This updates the standard library's documentation to use the new syntax. The documentation is worthwhile to update as it should be more idiomatic (particularly for features like this, which are nice for users to get acquainted with). The general codebase is likely more hassle than benefit to update: it'll hurt git blame, and generally updates can be done by folks updating the code if (and when) that makes things more readable with the new format. A few places in the compiler and library code are updated (mostly just due to already having been done when this commit was first authored).
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//! Implementation of various bits and pieces of the `panic!` macro and
//! associated runtime pieces.
//! Specifically, this module contains the implementation of:
//! * Panic hooks
//! * Executing a panic up to doing the actual implementation
//! * Shims around "try"
use crate::panic::BacktraceStyle;
use core::panic::{BoxMeUp, Location, PanicInfo};
use crate::any::Any;
use crate::fmt;
use crate::intrinsics;
use crate::mem::{self, ManuallyDrop};
use crate::process;
use crate::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
use crate::sys::stdio::panic_output;
use crate::sys_common::backtrace;
use crate::sys_common::rwlock::StaticRWLock;
use crate::sys_common::thread_info;
use crate::thread;
use crate::io::set_output_capture;
// make sure to use the stderr output configured
// by libtest in the real copy of std
use realstd::io::set_output_capture;
// Binary interface to the panic runtime that the standard library depends on.
// The standard library is tagged with `#![needs_panic_runtime]` (introduced in
// RFC 1513) to indicate that it requires some other crate tagged with
// `#![panic_runtime]` to exist somewhere. Each panic runtime is intended to
// implement these symbols (with the same signatures) so we can get matched up
// to them.
// One day this may look a little less ad-hoc with the compiler helping out to
// hook up these functions, but it is not this day!
extern "C" {
fn __rust_panic_cleanup(payload: *mut u8) -> *mut (dyn Any + Send + 'static);
extern "C-unwind" {
/// `payload` is passed through another layer of raw pointers as `&mut dyn Trait` is not
/// FFI-safe. `BoxMeUp` lazily performs allocation only when needed (this avoids allocations
/// when using the "abort" panic runtime).
fn __rust_start_panic(payload: *mut &mut dyn BoxMeUp) -> u32;
/// This function is called by the panic runtime if FFI code catches a Rust
/// panic but doesn't rethrow it. We don't support this case since it messes
/// with our panic count.
extern "C" fn __rust_drop_panic() -> ! {
rtabort!("Rust panics must be rethrown");
/// This function is called by the panic runtime if it catches an exception
/// object which does not correspond to a Rust panic.
extern "C" fn __rust_foreign_exception() -> ! {
rtabort!("Rust cannot catch foreign exceptions");
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
enum Hook {
Custom(*mut (dyn Fn(&PanicInfo<'_>) + 'static + Sync + Send)),
impl Hook {
fn custom(f: impl Fn(&PanicInfo<'_>) + 'static + Sync + Send) -> Self {
static HOOK_LOCK: StaticRWLock = StaticRWLock::new();
static mut HOOK: Hook = Hook::Default;
/// Registers a custom panic hook, replacing any that was previously registered.
/// The panic hook is invoked when a thread panics, but before the panic runtime
/// is invoked. As such, the hook will run with both the aborting and unwinding
/// runtimes. The default hook prints a message to standard error and generates
/// a backtrace if requested, but this behavior can be customized with the
/// `set_hook` and [`take_hook`] functions.
/// [`take_hook`]: ./fn.take_hook.html
/// The hook is provided with a `PanicInfo` struct which contains information
/// about the origin of the panic, including the payload passed to `panic!` and
/// the source code location from which the panic originated.
/// The panic hook is a global resource.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if called from a panicking thread.
/// # Examples
/// The following will print "Custom panic hook":
/// ```should_panic
/// use std::panic;
/// panic::set_hook(Box::new(|_| {
/// println!("Custom panic hook");
/// }));
/// panic!("Normal panic");
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "panic_hooks", since = "1.10.0")]
pub fn set_hook(hook: Box<dyn Fn(&PanicInfo<'_>) + 'static + Sync + Send>) {
if thread::panicking() {
panic!("cannot modify the panic hook from a panicking thread");
// - `HOOK` can only be modified while holding write access to `HOOK_LOCK`.
// - The argument of `Box::from_raw` is always a valid pointer that was created using
// `Box::into_raw`.
unsafe {
let guard = HOOK_LOCK.write();
let old_hook = HOOK;
HOOK = Hook::Custom(Box::into_raw(hook));
if let Hook::Custom(ptr) = old_hook {
/// Unregisters the current panic hook, returning it.
/// *See also the function [`set_hook`].*
/// [`set_hook`]: ./fn.set_hook.html
/// If no custom hook is registered, the default hook will be returned.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if called from a panicking thread.
/// # Examples
/// The following will print "Normal panic":
/// ```should_panic
/// use std::panic;
/// panic::set_hook(Box::new(|_| {
/// println!("Custom panic hook");
/// }));
/// let _ = panic::take_hook();
/// panic!("Normal panic");
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "panic_hooks", since = "1.10.0")]
pub fn take_hook() -> Box<dyn Fn(&PanicInfo<'_>) + 'static + Sync + Send> {
if thread::panicking() {
panic!("cannot modify the panic hook from a panicking thread");
// - `HOOK` can only be modified while holding write access to `HOOK_LOCK`.
// - The argument of `Box::from_raw` is always a valid pointer that was created using
// `Box::into_raw`.
unsafe {
let guard = HOOK_LOCK.write();
let hook = HOOK;
HOOK = Hook::Default;
match hook {
Hook::Default => Box::new(default_hook),
Hook::Custom(ptr) => Box::from_raw(ptr),
/// Atomic combination of [`take_hook`] and [`set_hook`]. Use this to replace the panic handler with
/// a new panic handler that does something and then executes the old handler.
/// [`take_hook`]: ./fn.take_hook.html
/// [`set_hook`]: ./fn.set_hook.html
/// # Panics
/// Panics if called from a panicking thread.
/// # Examples
/// The following will print the custom message, and then the normal output of panic.
/// ```should_panic
/// #![feature(panic_update_hook)]
/// use std::panic;
/// // Equivalent to
/// // let prev = panic::take_hook();
/// // panic::set_hook(move |info| {
/// // println!("...");
/// // prev(info);
/// // );
/// panic::update_hook(move |prev, info| {
/// println!("Print custom message and execute panic handler as usual");
/// prev(info);
/// });
/// panic!("Custom and then normal");
/// ```
#[unstable(feature = "panic_update_hook", issue = "92649")]
pub fn update_hook<F>(hook_fn: F)
F: Fn(&(dyn Fn(&PanicInfo<'_>) + Send + Sync + 'static), &PanicInfo<'_>)
+ Sync
+ Send
+ 'static,
if thread::panicking() {
panic!("cannot modify the panic hook from a panicking thread");
// - `HOOK` can only be modified while holding write access to `HOOK_LOCK`.
// - The argument of `Box::from_raw` is always a valid pointer that was created using
// `Box::into_raw`.
unsafe {
let guard = HOOK_LOCK.write();
let old_hook = HOOK;
HOOK = Hook::Default;
let prev = match old_hook {
Hook::Default => Box::new(default_hook),
Hook::Custom(ptr) => Box::from_raw(ptr),
HOOK = Hook::custom(move |info| hook_fn(&prev, info));
fn default_hook(info: &PanicInfo<'_>) {
// If this is a double panic, make sure that we print a backtrace
// for this panic. Otherwise only print it if logging is enabled.
let backtrace = if panic_count::get_count() >= 2 {
} else {
// The current implementation always returns `Some`.
let location = info.location().unwrap();
let msg = match info.payload().downcast_ref::<&'static str>() {
Some(s) => *s,
None => match info.payload().downcast_ref::<String>() {
Some(s) => &s[..],
None => "Box<dyn Any>",
let thread = thread_info::current_thread();
let name = thread.as_ref().and_then(|t|"<unnamed>");
let write = |err: &mut dyn crate::io::Write| {
let _ = writeln!(err, "thread '{name}' panicked at '{msg}', {location}");
static FIRST_PANIC: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(true);
match backtrace {
Some(BacktraceStyle::Short) => {
drop(backtrace::print(err, crate::backtrace_rs::PrintFmt::Short))
Some(BacktraceStyle::Full) => {
drop(backtrace::print(err, crate::backtrace_rs::PrintFmt::Full))
Some(BacktraceStyle::Off) => {
if FIRST_PANIC.swap(false, Ordering::SeqCst) {
let _ = writeln!(
"note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace"
// If backtraces aren't supported, do nothing.
None => {}
if let Some(local) = set_output_capture(None) {
write(&mut *local.lock().unwrap_or_else(|e| e.into_inner()));
} else if let Some(mut out) = panic_output() {
write(&mut out);
#[unstable(feature = "update_panic_count", issue = "none")]
pub mod panic_count {
use crate::cell::Cell;
use crate::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
pub const ALWAYS_ABORT_FLAG: usize = 1 << (usize::BITS - 1);
// Panic count for the current thread.
thread_local! { static LOCAL_PANIC_COUNT: Cell<usize> = Cell::new(0) }
// Sum of panic counts from all threads. The purpose of this is to have
// a fast path in `is_zero` (which is used by `panicking`). In any particular
// thread, if that thread currently views `GLOBAL_PANIC_COUNT` as being zero,
// then `LOCAL_PANIC_COUNT` in that thread is zero. This invariant holds before
// and after increase and decrease, but not necessarily during their execution.
// Additionally, the top bit of GLOBAL_PANIC_COUNT (GLOBAL_ALWAYS_ABORT_FLAG)
// records whether panic::always_abort() has been called. This can only be
// set, never cleared.
// This could be viewed as a struct containing a single bit and an n-1-bit
// value, but if we wrote it like that it would be more than a single word,
// and even a newtype around usize would be clumsy because we need atomics.
// But we use such a tuple for the return type of increase().
// Stealing a bit is fine because it just amounts to assuming that each
// panicking thread consumes at least 2 bytes of address space.
static GLOBAL_PANIC_COUNT: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
pub fn increase() -> (bool, usize) {
GLOBAL_PANIC_COUNT.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed) & ALWAYS_ABORT_FLAG != 0,
let next = c.get() + 1;
pub fn decrease() {
GLOBAL_PANIC_COUNT.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
let next = c.get() - 1;
pub fn set_always_abort() {
GLOBAL_PANIC_COUNT.fetch_or(ALWAYS_ABORT_FLAG, Ordering::Relaxed);
pub fn get_count() -> usize {
LOCAL_PANIC_COUNT.with(|c| c.get())
pub fn count_is_zero() -> bool {
if GLOBAL_PANIC_COUNT.load(Ordering::Relaxed) & !ALWAYS_ABORT_FLAG == 0 {
// Fast path: if `GLOBAL_PANIC_COUNT` is zero, all threads
// (including the current one) will have `LOCAL_PANIC_COUNT`
// equal to zero, so TLS access can be avoided.
// In terms of performance, a relaxed atomic load is similar to a normal
// aligned memory read (e.g., a mov instruction in x86), but with some
// compiler optimization restrictions. On the other hand, a TLS access
// might require calling a non-inlinable function (such as `__tls_get_addr`
// when using the GD TLS model).
} else {
// Slow path is in a separate function to reduce the amount of code
// inlined from `is_zero`.
fn is_zero_slow_path() -> bool {
LOCAL_PANIC_COUNT.with(|c| c.get() == 0)
pub use realstd::rt::panic_count;
/// Invoke a closure, capturing the cause of an unwinding panic if one occurs.
pub unsafe fn r#try<R, F: FnOnce() -> R>(f: F) -> Result<R, Box<dyn Any + Send>> {
union Data<F, R> {
f: ManuallyDrop<F>,
r: ManuallyDrop<R>,
p: ManuallyDrop<Box<dyn Any + Send>>,
// We do some sketchy operations with ownership here for the sake of
// performance. We can only pass pointers down to `do_call` (can't pass
// objects by value), so we do all the ownership tracking here manually
// using a union.
// We go through a transition where:
// * First, we set the data field `f` to be the argumentless closure that we're going to call.
// * When we make the function call, the `do_call` function below, we take
// ownership of the function pointer. At this point the `data` union is
// entirely uninitialized.
// * If the closure successfully returns, we write the return value into the
// data's return slot (field `r`).
// * If the closure panics (`do_catch` below), we write the panic payload into field `p`.
// * Finally, when we come back out of the `try` intrinsic we're
// in one of two states:
// 1. The closure didn't panic, in which case the return value was
// filled in. We move it out of `data.r` and return it.
// 2. The closure panicked, in which case the panic payload was
// filled in. We move it out of `data.p` and return it.
// Once we stack all that together we should have the "most efficient'
// method of calling a catch panic whilst juggling ownership.
let mut data = Data { f: ManuallyDrop::new(f) };
let data_ptr = &mut data as *mut _ as *mut u8;
// Access to the union's fields: this is `std` and we know that the `r#try`
// intrinsic fills in the `r` or `p` union field based on its return value.
// The call to `intrinsics::r#try` is made safe by:
// - `do_call`, the first argument, can be called with the initial `data_ptr`.
// - `do_catch`, the second argument, can be called with the `data_ptr` as well.
// See their safety preconditions for more information
unsafe {
return if intrinsics::r#try(do_call::<F, R>, data_ptr, do_catch::<F, R>) == 0 {
} else {
// We consider unwinding to be rare, so mark this function as cold. However,
// do not mark it no-inline -- that decision is best to leave to the
// optimizer (in most cases this function is not inlined even as a normal,
// non-cold function, though, as of the writing of this comment).
unsafe fn cleanup(payload: *mut u8) -> Box<dyn Any + Send + 'static> {
// SAFETY: The whole unsafe block hinges on a correct implementation of
// the panic handler `__rust_panic_cleanup`. As such we can only
// assume it returns the correct thing for `Box::from_raw` to work
// without undefined behavior.
let obj = unsafe { Box::from_raw(__rust_panic_cleanup(payload)) };
// data must be non-NUL, correctly aligned, and a pointer to a `Data<F, R>`
// Its must contains a valid `f` (type: F) value that can be use to fill
// `data.r`.
// This function cannot be marked as `unsafe` because `intrinsics::r#try`
// expects normal function pointers.
fn do_call<F: FnOnce() -> R, R>(data: *mut u8) {
// SAFETY: this is the responsibility of the caller, see above.
unsafe {
let data = data as *mut Data<F, R>;
let data = &mut (*data);
let f = ManuallyDrop::take(&mut data.f);
data.r = ManuallyDrop::new(f());
// We *do* want this part of the catch to be inlined: this allows the
// compiler to properly track accesses to the Data union and optimize it
// away most of the time.
// data must be non-NUL, correctly aligned, and a pointer to a `Data<F, R>`
// Since this uses `cleanup` it also hinges on a correct implementation of
// `__rustc_panic_cleanup`.
// This function cannot be marked as `unsafe` because `intrinsics::r#try`
// expects normal function pointers.
fn do_catch<F: FnOnce() -> R, R>(data: *mut u8, payload: *mut u8) {
// SAFETY: this is the responsibility of the caller, see above.
// When `__rustc_panic_cleaner` is correctly implemented we can rely
// on `obj` being the correct thing to pass to `data.p` (after wrapping
// in `ManuallyDrop`).
unsafe {
let data = data as *mut Data<F, R>;
let data = &mut (*data);
let obj = cleanup(payload);
data.p = ManuallyDrop::new(obj);
/// Determines whether the current thread is unwinding because of panic.
pub fn panicking() -> bool {
/// Entry point of panics from the libcore crate (`panic_impl` lang item).
pub fn begin_panic_handler(info: &PanicInfo<'_>) -> ! {
struct PanicPayload<'a> {
inner: &'a fmt::Arguments<'a>,
string: Option<String>,
impl<'a> PanicPayload<'a> {
fn new(inner: &'a fmt::Arguments<'a>) -> PanicPayload<'a> {
PanicPayload { inner, string: None }
fn fill(&mut self) -> &mut String {
use crate::fmt::Write;
let inner = self.inner;
// Lazily, the first time this gets called, run the actual string formatting.
self.string.get_or_insert_with(|| {
let mut s = String::new();
unsafe impl<'a> BoxMeUp for PanicPayload<'a> {
fn take_box(&mut self) -> *mut (dyn Any + Send) {
// We do two allocations here, unfortunately. But (a) they're required with the current
// scheme, and (b) we don't handle panic + OOM properly anyway (see comment in
// begin_panic below).
let contents = mem::take(self.fill());
fn get(&mut self) -> &(dyn Any + Send) {
struct StrPanicPayload(&'static str);
unsafe impl BoxMeUp for StrPanicPayload {
fn take_box(&mut self) -> *mut (dyn Any + Send) {
fn get(&mut self) -> &(dyn Any + Send) {
let loc = info.location().unwrap(); // The current implementation always returns Some
let msg = info.message().unwrap(); // The current implementation always returns Some
crate::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_end_short_backtrace(move || {
if let Some(msg) = msg.as_str() {
rust_panic_with_hook(&mut StrPanicPayload(msg), info.message(), loc, info.can_unwind());
} else {
&mut PanicPayload::new(msg),
/// This is the entry point of panicking for the non-format-string variants of
/// panic!() and assert!(). In particular, this is the only entry point that supports
/// arbitrary payloads, not just format strings.
#[unstable(feature = "libstd_sys_internals", reason = "used by the panic! macro", issue = "none")]
#[cfg_attr(not(test), lang = "begin_panic")]
// lang item for CTFE panic support
// never inline unless panic_immediate_abort to avoid code
// bloat at the call sites as much as possible
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "panic_immediate_abort"), inline(never))]
#[rustc_do_not_const_check] // hooked by const-eval
pub const fn begin_panic<M: Any + Send>(msg: M) -> ! {
if cfg!(feature = "panic_immediate_abort") {
let loc = Location::caller();
return crate::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_end_short_backtrace(move || {
rust_panic_with_hook(&mut PanicPayload::new(msg), None, loc, true)
struct PanicPayload<A> {
inner: Option<A>,
impl<A: Send + 'static> PanicPayload<A> {
fn new(inner: A) -> PanicPayload<A> {
PanicPayload { inner: Some(inner) }
unsafe impl<A: Send + 'static> BoxMeUp for PanicPayload<A> {
fn take_box(&mut self) -> *mut (dyn Any + Send) {
// Note that this should be the only allocation performed in this code path. Currently
// this means that panic!() on OOM will invoke this code path, but then again we're not
// really ready for panic on OOM anyway. If we do start doing this, then we should
// propagate this allocation to be performed in the parent of this thread instead of the
// thread that's panicking.
let data = match self.inner.take() {
Some(a) => Box::new(a) as Box<dyn Any + Send>,
None => process::abort(),
fn get(&mut self) -> &(dyn Any + Send) {
match self.inner {
Some(ref a) => a,
None => process::abort(),
/// Central point for dispatching panics.
/// Executes the primary logic for a panic, including checking for recursive
/// panics, panic hooks, and finally dispatching to the panic runtime to either
/// abort or unwind.
fn rust_panic_with_hook(
payload: &mut dyn BoxMeUp,
message: Option<&fmt::Arguments<'_>>,
location: &Location<'_>,
can_unwind: bool,
) -> ! {
let (must_abort, panics) = panic_count::increase();
// If this is the third nested call (e.g., panics == 2, this is 0-indexed),
// the panic hook probably triggered the last panic, otherwise the
// double-panic check would have aborted the process. In this case abort the
// process real quickly as we don't want to try calling it again as it'll
// probably just panic again.
if must_abort || panics > 2 {
if panics > 2 {
// Don't try to print the message in this case
// - perhaps that is causing the recursive panics.
rtprintpanic!("thread panicked while processing panic. aborting.\n");
} else {
// Unfortunately, this does not print a backtrace, because creating
// a `Backtrace` will allocate, which we must to avoid here.
let panicinfo = PanicInfo::internal_constructor(message, location, can_unwind);
rtprintpanic!("{panicinfo}\npanicked after panic::always_abort(), aborting.\n");
unsafe {
let mut info = PanicInfo::internal_constructor(message, location, can_unwind);
let _guard =;
match HOOK {
// Some platforms (like wasm) know that printing to stderr won't ever actually
// print anything, and if that's the case we can skip the default
// hook. Since string formatting happens lazily when calling `payload`
// methods, this means we avoid formatting the string at all!
// (The panic runtime might still call `payload.take_box()` though and trigger
// formatting.)
Hook::Default if panic_output().is_none() => {}
Hook::Default => {
Hook::Custom(ptr) => {
if panics > 1 || !can_unwind {
// If a thread panics while it's already unwinding then we
// have limited options. Currently our preference is to
// just abort. In the future we may consider resuming
// unwinding or otherwise exiting the thread cleanly.
rtprintpanic!("thread panicked while panicking. aborting.\n");
/// This is the entry point for `resume_unwind`.
/// It just forwards the payload to the panic runtime.
pub fn rust_panic_without_hook(payload: Box<dyn Any + Send>) -> ! {
struct RewrapBox(Box<dyn Any + Send>);
unsafe impl BoxMeUp for RewrapBox {
fn take_box(&mut self) -> *mut (dyn Any + Send) {
Box::into_raw(mem::replace(&mut self.0, Box::new(())))
fn get(&mut self) -> &(dyn Any + Send) {
rust_panic(&mut RewrapBox(payload))
/// An unmangled function (through `rustc_std_internal_symbol`) on which to slap
/// yer breakpoints.
#[cfg_attr(not(test), rustc_std_internal_symbol)]
fn rust_panic(mut msg: &mut dyn BoxMeUp) -> ! {
let code = unsafe {
let obj = &mut msg as *mut &mut dyn BoxMeUp;
rtabort!("failed to initiate panic, error {code}")