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// Copyright 2012-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use std::fmt;
pub enum Os { OsWindows, OsMacos, OsLinux, OsAndroid, OsFreebsd, OsiOS,
OsDragonfly }
#[deriving(PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Encodable, Decodable, Clone)]
pub enum Abi {
// NB: This ordering MUST match the AbiDatas array below.
// (This is ensured by the test indices_are_correct().)
// Single platform ABIs come first (`for_arch()` relies on this)
// Multiplatform ABIs second
pub enum Architecture {
// NB. You cannot change the ordering of these
// constants without adjusting IntelBits below.
// (This is ensured by the test indices_are_correct().)
const IntelBits: u32 = (1 << (X86 as uint)) | (1 << (X86_64 as uint));
const ArmBits: u32 = (1 << (Arm as uint));
pub struct AbiData {
abi: Abi,
// Name of this ABI as we like it called.
name: &'static str,
// Is it specific to a platform? If so, which one? Also, what is
// the name that LLVM gives it (in case we disagree)
abi_arch: AbiArchitecture
pub enum AbiArchitecture {
/// Not a real ABI (e.g., intrinsic)
/// An ABI that specifies cross-platform defaults (e.g., "C")
/// Multiple architectures (bitset)
static AbiDatas: &'static [AbiData] = &[
// Platform-specific ABIs
AbiData {abi: Cdecl, name: "cdecl", abi_arch: Archs(IntelBits)},
AbiData {abi: Stdcall, name: "stdcall", abi_arch: Archs(IntelBits)},
AbiData {abi: Fastcall, name:"fastcall", abi_arch: Archs(IntelBits)},
AbiData {abi: Aapcs, name: "aapcs", abi_arch: Archs(ArmBits)},
AbiData {abi: Win64, name: "win64",
abi_arch: Archs(1 << (X86_64 as uint))},
// Cross-platform ABIs
// NB: Do not adjust this ordering without
// adjusting the indices below.
AbiData {abi: Rust, name: "Rust", abi_arch: RustArch},
AbiData {abi: C, name: "C", abi_arch: AllArch},
AbiData {abi: System, name: "system", abi_arch: AllArch},
AbiData {abi: RustIntrinsic, name: "rust-intrinsic", abi_arch: RustArch},
AbiData {abi: RustCall, name: "rust-call", abi_arch: RustArch},
/// Returns the ABI with the given name (if any).
pub fn lookup(name: &str) -> Option<Abi> {
AbiDatas.iter().find(|abi_data| name == abi_data.name).map(|&x| x.abi)
pub fn all_names() -> Vec<&'static str> {
AbiDatas.iter().map(|d| d.name).collect()
impl Abi {
pub fn index(&self) -> uint {
*self as uint
pub fn data(&self) -> &'static AbiData {
pub fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
pub fn for_target(&self, os: Os, arch: Architecture) -> Option<Abi> {
// If this ABI isn't actually for the specified architecture, then we
// short circuit early
match self.data().abi_arch {
Archs(a) if a & arch.bit() == 0 => return None,
Archs(_) | RustArch | AllArch => {}
// Transform this ABI as appropriate for the requested os/arch
// combination.
Some(match (*self, os, arch) {
(System, OsWindows, X86) => Stdcall,
(System, _, _) => C,
(me, _, _) => me,
impl Architecture {
fn bit(&self) -> u32 {
1 << (*self as uint)
impl fmt::Show for Abi {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "\"{}\"", self.name())
impl fmt::Show for Os {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match *self {
OsLinux => "linux".fmt(f),
OsWindows => "windows".fmt(f),
OsMacos => "macos".fmt(f),
OsiOS => "ios".fmt(f),
OsAndroid => "android".fmt(f),
OsFreebsd => "freebsd".fmt(f),
OsDragonfly => "dragonfly".fmt(f)
fn lookup_Rust() {
let abi = lookup("Rust");
assert!(abi.is_some() && abi.unwrap().data().name == "Rust");
fn lookup_cdecl() {
let abi = lookup("cdecl");
assert!(abi.is_some() && abi.unwrap().data().name == "cdecl");
fn lookup_baz() {
let abi = lookup("baz");
fn indices_are_correct() {
for (i, abi_data) in AbiDatas.iter().enumerate() {
assert_eq!(i, abi_data.abi.index());
let bits = 1 << (X86 as uint);
let bits = bits | 1 << (X86_64 as uint);
assert_eq!(IntelBits, bits);
let bits = 1 << (Arm as uint);
assert_eq!(ArmBits, bits);
fn pick_uniplatform() {
assert_eq!(Stdcall.for_target(OsLinux, X86), Some(Stdcall));
assert_eq!(Stdcall.for_target(OsLinux, Arm), None);
assert_eq!(System.for_target(OsLinux, X86), Some(C));
assert_eq!(System.for_target(OsWindows, X86), Some(Stdcall));
assert_eq!(System.for_target(OsWindows, X86_64), Some(C));
assert_eq!(System.for_target(OsWindows, Arm), Some(C));
assert_eq!(Stdcall.for_target(OsWindows, X86), Some(Stdcall));
assert_eq!(Stdcall.for_target(OsWindows, X86_64), Some(Stdcall));