"Handle" calls to upstream monomorphizations in compiler_builtins This is pretty cooked, but I think it works. compiler-builtins has a long-standing problem that at link time, its rlib cannot contain any calls to `core`. And yet, in codegen we _love_ inserting calls to symbols in `core`, generally from various panic entrypoints. I intend this PR to attack that problem as completely as possible. When we generate a function call, we now check if we are generating a function call from `compiler_builtins` and whether the callee is a function which was not lowered in the current crate, meaning we will have to link to it. If those conditions are met, actually generating the call is asking for a linker error. So we don't. If the callee diverges, we lower to an abort with the same behavior as `core::intrinsics::abort`. If the callee does not diverge, we produce an error. This means that compiler-builtins can contain panics, but they'll SIGILL instead of panicking. I made non-diverging calls a compile error because I'm guessing that they'd mostly get into compiler-builtins by someone making a mistake while working on the crate, and compile errors are better than linker errors. We could turn such calls into aborts as well if that's preferred.
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