Haitao Li b8dd148444 rustllvm: Add a GetOrInsertFunction wrapper
Fixes issue #1161

Test-case-by: Brian Anderson <>
Signed-off-by: Haitao Li <>
2011-11-15 00:33:29 +08:00

1092 lines
46 KiB

import std::{vec, str, option};
import std::str::sbuf;
import llvm::{TypeRef, MemoryBufferRef,
PassManagerRef, TargetDataRef,
ObjectFileRef, SectionIteratorRef};
type ULongLong = u64;
type LongLong = i64;
type Long = i32;
type Bool = int;
const True: Bool = 1;
const False: Bool = 0;
// Consts for the LLVM CallConv type, pre-cast to uint.
// FIXME: figure out a way to merge these with the native
// typedef and/or a tag type in the native module below.
const LLVMCCallConv: uint = 0u;
const LLVMFastCallConv: uint = 8u;
const LLVMColdCallConv: uint = 9u;
const LLVMX86StdcallCallConv: uint = 64u;
const LLVMX86FastcallCallConv: uint = 65u;
const LLVMDefaultVisibility: uint = 0u;
const LLVMHiddenVisibility: uint = 1u;
const LLVMProtectedVisibility: uint = 2u;
const LLVMExternalLinkage: uint = 0u;
const LLVMAvailableExternallyLinkage: uint = 1u;
const LLVMLinkOnceAnyLinkage: uint = 2u;
const LLVMLinkOnceODRLinkage: uint = 3u;
const LLVMWeakAnyLinkage: uint = 4u;
const LLVMWeakODRLinkage: uint = 5u;
const LLVMAppendingLinkage: uint = 6u;
const LLVMInternalLinkage: uint = 7u;
const LLVMPrivateLinkage: uint = 8u;
const LLVMDLLImportLinkage: uint = 9u;
const LLVMDLLExportLinkage: uint = 10u;
const LLVMExternalWeakLinkage: uint = 11u;
const LLVMGhostLinkage: uint = 12u;
const LLVMCommonLinkage: uint = 13u;
const LLVMLinkerPrivateLinkage: uint = 14u;
const LLVMLinkerPrivateWeakLinkage: uint = 15u;
const LLVMZExtAttribute: uint = 1u;
const LLVMSExtAttribute: uint = 2u;
const LLVMNoReturnAttribute: uint = 4u;
const LLVMInRegAttribute: uint = 8u;
const LLVMStructRetAttribute: uint = 16u;
const LLVMNoUnwindAttribute: uint = 32u;
const LLVMNoAliasAttribute: uint = 64u;
const LLVMByValAttribute: uint = 128u;
const LLVMNestAttribute: uint = 256u;
const LLVMReadNoneAttribute: uint = 512u;
const LLVMReadOnlyAttribute: uint = 1024u;
const LLVMNoInlineAttribute: uint = 2048u;
const LLVMAlwaysInlineAttribute: uint = 4096u;
const LLVMOptimizeForSizeAttribute: uint = 8192u;
const LLVMStackProtectAttribute: uint = 16384u;
const LLVMStackProtectReqAttribute: uint = 32768u;
const LLVMAlignmentAttribute: uint = 2031616u;
// 31 << 16
const LLVMNoCaptureAttribute: uint = 2097152u;
const LLVMNoRedZoneAttribute: uint = 4194304u;
const LLVMNoImplicitFloatAttribute: uint = 8388608u;
const LLVMNakedAttribute: uint = 16777216u;
const LLVMInlineHintAttribute: uint = 33554432u;
const LLVMStackAttribute: uint = 469762048u;
// 7 << 26
const LLVMUWTableAttribute: uint = 1073741824u;
// 1 << 30
// Consts for the LLVM IntPredicate type, pre-cast to uint.
// FIXME: as above.
const LLVMIntEQ: uint = 32u;
const LLVMIntNE: uint = 33u;
const LLVMIntUGT: uint = 34u;
const LLVMIntUGE: uint = 35u;
const LLVMIntULT: uint = 36u;
const LLVMIntULE: uint = 37u;
const LLVMIntSGT: uint = 38u;
const LLVMIntSGE: uint = 39u;
const LLVMIntSLT: uint = 40u;
const LLVMIntSLE: uint = 41u;
// Consts for the LLVM RealPredicate type, pre-case to uint.
// FIXME: as above.
const LLVMRealOEQ: uint = 1u;
const LLVMRealOGT: uint = 2u;
const LLVMRealOGE: uint = 3u;
const LLVMRealOLT: uint = 4u;
const LLVMRealOLE: uint = 5u;
const LLVMRealONE: uint = 6u;
const LLVMRealORD: uint = 7u;
const LLVMRealUNO: uint = 8u;
const LLVMRealUEQ: uint = 9u;
const LLVMRealUGT: uint = 10u;
const LLVMRealUGE: uint = 11u;
const LLVMRealULT: uint = 12u;
const LLVMRealULE: uint = 13u;
const LLVMRealUNE: uint = 14u;
#[link_args = "-Lrustllvm"]
native "cdecl" mod llvm = "rustllvm" {
type ModuleRef;
type ContextRef;
type TypeRef;
type TypeHandleRef;
type ValueRef;
type BasicBlockRef;
type BuilderRef;
type ModuleProviderRef;
type MemoryBufferRef;
type PassManagerRef;
type PassManagerBuilderRef;
type UseRef;
type TargetDataRef;
/* FIXME: These are enums in the C header. Represent them how, in rust? */
type Linkage;
type Attribute;
type Visibility;
type CallConv;
type IntPredicate;
type RealPredicate;
type Opcode;
/* Create and destroy contexts. */
fn LLVMContextCreate() -> ContextRef;
fn LLVMGetGlobalContext() -> ContextRef;
fn LLVMContextDispose(C: ContextRef);
fn LLVMGetMDKindIDInContext(C: ContextRef, Name: sbuf, SLen: uint) ->
fn LLVMGetMDKindID(Name: sbuf, SLen: uint) -> uint;
/* Create and destroy modules. */
fn LLVMModuleCreateWithNameInContext(ModuleID: sbuf, C: ContextRef) ->
fn LLVMDisposeModule(M: ModuleRef);
/** Data layout. See Module::getDataLayout. */
fn LLVMGetDataLayout(M: ModuleRef) -> sbuf;
fn LLVMSetDataLayout(M: ModuleRef, Triple: sbuf);
/** Target triple. See Module::getTargetTriple. */
fn LLVMGetTarget(M: ModuleRef) -> sbuf;
fn LLVMSetTarget(M: ModuleRef, Triple: sbuf);
/** See Module::dump. */
fn LLVMDumpModule(M: ModuleRef);
/** See Module::setModuleInlineAsm. */
fn LLVMSetModuleInlineAsm(M: ModuleRef, Asm: sbuf);
/** See llvm::LLVMTypeKind::getTypeID. */
// FIXME: returning int rather than TypeKind because
// we directly inspect the values, and casting from
// a native doesn't work yet (only *to* a native).
fn LLVMGetTypeKind(Ty: TypeRef) -> int;
/** See llvm::LLVMType::getContext. */
fn LLVMGetTypeContext(Ty: TypeRef) -> ContextRef;
/* Operations on integer types */
fn LLVMInt1TypeInContext(C: ContextRef) -> TypeRef;
fn LLVMInt8TypeInContext(C: ContextRef) -> TypeRef;
fn LLVMInt16TypeInContext(C: ContextRef) -> TypeRef;
fn LLVMInt32TypeInContext(C: ContextRef) -> TypeRef;
fn LLVMInt64TypeInContext(C: ContextRef) -> TypeRef;
fn LLVMIntTypeInContext(C: ContextRef, NumBits: uint) -> TypeRef;
fn LLVMInt1Type() -> TypeRef;
fn LLVMInt8Type() -> TypeRef;
fn LLVMInt16Type() -> TypeRef;
fn LLVMInt32Type() -> TypeRef;
fn LLVMInt64Type() -> TypeRef;
fn LLVMIntType(NumBits: uint) -> TypeRef;
fn LLVMGetIntTypeWidth(IntegerTy: TypeRef) -> uint;
/* Operations on real types */
fn LLVMFloatTypeInContext(C: ContextRef) -> TypeRef;
fn LLVMDoubleTypeInContext(C: ContextRef) -> TypeRef;
fn LLVMX86FP80TypeInContext(C: ContextRef) -> TypeRef;
fn LLVMFP128TypeInContext(C: ContextRef) -> TypeRef;
fn LLVMPPCFP128TypeInContext(C: ContextRef) -> TypeRef;
fn LLVMFloatType() -> TypeRef;
fn LLVMDoubleType() -> TypeRef;
fn LLVMX86FP80Type() -> TypeRef;
fn LLVMFP128Type() -> TypeRef;
fn LLVMPPCFP128Type() -> TypeRef;
/* Operations on function types */
fn LLVMFunctionType(ReturnType: TypeRef, ParamTypes: *TypeRef,
ParamCount: uint, IsVarArg: Bool) -> TypeRef;
fn LLVMIsFunctionVarArg(FunctionTy: TypeRef) -> Bool;
fn LLVMGetReturnType(FunctionTy: TypeRef) -> TypeRef;
fn LLVMCountParamTypes(FunctionTy: TypeRef) -> uint;
fn LLVMGetParamTypes(FunctionTy: TypeRef, Dest: *TypeRef);
/* Operations on struct types */
fn LLVMStructTypeInContext(C: ContextRef, ElementTypes: *TypeRef,
ElementCount: uint, Packed: Bool) -> TypeRef;
fn LLVMStructType(ElementTypes: *TypeRef, ElementCount: uint,
Packed: Bool) -> TypeRef;
fn LLVMCountStructElementTypes(StructTy: TypeRef) -> uint;
fn LLVMGetStructElementTypes(StructTy: TypeRef, Dest: *TypeRef);
fn LLVMIsPackedStruct(StructTy: TypeRef) -> Bool;
/* Operations on array, pointer, and vector types (sequence types) */
fn LLVMArrayType(ElementType: TypeRef, ElementCount: uint) -> TypeRef;
fn LLVMPointerType(ElementType: TypeRef, AddressSpace: uint) -> TypeRef;
fn LLVMVectorType(ElementType: TypeRef, ElementCount: uint) -> TypeRef;
fn LLVMGetElementType(Ty: TypeRef) -> TypeRef;
fn LLVMGetArrayLength(ArrayTy: TypeRef) -> uint;
fn LLVMGetPointerAddressSpace(PointerTy: TypeRef) -> uint;
fn LLVMGetVectorSize(VectorTy: TypeRef) -> uint;
/* Operations on other types */
fn LLVMVoidTypeInContext(C: ContextRef) -> TypeRef;
fn LLVMLabelTypeInContext(C: ContextRef) -> TypeRef;
fn LLVMVoidType() -> TypeRef;
fn LLVMLabelType() -> TypeRef;
/* Operations on all values */
fn LLVMTypeOf(Val: ValueRef) -> TypeRef;
fn LLVMGetValueName(Val: ValueRef) -> sbuf;
fn LLVMSetValueName(Val: ValueRef, Name: sbuf);
fn LLVMDumpValue(Val: ValueRef);
fn LLVMReplaceAllUsesWith(OldVal: ValueRef, NewVal: ValueRef);
fn LLVMHasMetadata(Val: ValueRef) -> int;
fn LLVMGetMetadata(Val: ValueRef, KindID: uint) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMSetMetadata(Val: ValueRef, KindID: uint, Node: ValueRef);
/* Operations on Uses */
fn LLVMGetFirstUse(Val: ValueRef) -> UseRef;
fn LLVMGetNextUse(U: UseRef) -> UseRef;
fn LLVMGetUser(U: UseRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMGetUsedValue(U: UseRef) -> ValueRef;
/* Operations on Users */
fn LLVMGetOperand(Val: ValueRef, Index: uint) -> ValueRef;
/* Operations on constants of any type */
fn LLVMConstNull(Ty: TypeRef) -> ValueRef;
/* all zeroes */
fn LLVMConstAllOnes(Ty: TypeRef) -> ValueRef;
/* only for int/vector */
fn LLVMGetUndef(Ty: TypeRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMIsConstant(Val: ValueRef) -> Bool;
fn LLVMIsNull(Val: ValueRef) -> Bool;
fn LLVMIsUndef(Val: ValueRef) -> Bool;
fn LLVMConstPointerNull(Ty: TypeRef) -> ValueRef;
/* Operations on metadata */
fn LLVMMDStringInContext(C: ContextRef, Str: sbuf, SLen: uint) ->
fn LLVMMDString(Str: sbuf, SLen: uint) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMMDNodeInContext(C: ContextRef, Vals: *ValueRef, Count: uint) ->
fn LLVMMDNode(Vals: *ValueRef, Count: uint) -> ValueRef;
/* Operations on scalar constants */
fn LLVMConstInt(IntTy: TypeRef, N: ULongLong, SignExtend: Bool) ->
// FIXME: radix is actually u8, but our native layer can't handle this
// yet. lucky for us we're little-endian. Small miracles.
fn LLVMConstIntOfString(IntTy: TypeRef, Text: sbuf, Radix: int) ->
fn LLVMConstIntOfStringAndSize(IntTy: TypeRef, Text: sbuf, SLen: uint,
Radix: u8) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstReal(RealTy: TypeRef, N: f64) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstRealOfString(RealTy: TypeRef, Text: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstRealOfStringAndSize(RealTy: TypeRef, Text: sbuf, SLen: uint)
-> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstIntGetZExtValue(ConstantVal: ValueRef) -> ULongLong;
fn LLVMConstIntGetSExtValue(ConstantVal: ValueRef) -> LongLong;
/* Operations on composite constants */
fn LLVMConstStringInContext(C: ContextRef, Str: sbuf, Length: uint,
DontNullTerminate: Bool) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstStructInContext(C: ContextRef, ConstantVals: *ValueRef,
Count: uint, Packed: Bool) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstString(Str: sbuf, Length: uint, DontNullTerminate: Bool) ->
fn LLVMConstArray(ElementTy: TypeRef, ConstantVals: *ValueRef,
Length: uint) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstStruct(ConstantVals: *ValueRef, Count: uint, Packed: Bool) ->
fn LLVMConstVector(ScalarConstantVals: *ValueRef, Size: uint) -> ValueRef;
/* Constant expressions */
fn LLVMAlignOf(Ty: TypeRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMSizeOf(Ty: TypeRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstNeg(ConstantVal: ValueRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstNSWNeg(ConstantVal: ValueRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstNUWNeg(ConstantVal: ValueRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstFNeg(ConstantVal: ValueRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstNot(ConstantVal: ValueRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstAdd(LHSConstant: ValueRef, RHSConstant: ValueRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstNSWAdd(LHSConstant: ValueRef, RHSConstant: ValueRef) ->
fn LLVMConstNUWAdd(LHSConstant: ValueRef, RHSConstant: ValueRef) ->
fn LLVMConstFAdd(LHSConstant: ValueRef, RHSConstant: ValueRef) ->
fn LLVMConstSub(LHSConstant: ValueRef, RHSConstant: ValueRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstNSWSub(LHSConstant: ValueRef, RHSConstant: ValueRef) ->
fn LLVMConstNUWSub(LHSConstant: ValueRef, RHSConstant: ValueRef) ->
fn LLVMConstFSub(LHSConstant: ValueRef, RHSConstant: ValueRef) ->
fn LLVMConstMul(LHSConstant: ValueRef, RHSConstant: ValueRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstNSWMul(LHSConstant: ValueRef, RHSConstant: ValueRef) ->
fn LLVMConstNUWMul(LHSConstant: ValueRef, RHSConstant: ValueRef) ->
fn LLVMConstFMul(LHSConstant: ValueRef, RHSConstant: ValueRef) ->
fn LLVMConstUDiv(LHSConstant: ValueRef, RHSConstant: ValueRef) ->
fn LLVMConstSDiv(LHSConstant: ValueRef, RHSConstant: ValueRef) ->
fn LLVMConstExactSDiv(LHSConstant: ValueRef, RHSConstant: ValueRef) ->
fn LLVMConstFDiv(LHSConstant: ValueRef, RHSConstant: ValueRef) ->
fn LLVMConstURem(LHSConstant: ValueRef, RHSConstant: ValueRef) ->
fn LLVMConstSRem(LHSConstant: ValueRef, RHSConstant: ValueRef) ->
fn LLVMConstFRem(LHSConstant: ValueRef, RHSConstant: ValueRef) ->
fn LLVMConstAnd(LHSConstant: ValueRef, RHSConstant: ValueRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstOr(LHSConstant: ValueRef, RHSConstant: ValueRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstXor(LHSConstant: ValueRef, RHSConstant: ValueRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstShl(LHSConstant: ValueRef, RHSConstant: ValueRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstLShr(LHSConstant: ValueRef, RHSConstant: ValueRef) ->
fn LLVMConstAShr(LHSConstant: ValueRef, RHSConstant: ValueRef) ->
fn LLVMConstGEP(ConstantVal: ValueRef, ConstantIndices: *uint,
NumIndices: uint) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstInBoundsGEP(ConstantVal: ValueRef, ConstantIndices: *uint,
NumIndices: uint) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstTrunc(ConstantVal: ValueRef, ToType: TypeRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstSExt(ConstantVal: ValueRef, ToType: TypeRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstZExt(ConstantVal: ValueRef, ToType: TypeRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstFPTrunc(ConstantVal: ValueRef, ToType: TypeRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstFPExt(ConstantVal: ValueRef, ToType: TypeRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstUIToFP(ConstantVal: ValueRef, ToType: TypeRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstSIToFP(ConstantVal: ValueRef, ToType: TypeRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstFPToUI(ConstantVal: ValueRef, ToType: TypeRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstFPToSI(ConstantVal: ValueRef, ToType: TypeRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstPtrToInt(ConstantVal: ValueRef, ToType: TypeRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstIntToPtr(ConstantVal: ValueRef, ToType: TypeRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstBitCast(ConstantVal: ValueRef, ToType: TypeRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstZExtOrBitCast(ConstantVal: ValueRef, ToType: TypeRef) ->
fn LLVMConstSExtOrBitCast(ConstantVal: ValueRef, ToType: TypeRef) ->
fn LLVMConstTruncOrBitCast(ConstantVal: ValueRef, ToType: TypeRef) ->
fn LLVMConstPointerCast(ConstantVal: ValueRef, ToType: TypeRef) ->
fn LLVMConstIntCast(ConstantVal: ValueRef, ToType: TypeRef,
isSigned: Bool) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstFPCast(ConstantVal: ValueRef, ToType: TypeRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstSelect(ConstantCondition: ValueRef, ConstantIfTrue: ValueRef,
ConstantIfFalse: ValueRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstExtractElement(VectorConstant: ValueRef,
IndexConstant: ValueRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstInsertElement(VectorConstant: ValueRef,
ElementValueConstant: ValueRef,
IndexConstant: ValueRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstShuffleVector(VectorAConstant: ValueRef,
VectorBConstant: ValueRef,
MaskConstant: ValueRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstExtractValue(AggConstant: ValueRef, IdxList: *uint,
NumIdx: uint) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstInsertValue(AggConstant: ValueRef,
ElementValueConstant: ValueRef, IdxList: *uint,
NumIdx: uint) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMConstInlineAsm(Ty: TypeRef, AsmString: sbuf, Constraints: sbuf,
HasSideEffects: Bool, IsAlignStack: Bool) ->
fn LLVMBlockAddress(F: ValueRef, BB: BasicBlockRef) -> ValueRef;
/* Operations on global variables, functions, and aliases (globals) */
fn LLVMGetGlobalParent(Global: ValueRef) -> ModuleRef;
fn LLVMIsDeclaration(Global: ValueRef) -> Bool;
fn LLVMGetLinkage(Global: ValueRef) -> Linkage;
fn LLVMSetLinkage(Global: ValueRef, Link: Linkage);
fn LLVMGetSection(Global: ValueRef) -> sbuf;
fn LLVMSetSection(Global: ValueRef, Section: sbuf);
fn LLVMGetVisibility(Global: ValueRef) -> Visibility;
fn LLVMSetVisibility(Global: ValueRef, Viz: Visibility);
fn LLVMGetAlignment(Global: ValueRef) -> uint;
fn LLVMSetAlignment(Global: ValueRef, Bytes: uint);
/* Operations on global variables */
fn LLVMAddGlobal(M: ModuleRef, Ty: TypeRef, Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMAddGlobalInAddressSpace(M: ModuleRef, Ty: TypeRef, Name: sbuf,
AddressSpace: uint) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMGetNamedGlobal(M: ModuleRef, Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMGetFirstGlobal(M: ModuleRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMGetLastGlobal(M: ModuleRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMGetNextGlobal(GlobalVar: ValueRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMGetPreviousGlobal(GlobalVar: ValueRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMDeleteGlobal(GlobalVar: ValueRef);
fn LLVMGetInitializer(GlobalVar: ValueRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMSetInitializer(GlobalVar: ValueRef, ConstantVal: ValueRef);
fn LLVMIsThreadLocal(GlobalVar: ValueRef) -> Bool;
fn LLVMSetThreadLocal(GlobalVar: ValueRef, IsThreadLocal: Bool);
fn LLVMIsGlobalConstant(GlobalVar: ValueRef) -> Bool;
fn LLVMSetGlobalConstant(GlobalVar: ValueRef, IsConstant: Bool);
/* Operations on aliases */
fn LLVMAddAlias(M: ModuleRef, Ty: TypeRef, Aliasee: ValueRef, Name: sbuf)
-> ValueRef;
/* Operations on functions */
fn LLVMAddFunction(M: ModuleRef, Name: sbuf, FunctionTy: TypeRef) ->
fn LLVMGetNamedFunction(M: ModuleRef, Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMGetFirstFunction(M: ModuleRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMGetLastFunction(M: ModuleRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMGetNextFunction(Fn: ValueRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMGetPreviousFunction(Fn: ValueRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMDeleteFunction(Fn: ValueRef);
fn LLVMGetOrInsertFunction(M: ModuleRef, Name: sbuf, FunctionTy: TypeRef)
-> ValueRef;
fn LLVMGetIntrinsicID(Fn: ValueRef) -> uint;
fn LLVMGetFunctionCallConv(Fn: ValueRef) -> uint;
fn LLVMSetFunctionCallConv(Fn: ValueRef, CC: uint);
fn LLVMGetGC(Fn: ValueRef) -> sbuf;
fn LLVMSetGC(Fn: ValueRef, Name: sbuf);
fn LLVMAddFunctionAttr(Fn: ValueRef, PA: Attribute, HighPA: uint);
fn LLVMGetFunctionAttr(Fn: ValueRef) -> Attribute;
fn LLVMRemoveFunctionAttr(Fn: ValueRef, PA: Attribute, HighPA: uint);
/* Operations on parameters */
fn LLVMCountParams(Fn: ValueRef) -> uint;
fn LLVMGetParams(Fn: ValueRef, Params: *ValueRef);
fn LLVMGetParam(Fn: ValueRef, Index: uint) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMGetParamParent(Inst: ValueRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMGetFirstParam(Fn: ValueRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMGetLastParam(Fn: ValueRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMGetNextParam(Arg: ValueRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMGetPreviousParam(Arg: ValueRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMAddAttribute(Arg: ValueRef, PA: Attribute);
fn LLVMRemoveAttribute(Arg: ValueRef, PA: Attribute);
fn LLVMGetAttribute(Arg: ValueRef) -> Attribute;
fn LLVMSetParamAlignment(Arg: ValueRef, align: uint);
/* Operations on basic blocks */
fn LLVMBasicBlockAsValue(BB: BasicBlockRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMValueIsBasicBlock(Val: ValueRef) -> Bool;
fn LLVMValueAsBasicBlock(Val: ValueRef) -> BasicBlockRef;
fn LLVMGetBasicBlockParent(BB: BasicBlockRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMCountBasicBlocks(Fn: ValueRef) -> uint;
fn LLVMGetBasicBlocks(Fn: ValueRef, BasicBlocks: *ValueRef);
fn LLVMGetFirstBasicBlock(Fn: ValueRef) -> BasicBlockRef;
fn LLVMGetLastBasicBlock(Fn: ValueRef) -> BasicBlockRef;
fn LLVMGetNextBasicBlock(BB: BasicBlockRef) -> BasicBlockRef;
fn LLVMGetPreviousBasicBlock(BB: BasicBlockRef) -> BasicBlockRef;
fn LLVMGetEntryBasicBlock(Fn: ValueRef) -> BasicBlockRef;
fn LLVMAppendBasicBlockInContext(C: ContextRef, Fn: ValueRef, Name: sbuf)
-> BasicBlockRef;
fn LLVMInsertBasicBlockInContext(C: ContextRef, BB: BasicBlockRef,
Name: sbuf) -> BasicBlockRef;
fn LLVMAppendBasicBlock(Fn: ValueRef, Name: sbuf) -> BasicBlockRef;
fn LLVMInsertBasicBlock(InsertBeforeBB: BasicBlockRef, Name: sbuf) ->
fn LLVMDeleteBasicBlock(BB: BasicBlockRef);
/* Operations on instructions */
fn LLVMGetInstructionParent(Inst: ValueRef) -> BasicBlockRef;
fn LLVMGetFirstInstruction(BB: BasicBlockRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMGetLastInstruction(BB: BasicBlockRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMGetNextInstruction(Inst: ValueRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMGetPreviousInstruction(Inst: ValueRef) -> ValueRef;
/* Operations on call sites */
fn LLVMSetInstructionCallConv(Instr: ValueRef, CC: uint);
fn LLVMGetInstructionCallConv(Instr: ValueRef) -> uint;
fn LLVMAddInstrAttribute(Instr: ValueRef, index: uint, IA: Attribute);
fn LLVMRemoveInstrAttribute(Instr: ValueRef, index: uint, IA: Attribute);
fn LLVMSetInstrParamAlignment(Instr: ValueRef, index: uint, align: uint);
/* Operations on call instructions (only) */
fn LLVMIsTailCall(CallInst: ValueRef) -> Bool;
fn LLVMSetTailCall(CallInst: ValueRef, IsTailCall: Bool);
/* Operations on phi nodes */
fn LLVMAddIncoming(PhiNode: ValueRef, IncomingValues: *ValueRef,
IncomingBlocks: *BasicBlockRef, Count: uint);
fn LLVMCountIncoming(PhiNode: ValueRef) -> uint;
fn LLVMGetIncomingValue(PhiNode: ValueRef, Index: uint) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMGetIncomingBlock(PhiNode: ValueRef, Index: uint) -> BasicBlockRef;
/* Instruction builders */
fn LLVMCreateBuilderInContext(C: ContextRef) -> BuilderRef;
fn LLVMCreateBuilder() -> BuilderRef;
fn LLVMPositionBuilder(Builder: BuilderRef, Block: BasicBlockRef,
Instr: ValueRef);
fn LLVMPositionBuilderBefore(Builder: BuilderRef, Instr: ValueRef);
fn LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(Builder: BuilderRef, Block: BasicBlockRef);
fn LLVMGetInsertBlock(Builder: BuilderRef) -> BasicBlockRef;
fn LLVMClearInsertionPosition(Builder: BuilderRef);
fn LLVMInsertIntoBuilder(Builder: BuilderRef, Instr: ValueRef);
fn LLVMInsertIntoBuilderWithName(Builder: BuilderRef, Instr: ValueRef,
Name: sbuf);
fn LLVMDisposeBuilder(Builder: BuilderRef);
/* Metadata */
fn LLVMSetCurrentDebugLocation(Builder: BuilderRef, L: ValueRef);
fn LLVMGetCurrentDebugLocation(Builder: BuilderRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMSetInstDebugLocation(Builder: BuilderRef, Inst: ValueRef);
/* Terminators */
fn LLVMBuildRetVoid(B: BuilderRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildRet(B: BuilderRef, V: ValueRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildAggregateRet(B: BuilderRef, RetVals: *ValueRef, N: uint) ->
fn LLVMBuildBr(B: BuilderRef, Dest: BasicBlockRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildCondBr(B: BuilderRef, If: ValueRef, Then: BasicBlockRef,
Else: BasicBlockRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildSwitch(B: BuilderRef, V: ValueRef, Else: BasicBlockRef,
NumCases: uint) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildIndirectBr(B: BuilderRef, Addr: ValueRef, NumDests: uint) ->
fn LLVMBuildInvoke(B: BuilderRef, Fn: ValueRef, Args: *ValueRef,
NumArgs: uint, Then: BasicBlockRef,
Catch: BasicBlockRef, Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildLandingPad(B: BuilderRef, Ty: TypeRef, PersFn: ValueRef,
NumClauses: uint, Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildResume(B: BuilderRef, Exn: ValueRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildUnreachable(B: BuilderRef) -> ValueRef;
/* Add a case to the switch instruction */
fn LLVMAddCase(Switch: ValueRef, OnVal: ValueRef, Dest: BasicBlockRef);
/* Add a destination to the indirectbr instruction */
fn LLVMAddDestination(IndirectBr: ValueRef, Dest: BasicBlockRef);
/* Add a clause to the landing pad instruction */
fn LLVMAddClause(LandingPad: ValueRef, ClauseVal: ValueRef);
/* Set the cleanup on a landing pad instruction */
fn LLVMSetCleanup(LandingPad: ValueRef, Val: Bool);
/* Arithmetic */
fn LLVMBuildAdd(B: BuilderRef, LHS: ValueRef, RHS: ValueRef, Name: sbuf)
-> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildNSWAdd(B: BuilderRef, LHS: ValueRef, RHS: ValueRef,
Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildNUWAdd(B: BuilderRef, LHS: ValueRef, RHS: ValueRef,
Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildFAdd(B: BuilderRef, LHS: ValueRef, RHS: ValueRef, Name: sbuf)
-> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildSub(B: BuilderRef, LHS: ValueRef, RHS: ValueRef, Name: sbuf)
-> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildNSWSub(B: BuilderRef, LHS: ValueRef, RHS: ValueRef,
Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildNUWSub(B: BuilderRef, LHS: ValueRef, RHS: ValueRef,
Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildFSub(B: BuilderRef, LHS: ValueRef, RHS: ValueRef, Name: sbuf)
-> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildMul(B: BuilderRef, LHS: ValueRef, RHS: ValueRef, Name: sbuf)
-> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildNSWMul(B: BuilderRef, LHS: ValueRef, RHS: ValueRef,
Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildNUWMul(B: BuilderRef, LHS: ValueRef, RHS: ValueRef,
Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildFMul(B: BuilderRef, LHS: ValueRef, RHS: ValueRef, Name: sbuf)
-> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildUDiv(B: BuilderRef, LHS: ValueRef, RHS: ValueRef, Name: sbuf)
-> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildSDiv(B: BuilderRef, LHS: ValueRef, RHS: ValueRef, Name: sbuf)
-> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildExactSDiv(B: BuilderRef, LHS: ValueRef, RHS: ValueRef,
Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildFDiv(B: BuilderRef, LHS: ValueRef, RHS: ValueRef, Name: sbuf)
-> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildURem(B: BuilderRef, LHS: ValueRef, RHS: ValueRef, Name: sbuf)
-> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildSRem(B: BuilderRef, LHS: ValueRef, RHS: ValueRef, Name: sbuf)
-> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildFRem(B: BuilderRef, LHS: ValueRef, RHS: ValueRef, Name: sbuf)
-> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildShl(B: BuilderRef, LHS: ValueRef, RHS: ValueRef, Name: sbuf)
-> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildLShr(B: BuilderRef, LHS: ValueRef, RHS: ValueRef, Name: sbuf)
-> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildAShr(B: BuilderRef, LHS: ValueRef, RHS: ValueRef, Name: sbuf)
-> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildAnd(B: BuilderRef, LHS: ValueRef, RHS: ValueRef, Name: sbuf)
-> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildOr(B: BuilderRef, LHS: ValueRef, RHS: ValueRef, Name: sbuf) ->
fn LLVMBuildXor(B: BuilderRef, LHS: ValueRef, RHS: ValueRef, Name: sbuf)
-> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildBinOp(B: BuilderRef, Op: Opcode, LHS: ValueRef, RHS: ValueRef,
Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildNeg(B: BuilderRef, V: ValueRef, Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildNSWNeg(B: BuilderRef, V: ValueRef, Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildNUWNeg(B: BuilderRef, V: ValueRef, Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildFNeg(B: BuilderRef, V: ValueRef, Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildNot(B: BuilderRef, V: ValueRef, Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
/* Memory */
fn LLVMBuildMalloc(B: BuilderRef, Ty: TypeRef, Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildArrayMalloc(B: BuilderRef, Ty: TypeRef, Val: ValueRef,
Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildAlloca(B: BuilderRef, Ty: TypeRef, Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildArrayAlloca(B: BuilderRef, Ty: TypeRef, Val: ValueRef,
Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildFree(B: BuilderRef, PointerVal: ValueRef) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildLoad(B: BuilderRef, PointerVal: ValueRef, Name: sbuf) ->
fn LLVMBuildStore(B: BuilderRef, Val: ValueRef, Ptr: ValueRef) ->
fn LLVMBuildGEP(B: BuilderRef, Pointer: ValueRef, Indices: *ValueRef,
NumIndices: uint, Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildInBoundsGEP(B: BuilderRef, Pointer: ValueRef,
Indices: *ValueRef, NumIndices: uint, Name: sbuf)
-> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildStructGEP(B: BuilderRef, Pointer: ValueRef, Idx: uint,
Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildGlobalString(B: BuilderRef, Str: sbuf, Name: sbuf) ->
fn LLVMBuildGlobalStringPtr(B: BuilderRef, Str: sbuf, Name: sbuf) ->
/* Casts */
fn LLVMBuildTrunc(B: BuilderRef, Val: ValueRef, DestTy: TypeRef,
Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildZExt(B: BuilderRef, Val: ValueRef, DestTy: TypeRef,
Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildSExt(B: BuilderRef, Val: ValueRef, DestTy: TypeRef,
Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildFPToUI(B: BuilderRef, Val: ValueRef, DestTy: TypeRef,
Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildFPToSI(B: BuilderRef, Val: ValueRef, DestTy: TypeRef,
Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildUIToFP(B: BuilderRef, Val: ValueRef, DestTy: TypeRef,
Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildSIToFP(B: BuilderRef, Val: ValueRef, DestTy: TypeRef,
Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildFPTrunc(B: BuilderRef, Val: ValueRef, DestTy: TypeRef,
Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildFPExt(B: BuilderRef, Val: ValueRef, DestTy: TypeRef,
Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildPtrToInt(B: BuilderRef, Val: ValueRef, DestTy: TypeRef,
Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildIntToPtr(B: BuilderRef, Val: ValueRef, DestTy: TypeRef,
Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildBitCast(B: BuilderRef, Val: ValueRef, DestTy: TypeRef,
Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildZExtOrBitCast(B: BuilderRef, Val: ValueRef, DestTy: TypeRef,
Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildSExtOrBitCast(B: BuilderRef, Val: ValueRef, DestTy: TypeRef,
Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildTruncOrBitCast(B: BuilderRef, Val: ValueRef, DestTy: TypeRef,
Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildCast(B: BuilderRef, Op: Opcode, Val: ValueRef,
DestTy: TypeRef, Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildPointerCast(B: BuilderRef, Val: ValueRef, DestTy: TypeRef,
Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildIntCast(B: BuilderRef, Val: ValueRef, DestTy: TypeRef,
Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildFPCast(B: BuilderRef, Val: ValueRef, DestTy: TypeRef,
Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
/* Comparisons */
fn LLVMBuildICmp(B: BuilderRef, Op: uint, LHS: ValueRef, RHS: ValueRef,
Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildFCmp(B: BuilderRef, Op: uint, LHS: ValueRef, RHS: ValueRef,
Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
/* Miscellaneous instructions */
fn LLVMBuildPhi(B: BuilderRef, Ty: TypeRef, Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildCall(B: BuilderRef, Fn: ValueRef, Args: *ValueRef,
NumArgs: uint, Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildSelect(B: BuilderRef, If: ValueRef, Then: ValueRef,
Else: ValueRef, Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildVAArg(B: BuilderRef, list: ValueRef, Ty: TypeRef, Name: sbuf)
-> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildExtractElement(B: BuilderRef, VecVal: ValueRef,
Index: ValueRef, Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildInsertElement(B: BuilderRef, VecVal: ValueRef,
EltVal: ValueRef, Index: ValueRef, Name: sbuf)
-> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildShuffleVector(B: BuilderRef, V1: ValueRef, V2: ValueRef,
Mask: ValueRef, Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildExtractValue(B: BuilderRef, AggVal: ValueRef, Index: uint,
Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildInsertValue(B: BuilderRef, AggVal: ValueRef, EltVal: ValueRef,
Index: uint, Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildIsNull(B: BuilderRef, Val: ValueRef, Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
fn LLVMBuildIsNotNull(B: BuilderRef, Val: ValueRef, Name: sbuf) ->
fn LLVMBuildPtrDiff(B: BuilderRef, LHS: ValueRef, RHS: ValueRef,
Name: sbuf) -> ValueRef;
/* Selected entries from the downcasts. */
fn LLVMIsATerminatorInst(Inst: ValueRef) -> ValueRef;
/** Writes a module to the specified path. Returns 0 on success. */
fn LLVMWriteBitcodeToFile(M: ModuleRef, Path: sbuf) -> int;
/** Creates target data from a target layout string. */
fn LLVMCreateTargetData(StringRep: sbuf) -> TargetDataRef;
/** Adds the target data to the given pass manager. The pass manager
references the target data only weakly. */
fn LLVMAddTargetData(TD: TargetDataRef, PM: PassManagerRef);
/** Returns the size of a type. FIXME: rv is actually a ULongLong! */
fn LLVMStoreSizeOfType(TD: TargetDataRef, Ty: TypeRef) -> uint;
/** Returns the alignment of a type. */
fn LLVMPreferredAlignmentOfType(TD: TargetDataRef, Ty: TypeRef) -> uint;
/** Disposes target data. */
fn LLVMDisposeTargetData(TD: TargetDataRef);
/** Creates a pass manager. */
fn LLVMCreatePassManager() -> PassManagerRef;
/** Disposes a pass manager. */
fn LLVMDisposePassManager(PM: PassManagerRef);
/** Runs a pass manager on a module. */
fn LLVMRunPassManager(PM: PassManagerRef, M: ModuleRef) -> Bool;
/** Adds a verification pass. */
fn LLVMAddVerifierPass(PM: PassManagerRef);
fn LLVMAddGlobalOptimizerPass(PM: PassManagerRef);
fn LLVMAddIPSCCPPass(PM: PassManagerRef);
fn LLVMAddDeadArgEliminationPass(PM: PassManagerRef);
fn LLVMAddInstructionCombiningPass(PM: PassManagerRef);
fn LLVMAddCFGSimplificationPass(PM: PassManagerRef);
fn LLVMAddFunctionInliningPass(PM: PassManagerRef);
fn LLVMAddFunctionAttrsPass(PM: PassManagerRef);
fn LLVMAddScalarReplAggregatesPass(PM: PassManagerRef);
fn LLVMAddScalarReplAggregatesPassSSA(PM: PassManagerRef);
fn LLVMAddJumpThreadingPass(PM: PassManagerRef);
fn LLVMAddConstantPropagationPass(PM: PassManagerRef);
fn LLVMAddReassociatePass(PM: PassManagerRef);
fn LLVMAddLoopRotatePass(PM: PassManagerRef);
fn LLVMAddLICMPass(PM: PassManagerRef);
fn LLVMAddLoopUnswitchPass(PM: PassManagerRef);
fn LLVMAddLoopDeletionPass(PM: PassManagerRef);
fn LLVMAddLoopUnrollPass(PM: PassManagerRef);
fn LLVMAddGVNPass(PM: PassManagerRef);
fn LLVMAddMemCpyOptPass(PM: PassManagerRef);
fn LLVMAddSCCPPass(PM: PassManagerRef);
fn LLVMAddDeadStoreEliminationPass(PM: PassManagerRef);
fn LLVMAddStripDeadPrototypesPass(PM: PassManagerRef);
fn LLVMAddConstantMergePass(PM: PassManagerRef);
fn LLVMAddArgumentPromotionPass(PM: PassManagerRef);
fn LLVMAddTailCallEliminationPass(PM: PassManagerRef);
fn LLVMAddIndVarSimplifyPass(PM: PassManagerRef);
fn LLVMAddAggressiveDCEPass(PM: PassManagerRef);
fn LLVMAddGlobalDCEPass(PM: PassManagerRef);
fn LLVMAddCorrelatedValuePropagationPass(PM: PassManagerRef);
fn LLVMAddPruneEHPass(PM: PassManagerRef);
fn LLVMAddSimplifyLibCallsPass(PM: PassManagerRef);
fn LLVMAddLoopIdiomPass(PM: PassManagerRef);
fn LLVMAddEarlyCSEPass(PM: PassManagerRef);
fn LLVMAddTypeBasedAliasAnalysisPass(PM: PassManagerRef);
fn LLVMAddBasicAliasAnalysisPass(PM: PassManagerRef);
fn LLVMPassManagerBuilderCreate() -> PassManagerBuilderRef;
fn LLVMPassManagerBuilderDispose(PMB: PassManagerBuilderRef);
fn LLVMPassManagerBuilderSetOptLevel(PMB: PassManagerBuilderRef,
OptimizationLevel: uint);
fn LLVMPassManagerBuilderSetSizeLevel(PMB: PassManagerBuilderRef,
Value: Bool);
fn LLVMPassManagerBuilderSetDisableUnitAtATime(PMB: PassManagerBuilderRef,
Value: Bool);
fn LLVMPassManagerBuilderSetDisableUnrollLoops(PMB: PassManagerBuilderRef,
Value: Bool);
fn LLVMPassManagerBuilderSetDisableSimplifyLibCalls
(PMB: PassManagerBuilderRef, Value: Bool);
fn LLVMPassManagerBuilderUseInlinerWithThreshold
(PMB: PassManagerBuilderRef, threshold: uint);
fn LLVMPassManagerBuilderPopulateModulePassManager
(PMB: PassManagerBuilderRef, PM: PassManagerRef);
fn LLVMPassManagerBuilderPopulateFunctionPassManager
(PMB: PassManagerBuilderRef, PM: PassManagerRef);
/** Destroys a memory buffer. */
fn LLVMDisposeMemoryBuffer(MemBuf: MemoryBufferRef);
/* Stuff that's in rustllvm/ because it's not upstream yet. */
type ObjectFileRef;
type SectionIteratorRef;
/** Opens an object file. */
fn LLVMCreateObjectFile(MemBuf: MemoryBufferRef) -> ObjectFileRef;
/** Closes an object file. */
fn LLVMDisposeObjectFile(ObjectFile: ObjectFileRef);
/** Enumerates the sections in an object file. */
fn LLVMGetSections(ObjectFile: ObjectFileRef) -> SectionIteratorRef;
/** Destroys a section iterator. */
fn LLVMDisposeSectionIterator(SI: SectionIteratorRef);
/** Returns true if the section iterator is at the end of the section
list: */
fn LLVMIsSectionIteratorAtEnd(ObjectFile: ObjectFileRef,
SI: SectionIteratorRef) -> Bool;
/** Moves the section iterator to point to the next section. */
fn LLVMMoveToNextSection(SI: SectionIteratorRef);
/** Returns the current section name. */
fn LLVMGetSectionName(SI: SectionIteratorRef) -> sbuf;
/** Returns the current section size.
FIXME: The return value is actually a uint64_t! */
fn LLVMGetSectionSize(SI: SectionIteratorRef) -> uint;
/** Returns the current section contents as a string buffer. */
fn LLVMGetSectionContents(SI: SectionIteratorRef) -> sbuf;
/** Reads the given file and returns it as a memory buffer. Use
LLVMDisposeMemoryBuffer() to get rid of it. */
fn LLVMRustCreateMemoryBufferWithContentsOfFile(Path: sbuf) ->
/* FIXME: The FileType is an enum.*/
fn LLVMRustWriteOutputFile(PM: PassManagerRef, M: ModuleRef, Triple: sbuf,
Output: sbuf, FileType: int, OptLevel: int);
/** Returns a string describing the last error caused by an LLVMRust*
call. */
fn LLVMRustGetLastError() -> sbuf;
/** Returns a string describing the hosts triple */
fn LLVMRustGetHostTriple() -> sbuf;
/** Parses the bitcode in the given memory buffer. */
fn LLVMRustParseBitcode(MemBuf: MemoryBufferRef) -> ModuleRef;
/** FiXME: Hacky adaptor for lack of ULongLong in FFI: */
fn LLVMRustConstSmallInt(IntTy: TypeRef, N: uint, SignExtend: Bool) ->
fn LLVMRustAddPrintModulePass(PM: PassManagerRef, M: ModuleRef,
Output: sbuf);
/** Turn on LLVM pass-timing. */
fn LLVMRustEnableTimePasses();
/** Turn on LLVM segmented stacks. */
fn LLVMRustEnableSegmentedStacks();
/** Print the pass timings since static dtors aren't picking them up. */
fn LLVMRustPrintPassTimings();
fn LLVMStructCreateNamed(C: ContextRef, Name: sbuf) -> TypeRef;
fn LLVMStructSetBody(StructTy: TypeRef, ElementTypes: *TypeRef,
ElementCount: uint, Packed: Bool);
fn LLVMConstNamedStruct(S: TypeRef, ConstantVals: *ValueRef, Count: uint)
-> ValueRef;
/** Links LLVM modules together. `Src` is destroyed by this call and
must never be referenced again. */
fn LLVMLinkModules(Dest: ModuleRef, Src: ModuleRef) -> Bool;
/* Memory-managed object interface to type handles. */
obj type_names(type_names: std::map::hashmap<TypeRef, str>,
named_types: std::map::hashmap<str, TypeRef>) {
fn associate(s: str, t: TypeRef) {
assert (!named_types.contains_key(s));
assert (!type_names.contains_key(t));
type_names.insert(t, s);
named_types.insert(s, t);
fn type_has_name(t: TypeRef) -> bool { ret type_names.contains_key(t); }
fn get_name(t: TypeRef) -> str { ret type_names.get(t); }
fn name_has_type(s: str) -> bool { ret named_types.contains_key(s); }
fn get_type(s: str) -> TypeRef { ret named_types.get(s); }
fn mk_type_names() -> type_names {
let nt = std::map::new_str_hash::<TypeRef>();
fn hash(&&t: TypeRef) -> uint { ret t as uint; }
fn eq(&&a: TypeRef, &&b: TypeRef) -> bool { ret a as uint == b as uint; }
let hasher: std::map::hashfn<TypeRef> = hash;
let eqer: std::map::eqfn<TypeRef> = eq;
let tn = std::map::mk_hashmap::<TypeRef, str>(hasher, eqer);
ret type_names(tn, nt);
fn type_to_str(names: type_names, ty: TypeRef) -> str {
ret type_to_str_inner(names, [], ty);
fn type_to_str_inner(names: type_names, outer0: [TypeRef], ty: TypeRef) ->
str {
if names.type_has_name(ty) { ret names.get_name(ty); }
let outer = outer0 + [ty];
let kind: int = llvm::LLVMGetTypeKind(ty);
fn tys_str(names: type_names, outer: [TypeRef], tys: [TypeRef]) -> str {
let s: str = "";
let first: bool = true;
for t: TypeRef in tys {
if first { first = false; } else { s += ", "; }
s += type_to_str_inner(names, outer, t);
ret s;
alt kind {
// FIXME: more enum-as-int constants determined from Core::h;
// horrible, horrible. Complete as needed.
0 { ret "Void"; }
1 { ret "Float"; }
2 { ret "Double"; }
3 { ret "X86_FP80"; }
4 { ret "FP128"; }
5 { ret "PPC_FP128"; }
6 { ret "Label"; }
7 {
ret "i" + std::int::str(llvm::LLVMGetIntTypeWidth(ty) as int);
8 {
let s = "fn(";
let out_ty: TypeRef = llvm::LLVMGetReturnType(ty);
let n_args: uint = llvm::LLVMCountParamTypes(ty);
let args: [TypeRef] = vec::init_elt::<TypeRef>(0 as TypeRef, n_args);
unsafe {
llvm::LLVMGetParamTypes(ty, vec::to_ptr(args));
s += tys_str(names, outer, args);
s += ") -> ";
s += type_to_str_inner(names, outer, out_ty);
ret s;
9 {
let s: str = "{";
let n_elts: uint = llvm::LLVMCountStructElementTypes(ty);
let elts: [TypeRef] = vec::init_elt::<TypeRef>(0 as TypeRef, n_elts);
unsafe {
llvm::LLVMGetStructElementTypes(ty, vec::to_ptr(elts));
s += tys_str(names, outer, elts);
s += "}";
ret s;
10 {
let el_ty = llvm::LLVMGetElementType(ty);
ret "[" + type_to_str_inner(names, outer, el_ty) + "]";
11 {
let i: uint = 0u;
for tout: TypeRef in outer0 {
i += 1u;
if tout as int == ty as int {
let n: uint = vec::len::<TypeRef>(outer0) - i;
ret "*\\" + std::int::str(n as int);
ret "*" +
type_to_str_inner(names, outer, llvm::LLVMGetElementType(ty));
12 { ret "Opaque"; }
13 { ret "Vector"; }
14 { ret "Metadata"; }
_ { log_err #fmt["unknown TypeKind %d", kind as int]; fail; }
fn float_width(llt: TypeRef) -> uint {
ret alt llvm::LLVMGetTypeKind(llt) {
1 { 32u }
2 { 64u }
3 { 80u }
4 | 5 { 128u }
_ { fail "llvm_float_width called on a non-float type" }
fn fn_ty_param_tys(fn_ty: TypeRef) -> [TypeRef] unsafe {
let args = vec::init_elt(0 as TypeRef, llvm::LLVMCountParamTypes(fn_ty));
llvm::LLVMGetParamTypes(fn_ty, vec::to_ptr(args));
ret args;
/* Memory-managed interface to target data. */
resource target_data_res(TD: TargetDataRef) {
type target_data = {lltd: TargetDataRef, dtor: @target_data_res};
fn mk_target_data(string_rep: str) -> target_data {
let lltd =
str::as_buf(string_rep, {|buf| llvm::LLVMCreateTargetData(buf) });
ret {lltd: lltd, dtor: @target_data_res(lltd)};
/* Memory-managed interface to pass managers. */
resource pass_manager_res(PM: PassManagerRef) {
type pass_manager = {llpm: PassManagerRef, dtor: @pass_manager_res};
fn mk_pass_manager() -> pass_manager {
let llpm = llvm::LLVMCreatePassManager();
ret {llpm: llpm, dtor: @pass_manager_res(llpm)};
/* Memory-managed interface to object files. */
resource object_file_res(ObjectFile: ObjectFileRef) {
type object_file = {llof: ObjectFileRef, dtor: @object_file_res};
fn mk_object_file(llmb: MemoryBufferRef) -> option::t<object_file> {
let llof = llvm::LLVMCreateObjectFile(llmb);
if llof as int == 0 { ret option::none::<object_file>; }
ret option::some({llof: llof, dtor: @object_file_res(llof)});
/* Memory-managed interface to section iterators. */
resource section_iter_res(SI: SectionIteratorRef) {
type section_iter = {llsi: SectionIteratorRef, dtor: @section_iter_res};
fn mk_section_iter(llof: ObjectFileRef) -> section_iter {
let llsi = llvm::LLVMGetSections(llof);
ret {llsi: llsi, dtor: @section_iter_res(llsi)};
// Local Variables:
// mode: rust
// fill-column: 78;
// indent-tabs-mode: nil
// c-basic-offset: 4
// buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix
// compile-command: "make -k -C $RBUILD 2>&1 | sed -e 's/\\/x\\//x:\\//g'";
// End: