Nicholas Nethercote 83adf883a2 rustdoc: remove unchecked_claim_error_was_emitted call in main_args.
`main_args` calls `from_matches`, which does lots of initialization. If
anything goes wrong, `from_matches` emits an error message and returns
`Err(1)` (or `Err(3)`). `main_args` then turns the `Err(1)` into
`Err(ErrorGuaranteed)`, because that's what `catch_with_exit_code`
requires on error. But `catch_with_exit_code` doesn't do anything with
the `ErrorGuaranteed`, it just exits with `EXIT_FAILURE`.

We can avoid the creation of the `ErrorGuaranteed` (which requires
an undesirable `unchecked_claim_error_was_emitted` call), by changing
`from_matches` to instead eagerly abort if anything goes wrong. The
behaviour from the user's point of view is the same: an early abort with
an `EXIT_FAILURE` exit code.

And we can also simplify `from_matches` to return an `Option` instead of
a `Result`:
- Old `Err(0)` case --> `None`
- Old `Err(_)` case --> fatal error.

This requires similar changes to `ScrapeExamplesOptions::new` and
2024-02-07 18:57:46 +11:00

357 lines
13 KiB

//! This module analyzes crates to find call sites that can serve as examples in the documentation.
use crate::clean;
use crate::config;
use crate::formats;
use crate::formats::renderer::FormatRenderer;
use crate::html::render::Context;
use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap;
use rustc_hir::{
self as hir,
intravisit::{self, Visitor},
use rustc_interface::interface;
use rustc_macros::{Decodable, Encodable};
use rustc_middle::hir::map::Map;
use rustc_middle::hir::nested_filter;
use rustc_middle::ty::{self, TyCtxt};
use rustc_serialize::{
opaque::{FileEncoder, MemDecoder},
Decodable, Encodable,
use rustc_session::getopts;
use rustc_span::{
def_id::{CrateNum, DefPathHash, LOCAL_CRATE},
BytePos, FileName, SourceFile,
use std::fs;
use std::path::PathBuf;
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub(crate) struct ScrapeExamplesOptions {
output_path: PathBuf,
target_crates: Vec<String>,
pub(crate) scrape_tests: bool,
impl ScrapeExamplesOptions {
pub(crate) fn new(matches: &getopts::Matches, dcx: &rustc_errors::DiagCtxt) -> Option<Self> {
let output_path = matches.opt_str("scrape-examples-output-path");
let target_crates = matches.opt_strs("scrape-examples-target-crate");
let scrape_tests = matches.opt_present("scrape-tests");
match (output_path, !target_crates.is_empty(), scrape_tests) {
(Some(output_path), true, _) => Some(ScrapeExamplesOptions {
output_path: PathBuf::from(output_path),
(Some(_), false, _) | (None, true, _) => {
dcx.fatal("must use --scrape-examples-output-path and --scrape-examples-target-crate together");
(None, false, true) => {
dcx.fatal("must use --scrape-examples-output-path and --scrape-examples-target-crate with --scrape-tests");
(None, false, false) => None,
#[derive(Encodable, Decodable, Debug, Clone)]
pub(crate) struct SyntaxRange {
pub(crate) byte_span: (u32, u32),
pub(crate) line_span: (usize, usize),
impl SyntaxRange {
fn new(span: rustc_span::Span, file: &SourceFile) -> Option<Self> {
let get_pos = |bytepos: BytePos| file.original_relative_byte_pos(bytepos).0;
let get_line = |bytepos: BytePos| file.lookup_line(file.relative_position(bytepos));
Some(SyntaxRange {
byte_span: (get_pos(span.lo()), get_pos(span.hi())),
line_span: (get_line(span.lo())?, get_line(span.hi())?),
#[derive(Encodable, Decodable, Debug, Clone)]
pub(crate) struct CallLocation {
pub(crate) call_expr: SyntaxRange,
pub(crate) call_ident: SyntaxRange,
pub(crate) enclosing_item: SyntaxRange,
impl CallLocation {
fn new(
expr_span: rustc_span::Span,
ident_span: rustc_span::Span,
enclosing_item_span: rustc_span::Span,
source_file: &SourceFile,
) -> Option<Self> {
Some(CallLocation {
call_expr: SyntaxRange::new(expr_span, source_file)?,
call_ident: SyntaxRange::new(ident_span, source_file)?,
enclosing_item: SyntaxRange::new(enclosing_item_span, source_file)?,
#[derive(Encodable, Decodable, Debug, Clone)]
pub(crate) struct CallData {
pub(crate) locations: Vec<CallLocation>,
pub(crate) url: String,
pub(crate) display_name: String,
pub(crate) edition: Edition,
pub(crate) is_bin: bool,
pub(crate) type FnCallLocations = FxHashMap<PathBuf, CallData>;
pub(crate) type AllCallLocations = FxHashMap<DefPathHash, FnCallLocations>;
/// Visitor for traversing a crate and finding instances of function calls.
struct FindCalls<'a, 'tcx> {
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
map: Map<'tcx>,
cx: Context<'tcx>,
target_crates: Vec<CrateNum>,
calls: &'a mut AllCallLocations,
bin_crate: bool,
impl<'a, 'tcx> Visitor<'tcx> for FindCalls<'a, 'tcx>
'tcx: 'a,
type NestedFilter = nested_filter::OnlyBodies;
fn nested_visit_map(&mut self) -> Self::Map {
fn visit_expr(&mut self, ex: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>) {
intravisit::walk_expr(self, ex);
let tcx = self.tcx;
// If we visit an item that contains an expression outside a function body,
// then we need to exit before calling typeck (which will panic). See
// test/run-make/rustdoc-scrape-examples-invalid-expr for an example.
let hir = tcx.hir();
if hir.maybe_body_owned_by(ex.hir_id.owner.def_id).is_none() {
// Get type of function if expression is a function call
let (ty, call_span, ident_span) = match ex.kind {
hir::ExprKind::Call(f, _) => {
let types = tcx.typeck(ex.hir_id.owner.def_id);
if let Some(ty) = types.node_type_opt(f.hir_id) {
(ty, ex.span, f.span)
} else {
trace!("node_type_opt({}) = None", f.hir_id);
hir::ExprKind::MethodCall(path, _, _, call_span) => {
let types = tcx.typeck(ex.hir_id.owner.def_id);
let Some(def_id) = types.type_dependent_def_id(ex.hir_id) else {
trace!("type_dependent_def_id({}) = None", ex.hir_id);
let ident_span = path.ident.span;
(tcx.type_of(def_id).instantiate_identity(), call_span, ident_span)
_ => {
// If this span comes from a macro expansion, then the source code may not actually show
// a use of the given item, so it would be a poor example. Hence, we skip all uses in macros.
if call_span.from_expansion() {
trace!("Rejecting expr from macro: {call_span:?}");
// If the enclosing item has a span coming from a proc macro, then we also don't want to include
// the example.
let enclosing_item_span =
if enclosing_item_span.from_expansion() {
trace!("Rejecting expr ({call_span:?}) from macro item: {enclosing_item_span:?}");
// If the enclosing item doesn't actually enclose the call, this means we probably have a weird
// macro issue even though the spans aren't tagged as being from an expansion.
if !enclosing_item_span.contains(call_span) {
"Attempted to scrape call at [{call_span:?}] whose enclosing item [{enclosing_item_span:?}] doesn't contain the span of the call."
// Similarly for the call w/ the function ident.
if !call_span.contains(ident_span) {
"Attempted to scrape call at [{call_span:?}] whose identifier [{ident_span:?}] was not contained in the span of the call."
// Save call site if the function resolves to a concrete definition
if let ty::FnDef(def_id, _) = ty.kind() {
if self.target_crates.iter().all(|krate| *krate != def_id.krate) {
trace!("Rejecting expr from crate not being documented: {call_span:?}");
let source_map = tcx.sess.source_map();
let file = source_map.lookup_char_pos(call_span.lo()).file;
let file_path = match {
FileName::Real(real_filename) => real_filename.into_local_path(),
_ => None,
if let Some(file_path) = file_path {
let abs_path = match fs::canonicalize(file_path.clone()) {
Ok(abs_path) => abs_path,
Err(_) => {
trace!("Could not canonicalize file path: {}", file_path.display());
let cx = &;
let clean_span = crate::clean::types::Span::new(call_span);
let url = match cx.href_from_span(clean_span, false) {
Some(url) => url,
None => {
"Rejecting expr ({call_span:?}) whose clean span ({clean_span:?}) cannot be turned into a link"
let mk_call_data = || {
let display_name = file_path.display().to_string();
let edition = call_span.edition();
let is_bin = self.bin_crate;
CallData { locations: Vec::new(), url, display_name, edition, is_bin }
let fn_key = tcx.def_path_hash(*def_id);
let fn_entries = self.calls.entry(fn_key).or_default();
trace!("Including expr: {call_span:?}");
let enclosing_item_span =
source_map.span_extend_to_prev_char(enclosing_item_span, '\n', false);
let location =
match CallLocation::new(call_span, ident_span, enclosing_item_span, &file) {
Some(location) => location,
None => {
trace!("Could not get serializable call location for {call_span:?}");
pub(crate) fn run(
krate: clean::Crate,
mut renderopts: config::RenderOptions,
cache: formats::cache::Cache,
tcx: TyCtxt<'_>,
options: ScrapeExamplesOptions,
bin_crate: bool,
) -> interface::Result<()> {
let inner = move || -> Result<(), String> {
// Generates source files for examples
renderopts.no_emit_shared = true;
let (cx, _) = Context::init(krate, renderopts, cache, tcx).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
// Collect CrateIds corresponding to provided target crates
// If two different versions of the crate in the dependency tree, then examples will be collected from both.
let all_crates = tcx
.map(|crate_num| (crate_num, tcx.crate_name(*crate_num)))
let target_crates = options
.flat_map(|target| all_crates.iter().filter(move |(_, name)| name.as_str() == target))
.map(|(crate_num, _)| **crate_num)
debug!("All crates in TyCtxt: {all_crates:?}");
debug!("Scrape examples target_crates: {target_crates:?}");
// Run call-finder on all items
let mut calls = FxHashMap::default();
let mut finder =
FindCalls { calls: &mut calls, tcx, map: tcx.hir(), cx, target_crates, bin_crate };
tcx.hir().visit_all_item_likes_in_crate(&mut finder);
// The visitor might have found a type error, which we need to
// promote to a fatal error
if tcx.dcx().has_errors().is_some() {
return Err(String::from("Compilation failed, aborting rustdoc"));
// Sort call locations within a given file in document order
for fn_calls in calls.values_mut() {
for file_calls in fn_calls.values_mut() {
file_calls.locations.sort_by_key(|loc| loc.call_expr.byte_span.0);
// Save output to provided path
let mut encoder = FileEncoder::new(options.output_path).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
calls.encode(&mut encoder);
encoder.finish().map_err(|(_path, e)| e.to_string())?;
if let Err(e) = inner() {
// Note: the DiagCtxt must be passed in explicitly because sess isn't available while parsing
// options.
pub(crate) fn load_call_locations(
with_examples: Vec<String>,
dcx: &rustc_errors::DiagCtxt,
) -> AllCallLocations {
let mut all_calls: AllCallLocations = FxHashMap::default();
for path in with_examples {
let bytes = match fs::read(&path) {
Ok(bytes) => bytes,
Err(e) => dcx.fatal(format!("failed to load examples: {e}")),
let mut decoder = MemDecoder::new(&bytes, 0);
let calls = AllCallLocations::decode(&mut decoder);
for (function, fn_calls) in calls.into_iter() {