188 lines
6.6 KiB
188 lines
6.6 KiB
use rustc::ty::Ty;
use rustc::mir::*;
use rustc_data_structures::indexed_vec::{IndexVec, Idx};
use syntax_pos::Span;
/// This struct represents a patch to MIR, which can add
/// new statements and basic blocks and patch over block
/// terminators.
pub struct MirPatch<'tcx> {
patch_map: IndexVec<BasicBlock, Option<TerminatorKind<'tcx>>>,
new_blocks: Vec<BasicBlockData<'tcx>>,
new_statements: Vec<(Location, StatementKind<'tcx>)>,
new_locals: Vec<LocalDecl<'tcx>>,
resume_block: BasicBlock,
next_local: usize,
make_nop: Vec<Location>,
impl<'tcx> MirPatch<'tcx> {
pub fn new(body: &Body<'tcx>) -> Self {
let mut result = MirPatch {
patch_map: IndexVec::from_elem(None, body.basic_blocks()),
new_blocks: vec![],
new_statements: vec![],
new_locals: vec![],
next_local: body.local_decls.len(),
resume_block: START_BLOCK,
make_nop: vec![]
// make sure the MIR we create has a resume block. It is
// completely legal to convert jumps to the resume block
// to jumps to None, but we occasionally have to add
// instructions just before that.
let mut resume_block = None;
let mut resume_stmt_block = None;
for (bb, block) in body.basic_blocks().iter_enumerated() {
if let TerminatorKind::Resume = block.terminator().kind {
if block.statements.len() > 0 {
resume_stmt_block = Some(bb);
} else {
resume_block = Some(bb);
let resume_block = resume_block.unwrap_or_else(|| {
result.new_block(BasicBlockData {
statements: vec![],
terminator: Some(Terminator {
source_info: SourceInfo {
span: body.span,
kind: TerminatorKind::Resume
is_cleanup: true
result.resume_block = resume_block;
if let Some(resume_stmt_block) = resume_stmt_block {
result.patch_terminator(resume_stmt_block, TerminatorKind::Goto {
target: resume_block
pub fn resume_block(&self) -> BasicBlock {
pub fn is_patched(&self, bb: BasicBlock) -> bool {
pub fn terminator_loc(&self, body: &Body<'tcx>, bb: BasicBlock) -> Location {
let offset = match bb.index().checked_sub(body.basic_blocks().len()) {
Some(index) => self.new_blocks[index].statements.len(),
None => body[bb].statements.len()
Location {
block: bb,
statement_index: offset
pub fn new_temp(&mut self, ty: Ty<'tcx>, span: Span) -> Local {
let index = self.next_local;
self.next_local += 1;
self.new_locals.push(LocalDecl::new_temp(ty, span));
Local::new(index as usize)
pub fn new_internal(&mut self, ty: Ty<'tcx>, span: Span) -> Local {
let index = self.next_local;
self.next_local += 1;
self.new_locals.push(LocalDecl::new_internal(ty, span));
Local::new(index as usize)
pub fn new_block(&mut self, data: BasicBlockData<'tcx>) -> BasicBlock {
let block = BasicBlock::new(self.patch_map.len());
debug!("MirPatch: new_block: {:?}: {:?}", block, data);
pub fn patch_terminator(&mut self, block: BasicBlock, new: TerminatorKind<'tcx>) {
debug!("MirPatch: patch_terminator({:?}, {:?})", block, new);
self.patch_map[block] = Some(new);
pub fn add_statement(&mut self, loc: Location, stmt: StatementKind<'tcx>) {
debug!("MirPatch: add_statement({:?}, {:?})", loc, stmt);
self.new_statements.push((loc, stmt));
pub fn add_assign(&mut self, loc: Location, place: Place<'tcx>, rv: Rvalue<'tcx>) {
self.add_statement(loc, StatementKind::Assign(place, box rv));
pub fn make_nop(&mut self, loc: Location) {
pub fn apply(self, body: &mut Body<'tcx>) {
debug!("MirPatch: make nops at: {:?}", self.make_nop);
for loc in self.make_nop {
debug!("MirPatch: {:?} new temps, starting from index {}: {:?}",
self.new_locals.len(), body.local_decls.len(), self.new_locals);
debug!("MirPatch: {} new blocks, starting from index {}",
self.new_blocks.len(), body.basic_blocks().len());
for (src, patch) in self.patch_map.into_iter_enumerated() {
if let Some(patch) = patch {
debug!("MirPatch: patching block {:?}", src);
body[src].terminator_mut().kind = patch;
let mut new_statements = self.new_statements;
new_statements.sort_by_key(|s| s.0);
let mut delta = 0;
let mut last_bb = START_BLOCK;
for (mut loc, stmt) in new_statements {
if loc.block != last_bb {
delta = 0;
last_bb = loc.block;
debug!("MirPatch: adding statement {:?} at loc {:?}+{}",
stmt, loc, delta);
loc.statement_index += delta;
let source_info = Self::source_info_for_index(
&body[loc.block], loc
loc.statement_index, Statement {
kind: stmt
delta += 1;
pub fn source_info_for_index(data: &BasicBlockData<'_>, loc: Location) -> SourceInfo {
match data.statements.get(loc.statement_index) {
Some(stmt) => stmt.source_info,
None => data.terminator().source_info
pub fn source_info_for_location(&self, body: &Body<'_>, loc: Location) -> SourceInfo {
let data = match loc.block.index().checked_sub(body.basic_blocks().len()) {
Some(new) => &self.new_blocks[new],
None => &body[loc.block]
Self::source_info_for_index(data, loc)