Improve expression & attribute parsing This PR includes misc improvements to expression and attribute parsing. 1. Some code simplifications 2. Better recovery for various block forms, e.g. `loop statements }` (missing `{` after `loop`). (See e.g., `` among others for examples.) 3. Added recovery for e.g., `unsafe $b` where `$b` refers to a `block` macro fragment. (See `` for examples.) 4. ^--- These are done so that code sharing in block parsing is increased. 5. Added recovery for e.g., `'label: loop { ... }` (See ``.) 6. Added recovery for e.g., `&'lifetime expr` (See ``.) 7. Added recovery for e.g., `fn foo() = expr;` (See ``.) 8. Simplified attribute parsing code & slightly improved diagnostics. 9. Added recovery for e.g., `Box<('a) + Trait>`. 10. Added recovery for e.g, `if true #[attr] {} else #[attr] {} else #[attr] if true {}`. r? @estebank
1023 lines
38 KiB
1023 lines
38 KiB
//! The `SourceMap` tracks all the source code used within a single crate, mapping
//! from integer byte positions to the original source code location. Each bit
//! of source parsed during crate parsing (typically files, in-memory strings,
//! or various bits of macro expansion) cover a continuous range of bytes in the
//! `SourceMap` and are represented by `SourceFile`s. Byte positions are stored in
//! `Span` and used pervasively in the compiler. They are absolute positions
//! within the `SourceMap`, which upon request can be converted to line and column
//! information, source code snippets, etc.
pub use crate::hygiene::{ExpnData, ExpnKind};
pub use crate::*;
use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap;
use rustc_data_structures::stable_hasher::StableHasher;
use rustc_data_structures::sync::{AtomicU32, Lock, LockGuard, Lrc, MappedLockGuard};
use std::cmp;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering;
use log::debug;
use std::env;
use std::fs;
use std::io;
mod tests;
/// Returns the span itself if it doesn't come from a macro expansion,
/// otherwise return the call site span up to the `enclosing_sp` by
/// following the `expn_data` chain.
pub fn original_sp(sp: Span, enclosing_sp: Span) -> Span {
let expn_data1 = sp.ctxt().outer_expn_data();
let expn_data2 = enclosing_sp.ctxt().outer_expn_data();
if expn_data1.is_root() || !expn_data2.is_root() && expn_data1.call_site == expn_data2.call_site
} else {
original_sp(expn_data1.call_site, enclosing_sp)
#[derive(Clone, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable, Debug, Copy, HashStable_Generic)]
pub struct Spanned<T> {
pub node: T,
pub span: Span,
pub fn respan<T>(sp: Span, t: T) -> Spanned<T> {
Spanned { node: t, span: sp }
pub fn dummy_spanned<T>(t: T) -> Spanned<T> {
respan(DUMMY_SP, t)
// _____________________________________________________________________________
// SourceFile, MultiByteChar, FileName, FileLines
/// An abstraction over the fs operations used by the Parser.
pub trait FileLoader {
/// Query the existence of a file.
fn file_exists(&self, path: &Path) -> bool;
/// Returns an absolute path to a file, if possible.
fn abs_path(&self, path: &Path) -> Option<PathBuf>;
/// Read the contents of an UTF-8 file into memory.
fn read_file(&self, path: &Path) -> io::Result<String>;
/// A FileLoader that uses std::fs to load real files.
pub struct RealFileLoader;
impl FileLoader for RealFileLoader {
fn file_exists(&self, path: &Path) -> bool {
fn abs_path(&self, path: &Path) -> Option<PathBuf> {
if path.is_absolute() {
} else {
env::current_dir().ok().map(|cwd| cwd.join(path))
fn read_file(&self, path: &Path) -> io::Result<String> {
// This is a `SourceFile` identifier that is used to correlate `SourceFile`s between
// subsequent compilation sessions (which is something we need to do during
// incremental compilation).
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable, Debug)]
pub struct StableSourceFileId(u128);
impl StableSourceFileId {
pub fn new(source_file: &SourceFile) -> StableSourceFileId {
pub fn new_from_pieces(
name: &FileName,
name_was_remapped: bool,
unmapped_path: Option<&FileName>,
) -> StableSourceFileId {
let mut hasher = StableHasher::new();
name.hash(&mut hasher);
name_was_remapped.hash(&mut hasher);
unmapped_path.hash(&mut hasher);
// _____________________________________________________________________________
// SourceMap
pub(super) struct SourceMapFiles {
source_files: Vec<Lrc<SourceFile>>,
stable_id_to_source_file: FxHashMap<StableSourceFileId, Lrc<SourceFile>>,
pub struct SourceMap {
/// The address space below this value is currently used by the files in the source map.
used_address_space: AtomicU32,
files: Lock<SourceMapFiles>,
file_loader: Box<dyn FileLoader + Sync + Send>,
// This is used to apply the file path remapping as specified via
// `--remap-path-prefix` to all `SourceFile`s allocated within this `SourceMap`.
path_mapping: FilePathMapping,
impl SourceMap {
pub fn new(path_mapping: FilePathMapping) -> SourceMap {
SourceMap {
used_address_space: AtomicU32::new(0),
files: Default::default(),
file_loader: Box::new(RealFileLoader),
pub fn with_file_loader(
file_loader: Box<dyn FileLoader + Sync + Send>,
path_mapping: FilePathMapping,
) -> SourceMap {
SourceMap {
used_address_space: AtomicU32::new(0),
files: Default::default(),
pub fn path_mapping(&self) -> &FilePathMapping {
pub fn file_exists(&self, path: &Path) -> bool {
pub fn load_file(&self, path: &Path) -> io::Result<Lrc<SourceFile>> {
let src = self.file_loader.read_file(path)?;
let filename = path.to_owned().into();
Ok(self.new_source_file(filename, src))
/// Loads source file as a binary blob.
/// Unlike `load_file`, guarantees that no normalization like BOM-removal
/// takes place.
pub fn load_binary_file(&self, path: &Path) -> io::Result<Vec<u8>> {
// Ideally, this should use `self.file_loader`, but it can't
// deal with binary files yet.
let bytes = fs::read(path)?;
// We need to add file to the `SourceMap`, so that it is present
// in dep-info. There's also an edge case that file might be both
// loaded as a binary via `include_bytes!` and as proper `SourceFile`
// via `mod`, so we try to use real file contents and not just an
// empty string.
let text = std::str::from_utf8(&bytes).unwrap_or("").to_string();
self.new_source_file(path.to_owned().into(), text);
pub fn files(&self) -> MappedLockGuard<'_, Vec<Lrc<SourceFile>>> {
LockGuard::map(self.files.borrow(), |files| &mut files.source_files)
pub fn source_file_by_stable_id(
stable_id: StableSourceFileId,
) -> Option<Lrc<SourceFile>> {
fn allocate_address_space(&self, size: usize) -> Result<usize, OffsetOverflowError> {
let size = u32::try_from(size).map_err(|_| OffsetOverflowError)?;
loop {
let current = self.used_address_space.load(Ordering::Relaxed);
let next = current
// Add one so there is some space between files. This lets us distinguish
// positions in the `SourceMap`, even in the presence of zero-length files.
.and_then(|next| next.checked_add(1))
if self
.compare_exchange(current, next, Ordering::Relaxed, Ordering::Relaxed)
return Ok(usize::try_from(current).unwrap());
/// Creates a new `SourceFile`.
/// If a file already exists in the `SourceMap` with the same ID, that file is returned
/// unmodified.
pub fn new_source_file(&self, filename: FileName, src: String) -> Lrc<SourceFile> {
self.try_new_source_file(filename, src).unwrap_or_else(|OffsetOverflowError| {
eprintln!("fatal error: rustc does not support files larger than 4GB");
fn try_new_source_file(
filename: FileName,
src: String,
) -> Result<Lrc<SourceFile>, OffsetOverflowError> {
// The path is used to determine the directory for loading submodules and
// include files, so it must be before remapping.
// Note that filename may not be a valid path, eg it may be `<anon>` etc,
// but this is okay because the directory determined by `path.pop()` will
// be empty, so the working directory will be used.
let unmapped_path = filename.clone();
let (filename, was_remapped) = match filename {
FileName::Real(filename) => {
let (filename, was_remapped) = self.path_mapping.map_prefix(filename);
(FileName::Real(filename), was_remapped)
other => (other, false),
let file_id =
StableSourceFileId::new_from_pieces(&filename, was_remapped, Some(&unmapped_path));
let lrc_sf = match self.source_file_by_stable_id(file_id) {
Some(lrc_sf) => lrc_sf,
None => {
let start_pos = self.allocate_address_space(src.len())?;
let source_file = Lrc::new(SourceFile::new(
let mut files = self.files.borrow_mut();
files.stable_id_to_source_file.insert(file_id, source_file.clone());
/// Allocates a new `SourceFile` representing a source file from an external
/// crate. The source code of such an "imported `SourceFile`" is not available,
/// but we still know enough to generate accurate debuginfo location
/// information for things inlined from other crates.
pub fn new_imported_source_file(
filename: FileName,
name_was_remapped: bool,
crate_of_origin: u32,
src_hash: u128,
name_hash: u128,
source_len: usize,
mut file_local_lines: Vec<BytePos>,
mut file_local_multibyte_chars: Vec<MultiByteChar>,
mut file_local_non_narrow_chars: Vec<NonNarrowChar>,
mut file_local_normalized_pos: Vec<NormalizedPos>,
) -> Lrc<SourceFile> {
let start_pos = self
.expect("not enough address space for imported source file");
let end_pos = Pos::from_usize(start_pos + source_len);
let start_pos = Pos::from_usize(start_pos);
for pos in &mut file_local_lines {
*pos = *pos + start_pos;
for mbc in &mut file_local_multibyte_chars {
mbc.pos = mbc.pos + start_pos;
for swc in &mut file_local_non_narrow_chars {
*swc = *swc + start_pos;
for nc in &mut file_local_normalized_pos {
nc.pos = nc.pos + start_pos;
let source_file = Lrc::new(SourceFile {
name: filename,
unmapped_path: None,
src: None,
external_src: Lock::new(ExternalSource::AbsentOk),
lines: file_local_lines,
multibyte_chars: file_local_multibyte_chars,
non_narrow_chars: file_local_non_narrow_chars,
normalized_pos: file_local_normalized_pos,
let mut files = self.files.borrow_mut();
.insert(StableSourceFileId::new(&source_file), source_file.clone());
pub fn mk_substr_filename(&self, sp: Span) -> String {
let pos = self.lookup_char_pos(sp.lo());
format!("<{}:{}:{}>",, pos.line, pos.col.to_usize() + 1)
// If there is a doctest offset, applies it to the line.
pub fn doctest_offset_line(&self, file: &FileName, orig: usize) -> usize {
return match file {
FileName::DocTest(_, offset) => {
return if *offset >= 0 {
orig + *offset as usize
} else {
orig - (-(*offset)) as usize
_ => orig,
/// Looks up source information about a `BytePos`.
pub fn lookup_char_pos(&self, pos: BytePos) -> Loc {
let chpos = self.bytepos_to_file_charpos(pos);
match self.lookup_line(pos) {
Ok(SourceFileAndLine { sf: f, line: a }) => {
let line = a + 1; // Line numbers start at 1
let linebpos = f.lines[a];
let linechpos = self.bytepos_to_file_charpos(linebpos);
let col = chpos - linechpos;
let col_display = {
let start_width_idx = f
.binary_search_by_key(&linebpos, |x| x.pos())
.unwrap_or_else(|x| x);
let end_width_idx = f
.binary_search_by_key(&pos, |x| x.pos())
.unwrap_or_else(|x| x);
let special_chars = end_width_idx - start_width_idx;
let non_narrow: usize = f.non_narrow_chars[start_width_idx..end_width_idx]
.map(|x| x.width())
col.0 - special_chars + non_narrow
debug!("byte pos {:?} is on the line at byte pos {:?}", pos, linebpos);
debug!("char pos {:?} is on the line at char pos {:?}", chpos, linechpos);
debug!("byte is on line: {}", line);
assert!(chpos >= linechpos);
Loc { file: f, line, col, col_display }
Err(f) => {
let col_display = {
let end_width_idx = f
.binary_search_by_key(&pos, |x| x.pos())
.unwrap_or_else(|x| x);
let non_narrow: usize =
f.non_narrow_chars[0..end_width_idx].iter().map(|x| x.width()).sum();
chpos.0 - end_width_idx + non_narrow
Loc { file: f, line: 0, col: chpos, col_display }
// If the corresponding `SourceFile` is empty, does not return a line number.
pub fn lookup_line(&self, pos: BytePos) -> Result<SourceFileAndLine, Lrc<SourceFile>> {
let idx = self.lookup_source_file_idx(pos);
let f = (*self.files.borrow().source_files)[idx].clone();
match f.lookup_line(pos) {
Some(line) => Ok(SourceFileAndLine { sf: f, line }),
None => Err(f),
/// Returns `Some(span)`, a union of the LHS and RHS span. The LHS must precede the RHS. If
/// there are gaps between LHS and RHS, the resulting union will cross these gaps.
/// For this to work,
/// * the syntax contexts of both spans much match,
/// * the LHS span needs to end on the same line the RHS span begins,
/// * the LHS span must start at or before the RHS span.
pub fn merge_spans(&self, sp_lhs: Span, sp_rhs: Span) -> Option<Span> {
// Ensure we're at the same expansion ID.
if sp_lhs.ctxt() != sp_rhs.ctxt() {
return None;
let lhs_end = match self.lookup_line(sp_lhs.hi()) {
Ok(x) => x,
Err(_) => return None,
let rhs_begin = match self.lookup_line(sp_rhs.lo()) {
Ok(x) => x,
Err(_) => return None,
// If we must cross lines to merge, don't merge.
if lhs_end.line != rhs_begin.line {
return None;
// Ensure these follow the expected order and that we don't overlap.
if (sp_lhs.lo() <= sp_rhs.lo()) && (sp_lhs.hi() <= sp_rhs.lo()) {
} else {
pub fn span_to_string(&self, sp: Span) -> String {
if self.files.borrow().source_files.is_empty() && sp.is_dummy() {
return "no-location".to_string();
let lo = self.lookup_char_pos(sp.lo());
let hi = self.lookup_char_pos(sp.hi());
"{}:{}:{}: {}:{}",
lo.col.to_usize() + 1,
hi.col.to_usize() + 1,
pub fn span_to_filename(&self, sp: Span) -> FileName {
pub fn span_to_unmapped_path(&self, sp: Span) -> FileName {
.expect("`SourceMap::span_to_unmapped_path` called for imported `SourceFile`?")
pub fn is_multiline(&self, sp: Span) -> bool {
let lo = self.lookup_char_pos(sp.lo());
let hi = self.lookup_char_pos(sp.hi());
lo.line != hi.line
pub fn is_valid_span(&self, sp: Span) -> Result<(Loc, Loc), SpanLinesError> {
let lo = self.lookup_char_pos(sp.lo());
debug!("span_to_lines: lo={:?}", lo);
let hi = self.lookup_char_pos(sp.hi());
debug!("span_to_lines: hi={:?}", hi);
if lo.file.start_pos != hi.file.start_pos {
return Err(SpanLinesError::DistinctSources(DistinctSources {
begin: (, lo.file.start_pos),
end: (, hi.file.start_pos),
Ok((lo, hi))
pub fn is_line_before_span_empty(&self, sp: Span) -> bool {
match self.span_to_prev_source(sp) {
Ok(s) => s.split('\n').last().map(|l| l.trim_start().is_empty()).unwrap_or(false),
Err(_) => false,
pub fn span_to_lines(&self, sp: Span) -> FileLinesResult {
debug!("span_to_lines(sp={:?})", sp);
let (lo, hi) = self.is_valid_span(sp)?;
assert!(hi.line >= lo.line);
let mut lines = Vec::with_capacity(hi.line - lo.line + 1);
// The span starts partway through the first line,
// but after that it starts from offset 0.
let mut start_col = lo.col;
// For every line but the last, it extends from `start_col`
// and to the end of the line. Be careful because the line
// numbers in Loc are 1-based, so we subtract 1 to get 0-based
// lines.
let hi_line = hi.line.saturating_sub(1);
for line_index in lo.line.saturating_sub(1)..hi_line {
let line_len = lo.file.get_line(line_index).map(|s| s.chars().count()).unwrap_or(0);
lines.push(LineInfo { line_index, start_col, end_col: CharPos::from_usize(line_len) });
start_col = CharPos::from_usize(0);
// For the last line, it extends from `start_col` to `hi.col`:
lines.push(LineInfo { line_index: hi_line, start_col, end_col: hi.col });
Ok(FileLines { file: lo.file, lines })
/// Extracts the source surrounding the given `Span` using the `extract_source` function. The
/// extract function takes three arguments: a string slice containing the source, an index in
/// the slice for the beginning of the span and an index in the slice for the end of the span.
fn span_to_source<F>(&self, sp: Span, extract_source: F) -> Result<String, SpanSnippetError>
F: Fn(&str, usize, usize) -> Result<String, SpanSnippetError>,
let local_begin = self.lookup_byte_offset(sp.lo());
let local_end = self.lookup_byte_offset(sp.hi());
if local_begin.sf.start_pos != local_end.sf.start_pos {
return Err(SpanSnippetError::DistinctSources(DistinctSources {
begin: (, local_begin.sf.start_pos),
end: (, local_end.sf.start_pos),
} else {
let start_index = local_begin.pos.to_usize();
let end_index = local_end.pos.to_usize();
let source_len = (local_begin.sf.end_pos - local_begin.sf.start_pos).to_usize();
if start_index > end_index || end_index > source_len {
return Err(SpanSnippetError::MalformedForSourcemap(MalformedSourceMapPositions {
begin_pos: local_begin.pos,
end_pos: local_end.pos,
if let Some(ref src) = local_begin.sf.src {
return extract_source(src, start_index, end_index);
} else if let Some(src) = local_begin.sf.external_src.borrow().get_source() {
return extract_source(src, start_index, end_index);
} else {
return Err(SpanSnippetError::SourceNotAvailable {
/// Returns the source snippet as `String` corresponding to the given `Span`.
pub fn span_to_snippet(&self, sp: Span) -> Result<String, SpanSnippetError> {
self.span_to_source(sp, |src, start_index, end_index| {
.map(|s| s.to_string())
.ok_or_else(|| SpanSnippetError::IllFormedSpan(sp))
pub fn span_to_margin(&self, sp: Span) -> Option<usize> {
match self.span_to_prev_source(sp) {
Err(_) => None,
Ok(source) => source
.map(|last_line| last_line.len() - last_line.trim_start().len()),
/// Returns the source snippet as `String` before the given `Span`.
pub fn span_to_prev_source(&self, sp: Span) -> Result<String, SpanSnippetError> {
self.span_to_source(sp, |src, start_index, _| {
.map(|s| s.to_string())
.ok_or_else(|| SpanSnippetError::IllFormedSpan(sp))
/// Extends the given `Span` to just after the previous occurrence of `c`. Return the same span
/// if no character could be found or if an error occurred while retrieving the code snippet.
pub fn span_extend_to_prev_char(&self, sp: Span, c: char) -> Span {
if let Ok(prev_source) = self.span_to_prev_source(sp) {
let prev_source = prev_source.rsplit(c).next().unwrap_or("").trim_start();
if !prev_source.is_empty() && !prev_source.contains('\n') {
return sp.with_lo(BytePos(sp.lo().0 - prev_source.len() as u32));
/// Extends the given `Span` to just after the previous occurrence of `pat` when surrounded by
/// whitespace. Returns the same span if no character could be found or if an error occurred
/// while retrieving the code snippet.
pub fn span_extend_to_prev_str(&self, sp: Span, pat: &str, accept_newlines: bool) -> Span {
// assure that the pattern is delimited, to avoid the following
// fn my_fn()
// ^^^^ returned span without the check
// ---------- correct span
for ws in &[" ", "\t", "\n"] {
let pat = pat.to_owned() + ws;
if let Ok(prev_source) = self.span_to_prev_source(sp) {
let prev_source = prev_source.rsplit(&pat).next().unwrap_or("").trim_start();
if !prev_source.is_empty() && (!prev_source.contains('\n') || accept_newlines) {
return sp.with_lo(BytePos(sp.lo().0 - prev_source.len() as u32));
/// Given a `Span`, tries to get a shorter span ending before the first occurrence of `char`
/// `c`.
pub fn span_until_char(&self, sp: Span, c: char) -> Span {
match self.span_to_snippet(sp) {
Ok(snippet) => {
let snippet = snippet.split(c).next().unwrap_or("").trim_end();
if !snippet.is_empty() && !snippet.contains('\n') {
sp.with_hi(BytePos(sp.lo().0 + snippet.len() as u32))
} else {
_ => sp,
/// Given a `Span`, tries to get a shorter span ending just after the first occurrence of `char`
/// `c`.
pub fn span_through_char(&self, sp: Span, c: char) -> Span {
if let Ok(snippet) = self.span_to_snippet(sp) {
if let Some(offset) = snippet.find(c) {
return sp.with_hi(BytePos(sp.lo().0 + (offset + c.len_utf8()) as u32));
/// Given a `Span`, gets a new `Span` covering the first token and all its trailing whitespace
/// or the original `Span`.
/// If `sp` points to `"let mut x"`, then a span pointing at `"let "` will be returned.
pub fn span_until_non_whitespace(&self, sp: Span) -> Span {
let mut whitespace_found = false;
self.span_take_while(sp, |c| {
if !whitespace_found && c.is_whitespace() {
whitespace_found = true;
!whitespace_found || c.is_whitespace()
/// Given a `Span`, gets a new `Span` covering the first token without its trailing whitespace
/// or the original `Span` in case of error.
/// If `sp` points to `"let mut x"`, then a span pointing at `"let"` will be returned.
pub fn span_until_whitespace(&self, sp: Span) -> Span {
self.span_take_while(sp, |c| !c.is_whitespace())
/// Given a `Span`, gets a shorter one until `predicate` yields `false`.
pub fn span_take_while<P>(&self, sp: Span, predicate: P) -> Span
P: for<'r> FnMut(&'r char) -> bool,
if let Ok(snippet) = self.span_to_snippet(sp) {
let offset = snippet.chars().take_while(predicate).map(|c| c.len_utf8()).sum::<usize>();
sp.with_hi(BytePos(sp.lo().0 + (offset as u32)))
} else {
pub fn def_span(&self, sp: Span) -> Span {
self.span_until_char(sp, '{')
/// Returns a new span representing just the start point of this span.
pub fn start_point(&self, sp: Span) -> Span {
let pos = sp.lo().0;
let width = self.find_width_of_character_at_span(sp, false);
let corrected_start_position = pos.checked_add(width).unwrap_or(pos);
let end_point = BytePos(cmp::max(corrected_start_position, sp.lo().0));
/// Returns a new span representing just the end point of this span.
pub fn end_point(&self, sp: Span) -> Span {
let pos = sp.hi().0;
let width = self.find_width_of_character_at_span(sp, false);
let corrected_end_position = pos.checked_sub(width).unwrap_or(pos);
let end_point = BytePos(cmp::max(corrected_end_position, sp.lo().0));
/// Returns a new span representing the next character after the end-point of this span.
pub fn next_point(&self, sp: Span) -> Span {
let start_of_next_point = sp.hi().0;
let width = self.find_width_of_character_at_span(sp.shrink_to_hi(), true);
// If the width is 1, then the next span should point to the same `lo` and `hi`. However,
// in the case of a multibyte character, where the width != 1, the next span should
// span multiple bytes to include the whole character.
let end_of_next_point =
start_of_next_point.checked_add(width - 1).unwrap_or(start_of_next_point);
let end_of_next_point = BytePos(cmp::max(sp.lo().0 + 1, end_of_next_point));
Span::new(BytePos(start_of_next_point), end_of_next_point, sp.ctxt())
/// Finds the width of a character, either before or after the provided span.
fn find_width_of_character_at_span(&self, sp: Span, forwards: bool) -> u32 {
let sp =;
if sp.lo == sp.hi {
debug!("find_width_of_character_at_span: early return empty span");
return 1;
let local_begin = self.lookup_byte_offset(sp.lo);
let local_end = self.lookup_byte_offset(sp.hi);
"find_width_of_character_at_span: local_begin=`{:?}`, local_end=`{:?}`",
local_begin, local_end
if local_begin.sf.start_pos != local_end.sf.start_pos {
debug!("find_width_of_character_at_span: begin and end are in different files");
return 1;
let start_index = local_begin.pos.to_usize();
let end_index = local_end.pos.to_usize();
"find_width_of_character_at_span: start_index=`{:?}`, end_index=`{:?}`",
start_index, end_index
// Disregard indexes that are at the start or end of their spans, they can't fit bigger
// characters.
if (!forwards && end_index == usize::min_value())
|| (forwards && start_index == usize::max_value())
debug!("find_width_of_character_at_span: start or end of span, cannot be multibyte");
return 1;
let source_len = (local_begin.sf.end_pos - local_begin.sf.start_pos).to_usize();
debug!("find_width_of_character_at_span: source_len=`{:?}`", source_len);
// Ensure indexes are also not malformed.
if start_index > end_index || end_index > source_len {
debug!("find_width_of_character_at_span: source indexes are malformed");
return 1;
let src = local_begin.sf.external_src.borrow();
// We need to extend the snippet to the end of the src rather than to end_index so when
// searching forwards for boundaries we've got somewhere to search.
let snippet = if let Some(ref src) = local_begin.sf.src {
let len = src.len();
} else if let Some(src) = src.get_source() {
let len = src.len();
} else {
return 1;
debug!("find_width_of_character_at_span: snippet=`{:?}`", snippet);
let mut target = if forwards { end_index + 1 } else { end_index - 1 };
debug!("find_width_of_character_at_span: initial target=`{:?}`", target);
while !snippet.is_char_boundary(target - start_index) && target < source_len {
target = if forwards {
target + 1
} else {
match target.checked_sub(1) {
Some(target) => target,
None => {
debug!("find_width_of_character_at_span: target=`{:?}`", target);
debug!("find_width_of_character_at_span: final target=`{:?}`", target);
if forwards { (target - end_index) as u32 } else { (end_index - target) as u32 }
pub fn get_source_file(&self, filename: &FileName) -> Option<Lrc<SourceFile>> {
for sf in self.files.borrow().source_files.iter() {
if *filename == {
return Some(sf.clone());
/// For a global `BytePos`, computes the local offset within the containing `SourceFile`.
pub fn lookup_byte_offset(&self, bpos: BytePos) -> SourceFileAndBytePos {
let idx = self.lookup_source_file_idx(bpos);
let sf = (*self.files.borrow().source_files)[idx].clone();
let offset = bpos - sf.start_pos;
SourceFileAndBytePos { sf, pos: offset }
/// Converts an absolute `BytePos` to a `CharPos` relative to the `SourceFile`.
pub fn bytepos_to_file_charpos(&self, bpos: BytePos) -> CharPos {
let idx = self.lookup_source_file_idx(bpos);
let map = &(*self.files.borrow().source_files)[idx];
// The number of extra bytes due to multibyte chars in the `SourceFile`.
let mut total_extra_bytes = 0;
for mbc in map.multibyte_chars.iter() {
debug!("{}-byte char at {:?}", mbc.bytes, mbc.pos);
if mbc.pos < bpos {
// Every character is at least one byte, so we only
// count the actual extra bytes.
total_extra_bytes += mbc.bytes as u32 - 1;
// We should never see a byte position in the middle of a
// character.
assert!(bpos.to_u32() >= mbc.pos.to_u32() + mbc.bytes as u32);
} else {
assert!(map.start_pos.to_u32() + total_extra_bytes <= bpos.to_u32());
CharPos(bpos.to_usize() - map.start_pos.to_usize() - total_extra_bytes as usize)
// Returns the index of the `SourceFile` (in `self.files`) that contains `pos`.
pub fn lookup_source_file_idx(&self, pos: BytePos) -> usize {
.binary_search_by_key(&pos, |key| key.start_pos)
.unwrap_or_else(|p| p - 1)
pub fn count_lines(&self) -> usize {
self.files().iter().fold(0, |a, f| a + f.count_lines())
pub fn generate_fn_name_span(&self, span: Span) -> Option<Span> {
let prev_span = self.span_extend_to_prev_str(span, "fn", true);
.map(|snippet| {
let len = snippet
.find(|c: char| !c.is_alphanumeric() && c != '_')
.expect("no label after fn");
prev_span.with_hi(BytePos(prev_span.lo().0 + len as u32))
/// Takes the span of a type parameter in a function signature and try to generate a span for
/// the function name (with generics) and a new snippet for this span with the pointed type
/// parameter as a new local type parameter.
/// For instance:
/// ```rust,ignore (pseudo-Rust)
/// // Given span
/// fn my_function(param: T)
/// // ^ Original span
/// // Result
/// fn my_function(param: T)
/// // ^^^^^^^^^^^ Generated span with snippet `my_function<T>`
/// ```
/// Attention: The method used is very fragile since it essentially duplicates the work of the
/// parser. If you need to use this function or something similar, please consider updating the
/// `SourceMap` functions and this function to something more robust.
pub fn generate_local_type_param_snippet(&self, span: Span) -> Option<(Span, String)> {
// Try to extend the span to the previous "fn" keyword to retrieve the function
// signature.
let sugg_span = self.span_extend_to_prev_str(span, "fn", false);
if sugg_span != span {
if let Ok(snippet) = self.span_to_snippet(sugg_span) {
// Consume the function name.
let mut offset = snippet
.find(|c: char| !c.is_alphanumeric() && c != '_')
.expect("no label after fn");
// Consume the generics part of the function signature.
let mut bracket_counter = 0;
let mut last_char = None;
for c in snippet[offset..].chars() {
match c {
'<' => bracket_counter += 1,
'>' => bracket_counter -= 1,
'(' => {
if bracket_counter == 0 {
_ => {}
offset += c.len_utf8();
last_char = Some(c);
// Adjust the suggestion span to encompass the function name with its generics.
let sugg_span = sugg_span.with_hi(BytePos(sugg_span.lo().0 + offset as u32));
// Prepare the new suggested snippet to append the type parameter that triggered
// the error in the generics of the function signature.
let mut new_snippet = if last_char == Some('>') {
format!("{}, ", &snippet[..(offset - '>'.len_utf8())])
} else {
format!("{}<", &snippet[..offset])
.push_str(&self.span_to_snippet(span).unwrap_or_else(|_| "T".to_string()));
return Some((sugg_span, new_snippet));
pub fn ensure_source_file_source_present(&self, source_file: Lrc<SourceFile>) -> bool {
source_file.add_external_src(|| match {
FileName::Real(ref name) => self.file_loader.read_file(name).ok(),
_ => None,
pub fn is_imported(&self, sp: Span) -> bool {
let source_file_index = self.lookup_source_file_idx(sp.lo());
let source_file = &self.files()[source_file_index];
pub struct FilePathMapping {
mapping: Vec<(PathBuf, PathBuf)>,
impl FilePathMapping {
pub fn empty() -> FilePathMapping {
FilePathMapping { mapping: vec![] }
pub fn new(mapping: Vec<(PathBuf, PathBuf)>) -> FilePathMapping {
FilePathMapping { mapping }
/// Applies any path prefix substitution as defined by the mapping.
/// The return value is the remapped path and a boolean indicating whether
/// the path was affected by the mapping.
pub fn map_prefix(&self, path: PathBuf) -> (PathBuf, bool) {
// NOTE: We are iterating over the mapping entries from last to first
// because entries specified later on the command line should
// take precedence.
for &(ref from, ref to) in self.mapping.iter().rev() {
if let Ok(rest) = path.strip_prefix(from) {
return (to.join(rest), true);
(path, false)