3087 lines
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3087 lines
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// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// trans.rs: Translate the completed AST to the LLVM IR.
// Some functions here, such as trans_block and trans_expr, return a value --
// the result of the translation to LLVM -- while others, such as trans_fn,
// trans_impl, and trans_item, are called only for the side effect of adding a
// particular definition to the LLVM IR output we're producing.
// Hopefully useful general knowledge about trans:
// * There's no way to find out the ty::t type of a ValueRef. Doing so
// would be "trying to get the eggs out of an omelette" (credit:
// pcwalton). You can, instead, find out its TypeRef by calling val_ty,
// but many TypeRefs correspond to one ty::t; for instance, tup(int, int,
// int) and rec(x=int, y=int, z=int) will have the same TypeRef.
use core::prelude::*;
use back::link::{mangle_exported_name};
use back::link::{mangle_internal_name_by_path_and_seq};
use back::link::{mangle_internal_name_by_path};
use back::link::{mangle_internal_name_by_seq};
use back::link::{mangle_internal_name_by_type_only};
use back::{link, abi, upcall};
use driver::session;
use driver::session::Session;
use lib::llvm::{ModuleRef, ValueRef, TypeRef, BasicBlockRef};
use lib::llvm::{True, False};
use lib::llvm::{llvm, mk_target_data, mk_type_names};
use lib;
use metadata::common::link_meta;
use metadata::{csearch, cstore, decoder, encoder};
use middle::astencode;
use middle::pat_util::*;
use middle::resolve;
use middle::trans::_match;
use middle::trans::build::*;
use middle::trans::callee;
use middle::trans::common::*;
use middle::trans::consts;
use middle::trans::controlflow;
use middle::trans::datum;
use middle::trans::debuginfo;
use middle::trans::expr;
use middle::trans::foreign;
use middle::trans::glue;
use middle::trans::inline;
use middle::trans::meth;
use middle::trans::monomorphize;
use middle::trans::reachable;
use middle::trans::shape::*;
use middle::trans::tvec;
use middle::trans::type_of::*;
use util::common::indenter;
use util::common::is_main_name;
use util::ppaux::{ty_to_str, ty_to_short_str};
use util::ppaux;
use core::either;
use core::hash;
use core::int;
use core::io;
use core::libc::{c_uint, c_ulonglong};
use core::option::{is_none, is_some};
use core::option;
use core::uint;
use std::map::HashMap;
use std::smallintmap;
use std::{map, time, list};
use syntax::ast_map::{path, path_elt_to_str, path_mod, path_name};
use syntax::ast_util::{def_id_of_def, local_def, path_to_ident};
use syntax::attr;
use syntax::codemap::span;
use syntax::diagnostic::expect;
use syntax::parse::token::special_idents;
use syntax::print::pprust::{expr_to_str, stmt_to_str, path_to_str};
use syntax::visit;
use syntax::visit::vt;
use syntax::{ast, ast_util, codemap, ast_map};
struct icx_popper {
ccx: @crate_ctxt,
drop {
if self.ccx.sess.count_llvm_insns() {
fn icx_popper(ccx: @crate_ctxt) -> icx_popper {
icx_popper {
ccx: ccx
trait get_insn_ctxt {
fn insn_ctxt(s: &str) -> icx_popper;
impl @crate_ctxt: get_insn_ctxt {
fn insn_ctxt(s: &str) -> icx_popper {
debug!("new insn_ctxt: %s", s);
if self.sess.count_llvm_insns() {
impl block: get_insn_ctxt {
fn insn_ctxt(s: &str) -> icx_popper {
impl fn_ctxt: get_insn_ctxt {
fn insn_ctxt(s: &str) -> icx_popper {
fn log_fn_time(ccx: @crate_ctxt, +name: ~str, start: time::Timespec,
end: time::Timespec) {
let elapsed = 1000 * ((end.sec - start.sec) as int) +
((end.nsec as int) - (start.nsec as int)) / 1000000;
ccx.stats.fn_times.push({ident: name, time: elapsed});
fn decl_fn(llmod: ModuleRef, name: ~str, cc: lib::llvm::CallConv,
llty: TypeRef) -> ValueRef {
let llfn: ValueRef = str::as_c_str(name, |buf| {
unsafe {
llvm::LLVMGetOrInsertFunction(llmod, buf, llty)
unsafe {
lib::llvm::SetFunctionCallConv(llfn, cc);
return llfn;
fn decl_cdecl_fn(llmod: ModuleRef, +name: ~str, llty: TypeRef) -> ValueRef {
return decl_fn(llmod, name, lib::llvm::CCallConv, llty);
// Only use this if you are going to actually define the function. It's
// not valid to simply declare a function as internal.
fn decl_internal_cdecl_fn(llmod: ModuleRef, +name: ~str, llty: TypeRef) ->
ValueRef {
let llfn = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, name, llty);
lib::llvm::SetLinkage(llfn, lib::llvm::InternalLinkage);
return llfn;
fn get_extern_fn(externs: HashMap<~str, ValueRef>,
llmod: ModuleRef,
+name: ~str,
cc: lib::llvm::CallConv,
ty: TypeRef) -> ValueRef {
// XXX: Bad copy.
if externs.contains_key(copy name) { return externs.get(name); }
// XXX: Bad copy.
let f = decl_fn(llmod, copy name, cc, ty);
externs.insert(name, f);
return f;
fn get_extern_const(externs: HashMap<~str, ValueRef>, llmod: ModuleRef,
+name: ~str, ty: TypeRef) -> ValueRef {
unsafe {
// XXX: Bad copy.
if externs.contains_key(copy name) { return externs.get(name); }
let c = str::as_c_str(name, |buf| {
llvm::LLVMAddGlobal(llmod, ty, buf)
externs.insert(name, c);
return c;
fn get_simple_extern_fn(cx: block,
externs: HashMap<~str, ValueRef>,
llmod: ModuleRef,
+name: ~str,
n_args: int) -> ValueRef {
let _icx = cx.insn_ctxt("get_simple_extern_fn");
let ccx = cx.fcx.ccx;
let inputs = vec::from_elem(n_args as uint, ccx.int_type);
let output = ccx.int_type;
let t = T_fn(inputs, output);
return get_extern_fn(externs, llmod, name, lib::llvm::CCallConv, t);
fn trans_foreign_call(cx: block, externs: HashMap<~str, ValueRef>,
llmod: ModuleRef, +name: ~str, args: ~[ValueRef]) ->
ValueRef {
let _icx = cx.insn_ctxt("trans_foreign_call");
let n = args.len() as int;
let llforeign: ValueRef =
get_simple_extern_fn(cx, externs, llmod, name, n);
return Call(cx, llforeign, args);
fn umax(cx: block, a: ValueRef, b: ValueRef) -> ValueRef {
let _icx = cx.insn_ctxt("umax");
let cond = ICmp(cx, lib::llvm::IntULT, a, b);
return Select(cx, cond, b, a);
fn umin(cx: block, a: ValueRef, b: ValueRef) -> ValueRef {
let _icx = cx.insn_ctxt("umin");
let cond = ICmp(cx, lib::llvm::IntULT, a, b);
return Select(cx, cond, a, b);
// Given a pointer p, returns a pointer sz(p) (i.e., inc'd by sz bytes).
// The type of the returned pointer is always i8*. If you care about the
// return type, use bump_ptr().
fn ptr_offs(bcx: block, base: ValueRef, sz: ValueRef) -> ValueRef {
let _icx = bcx.insn_ctxt("ptr_offs");
let raw = PointerCast(bcx, base, T_ptr(T_i8()));
InBoundsGEP(bcx, raw, ~[sz])
// Increment a pointer by a given amount and then cast it to be a pointer
// to a given type.
fn bump_ptr(bcx: block, t: ty::t, base: ValueRef, sz: ValueRef) ->
ValueRef {
let _icx = bcx.insn_ctxt("bump_ptr");
let ccx = bcx.ccx();
let bumped = ptr_offs(bcx, base, sz);
let typ = T_ptr(type_of(ccx, t));
PointerCast(bcx, bumped, typ)
// Replacement for the LLVM 'GEP' instruction when field indexing into a enum.
// @llblobptr is the data part of a enum value; its actual type
// is meaningless, as it will be cast away.
fn GEP_enum(bcx: block, llblobptr: ValueRef, enum_id: ast::def_id,
variant_id: ast::def_id, ty_substs: ~[ty::t],
ix: uint) -> ValueRef {
let _icx = bcx.insn_ctxt("GEP_enum");
let ccx = bcx.ccx();
let variant = ty::enum_variant_with_id(ccx.tcx, enum_id, variant_id);
assert ix < variant.args.len();
let arg_lltys = vec::map(variant.args, |aty| {
type_of(ccx, ty::subst_tps(ccx.tcx, ty_substs, None, *aty))
let typed_blobptr = PointerCast(bcx, llblobptr,
GEPi(bcx, typed_blobptr, [0u, ix])
// Returns a pointer to the body for the box. The box may be an opaque
// box. The result will be casted to the type of body_t, if it is statically
// known.
// The runtime equivalent is box_body() in "rust_internal.h".
fn opaque_box_body(bcx: block,
body_t: ty::t,
boxptr: ValueRef) -> ValueRef {
let _icx = bcx.insn_ctxt("opaque_box_body");
let ccx = bcx.ccx();
let boxptr = PointerCast(bcx, boxptr, T_ptr(T_box_header(ccx)));
let bodyptr = GEPi(bcx, boxptr, [1u]);
PointerCast(bcx, bodyptr, T_ptr(type_of(ccx, body_t)))
// malloc_raw_dyn: allocates a box to contain a given type, but with a
// potentially dynamic size.
fn malloc_raw_dyn(bcx: block,
t: ty::t,
heap: heap,
size: ValueRef) -> Result {
let _icx = bcx.insn_ctxt("malloc_raw");
let ccx = bcx.ccx();
let (mk_fn, langcall) = match heap {
heap_shared => {
(ty::mk_imm_box, bcx.tcx().lang_items.malloc_fn())
heap_exchange => {
(ty::mk_imm_uniq, bcx.tcx().lang_items.exchange_malloc_fn())
// Grab the TypeRef type of box_ptr_ty.
let box_ptr_ty = mk_fn(bcx.tcx(), t);
let llty = type_of(ccx, box_ptr_ty);
// Get the tydesc for the body:
let static_ti = get_tydesc(ccx, t);
glue::lazily_emit_all_tydesc_glue(ccx, static_ti);
// Allocate space:
let tydesc = PointerCast(bcx, static_ti.tydesc, T_ptr(T_i8()));
let rval = alloca_zeroed(bcx, T_ptr(T_i8()));
let bcx = callee::trans_rtcall_or_lang_call(
~[tydesc, size],
return rslt(bcx, PointerCast(bcx, Load(bcx, rval), llty));
* Get the type of a box in the default address space.
* Shared box pointers live in address space 1 so the GC strategy can find
* them. Before taking a pointer to the inside of a box it should be cast into
* address space 0. Otherwise the resulting (non-box) pointer will be in the
* wrong address space and thus be the wrong type.
fn non_gc_box_cast(bcx: block, val: ValueRef) -> ValueRef {
unsafe {
add_comment(bcx, ~"non_gc_box_cast");
assert(llvm::LLVMGetPointerAddressSpace(val_ty(val)) ==
gc_box_addrspace || bcx.unreachable);
let non_gc_t = T_ptr(llvm::LLVMGetElementType(val_ty(val)));
PointerCast(bcx, val, non_gc_t)
// malloc_raw: expects an unboxed type and returns a pointer to
// enough space for a box of that type. This includes a rust_opaque_box
// header.
fn malloc_raw(bcx: block, t: ty::t, heap: heap) -> Result {
malloc_raw_dyn(bcx, t, heap, llsize_of(bcx.ccx(), type_of(bcx.ccx(), t)))
// malloc_general_dyn: usefully wraps malloc_raw_dyn; allocates a box,
// and pulls out the body
fn malloc_general_dyn(bcx: block, t: ty::t, heap: heap, size: ValueRef)
-> {bcx: block, box: ValueRef, body: ValueRef} {
let _icx = bcx.insn_ctxt("malloc_general");
let Result {bcx: bcx, val: llbox} = malloc_raw_dyn(bcx, t, heap, size);
let non_gc_box = non_gc_box_cast(bcx, llbox);
let body = GEPi(bcx, non_gc_box, [0u, abi::box_field_body]);
return {bcx: bcx, box: llbox, body: body};
fn malloc_general(bcx: block, t: ty::t, heap: heap)
-> {bcx: block, box: ValueRef, body: ValueRef} {
malloc_general_dyn(bcx, t, heap,
llsize_of(bcx.ccx(), type_of(bcx.ccx(), t)))
fn malloc_boxed(bcx: block, t: ty::t)
-> {bcx: block, box: ValueRef, body: ValueRef} {
malloc_general(bcx, t, heap_shared)
fn malloc_unique(bcx: block, t: ty::t)
-> {bcx: block, box: ValueRef, body: ValueRef} {
malloc_general(bcx, t, heap_exchange)
// Type descriptor and type glue stuff
fn get_tydesc_simple(ccx: @crate_ctxt, t: ty::t) -> ValueRef {
get_tydesc(ccx, t).tydesc
fn get_tydesc(ccx: @crate_ctxt, t: ty::t) -> @tydesc_info {
match ccx.tydescs.find(t) {
Some(inf) => inf,
_ => {
ccx.stats.n_static_tydescs += 1u;
let inf = glue::declare_tydesc(ccx, t);
ccx.tydescs.insert(t, inf);
fn set_no_inline(f: ValueRef) {
unsafe {
lib::llvm::NoInlineAttribute as c_ulonglong,
0u as c_ulonglong);
fn set_no_unwind(f: ValueRef) {
unsafe {
lib::llvm::NoUnwindAttribute as c_ulonglong,
0u as c_ulonglong);
// Tell LLVM to emit the information necessary to unwind the stack for the
// function f.
fn set_uwtable(f: ValueRef) {
unsafe {
lib::llvm::UWTableAttribute as c_ulonglong,
0u as c_ulonglong);
fn set_inline_hint(f: ValueRef) {
unsafe {
llvm::LLVMAddFunctionAttr(f, lib::llvm::InlineHintAttribute
as c_ulonglong, 0u as c_ulonglong);
fn set_inline_hint_if_appr(attrs: ~[ast::attribute],
llfn: ValueRef) {
match attr::find_inline_attr(attrs) {
attr::ia_hint => set_inline_hint(llfn),
attr::ia_always => set_always_inline(llfn),
attr::ia_never => set_no_inline(llfn),
attr::ia_none => { /* fallthrough */ }
fn set_always_inline(f: ValueRef) {
unsafe {
llvm::LLVMAddFunctionAttr(f, lib::llvm::AlwaysInlineAttribute
as c_ulonglong, 0u as c_ulonglong);
fn set_custom_stack_growth_fn(f: ValueRef) {
unsafe {
llvm::LLVMAddFunctionAttr(f, 0u as c_ulonglong, 1u as c_ulonglong);
fn set_glue_inlining(f: ValueRef, t: ty::t) {
if ty::type_is_structural(t) {
} else { set_always_inline(f); }
// Double-check that we never ask LLVM to declare the same symbol twice. It
// silently mangles such symbols, breaking our linkage model.
fn note_unique_llvm_symbol(ccx: @crate_ctxt, +sym: ~str) {
// XXX: Bad copy.
if ccx.all_llvm_symbols.contains_key(copy sym) {
ccx.sess.bug(~"duplicate LLVM symbol: " + sym);
ccx.all_llvm_symbols.insert(sym, ());
fn get_res_dtor(ccx: @crate_ctxt, did: ast::def_id,
parent_id: ast::def_id, substs: ~[ty::t])
-> ValueRef {
let _icx = ccx.insn_ctxt("trans_res_dtor");
if (substs.is_not_empty()) {
let did = if did.crate != ast::local_crate {
inline::maybe_instantiate_inline(ccx, did, true)
} else { did };
assert did.crate == ast::local_crate;
monomorphize::monomorphic_fn(ccx, did, substs, None, None, None).val
} else if did.crate == ast::local_crate {
get_item_val(ccx, did.node)
} else {
let tcx = ccx.tcx;
let name = csearch::get_symbol(ccx.sess.cstore, did);
let class_ty = ty::subst_tps(tcx, substs, None,
ty::lookup_item_type(tcx, parent_id).ty);
let llty = type_of_dtor(ccx, class_ty);
get_extern_fn(ccx.externs, ccx.llmod, name, lib::llvm::CCallConv,
// Structural comparison: a rather involved form of glue.
fn maybe_name_value(cx: @crate_ctxt, v: ValueRef, s: ~str) {
if cx.sess.opts.save_temps {
let _: () = str::as_c_str(s, |buf| {
unsafe {
llvm::LLVMSetValueName(v, buf)
// Used only for creating scalar comparison glue.
enum scalar_type { nil_type, signed_int, unsigned_int, floating_point, }
fn compare_scalar_types(cx: block, lhs: ValueRef, rhs: ValueRef,
t: ty::t, op: ast::binop) -> Result {
let f = |a| compare_scalar_values(cx, lhs, rhs, a, op);
match ty::get(t).sty {
ty::ty_nil => rslt(cx, f(nil_type)),
ty::ty_bool | ty::ty_ptr(_) => rslt(cx, f(unsigned_int)),
ty::ty_int(_) => rslt(cx, f(signed_int)),
ty::ty_uint(_) => rslt(cx, f(unsigned_int)),
ty::ty_float(_) => rslt(cx, f(floating_point)),
ty::ty_type => {
cx, None,
~"attempt to compare values of type type"),
_ => {
// Should never get here, because t is scalar.
cx.sess().bug(~"non-scalar type passed to \
// A helper function to do the actual comparison of scalar values.
fn compare_scalar_values(cx: block, lhs: ValueRef, rhs: ValueRef,
nt: scalar_type, op: ast::binop) -> ValueRef {
let _icx = cx.insn_ctxt("compare_scalar_values");
fn die(cx: block) -> ! {
cx.tcx().sess.bug(~"compare_scalar_values: must be a\
comparison operator");
match nt {
nil_type => {
// We don't need to do actual comparisons for nil.
// () == () holds but () < () does not.
match op {
ast::eq | ast::le | ast::ge => return C_bool(true),
ast::ne | ast::lt | ast::gt => return C_bool(false),
// refinements would be nice
_ => die(cx)
floating_point => {
let cmp = match op {
ast::eq => lib::llvm::RealOEQ,
ast::ne => lib::llvm::RealUNE,
ast::lt => lib::llvm::RealOLT,
ast::le => lib::llvm::RealOLE,
ast::gt => lib::llvm::RealOGT,
ast::ge => lib::llvm::RealOGE,
_ => die(cx)
return FCmp(cx, cmp, lhs, rhs);
signed_int => {
let cmp = match op {
ast::eq => lib::llvm::IntEQ,
ast::ne => lib::llvm::IntNE,
ast::lt => lib::llvm::IntSLT,
ast::le => lib::llvm::IntSLE,
ast::gt => lib::llvm::IntSGT,
ast::ge => lib::llvm::IntSGE,
_ => die(cx)
return ICmp(cx, cmp, lhs, rhs);
unsigned_int => {
let cmp = match op {
ast::eq => lib::llvm::IntEQ,
ast::ne => lib::llvm::IntNE,
ast::lt => lib::llvm::IntULT,
ast::le => lib::llvm::IntULE,
ast::gt => lib::llvm::IntUGT,
ast::ge => lib::llvm::IntUGE,
_ => die(cx)
return ICmp(cx, cmp, lhs, rhs);
type val_pair_fn = fn@(block, ValueRef, ValueRef) -> block;
type val_and_ty_fn = fn@(block, ValueRef, ty::t) -> block;
fn load_inbounds(cx: block, p: ValueRef, idxs: &[uint]) -> ValueRef {
return Load(cx, GEPi(cx, p, idxs));
fn store_inbounds(cx: block, v: ValueRef, p: ValueRef, idxs: &[uint]) {
Store(cx, v, GEPi(cx, p, idxs));
// Iterates through the elements of a structural type.
fn iter_structural_ty(cx: block, av: ValueRef, t: ty::t,
f: val_and_ty_fn) -> block {
let _icx = cx.insn_ctxt("iter_structural_ty");
fn iter_variant(cx: block, a_tup: ValueRef,
variant: ty::VariantInfo,
tps: ~[ty::t], tid: ast::def_id,
f: val_and_ty_fn) -> block {
let _icx = cx.insn_ctxt("iter_variant");
if variant.args.len() == 0u { return cx; }
let fn_ty = variant.ctor_ty;
let ccx = cx.ccx();
let mut cx = cx;
match ty::get(fn_ty).sty {
ty::ty_fn(ref fn_ty) => {
let mut j = 0u;
let v_id = variant.id;
for vec::each(fn_ty.sig.inputs) |a| {
let llfldp_a = GEP_enum(cx, a_tup, tid, v_id,
/*bad*/copy tps, j);
// XXX: Is "None" right here?
let ty_subst = ty::subst_tps(ccx.tcx, tps, None, a.ty);
cx = f(cx, llfldp_a, ty_subst);
j += 1u;
_ => cx.tcx().sess.bug(fmt!("iter_variant: not a function type: \
%s (variant name = %s)",
return cx;
let mut cx = cx;
match /*bad*/copy ty::get(t).sty {
ty::ty_rec(*) | ty::ty_struct(*) => {
do expr::with_field_tys(cx.tcx(), t, None) |_has_dtor, field_tys| {
for vec::eachi(field_tys) |i, field_ty| {
let llfld_a = GEPi(cx, av, struct_field(i));
cx = f(cx, llfld_a, field_ty.mt.ty);
ty::ty_estr(ty::vstore_fixed(_)) |
ty::ty_evec(_, ty::vstore_fixed(_)) => {
let (base, len) = tvec::get_base_and_len(cx, av, t);
cx = tvec::iter_vec_raw(cx, base, t, len, f);
ty::ty_tup(args) => {
for vec::eachi(args) |i, arg| {
let llfld_a = GEPi(cx, av, [0u, i]);
cx = f(cx, llfld_a, *arg);
ty::ty_enum(tid, ref substs) => {
let variants = ty::enum_variants(cx.tcx(), tid);
let n_variants = (*variants).len();
// Cast the enums to types we can GEP into.
if n_variants == 1u {
return iter_variant(cx,
/*bad*/copy substs.tps,
let ccx = cx.ccx();
let llenumty = T_opaque_enum_ptr(ccx);
let av_enum = PointerCast(cx, av, llenumty);
let lldiscrim_a_ptr = GEPi(cx, av_enum, [0u, 0u]);
let llunion_a_ptr = GEPi(cx, av_enum, [0u, 1u]);
let lldiscrim_a = Load(cx, lldiscrim_a_ptr);
// NB: we must hit the discriminant first so that structural
// comparison know not to proceed when the discriminants differ.
cx = f(cx, lldiscrim_a_ptr, ty::mk_int(cx.tcx()));
let unr_cx = sub_block(cx, ~"enum-iter-unr");
let llswitch = Switch(cx, lldiscrim_a, unr_cx.llbb, n_variants);
let next_cx = sub_block(cx, ~"enum-iter-next");
for vec::each(*variants) |variant| {
let variant_cx =
~"enum-iter-variant-" +
int::to_str(variant.disr_val, 10u));
AddCase(llswitch, C_int(ccx, variant.disr_val), variant_cx.llbb);
let variant_cx =
iter_variant(variant_cx, llunion_a_ptr, *variant,
/*bad*/copy (*substs).tps, tid, f);
Br(variant_cx, next_cx.llbb);
return next_cx;
_ => cx.sess().unimpl(~"type in iter_structural_ty")
return cx;
fn cast_shift_expr_rhs(cx: block, op: ast::binop,
lhs: ValueRef, rhs: ValueRef) -> ValueRef {
cast_shift_rhs(op, lhs, rhs,
|a,b| Trunc(cx, a, b),
|a,b| ZExt(cx, a, b))
fn cast_shift_const_rhs(op: ast::binop,
lhs: ValueRef, rhs: ValueRef) -> ValueRef {
unsafe {
cast_shift_rhs(op, lhs, rhs,
|a, b| unsafe { llvm::LLVMConstTrunc(a, b) },
|a, b| unsafe { llvm::LLVMConstZExt(a, b) })
fn cast_shift_rhs(op: ast::binop,
lhs: ValueRef, rhs: ValueRef,
trunc: fn(ValueRef, TypeRef) -> ValueRef,
zext: fn(ValueRef, TypeRef) -> ValueRef
) -> ValueRef {
// Shifts may have any size int on the rhs
unsafe {
if ast_util::is_shift_binop(op) {
let rhs_llty = val_ty(rhs);
let lhs_llty = val_ty(lhs);
let rhs_sz = llvm::LLVMGetIntTypeWidth(rhs_llty);
let lhs_sz = llvm::LLVMGetIntTypeWidth(lhs_llty);
if lhs_sz < rhs_sz {
trunc(rhs, lhs_llty)
} else if lhs_sz > rhs_sz {
// FIXME (#1877: If shifting by negative
// values becomes not undefined then this is wrong.
zext(rhs, lhs_llty)
} else {
} else {
fn fail_if_zero(cx: block, span: span, divmod: ast::binop,
rhs: ValueRef, rhs_t: ty::t) -> block {
let text = if divmod == ast::div {
~"divide by zero"
} else {
~"modulo zero"
let is_zero = match ty::get(rhs_t).sty {
ty::ty_int(t) => {
let zero = C_integral(T_int_ty(cx.ccx(), t), 0u64, False);
ICmp(cx, lib::llvm::IntEQ, rhs, zero)
ty::ty_uint(t) => {
let zero = C_integral(T_uint_ty(cx.ccx(), t), 0u64, False);
ICmp(cx, lib::llvm::IntEQ, rhs, zero)
_ => {
cx.tcx().sess.bug(~"fail-if-zero on unexpected type: " +
ty_to_str(cx.ccx().tcx, rhs_t));
do with_cond(cx, is_zero) |bcx| {
controlflow::trans_fail(bcx, Some(span), /*bad*/copy text)
fn null_env_ptr(bcx: block) -> ValueRef {
fn trans_external_path(ccx: @crate_ctxt, did: ast::def_id, t: ty::t)
-> ValueRef {
let name = csearch::get_symbol(ccx.sess.cstore, did);
match ty::get(t).sty {
ty::ty_fn(_) => {
let llty = type_of_fn_from_ty(ccx, t);
return get_extern_fn(ccx.externs, ccx.llmod, name,
lib::llvm::CCallConv, llty);
_ => {
let llty = type_of(ccx, t);
return get_extern_const(ccx.externs, ccx.llmod, name, llty);
fn get_discrim_val(cx: @crate_ctxt, span: span, enum_did: ast::def_id,
variant_did: ast::def_id) -> ValueRef {
// Can't use `discrims` from the crate context here because
// those discriminants have an extra level of indirection,
// and there's no LLVM constant load instruction.
let mut lldiscrim_opt = None;
for ty::enum_variants(cx.tcx, enum_did).each |variant_info| {
if variant_info.id == variant_did {
lldiscrim_opt = Some(C_int(cx,
match lldiscrim_opt {
None => {
cx.tcx.sess.span_bug(span, ~"didn't find discriminant?!");
Some(found_lldiscrim) => {
fn lookup_discriminant(ccx: @crate_ctxt, vid: ast::def_id) -> ValueRef {
unsafe {
let _icx = ccx.insn_ctxt("lookup_discriminant");
match ccx.discrims.find(vid) {
None => {
// It's an external discriminant that we haven't seen yet.
assert (vid.crate != ast::local_crate);
let sym = csearch::get_symbol(ccx.sess.cstore, vid);
let gvar = str::as_c_str(sym, |buf| {
llvm::LLVMAddGlobal(ccx.llmod, ccx.int_type, buf)
lib::llvm::SetLinkage(gvar, lib::llvm::ExternalLinkage);
llvm::LLVMSetGlobalConstant(gvar, True);
ccx.discrims.insert(vid, gvar);
return gvar;
Some(llval) => return llval,
fn invoke(bcx: block, llfn: ValueRef, +llargs: ~[ValueRef]) -> block {
let _icx = bcx.insn_ctxt("invoke_");
if bcx.unreachable { return bcx; }
if need_invoke(bcx) {
log(debug, ~"invoking");
let normal_bcx = sub_block(bcx, ~"normal return");
Invoke(bcx, llfn, llargs, normal_bcx.llbb, get_landing_pad(bcx));
return normal_bcx;
} else {
log(debug, ~"calling");
Call(bcx, llfn, llargs);
return bcx;
fn need_invoke(bcx: block) -> bool {
if (bcx.ccx().sess.opts.debugging_opts & session::no_landing_pads != 0) {
return false;
// Avoid using invoke if we are already inside a landing pad.
if bcx.is_lpad {
return false;
if have_cached_lpad(bcx) {
return true;
// Walk the scopes to look for cleanups
let mut cur = bcx;
loop {
match cur.kind {
block_scope(ref inf) => {
for vec::each((*inf).cleanups) |cleanup| {
match *cleanup {
clean(_, cleanup_type) | clean_temp(_, _, cleanup_type) => {
if cleanup_type == normal_exit_and_unwind {
return true;
_ => ()
cur = match cur.parent {
Some(next) => next,
None => return false
fn have_cached_lpad(bcx: block) -> bool {
let mut res = false;
do in_lpad_scope_cx(bcx) |inf| {
match inf.landing_pad {
Some(_) => res = true,
None => res = false
return res;
fn in_lpad_scope_cx(bcx: block, f: fn(scope_info)) {
let mut bcx = bcx;
loop {
match bcx.kind {
block_scope(ref inf) => {
if (*inf).cleanups.len() > 0u || bcx.parent.is_none() {
f((*inf)); return;
_ => ()
bcx = block_parent(bcx);
fn get_landing_pad(bcx: block) -> BasicBlockRef {
let _icx = bcx.insn_ctxt("get_landing_pad");
let mut cached = None, pad_bcx = bcx; // Guaranteed to be set below
do in_lpad_scope_cx(bcx) |inf| {
// If there is a valid landing pad still around, use it
match copy inf.landing_pad {
Some(target) => cached = Some(target),
None => {
pad_bcx = lpad_block(bcx, ~"unwind");
inf.landing_pad = Some(pad_bcx.llbb);
// Can't return from block above
match cached { Some(b) => return b, None => () }
// The landing pad return type (the type being propagated). Not sure what
// this represents but it's determined by the personality function and
// this is what the EH proposal example uses.
let llretty = T_struct(~[T_ptr(T_i8()), T_i32()]);
// The exception handling personality function. This is the C++
// personality function __gxx_personality_v0, wrapped in our naming
// convention.
let personality = bcx.ccx().upcalls.rust_personality;
// The only landing pad clause will be 'cleanup'
let llretval = LandingPad(pad_bcx, llretty, personality, 1u);
// The landing pad block is a cleanup
SetCleanup(pad_bcx, llretval);
// Because we may have unwound across a stack boundary, we must call into
// the runtime to figure out which stack segment we are on and place the
// stack limit back into the TLS.
Call(pad_bcx, bcx.ccx().upcalls.reset_stack_limit, ~[]);
// We store the retval in a function-central alloca, so that calls to
// Resume can find it.
match copy bcx.fcx.personality {
Some(addr) => Store(pad_bcx, llretval, addr),
None => {
let addr = alloca(pad_bcx, val_ty(llretval));
bcx.fcx.personality = Some(addr);
Store(pad_bcx, llretval, addr);
// Unwind all parent scopes, and finish with a Resume instr
cleanup_and_leave(pad_bcx, None, None);
return pad_bcx.llbb;
// Arranges for the value found in `*root_loc` to be dropped once the scope
// associated with `scope_id` exits. This is used to keep boxes live when
// there are extant region pointers pointing at the interior.
// Note that `root_loc` is not the value itself but rather a pointer to the
// value. Generally it in alloca'd value. The reason for this is that the
// value is initialized in an inner block but may be freed in some outer
// block, so an SSA value that is valid in the inner block may not be valid in
// the outer block. In fact, the inner block may not even execute. Rather
// than generate the full SSA form, we just use an alloca'd value.
fn add_root_cleanup(bcx: block, scope_id: ast::node_id,
root_loc: ValueRef, ty: ty::t) {
debug!("add_root_cleanup(bcx=%s, scope_id=%d, root_loc=%s, ty=%s)",
bcx.to_str(), scope_id, val_str(bcx.ccx().tn, root_loc),
ppaux::ty_to_str(bcx.ccx().tcx, ty));
let bcx_scope = find_bcx_for_scope(bcx, scope_id);
add_clean_temp_mem(bcx_scope, root_loc, ty);
fn find_bcx_for_scope(bcx: block, scope_id: ast::node_id) -> block {
let mut bcx_sid = bcx;
loop {
bcx_sid = match bcx_sid.node_info {
Some({id, _}) if id == scope_id => {
return bcx_sid
_ => {
match bcx_sid.parent {
None => bcx.tcx().sess.bug(
fmt!("no enclosing scope with id %d", scope_id)),
Some(bcx_par) => bcx_par
fn do_spill(bcx: block, v: ValueRef, t: ty::t) -> ValueRef {
if ty::type_is_bot(t) {
return C_null(T_ptr(T_i8()));
let llptr = alloc_ty(bcx, t);
Store(bcx, v, llptr);
return llptr;
// Since this function does *not* root, it is the caller's responsibility to
// ensure that the referent is pointed to by a root.
// [Note-arg-mode]
// ++ mode is temporary, due to how borrowck treats enums. With hope,
// will go away anyway when we get rid of modes.
fn do_spill_noroot(++cx: block, v: ValueRef) -> ValueRef {
let llptr = alloca(cx, val_ty(v));
Store(cx, v, llptr);
return llptr;
fn spill_if_immediate(cx: block, v: ValueRef, t: ty::t) -> ValueRef {
let _icx = cx.insn_ctxt("spill_if_immediate");
if ty::type_is_immediate(t) { return do_spill(cx, v, t); }
return v;
fn load_if_immediate(cx: block, v: ValueRef, t: ty::t) -> ValueRef {
let _icx = cx.insn_ctxt("load_if_immediate");
if ty::type_is_immediate(t) { return Load(cx, v); }
return v;
fn trans_trace(bcx: block, sp_opt: Option<span>, +trace_str: ~str) {
if !bcx.sess().trace() { return; }
let _icx = bcx.insn_ctxt("trans_trace");
// XXX: Bad copy.
add_comment(bcx, copy trace_str);
let V_trace_str = C_cstr(bcx.ccx(), trace_str);
let {V_filename, V_line} = match sp_opt {
Some(sp) => {
let sess = bcx.sess();
let loc = sess.parse_sess.cm.lookup_char_pos(sp.lo);
{V_filename: C_cstr(bcx.ccx(), /*bad*/copy loc.file.name),
V_line: loc.line as int}
None => {
{V_filename: C_cstr(bcx.ccx(), ~"<runtime>"),
V_line: 0}
let ccx = bcx.ccx();
let V_trace_str = PointerCast(bcx, V_trace_str, T_ptr(T_i8()));
let V_filename = PointerCast(bcx, V_filename, T_ptr(T_i8()));
let args = ~[V_trace_str, V_filename, C_int(ccx, V_line)];
Call(bcx, ccx.upcalls.trace, args);
fn build_return(bcx: block) {
let _icx = bcx.insn_ctxt("build_return");
Br(bcx, bcx.fcx.llreturn);
fn ignore_lhs(_bcx: block, local: @ast::local) -> bool {
match local.node.pat.node {
ast::pat_wild => true, _ => false
fn init_local(bcx: block, local: @ast::local) -> block {
debug!("init_local(bcx=%s, local.id=%?)",
bcx.to_str(), local.node.id);
let _indenter = indenter();
let _icx = bcx.insn_ctxt("init_local");
let ty = node_id_type(bcx, local.node.id);
debug!("ty=%s", bcx.ty_to_str(ty));
if ignore_lhs(bcx, local) {
// Handle let _ = e; just like e;
match local.node.init {
Some(init) => {
return expr::trans_into(bcx, init, expr::Ignore);
None => { return bcx; }
let llptr = match bcx.fcx.lllocals.find(local.node.id) {
Some(local_mem(v)) => v,
_ => { bcx.tcx().sess.span_bug(local.span,
~"init_local: Someone forgot to document why it's\
safe to assume local.node.init must be local_mem!");
let mut bcx = bcx;
match local.node.init {
Some(init) => {
bcx = expr::trans_into(bcx, init, expr::SaveIn(llptr));
_ => {
zero_mem(bcx, llptr, ty);
// Make a note to drop this slot on the way out.
debug!("adding clean for %?/%s to bcx=%s",
local.node.id, bcx.ty_to_str(ty),
add_clean(bcx, llptr, ty);
return _match::bind_irrefutable_pat(bcx,
fn trans_stmt(cx: block, s: ast::stmt) -> block {
let _icx = cx.insn_ctxt("trans_stmt");
debug!("trans_stmt(%s)", stmt_to_str(s, cx.tcx().sess.intr()));
if !cx.sess().no_asm_comments() {
add_span_comment(cx, s.span, stmt_to_str(s, cx.ccx().sess.intr()));
let mut bcx = cx;
debuginfo::update_source_pos(cx, s.span);
match s.node {
ast::stmt_expr(e, _) | ast::stmt_semi(e, _) => {
bcx = expr::trans_into(cx, e, expr::Ignore);
ast::stmt_decl(d, _) => {
match /*bad*/copy d.node {
ast::decl_local(locals) => {
for vec::each(locals) |local| {
bcx = init_local(bcx, *local);
if cx.sess().opts.extra_debuginfo {
debuginfo::create_local_var(bcx, *local);
ast::decl_item(i) => trans_item(cx.fcx.ccx, *i)
ast::stmt_mac(*) => cx.tcx().sess.bug(~"unexpanded macro")
return bcx;
// You probably don't want to use this one. See the
// next three functions instead.
fn new_block(cx: fn_ctxt, parent: Option<block>, +kind: block_kind,
is_lpad: bool, +name: ~str, opt_node_info: Option<node_info>)
-> block {
let s = if cx.ccx.sess.opts.save_temps || cx.ccx.sess.opts.debuginfo {
} else {
unsafe {
let llbb: BasicBlockRef = str::as_c_str(cx.ccx.sess.str_of(s), |buf| {
llvm::LLVMAppendBasicBlock(cx.llfn, buf)
let bcx = mk_block(llbb,
move kind,
do option::iter(&parent) |cx| {
if cx.unreachable { Unreachable(bcx); }
return bcx;
fn simple_block_scope() -> block_kind {
block_scope(scope_info {
loop_break: None,
loop_label: None,
mut cleanups: ~[],
mut cleanup_paths: ~[],
mut landing_pad: None
// Use this when you're at the top block of a function or the like.
fn top_scope_block(fcx: fn_ctxt, opt_node_info: Option<node_info>) -> block {
return new_block(fcx, None, simple_block_scope(), false,
~"function top level", opt_node_info);
fn scope_block(bcx: block,
opt_node_info: Option<node_info>,
+n: ~str) -> block {
return new_block(bcx.fcx, Some(bcx), simple_block_scope(), bcx.is_lpad,
n, opt_node_info);
fn loop_scope_block(bcx: block, loop_break: block, loop_label: Option<ident>,
+n: ~str, opt_node_info: Option<node_info>) -> block {
return new_block(bcx.fcx, Some(bcx), block_scope(scope_info {
loop_break: Some(loop_break),
loop_label: loop_label,
mut cleanups: ~[],
mut cleanup_paths: ~[],
mut landing_pad: None
}), bcx.is_lpad, n, opt_node_info);
// Use this when creating a block for the inside of a landing pad.
fn lpad_block(bcx: block, +n: ~str) -> block {
new_block(bcx.fcx, Some(bcx), block_non_scope, true, n, None)
// Use this when you're making a general CFG BB within a scope.
fn sub_block(bcx: block, +n: ~str) -> block {
new_block(bcx.fcx, Some(bcx), block_non_scope, bcx.is_lpad, n, None)
fn raw_block(fcx: fn_ctxt, is_lpad: bool, llbb: BasicBlockRef) -> block {
mk_block(llbb, None, block_non_scope, is_lpad, None, fcx)
// trans_block_cleanups: Go through all the cleanups attached to this
// block and execute them.
// When translating a block that introduces new variables during its scope, we
// need to make sure those variables go out of scope when the block ends. We
// do that by running a 'cleanup' function for each variable.
// trans_block_cleanups runs all the cleanup functions for the block.
fn trans_block_cleanups(bcx: block, +cleanups: ~[cleanup]) -> block {
trans_block_cleanups_(bcx, cleanups, false)
fn trans_block_cleanups_(bcx: block,
+cleanups: ~[cleanup],
/* cleanup_cx: block, */ is_lpad: bool) ->
block {
let _icx = bcx.insn_ctxt("trans_block_cleanups");
// NB: Don't short-circuit even if this block is unreachable because
// GC-based cleanup needs to the see that the roots are live.
let no_lpads =
bcx.ccx().sess.opts.debugging_opts & session::no_landing_pads != 0;
if bcx.unreachable && !no_lpads { return bcx; }
let mut bcx = bcx;
for vec::rev_each(cleanups) |cu| {
match *cu {
clean(cfn, cleanup_type) | clean_temp(_, cfn, cleanup_type) => {
// Some types don't need to be cleaned up during
// landing pads because they can be freed en mass later
if cleanup_type == normal_exit_and_unwind || !is_lpad {
bcx = cfn(bcx);
return bcx;
// In the last argument, Some(block) mean jump to this block, and none means
// this is a landing pad and leaving should be accomplished with a resume
// instruction.
fn cleanup_and_leave(bcx: block, upto: Option<BasicBlockRef>,
leave: Option<BasicBlockRef>) {
let _icx = bcx.insn_ctxt("cleanup_and_leave");
let mut cur = bcx, bcx = bcx;
let is_lpad = leave == None;
loop {
debug!("cleanup_and_leave: leaving %s", cur.to_str());
if bcx.sess().trace() {
bcx, None,
fmt!("cleanup_and_leave(%s)", cur.to_str()));
match cur.kind {
block_scope(ref inf) if (*inf).cleanups.len() > 0u => {
for vec::find((*inf).cleanup_paths,
|cp| cp.target == leave).each |cp| {
Br(bcx, cp.dest);
let sub_cx = sub_block(bcx, ~"cleanup");
Br(bcx, sub_cx.llbb);
(*inf).cleanup_paths.push({target: leave, dest: sub_cx.llbb});
bcx = trans_block_cleanups_(sub_cx, block_cleanups(cur), is_lpad);
_ => ()
match upto {
Some(bb) => { if cur.llbb == bb { break; } }
_ => ()
cur = match cur.parent {
Some(next) => next,
None => { assert upto.is_none(); break; }
match leave {
Some(target) => Br(bcx, target),
None => { Resume(bcx, Load(bcx, bcx.fcx.personality.get())); }
fn cleanup_and_Br(bcx: block, upto: block,
target: BasicBlockRef) {
let _icx = bcx.insn_ctxt("cleanup_and_Br");
cleanup_and_leave(bcx, Some(upto.llbb), Some(target));
fn leave_block(bcx: block, out_of: block) -> block {
let _icx = bcx.insn_ctxt("leave_block");
let next_cx = sub_block(block_parent(out_of), ~"next");
if bcx.unreachable { Unreachable(next_cx); }
cleanup_and_Br(bcx, out_of, next_cx.llbb);
fn with_scope(bcx: block, opt_node_info: Option<node_info>,
+name: ~str, f: fn(block) -> block) -> block {
let _icx = bcx.insn_ctxt("with_scope");
debug!("with_scope(bcx=%s, opt_node_info=%?, name=%s)",
bcx.to_str(), opt_node_info, name);
let _indenter = indenter();
let scope_cx = scope_block(bcx, opt_node_info, name);
Br(bcx, scope_cx.llbb);
leave_block(f(scope_cx), scope_cx)
fn with_scope_result(bcx: block,
opt_node_info: Option<node_info>,
+name: ~str,
f: fn(block) -> Result)
-> Result {
let _icx = bcx.insn_ctxt("with_scope_result");
let scope_cx = scope_block(bcx, opt_node_info, name);
Br(bcx, scope_cx.llbb);
let Result {bcx, val} = f(scope_cx);
rslt(leave_block(bcx, scope_cx), val)
fn with_scope_datumblock(bcx: block, opt_node_info: Option<node_info>,
+name: ~str, f: fn(block) -> datum::DatumBlock)
-> datum::DatumBlock
use middle::trans::datum::DatumBlock;
let _icx = bcx.insn_ctxt("with_scope_result");
let scope_cx = scope_block(bcx, opt_node_info, name);
Br(bcx, scope_cx.llbb);
let DatumBlock {bcx, datum} = f(scope_cx);
DatumBlock {bcx: leave_block(bcx, scope_cx), datum: datum}
fn block_locals(b: ast::blk, it: fn(@ast::local)) {
for vec::each(b.node.stmts) |s| {
match s.node {
ast::stmt_decl(d, _) => {
match /*bad*/copy d.node {
ast::decl_local(locals) => {
for vec::each(locals) |local| {
_ => {/* fall through */ }
_ => {/* fall through */ }
fn alloc_local(cx: block, local: @ast::local) -> block {
let _icx = cx.insn_ctxt("alloc_local");
let t = node_id_type(cx, local.node.id);
let simple_name = match local.node.pat.node {
ast::pat_ident(_, pth, None) => Some(path_to_ident(pth)),
_ => None
let val = alloc_ty(cx, t);
if cx.sess().opts.debuginfo {
do option::iter(&simple_name) |name| {
str::as_c_str(cx.ccx().sess.str_of(*name), |buf| {
unsafe {
llvm::LLVMSetValueName(val, buf)
cx.fcx.lllocals.insert(local.node.id, local_mem(val));
return cx;
fn with_cond(bcx: block, val: ValueRef, f: fn(block) -> block) -> block {
let _icx = bcx.insn_ctxt("with_cond");
let next_cx = base::sub_block(bcx, ~"next");
let cond_cx = base::sub_block(bcx, ~"cond");
CondBr(bcx, val, cond_cx.llbb, next_cx.llbb);
let after_cx = f(cond_cx);
if !after_cx.terminated { Br(after_cx, next_cx.llbb); }
fn call_memcpy(cx: block, dst: ValueRef, src: ValueRef,
n_bytes: ValueRef) {
// FIXME (Related to #1645, I think?): Provide LLVM with better
// alignment information when the alignment is statically known (it must
// be nothing more than a constant int, or LLVM complains -- not even a
// constant element of a tydesc works).
let _icx = cx.insn_ctxt("call_memcpy");
let ccx = cx.ccx();
let key = match ccx.sess.targ_cfg.arch {
session::arch_x86 | session::arch_arm => ~"llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i32",
session::arch_x86_64 => ~"llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64"
let memcpy = ccx.intrinsics.get(key);
let src_ptr = PointerCast(cx, src, T_ptr(T_i8()));
let dst_ptr = PointerCast(cx, dst, T_ptr(T_i8()));
let size = IntCast(cx, n_bytes, ccx.int_type);
let align = C_i32(1i32);
let volatile = C_bool(false);
Call(cx, memcpy, ~[dst_ptr, src_ptr, size, align, volatile]);
fn memcpy_ty(bcx: block, dst: ValueRef, src: ValueRef, t: ty::t) {
let _icx = bcx.insn_ctxt("memcpy_ty");
let ccx = bcx.ccx();
if ty::type_is_structural(t) {
let llsz = llsize_of(ccx, type_of::type_of(ccx, t));
call_memcpy(bcx, dst, src, llsz);
} else {
Store(bcx, Load(bcx, src), dst);
fn zero_mem(cx: block, llptr: ValueRef, t: ty::t) {
let _icx = cx.insn_ctxt("zero_mem");
let bcx = cx;
let ccx = cx.ccx();
let llty = type_of::type_of(ccx, t);
memzero(bcx, llptr, llty);
// Always use this function instead of storing a zero constant to the memory
// in question. If you store a zero constant, LLVM will drown in vreg
// allocation for large data structures, and the generated code will be
// awful. (A telltale sign of this is large quantities of
// `mov [byte ptr foo],0` in the generated code.)
fn memzero(cx: block, llptr: ValueRef, llty: TypeRef) {
let _icx = cx.insn_ctxt("memzero");
let ccx = cx.ccx();
let intrinsic_key;
match ccx.sess.targ_cfg.arch {
session::arch_x86 | session::arch_arm => {
intrinsic_key = ~"llvm.memset.p0i8.i32";
session::arch_x86_64 => {
intrinsic_key = ~"llvm.memset.p0i8.i64";
let llintrinsicfn = ccx.intrinsics.get(intrinsic_key);
let llptr = PointerCast(cx, llptr, T_ptr(T_i8()));
let llzeroval = C_u8(0);
let size = IntCast(cx, shape::llsize_of(ccx, llty), ccx.int_type);
let align = C_i32(1i32);
let volatile = C_bool(false);
Call(cx, llintrinsicfn, ~[llptr, llzeroval, size, align, volatile]);
fn alloc_ty(bcx: block, t: ty::t) -> ValueRef {
let _icx = bcx.insn_ctxt("alloc_ty");
let ccx = bcx.ccx();
let llty = type_of::type_of(ccx, t);
if ty::type_has_params(t) { log(error, ty_to_str(ccx.tcx, t)); }
assert !ty::type_has_params(t);
let val = alloca(bcx, llty);
return val;
fn alloca(cx: block, t: TypeRef) -> ValueRef {
alloca_maybe_zeroed(cx, t, false)
fn alloca_zeroed(cx: block, t: TypeRef) -> ValueRef {
alloca_maybe_zeroed(cx, t, true)
fn alloca_maybe_zeroed(cx: block, t: TypeRef, zero: bool) -> ValueRef {
let _icx = cx.insn_ctxt("alloca");
if cx.unreachable {
unsafe {
return llvm::LLVMGetUndef(t);
let initcx = base::raw_block(cx.fcx, false, cx.fcx.llstaticallocas);
let p = Alloca(initcx, t);
if zero { memzero(initcx, p, t); }
return p;
fn arrayalloca(cx: block, t: TypeRef, v: ValueRef) -> ValueRef {
let _icx = cx.insn_ctxt("arrayalloca");
if cx.unreachable {
unsafe {
return llvm::LLVMGetUndef(t);
return ArrayAlloca(
base::raw_block(cx.fcx, false, cx.fcx.llstaticallocas), t, v);
// Creates the standard set of basic blocks for a function
fn mk_standard_basic_blocks(llfn: ValueRef) ->
{sa: BasicBlockRef, rt: BasicBlockRef} {
unsafe {
{sa: str::as_c_str(~"static_allocas",
|buf| llvm::LLVMAppendBasicBlock(llfn, buf)),
rt: str::as_c_str(~"return",
|buf| llvm::LLVMAppendBasicBlock(llfn, buf))}
// NB: must keep 4 fns in sync:
// - type_of_fn
// - create_llargs_for_fn_args.
// - new_fn_ctxt
// - trans_args
fn new_fn_ctxt_w_id(ccx: @crate_ctxt,
+path: path,
llfndecl: ValueRef,
id: ast::node_id,
impl_id: Option<ast::def_id>,
+param_substs: Option<param_substs>,
sp: Option<span>) -> fn_ctxt {
let llbbs = mk_standard_basic_blocks(llfndecl);
return @fn_ctxt_ {
llfn: llfndecl,
llenv: unsafe { llvm::LLVMGetParam(llfndecl, 1u as c_uint) },
llretptr: unsafe { llvm::LLVMGetParam(llfndecl, 0u as c_uint) },
mut llstaticallocas: llbbs.sa,
mut llloadenv: None,
mut llreturn: llbbs.rt,
mut llself: None,
mut personality: None,
mut loop_ret: None,
llargs: HashMap(),
lllocals: HashMap(),
llupvars: HashMap(),
id: id,
impl_id: impl_id,
param_substs: param_substs,
span: sp,
path: path,
ccx: ccx
fn new_fn_ctxt(ccx: @crate_ctxt,
+path: path,
llfndecl: ValueRef,
sp: Option<span>)
-> fn_ctxt {
return new_fn_ctxt_w_id(ccx, path, llfndecl, -1, None, None, sp);
// NB: must keep 4 fns in sync:
// - type_of_fn
// - create_llargs_for_fn_args.
// - new_fn_ctxt
// - trans_args
// create_llargs_for_fn_args: Creates a mapping from incoming arguments to
// allocas created for them.
// When we translate a function, we need to map its incoming arguments to the
// spaces that have been created for them (by code in the llallocas field of
// the function's fn_ctxt). create_llargs_for_fn_args populates the llargs
// field of the fn_ctxt with
fn create_llargs_for_fn_args(cx: fn_ctxt,
ty_self: self_arg,
args: ~[ast::arg]) -> ~[ValueRef] {
let _icx = cx.insn_ctxt("create_llargs_for_fn_args");
match ty_self {
impl_self(tt) => {
cx.llself = Some(ValSelfData {
v: cx.llenv,
t: tt,
is_owned: false
impl_owned_self(tt) => {
cx.llself = Some(ValSelfData {
v: cx.llenv,
t: tt,
is_owned: true
no_self => ()
// Return an array containing the ValueRefs that we get from
// llvm::LLVMGetParam for each argument.
vec::from_fn(args.len(), |i| {
unsafe {
let arg_n = first_real_arg + i;
llvm::LLVMGetParam(cx.llfn, arg_n as c_uint)
fn copy_args_to_allocas(fcx: fn_ctxt,
bcx: block,
args: &[ast::arg],
raw_llargs: &[ValueRef],
arg_tys: &[ty::arg]) -> block {
let _icx = fcx.insn_ctxt("copy_args_to_allocas");
let tcx = bcx.tcx();
let mut bcx = bcx;
match fcx.llself {
Some(copy slf) => {
// We really should do this regardless of whether self is owned, but
// it doesn't work right with default method impls yet. (FIXME: #2794)
if slf.is_owned {
let self_val = PointerCast(bcx, slf.v,
T_ptr(type_of(bcx.ccx(), slf.t)));
fcx.llself = Some(ValSelfData {v: self_val, ..slf});
add_clean(bcx, self_val, slf.t);
_ => {}
for uint::range(0, arg_tys.len()) |arg_n| {
let arg_ty = &arg_tys[arg_n];
let raw_llarg = raw_llargs[arg_n];
let arg_id = args[arg_n].id;
// For certain mode/type combinations, the raw llarg values are passed
// by value. However, within the fn body itself, we want to always
// have all locals and arguments be by-ref so that we can cancel the
// cleanup and for better interaction with LLVM's debug info. So, if
// the argument would be passed by value, we store it into an alloca.
// This alloca should be optimized away by LLVM's mem-to-reg pass in
// the event it's not truly needed.
let llarg;
match ty::resolved_mode(tcx, arg_ty.mode) {
ast::by_ref => {
llarg = raw_llarg;
ast::by_move | ast::by_copy => {
// only by value if immediate:
if datum::appropriate_mode(arg_ty.ty).is_by_value() {
let alloc = alloc_ty(bcx, arg_ty.ty);
Store(bcx, raw_llarg, alloc);
llarg = alloc;
} else {
llarg = raw_llarg;
add_clean(bcx, llarg, arg_ty.ty);
ast::by_val => {
// always by value, also not owned, so don't add a cleanup:
let alloc = alloc_ty(bcx, arg_ty.ty);
Store(bcx, raw_llarg, alloc);
llarg = alloc;
bcx = _match::bind_irrefutable_pat(bcx,
fcx.llargs.insert(arg_id, local_mem(llarg));
if fcx.ccx.sess.opts.extra_debuginfo {
debuginfo::create_arg(bcx, args[arg_n], args[arg_n].ty.span);
return bcx;
// Ties up the llstaticallocas -> llloadenv -> lltop edges,
// and builds the return block.
fn finish_fn(fcx: fn_ctxt, lltop: BasicBlockRef) {
let _icx = fcx.insn_ctxt("finish_fn");
tie_up_header_blocks(fcx, lltop);
let ret_cx = raw_block(fcx, false, fcx.llreturn);
fn tie_up_header_blocks(fcx: fn_ctxt, lltop: BasicBlockRef) {
let _icx = fcx.insn_ctxt("tie_up_header_blocks");
match fcx.llloadenv {
Some(copy ll) => {
Br(raw_block(fcx, false, fcx.llstaticallocas), ll);
Br(raw_block(fcx, false, ll), lltop);
None => {
Br(raw_block(fcx, false, fcx.llstaticallocas), lltop);
enum self_arg { impl_self(ty::t), impl_owned_self(ty::t), no_self, }
// trans_closure: Builds an LLVM function out of a source function.
// If the function closes over its environment a closure will be
// returned.
fn trans_closure(ccx: @crate_ctxt,
+path: path,
decl: ast::fn_decl,
body: ast::blk,
llfndecl: ValueRef,
ty_self: self_arg,
+param_substs: Option<param_substs>,
id: ast::node_id,
impl_id: Option<ast::def_id>,
maybe_load_env: fn(fn_ctxt),
finish: fn(block)) {
ccx.stats.n_closures += 1;
let _icx = ccx.insn_ctxt("trans_closure");
// Set up arguments to the function.
let fcx = new_fn_ctxt_w_id(ccx, path, llfndecl, id, impl_id, param_substs,
let raw_llargs = create_llargs_for_fn_args(fcx, ty_self,
/*bad*/copy decl.inputs);
// Set GC for function.
if ccx.sess.opts.gc {
do str::as_c_str("generic") |strategy| {
unsafe {
llvm::LLVMSetGC(fcx.llfn, strategy);
ccx.uses_gc = true;
// Create the first basic block in the function and keep a handle on it to
// pass to finish_fn later.
let bcx_top = top_scope_block(fcx, body.info());
let mut bcx = bcx_top;
let lltop = bcx.llbb;
let block_ty = node_id_type(bcx, body.node.id);
let arg_tys = ty::ty_fn_args(node_id_type(bcx, id));
bcx = copy_args_to_allocas(fcx, bcx, decl.inputs, raw_llargs, arg_tys);
// This call to trans_block is the place where we bridge between
// translation calls that don't have a return value (trans_crate,
// trans_mod, trans_item, et cetera) and those that do
// (trans_block, trans_expr, et cetera).
if body.node.expr.is_none() || ty::type_is_bot(block_ty) ||
bcx = controlflow::trans_block(bcx, body, expr::Ignore);
} else {
bcx = controlflow::trans_block(bcx, body, expr::SaveIn(fcx.llretptr));
cleanup_and_Br(bcx, bcx_top, fcx.llreturn);
// Insert the mandatory first few basic blocks before lltop.
finish_fn(fcx, lltop);
// trans_fn: creates an LLVM function corresponding to a source language
// function.
fn trans_fn(ccx: @crate_ctxt,
+path: path,
decl: ast::fn_decl,
body: ast::blk,
llfndecl: ValueRef,
ty_self: self_arg,
+param_substs: Option<param_substs>,
id: ast::node_id,
impl_id: Option<ast::def_id>) {
let do_time = ccx.sess.trans_stats();
let start = if do_time { time::get_time() }
else { time::Timespec::new(0, 0) };
debug!("trans_fn(ty_self=%?)", ty_self);
let _icx = ccx.insn_ctxt("trans_fn");
ccx.stats.n_fns += 1;
// XXX: Bad copy of `path`.
trans_closure(ccx, copy path, decl, body, llfndecl, ty_self,
param_substs, id, impl_id,
|fcx| {
if ccx.sess.opts.extra_debuginfo {
|_bcx| { });
if do_time {
let end = time::get_time();
log_fn_time(ccx, path_str(ccx.sess, path), start, end);
fn trans_enum_variant(ccx: @crate_ctxt,
enum_id: ast::node_id,
variant: ast::variant,
args: ~[ast::variant_arg],
disr: int,
is_degen: bool,
+param_substs: Option<param_substs>,
llfndecl: ValueRef) {
let _icx = ccx.insn_ctxt("trans_enum_variant");
// Translate variant arguments to function arguments.
let fn_args = vec::map(args, |varg|
{mode: ast::expl(ast::by_copy),
ty: varg.ty,
pat: ast_util::ident_to_pat(ccx.tcx.sess.next_node_id(),
id: varg.id});
// XXX: Bad copy of `param_substs`.
let fcx = new_fn_ctxt_w_id(ccx, ~[], llfndecl, variant.node.id, None,
copy param_substs, None);
// XXX: Bad copy.
let raw_llargs = create_llargs_for_fn_args(fcx, no_self, copy fn_args);
let ty_param_substs = match param_substs {
Some(ref substs) => /*bad*/copy substs.tys,
None => ~[]
let bcx = top_scope_block(fcx, None), lltop = bcx.llbb;
let arg_tys = ty::ty_fn_args(node_id_type(bcx, variant.node.id));
let bcx = copy_args_to_allocas(fcx, bcx, fn_args, raw_llargs, arg_tys);
// Cast the enum to a type we can GEP into.
let llblobptr = if is_degen {
} else {
let llenumptr =
PointerCast(bcx, fcx.llretptr, T_opaque_enum_ptr(ccx));
let lldiscrimptr = GEPi(bcx, llenumptr, [0u, 0u]);
Store(bcx, C_int(ccx, disr), lldiscrimptr);
GEPi(bcx, llenumptr, [0u, 1u])
let t_id = local_def(enum_id);
let v_id = local_def(variant.node.id);
for vec::eachi(args) |i, va| {
let lldestptr = GEP_enum(bcx, llblobptr, t_id, v_id,
/*bad*/copy ty_param_substs, i);
// If this argument to this function is a enum, it'll have come in to
// this function as an opaque blob due to the way that type_of()
// works. So we have to cast to the destination's view of the type.
let llarg = match fcx.llargs.find(va.id) {
Some(local_mem(x)) => x,
_ => fail ~"trans_enum_variant: how do we know this works?",
let arg_ty = arg_tys[i].ty;
memcpy_ty(bcx, lldestptr, llarg, arg_ty);
finish_fn(fcx, lltop);
// NB: In theory this should be merged with the function above. But the AST
// structures are completely different, so very little code would be shared.
fn trans_tuple_struct(ccx: @crate_ctxt,
fields: ~[@ast::struct_field],
ctor_id: ast::node_id,
+param_substs: Option<param_substs>,
llfndecl: ValueRef) {
let _icx = ccx.insn_ctxt("trans_tuple_struct");
// Translate struct fields to function arguments.
let fn_args = do fields.map |field| {
mode: ast::expl(ast::by_copy),
ty: field.node.ty,
pat: ast_util::ident_to_pat(ccx.tcx.sess.next_node_id(),
id: field.node.id
let fcx = new_fn_ctxt_w_id(ccx, ~[], llfndecl, ctor_id, None,
param_substs, None);
// XXX: Bad copy.
let raw_llargs = create_llargs_for_fn_args(fcx, no_self, copy fn_args);
let bcx = top_scope_block(fcx, None);
let lltop = bcx.llbb;
let arg_tys = ty::ty_fn_args(node_id_type(bcx, ctor_id));
let bcx = copy_args_to_allocas(fcx, bcx, fn_args, raw_llargs, arg_tys);
for fields.eachi |i, field| {
let lldestptr = GEPi(bcx, fcx.llretptr, [0, 0, i]);
let llarg = match fcx.llargs.get(field.node.id) {
local_mem(x) => x,
_ => {
ccx.tcx.sess.bug(~"trans_tuple_struct: llarg wasn't \
let arg_ty = arg_tys[i].ty;
memcpy_ty(bcx, lldestptr, llarg, arg_ty);
finish_fn(fcx, lltop);
fn trans_struct_dtor(ccx: @crate_ctxt,
+path: path,
body: ast::blk,
dtor_id: ast::node_id,
+psubsts: Option<param_substs>,
hash_id: Option<mono_id>,
parent_id: ast::def_id)
-> ValueRef {
let tcx = ccx.tcx;
/* Look up the parent class's def_id */
let mut class_ty = ty::lookup_item_type(tcx, parent_id).ty;
/* Substitute in the class type if necessary */
do option::iter(&psubsts) |ss| {
class_ty = ty::subst_tps(tcx, ss.tys, ss.self_ty, class_ty);
/* The dtor takes a (null) output pointer, and a self argument,
and returns () */
let lldty = type_of_dtor(ccx, class_ty);
// XXX: Bad copies.
let s = get_dtor_symbol(ccx, copy path, dtor_id, copy psubsts);
/* Register the dtor as a function. It has external linkage */
let lldecl = decl_internal_cdecl_fn(ccx.llmod, s, lldty);
lib::llvm::SetLinkage(lldecl, lib::llvm::ExternalLinkage);
/* If we're monomorphizing, register the monomorphized decl
for the dtor */
do option::iter(&hash_id) |h_id| {
ccx.monomorphized.insert(*h_id, lldecl);
/* Translate the dtor body */
trans_fn(ccx, path, ast_util::dtor_dec(),
body, lldecl, impl_self(class_ty), psubsts, dtor_id, None);
fn trans_enum_def(ccx: @crate_ctxt, enum_definition: ast::enum_def,
id: ast::node_id, tps: ~[ast::ty_param], degen: bool,
path: @ast_map::path, vi: @~[ty::VariantInfo],
i: &mut uint) {
for vec::each(enum_definition.variants) |variant| {
let disr_val = vi[*i].disr_val;
*i += 1;
match variant.node.kind {
ast::tuple_variant_kind(ref args) if args.len() > 0 => {
let llfn = get_item_val(ccx, variant.node.id);
trans_enum_variant(ccx, id, *variant, /*bad*/copy *args,
disr_val, degen, None, llfn);
ast::tuple_variant_kind(_) => {
// Nothing to do.
ast::struct_variant_kind(struct_def) => {
trans_struct_def(ccx, struct_def, /*bad*/copy tps, path,
ast::enum_variant_kind(ref enum_definition) => {
/*bad*/copy tps,
fn trans_item(ccx: @crate_ctxt, item: ast::item) {
let _icx = ccx.insn_ctxt("trans_item");
let path = match ccx.tcx.items.get(item.id) {
ast_map::node_item(_, p) => p,
// tjc: ?
_ => fail ~"trans_item",
match /*bad*/copy item.node {
// XXX: Bad copies.
ast::item_fn(copy decl, purity, copy tps, ref body) => {
if purity == ast::extern_fn {
let llfndecl = get_item_val(ccx, item.id);
/*bad*/copy *path,
decl, (*body), llfndecl, item.id);
} else if tps.is_empty() {
let llfndecl = get_item_val(ccx, item.id);
vec::append(/*bad*/copy *path, ~[path_name(item.ident)]),
decl, (*body), llfndecl, no_self, None, item.id, None);
} else {
for vec::each((*body).node.stmts) |stmt| {
match stmt.node {
ast::stmt_decl(@ast::spanned { node: ast::decl_item(i),
_ }, _) => {
trans_item(ccx, *i);
_ => ()
ast::item_impl(tps, _, _, ms) => {
meth::trans_impl(ccx, /*bad*/copy *path, item.ident, ms, tps, None,
ast::item_mod(m) => {
trans_mod(ccx, m);
ast::item_enum(ref enum_definition, ref tps) => {
if tps.len() == 0u {
let degen = (*enum_definition).variants.len() == 1u;
let vi = ty::enum_variants(ccx.tcx, local_def(item.id));
let mut i = 0;
trans_enum_def(ccx, (*enum_definition), item.id, /*bad*/copy *tps,
degen, path, vi, &mut i);
ast::item_const(_, expr) => consts::trans_const(ccx, expr, item.id),
ast::item_foreign_mod(foreign_mod) => {
let abi = match attr::foreign_abi(item.attrs) {
either::Right(abi_) => abi_,
either::Left(ref msg) => ccx.sess.span_fatal(item.span,
/*bad*/copy *msg)
foreign::trans_foreign_mod(ccx, foreign_mod, abi);
ast::item_struct(struct_def, tps) => {
trans_struct_def(ccx, struct_def, tps, path, item.id);
_ => {/* fall through */ }
fn trans_struct_def(ccx: @crate_ctxt, struct_def: @ast::struct_def,
tps: ~[ast::ty_param], path: @ast_map::path,
id: ast::node_id) {
// If there are type parameters, the destructor and constructor will be
// monomorphized, so we don't translate them here.
if tps.len() == 0u {
// Translate the destructor.
do option::iter(&struct_def.dtor) |dtor| {
trans_struct_dtor(ccx, /*bad*/copy *path, dtor.node.body,
dtor.node.id, None, None, local_def(id));
// If this is a tuple-like struct, translate the constructor.
match struct_def.ctor_id {
// We only need to translate a constructor if there are fields;
// otherwise this is a unit-like struct.
Some(ctor_id) if struct_def.fields.len() > 0 => {
let llfndecl = get_item_val(ccx, ctor_id);
trans_tuple_struct(ccx, /*bad*/copy struct_def.fields,
ctor_id, None, llfndecl);
Some(_) | None => {}
// Translate a module. Doing this amounts to translating the items in the
// module; there ends up being no artifact (aside from linkage names) of
// separate modules in the compiled program. That's because modules exist
// only as a convenience for humans working with the code, to organize names
// and control visibility.
fn trans_mod(ccx: @crate_ctxt, m: ast::_mod) {
let _icx = ccx.insn_ctxt("trans_mod");
for vec::each(m.items) |item| {
trans_item(ccx, **item);
fn get_pair_fn_ty(llpairty: TypeRef) -> TypeRef {
// Bit of a kludge: pick the fn typeref out of the pair.
return struct_elt(llpairty, 0u);
fn register_fn(ccx: @crate_ctxt,
sp: span,
+path: path,
node_id: ast::node_id,
attrs: &[ast::attribute])
-> ValueRef {
let t = ty::node_id_to_type(ccx.tcx, node_id);
register_fn_full(ccx, sp, path, node_id, attrs, t)
fn register_fn_full(ccx: @crate_ctxt,
sp: span,
+path: path,
node_id: ast::node_id,
attrs: &[ast::attribute],
node_type: ty::t)
-> ValueRef {
let llfty = type_of_fn_from_ty(ccx, node_type);
register_fn_fuller(ccx, sp, path, node_id, attrs, node_type,
lib::llvm::CCallConv, llfty)
fn register_fn_fuller(ccx: @crate_ctxt,
sp: span,
+path: path,
node_id: ast::node_id,
attrs: &[ast::attribute],
node_type: ty::t,
cc: lib::llvm::CallConv,
llfty: TypeRef)
-> ValueRef {
debug!("register_fn_fuller creating fn for item %d with path %s",
ast_map::path_to_str(path, ccx.sess.parse_sess.interner));
let ps = if attr::attrs_contains_name(attrs, "no_mangle") {
path_elt_to_str(path.last(), ccx.sess.parse_sess.interner)
} else {
mangle_exported_name(ccx, /*bad*/copy path, node_type)
// XXX: Bad copy.
let llfn: ValueRef = decl_fn(ccx.llmod, copy ps, cc, llfty);
ccx.item_symbols.insert(node_id, ps);
// FIXME #4404 android JNI hacks
let is_main = is_main_fn(&ccx.sess, node_id) &&
(!ccx.sess.building_library ||
(ccx.sess.building_library &&
ccx.sess.targ_cfg.os == session::os_android));
if is_main { create_main_wrapper(ccx, sp, llfn); }
fn is_main_fn(sess: &Session, node_id: ast::node_id) -> bool {
match sess.main_fn {
Some((main_id, _)) => node_id == main_id,
None => false
// Create a _rust_main(args: ~[str]) function which will be called from the
// runtime rust_start function
fn create_main_wrapper(ccx: @crate_ctxt, sp: span, main_llfn: ValueRef) {
if ccx.main_fn != None::<ValueRef> {
ccx.sess.span_fatal(sp, ~"multiple 'main' functions");
let llfn = create_main(ccx, main_llfn);
ccx.main_fn = Some(llfn);
create_entry_fn(ccx, llfn);
fn create_main(ccx: @crate_ctxt, main_llfn: ValueRef) -> ValueRef {
let unit_ty = ty::mk_estr(ccx.tcx, ty::vstore_uniq);
let vecarg_ty: ty::arg =
{mode: ast::expl(ast::by_val),
ty: ty::mk_evec(ccx.tcx, {ty: unit_ty, mutbl: ast::m_imm},
let nt = ty::mk_nil(ccx.tcx);
let llfty = type_of_fn(ccx, ~[vecarg_ty], nt);
let llfdecl = decl_fn(ccx.llmod, ~"_rust_main",
lib::llvm::CCallConv, llfty);
let fcx = new_fn_ctxt(ccx, ~[], llfdecl, None);
let bcx = top_scope_block(fcx, None);
let lltop = bcx.llbb;
// Call main.
let lloutputarg = unsafe { llvm::LLVMGetParam(llfdecl, 0 as c_uint) };
let llenvarg = unsafe { llvm::LLVMGetParam(llfdecl, 1 as c_uint) };
let mut args = ~[lloutputarg, llenvarg];
Call(bcx, main_llfn, args);
finish_fn(fcx, lltop);
return llfdecl;
fn create_entry_fn(ccx: @crate_ctxt, rust_main: ValueRef) {
fn main_name() -> ~str { return ~"WinMain@16"; }
fn main_name() -> ~str { return ~"main"; }
let llfty = T_fn(~[ccx.int_type, ccx.int_type], ccx.int_type);
// FIXME #4404 android JNI hacks
let llfn = if ccx.sess.building_library {
decl_cdecl_fn(ccx.llmod, ~"amain", llfty)
} else {
decl_cdecl_fn(ccx.llmod, main_name(), llfty)
let llbb = str::as_c_str(~"top", |buf| {
unsafe {
llvm::LLVMAppendBasicBlock(llfn, buf)
let bld = ccx.builder.B;
unsafe {
llvm::LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(bld, llbb);
let crate_map = ccx.crate_map;
let start_ty = T_fn(~[val_ty(rust_main), ccx.int_type, ccx.int_type,
val_ty(crate_map)], ccx.int_type);
let start = decl_cdecl_fn(ccx.llmod, ~"rust_start", start_ty);
let args = if ccx.sess.building_library unsafe {
llvm::LLVMConstInt(T_i32(), 0u as c_ulonglong, False),
llvm::LLVMConstInt(T_i32(), 0u as c_ulonglong, False),
} else unsafe {
~[rust_main, llvm::LLVMGetParam(llfn, 0 as c_uint),
llvm::LLVMGetParam(llfn, 1 as c_uint), crate_map]
let result = unsafe {
llvm::LLVMBuildCall(bld, start, vec::raw::to_ptr(args),
args.len() as c_uint, noname())
unsafe {
llvm::LLVMBuildRet(bld, result);
fn fill_fn_pair(bcx: block, pair: ValueRef, llfn: ValueRef,
llenvptr: ValueRef) {
let ccx = bcx.ccx();
let code_cell = GEPi(bcx, pair, [0u, abi::fn_field_code]);
Store(bcx, llfn, code_cell);
let env_cell = GEPi(bcx, pair, [0u, abi::fn_field_box]);
let llenvblobptr = PointerCast(bcx, llenvptr, T_opaque_box_ptr(ccx));
Store(bcx, llenvblobptr, env_cell);
fn item_path(ccx: @crate_ctxt, i: @ast::item) -> path {
/*bad*/copy *match ccx.tcx.items.get(i.id) {
ast_map::node_item(_, p) => p,
// separate map for paths?
_ => fail ~"item_path"
/* If there's already a symbol for the dtor with <id> and substs <substs>,
return it; otherwise, create one and register it, returning it as well */
fn get_dtor_symbol(ccx: @crate_ctxt,
+path: path,
id: ast::node_id,
+substs: Option<param_substs>)
-> ~str {
let t = ty::node_id_to_type(ccx.tcx, id);
match ccx.item_symbols.find(id) {
Some(ref s) => (/*bad*/copy *s),
None if substs.is_none() => {
let s = mangle_exported_name(
vec::append(path, ~[path_name((ccx.names)(~"dtor"))]),
// XXX: Bad copy, use `@str`?
ccx.item_symbols.insert(id, copy s);
None => {
// Monomorphizing, so just make a symbol, don't add
// this to item_symbols
match substs {
Some(ss) => {
let mono_ty = ty::subst_tps(ccx.tcx, ss.tys, ss.self_ty, t);
None => {
ccx.sess.bug(fmt!("get_dtor_symbol: not monomorphizing and \
couldn't find a symbol for dtor %?", path));
fn get_item_val(ccx: @crate_ctxt, id: ast::node_id) -> ValueRef {
debug!("get_item_val(id=`%?`)", id);
let tcx = ccx.tcx;
match ccx.item_vals.find(id) {
Some(v) => v,
None => {
let mut exprt = false;
let val = match ccx.tcx.items.get(id) {
ast_map::node_item(i, pth) => {
let my_path = vec::append(/*bad*/copy *pth,
match i.node {
ast::item_const(_, expr) => {
let typ = ty::node_id_to_type(ccx.tcx, i.id);
let s = mangle_exported_name(ccx, my_path, typ);
// We need the translated value here, because for enums the
// LLVM type is not fully determined by the Rust type.
let v = consts::const_expr(ccx, expr);
ccx.const_values.insert(id, v);
unsafe {
let llty = llvm::LLVMTypeOf(v);
let g = str::as_c_str(s, |buf| {
llvm::LLVMAddGlobal(ccx.llmod, llty, buf)
ccx.item_symbols.insert(i.id, s);
ast::item_fn(_, purity, _, _) => {
let llfn = if purity != ast::extern_fn {
register_fn(ccx, i.span, my_path, i.id, i.attrs)
} else {
set_inline_hint_if_appr(/*bad*/copy i.attrs, llfn);
_ => fail ~"get_item_val: weird result in table"
ast_map::node_trait_method(trait_method, _, pth) => {
debug!("get_item_val(): processing a node_trait_method");
match *trait_method {
ast::required(_) => {
ccx.sess.bug(~"unexpected variant: required trait method in \
ast::provided(m) => {
exprt = true;
register_method(ccx, id, pth, m)
ast_map::node_method(m, _, pth) => {
exprt = true;
register_method(ccx, id, pth, m)
ast_map::node_foreign_item(ni, _, pth) => {
exprt = true;
match ni.node {
ast::foreign_item_fn(*) => {
register_fn(ccx, ni.span,
vec::append(/*bad*/copy *pth,
ast::foreign_item_const(*) => {
let typ = ty::node_id_to_type(ccx.tcx, ni.id);
let ident = ccx.sess.parse_sess.interner.get(ni.ident);
let g = do str::as_c_str(*ident) |buf| {
unsafe {
type_of(ccx, typ),
ast_map::node_dtor(_, dt, parent_id, pt) => {
Don't just call register_fn, since we don't want to add
the implicit self argument automatically (we want to make sure
it has the right type)
// Want parent_id and not id, because id is the dtor's type
let class_ty = ty::lookup_item_type(tcx, parent_id).ty;
// This code shouldn't be reached if the class is generic
assert !ty::type_has_params(class_ty);
let lldty = unsafe {
T_ptr(type_of(ccx, ty::mk_nil(tcx))),
T_ptr(type_of(ccx, class_ty))
let s = get_dtor_symbol(ccx, /*bad*/copy *pt, dt.node.id, None);
/* Make the declaration for the dtor */
let llfn = decl_internal_cdecl_fn(ccx.llmod, s, lldty);
lib::llvm::SetLinkage(llfn, lib::llvm::ExternalLinkage);
ast_map::node_variant(ref v, enm, pth) => {
let llfn;
match /*bad*/copy (*v).node.kind {
ast::tuple_variant_kind(args) => {
assert args.len() != 0u;
let pth = vec::append(/*bad*/copy *pth,
llfn = match enm.node {
ast::item_enum(_, _) => {
register_fn(ccx, (*v).span, pth, id, enm.attrs)
_ => fail ~"node_variant, shouldn't happen"
ast::struct_variant_kind(_) => {
fail ~"struct variant kind unexpected in get_item_val"
ast::enum_variant_kind(_) => {
fail ~"enum variant kind unexpected in get_item_val"
ast_map::node_struct_ctor(struct_def, struct_item, struct_path) => {
// Only register the constructor if this is a tuple-like struct.
match struct_def.ctor_id {
None => {
ccx.tcx.sess.bug(~"attempt to register a constructor of \
a non-tuple-like struct")
Some(ctor_id) => {
let llfn = register_fn(ccx,
/*bad*/copy *struct_path,
_ => {
ccx.sess.bug(~"get_item_val(): unexpected variant")
if !(exprt || ccx.reachable.contains_key(id)) {
lib::llvm::SetLinkage(val, lib::llvm::InternalLinkage);
ccx.item_vals.insert(id, val);
fn register_method(ccx: @crate_ctxt, id: ast::node_id, pth: @ast_map::path,
m: @ast::method) -> ValueRef {
let mty = ty::node_id_to_type(ccx.tcx, id);
let pth = vec::append(/*bad*/copy *pth, ~[path_name((ccx.names)(~"meth")),
let llfn = register_fn_full(ccx, m.span, pth, id, m.attrs, mty);
set_inline_hint_if_appr(/*bad*/copy m.attrs, llfn);
// The constant translation pass.
fn trans_constant(ccx: @crate_ctxt, it: @ast::item) {
let _icx = ccx.insn_ctxt("trans_constant");
match it.node {
ast::item_enum(ref enum_definition, _) => {
let vi = ty::enum_variants(ccx.tcx, {crate: ast::local_crate,
node: it.id});
let mut i = 0;
let path = item_path(ccx, it);
for vec::each((*enum_definition).variants) |variant| {
let p = vec::append(/*bad*/copy path, ~[
let s = mangle_exported_name(ccx, p, ty::mk_int(ccx.tcx));
let disr_val = vi[i].disr_val;
// XXX: Bad copy.
note_unique_llvm_symbol(ccx, copy s);
let discrim_gvar = str::as_c_str(s, |buf| {
unsafe {
llvm::LLVMAddGlobal(ccx.llmod, ccx.int_type, buf)
unsafe {
llvm::LLVMSetInitializer(discrim_gvar, C_int(ccx, disr_val));
llvm::LLVMSetGlobalConstant(discrim_gvar, True);
local_def(variant.node.id), discrim_gvar);
ccx.discrim_symbols.insert(variant.node.id, s);
i += 1;
_ => ()
fn trans_constants(ccx: @crate_ctxt, crate: @ast::crate) {
*crate, (),
visit::mk_simple_visitor(@visit::SimpleVisitor {
visit_item: |a| trans_constant(ccx, a),
fn vp2i(cx: block, v: ValueRef) -> ValueRef {
let ccx = cx.ccx();
return PtrToInt(cx, v, ccx.int_type);
fn p2i(ccx: @crate_ctxt, v: ValueRef) -> ValueRef {
unsafe {
return llvm::LLVMConstPtrToInt(v, ccx.int_type);
fn declare_intrinsics(llmod: ModuleRef) -> HashMap<~str, ValueRef> {
let T_memcpy32_args: ~[TypeRef] =
~[T_ptr(T_i8()), T_ptr(T_i8()), T_i32(), T_i32(), T_i1()];
let T_memcpy64_args: ~[TypeRef] =
~[T_ptr(T_i8()), T_ptr(T_i8()), T_i64(), T_i32(), T_i1()];
let T_memset32_args: ~[TypeRef] =
~[T_ptr(T_i8()), T_i8(), T_i32(), T_i32(), T_i1()];
let T_memset64_args: ~[TypeRef] =
~[T_ptr(T_i8()), T_i8(), T_i64(), T_i32(), T_i1()];
let T_trap_args: ~[TypeRef] = ~[];
let T_frameaddress_args: ~[TypeRef] = ~[T_i32()];
let gcroot =
decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.gcroot",
T_fn(~[T_ptr(T_ptr(T_i8())), T_ptr(T_i8())],
let gcread =
decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.gcread",
T_fn(~[T_ptr(T_i8()), T_ptr(T_ptr(T_i8()))],
let memcpy32 =
decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i32",
T_fn(T_memcpy32_args, T_void()));
let memcpy64 =
decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64",
T_fn(T_memcpy64_args, T_void()));
let memset32 =
decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.memset.p0i8.i32",
T_fn(T_memset32_args, T_void()));
let memset64 =
decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.memset.p0i8.i64",
T_fn(T_memset64_args, T_void()));
let trap = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.trap", T_fn(T_trap_args,
let frameaddress = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.frameaddress",
let sqrtf32 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.sqrt.f32",
T_fn(~[T_f32()], T_f32()));
let sqrtf64 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.sqrt.f64",
T_fn(~[T_f64()], T_f64()));
let powif32 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.powi.f32",
T_fn(~[T_f32(), T_i32()], T_f32()));
let powif64 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.powi.f64",
T_fn(~[T_f64(), T_i32()], T_f64()));
let sinf32 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.sin.f32",
T_fn(~[T_f32()], T_f32()));
let sinf64 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.sin.f64",
T_fn(~[T_f64()], T_f64()));
let cosf32 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.cos.f32",
T_fn(~[T_f32()], T_f32()));
let cosf64 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.cos.f64",
T_fn(~[T_f64()], T_f64()));
let powf32 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.pow.f32",
T_fn(~[T_f32(), T_f32()], T_f32()));
let powf64 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.pow.f64",
T_fn(~[T_f64(), T_f64()], T_f64()));
let expf32 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.exp.f32",
T_fn(~[T_f32()], T_f32()));
let expf64 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.exp.f64",
T_fn(~[T_f64()], T_f64()));
let exp2f32 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.exp2.f32",
T_fn(~[T_f32()], T_f32()));
let exp2f64 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.exp2.f64",
T_fn(~[T_f64()], T_f64()));
let logf32 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.log.f32",
T_fn(~[T_f32()], T_f32()));
let logf64 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.log.f64",
T_fn(~[T_f64()], T_f64()));
let log10f32 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.log10.f32",
T_fn(~[T_f32()], T_f32()));
let log10f64 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.log10.f64",
T_fn(~[T_f64()], T_f64()));
let log2f32 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.log2.f32",
T_fn(~[T_f32()], T_f32()));
let log2f64 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.log2.f64",
T_fn(~[T_f64()], T_f64()));
let fmaf32 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.fma.f32",
T_fn(~[T_f32(), T_f32(), T_f32()], T_f32()));
let fmaf64 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.fma.f64",
T_fn(~[T_f64(), T_f64(), T_f64()], T_f64()));
let fabsf32 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.fabs.f32",
T_fn(~[T_f32()], T_f32()));
let fabsf64 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.fabs.f64",
T_fn(~[T_f64()], T_f64()));
let floorf32 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.floor.f32",
T_fn(~[T_f32()], T_f32()));
let floorf64 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.floor.f64",
T_fn(~[T_f64()], T_f64()));
let ceilf32 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.ceil.f32",
T_fn(~[T_f32()], T_f32()));
let ceilf64 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.ceil.f64",
T_fn(~[T_f64()], T_f64()));
let truncf32 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.trunc.f32",
T_fn(~[T_f32()], T_f32()));
let truncf64 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.trunc.f64",
T_fn(~[T_f64()], T_f64()));
let ctpop8 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.ctpop.i8",
T_fn(~[T_i8()], T_i8()));
let ctpop16 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.ctpop.i16",
T_fn(~[T_i16()], T_i16()));
let ctpop32 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.ctpop.i32",
T_fn(~[T_i32()], T_i32()));
let ctpop64 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.ctpop.i64",
T_fn(~[T_i64()], T_i64()));
let ctlz8 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.ctlz.i8",
T_fn(~[T_i8(), T_i1()], T_i8()));
let ctlz16 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.ctlz.i16",
T_fn(~[T_i16(), T_i1()], T_i16()));
let ctlz32 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.ctlz.i32",
T_fn(~[T_i32(), T_i1()], T_i32()));
let ctlz64 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.ctlz.i64",
T_fn(~[T_i64(), T_i1()], T_i64()));
let cttz8 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.cttz.i8",
T_fn(~[T_i8(), T_i1()], T_i8()));
let cttz16 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.cttz.i16",
T_fn(~[T_i16(), T_i1()], T_i16()));
let cttz32 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.cttz.i32",
T_fn(~[T_i32(), T_i1()], T_i32()));
let cttz64 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.cttz.i64",
T_fn(~[T_i64(), T_i1()], T_i64()));
let bswap16 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.bswap.i16",
T_fn(~[T_i16()], T_i16()));
let bswap32 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.bswap.i32",
T_fn(~[T_i32()], T_i32()));
let bswap64 = decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.bswap.i64",
T_fn(~[T_i64()], T_i64()));
let intrinsics = HashMap();
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.gcroot", gcroot);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.gcread", gcread);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i32", memcpy32);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64", memcpy64);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.memset.p0i8.i32", memset32);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.memset.p0i8.i64", memset64);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.trap", trap);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.frameaddress", frameaddress);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.sqrt.f32", sqrtf32);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.sqrt.f64", sqrtf64);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.powi.f32", powif32);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.powi.f64", powif64);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.sin.f32", sinf32);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.sin.f64", sinf64);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.cos.f32", cosf32);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.cos.f64", cosf64);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.pow.f32", powf32);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.pow.f64", powf64);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.exp.f32", expf32);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.exp.f64", expf64);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.exp2.f32", exp2f32);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.exp2.f64", exp2f64);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.log.f32", logf32);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.log.f64", logf64);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.log10.f32", log10f32);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.log10.f64", log10f64);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.log2.f32", log2f32);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.log2.f64", log2f64);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.fma.f32", fmaf32);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.fma.f64", fmaf64);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.fabs.f32", fabsf32);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.fabs.f64", fabsf64);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.floor.f32", floorf32);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.floor.f64", floorf64);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.ceil.f32", ceilf32);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.ceil.f64", ceilf64);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.trunc.f32", truncf32);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.trunc.f64", truncf64);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.ctpop.i8", ctpop8);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.ctpop.i16", ctpop16);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.ctpop.i32", ctpop32);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.ctpop.i64", ctpop64);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.ctlz.i8", ctlz8);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.ctlz.i16", ctlz16);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.ctlz.i32", ctlz32);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.ctlz.i64", ctlz64);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.cttz.i8", cttz8);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.cttz.i16", cttz16);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.cttz.i32", cttz32);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.cttz.i64", cttz64);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.bswap.i16", bswap16);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.bswap.i32", bswap32);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.bswap.i64", bswap64);
return intrinsics;
fn declare_dbg_intrinsics(llmod: ModuleRef,
intrinsics: HashMap<~str, ValueRef>) {
let declare =
decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.dbg.declare",
T_fn(~[T_metadata(), T_metadata()], T_void()));
let value =
decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, ~"llvm.dbg.value",
T_fn(~[T_metadata(), T_i64(), T_metadata()],
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.dbg.declare", declare);
intrinsics.insert(~"llvm.dbg.value", value);
fn trap(bcx: block) {
let v: ~[ValueRef] = ~[];
match bcx.ccx().intrinsics.find(~"llvm.trap") {
Some(x) => { Call(bcx, x, v); },
_ => bcx.sess().bug(~"unbound llvm.trap in trap")
fn decl_gc_metadata(ccx: @crate_ctxt, llmod_id: ~str) {
if !ccx.sess.opts.gc || !ccx.uses_gc {
let gc_metadata_name = ~"_gc_module_metadata_" + llmod_id;
let gc_metadata = do str::as_c_str(gc_metadata_name) |buf| {
unsafe {
llvm::LLVMAddGlobal(ccx.llmod, T_i32(), buf)
unsafe {
llvm::LLVMSetGlobalConstant(gc_metadata, True);
lib::llvm::SetLinkage(gc_metadata, lib::llvm::ExternalLinkage);
ccx.module_data.insert(~"_gc_module_metadata", gc_metadata);
fn create_module_map(ccx: @crate_ctxt) -> ValueRef {
let elttype = T_struct(~[ccx.int_type, ccx.int_type]);
let maptype = T_array(elttype, ccx.module_data.size() + 1u);
let map = str::as_c_str(~"_rust_mod_map", |buf| {
unsafe {
llvm::LLVMAddGlobal(ccx.llmod, maptype, buf)
unsafe {
lib::llvm::SetLinkage(map, lib::llvm::InternalLinkage);
let mut elts: ~[ValueRef] = ~[];
for ccx.module_data.each |key, val| {
let elt = C_struct(~[p2i(ccx, C_cstr(ccx, key)),
p2i(ccx, val)]);
let term = C_struct(~[C_int(ccx, 0), C_int(ccx, 0)]);
unsafe {
llvm::LLVMSetInitializer(map, C_array(elttype, elts));
return map;
fn decl_crate_map(sess: session::Session, mapmeta: link_meta,
llmod: ModuleRef) -> ValueRef {
let targ_cfg = sess.targ_cfg;
let int_type = T_int(targ_cfg);
let mut n_subcrates = 1;
let cstore = sess.cstore;
while cstore::have_crate_data(cstore, n_subcrates) { n_subcrates += 1; }
let mapname = if sess.building_library {
mapmeta.name + ~"_" + mapmeta.vers + ~"_" + mapmeta.extras_hash
} else { ~"toplevel" };
let sym_name = ~"_rust_crate_map_" + mapname;
let arrtype = T_array(int_type, n_subcrates as uint);
let maptype = T_struct(~[T_i32(), T_ptr(T_i8()), int_type, arrtype]);
let map = str::as_c_str(sym_name, |buf| {
unsafe {
llvm::LLVMAddGlobal(llmod, maptype, buf)
lib::llvm::SetLinkage(map, lib::llvm::ExternalLinkage);
return map;
fn fill_crate_map(ccx: @crate_ctxt, map: ValueRef) {
let mut subcrates: ~[ValueRef] = ~[];
let mut i = 1;
let cstore = ccx.sess.cstore;
while cstore::have_crate_data(cstore, i) {
let cdata = cstore::get_crate_data(cstore, i);
let nm = ~"_rust_crate_map_" + cdata.name +
~"_" + cstore::get_crate_vers(cstore, i) +
~"_" + cstore::get_crate_hash(cstore, i);
let cr = str::as_c_str(nm, |buf| {
unsafe {
llvm::LLVMAddGlobal(ccx.llmod, ccx.int_type, buf)
subcrates.push(p2i(ccx, cr));
i += 1;
subcrates.push(C_int(ccx, 0));
let llannihilatefn;
let annihilate_def_id = ccx.tcx.lang_items.annihilate_fn();
if annihilate_def_id.crate == ast::local_crate {
llannihilatefn = get_item_val(ccx, annihilate_def_id.node);
} else {
let annihilate_fn_type = csearch::get_type(ccx.tcx,
llannihilatefn = trans_external_path(ccx,
unsafe {
llvm::LLVMSetInitializer(map, C_struct(
p2i(ccx, create_module_map(ccx)),
C_array(ccx.int_type, subcrates)]));
fn crate_ctxt_to_encode_parms(cx: @crate_ctxt) -> encoder::encode_parms {
// XXX: Bad copy of `c`, whatever it is.
let encode_inlined_item =
|a,b,c,d| astencode::encode_inlined_item(a, b, copy c, d, cx.maps);
return {
diag: cx.sess.diagnostic(),
tcx: cx.tcx,
reachable: cx.reachable,
reexports2: cx.exp_map2,
item_symbols: cx.item_symbols,
discrim_symbols: cx.discrim_symbols,
link_meta: /*bad*/copy cx.link_meta,
cstore: cx.sess.cstore,
encode_inlined_item: encode_inlined_item
fn write_metadata(cx: @crate_ctxt, crate: @ast::crate) {
if !cx.sess.building_library { return; }
let encode_parms = crate_ctxt_to_encode_parms(cx);
let llmeta = C_bytes(encoder::encode_metadata(encode_parms, crate));
let llconst = C_struct(~[llmeta]);
let mut llglobal = str::as_c_str(~"rust_metadata", |buf| {
unsafe {
llvm::LLVMAddGlobal(cx.llmod, val_ty(llconst), buf)
unsafe {
llvm::LLVMSetInitializer(llglobal, llconst);
str::as_c_str(cx.sess.targ_cfg.target_strs.meta_sect_name, |buf| {
llvm::LLVMSetSection(llglobal, buf)
lib::llvm::SetLinkage(llglobal, lib::llvm::InternalLinkage);
let t_ptr_i8 = T_ptr(T_i8());
llglobal = llvm::LLVMConstBitCast(llglobal, t_ptr_i8);
let llvm_used = str::as_c_str(~"llvm.used", |buf| {
llvm::LLVMAddGlobal(cx.llmod, T_array(t_ptr_i8, 1u), buf)
lib::llvm::SetLinkage(llvm_used, lib::llvm::AppendingLinkage);
llvm::LLVMSetInitializer(llvm_used, C_array(t_ptr_i8, ~[llglobal]));
// Writes the current ABI version into the crate.
fn write_abi_version(ccx: @crate_ctxt) {
mk_global(ccx, ~"rust_abi_version", C_uint(ccx, abi::abi_version),
fn trans_crate(sess: session::Session,
crate: @ast::crate,
tcx: ty::ctxt,
output: &Path,
emap2: resolve::ExportMap2,
maps: astencode::maps)
-> (ModuleRef, link_meta) {
let symbol_hasher = @hash::default_state();
let link_meta =
link::build_link_meta(sess, *crate, output, symbol_hasher);
let reachable = reachable::find_reachable(crate.node.module, emap2, tcx,
// Append ".rc" to crate name as LLVM module identifier.
// LLVM code generator emits a ".file filename" directive
// for ELF backends. Value of the "filename" is set as the
// LLVM module identifier. Due to a LLVM MC bug[1], LLVM
// crashes if the module identifer is same as other symbols
// such as a function name in the module.
// 1. http://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=11479
let llmod_id = link_meta.name + ~".rc";
unsafe {
let llmod = str::as_c_str(llmod_id, |buf| {
(buf, llvm::LLVMGetGlobalContext())
let data_layout = /*bad*/copy sess.targ_cfg.target_strs.data_layout;
let targ_triple = /*bad*/copy sess.targ_cfg.target_strs.target_triple;
let _: () =
|buf| llvm::LLVMSetDataLayout(llmod, buf));
let _: () =
|buf| llvm::LLVMSetTarget(llmod, buf));
let targ_cfg = sess.targ_cfg;
let td = mk_target_data(
/*bad*/copy sess.targ_cfg.target_strs.data_layout);
let tn = mk_type_names();
let intrinsics = declare_intrinsics(llmod);
if sess.opts.extra_debuginfo {
declare_dbg_intrinsics(llmod, intrinsics);
let int_type = T_int(targ_cfg);
let float_type = T_float(targ_cfg);
let task_type = T_task(targ_cfg);
let taskptr_type = T_ptr(task_type);
lib::llvm::associate_type(tn, ~"taskptr", taskptr_type);
let tydesc_type = T_tydesc(targ_cfg);
lib::llvm::associate_type(tn, ~"tydesc", tydesc_type);
let crate_map = decl_crate_map(sess, link_meta, llmod);
let dbg_cx = if sess.opts.debuginfo {
Some(debuginfo::mk_ctxt(copy llmod_id, sess.parse_sess.interner))
} else {
let ccx = @crate_ctxt {
sess: sess,
llmod: llmod,
td: td,
tn: tn,
externs: HashMap(),
intrinsics: intrinsics,
item_vals: HashMap(),
exp_map2: emap2,
reachable: reachable,
item_symbols: HashMap(),
mut main_fn: None::<ValueRef>,
link_meta: copy link_meta, // XXX: Bad copy.
enum_sizes: ty::new_ty_hash(),
discrims: HashMap(),
discrim_symbols: HashMap(),
tydescs: ty::new_ty_hash(),
mut finished_tydescs: false,
external: HashMap(),
monomorphized: HashMap(),
monomorphizing: HashMap(),
type_use_cache: HashMap(),
vtables: map::HashMap(),
const_cstr_cache: HashMap(),
const_globals: HashMap(),
const_values: HashMap(),
module_data: HashMap(),
lltypes: ty::new_ty_hash(),
names: new_namegen(sess.parse_sess.interner),
next_addrspace: new_addrspace_gen(),
symbol_hasher: symbol_hasher,
type_hashcodes: ty::new_ty_hash(),
type_short_names: ty::new_ty_hash(),
all_llvm_symbols: HashMap(),
tcx: tcx,
maps: maps,
{mut n_static_tydescs: 0u,
mut n_glues_created: 0u,
mut n_null_glues: 0u,
mut n_real_glues: 0u,
mut n_fns: 0u,
mut n_monos: 0u,
mut n_inlines: 0u,
mut n_closures: 0u,
llvm_insn_ctxt: @mut ~[],
llvm_insns: HashMap(),
fn_times: @mut ~[]},
upcalls: upcall::declare_upcalls(targ_cfg, llmod),
tydesc_type: tydesc_type,
int_type: int_type,
float_type: float_type,
task_type: task_type,
opaque_vec_type: T_opaque_vec(targ_cfg),
builder: BuilderRef_res(unsafe { llvm::LLVMCreateBuilder() }),
shape_cx: mk_ctxt(llmod),
crate_map: crate_map,
mut uses_gc: false,
dbg_cx: dbg_cx,
mut do_not_commit_warning_issued: false
let _icx = ccx.insn_ctxt("data");
trans_constants(ccx, crate);
let _icx = ccx.insn_ctxt("text");
trans_mod(ccx, crate.node.module);
decl_gc_metadata(ccx, llmod_id);
fill_crate_map(ccx, crate_map);
// Translate the metadata.
write_metadata(ccx, crate);
if ccx.sess.trans_stats() {
io::println(~"--- trans stats ---");
io::println(fmt!("n_static_tydescs: %u",
io::println(fmt!("n_glues_created: %u",
io::println(fmt!("n_null_glues: %u", ccx.stats.n_null_glues));
io::println(fmt!("n_real_glues: %u", ccx.stats.n_real_glues));
io::println(fmt!("n_fns: %u", ccx.stats.n_fns));
io::println(fmt!("n_monos: %u", ccx.stats.n_monos));
io::println(fmt!("n_inlines: %u", ccx.stats.n_inlines));
io::println(fmt!("n_closures: %u", ccx.stats.n_closures));
if ccx.sess.count_llvm_insns() {
for ccx.stats.llvm_insns.each |k, v| {
io::println(fmt!("%-7u %s", v, k));
return (llmod, link_meta);
// Local Variables:
// mode: rust
// fill-column: 78;
// indent-tabs-mode: nil
// c-basic-offset: 4
// buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix
// End: