self::code_stats::{SizeKind, TypeSizeInfo, VariantInfo};
use dep_graph::DepGraph;
use hir::def_id::{CrateNum, DefIndex};
use hir::svh::Svh;
use lint;
use middle::cstore::CrateStore;
use middle::dependency_format;
use session::search_paths::PathKind;
use session::config::DebugInfoLevel;
use ty::tls;
use util::nodemap::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet};
use util::common::duration_to_secs_str;
use mir::transform as mir_pass;
use syntax::ast::NodeId;
use errors::{self, DiagnosticBuilder};
use errors::emitter::{Emitter, EmitterWriter};
use syntax::json::JsonEmitter;
use syntax::feature_gate;
use syntax::parse;
use syntax::parse::ParseSess;
use syntax::symbol::Symbol;
use syntax::{ast, codemap};
use syntax::feature_gate::AttributeType;
use syntax_pos::{Span, MultiSpan};
use rustc_back::{LinkerFlavor, PanicStrategy};
use rustc_back::target::Target;
use rustc_data_structures::flock;
use llvm;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::cell::{self, Cell, RefCell};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::env;
use std::ffi::CString;
use std::io::Write;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::fmt;
use std::time::Duration;
use libc::c_int;
mod code_stats;
pub mod config;
pub mod filesearch;
pub mod search_paths;
// Represents the data associated with a compilation
// session for a single crate.
pub struct Session {
pub dep_graph: DepGraph,
pub target: config::Config,
pub host: Target,
pub opts: config::Options,
pub cstore: Rc<CrateStore>,
pub parse_sess: ParseSess,
// For a library crate, this is always none
pub entry_fn: RefCell<Option<(NodeId, Span)>>,
pub entry_type: Cell<Option<config::EntryFnType>>,
pub plugin_registrar_fn: Cell<Option<ast::NodeId>>,
pub derive_registrar_fn: Cell<Option<ast::NodeId>>,
pub default_sysroot: Option<PathBuf>,
// The name of the root source file of the crate, in the local file system.
// The path is always expected to be absolute. `None` means that there is no
// source file.
pub local_crate_source_file: Option<PathBuf>,
pub working_dir: PathBuf,
pub lint_store: RefCell<lint::LintStore>,
pub lints: RefCell<lint::LintTable>,
/// Set of (LintId, span, message) tuples tracking lint (sub)diagnostics
/// that have been set once, but should not be set again, in order to avoid
/// redundantly verbose output (Issue #24690).
pub one_time_diagnostics: RefCell<FxHashSet<(lint::LintId, Span, String)>>,
pub plugin_llvm_passes: RefCell<Vec<String>>,
pub mir_passes: RefCell<mir_pass::Passes>,
pub plugin_attributes: RefCell<Vec<(String, AttributeType)>>,
pub crate_types: RefCell<Vec<config::CrateType>>,
pub dependency_formats: RefCell<dependency_format::Dependencies>,
// The crate_disambiguator is constructed out of all the `-C metadata`
// arguments passed to the compiler. Its value together with the crate-name
// forms a unique global identifier for the crate. It is used to allow
// multiple crates with the same name to coexist. See the
// trans::back::symbol_names module for more information.
pub crate_disambiguator: RefCell<Symbol>,
pub features: RefCell<feature_gate::Features>,
/// The maximum recursion limit for potentially infinitely recursive
/// operations such as auto-dereference and monomorphization.
pub recursion_limit: Cell<usize>,
/// The maximum length of types during monomorphization.
pub type_length_limit: Cell<usize>,
/// The metadata::creader module may inject an allocator/panic_runtime
/// dependency if it didn't already find one, and this tracks what was
/// injected.
pub injected_allocator: Cell<Option<CrateNum>>,
pub injected_panic_runtime: Cell<Option<CrateNum>>,
/// Map from imported macro spans (which consist of
/// the localized span for the macro body) to the
/// macro name and defintion span in the source crate.
pub imported_macro_spans: RefCell<HashMap<Span, (String, Span)>>,
incr_comp_session: RefCell<IncrCompSession>,
/// Some measurements that are being gathered during compilation.
pub perf_stats: PerfStats,
/// Data about code being compiled, gathered during compilation.
pub code_stats: RefCell<CodeStats>,
next_node_id: Cell<ast::NodeId>,
/// If -zfuel=crate=n is specified, Some(crate).
optimization_fuel_crate: Option<String>,
/// If -zfuel=crate=n is specified, initially set to n. Otherwise 0.
optimization_fuel_limit: Cell<u64>,
/// We're rejecting all further optimizations.
out_of_fuel: Cell<bool>,
// The next two are public because the driver needs to read them.
/// If -zprint-fuel=crate, Some(crate).
pub print_fuel_crate: Option<String>,
/// Always set to zero and incremented so that we can print fuel expended by a crate.
pub print_fuel: Cell<u64>,
pub struct PerfStats {
// The accumulated time needed for computing the SVH of the crate
pub svh_time: Cell<Duration>,
// The accumulated time spent on computing incr. comp. hashes
pub incr_comp_hashes_time: Cell<Duration>,
// The number of incr. comp. hash computations performed
pub incr_comp_hashes_count: Cell<u64>,
// The number of bytes hashed when computing ICH values
pub incr_comp_bytes_hashed: Cell<u64>,
// The accumulated time spent on computing symbol hashes
pub symbol_hash_time: Cell<Duration>,
// The accumulated time spent decoding def path tables from metadata
pub decode_def_path_tables_time: Cell<Duration>,
impl Session {
pub fn local_crate_disambiguator(&self) -> Symbol {
pub fn struct_span_warn<'a, S: Into<MultiSpan>>(&'a self,
sp: S,
msg: &str)
-> DiagnosticBuilder<'a> {
self.diagnostic().struct_span_warn(sp, msg)
pub fn struct_span_warn_with_code<'a, S: Into<MultiSpan>>(&'a self,
sp: S,
msg: &str,
code: &str)
-> DiagnosticBuilder<'a> {
self.diagnostic().struct_span_warn_with_code(sp, msg, code)
pub fn struct_warn<'a>(&'a self, msg: &str) -> DiagnosticBuilder<'a> {
pub fn struct_span_err<'a, S: Into<MultiSpan>>(&'a self,
sp: S,
msg: &str)
-> DiagnosticBuilder<'a> {
self.diagnostic().struct_span_err(sp, msg)
pub fn struct_span_err_with_code<'a, S: Into<MultiSpan>>(&'a self,
sp: S,
msg: &str,
code: &str)
-> DiagnosticBuilder<'a> {
self.diagnostic().struct_span_err_with_code(sp, msg, code)
pub fn struct_err<'a>(&'a self, msg: &str) -> DiagnosticBuilder<'a> {
pub fn struct_span_fatal<'a, S: Into<MultiSpan>>(&'a self,
sp: S,
msg: &str)
-> DiagnosticBuilder<'a> {
self.diagnostic().struct_span_fatal(sp, msg)
pub fn struct_span_fatal_with_code<'a, S: Into<MultiSpan>>(&'a self,
sp: S,
msg: &str,
code: &str)
-> DiagnosticBuilder<'a> {
self.diagnostic().struct_span_fatal_with_code(sp, msg, code)
pub fn struct_fatal<'a>(&'a self, msg: &str) -> DiagnosticBuilder<'a> {
pub fn span_fatal<S: Into<MultiSpan>>(&self, sp: S, msg: &str) -> ! {
panic!(self.diagnostic().span_fatal(sp, msg))
pub fn span_fatal_with_code<S: Into<MultiSpan>>(&self, sp: S, msg: &str, code: &str) -> ! {
panic!(self.diagnostic().span_fatal_with_code(sp, msg, code))
pub fn fatal(&self, msg: &str) -> ! {
pub fn span_err_or_warn<S: Into<MultiSpan>>(&self, is_warning: bool, sp: S, msg: &str) {
if is_warning {
self.span_warn(sp, msg);
} else {
self.span_err(sp, msg);
pub fn span_err<S: Into<MultiSpan>>(&self, sp: S, msg: &str) {
self.diagnostic().span_err(sp, msg)
pub fn span_err_with_code<S: Into<MultiSpan>>(&self, sp: S, msg: &str, code: &str) {
self.diagnostic().span_err_with_code(sp, &msg, code)
pub fn err(&self, msg: &str) {
pub fn err_count(&self) -> usize {
pub fn has_errors(&self) -> bool {
pub fn abort_if_errors(&self) {
pub fn track_errors<F, T>(&self, f: F) -> Result<T, usize>
where F: FnOnce() -> T
let old_count = self.err_count();
let result = f();
let errors = self.err_count() - old_count;
if errors == 0 {
} else {
pub fn span_warn<S: Into<MultiSpan>>(&self, sp: S, msg: &str) {
self.diagnostic().span_warn(sp, msg)
pub fn span_warn_with_code<S: Into<MultiSpan>>(&self, sp: S, msg: &str, code: &str) {
self.diagnostic().span_warn_with_code(sp, msg, code)
pub fn warn(&self, msg: &str) {
pub fn opt_span_warn<S: Into<MultiSpan>>(&self, opt_sp: Option<S>, msg: &str) {
match opt_sp {
Some(sp) => self.span_warn(sp, msg),
None => self.warn(msg),
/// Delay a span_bug() call until abort_if_errors()
pub fn delay_span_bug<S: Into<MultiSpan>>(&self, sp: S, msg: &str) {
self.diagnostic().delay_span_bug(sp, msg)
pub fn note_without_error(&self, msg: &str) {
pub fn span_note_without_error<S: Into<MultiSpan>>(&self, sp: S, msg: &str) {
self.diagnostic().span_note_without_error(sp, msg)
pub fn span_unimpl<S: Into<MultiSpan>>(&self, sp: S, msg: &str) -> ! {
self.diagnostic().span_unimpl(sp, msg)
pub fn unimpl(&self, msg: &str) -> ! {
pub fn add_lint<S: Into<MultiSpan>>(&self,
lint: &'static lint::Lint,
id: ast::NodeId,
sp: S,
msg: String)
self.lints.borrow_mut().add_lint(lint, id, sp, msg);
pub fn add_lint_diagnostic<M>(&self,
lint: &'static lint::Lint,
id: ast::NodeId,
msg: M)
where M: lint::IntoEarlyLint,
self.lints.borrow_mut().add_lint_diagnostic(lint, id, msg);
pub fn reserve_node_ids(&self, count: usize) -> ast::NodeId {
let id = self.next_node_id.get();
match id.as_usize().checked_add(count) {
Some(next) => {
None => bug!("Input too large, ran out of node ids!")
pub fn next_node_id(&self) -> NodeId {
pub fn diagnostic<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a errors::Handler {
/// Analogous to calling `.span_note` on the given DiagnosticBuilder, but
/// deduplicates on lint ID, span, and message for this `Session` if we're
/// not outputting in JSON mode.
// FIXME: if the need arises for one-time diagnostics other than
// `span_note`, we almost certainly want to generalize this
// "check/insert-into the one-time diagnostics map, then set message if
// it's not already there" code to accomodate all of them
pub fn diag_span_note_once<'a, 'b>(&'a self,
diag_builder: &'b mut DiagnosticBuilder<'a>,
lint: &'static lint::Lint, span: Span, message: &str) {
match self.opts.error_format {
// when outputting JSON for tool consumption, the tool might want
// the duplicates
config::ErrorOutputType::Json => {
diag_builder.span_note(span, &message);
_ => {
let lint_id = lint::LintId::of(lint);
let id_span_message = (lint_id, span, message.to_owned());
let fresh = self.one_time_diagnostics.borrow_mut().insert(id_span_message);
if fresh {
diag_builder.span_note(span, &message);
pub fn codemap<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a codemap::CodeMap {
pub fn verbose(&self) -> bool { self.opts.debugging_opts.verbose }
pub fn time_passes(&self) -> bool { self.opts.debugging_opts.time_passes }
pub fn count_llvm_insns(&self) -> bool {
pub fn time_llvm_passes(&self) -> bool {
pub fn trans_stats(&self) -> bool { self.opts.debugging_opts.trans_stats }
pub fn meta_stats(&self) -> bool { self.opts.debugging_opts.meta_stats }
pub fn asm_comments(&self) -> bool { self.opts.debugging_opts.asm_comments }
pub fn no_verify(&self) -> bool { self.opts.debugging_opts.no_verify }
pub fn borrowck_stats(&self) -> bool { self.opts.debugging_opts.borrowck_stats }
pub fn print_llvm_passes(&self) -> bool {
pub fn lto(&self) -> bool {
/// Returns the panic strategy for this compile session. If the user explicitly selected one
/// using '-C panic', use that, otherwise use the panic strategy defined by the target.
pub fn panic_strategy(&self) -> PanicStrategy {
pub fn linker_flavor(&self) -> LinkerFlavor {
pub fn no_landing_pads(&self) -> bool {
self.opts.debugging_opts.no_landing_pads || self.panic_strategy() == PanicStrategy::Abort
pub fn unstable_options(&self) -> bool {
pub fn nonzeroing_move_hints(&self) -> bool {
pub fn overflow_checks(&self) -> bool {
pub fn must_not_eliminate_frame_pointers(&self) -> bool {
self.opts.debuginfo != DebugInfoLevel::NoDebugInfo ||
/// Returns the symbol name for the registrar function,
/// given the crate Svh and the function DefIndex.
pub fn generate_plugin_registrar_symbol(&self, svh: &Svh, index: DefIndex)
-> String {
format!("__rustc_plugin_registrar__{}_{}", svh, index.as_usize())
pub fn generate_derive_registrar_symbol(&self,
svh: &Svh,
index: DefIndex) -> String {
format!("__rustc_derive_registrar__{}_{}", svh, index.as_usize())
pub fn sysroot<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a Path {
match self.opts.maybe_sysroot {
Some (ref sysroot) => sysroot,
None => self.default_sysroot.as_ref()
.expect("missing sysroot and default_sysroot in Session")
pub fn target_filesearch(&self, kind: PathKind) -> filesearch::FileSearch {
pub fn host_filesearch(&self, kind: PathKind) -> filesearch::FileSearch {
pub fn init_incr_comp_session(&self,
session_dir: PathBuf,
lock_file: flock::Lock) {
let mut incr_comp_session = self.incr_comp_session.borrow_mut();
if let IncrCompSession::NotInitialized = *incr_comp_session { } else {
bug!("Trying to initialize IncrCompSession `{:?}`", *incr_comp_session)
*incr_comp_session = IncrCompSession::Active {
session_directory: session_dir,
lock_file: lock_file,
pub fn finalize_incr_comp_session(&self, new_directory_path: PathBuf) {
let mut incr_comp_session = self.incr_comp_session.borrow_mut();
if let IncrCompSession::Active { .. } = *incr_comp_session { } else {
bug!("Trying to finalize IncrCompSession `{:?}`", *incr_comp_session)
// Note: This will also drop the lock file, thus unlocking the directory
*incr_comp_session = IncrCompSession::Finalized {
session_directory: new_directory_path,
pub fn mark_incr_comp_session_as_invalid(&self) {
let mut incr_comp_session = self.incr_comp_session.borrow_mut();
let session_directory = match *incr_comp_session {
IncrCompSession::Active { ref session_directory, .. } => {
_ => bug!("Trying to invalidate IncrCompSession `{:?}`",
// Note: This will also drop the lock file, thus unlocking the directory
*incr_comp_session = IncrCompSession::InvalidBecauseOfErrors {
session_directory: session_directory
pub fn incr_comp_session_dir(&self) -> cell::Ref<PathBuf> {
let incr_comp_session = self.incr_comp_session.borrow();
cell::Ref::map(incr_comp_session, |incr_comp_session| {
match *incr_comp_session {
IncrCompSession::NotInitialized => {
bug!("Trying to get session directory from IncrCompSession `{:?}`",
IncrCompSession::Active { ref session_directory, .. } |
IncrCompSession::Finalized { ref session_directory } |
IncrCompSession::InvalidBecauseOfErrors { ref session_directory } => {
pub fn incr_comp_session_dir_opt(&self) -> Option<cell::Ref<PathBuf>> {
if self.opts.incremental.is_some() {
} else {
pub fn print_perf_stats(&self) {
println!("Total time spent computing SVHs: {}",
println!("Total time spent computing incr. comp. hashes: {}",
println!("Total number of incr. comp. hashes computed: {}",
println!("Total number of bytes hashed for incr. comp.: {}",
println!("Average bytes hashed per incr. comp. HIR node: {}",
self.perf_stats.incr_comp_bytes_hashed.get() /
println!("Total time spent computing symbol hashes: {}",
println!("Total time spent decoding DefPath tables: {}",
/// We want to know if we're allowed to do an optimization for crate foo from -z fuel=foo=n.
/// This expends fuel if applicable, and records fuel if applicable.
pub fn consider_optimizing<T: Fn() -> String>(&self, crate_name: &str, msg: T) -> bool {
let mut ret = true;
match self.optimization_fuel_crate {
Some(ref c) if c == crate_name => {
let fuel = self.optimization_fuel_limit.get();
ret = fuel != 0;
if fuel == 0 && !self.out_of_fuel.get() {
println!("optimization-fuel-exhausted: {}", msg());
} else if fuel > 0 {
_ => {}
match self.print_fuel_crate {
Some(ref c) if c == crate_name=> {
_ => {}
pub fn build_session(sopts: config::Options,
dep_graph: &DepGraph,
local_crate_source_file: Option<PathBuf>,
registry: errors::registry::Registry,
cstore: Rc<CrateStore>)
-> Session {
pub fn build_session_with_codemap(sopts: config::Options,
dep_graph: &DepGraph,
local_crate_source_file: Option<PathBuf>,
registry: errors::registry::Registry,
cstore: Rc<CrateStore>,
codemap: Rc<codemap::CodeMap>,
emitter_dest: Option<Box<Write + Send>>)
-> Session {
// FIXME: This is not general enough to make the warning lint completely override
// normal diagnostic warnings, since the warning lint can also be denied and changed
// later via the source code.
let can_print_warnings = sopts.lint_opts
.filter(|&&(ref key, _)| *key == "warnings")
.map(|&(_, ref level)| *level != lint::Allow)
let treat_err_as_bug = sopts.debugging_opts.treat_err_as_bug;
let emitter: Box<Emitter> = match (sopts.error_format, emitter_dest) {
(config::ErrorOutputType::HumanReadable(color_config), None) => {
(config::ErrorOutputType::HumanReadable(_), Some(dst)) => {
(config::ErrorOutputType::Json, None) => {
Box::new(JsonEmitter::stderr(Some(registry), codemap.clone()))
(config::ErrorOutputType::Json, Some(dst)) => {
Box::new(JsonEmitter::new(dst, Some(registry), codemap.clone()))
let diagnostic_handler =
pub fn build_session_(sopts: config::Options,
dep_graph: &DepGraph,
local_crate_source_file: Option<PathBuf>,
span_diagnostic: errors::Handler,
codemap: Rc<codemap::CodeMap>,
cstore: Rc<CrateStore>)
-> Session {
let host = match Target::search(config::host_triple()) {
Ok(t) => t,
Err(e) => {
panic!(span_diagnostic.fatal(&format!("Error loading host specification: {}", e)));
let target_cfg = config::build_target_config(&sopts, &span_diagnostic);
let p_s = parse::ParseSess::with_span_handler(span_diagnostic, codemap);
let default_sysroot = match sopts.maybe_sysroot {
Some(_) => None,
None => Some(filesearch::get_or_default_sysroot())
// Make the path absolute, if necessary
let local_crate_source_file = local_crate_source_file.map(|path|
if path.is_absolute() {
} else {
let optimization_fuel_crate = sopts.debugging_opts.fuel.as_ref().map(|i| i.0.clone());
let optimization_fuel_limit = Cell::new(sopts.debugging_opts.fuel.as_ref()
.map(|i| i.1).unwrap_or(0));
let print_fuel_crate = sopts.debugging_opts.print_fuel.clone();
let print_fuel = Cell::new(0);
let sess = Session {
dep_graph: dep_graph.clone(),
target: target_cfg,
host: host,
opts: sopts,
cstore: cstore,
parse_sess: p_s,
// For a library crate, this is always none
entry_fn: RefCell::new(None),
entry_type: Cell::new(None),
plugin_registrar_fn: Cell::new(None),
derive_registrar_fn: Cell::new(None),
default_sysroot: default_sysroot,
local_crate_source_file: local_crate_source_file,
working_dir: env::current_dir().unwrap(),
lint_store: RefCell::new(lint::LintStore::new()),
lints: RefCell::new(lint::LintTable::new()),
one_time_diagnostics: RefCell::new(FxHashSet()),
plugin_llvm_passes: RefCell::new(Vec::new()),
mir_passes: RefCell::new(mir_pass::Passes::new()),
plugin_attributes: RefCell::new(Vec::new()),
crate_types: RefCell::new(Vec::new()),
dependency_formats: RefCell::new(FxHashMap()),
crate_disambiguator: RefCell::new(Symbol::intern("")),
features: RefCell::new(feature_gate::Features::new()),
recursion_limit: Cell::new(64),
type_length_limit: Cell::new(1048576),
next_node_id: Cell::new(NodeId::new(1)),
injected_allocator: Cell::new(None),
injected_panic_runtime: Cell::new(None),
imported_macro_spans: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
incr_comp_session: RefCell::new(IncrCompSession::NotInitialized),
perf_stats: PerfStats {
svh_time: Cell::new(Duration::from_secs(0)),
incr_comp_hashes_time: Cell::new(Duration::from_secs(0)),
incr_comp_hashes_count: Cell::new(0),
incr_comp_bytes_hashed: Cell::new(0),
symbol_hash_time: Cell::new(Duration::from_secs(0)),
decode_def_path_tables_time: Cell::new(Duration::from_secs(0)),
code_stats: RefCell::new(CodeStats::new()),
optimization_fuel_crate: optimization_fuel_crate,
optimization_fuel_limit: optimization_fuel_limit,
print_fuel_crate: print_fuel_crate,
print_fuel: print_fuel,
out_of_fuel: Cell::new(false),
/// Holds data on the current incremental compilation session, if there is one.
pub enum IncrCompSession {
// This is the state the session will be in until the incr. comp. dir is
// needed.
// This is the state during which the session directory is private and can
// be modified.
Active {
session_directory: PathBuf,
lock_file: flock::Lock,
// This is the state after the session directory has been finalized. In this
// state, the contents of the directory must not be modified any more.
Finalized {
session_directory: PathBuf,
// This is an error state that is reached when some compilation error has
// occurred. It indicates that the contents of the session directory must
// not be used, since they might be invalid.
InvalidBecauseOfErrors {
session_directory: PathBuf,
fn init_llvm(sess: &Session) {
unsafe {
// Before we touch LLVM, make sure that multithreading is enabled.
use std::sync::Once;
static INIT: Once = Once::new();
static mut POISONED: bool = false;
INIT.call_once(|| {
if llvm::LLVMStartMultithreaded() != 1 {
// use an extra bool to make sure that all future usage of LLVM
// cannot proceed despite the Once not running more than once.
POISONED = true;
bug!("couldn't enable multi-threaded LLVM");
unsafe fn configure_llvm(sess: &Session) {
let mut llvm_c_strs = Vec::new();
let mut llvm_args = Vec::new();
let mut add = |arg: &str| {
let s = CString::new(arg).unwrap();
add("rustc"); // fake program name
if sess.time_llvm_passes() { add("-time-passes"); }
if sess.print_llvm_passes() { add("-debug-pass=Structure"); }
for arg in &sess.opts.cg.llvm_args {
llvm::LLVMRustSetLLVMOptions(llvm_args.len() as c_int,
pub fn early_error(output: config::ErrorOutputType, msg: &str) -> ! {
let emitter: Box<Emitter> = match output {
config::ErrorOutputType::HumanReadable(color_config) => {
config::ErrorOutputType::Json => Box::new(JsonEmitter::basic()),
let handler = errors::Handler::with_emitter(true, false, emitter);
handler.emit(&MultiSpan::new(), msg, errors::Level::Fatal);
pub fn early_warn(output: config::ErrorOutputType, msg: &str) {
let emitter: Box<Emitter> = match output {
config::ErrorOutputType::HumanReadable(color_config) => {
config::ErrorOutputType::Json => Box::new(JsonEmitter::basic()),
let handler = errors::Handler::with_emitter(true, false, emitter);
handler.emit(&MultiSpan::new(), msg, errors::Level::Warning);
// Err(0) means compilation was stopped, but no errors were found.
// This would be better as a dedicated enum, but using try! is so convenient.
pub type CompileResult = Result<(), usize>;
pub fn compile_result_from_err_count(err_count: usize) -> CompileResult {
if err_count == 0 {
} else {
pub fn bug_fmt(file: &'static str, line: u32, args: fmt::Arguments) -> ! {
// this wrapper mostly exists so I don't have to write a fully
// qualified path of None::<Span> inside the bug!() macro defintion
opt_span_bug_fmt(file, line, None::<Span>, args);
pub fn span_bug_fmt<S: Into<MultiSpan>>(file: &'static str,
line: u32,
span: S,
args: fmt::Arguments) -> ! {
opt_span_bug_fmt(file, line, Some(span), args);
fn opt_span_bug_fmt<S: Into<MultiSpan>>(file: &'static str,
line: u32,
span: Option<S>,
args: fmt::Arguments) -> ! {
tls::with_opt(move |tcx| {
let msg = format!("{}:{}: {}", file, line, args);
match (tcx, span) {
(Some(tcx), Some(span)) => tcx.sess.diagnostic().span_bug(span, &msg),
(Some(tcx), None) => tcx.sess.diagnostic().bug(&msg),
(None, _) => panic!(msg)