Compute data layout of types cc #4091 Things that aren't working: * Closures * Generators (so no support for `Future` I think) * Opaque types * Type alias and associated types which may need normalization Things that show wrong result: * ~Enums with explicit discriminant~ * SIMD types * ~`NonZero*` and similar standard library items which control layout with special attributes~ At the user level, I didn't put much work, since I wasn't confident about what is the best way to present this information. Currently it shows size and align for ADTs, and size, align, offset for struct fields, in the hover, similar to clangd. I used it some days and I feel I liked it, but we may consider it too noisy and move it to an assist or command.
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262 lines
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//! The home of `HirDatabase`, which is the Salsa database containing all the
//! type inference-related queries.
use std::sync::Arc;
use base_db::{impl_intern_key, salsa, CrateId, Upcast};
use hir_def::{
layout::{Layout, LayoutError, TargetDataLayout},
AdtId, BlockId, ConstId, ConstParamId, DefWithBodyId, EnumVariantId, FunctionId, GenericDefId,
ImplId, LifetimeParamId, LocalFieldId, TypeOrConstParamId, VariantId,
use la_arena::ArenaMap;
use smallvec::SmallVec;
use crate::{
consteval::{ComputedExpr, ConstEvalError},
method_resolution::{InherentImpls, TraitImpls, TyFingerprint},
Binders, CallableDefId, FnDefId, GenericArg, ImplTraitId, InferenceResult, Interner, PolyFnSig,
QuantifiedWhereClause, ReturnTypeImplTraits, Substitution, TraitRef, Ty, TyDefId, ValueTyDefId,
use hir_expand::name::Name;
pub trait HirDatabase: DefDatabase + Upcast<dyn DefDatabase> {
fn infer(&self, def: DefWithBodyId) -> Arc<InferenceResult>;
fn infer_query(&self, def: DefWithBodyId) -> Arc<InferenceResult>;
fn ty(&self, def: TyDefId) -> Binders<Ty>;
fn value_ty(&self, def: ValueTyDefId) -> Binders<Ty>;
fn impl_self_ty(&self, def: ImplId) -> Binders<Ty>;
fn const_param_ty(&self, def: ConstParamId) -> Ty;
fn const_eval(&self, def: ConstId) -> Result<ComputedExpr, ConstEvalError>;
fn const_eval_variant(&self, def: EnumVariantId) -> Result<ComputedExpr, ConstEvalError>;
fn impl_trait(&self, def: ImplId) -> Option<Binders<TraitRef>>;
fn field_types(&self, var: VariantId) -> Arc<ArenaMap<LocalFieldId, Binders<Ty>>>;
fn layout_of_adt(&self, def: AdtId, subst: Substitution) -> Result<Layout, LayoutError>;
fn current_target_data_layout(&self) -> Arc<TargetDataLayout>;
fn callable_item_signature(&self, def: CallableDefId) -> PolyFnSig;
fn return_type_impl_traits(
def: FunctionId,
) -> Option<Arc<Binders<ReturnTypeImplTraits>>>;
fn generic_predicates_for_param(
def: GenericDefId,
param_id: TypeOrConstParamId,
assoc_name: Option<Name>,
) -> Arc<[Binders<QuantifiedWhereClause>]>;
fn generic_predicates(&self, def: GenericDefId) -> Arc<[Binders<QuantifiedWhereClause>]>;
fn trait_environment(&self, def: GenericDefId) -> Arc<crate::TraitEnvironment>;
fn generic_defaults(&self, def: GenericDefId) -> Arc<[Binders<GenericArg>]>;
fn inherent_impls_in_crate(&self, krate: CrateId) -> Arc<InherentImpls>;
fn inherent_impls_in_block(&self, block: BlockId) -> Option<Arc<InherentImpls>>;
/// Collects all crates in the dependency graph that have impls for the
/// given fingerprint. This is only used for primitive types and types
/// annotated with `rustc_has_incoherent_inherent_impls`; for other types
/// we just look at the crate where the type is defined.
fn incoherent_inherent_impl_crates(
krate: CrateId,
fp: TyFingerprint,
) -> SmallVec<[CrateId; 2]>;
fn trait_impls_in_crate(&self, krate: CrateId) -> Arc<TraitImpls>;
fn trait_impls_in_block(&self, krate: BlockId) -> Option<Arc<TraitImpls>>;
fn trait_impls_in_deps(&self, krate: CrateId) -> Arc<TraitImpls>;
// Interned IDs for Chalk integration
fn intern_callable_def(&self, callable_def: CallableDefId) -> InternedCallableDefId;
fn intern_type_or_const_param_id(
param_id: TypeOrConstParamId,
) -> InternedTypeOrConstParamId;
fn intern_lifetime_param_id(&self, param_id: LifetimeParamId) -> InternedLifetimeParamId;
fn intern_impl_trait_id(&self, id: ImplTraitId) -> InternedOpaqueTyId;
fn intern_closure(&self, id: (DefWithBodyId, ExprId)) -> InternedClosureId;
fn intern_generator(&self, id: (DefWithBodyId, ExprId)) -> InternedGeneratorId;
fn associated_ty_data(&self, id: chalk_db::AssocTypeId) -> Arc<chalk_db::AssociatedTyDatum>;
fn trait_datum(&self, krate: CrateId, trait_id: chalk_db::TraitId)
-> Arc<chalk_db::TraitDatum>;
fn struct_datum(
krate: CrateId,
struct_id: chalk_db::AdtId,
) -> Arc<chalk_db::StructDatum>;
fn impl_datum(&self, krate: CrateId, impl_id: chalk_db::ImplId) -> Arc<chalk_db::ImplDatum>;
fn fn_def_datum(&self, krate: CrateId, fn_def_id: FnDefId) -> Arc<chalk_db::FnDefDatum>;
fn fn_def_variance(&self, fn_def_id: FnDefId) -> chalk_db::Variances;
fn adt_variance(&self, adt_id: chalk_db::AdtId) -> chalk_db::Variances;
fn associated_ty_value(
krate: CrateId,
id: chalk_db::AssociatedTyValueId,
) -> Arc<chalk_db::AssociatedTyValue>;
fn normalize_projection(
projection: crate::ProjectionTy,
env: Arc<crate::TraitEnvironment>,
) -> Ty;
fn trait_solve(
krate: CrateId,
goal: crate::Canonical<crate::InEnvironment<crate::Goal>>,
) -> Option<crate::Solution>;
fn trait_solve_query(
krate: CrateId,
goal: crate::Canonical<crate::InEnvironment<crate::Goal>>,
) -> Option<crate::Solution>;
fn program_clauses_for_chalk_env(
krate: CrateId,
env: chalk_ir::Environment<Interner>,
) -> chalk_ir::ProgramClauses<Interner>;
fn infer_wait(db: &dyn HirDatabase, def: DefWithBodyId) -> Arc<InferenceResult> {
let _p = profile::span("infer:wait").detail(|| match def {
DefWithBodyId::FunctionId(it) => db.function_data(it).name.to_string(),
DefWithBodyId::StaticId(it) => db.static_data(it).name.clone().to_string(),
DefWithBodyId::ConstId(it) => {
DefWithBodyId::VariantId(it) => {
fn trait_solve_wait(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
krate: CrateId,
goal: crate::Canonical<crate::InEnvironment<crate::Goal>>,
) -> Option<crate::Solution> {
let _p = profile::span("trait_solve::wait");
db.trait_solve_query(krate, goal)
fn hir_database_is_object_safe() {
fn _assert_object_safe(_: &dyn HirDatabase) {}
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct InternedTypeOrConstParamId(salsa::InternId);
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct InternedLifetimeParamId(salsa::InternId);
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct InternedConstParamId(salsa::InternId);
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct InternedOpaqueTyId(salsa::InternId);
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct InternedClosureId(salsa::InternId);
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct InternedGeneratorId(salsa::InternId);
/// This exists just for Chalk, because Chalk just has a single `FnDefId` where
/// we have different IDs for struct and enum variant constructors.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialOrd)]
pub struct InternedCallableDefId(salsa::InternId);