`TokenStream` is currently recursive in *two* ways: - the `TokenTree` variant contains a `ThinTokenStream`, which can contain a `TokenStream`; - the `TokenStream` variant contains a `Vec<TokenStream>`. The latter is not necessary and causes significant complexity. This commit replaces it with the simpler `Vec<(TokenTree, IsJoint)>`. This reduces complexity significantly. In particular, `StreamCursor` is eliminated, and `Cursor` becomes much simpler, consisting now of just a `TokenStream` and an index. The commit also removes the `Extend` impl for `TokenStream`, because it is only used in tests. (The commit also removes those tests.) Overall, the commit reduces the number of lines of code by almost 200.
747 lines
25 KiB
747 lines
25 KiB
use errors::{self, Diagnostic, DiagnosticBuilder};
use std::panic;
use proc_macro::bridge::{server, TokenTree};
use proc_macro::{Delimiter, Level, LineColumn, Spacing};
use rustc_data_structures::sync::Lrc;
use std::ascii;
use std::ops::Bound;
use syntax::ast;
use syntax::ext::base::ExtCtxt;
use syntax::parse::lexer::comments;
use syntax::parse::{self, token, ParseSess};
use syntax::tokenstream::{self, DelimSpan, IsJoint::*, TokenStream, TreeAndJoint};
use syntax_pos::hygiene::{SyntaxContext, Transparency};
use syntax_pos::symbol::{keywords, Symbol};
use syntax_pos::{BytePos, FileName, MultiSpan, Pos, SourceFile, Span};
trait FromInternal<T> {
fn from_internal(x: T) -> Self;
trait ToInternal<T> {
fn to_internal(self) -> T;
impl FromInternal<token::DelimToken> for Delimiter {
fn from_internal(delim: token::DelimToken) -> Delimiter {
match delim {
token::Paren => Delimiter::Parenthesis,
token::Brace => Delimiter::Brace,
token::Bracket => Delimiter::Bracket,
token::NoDelim => Delimiter::None,
impl ToInternal<token::DelimToken> for Delimiter {
fn to_internal(self) -> token::DelimToken {
match self {
Delimiter::Parenthesis => token::Paren,
Delimiter::Brace => token::Brace,
Delimiter::Bracket => token::Bracket,
Delimiter::None => token::NoDelim,
impl FromInternal<(TreeAndJoint, &'_ ParseSess, &'_ mut Vec<Self>)>
for TokenTree<Group, Punct, Ident, Literal>
fn from_internal(((tree, is_joint), sess, stack): (TreeAndJoint, &ParseSess, &mut Vec<Self>))
-> Self {
use syntax::parse::token::*;
let joint = is_joint == Joint;
let (span, token) = match tree {
tokenstream::TokenTree::Delimited(span, delim, tts) => {
let delimiter = Delimiter::from_internal(delim);
return TokenTree::Group(Group {
stream: tts.into(),
tokenstream::TokenTree::Token(span, token) => (span, token),
macro_rules! tt {
($ty:ident { $($field:ident $(: $value:expr)*),+ $(,)* }) => (
TokenTree::$ty(self::$ty {
$($field $(: $value)*,)*
($ty:ident::$method:ident($($value:expr),*)) => (
TokenTree::$ty(self::$ty::$method($($value,)* span))
macro_rules! op {
($a:expr) => {
tt!(Punct::new($a, joint))
($a:expr, $b:expr) => {{
stack.push(tt!(Punct::new($b, joint)));
tt!(Punct::new($a, true))
($a:expr, $b:expr, $c:expr) => {{
stack.push(tt!(Punct::new($c, joint)));
stack.push(tt!(Punct::new($b, true)));
tt!(Punct::new($a, true))
match token {
Eq => op!('='),
Lt => op!('<'),
Le => op!('<', '='),
EqEq => op!('=', '='),
Ne => op!('!', '='),
Ge => op!('>', '='),
Gt => op!('>'),
AndAnd => op!('&', '&'),
OrOr => op!('|', '|'),
Not => op!('!'),
Tilde => op!('~'),
BinOp(Plus) => op!('+'),
BinOp(Minus) => op!('-'),
BinOp(Star) => op!('*'),
BinOp(Slash) => op!('/'),
BinOp(Percent) => op!('%'),
BinOp(Caret) => op!('^'),
BinOp(And) => op!('&'),
BinOp(Or) => op!('|'),
BinOp(Shl) => op!('<', '<'),
BinOp(Shr) => op!('>', '>'),
BinOpEq(Plus) => op!('+', '='),
BinOpEq(Minus) => op!('-', '='),
BinOpEq(Star) => op!('*', '='),
BinOpEq(Slash) => op!('/', '='),
BinOpEq(Percent) => op!('%', '='),
BinOpEq(Caret) => op!('^', '='),
BinOpEq(And) => op!('&', '='),
BinOpEq(Or) => op!('|', '='),
BinOpEq(Shl) => op!('<', '<', '='),
BinOpEq(Shr) => op!('>', '>', '='),
At => op!('@'),
Dot => op!('.'),
DotDot => op!('.', '.'),
DotDotDot => op!('.', '.', '.'),
DotDotEq => op!('.', '.', '='),
Comma => op!(','),
Semi => op!(';'),
Colon => op!(':'),
ModSep => op!(':', ':'),
RArrow => op!('-', '>'),
LArrow => op!('<', '-'),
FatArrow => op!('=', '>'),
Pound => op!('#'),
Dollar => op!('$'),
Question => op!('?'),
SingleQuote => op!('\''),
Ident(ident, false) if ident.name == keywords::DollarCrate.name() =>
Ident(ident, is_raw) => tt!(Ident::new(ident.name, is_raw)),
Lifetime(ident) => {
let ident = ident.without_first_quote();
stack.push(tt!(Ident::new(ident.name, false)));
tt!(Punct::new('\'', true))
Literal(lit, suffix) => tt!(Literal { lit, suffix }),
DocComment(c) => {
let style = comments::doc_comment_style(&c.as_str());
let stripped = comments::strip_doc_comment_decoration(&c.as_str());
let mut escaped = String::new();
for ch in stripped.chars() {
let stream = vec![
Ident(ast::Ident::new(Symbol::intern("doc"), span), false),
Literal(Lit::Str_(Symbol::intern(&escaped)), None),
.map(|token| tokenstream::TokenTree::Token(span, token))
stack.push(TokenTree::Group(Group {
delimiter: Delimiter::Bracket,
span: DelimSpan::from_single(span),
if style == ast::AttrStyle::Inner {
stack.push(tt!(Punct::new('!', false)));
tt!(Punct::new('#', false))
Interpolated(_) => {
let stream = token.interpolated_to_tokenstream(sess, span);
TokenTree::Group(Group {
delimiter: Delimiter::None,
span: DelimSpan::from_single(span),
OpenDelim(..) | CloseDelim(..) => unreachable!(),
Whitespace | Comment | Shebang(..) | Eof => unreachable!(),
impl ToInternal<TokenStream> for TokenTree<Group, Punct, Ident, Literal> {
fn to_internal(self) -> TokenStream {
use syntax::parse::token::*;
let (ch, joint, span) = match self {
TokenTree::Punct(Punct { ch, joint, span }) => (ch, joint, span),
TokenTree::Group(Group {
}) => {
return tokenstream::TokenTree::Delimited(
TokenTree::Ident(self::Ident { sym, is_raw, span }) => {
let token = Ident(ast::Ident::new(sym, span), is_raw);
return tokenstream::TokenTree::Token(span, token).into();
TokenTree::Literal(self::Literal {
lit: Lit::Integer(ref a),
}) if a.as_str().starts_with("-") => {
let minus = BinOp(BinOpToken::Minus);
let integer = Symbol::intern(&a.as_str()[1..]);
let integer = Literal(Lit::Integer(integer), suffix);
let a = tokenstream::TokenTree::Token(span, minus);
let b = tokenstream::TokenTree::Token(span, integer);
return vec![a, b].into_iter().collect();
TokenTree::Literal(self::Literal {
lit: Lit::Float(ref a),
}) if a.as_str().starts_with("-") => {
let minus = BinOp(BinOpToken::Minus);
let float = Symbol::intern(&a.as_str()[1..]);
let float = Literal(Lit::Float(float), suffix);
let a = tokenstream::TokenTree::Token(span, minus);
let b = tokenstream::TokenTree::Token(span, float);
return vec![a, b].into_iter().collect();
TokenTree::Literal(self::Literal { lit, suffix, span }) => {
return tokenstream::TokenTree::Token(span, Literal(lit, suffix)).into()
let token = match ch {
'=' => Eq,
'<' => Lt,
'>' => Gt,
'!' => Not,
'~' => Tilde,
'+' => BinOp(Plus),
'-' => BinOp(Minus),
'*' => BinOp(Star),
'/' => BinOp(Slash),
'%' => BinOp(Percent),
'^' => BinOp(Caret),
'&' => BinOp(And),
'|' => BinOp(Or),
'@' => At,
'.' => Dot,
',' => Comma,
';' => Semi,
':' => Colon,
'#' => Pound,
'$' => Dollar,
'?' => Question,
'\'' => SingleQuote,
_ => unreachable!(),
let tree = tokenstream::TokenTree::Token(span, token);
TokenStream::Tree(tree, if joint { Joint } else { NonJoint })
impl ToInternal<errors::Level> for Level {
fn to_internal(self) -> errors::Level {
match self {
Level::Error => errors::Level::Error,
Level::Warning => errors::Level::Warning,
Level::Note => errors::Level::Note,
Level::Help => errors::Level::Help,
_ => unreachable!("unknown proc_macro::Level variant: {:?}", self),
pub struct TokenStreamIter {
cursor: tokenstream::Cursor,
stack: Vec<TokenTree<Group, Punct, Ident, Literal>>,
pub struct Group {
delimiter: Delimiter,
stream: TokenStream,
span: DelimSpan,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct Punct {
ch: char,
// NB. not using `Spacing` here because it doesn't implement `Hash`.
joint: bool,
span: Span,
impl Punct {
fn new(ch: char, joint: bool, span: Span) -> Punct {
const LEGAL_CHARS: &[char] = &['=', '<', '>', '!', '~', '+', '-', '*', '/', '%', '^',
'&', '|', '@', '.', ',', ';', ':', '#', '$', '?', '\''];
if !LEGAL_CHARS.contains(&ch) {
panic!("unsupported character `{:?}`", ch)
Punct { ch, joint, span }
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct Ident {
sym: Symbol,
is_raw: bool,
span: Span,
impl Ident {
fn is_valid(string: &str) -> bool {
let mut chars = string.chars();
if let Some(start) = chars.next() {
(start == '_' || start.is_xid_start())
&& chars.all(|cont| cont == '_' || cont.is_xid_continue())
} else {
fn new(sym: Symbol, is_raw: bool, span: Span) -> Ident {
let string = sym.as_str().get();
if !Self::is_valid(string) {
panic!("`{:?}` is not a valid identifier", string)
if is_raw {
let normalized_sym = Symbol::intern(string);
if normalized_sym == keywords::Underscore.name() ||
ast::Ident::with_empty_ctxt(normalized_sym).is_path_segment_keyword() {
panic!("`{:?}` is not a valid raw identifier", string)
Ident { sym, is_raw, span }
fn dollar_crate(span: Span) -> Ident {
// `$crate` is accepted as an ident only if it comes from the compiler.
Ident { sym: keywords::DollarCrate.name(), is_raw: false, span }
// FIXME(eddyb) `Literal` should not expose internal `Debug` impls.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Literal {
lit: token::Lit,
suffix: Option<Symbol>,
span: Span,
pub(crate) struct Rustc<'a> {
sess: &'a ParseSess,
def_site: Span,
call_site: Span,
impl<'a> Rustc<'a> {
pub fn new(cx: &'a ExtCtxt) -> Self {
// No way to determine def location for a proc macro right now, so use call location.
let location = cx.current_expansion.mark.expn_info().unwrap().call_site;
let to_span = |transparency| {
.apply_mark_with_transparency(cx.current_expansion.mark, transparency),
Rustc {
sess: cx.parse_sess,
def_site: to_span(Transparency::Opaque),
call_site: to_span(Transparency::Transparent),
impl server::Types for Rustc<'_> {
type TokenStream = TokenStream;
type TokenStreamBuilder = tokenstream::TokenStreamBuilder;
type TokenStreamIter = TokenStreamIter;
type Group = Group;
type Punct = Punct;
type Ident = Ident;
type Literal = Literal;
type SourceFile = Lrc<SourceFile>;
type MultiSpan = Vec<Span>;
type Diagnostic = Diagnostic;
type Span = Span;
impl server::TokenStream for Rustc<'_> {
fn new(&mut self) -> Self::TokenStream {
fn is_empty(&mut self, stream: &Self::TokenStream) -> bool {
fn from_str(&mut self, src: &str) -> Self::TokenStream {
fn to_string(&mut self, stream: &Self::TokenStream) -> String {
fn from_token_tree(
&mut self,
tree: TokenTree<Self::Group, Self::Punct, Self::Ident, Self::Literal>,
) -> Self::TokenStream {
fn into_iter(&mut self, stream: Self::TokenStream) -> Self::TokenStreamIter {
TokenStreamIter {
cursor: stream.trees(),
stack: vec![],
impl server::TokenStreamBuilder for Rustc<'_> {
fn new(&mut self) -> Self::TokenStreamBuilder {
fn push(&mut self, builder: &mut Self::TokenStreamBuilder, stream: Self::TokenStream) {
fn build(&mut self, builder: Self::TokenStreamBuilder) -> Self::TokenStream {
impl server::TokenStreamIter for Rustc<'_> {
fn next(
&mut self,
iter: &mut Self::TokenStreamIter,
) -> Option<TokenTree<Self::Group, Self::Punct, Self::Ident, Self::Literal>> {
loop {
let tree = iter.stack.pop().or_else(|| {
let next = iter.cursor.next_with_joint()?;
Some(TokenTree::from_internal((next, self.sess, &mut iter.stack)))
// HACK: The condition "dummy span + group with empty delimiter" represents an AST
// fragment approximately converted into a token stream. This may happen, for
// example, with inputs to proc macro attributes, including derives. Such "groups"
// need to flattened during iteration over stream's token trees.
// Eventually this needs to be removed in favor of keeping original token trees
// and not doing the roundtrip through AST.
if let TokenTree::Group(ref group) = tree {
if group.delimiter == Delimiter::None && group.span.entire().is_dummy() {
return Some(tree);
impl server::Group for Rustc<'_> {
fn new(&mut self, delimiter: Delimiter, stream: Self::TokenStream) -> Self::Group {
Group {
span: DelimSpan::from_single(server::Span::call_site(self)),
fn delimiter(&mut self, group: &Self::Group) -> Delimiter {
fn stream(&mut self, group: &Self::Group) -> Self::TokenStream {
fn span(&mut self, group: &Self::Group) -> Self::Span {
fn span_open(&mut self, group: &Self::Group) -> Self::Span {
fn span_close(&mut self, group: &Self::Group) -> Self::Span {
fn set_span(&mut self, group: &mut Self::Group, span: Self::Span) {
group.span = DelimSpan::from_single(span);
impl server::Punct for Rustc<'_> {
fn new(&mut self, ch: char, spacing: Spacing) -> Self::Punct {
Punct::new(ch, spacing == Spacing::Joint, server::Span::call_site(self))
fn as_char(&mut self, punct: Self::Punct) -> char {
fn spacing(&mut self, punct: Self::Punct) -> Spacing {
if punct.joint {
} else {
fn span(&mut self, punct: Self::Punct) -> Self::Span {
fn with_span(&mut self, punct: Self::Punct, span: Self::Span) -> Self::Punct {
Punct { span, ..punct }
impl server::Ident for Rustc<'_> {
fn new(&mut self, string: &str, span: Self::Span, is_raw: bool) -> Self::Ident {
Ident::new(Symbol::intern(string), is_raw, span)
fn span(&mut self, ident: Self::Ident) -> Self::Span {
fn with_span(&mut self, ident: Self::Ident, span: Self::Span) -> Self::Ident {
Ident { span, ..ident }
impl server::Literal for Rustc<'_> {
// FIXME(eddyb) `Literal` should not expose internal `Debug` impls.
fn debug(&mut self, literal: &Self::Literal) -> String {
format!("{:?}", literal)
fn integer(&mut self, n: &str) -> Self::Literal {
Literal {
lit: token::Lit::Integer(Symbol::intern(n)),
suffix: None,
span: server::Span::call_site(self),
fn typed_integer(&mut self, n: &str, kind: &str) -> Self::Literal {
Literal {
lit: token::Lit::Integer(Symbol::intern(n)),
suffix: Some(Symbol::intern(kind)),
span: server::Span::call_site(self),
fn float(&mut self, n: &str) -> Self::Literal {
Literal {
lit: token::Lit::Float(Symbol::intern(n)),
suffix: None,
span: server::Span::call_site(self),
fn f32(&mut self, n: &str) -> Self::Literal {
Literal {
lit: token::Lit::Float(Symbol::intern(n)),
suffix: Some(Symbol::intern("f32")),
span: server::Span::call_site(self),
fn f64(&mut self, n: &str) -> Self::Literal {
Literal {
lit: token::Lit::Float(Symbol::intern(n)),
suffix: Some(Symbol::intern("f64")),
span: server::Span::call_site(self),
fn string(&mut self, string: &str) -> Self::Literal {
let mut escaped = String::new();
for ch in string.chars() {
Literal {
lit: token::Lit::Str_(Symbol::intern(&escaped)),
suffix: None,
span: server::Span::call_site(self),
fn character(&mut self, ch: char) -> Self::Literal {
let mut escaped = String::new();
Literal {
lit: token::Lit::Char(Symbol::intern(&escaped)),
suffix: None,
span: server::Span::call_site(self),
fn byte_string(&mut self, bytes: &[u8]) -> Self::Literal {
let string = bytes
Literal {
lit: token::Lit::ByteStr(Symbol::intern(&string)),
suffix: None,
span: server::Span::call_site(self),
fn span(&mut self, literal: &Self::Literal) -> Self::Span {
fn set_span(&mut self, literal: &mut Self::Literal, span: Self::Span) {
literal.span = span;
fn subspan(
&mut self,
literal: &Self::Literal,
start: Bound<usize>,
end: Bound<usize>,
) -> Option<Self::Span> {
let span = literal.span;
let length = span.hi().to_usize() - span.lo().to_usize();
let start = match start {
Bound::Included(lo) => lo,
Bound::Excluded(lo) => lo + 1,
Bound::Unbounded => 0,
let end = match end {
Bound::Included(hi) => hi + 1,
Bound::Excluded(hi) => hi,
Bound::Unbounded => length,
// Bounds check the values, preventing addition overflow and OOB spans.
if start > u32::max_value() as usize
|| end > u32::max_value() as usize
|| (u32::max_value() - start as u32) < span.lo().to_u32()
|| (u32::max_value() - end as u32) < span.lo().to_u32()
|| start >= end
|| end > length
return None;
let new_lo = span.lo() + BytePos::from_usize(start);
let new_hi = span.lo() + BytePos::from_usize(end);
impl<'a> server::SourceFile for Rustc<'a> {
fn eq(&mut self, file1: &Self::SourceFile, file2: &Self::SourceFile) -> bool {
Lrc::ptr_eq(file1, file2)
fn path(&mut self, file: &Self::SourceFile) -> String {
match file.name {
FileName::Real(ref path) => path
.expect("non-UTF8 file path in `proc_macro::SourceFile::path`")
_ => file.name.to_string(),
fn is_real(&mut self, file: &Self::SourceFile) -> bool {
impl server::MultiSpan for Rustc<'_> {
fn new(&mut self) -> Self::MultiSpan {
fn push(&mut self, spans: &mut Self::MultiSpan, span: Self::Span) {
impl server::Diagnostic for Rustc<'_> {
fn new(&mut self, level: Level, msg: &str, spans: Self::MultiSpan) -> Self::Diagnostic {
let mut diag = Diagnostic::new(level.to_internal(), msg);
fn sub(
&mut self,
diag: &mut Self::Diagnostic,
level: Level,
msg: &str,
spans: Self::MultiSpan,
) {
diag.sub(level.to_internal(), msg, MultiSpan::from_spans(spans), None);
fn emit(&mut self, diag: Self::Diagnostic) {
DiagnosticBuilder::new_diagnostic(&self.sess.span_diagnostic, diag).emit()
impl server::Span for Rustc<'_> {
fn debug(&mut self, span: Self::Span) -> String {
format!("{:?} bytes({}..{})", span.ctxt(), span.lo().0, span.hi().0)
fn def_site(&mut self) -> Self::Span {
fn call_site(&mut self) -> Self::Span {
fn source_file(&mut self, span: Self::Span) -> Self::SourceFile {
fn parent(&mut self, span: Self::Span) -> Option<Self::Span> {
span.ctxt().outer().expn_info().map(|i| i.call_site)
fn source(&mut self, span: Self::Span) -> Self::Span {
fn start(&mut self, span: Self::Span) -> LineColumn {
let loc = self.sess.source_map().lookup_char_pos(span.lo());
LineColumn {
line: loc.line,
column: loc.col.to_usize(),
fn end(&mut self, span: Self::Span) -> LineColumn {
let loc = self.sess.source_map().lookup_char_pos(span.hi());
LineColumn {
line: loc.line,
column: loc.col.to_usize(),
fn join(&mut self, first: Self::Span, second: Self::Span) -> Option<Self::Span> {
let self_loc = self.sess.source_map().lookup_char_pos(first.lo());
let other_loc = self.sess.source_map().lookup_char_pos(second.lo());
if self_loc.file.name != other_loc.file.name {
return None;
fn resolved_at(&mut self, span: Self::Span, at: Self::Span) -> Self::Span {