Jack Moffitt b349036e5f Make crate hash stable and externally computable.
This replaces the link meta attributes with a pkgid attribute and uses a hash
of this as the crate hash. This makes the crate hash computable by things
other than the Rust compiler. It also switches the hash function ot SHA1 since
that is much more likely to be available in shell, Python, etc than SipHash.

Fixes #10188, #8523.
2013-12-10 17:04:24 -07:00

925 lines
38 KiB

// Copyright 2012-2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// rustpkg - a package manager and build system for Rust
// NOTE: remove after the next snapshot
#[link(name = "rustpkg",
package_id = "rustpkg",
vers = "0.9-pre",
uuid = "25de5e6e-279e-4a20-845c-4cabae92daaf",
url = "https://github.com/mozilla/rust/tree/master/src/librustpkg")];
#[license = "MIT/ASL2"];
#[crate_type = "dylib"];
#[feature(globs, managed_boxes)];
extern mod extra;
extern mod rustc;
extern mod syntax;
use std::{os, result, run, str, task};
use std::io::process;
use std::hashmap::HashSet;
use std::io;
use std::io::fs;
pub use std::path::Path;
use extra::workcache;
use rustc::driver::{driver, session};
use rustc::metadata::filesearch;
use rustc::metadata::filesearch::rust_path;
use rustc::util::sha2;
use extra::{getopts};
use syntax::{ast, diagnostic};
use messages::{error, warn, note};
use path_util::{build_pkg_id_in_workspace, built_test_in_workspace};
use path_util::in_rust_path;
use path_util::{built_executable_in_workspace, built_library_in_workspace, default_workspace};
use path_util::{target_executable_in_workspace, target_library_in_workspace, dir_has_crate_file};
use source_control::{CheckedOutSources, is_git_dir, make_read_only};
use workspace::{each_pkg_parent_workspace, pkg_parent_workspaces, cwd_to_workspace};
use workspace::determine_destination;
use context::{Context, BuildContext,
RustcFlags, Trans, Link, Nothing, Pretty, Analysis, Assemble,
LLVMAssemble, LLVMCompileBitcode};
use package_id::PkgId;
use package_source::PkgSrc;
use target::{WhatToBuild, Everything, is_lib, is_main, is_test, is_bench};
use target::{Main, Tests, MaybeCustom, Inferred, JustOne};
use workcache_support::digest_only_date;
use exit_codes::{COPY_FAILED_CODE, BAD_FLAG_CODE};
pub mod api;
mod conditions;
pub mod context;
mod crate;
pub mod exit_codes;
mod installed_packages;
mod messages;
pub mod package_id;
pub mod package_source;
mod path_util;
mod source_control;
mod target;
#[cfg(not(windows), test)] // FIXME test failure on windows: #10471
mod tests;
mod util;
pub mod version;
pub mod workcache_support;
mod workspace;
pub mod usage;
/// A PkgScript represents user-supplied custom logic for
/// special build hooks. This only exists for packages with
/// an explicit package script.
struct PkgScript<'self> {
/// Uniquely identifies this package
id: &'self PkgId,
/// File path for the package script
input: Path,
/// The session to use *only* for compiling the custom
/// build script
sess: session::Session,
/// The config for compiling the custom build script
cfg: ast::CrateConfig,
/// The crate for the custom build script
crate: Option<ast::Crate>,
/// Directory in which to store build output
build_dir: Path
impl<'self> PkgScript<'self> {
/// Given the path name for a package script
/// and a package ID, parse the package script into
/// a PkgScript that we can then execute
fn parse<'a>(sysroot: Path,
script: Path,
workspace: &Path,
id: &'a PkgId) -> PkgScript<'a> {
// Get the executable name that was invoked
let binary = os::args()[0].to_managed();
// Build the rustc session data structures to pass
// to the compiler
debug!("pkgscript parse: {}", sysroot.display());
let options = @session::options {
binary: binary,
maybe_sysroot: Some(@sysroot),
outputs: ~[session::OutputExecutable],
.. (*session::basic_options()).clone()
let input = driver::file_input(script.clone());
let sess = driver::build_session(options,
@diagnostic::DefaultEmitter as
let cfg = driver::build_configuration(sess);
let crate = driver::phase_1_parse_input(sess, cfg.clone(), &input);
let crate = driver::phase_2_configure_and_expand(sess, cfg.clone(), crate);
let work_dir = build_pkg_id_in_workspace(id, workspace);
debug!("Returning package script with id {}", id.to_str());
PkgScript {
id: id,
input: script,
sess: sess,
cfg: cfg,
crate: Some(crate),
build_dir: work_dir
fn build_custom(&mut self, exec: &mut workcache::Exec) -> ~str {
let sess = self.sess;
debug!("Working directory = {}", self.build_dir.display());
// Collect together any user-defined commands in the package script
let crate = util::ready_crate(sess, self.crate.take_unwrap());
debug!("Building output filenames with script name {}",
let exe = self.build_dir.join("pkg" + util::exe_suffix());
// Discover the output
// FIXME (#9639): This needs to handle non-utf8 paths
// Discover the output
exec.discover_output("binary", exe.as_str().unwrap().to_owned(), digest_only_date(&exe));
/// Run the contents of this package script, where <what>
/// is the command to pass to it (e.g., "build", "clean", "install")
/// Returns a pair of an exit code and list of configs (obtained by
/// calling the package script's configs() function if it exists
fn run_custom(exe: &Path, sysroot: &Path) -> (~[~str], process::ProcessExit) {
debug!("Running program: {} {} {}", exe.as_str().unwrap().to_owned(),
sysroot.display(), "install");
// FIXME #7401 should support commands besides `install`
// FIXME (#9639): This needs to handle non-utf8 paths
let status = run::process_status(exe.as_str().unwrap(),
[sysroot.as_str().unwrap().to_owned(), ~"install"]);
if !status.success() {
debug!("run_custom: first pkg command failed with {:?}", status);
(~[], status)
else {
debug!("Running program (configs): {} {} {}",
exe.display(), sysroot.display(), "configs");
// FIXME (#9639): This needs to handle non-utf8 paths
let output = run::process_output(exe.as_str().unwrap(),
[sysroot.as_str().unwrap().to_owned(), ~"configs"]);
debug!("run_custom: second pkg command did {:?}", output.status);
// Run the configs() function to get the configs
let cfgs = str::from_utf8(output.output).words()
.map(|w| w.to_owned()).collect();
(cfgs, output.status)
pub trait CtxMethods {
fn run(&self, cmd: &str, args: ~[~str]);
fn do_cmd(&self, _cmd: &str, _pkgname: &str);
/// Returns a pair of the selected package ID, and the destination workspace
fn build_args(&self, args: ~[~str], what: &WhatToBuild) -> Option<(PkgId, Path)>;
/// Returns the destination workspace
fn build(&self, pkg_src: &mut PkgSrc, what: &WhatToBuild);
fn clean(&self, workspace: &Path, id: &PkgId);
fn info(&self);
/// Returns a pair. First component is a list of installed paths,
/// second is a list of declared and discovered inputs
fn install(&self, src: PkgSrc, what: &WhatToBuild) -> (~[Path], ~[(~str, ~str)]);
/// Returns a list of installed files
fn install_no_build(&self,
build_workspace: &Path,
build_inputs: &[Path],
target_workspace: &Path,
id: &PkgId) -> ~[~str];
fn prefer(&self, _id: &str, _vers: Option<~str>);
fn test(&self, id: &PkgId, workspace: &Path);
fn uninstall(&self, _id: &str, _vers: Option<~str>);
fn unprefer(&self, _id: &str, _vers: Option<~str>);
fn init(&self);
impl CtxMethods for BuildContext {
fn build_args(&self, args: ~[~str], what: &WhatToBuild) -> Option<(PkgId, Path)> {
let cwd = os::getcwd();
if args.len() < 1 {
match cwd_to_workspace() {
None if dir_has_crate_file(&cwd) => {
// FIXME (#9639): This needs to handle non-utf8 paths
let pkgid = PkgId::new(cwd.filename_str().unwrap());
let mut pkg_src = PkgSrc::new(cwd, default_workspace(), true, pkgid);
self.build(&mut pkg_src, what);
match pkg_src {
PkgSrc { destination_workspace: ws,
id: id, .. } => {
Some((id, ws))
None => { usage::build(); None }
Some((ws, pkgid)) => {
let mut pkg_src = PkgSrc::new(ws.clone(), ws, false, pkgid);
self.build(&mut pkg_src, what);
match pkg_src {
PkgSrc { destination_workspace: ws,
id: id, .. } => {
Some((id, ws))
} else {
// The package id is presumed to be the first command-line
// argument
let pkgid = PkgId::new(args[0].clone());
let mut dest_ws = default_workspace();
each_pkg_parent_workspace(&self.context, &pkgid, |workspace| {
debug!("found pkg {} in workspace {}, trying to build",
pkgid.to_str(), workspace.display());
dest_ws = determine_destination(os::getcwd(),
let mut pkg_src = PkgSrc::new(workspace.clone(), dest_ws.clone(),
false, pkgid.clone());
self.build(&mut pkg_src, what);
// n.b. If this builds multiple packages, it only returns the workspace for
// the last one. The whole building-multiple-packages-with-the-same-ID is weird
// anyway and there are no tests for it, so maybe take it out
Some((pkgid, dest_ws))
fn run(&self, cmd: &str, args: ~[~str]) {
let cwd = os::getcwd();
match cmd {
"build" => {
self.build_args(args, &WhatToBuild::new(MaybeCustom, Everything));
"clean" => {
if args.len() < 1 {
match cwd_to_workspace() {
None => { usage::clean(); return }
// tjc: Maybe clean should clean all the packages in the
// current workspace, though?
Some((ws, pkgid)) => self.clean(&ws, &pkgid)
else {
// The package id is presumed to be the first command-line
// argument
let pkgid = PkgId::new(args[0].clone());
self.clean(&cwd, &pkgid); // tjc: should use workspace, not cwd
"do" => {
if args.len() < 2 {
return usage::do_cmd();
self.do_cmd(args[0].clone(), args[1].clone());
"info" => {
"install" => {
if args.len() < 1 {
match cwd_to_workspace() {
None if dir_has_crate_file(&cwd) => {
// FIXME (#9639): This needs to handle non-utf8 paths
let inferred_pkgid =
self.install(PkgSrc::new(cwd, default_workspace(),
true, inferred_pkgid),
&WhatToBuild::new(MaybeCustom, Everything));
None => { usage::install(); return; }
Some((ws, pkgid)) => {
let pkg_src = PkgSrc::new(ws.clone(), ws.clone(), false, pkgid);
self.install(pkg_src, &WhatToBuild::new(MaybeCustom,
else {
// The package id is presumed to be the first command-line
// argument
let pkgid = PkgId::new(args[0]);
let workspaces = pkg_parent_workspaces(&self.context, &pkgid);
debug!("package ID = {}, found it in {:?} workspaces",
pkgid.to_str(), workspaces.len());
if workspaces.is_empty() {
let d = default_workspace();
let src = PkgSrc::new(d.clone(), d, false, pkgid.clone());
self.install(src, &WhatToBuild::new(MaybeCustom, Everything));
else {
for workspace in workspaces.iter() {
let dest = determine_destination(os::getcwd(),
let src = PkgSrc::new(workspace.clone(),
self.install(src, &WhatToBuild::new(MaybeCustom, Everything));
"list" => {
println("Installed packages:");
installed_packages::list_installed_packages(|pkg_id| {
pkg_id.path.display().with_str(|s| println(s));
"prefer" => {
if args.len() < 1 {
return usage::uninstall();
self.prefer(args[0], None);
"test" => {
// Build the test executable
let maybe_id_and_workspace = self.build_args(args,
&WhatToBuild::new(MaybeCustom, Tests));
match maybe_id_and_workspace {
Some((pkg_id, workspace)) => {
// Assuming it's built, run the tests
self.test(&pkg_id, &workspace);
None => {
error("Testing failed because building the specified package failed.");
"init" => {
if args.len() != 0 {
return usage::init();
} else {
"uninstall" => {
if args.len() < 1 {
return usage::uninstall();
let pkgid = PkgId::new(args[0]);
if !installed_packages::package_is_installed(&pkgid) {
warn(format!("Package {} doesn't seem to be installed! \
Doing nothing.", args[0]));
else {
let rp = rust_path();
each_pkg_parent_workspace(&self.context, &pkgid, |workspace| {
path_util::uninstall_package_from(workspace, &pkgid);
note(format!("Uninstalled package {} (was installed in {})",
pkgid.to_str(), workspace.display()));
"unprefer" => {
if args.len() < 1 {
return usage::unprefer();
self.unprefer(args[0], None);
_ => fail!("I don't know the command `{}`", cmd)
fn do_cmd(&self, _cmd: &str, _pkgname: &str) {
// stub
fail!("`do` not yet implemented");
fn build(&self, pkg_src: &mut PkgSrc, what_to_build: &WhatToBuild) {
use conditions::git_checkout_failed::cond;
let workspace = pkg_src.source_workspace.clone();
let pkgid = pkg_src.id.clone();
debug!("build: workspace = {} (in Rust path? {:?} is git dir? {:?} \
pkgid = {} pkgsrc start_dir = {}", workspace.display(),
in_rust_path(&workspace), is_git_dir(&workspace.join(&pkgid.path)),
pkgid.to_str(), pkg_src.start_dir.display());
debug!("build: what to build = {:?}", what_to_build);
// If workspace isn't in the RUST_PATH, and it's a git repo,
// then clone it into the first entry in RUST_PATH, and repeat
if !in_rust_path(&workspace) && is_git_dir(&workspace.join(&pkgid.path)) {
let mut out_dir = default_workspace().join("src");
let git_result = source_control::safe_git_clone(&workspace.join(&pkgid.path),
match git_result {
CheckedOutSources => make_read_only(&out_dir),
// FIXME (#9639): This needs to handle non-utf8 paths
_ => cond.raise((pkgid.path.as_str().unwrap().to_owned(), out_dir.clone()))
let default_ws = default_workspace();
debug!("Calling build recursively with {:?} and {:?}", default_ws.display(),
return self.build(&mut PkgSrc::new(default_ws.clone(),
pkgid.clone()), what_to_build);
// Is there custom build logic? If so, use it
let mut custom = false;
debug!("Package source directory = {}", pkg_src.to_str());
let opt = pkg_src.package_script_option();
debug!("Calling pkg_script_option on {:?}", opt);
let cfgs = match (pkg_src.package_script_option(), what_to_build.build_type) {
(Some(package_script_path), MaybeCustom) => {
let sysroot = self.sysroot_to_use();
// Build the package script if needed
let script_build = format!("build_package_script({})",
let pkg_exe = self.workcache_context.with_prep(script_build, |prep| {
let subsysroot = sysroot.clone();
let psp = package_script_path.clone();
let ws = workspace.clone();
let pid = pkgid.clone();
prep.exec(proc(exec) {
let mut pscript = PkgScript::parse(subsysroot.clone(),
// We always *run* the package script
let (cfgs, hook_result) = PkgScript::run_custom(&Path::new(pkg_exe), &sysroot);
debug!("Command return code = {:?}", hook_result);
if !hook_result.success() {
fail!("Error running custom build command")
custom = true;
// otherwise, the package script succeeded
(Some(_), Inferred) => {
debug!("There is a package script, but we're ignoring it");
(None, _) => {
debug!("No package script, continuing");
} + self.context.cfgs;
// If there was a package script, it should have finished
// the build already. Otherwise...
if !custom {
match what_to_build.sources {
// Find crates inside the workspace
Everything => pkg_src.find_crates(),
// Find only tests
Tests => pkg_src.find_crates_with_filter(|s| { is_test(&Path::new(s)) }),
// Don't infer any crates -- just build the one that was requested
JustOne(ref p) => {
// We expect that p is relative to the package source's start directory,
// so check that assumption
debug!("JustOne: p = {}", p.display());
if is_lib(p) {
PkgSrc::push_crate(&mut pkg_src.libs, 0, p);
} else if is_main(p) {
PkgSrc::push_crate(&mut pkg_src.mains, 0, p);
} else if is_test(p) {
PkgSrc::push_crate(&mut pkg_src.tests, 0, p);
} else if is_bench(p) {
PkgSrc::push_crate(&mut pkg_src.benchs, 0, p);
} else {
warn(format!("Not building any crates for dependency {}", p.display()));
// Build it!
pkg_src.build(self, cfgs, []);
fn clean(&self, workspace: &Path, id: &PkgId) {
// Could also support a custom build hook in the pkg
// script for cleaning files rustpkg doesn't know about.
// Do something reasonable for now
let dir = build_pkg_id_in_workspace(id, workspace);
note(format!("Cleaning package {} (removing directory {})",
id.to_str(), dir.display()));
if dir.exists() {
note(format!("Removed directory {}", dir.display()));
note(format!("Cleaned package {}", id.to_str()));
fn info(&self) {
// stub
fail!("info not yet implemented");
fn install(&self, mut pkg_src: PkgSrc, what: &WhatToBuild) -> (~[Path], ~[(~str, ~str)]) {
let id = pkg_src.id.clone();
let mut installed_files = ~[];
let mut inputs = ~[];
let mut build_inputs = ~[];
debug!("Installing package source: {}", pkg_src.to_str());
// workcache only knows about *crates*. Building a package
// just means inferring all the crates in it, then building each one.
self.build(&mut pkg_src, what);
debug!("Done building package source {}", pkg_src.to_str());
let to_do = ~[pkg_src.libs.clone(), pkg_src.mains.clone(),
pkg_src.tests.clone(), pkg_src.benchs.clone()];
debug!("In declare inputs for {}", id.to_str());
for cs in to_do.iter() {
for c in cs.iter() {
let path = pkg_src.start_dir.join(&c.file);
debug!("Recording input: {}", path.display());
// FIXME (#9639): This needs to handle non-utf8 paths
inputs.push((~"file", path.as_str().unwrap().to_owned()));
let result = self.install_no_build(pkg_src.build_workspace(),
&id).map(|s| Path::new(s.as_slice()));
installed_files = installed_files + result;
note(format!("Installed package {} to {}",
(installed_files, inputs)
// again, working around lack of Encodable for Path
fn install_no_build(&self,
build_workspace: &Path,
build_inputs: &[Path],
target_workspace: &Path,
id: &PkgId) -> ~[~str] {
debug!("install_no_build: assuming {} comes from {} with target {}",
id.to_str(), build_workspace.display(), target_workspace.display());
// Now copy stuff into the install dirs
let maybe_executable = built_executable_in_workspace(id, build_workspace);
let maybe_library = built_library_in_workspace(id, build_workspace);
let target_exec = target_executable_in_workspace(id, target_workspace);
let target_lib = maybe_library.as_ref()
.map(|_| target_library_in_workspace(id, target_workspace));
debug!("target_exec = {} target_lib = {:?} \
maybe_executable = {:?} maybe_library = {:?}",
target_exec.display(), target_lib,
maybe_executable, maybe_library);
self.workcache_context.with_prep(id.install_tag(), |prep| {
for ee in maybe_executable.iter() {
// FIXME (#9639): This needs to handle non-utf8 paths
for ll in maybe_library.iter() {
// FIXME (#9639): This needs to handle non-utf8 paths
let subex = maybe_executable.clone();
let sublib = maybe_library.clone();
let sub_target_ex = target_exec.clone();
let sub_target_lib = target_lib.clone();
let sub_build_inputs = build_inputs.to_owned();
prep.exec(proc(exe_thing) {
let mut outputs = ~[];
// Declare all the *inputs* to the declared input too, as inputs
for executable in subex.iter() {
for library in sublib.iter() {
for transitive_dependency in sub_build_inputs.iter() {
for exec in subex.iter() {
debug!("Copying: {} -> {}", exec.display(), sub_target_ex.display());
fs::mkdir_recursive(&sub_target_ex.dir_path(), io::UserRWX);
fs::copy(exec, &sub_target_ex);
// FIXME (#9639): This needs to handle non-utf8 paths
for lib in sublib.iter() {
let mut target_lib = sub_target_lib
.clone().expect(format!("I built {} but apparently \
didn't install it!", lib.display()));
target_lib.set_filename(lib.filename().expect("weird target lib"));
fs::mkdir_recursive(&target_lib.dir_path(), io::UserRWX);
fs::copy(lib, &target_lib);
debug!("3. discovering output {}", target_lib.display());
fn prefer(&self, _id: &str, _vers: Option<~str>) {
fail!("prefer not yet implemented");
fn test(&self, pkgid: &PkgId, workspace: &Path) {
match built_test_in_workspace(pkgid, workspace) {
Some(test_exec) => {
debug!("test: test_exec = {}", test_exec.display());
// FIXME (#9639): This needs to handle non-utf8 paths
let status = run::process_status(test_exec.as_str().unwrap(), [~"--test"]);
if !status.success() {
fail!("Some tests failed");
None => {
error(format!("Internal error: test executable for package ID {} in workspace {} \
wasn't built! Please report this as a bug.",
pkgid.to_str(), workspace.display()));
fn init(&self) {
fs::mkdir_recursive(&Path::new("src"), io::UserRWX);
fs::mkdir_recursive(&Path::new("bin"), io::UserRWX);
fs::mkdir_recursive(&Path::new("lib"), io::UserRWX);
fs::mkdir_recursive(&Path::new("build"), io::UserRWX);
fn uninstall(&self, _id: &str, _vers: Option<~str>) {
fail!("uninstall not yet implemented");
fn unprefer(&self, _id: &str, _vers: Option<~str>) {
fail!("unprefer not yet implemented");
pub fn main() {
println("WARNING: The Rust package manager is experimental and may be unstable");
pub fn main_args(args: &[~str]) -> int {
let opts = ~[getopts::optflag("h"), getopts::optflag("help"),
// n.b. Ignores different --pretty options for now
getopts::optflag("S"), getopts::optflag("assembly"),
getopts::optmulti("c"), getopts::optmulti("cfg"),
getopts::optflag("v"), getopts::optflag("version"),
getopts::optflag("r"), getopts::optflag("rust-path-hack"),
getopts::optmulti("Z") ];
let matches = &match getopts::getopts(args, opts) {
result::Ok(m) => m,
result::Err(f) => {
error(format!("{}", f.to_err_msg()));
return 1;
let help = matches.opt_present("h") ||
let no_link = matches.opt_present("no-link");
let no_trans = matches.opt_present("no-trans");
let supplied_sysroot = matches.opt_str("sysroot");
let generate_asm = matches.opt_present("S") ||
let parse_only = matches.opt_present("parse-only");
let pretty = matches.opt_present("pretty");
let emit_llvm = matches.opt_present("emit-llvm");
if matches.opt_present("v") ||
matches.opt_present("version") {
return 0;
let use_rust_path_hack = matches.opt_present("r") ||
let linker = matches.opt_str("linker");
let link_args = matches.opt_str("link-args");
let cfgs = matches.opt_strs("cfg") + matches.opt_strs("c");
let mut user_supplied_opt_level = true;
let opt_level = match matches.opt_str("opt-level") {
Some(~"0") => session::No,
Some(~"1") => session::Less,
Some(~"2") => session::Default,
Some(~"3") => session::Aggressive,
_ if matches.opt_present("O") => session::Default,
_ => {
user_supplied_opt_level = false;
let save_temps = matches.opt_present("save-temps");
let target = matches.opt_str("target");
let target_cpu = matches.opt_str("target-cpu");
let experimental_features = {
let strs = matches.opt_strs("Z");
if matches.opt_present("Z") {
else {
let mut args = matches.free.clone();
if (args.len() < 1) {
return 1;
let rustc_flags = RustcFlags {
linker: linker,
link_args: link_args,
optimization_level: opt_level,
compile_upto: if no_trans {
} else if no_link {
} else if pretty {
} else if parse_only {
} else if emit_llvm && generate_asm {
} else if generate_asm {
} else if emit_llvm {
} else {
save_temps: save_temps,
target: target,
target_cpu: target_cpu,
HashSet::new(), // No way to set this from the rustpkg command line
experimental_features: experimental_features
let mut cmd_opt = None;
for a in args.iter() {
if util::is_cmd(*a) {
cmd_opt = Some(a);
let cmd = match cmd_opt {
None => {
return 0;
Some(cmd) => {
let bad_option = context::flags_forbidden_for_cmd(&rustc_flags,
if help || bad_option {
match *cmd {
~"build" => usage::build(),
~"clean" => usage::clean(),
~"do" => usage::do_cmd(),
~"info" => usage::info(),
~"install" => usage::install(),
~"list" => usage::list(),
~"prefer" => usage::prefer(),
~"test" => usage::test(),
~"init" => usage::init(),
~"uninstall" => usage::uninstall(),
~"unprefer" => usage::unprefer(),
_ => usage::general()
if bad_option {
else {
return 0;
} else {
// Pop off all flags, plus the command
let remaining_args = args.iter().skip_while(|s| !util::is_cmd(**s));
// I had to add this type annotation to get the code to typecheck
let mut remaining_args: ~[~str] = remaining_args.map(|s| (*s).clone()).collect();
let sroot = match supplied_sysroot {
Some(s) => Path::new(s),
_ => filesearch::get_or_default_sysroot()
debug!("Using sysroot: {}", sroot.display());
let ws = default_workspace();
debug!("Will store workcache in {}", ws.display());
let rm_args = remaining_args.clone();
let sub_cmd = cmd.clone();
// Wrap the rest in task::try in case of a condition failure in a task
let result = do task::try {
BuildContext {
context: Context {
cfgs: cfgs.clone(),
rustc_flags: rustc_flags.clone(),
use_rust_path_hack: use_rust_path_hack,
sysroot: sroot.clone(), // Currently, only tests override this
workcache_context: api::default_context(sroot.clone(),
}.run(sub_cmd, rm_args.clone())
// FIXME #9262: This is using the same error code for all errors,
// and at least one test case succeeds if rustpkg returns COPY_FAILED_CODE,
// when actually, it might set the exit code for that even if a different
// unhandled condition got raised.
if result.is_err() { return COPY_FAILED_CODE; }
return 0;