Closes #3083. This takes a similar approach to #5797 where a set is present on the `tcx` of used mutable definitions. Everything is by default warned about, and analyses must explicitly add mutable definitions to this set so they're not warned about. Most of this was pretty straightforward, although there was one caveat that I ran into when implementing it. Apparently when the old modes are used (or maybe `legacy_modes`, I'm not sure) some different code paths are taken to cause spurious warnings to be issued which shouldn't be issued. I'm not really sure how modes even worked, so I was having a lot of trouble tracking this down. I figured that because they're a legacy thing that I'd just de-mode the compiler so that the warnings wouldn't be a problem anymore (or at least for the compiler). Other than that, the entire compiler compiles without warnings of unused mutable variables. To prevent bad warnings, #5965 should be landed (which in turn is waiting on #5963) before landing this. I figured I'd stick it out for review anyway though.
1140 lines
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1140 lines
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Cross-platform file path handling
use cmp::Eq;
use libc;
use option::{None, Option, Some};
use str;
use to_str::ToStr;
#[deriving(Clone, Eq)]
pub struct WindowsPath {
host: Option<~str>,
device: Option<~str>,
is_absolute: bool,
components: ~[~str],
pub fn WindowsPath(s: &str) -> WindowsPath {
#[deriving(Clone, Eq)]
pub struct PosixPath {
is_absolute: bool,
components: ~[~str],
pub fn PosixPath(s: &str) -> PosixPath {
pub trait GenericPath {
fn from_str(&str) -> Self;
fn dirname(&self) -> ~str;
fn filename(&self) -> Option<~str>;
fn filestem(&self) -> Option<~str>;
fn filetype(&self) -> Option<~str>;
fn with_dirname(&self, (&str)) -> Self;
fn with_filename(&self, (&str)) -> Self;
fn with_filestem(&self, (&str)) -> Self;
fn with_filetype(&self, (&str)) -> Self;
fn dir_path(&self) -> Self;
fn file_path(&self) -> Self;
fn push(&self, (&str)) -> Self;
fn push_rel(&self, (&Self)) -> Self;
fn push_many(&self, (&[~str])) -> Self;
fn pop(&self) -> Self;
fn unsafe_join(&self, (&Self)) -> Self;
fn is_restricted(&self) -> bool;
fn normalize(&self) -> Self;
fn is_absolute(&self) -> bool;
pub type Path = WindowsPath;
pub fn Path(s: &str) -> Path {
pub type Path = PosixPath;
pub fn Path(s: &str) -> Path {
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
#[cfg(target_os = "android")]
mod stat {
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86")]
#[cfg(target_arch = "arm")]
#[cfg(target_arch = "mips")]
pub mod arch {
use libc;
pub fn default_stat() -> libc::stat {
libc::stat {
st_dev: 0,
__pad1: 0,
st_ino: 0,
st_mode: 0,
st_nlink: 0,
st_uid: 0,
st_gid: 0,
st_rdev: 0,
__pad2: 0,
st_size: 0,
st_blksize: 0,
st_blocks: 0,
st_atime: 0,
st_atime_nsec: 0,
st_mtime: 0,
st_mtime_nsec: 0,
st_ctime: 0,
st_ctime_nsec: 0,
__unused4: 0,
__unused5: 0,
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
pub mod arch {
use libc;
pub fn default_stat() -> libc::stat {
libc::stat {
st_dev: 0,
st_ino: 0,
st_nlink: 0,
st_mode: 0,
st_uid: 0,
st_gid: 0,
__pad0: 0,
st_rdev: 0,
st_size: 0,
st_blksize: 0,
st_blocks: 0,
st_atime: 0,
st_atime_nsec: 0,
st_mtime: 0,
st_mtime_nsec: 0,
st_ctime: 0,
st_ctime_nsec: 0,
__unused: [0, 0, 0],
#[cfg(target_os = "freebsd")]
mod stat {
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
pub mod arch {
use libc;
pub fn default_stat() -> libc::stat {
libc::stat {
st_dev: 0,
st_ino: 0,
st_mode: 0,
st_nlink: 0,
st_uid: 0,
st_gid: 0,
st_rdev: 0,
st_atime: 0,
st_atime_nsec: 0,
st_mtime: 0,
st_mtime_nsec: 0,
st_ctime: 0,
st_ctime_nsec: 0,
st_size: 0,
st_blocks: 0,
st_blksize: 0,
st_flags: 0,
st_gen: 0,
st_lspare: 0,
st_birthtime: 0,
st_birthtime_nsec: 0,
__unused: [0, 0],
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
mod stat {
pub mod arch {
use libc;
pub fn default_stat() -> libc::stat {
libc::stat {
st_dev: 0,
st_mode: 0,
st_nlink: 0,
st_ino: 0,
st_uid: 0,
st_gid: 0,
st_rdev: 0,
st_atime: 0,
st_atime_nsec: 0,
st_mtime: 0,
st_mtime_nsec: 0,
st_ctime: 0,
st_ctime_nsec: 0,
st_birthtime: 0,
st_birthtime_nsec: 0,
st_size: 0,
st_blocks: 0,
st_blksize: 0,
st_flags: 0,
st_gen: 0,
st_lspare: 0,
st_qspare: [0, 0],
#[cfg(target_os = "win32")]
mod stat {
pub mod arch {
use libc;
pub fn default_stat() -> libc::stat {
libc::stat {
st_dev: 0,
st_ino: 0,
st_mode: 0,
st_nlink: 0,
st_uid: 0,
st_gid: 0,
st_rdev: 0,
st_size: 0,
st_atime: 0,
st_mtime: 0,
st_ctime: 0,
pub impl Path {
fn stat(&self) -> Option<libc::stat> {
unsafe {
do str::as_c_str(self.to_str()) |buf| {
let mut st = stat::arch::default_stat();
let r = libc::stat(buf, &mut st);
if r == 0 { Some(st) } else { None }
fn lstat(&self) -> Option<libc::stat> {
unsafe {
do str::as_c_str(self.to_str()) |buf| {
let mut st = stat::arch::default_stat();
let r = libc::lstat(buf, &mut st);
if r == 0 { Some(st) } else { None }
fn exists(&self) -> bool {
match self.stat() {
None => false,
Some(_) => true,
fn get_size(&self) -> Option<i64> {
match self.stat() {
None => None,
Some(ref st) => Some(st.st_size as i64),
fn get_mode(&self) -> Option<uint> {
match self.stat() {
None => None,
Some(ref st) => Some(st.st_mode as uint),
#[cfg(target_os = "freebsd")]
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
pub impl Path {
fn get_atime(&self) -> Option<(i64, int)> {
match self.stat() {
None => None,
Some(ref st) => {
Some((st.st_atime as i64,
st.st_atime_nsec as int))
fn get_mtime(&self) -> Option<(i64, int)> {
match self.stat() {
None => None,
Some(ref st) => {
Some((st.st_mtime as i64,
st.st_mtime_nsec as int))
fn get_ctime(&self) -> Option<(i64, int)> {
match self.stat() {
None => None,
Some(ref st) => {
Some((st.st_ctime as i64,
st.st_ctime_nsec as int))
#[cfg(target_os = "freebsd")]
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
pub impl Path {
fn get_birthtime(&self) -> Option<(i64, int)> {
match self.stat() {
None => None,
Some(ref st) => {
Some((st.st_birthtime as i64,
st.st_birthtime_nsec as int))
#[cfg(target_os = "win32")]
pub impl Path {
fn get_atime(&self) -> Option<(i64, int)> {
match self.stat() {
None => None,
Some(ref st) => {
Some((st.st_atime as i64, 0))
fn get_mtime(&self) -> Option<(i64, int)> {
match self.stat() {
None => None,
Some(ref st) => {
Some((st.st_mtime as i64, 0))
fn get_ctime(&self) -> Option<(i64, int)> {
match self.stat() {
None => None,
Some(ref st) => {
Some((st.st_ctime as i64, 0))
impl ToStr for PosixPath {
fn to_str(&self) -> ~str {
let mut s = ~"";
if self.is_absolute {
s += "/";
s + str::connect(self.components, "/")
// FIXME (#3227): when default methods in traits are working, de-duplicate
// PosixPath and WindowsPath, most of their methods are common.
impl GenericPath for PosixPath {
fn from_str(s: &str) -> PosixPath {
let mut components = ~[];
for str::each_split_nonempty(s, |c| c == '/') |s| {
let is_absolute = (s.len() != 0 && s[0] == '/' as u8);
return PosixPath { is_absolute: is_absolute,
components: components }
fn dirname(&self) -> ~str {
let s = self.dir_path().to_str();
if s.len() == 0 {
} else {
fn filename(&self) -> Option<~str> {
match self.components.len() {
0 => None,
n => Some(copy self.components[n - 1])
fn filestem(&self) -> Option<~str> {
match self.filename() {
None => None,
Some(ref f) => {
match str::rfind_char(*f, '.') {
Some(p) => Some(f.slice(0, p).to_owned()),
None => Some(copy *f)
fn filetype(&self) -> Option<~str> {
match self.filename() {
None => None,
Some(ref f) => {
match str::rfind_char(*f, '.') {
Some(p) if p < f.len() => Some(f.slice(p, f.len()).to_owned()),
_ => None
fn with_dirname(&self, d: &str) -> PosixPath {
let dpath = PosixPath(d);
match self.filename() {
Some(ref f) => dpath.push(*f),
None => dpath
fn with_filename(&self, f: &str) -> PosixPath {
assert!(! str::any(f, |c| windows::is_sep(c as u8)));
fn with_filestem(&self, s: &str) -> PosixPath {
match self.filetype() {
None => self.with_filename(s),
Some(ref t) => self.with_filename(str::from_slice(s) + *t)
fn with_filetype(&self, t: &str) -> PosixPath {
if t.len() == 0 {
match self.filestem() {
None => copy *self,
Some(ref s) => self.with_filename(*s)
} else {
let t = ~"." + str::from_slice(t);
match self.filestem() {
None => self.with_filename(t),
Some(ref s) => self.with_filename(*s + t)
fn dir_path(&self) -> PosixPath {
if self.components.len() != 0 {
} else {
copy *self
fn file_path(&self) -> PosixPath {
let cs = match self.filename() {
None => ~[],
Some(ref f) => ~[copy *f]
return PosixPath { is_absolute: false,
components: cs }
fn push_rel(&self, other: &PosixPath) -> PosixPath {
fn unsafe_join(&self, other: &PosixPath) -> PosixPath {
if other.is_absolute {
PosixPath { is_absolute: true,
components: copy other.components }
} else {
fn is_restricted(&self) -> bool {
fn push_many(&self, cs: &[~str]) -> PosixPath {
let mut v = copy self.components;
for cs.each |e| {
let mut ss = ~[];
for str::each_split_nonempty(*e, |c| windows::is_sep(c as u8)) |s| {
PosixPath { is_absolute: self.is_absolute,
components: v }
fn push(&self, s: &str) -> PosixPath {
let mut v = copy self.components;
let mut ss = ~[];
for str::each_split_nonempty(s, |c| windows::is_sep(c as u8)) |s| {
PosixPath { components: v, ..copy *self }
fn pop(&self) -> PosixPath {
let mut cs = copy self.components;
if cs.len() != 0 {
return PosixPath {
is_absolute: self.is_absolute,
components: cs
//..self }
fn normalize(&self) -> PosixPath {
return PosixPath {
is_absolute: self.is_absolute,
components: normalize(self.components)
// ..self
fn is_absolute(&self) -> bool {
impl ToStr for WindowsPath {
fn to_str(&self) -> ~str {
let mut s = ~"";
match {
Some(ref h) => { s += "\\\\"; s += *h; }
None => { }
match self.device {
Some(ref d) => { s += *d; s += ":"; }
None => { }
if self.is_absolute {
s += "\\";
s + str::connect(self.components, "\\")
impl GenericPath for WindowsPath {
fn from_str(s: &str) -> WindowsPath {
let host;
let device;
let rest;
match windows::extract_drive_prefix(s) {
Some((ref d, ref r)) => {
host = None;
device = Some(copy *d);
rest = copy *r;
None => {
match windows::extract_unc_prefix(s) {
Some((ref h, ref r)) => {
host = Some(copy *h);
device = None;
rest = copy *r;
None => {
host = None;
device = None;
rest = str::from_slice(s);
let mut components = ~[];
for str::each_split_nonempty(rest, |c| windows::is_sep(c as u8)) |s| {
let is_absolute = (rest.len() != 0 && windows::is_sep(rest[0]));
return WindowsPath { host: host,
device: device,
is_absolute: is_absolute,
components: components }
fn dirname(&self) -> ~str {
let s = self.dir_path().to_str();
if s.len() == 0 {
} else {
fn filename(&self) -> Option<~str> {
match self.components.len() {
0 => None,
n => Some(copy self.components[n - 1])
fn filestem(&self) -> Option<~str> {
match self.filename() {
None => None,
Some(ref f) => {
match str::rfind_char(*f, '.') {
Some(p) => Some(f.slice(0, p).to_owned()),
None => Some(copy *f)
fn filetype(&self) -> Option<~str> {
match self.filename() {
None => None,
Some(ref f) => {
match str::rfind_char(*f, '.') {
Some(p) if p < f.len() => Some(f.slice(p, f.len()).to_owned()),
_ => None
fn with_dirname(&self, d: &str) -> WindowsPath {
let dpath = WindowsPath(d);
match self.filename() {
Some(ref f) => dpath.push(*f),
None => dpath
fn with_filename(&self, f: &str) -> WindowsPath {
assert!(! str::any(f, |c| windows::is_sep(c as u8)));
fn with_filestem(&self, s: &str) -> WindowsPath {
match self.filetype() {
None => self.with_filename(s),
Some(ref t) => self.with_filename(str::from_slice(s) + *t)
fn with_filetype(&self, t: &str) -> WindowsPath {
if t.len() == 0 {
match self.filestem() {
None => copy *self,
Some(ref s) => self.with_filename(*s)
} else {
let t = ~"." + str::from_slice(t);
match self.filestem() {
None => self.with_filename(t),
Some(ref s) =>
self.with_filename(*s + t)
fn dir_path(&self) -> WindowsPath {
if self.components.len() != 0 {
} else {
copy *self
fn file_path(&self) -> WindowsPath {
let cs = match self.filename() {
None => ~[],
Some(ref f) => ~[copy *f]
return WindowsPath { host: None,
device: None,
is_absolute: false,
components: cs }
fn push_rel(&self, other: &WindowsPath) -> WindowsPath {
fn unsafe_join(&self, other: &WindowsPath) -> WindowsPath {
/* rhs not absolute is simple push */
if !other.is_absolute {
return self.push_many(other.components);
/* if rhs has a host set, then the whole thing wins */
match {
Some(copy host) => {
return WindowsPath {
host: Some(host),
device: copy other.device,
is_absolute: true,
components: copy other.components
_ => {}
/* if rhs has a device set, then a part wins */
match other.device {
Some(copy device) => {
return WindowsPath {
host: None,
device: Some(device),
is_absolute: true,
components: copy other.components
_ => {}
/* fallback: host and device of lhs win, but the
whole path of the right */
WindowsPath {
host: copy,
device: copy self.device,
is_absolute: self.is_absolute || other.is_absolute,
components: copy other.components
fn is_restricted(&self) -> bool {
match self.filestem() {
Some(stem) => {
match stem.to_lower() {
~"con" | ~"aux" | ~"com1" | ~"com2" | ~"com3" | ~"com4" |
~"lpt1" | ~"lpt2" | ~"lpt3" | ~"prn" | ~"nul" => true,
_ => false
None => false
fn push_many(&self, cs: &[~str]) -> WindowsPath {
let mut v = copy self.components;
for cs.each |e| {
let mut ss = ~[];
for str::each_split_nonempty(*e, |c| windows::is_sep(c as u8)) |s| {
// tedious, but as-is, we can't use ..self
return WindowsPath {
host: copy,
device: copy self.device,
is_absolute: self.is_absolute,
components: v
fn push(&self, s: &str) -> WindowsPath {
let mut v = copy self.components;
let mut ss = ~[];
for str::each_split_nonempty(s, |c| windows::is_sep(c as u8)) |s| {
return WindowsPath { components: v, ..copy *self }
fn pop(&self) -> WindowsPath {
let mut cs = copy self.components;
if cs.len() != 0 {
return WindowsPath {
host: copy,
device: copy self.device,
is_absolute: self.is_absolute,
components: cs
fn normalize(&self) -> WindowsPath {
return WindowsPath {
host: copy,
device: match self.device {
None => None,
Some(ref device) => Some(device.to_upper())
is_absolute: self.is_absolute,
components: normalize(self.components)
fn is_absolute(&self) -> bool {
pub fn normalize(components: &[~str]) -> ~[~str] {
let mut cs = ~[];
for components.each |c| {
if *c == ~"." && components.len() > 1 { loop; }
if *c == ~"" { loop; }
if *c == ~".." && cs.len() != 0 {
cs.push(copy *c);
// Various windows helpers, and tests for the impl.
pub mod windows {
use libc;
use option::{None, Option, Some};
pub fn is_sep(u: u8) -> bool {
u == '/' as u8 || u == '\\' as u8
pub fn extract_unc_prefix(s: &str) -> Option<(~str,~str)> {
if (s.len() > 1 &&
(s[0] == '\\' as u8 || s[0] == '/' as u8) &&
s[0] == s[1]) {
let mut i = 2;
while i < s.len() {
if is_sep(s[i]) {
let pre = s.slice(2, i).to_owned();
let rest = s.slice(i, s.len()).to_owned();
return Some((pre, rest));
i += 1;
pub fn extract_drive_prefix(s: &str) -> Option<(~str,~str)> {
unsafe {
if (s.len() > 1 &&
libc::isalpha(s[0] as libc::c_int) != 0 &&
s[1] == ':' as u8) {
let rest = if s.len() == 2 {
} else {
s.slice(2, s.len()).to_owned()
return Some((s.slice(0,1).to_owned(), rest));
mod tests {
use option::{None, Some};
use path::{PosixPath, WindowsPath, windows};
use str;
fn test_double_slash_collapsing() {
let path = PosixPath("tmp/");
let path = path.push("/hmm");
let path = path.normalize();
assert!(~"tmp/hmm" == path.to_str());
let path = WindowsPath("tmp/");
let path = path.push("/hmm");
let path = path.normalize();
assert!(~"tmp\\hmm" == path.to_str());
fn test_filetype_foo_bar() {
let wp = PosixPath("");
assert!(wp.filetype() == Some(~".bar"));
let wp = WindowsPath("");
assert!(wp.filetype() == Some(~".bar"));
fn test_filetype_foo() {
let wp = PosixPath("foo");
assert!(wp.filetype() == None);
let wp = WindowsPath("foo");
assert!(wp.filetype() == None);
fn test_posix_paths() {
fn t(wp: &PosixPath, s: &str) {
let ss = wp.to_str();
let sss = str::from_slice(s);
if (ss != sss) {
debug!("got %s", ss);
debug!("expected %s", sss);
assert!(ss == sss);
t(&(PosixPath("hi")), "hi");
t(&(PosixPath("/lib")), "/lib");
t(&(PosixPath("hi/there")), "hi/there");
t(&(PosixPath("hi/there.txt")), "hi/there.txt");
t(&(PosixPath("hi/there.txt")), "hi/there.txt");
.with_filetype("")), "hi/there");
.with_dirname("hi")), "hi/there.txt");
.with_dirname(".")), "./there.txt");
.push("..")), "a/b/c/..");
.with_filetype("o")), "there.o");
.with_filetype("o")), "hi/there.o");
.push_many([~"lib", ~""])
fn test_normalize() {
fn t(wp: &PosixPath, s: &str) {
let ss = wp.to_str();
let sss = str::from_slice(s);
if (ss != sss) {
debug!("got %s", ss);
debug!("expected %s", sss);
assert!(ss == sss);
.with_dirname(".").normalize()), "there.txt");
.push("..").normalize()), "a/b");
fn test_extract_unc_prefixes() {
assert!(windows::extract_unc_prefix("\\\\hi\\") ==
Some((~"hi", ~"\\")));
assert!(windows::extract_unc_prefix("//hi\\") ==
Some((~"hi", ~"\\")));
assert!(windows::extract_unc_prefix("\\\\hi\\there") ==
Some((~"hi", ~"\\there")));
assert!(windows::extract_unc_prefix("//hi/there") ==
Some((~"hi", ~"/there")));
"\\\\hi\\there\\friends.txt") ==
Some((~"hi", ~"\\there\\friends.txt")));
"//hi\\there\\friends.txt") ==
Some((~"hi", ~"\\there\\friends.txt")));
fn test_extract_drive_prefixes() {
assert!(windows::extract_drive_prefix("c:") ==
Some((~"c", ~"")));
assert!(windows::extract_drive_prefix("d:") ==
Some((~"d", ~"")));
assert!(windows::extract_drive_prefix("z:") ==
Some((~"z", ~"")));
assert!(windows::extract_drive_prefix("c:\\hi") ==
Some((~"c", ~"\\hi")));
assert!(windows::extract_drive_prefix("d:hi") ==
Some((~"d", ~"hi")));
assert!(windows::extract_drive_prefix("c:hi\\there.txt") ==
Some((~"c", ~"hi\\there.txt")));
assert!(windows::extract_drive_prefix("c:\\hi\\there.txt") ==
Some((~"c", ~"\\hi\\there.txt")));
fn test_windows_paths() {
fn t(wp: &WindowsPath, s: &str) {
let ss = wp.to_str();
let sss = str::from_slice(s);
if (ss != sss) {
debug!("got %s", ss);
debug!("expected %s", sss);
assert!(ss == sss);
t(&(WindowsPath("hi")), "hi");
t(&(WindowsPath("hi/there")), "hi\\there");
t(&(WindowsPath("hi/there.txt")), "hi\\there.txt");
.with_filetype("o")), "there.o");
.with_filetype("o")), "hi\\there.o");
.with_dirname("c:\\program files A")),
"c:\\program files A\\there.o");
.with_dirname("c:\\program files B\\")),
"c:\\program files B\\there.o");
.with_dirname("c:\\program files C\\/")),
"c:\\program files C\\there.o");
t(&(WindowsPath("c:\\program files (x86)\\rust")
.push_many([~"lib", ~"thingy.dll"])
"c:\\program files (x86)\\rust\\lib\\librustc.dll");
fn test_windows_path_restrictions() {
assert!(WindowsPath("hi").is_restricted() == false);
assert!(WindowsPath("C:\\NUL").is_restricted() == true);
assert!(WindowsPath("C:\\COM1.TXT").is_restricted() == true);
assert!(WindowsPath("c:\\prn.exe").is_restricted() == true);