259 lines
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259 lines
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//! When *constructing* `hir`, we start at some parent syntax node and recursively
//! lower the children.
//! This module allows one to go in the opposite direction: start with a syntax
//! node for a *child*, and get its hir.
use either::Either;
use hir_expand::{attrs::collect_attrs, HirFileId};
use syntax::ast;
use crate::{
keys::{self, Key},
src::{HasChildSource, HasSource},
AdtId, AssocItemId, DefWithBodyId, EnumId, FieldId, GenericDefId, ImplId, ItemTreeLoc,
LifetimeParamId, Lookup, MacroId, ModuleDefId, ModuleId, TraitId, TypeOrConstParamId,
pub trait ChildBySource {
fn child_by_source(&self, db: &dyn DefDatabase, file_id: HirFileId) -> DynMap {
let mut res = DynMap::default();
self.child_by_source_to(db, &mut res, file_id);
fn child_by_source_to(&self, db: &dyn DefDatabase, map: &mut DynMap, file_id: HirFileId);
impl ChildBySource for TraitId {
fn child_by_source_to(&self, db: &dyn DefDatabase, res: &mut DynMap, file_id: HirFileId) {
let data = db.trait_data(*self);
data.attribute_calls().filter(|(ast_id, _)| ast_id.file_id == file_id).for_each(
|(ast_id, call_id)| {
res[keys::ATTR_MACRO_CALL].insert(ast_id.to_node(db.upcast()), call_id);
data.items.iter().for_each(|&(_, item)| {
add_assoc_item(db, res, file_id, item);
impl ChildBySource for ImplId {
fn child_by_source_to(&self, db: &dyn DefDatabase, res: &mut DynMap, file_id: HirFileId) {
let data = db.impl_data(*self);
data.attribute_calls().filter(|(ast_id, _)| ast_id.file_id == file_id).for_each(
|(ast_id, call_id)| {
res[keys::ATTR_MACRO_CALL].insert(ast_id.to_node(db.upcast()), call_id);
data.items.iter().for_each(|&item| {
add_assoc_item(db, res, file_id, item);
impl ChildBySource for ModuleId {
fn child_by_source_to(&self, db: &dyn DefDatabase, res: &mut DynMap, file_id: HirFileId) {
let def_map = self.def_map(db);
let module_data = &def_map[self.local_id];
module_data.scope.child_by_source_to(db, res, file_id);
impl ChildBySource for ItemScope {
fn child_by_source_to(&self, db: &dyn DefDatabase, res: &mut DynMap, file_id: HirFileId) {
self.declarations().for_each(|item| add_module_def(db, res, file_id, item));
self.impls().for_each(|imp| insert_item_loc(db, res, file_id, imp, keys::IMPL));
.for_each(|ext| insert_item_loc(db, res, file_id, ext, keys::EXTERN_CRATE));
self.use_decls().for_each(|ext| insert_item_loc(db, res, file_id, ext, keys::USE));
.for_each(|konst| insert_item_loc(db, res, file_id, konst, keys::CONST));
self.attr_macro_invocs().filter(|(id, _)| id.file_id == file_id).for_each(
|(ast_id, call_id)| {
res[keys::ATTR_MACRO_CALL].insert(ast_id.to_node(db.upcast()), call_id);
self.legacy_macros().for_each(|(_, ids)| {
ids.iter().for_each(|&id| {
if let MacroId::MacroRulesId(id) = id {
let loc = id.lookup(db);
if loc.id.file_id() == file_id {
res[keys::MACRO_RULES].insert(loc.source(db).value, id);
self.derive_macro_invocs().filter(|(id, _)| id.file_id == file_id).for_each(
|(ast_id, calls)| {
let adt = ast_id.to_node(db.upcast());
calls.for_each(|(attr_id, call_id, calls)| {
if let Some((_, Either::Left(attr))) =
res[keys::DERIVE_MACRO_CALL].insert(attr, (attr_id, call_id, calls.into()));
fn add_module_def(
db: &dyn DefDatabase,
map: &mut DynMap,
file_id: HirFileId,
item: ModuleDefId,
) {
match item {
ModuleDefId::FunctionId(id) => {
insert_item_loc(db, map, file_id, id, keys::FUNCTION)
ModuleDefId::ConstId(id) => insert_item_loc(db, map, file_id, id, keys::CONST),
ModuleDefId::TypeAliasId(id) => {
insert_item_loc(db, map, file_id, id, keys::TYPE_ALIAS)
ModuleDefId::StaticId(id) => insert_item_loc(db, map, file_id, id, keys::STATIC),
ModuleDefId::TraitId(id) => insert_item_loc(db, map, file_id, id, keys::TRAIT),
ModuleDefId::TraitAliasId(id) => {
insert_item_loc(db, map, file_id, id, keys::TRAIT_ALIAS)
ModuleDefId::AdtId(adt) => match adt {
AdtId::StructId(id) => insert_item_loc(db, map, file_id, id, keys::STRUCT),
AdtId::UnionId(id) => insert_item_loc(db, map, file_id, id, keys::UNION),
AdtId::EnumId(id) => insert_item_loc(db, map, file_id, id, keys::ENUM),
ModuleDefId::MacroId(id) => match id {
MacroId::Macro2Id(id) => insert_item_loc(db, map, file_id, id, keys::MACRO2),
MacroId::MacroRulesId(id) => {
insert_item_loc(db, map, file_id, id, keys::MACRO_RULES)
MacroId::ProcMacroId(id) => {
insert_item_loc(db, map, file_id, id, keys::PROC_MACRO)
| ModuleDefId::EnumVariantId(_)
| ModuleDefId::BuiltinType(_) => (),
impl ChildBySource for VariantId {
fn child_by_source_to(&self, db: &dyn DefDatabase, res: &mut DynMap, _: HirFileId) {
let arena_map = self.child_source(db);
let arena_map = arena_map.as_ref();
let parent = *self;
for (local_id, source) in arena_map.value.iter() {
let id = FieldId { parent, local_id };
match source.clone() {
Either::Left(source) => res[keys::TUPLE_FIELD].insert(source, id),
Either::Right(source) => res[keys::RECORD_FIELD].insert(source, id),
impl ChildBySource for EnumId {
fn child_by_source_to(&self, db: &dyn DefDatabase, res: &mut DynMap, file_id: HirFileId) {
let loc = &self.lookup(db);
if file_id != loc.id.file_id() {
let tree = loc.id.item_tree(db);
let ast_id_map = db.ast_id_map(loc.id.file_id());
let root = db.parse_or_expand(loc.id.file_id());
db.enum_data(*self).variants.iter().for_each(|&(variant, _)| {
impl ChildBySource for DefWithBodyId {
fn child_by_source_to(&self, db: &dyn DefDatabase, res: &mut DynMap, file_id: HirFileId) {
let body = db.body(*self);
if let &DefWithBodyId::VariantId(v) = self {
VariantId::EnumVariantId(v).child_by_source_to(db, res, file_id)
for (_, def_map) in body.blocks(db) {
// All block expressions are merged into the same map, because they logically all add
// inner items to the containing `DefWithBodyId`.
def_map[DefMap::ROOT].scope.child_by_source_to(db, res, file_id);
impl ChildBySource for GenericDefId {
fn child_by_source_to(&self, db: &dyn DefDatabase, res: &mut DynMap, file_id: HirFileId) {
let (gfile_id, generic_params_list) = self.file_id_and_params_of(db);
if gfile_id != file_id {
let generic_params = db.generic_params(*self);
let mut toc_idx_iter = generic_params.type_or_consts.iter().map(|(idx, _)| idx);
let lts_idx_iter = generic_params.lifetimes.iter().map(|(idx, _)| idx);
// For traits the first type index is `Self`, skip it.
if let GenericDefId::TraitId(_) = *self {
toc_idx_iter.next().unwrap(); // advance_by(1);
if let Some(generic_params_list) = generic_params_list {
for (local_id, ast_param) in
let id = TypeOrConstParamId { parent: *self, local_id };
match ast_param {
ast::TypeOrConstParam::Type(a) => res[keys::TYPE_PARAM].insert(a, id),
ast::TypeOrConstParam::Const(a) => res[keys::CONST_PARAM].insert(a, id),
for (local_id, ast_param) in lts_idx_iter.zip(generic_params_list.lifetime_params()) {
let id = LifetimeParamId { parent: *self, local_id };
res[keys::LIFETIME_PARAM].insert(ast_param, id);
fn insert_item_loc<ID, N, Data>(
db: &dyn DefDatabase,
res: &mut DynMap,
file_id: HirFileId,
id: ID,
key: Key<N::Source, ID>,
) where
ID: for<'db> Lookup<Database<'db> = dyn DefDatabase + 'db, Data = Data> + 'static,
Data: ItemTreeLoc<Id = N>,
N: ItemTreeNode,
N::Source: 'static,
let loc = id.lookup(db);
if loc.item_tree_id().file_id() == file_id {
res[key].insert(loc.source(db).value, id)
fn add_assoc_item(db: &dyn DefDatabase, res: &mut DynMap, file_id: HirFileId, item: AssocItemId) {
match item {
AssocItemId::FunctionId(func) => insert_item_loc(db, res, file_id, func, keys::FUNCTION),
AssocItemId::ConstId(konst) => insert_item_loc(db, res, file_id, konst, keys::CONST),
AssocItemId::TypeAliasId(ty) => insert_item_loc(db, res, file_id, ty, keys::TYPE_ALIAS),