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//! Support for capturing a stack backtrace of an OS thread
//! This module contains the support necessary to capture a stack backtrace of a
//! running OS thread from the OS thread itself. The `Backtrace` type supports
//! capturing a stack trace via the `Backtrace::capture` and
//! `Backtrace::force_capture` functions.
//! A backtrace is typically quite handy to attach to errors (e.g. types
//! implementing `std::error::Error`) to get a causal chain of where an error
//! was generated.
//! > **Note**: this module is unstable and is designed in [RFC 2504], and you
//! > can learn more about its status in the [tracking issue].
//! [RFC 2504]:
//! [tracking issue]:
//! ## Accuracy
//! Backtraces are attempted to be as accurate as possible, but no guarantees
//! are provided about the exact accuracy of a backtrace. Instruction pointers,
//! symbol names, filenames, line numbers, etc, may all be incorrect when
//! reported. Accuracy is attempted on a best-effort basis, however, and bugs
//! are always welcome to indicate areas of improvement!
//! For most platforms a backtrace with a filename/line number requires that
//! programs be compiled with debug information. Without debug information
//! filenames/line numbers will not be reported.
//! ## Platform support
//! Not all platforms that libstd compiles for support capturing backtraces.
//! Some platforms simply do nothing when capturing a backtrace. To check
//! whether the platform supports capturing backtraces you can consult the
//! `BacktraceStatus` enum as a result of `Backtrace::status`.
//! Like above with accuracy platform support is done on a best effort basis.
//! Sometimes libraries might not be available at runtime or something may go
//! wrong which would cause a backtrace to not be captured. Please feel free to
//! report issues with platforms where a backtrace cannot be captured though!
//! ## Environment Variables
//! The `Backtrace::capture` function might not actually capture a backtrace by
//! default. Its behavior is governed by two environment variables:
//! * `RUST_LIB_BACKTRACE` - if this is set to `0` then `Backtrace::capture`
//! will never capture a backtrace. Any other value this is set to will enable
//! `Backtrace::capture`.
//! * `RUST_BACKTRACE` - if `RUST_LIB_BACKTRACE` is not set, then this variable
//! is consulted with the same rules of `RUST_LIB_BACKTRACE`.
//! * If neither of the above env vars are set, then `Backtrace::capture` will
//! be disabled.
//! Capturing a backtrace can be a quite expensive runtime operation, so the
//! environment variables allow either forcibly disabling this runtime
//! performance hit or allow selectively enabling it in some programs.
//! Note that the `Backtrace::force_capture` function can be used to ignore
//! these environment variables. Also note that the state of environment
//! variables is cached once the first backtrace is created, so altering
//! `RUST_LIB_BACKTRACE` or `RUST_BACKTRACE` at runtime might not actually change
//! how backtraces are captured.
#![unstable(feature = "backtrace", issue = "53487")]
mod tests;
// NB: A note on resolution of a backtrace:
// Backtraces primarily happen in two steps, one is where we actually capture
// the stack backtrace, giving us a list of instruction pointers corresponding
// to stack frames. Next we take these instruction pointers and, one-by-one,
// turn them into a human readable name (like `main`).
// The first phase can be somewhat expensive (walking the stack), especially
// on MSVC where debug information is consulted to return inline frames each as
// their own frame. The second phase, however, is almost always extremely
// expensive (on the order of milliseconds sometimes) when it's consulting debug
// information.
// We attempt to amortize this cost as much as possible by delaying resolution
// of an address to a human readable name for as long as possible. When
// `Backtrace::create` is called to capture a backtrace it doesn't actually
// perform any symbol resolution, but rather we lazily resolve symbols only just
// before they're needed for printing. This way we can make capturing a
// backtrace and throwing it away much cheaper, but actually printing a
// backtrace is still basically the same cost.
// This strategy comes at the cost of some synchronization required inside of a
// `Backtrace`, but that's a relatively small price to pay relative to capturing
// a backtrace or actually symbolizing it.
use crate::backtrace_rs::{self, BytesOrWideString};
use crate::cell::UnsafeCell;
use crate::env;
use crate::ffi::c_void;
use crate::fmt;
use crate::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering::SeqCst};
use crate::sync::Once;
use crate::sys_common::backtrace::{lock, output_filename};
use crate::vec::Vec;
/// A captured OS thread stack backtrace.
/// This type represents a stack backtrace for an OS thread captured at a
/// previous point in time. In some instances the `Backtrace` type may
/// internally be empty due to configuration. For more information see
/// `Backtrace::capture`.
pub struct Backtrace {
inner: Inner,
/// The current status of a backtrace, indicating whether it was captured or
/// whether it is empty for some other reason.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum BacktraceStatus {
/// Capturing a backtrace is not supported, likely because it's not
/// implemented for the current platform.
/// Capturing a backtrace has been disabled through either the
/// `RUST_LIB_BACKTRACE` or `RUST_BACKTRACE` environment variables.
/// A backtrace has been captured and the `Backtrace` should print
/// reasonable information when rendered.
enum Inner {
struct Capture {
actual_start: usize,
resolved: bool,
frames: Vec<BacktraceFrame>,
fn _assert_send_sync() {
fn _assert<T: Send + Sync>() {}
/// A single frame of a backtrace.
#[unstable(feature = "backtrace_frames", issue = "79676")]
pub struct BacktraceFrame {
frame: RawFrame,
symbols: Vec<BacktraceSymbol>,
enum RawFrame {
struct BacktraceSymbol {
name: Option<Vec<u8>>,
filename: Option<BytesOrWide>,
lineno: Option<u32>,
colno: Option<u32>,
enum BytesOrWide {
impl fmt::Debug for Backtrace {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let capture = match &self.inner {
Inner::Unsupported => return fmt.write_str("<unsupported>"),
Inner::Disabled => return fmt.write_str("<disabled>"),
Inner::Captured(c) => c.force(),
let frames = &capture.frames[capture.actual_start..];
write!(fmt, "Backtrace ")?;
let mut dbg = fmt.debug_list();
for frame in frames {
if frame.frame.ip().is_null() {
impl fmt::Debug for BacktraceFrame {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let mut dbg = fmt.debug_list();
impl fmt::Debug for BacktraceSymbol {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
// FIXME: improve formatting:
// FIXME: Also, include column numbers into the debug format as Display already has them.
// Until there are stable per-frame accessors, the format shouldn't be changed:
write!(fmt, "{{ ")?;
if let Some(fn_name) =|b| backtrace_rs::SymbolName::new(b)) {
write!(fmt, "fn: \"{:#}\"", fn_name)?;
} else {
write!(fmt, "fn: <unknown>")?;
if let Some(fname) = self.filename.as_ref() {
write!(fmt, ", file: \"{:?}\"", fname)?;
if let Some(line) = self.lineno {
write!(fmt, ", line: {:?}", line)?;
write!(fmt, " }}")
impl fmt::Debug for BytesOrWide {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
BytesOrWide::Bytes(w) => BytesOrWideString::Bytes(w),
BytesOrWide::Wide(w) => BytesOrWideString::Wide(w),
impl Backtrace {
/// Returns whether backtrace captures are enabled through environment
/// variables.
fn enabled() -> bool {
// Cache the result of reading the environment variables to make
// backtrace captures speedy, because otherwise reading environment
// variables every time can be somewhat slow.
static ENABLED: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
match ENABLED.load(SeqCst) {
0 => {}
1 => return false,
_ => return true,
let enabled = match env::var("RUST_LIB_BACKTRACE") {
Ok(s) => s != "0",
Err(_) => match env::var("RUST_BACKTRACE") {
Ok(s) => s != "0",
Err(_) => false,
}; as usize + 1, SeqCst);
/// Capture a stack backtrace of the current thread.
/// This function will capture a stack backtrace of the current OS thread of
/// execution, returning a `Backtrace` type which can be later used to print
/// the entire stack trace or render it to a string.
/// This function will be a noop if the `RUST_BACKTRACE` or
/// `RUST_LIB_BACKTRACE` backtrace variables are both not set. If either
/// environment variable is set and enabled then this function will actually
/// capture a backtrace. Capturing a backtrace can be both memory intensive
/// and slow, so these environment variables allow liberally using
/// `Backtrace::capture` and only incurring a slowdown when the environment
/// variables are set.
/// To forcibly capture a backtrace regardless of environment variables, use
/// the `Backtrace::force_capture` function.
#[inline(never)] // want to make sure there's a frame here to remove
pub fn capture() -> Backtrace {
if !Backtrace::enabled() {
return Backtrace { inner: Inner::Disabled };
Backtrace::create(Backtrace::capture as usize)
/// Forcibly captures a full backtrace, regardless of environment variable
/// configuration.
/// This function behaves the same as `capture` except that it ignores the
/// values of the `RUST_BACKTRACE` and `RUST_LIB_BACKTRACE` environment
/// variables, always capturing a backtrace.
/// Note that capturing a backtrace can be an expensive operation on some
/// platforms, so this should be used with caution in performance-sensitive
/// parts of code.
#[inline(never)] // want to make sure there's a frame here to remove
pub fn force_capture() -> Backtrace {
Backtrace::create(Backtrace::force_capture as usize)
/// Forcibly captures a disabled backtrace, regardless of environment
/// variable configuration.
pub const fn disabled() -> Backtrace {
Backtrace { inner: Inner::Disabled }
// Capture a backtrace which start just before the function addressed by
// `ip`
fn create(ip: usize) -> Backtrace {
// SAFETY: We don't attempt to lock this reentrantly.
let _lock = unsafe { lock() };
let mut frames = Vec::new();
let mut actual_start = None;
unsafe {
backtrace_rs::trace_unsynchronized(|frame| {
frames.push(BacktraceFrame {
frame: RawFrame::Actual(frame.clone()),
symbols: Vec::new(),
if frame.symbol_address() as usize == ip && actual_start.is_none() {
actual_start = Some(frames.len());
// If no frames came out assume that this is an unsupported platform
// since `backtrace` doesn't provide a way of learning this right now,
// and this should be a good enough approximation.
let inner = if frames.is_empty() {
} else {
Inner::Captured(LazilyResolvedCapture::new(Capture {
actual_start: actual_start.unwrap_or(0),
resolved: false,
Backtrace { inner }
/// Returns the status of this backtrace, indicating whether this backtrace
/// request was unsupported, disabled, or a stack trace was actually
/// captured.
pub fn status(&self) -> BacktraceStatus {
match self.inner {
Inner::Unsupported => BacktraceStatus::Unsupported,
Inner::Disabled => BacktraceStatus::Disabled,
Inner::Captured(_) => BacktraceStatus::Captured,
impl<'a> Backtrace {
/// Returns an iterator over the backtrace frames.
#[unstable(feature = "backtrace_frames", issue = "79676")]
pub fn frames(&'a self) -> &'a [BacktraceFrame] {
if let Inner::Captured(c) = &self.inner { &c.force().frames } else { &[] }
impl fmt::Display for Backtrace {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let capture = match &self.inner {
Inner::Unsupported => return fmt.write_str("unsupported backtrace"),
Inner::Disabled => return fmt.write_str("disabled backtrace"),
Inner::Captured(c) => c.force(),
let full = fmt.alternate();
let (frames, style) = if full {
(&capture.frames[..], backtrace_rs::PrintFmt::Full)
} else {
(&capture.frames[capture.actual_start..], backtrace_rs::PrintFmt::Short)
// When printing paths we try to strip the cwd if it exists, otherwise
// we just print the path as-is. Note that we also only do this for the
// short format, because if it's full we presumably want to print
// everything.
let cwd = crate::env::current_dir();
let mut print_path = move |fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>, path: BytesOrWideString<'_>| {
output_filename(fmt, path, style, cwd.as_ref().ok())
let mut f = backtrace_rs::BacktraceFmt::new(fmt, style, &mut print_path);
for frame in frames {
if frame.symbols.is_empty() {
f.frame().print_raw(frame.frame.ip(), None, None, None)?;
} else {
for symbol in frame.symbols.iter() {
frame.frame.ip(),|b| backtrace_rs::SymbolName::new(b)),
symbol.filename.as_ref().map(|b| match b {
BytesOrWide::Bytes(w) => BytesOrWideString::Bytes(w),
BytesOrWide::Wide(w) => BytesOrWideString::Wide(w),
struct LazilyResolvedCapture {
sync: Once,
capture: UnsafeCell<Capture>,
impl LazilyResolvedCapture {
fn new(capture: Capture) -> Self {
LazilyResolvedCapture { sync: Once::new(), capture: UnsafeCell::new(capture) }
fn force(&self) -> &Capture {
self.sync.call_once(|| {
// SAFETY: This exclusive reference can't overlap with any others
// `Once` guarantees callers will block until this closure returns
// `Once` also guarantees only a single caller will enter this closure
unsafe { &mut *self.capture.get() }.resolve();
// SAFETY: This shared reference can't overlap with the exclusive reference above
unsafe { &*self.capture.get() }
// SAFETY: Access to the inner value is synchronized using a thread-safe `Once`
// So long as `Capture` is `Sync`, `LazilyResolvedCapture` is too
unsafe impl Sync for LazilyResolvedCapture where Capture: Sync {}
impl Capture {
fn resolve(&mut self) {
// If we're already resolved, nothing to do!
if self.resolved {
self.resolved = true;
// Use the global backtrace lock to synchronize this as it's a
// requirement of the `backtrace` crate, and then actually resolve
// everything.
// SAFETY: We don't attempt to lock this reentrantly.
let _lock = unsafe { lock() };
for frame in self.frames.iter_mut() {
let symbols = &mut frame.symbols;
let frame = match &frame.frame {
RawFrame::Actual(frame) => frame,
RawFrame::Fake => unimplemented!(),
unsafe {
backtrace_rs::resolve_frame_unsynchronized(frame, |symbol| {
symbols.push(BacktraceSymbol {
name:|m| m.as_bytes().to_vec()),
filename: symbol.filename_raw().map(|b| match b {
BytesOrWideString::Bytes(b) => BytesOrWide::Bytes(b.to_owned()),
BytesOrWideString::Wide(b) => BytesOrWide::Wide(b.to_owned()),
lineno: symbol.lineno(),
colno: symbol.colno(),
impl RawFrame {
fn ip(&self) -> *mut c_void {
match self {
RawFrame::Actual(frame) => frame.ip(),
RawFrame::Fake => 1 as *mut c_void,