`[1e20, 1.0, -1e20].sum()` returns `0.0`. This happens because during the summation, `1.0` is too small relative to `1e20`, making it negligible. I have tried Kahan summation but it hasn't fixed the problem. Therefore, I've used Python's `fsum()` implementation. For more details, read: www.cs.cmu.edu/~quake-papers/robust-arithmetic.ps https://github.com/mozilla/rust/issues/10851 Python's fsum (msum) http://code.activestate.com/recipes/393090/ @huonw, your feedback is more than welcome. It looks unpolished; Do you have suggestions how to make it more beautiful and elegant? Thanks in advance,
This is a preliminary version of the Rust compiler, libraries and tools Source layout: librustc/ The self-hosted compiler libstd/ The standard library (imported and linked by default) libextra/ The "extras" library (slightly more peripheral code) libsyntax/ The Rust parser and pretty-printer rt/ The runtime system rt/rust_*.cpp - The majority of the runtime services rt/isaac - The PRNG used for pseudo-random choices in the runtime rt/bigint - The bigint library used for the 'big' type rt/uthash - Small hashtable-and-list library for C, used in runtime rt/sync - Concurrency utils rt/util - Small utility classes for the runtime. rt/vg - Valgrind headers rt/msvc - MSVC support test/ Testsuite test/compile-fail - Tests that should fail to compile test/run-fail - Tests that should compile, run and fail test/run-pass - Tests that should compile, run and succeed test/bench - Benchmarks and miscellanea test/pretty - Pretty-printer tests test/auxiliary - Dependencies of tests compiletest/ The test runner librustpkg/ The package manager and build system librustdoc/ The Rust API documentation tool llvm/ The LLVM submodule libuv/ The libuv submodule rustllvm/ LLVM support code libfuzzer/ A collection of fuzz testers etc/ Scripts, editor support, misc