144 lines
5.2 KiB
144 lines
5.2 KiB
//! This module provides linkage between rustc::middle::graph and
//! libgraphviz traits, specialized to attaching borrowck analysis
//! data to rendered labels.
pub use Variant::*;
pub use rustc::cfg::graphviz::{Node, Edge};
use rustc::cfg::graphviz as cfg_dot;
use crate::borrowck::{self, BorrowckCtxt, LoanPath};
use crate::dataflow::{DataFlowOperator, DataFlowContext, EntryOrExit};
use log::debug;
use rustc::cfg::CFGIndex;
use std::rc::Rc;
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum Variant {
impl Variant {
pub fn short_name(&self) -> &'static str {
match *self {
Loans => "loans",
Moves => "moves",
Assigns => "assigns",
pub struct DataflowLabeller<'a, 'tcx: 'a> {
pub inner: cfg_dot::LabelledCFG<'a, 'tcx>,
pub variants: Vec<Variant>,
pub borrowck_ctxt: &'a BorrowckCtxt<'a, 'tcx>,
pub analysis_data: &'a borrowck::AnalysisData<'a, 'tcx>,
impl<'a, 'tcx> DataflowLabeller<'a, 'tcx> {
fn dataflow_for(&self, e: EntryOrExit, n: &Node<'a>) -> String {
let id = n.1.data.id();
debug!("dataflow_for({:?}, id={:?}) {:?}", e, id, self.variants);
let mut sets = String::new();
let mut seen_one = false;
for &variant in &self.variants {
if seen_one { sets.push_str(" "); } else { seen_one = true; }
sets.push_str(": ");
sets.push_str(&self.dataflow_for_variant(e, n, variant));
fn dataflow_for_variant(&self, e: EntryOrExit, n: &Node<'_>, v: Variant) -> String {
let cfgidx = n.0;
match v {
Loans => self.dataflow_loans_for(e, cfgidx),
Moves => self.dataflow_moves_for(e, cfgidx),
Assigns => self.dataflow_assigns_for(e, cfgidx),
fn build_set<O:DataFlowOperator, F>(&self,
e: EntryOrExit,
cfgidx: CFGIndex,
dfcx: &DataFlowContext<'a, 'tcx, O>,
mut to_lp: F) -> String where
F: FnMut(usize) -> Rc<LoanPath<'tcx>>,
let mut saw_some = false;
let mut set = "{".to_string();
dfcx.each_bit_for_node(e, cfgidx, |index| {
let lp = to_lp(index);
if saw_some {
set.push_str(", ");
let loan_str = self.borrowck_ctxt.loan_path_to_string(&lp);
saw_some = true;
fn dataflow_loans_for(&self, e: EntryOrExit, cfgidx: CFGIndex) -> String {
let dfcx = &self.analysis_data.loans;
let loan_index_to_path = |loan_index| {
let all_loans = &self.analysis_data.all_loans;
let l: &borrowck::Loan<'_> = &all_loans[loan_index];
self.build_set(e, cfgidx, dfcx, loan_index_to_path)
fn dataflow_moves_for(&self, e: EntryOrExit, cfgidx: CFGIndex) -> String {
let dfcx = &self.analysis_data.move_data.dfcx_moves;
let move_index_to_path = |move_index| {
let move_data = &self.analysis_data.move_data.move_data;
let moves = move_data.moves.borrow();
let the_move: &borrowck::move_data::Move = &(*moves)[move_index];
self.build_set(e, cfgidx, dfcx, move_index_to_path)
fn dataflow_assigns_for(&self, e: EntryOrExit, cfgidx: CFGIndex) -> String {
let dfcx = &self.analysis_data.move_data.dfcx_assign;
let assign_index_to_path = |assign_index| {
let move_data = &self.analysis_data.move_data.move_data;
let assignments = move_data.var_assignments.borrow();
let assignment: &borrowck::move_data::Assignment = &(*assignments)[assign_index];
self.build_set(e, cfgidx, dfcx, assign_index_to_path)
impl<'a, 'tcx> dot::Labeller<'a> for DataflowLabeller<'a, 'tcx> {
type Node = Node<'a>;
type Edge = Edge<'a>;
fn graph_id(&'a self) -> dot::Id<'a> { self.inner.graph_id() }
fn node_id(&'a self, n: &Node<'a>) -> dot::Id<'a> { self.inner.node_id(n) }
fn node_label(&'a self, n: &Node<'a>) -> dot::LabelText<'a> {
let prefix = self.dataflow_for(EntryOrExit::Entry, n);
let suffix = self.dataflow_for(EntryOrExit::Exit, n);
let inner_label = self.inner.node_label(n);
fn edge_label(&'a self, e: &Edge<'a>) -> dot::LabelText<'a> { self.inner.edge_label(e) }
impl<'a, 'tcx> dot::GraphWalk<'a> for DataflowLabeller<'a, 'tcx> {
type Node = Node<'a>;
type Edge = Edge<'a>;
fn nodes(&'a self) -> dot::Nodes<'a, Node<'a>> { self.inner.nodes() }
fn edges(&'a self) -> dot::Edges<'a, Edge<'a>> { self.inner.edges() }
fn source(&'a self, edge: &Edge<'a>) -> Node<'a> { self.inner.source(edge) }
fn target(&'a self, edge: &Edge<'a>) -> Node<'a> { self.inner.target(edge) }