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209 lines
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// Copyright 2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
Weak tasks
Weak tasks are a runtime feature for building global services that
do not keep the runtime alive. Normally the runtime exits when all
tasks exits, but if a task is weak then the runtime may exit while
it is running, sending a notification to the task that the runtime
is trying to shut down.
use option::{Some, None, swap_unwrap};
use private::at_exit::at_exit;
use private::global::global_data_clone_create;
use private::finally::Finally;
use pipes::{Port, Chan, SharedChan, GenericChan, GenericPort,
GenericSmartChan, stream};
use task::{Task, task, spawn};
use task::rt::{task_id, get_task_id};
use hashmap::linear::LinearMap;
use ops::Drop;
type ShutdownMsg = ();
// FIXME #4729: This could be a PortOne but I've experienced bugginess
// with oneshot pipes and try_send
pub unsafe fn weaken_task(f: &fn(Port<ShutdownMsg>)) {
let service = global_data_clone_create(global_data_key,
let (shutdown_port, shutdown_chan) = stream::<ShutdownMsg>();
let shutdown_port = ~mut Some(shutdown_port);
let task = get_task_id();
// Expect the weak task service to be alive
assert service.try_send(RegisterWeakTask(task, shutdown_chan));
unsafe { rust_dec_kernel_live_count(); }
do fn&() {
let shutdown_port = swap_unwrap(&mut *shutdown_port);
}.finally || {
unsafe { rust_inc_kernel_live_count(); }
// Service my have already exited
type WeakTaskService = SharedChan<ServiceMsg>;
type TaskHandle = task_id;
fn global_data_key(_v: WeakTaskService) { }
enum ServiceMsg {
RegisterWeakTask(TaskHandle, Chan<ShutdownMsg>),
fn create_global_service() -> ~WeakTaskService {
debug!("creating global weak task service");
let (port, chan) = stream::<ServiceMsg>();
let port = ~mut Some(port);
let chan = SharedChan(chan);
let chan_clone = chan.clone();
do task().unlinked().spawn {
debug!("running global weak task service");
let port = swap_unwrap(&mut *port);
let port = ~mut Some(port);
do fn&() {
let port = swap_unwrap(&mut *port);
// The weak task service is itself a weak task
debug!("weakening the weak service task");
unsafe { rust_dec_kernel_live_count(); }
}.finally {
debug!("unweakening the weak service task");
unsafe { rust_inc_kernel_live_count(); }
do at_exit {
debug!("shutting down weak task service");
return ~chan_clone;
fn run_weak_task_service(port: Port<ServiceMsg>) {
let mut shutdown_map = LinearMap::new();
loop {
match port.recv() {
RegisterWeakTask(task, shutdown_chan) => {
let previously_unregistered =
shutdown_map.insert(task, shutdown_chan);
assert previously_unregistered;
UnregisterWeakTask(task) => {
match shutdown_map.pop(&task) {
Some(shutdown_chan) => {
// Oneshot pipes must send, even though
// nobody will receive this
None => fail!()
Shutdown => break
do shutdown_map.consume |_, shutdown_chan| {
// Weak task may have already exited
extern {
unsafe fn rust_inc_kernel_live_count();
unsafe fn rust_dec_kernel_live_count();
fn test_simple() {
let (port, chan) = stream();
do spawn {
unsafe {
do weaken_task |_signal| {
fn test_weak_weak() {
let (port, chan) = stream();
do spawn {
unsafe {
do weaken_task |_signal| {
do weaken_task |_signal| {
fn test_wait_for_signal() {
do spawn {
unsafe {
do weaken_task |signal| {
fn test_wait_for_signal_many() {
use uint;
for uint::range(0, 100) |_| {
do spawn {
unsafe {
do weaken_task |signal| {
fn test_select_stream_and_oneshot() {
use pipes::select2i;
use either::{Left, Right};
let (port, chan) = stream();
let (waitport, waitchan) = stream();
do spawn {
unsafe {
do weaken_task |signal| {
match select2i(&port, &signal) {
Left(*) => (),
Right(*) => fail!()